HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 87 ~ N.Y.S. , Real Es.tate Transfer T $6,002.00 [ /')-:>C2 ~ ~,"- ,J 1 ) C C'i) I i" I I ,-/- (1- II Fnnn lIDO:! (\1199) . .'!(IM - 8;If~in and SaiL' Deed. wim COVenanl5 iIIpino.l Gr;lMor', ACb-lndividulll or Corporllton. hmt=.1e lIohret) CDII8ULT YOUR LA.......... .HIIIIIICI...... _. ..~ -1IIIa.Ul'AV--"" MOULD.. UUD.Y LA..,.. GIlLY. THIS ISOENTURE. mode the "t day of June 2005.... B~rVVEEN JOAN M. CRON as TRUSTEE OF JOAN M. CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17. 2004, of 5218 NW 80th Avenue Road, Ocala, Florida 32675 panyoflhefil1ilpan.and PETER J. CARROLL and DEBORAH CARROLL, his wife, residing at 38535 Main Road, Peeonie, New York 11958 party of tho second pan. VVITNF,SSETH, Ihallh. party of the fi... pan. in eonsideralion oflen dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the JllUIy of the second pari, doe. hereby granl and relea.'" unlo the pany of I"" ",eand pan. the hei.. or SUCCCS5Uf5 and ....ig... Qf Ihe JllUIy of Ihe ..rond part fOfeVCr, ALL Ihal cerlain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemenl' thereon ereeled, siluate. lying and heing in lhe Town of Southold, at New Suffolk, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue with the westerly side of Fifth Street; running thence along the westerly side of Fifth Street, South 60,44' 00" West 301.67 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the said westerly side of Fifth Street with the northerly side of Jackson Street; running thence along the northerly side of Jackson Street North 840 00' 00" West 371.74 feet to the land now or formerly of Tese; running thence along said land now or formerly of Tese and along the land now or formerly of Horton North 50 49' 00. East 300.56 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue; thence along the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue South 840 10' 00" East 376.57 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of said southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue with the westerly side of Fifth Street at the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated November 17, 2004 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 23, 2004 in Liber 12356 Page 647. TOGETHER ,,'ilh all righI, title and illler.'l, if any. of the party of th. firsl parI. in and II> any .'treels and nlOds ahuning lhe 3huyc-l.Ic:scribed rrcmi~"" Iu the cenler lines thereof: TOGETHER with Ihe appuncnances and all the '..laIC and righl' oflhe pany uflhelirsl pan in and 10 said prom i.." TO IIAVEANDTO HOLD Ihe premises herein gr:mlcu unlO the party of the """,,'ond ~rl. the hcil10 or ""UCCts"'Ot5 and assi~ns of th... pari)' of the Nc,'unc.l pan r\lrever. ANIJ the J'lo.IrI)' \)f the fir'l pan Ctweno.lnl." thutlhe purty or the firM pOlrt ha!. nutLlonc or suffered 3n)'lhing. whcrchy IhL" ",aid premise"" ha\'c hccn cncumbered in any way whuh~..'er. ~xc.'cpt as afotc""aid. AND the J'lun)' Ill' the IirM pall'l. in &:omplianc:e with SCL.tion I J uf Ihe Lien Law. ...u....cnanl... thai the purly or Ihe first part will recei..,c the consideration for Ihis conveyance and will hold the ri~ht In receive suc.'h cansider- atian us a trust fund III he applied first for the purpose of paying the co..., of the improvement and will apply the SHine firM tu the payment af the cn~t of the impro\"ement before u!\ing ':IOY p3rt of the 101011 of the !lame for any ('Ither purpo"c, Thc wned "part)'" ""hall be cunstrucd .... if it read "parties" whenever Ihe ""cost:' l'lf Ihi"" ind~nlUre M1 rClIuire",. IN VVITNESS Wn..:R..:O.... Ihe party of the firsl pari has duly ..<'CUI<~llhi. deed Ih. day and year 1i..1 ahllvc wrillen. 1'10 "K!iSI::..n;l,t< JOAN M. CRON AS TRUSTEE OF JOAN M. CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, 2004 By ~ b'n /'J,. "'1'~;::...'7w,,7P... J oan M. ron.~ruste / y Pale 2 of 3 Acknowledgement taken In New York ~ Stete of New York, County 01 On lhe dey 01 , in lhe yeer lhe undersigned, personally.eppeered Acknowledg"""",, taken In New York StIIl8 , ss: State 01 New York, County of .5S: , before me, On the day 01 . in tha yeer lhe undersigned. perlOnelly appeared . before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of I8Uslactory evidence to be the indlviduel(s) whole name(l) Is (ere) subscribed to the within Instrument and ecknowledged to me that helshelthey e.ecuted tha seme in hlllherlthelr cepacily(les), and that by hlslherllhelr l;gnature(l) on the Instrument, the indivlllJaI(l) or lhe person upon behalf of which Ihe Indivlduel(l) ected, lllO!CU\ed the Instrument. Acknawledgement by Su~b1ng W1_ lIken In New York State Stele 01 New York, County of , sa: On the day 01 , In Ihe yeer the undersigned. personally appeered , belore me, lhe lubscribing wnness to the loregolng instrumant, with whom I em personally acquelnted. who being by me duly swom. did depose end oay, \hel helshe/lhey reslde(s) in that helshe/lhey know(s) to be the IndMduel descriled in end who executed the loregoing Instrument: thel said subscribing ~ wel present end saw leld e.acute the leme; end thai seld wllnele et the leme time subscribed hishlarlthelr neme(s) as a witness.thereto. TI~e No.: JOAN H. CRON as TRUSTEE OF JOAN M. CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NovEMBER 17, 2004 TO PETER J. CARROLL and DEBORAH CARROLL r--.- l Distributed by Chicago ntle Insurance Company I Pue 3 of 3 . i Ii! I a: L o !l .. o L I. I!! j!: I II! personelly known to me or proved to me on the besls 01 seUllactory evidence to be the Indlvldual(s) whOse narne(s) Is (are) aubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thel helehellhey eKecuted the eame in hlelherlthelr capacity(ias), and that by hlslherllhelr slgnature(e) on the Instrument, the lndlviduel(s) or the person upon behelf of which the Individual(s) acted, 8X8CUled the instrument. AcknowledlllllMnt l8kan outelde New York StIIl8 . Stata of Florida , County of Harion , ss: . (or inearl Dislrlct 01 Columbia, Territory, Posseealon or Foreign Country) On the (,...... dey 01 June ,in the year 2005. belore me, the undersigned. personally appeared JOAN M. CRON personally known 10 me or provad 10 me on tha basis 01 I8l1slectory evidence to be the indlvlduel(e) whoI8 namala) is ianII eubscrfbed to the wnhin Instrument and acknowledged to me Ihat Mlsh_ey. eKecuted the eame in -IIillIherllllel<. cepecltY(iee+, thet by ~Iher/_ signature"') on the Instrument, the Indlvidyal(SI or the person upon behall 01 which the Indlvldual(S) acted, executed lhe instrumant. and thai such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the city of Ocala, atate of Florida (add the city or political eubdlv and the state or country or other place the ack edgem s laken). Public SECTION BlOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN '.....H~ .............. I. eo:..o:::..... i . . ~,...: I ~=.-f ....---- . ~- ReTURN BY MAIL TO: ABIGAIL A WICKRAH ESQ WICKRAH BRESSLER GORDON & GEASA PC PO BOX 1424 MATTITUCK NY 11952 Zip No. ,. ... Number of pages TORRENS RECORDEJ> 2005 Jun 17 10:36: 14 RIl Edward P.RODaine ClERK OF SUFF(lJ( COUNTY l 000012393 p 087 J>T8 04-453Oll Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # D""d / Mortgage [nslrtlmcnt Deed / Mongage Thx Sl:unp FEF3 Recording / Filing Stamps 3 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificalion Section 117.00 Bhx:k09.00 05022787 1000 11700 0900 011000 ~~ R KTI "A) 15~ Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SI"'CJAssil. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment u Tmnsfer Tax to n~ - 0 :fa.- Mansion Tax 16. 01\ 5 ~ . / The propert covered by this mortgage is or will be' proved by u one or two family dwcl ng only. YES or NO If NO. see up nlpriale tax clause on page # of this inslrtlmcnl. Pa!!e / Filing Fcc Handling 5.~ TP-584 Nulalion EA.52 17 (County) EA-52l7 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total dJ'- Comm. of Ed. 5.~ Affidavit Cenified Copy N YS Surcharge Other 15...!!Q.... Sub Total GrandTotal~ 5 CPF Tax Due t $ 1,500,500.00 $ 27,010.00 Improved x Vacanl Land 6 SUlisfuclioru;/OischargeslRelellSCs List Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: TO 10 ABIGAIL A WICKHAM ESQ WICKHAM BRESSLER GORDON & GEASA PC PO BOX 1424 MATTITUCK NY 11952 TO TO 7 Title Com an Infonnation Cn. Name COllllllOnwealth Land Title InBuranee Co. lille # RH05303144 8 Suffolk Count . Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pun of the alluched JOAN H. CRON AS TRUSTEE OF JOAN M. CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, ,nnt. Deed (SPEC[FY TYPE OF [NSTRUMENT) made by: The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO PETER J. CARROLL and DEBORAH CARROLL In the Township of [n the V[LLAGE or HAMLET of Southold Cutchoque BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PR[NTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page 1 of 3 ( over) 11111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtJN'1'Y CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number : 05-0064388 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-45308 Recorded. At. 06/17/2005 10:36.14 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012393 087 District. Section. Block: Lot: 1000 117.00 09.00 011.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed AIIIount: $1,500,500.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bx-.pt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO :sA-CTY $5..00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $6,002..00 NO Mansion Tax $15,005.00 NO COlIIIII.Pre. $27,010.00 NO Fse. Paid $48,166.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-45308 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County ,'-I, 1. 3, 8. 8, 1', C2.'-___ 1 b I /7 I tf/.5( MonUl c.y T..r C3._ 1 /,4..3, 9,..3ICU....,6', t. 7. C1. SWIS Code ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT BrAlE OF NEW YORI( STAlE 110&IIII OF REAL PROPERTY __ RP - 5217 1U'4Z1"'" Jm PROPERlY INFORMATION '=1 ~6l50 ltG' NU"4UR tjB~uffolk Avenue Southold CrTYOIITOW~ New Suffolk VLlAGll 11956 , ..""'" Z. Bupr N... Carroll l ASI 'MtIC I COMIWft' Peter J. ....- Carroll LAlT~/~AN'/' Deborah PllST....... 3. Tax Ihlllcltawh....fidurwTuBiIIl....toM..c I ..... If aChar man ~ add,.. WI balUn of fonn~ . -- LAIr "IIM[, COIIII'NoIV TIlI$T'llMII' ITNITll.\.WtIIlKANI)ITIE!TfMM! unO'lTOlMl. "'A'. ""COOl! ... IncIate the numbIIr aI ~ Roll ................. on 1M .... 1 I 'of PM:eII OR 0 Part of. PIIrml 10Idy I.... of. P.-tI a.dl. ,..., apply: 4A. P'-nnWig Boen:I with SubdIvIsIon AulhDriry EJtiIbI 3 0 0 ...s-...""".._....ul...""T....... . .. , 4C. ......,........,." SWxJIvIolon with u_. PnM.... "'"'" .- of Joan M. Cron Revocable Living Trust 1 o o o .."-d, I , _.... ,"""'.." X SIz. Joan M. Cron as Trustee ....... ~ated NovemN>r 17. 2004 tam. UIIT NAMt Ic;nll.",W "'" JOR' .....,NMIC. LMI NIUllt/COWAhl rlllT........ 1. Checll tM box btlow wNdI mollt: KCUI1II8ty dMcrtbea thII UN of the prap.rty at. tile '11m. at ..a.: A~ 0.. F.m,1y __.. 8 2 at 3 f.mlly Relfdorldll C ...._11 Vocont '-'lid D Non-....idential V.c:Int Land I SALE INFORMATION I '1..... ContrIlCt 0.. I::~ ""......."" I ~ Comm.n.._ r Commercill J IndUWi.. (i ApartmMt K Public Service H ErrtGr1lllnment I AmusamGnt I. Fan.1 -..--..-- .. OwnershIp Type III Condominium .. NIIW Co~ on VKant lAnd 1M. Prgperty l.ocat8d within In Agriculbnl DiItricc '..__...........naIicoild_ .... tho PfOI*lV . in ., Agricullulll Diltria o o o o ,2. D8te 01 S... I rr,,"".r ,4 127 I 05 ...... Day YOM 6 I 8 I 05 ...... ""' YOM 'L ChecII_ ar.... 01.... -.4IIL..._.. ~ to.....r.r.: A SaIo Becwetn R.l1tivn DI" Former RelII1vu B Sa. s.w.n RoI-.od ComPII..... or Partners in BuIlrMIU C Dna of the euv-. it; .Im a SoIor o &uv- or Saller II OcMtrnma1t Agency or Lending lMill.ltion F. Deed Type nat WarrMty or "1lI_n Md SHr ISpecify BeIowI ... 51.. of FractIonIl or Le. than Fee II"IIertIIII: tSplciIy BaAowt G Slgnlf..... Chango 'n _ny ""'-" T_ 51........ Solo Dolo. H 8M of Bull...... Ia Incluct.d In s-. Price I Othor U.......I F-. AIfoalng Solo Pr1c:8 lSoecilv Balow! J Nano ................. \5 0,0 ,5 0, ~~II,III IFuII SlIe Price ill 1M tutal amouN paid for tho pfOJ*IY induc:Ilng pDl'lICJMl property. Thill ~ ma, be in the form of..... other propMy or goodI. or 1M asaumplion of mortgligtl or 0Ihar abligalionl.1 PI... IUUtId ro rite ,..,.., IIWJM ."., amounf. ,.. -....... ..........1 I 1!!' A . II . II , property ...... In ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Ooto 1Ih0ll1d reftocIlho 1.1811 Finol _nl Roll .nd T.. Bill ,..v......f' .-URallfram , 0 4, I w__...... . . 17.T__V....laI..~ln_ 1 o 300 , ; ; '..-.va... 12,1 ,0 I-LJ ,..__~, New Suffolk zo. T..__Io"RoII__IJI........._.______.n 117 - 9 - 11 I I CCRTlFiCATION I . I ""'Il)-Ibll&IIIo1.... "- urIntOl'lllldloo''llll.'I'<lI...lbIllonn.~ _I11III........110.... bod 01 my ............... boIIoIllIIIIIl_.... .......... or..,...IUAII__ur_... _........... 01.. rho __.I_of.......... _10... --.lIIIIIlIIIlIltur__ !!m!! BUYEIrS ATTORNEY 4Jv, !/.O~~8/05 auYM IIIIM: Mn '1112, r&; '{,;( f{ 'If'~g~~~~ · x:Jr.~'~''cJ 1.,1/1, I/~C;y( crrv OR TOWN . IT. . Wickham LASI..... Abigail A. FMINotMl 631 298-8353 NO""'" ............-. HY&!! NEW YORK STATE COpy '"hLc:.~ j f\o'Ii oan ~. reDf:~g8