HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 895 I. I " L IJ 4+3 'fgq5 Tllll.Map Delip;lliClIl Ui.u. St.. Hlk LulbJ ~ 17-q-l Lf- NY W~ . BlIT'pin IIlkI Sole: Deed wilh CovlllllRlqllinil ORlltor"s ACllIlndiviul or C,1qKnlion CSinr;lc:o Sheen (NYSYU 8002) CONSUL T ~'OUR LAWYER BEFORE SJ(;N~; TIIL~ INSTR13IENT - THL~ ISSTRUMF..~l' SHlIUUI B~ USKII BY I.A WYER.O ONLY THIS INm:NTURE. mude the 3rd day of Oclober . in the year 2005 BETWREN lAMES F. HAEFELE AND l.AURlE HAEFELE, his wife, ....iding at4g5 2nd Street. N.w Suffolk. New York 11956 pany of the rusI pan. and TERESA ROGERS, residing 1122 Middla Lan., W.slbury, New Vorl< 11590 pony of the &<conu pan. WITNIiSSETlI, d.at the pony of the finl pan. in eon.id.ralion of ren Dull... and olhcr vlluable eomid.ration paid by the pony or the second part. dues hereby gr1Int and rei..... onullhe pony or Ihe second part. tbe hairs or .oce",.s.... and ...ign. of tbe party or the second part fo",,,,,r. . AI.L that ,,,,nain plot piece or pam:1 or Iund. with the buildings WKl improvemon15 tha'eon crected. situaJe. Iyin~ IUIlI being in the rown of Southold, Suffolk Counly, New Vorl<. bounded and described as follOWll: BEGINNING ala point on Ibe Wcotcrly side of Second SlRlel diSlanll01.40 feet Nonherly as measured along the W.sterly side ufSecond Slice. with the Northerly side of Jackson Slreel; RUNNfNG TJ IENCE Nonh 84 degrees 18 minules 00 second. Wesl along the Northerly .ide of land now or fonn.r1y or Lowry 101.90 lectto the landA now or formerly of Sullivan and Malson; RUNNING THIlNCE Nonh 6 d.greca 25 minuleS 00 seconds Easlalong the Easlerly .ide "f1and now or fonnerly of Sullivan and Malson and 10IIdA now or fonnerly oC Ploa.hock a dillance DC 99.92 reel 10 lhe Southerly .id. of lands now or formerly of Smolenski; RUNNING THENCE South 85 degrees 05 minules 10 .econds Easlalong lands now or formerly of Smolenski 31.83 C.." RUNNING THIiNCIi 83 degrees 43 minole. 40 seconds wtalong lands now or formerly of Jacobs 70 fcello lhe WeSlerly .ide 01" Second Street: RUNNING THENCE Soulh 6 degrees 22 minules 30 .aconds Wcs\ along the W.SI.r1y .ide DC Second Stree.99.66 recl 10 the point or place oCBEGINNING. TIX;l!'fHER with all right lille and interest irany, of the pony orlbe first pun of. in and Ulany "re.t.and roads obulling Ihe abave.dcscribe() premises to the center lines thereof: TOt.l!.THER with thclppunenam:es and all the csl:.te:and righls u(the party of lbe Clr.Il pan in and to ..i~ premises; TO IIA VE AND 1"0 HOW the premises herein gran.ed unlo the parly of th. second pwt. lhe heirs or JUccc..'\.'Kn'S and wigns ofthr party "of the second part fore-vex. A/liD lhe pany of lhe first part eovcnanla Ihallb. party oflh. firsl pan has not don. or .u.....nod anything whereby tho ..iu prcmiles haye: bren incumbcft-d ill any way whatever, except 1Lil; aforesaitl. AND the purty of Ihe CUSI pan. in compliance wid, Section 13 or the Lien Law. eoVClllU1lS Ihal the puny of the first pari will rcceiv..hecumidcrauon for thi. conveyance and will hold doc right 10 m:civc such consideration a. atrusl fund.o be applied first rur the porpose of paying Ihe cost of.he improvcment and will apply the same fintlo the paymon, of.he cost of the impro\'emenl"bCru~ using any part CJf the total9f tlJc aan~ t.,r any other purpose. 11le word Il".art)''' shall "be construed us if it read "parties" whenever the sense of Lhis indenlure SO requires. ::' ,. . , ,. l/li WIT/liESS WHEREOF. the pony nr the firsl pan ha.. ~uly ""ecUled 'hi. deed tho day and yeu first ab"vo \L'riuen. Wl~ ~::..ftl/' USEACIiNOWIED<"Jof/iHTFOl/M RlIl.nwIl'mllN NEwYORl< ~"TA1F.(JNl.Y, S..",.rNe..Vork,CountyoC "'.....~ ,...: On Ihe oJ <hIy of ". 7 ~I u.. in Ihc: year .;)0.. berore mo. the undenigned. pmonaJly appeared .JJm.u r. Nrt~ It7Il> /.,II"'~,4 ~ , ~Oy knOwn In lor Or JiiuV<d IU me on the basi, or satisr...ory evidence to be die individual(.) whose name(" is (....) subsaibed 10 Ibe widlin inSlNmcnl ond oc:knowledged 10 me lhal hellIheIIbey e.<CUI<d lhe ...... in hislherllheir capacitylics). and lha1 by hislherllhei, siSJllllUrel') on Ihe in,"umcnl, lhe individ.lIl(s~ or the person upon behalf Ilf which lhe indiVidU~ ...:0<1. .....'IIlcd Ihe instrument. ~ KATHRYN GAETA NDIlIrv Public. SlIle urNe.. Vo'" . N.. OIGAliU66&~1 Qnalili~ in NMSDU CuunlY Commi:aion Explrt15 Nu\'C1nbcr 26. 200.s ACKl\'OWUSlIGMRNr I'OIIM FOR USE WmllN No;" YORK SrA ,.,.;ONLY, I.\~'" rDri Sfll>>t'ribia, ""MU AdnuwInIprnu Clnr/lttIItt} SID'" orN.... Vork, County or ,...: On lhe day "I' in !he year b.r"", me. the lIlHIer.ligned. personully oppe:m:d lhe subscribing wi..... to Ihe forel"inl in,lIWIIeIlI. wilh whcnn I ..; penonally a,:quainIL'<I. who, being by me duly ,wont, did depose and say 'ha' hc/she/1h.y reside(., in f 'JIM piur:e u{ ",sitknt:l! is in ~ diy, inclutk rlt. $I,." and $1_ numlNr. if ~!,. ,,,,,,.,JjJ; lhat helshellhey know(.) to be lhe incijvidwd described in MIl who ..eculed lhe foregoing inslrumenl; thlll said !;ubscribing w!-11lC5S was ~nl and !to.w said CXL"C.'U1e Lhe ~ame; Md that said wi~~ lit the same time wbscribed . hir.lherl\htir namc($) as a wiU1e5S themo, BARCiAIN A SALE DEIa) wnH l'Ovt:,.ANlS AGAIr<<1'OI.ANTtIR"S M.,S TIru:NIJ. O("-I<10,f- II-a~" JAMES F. HAI!FEl.E AND LAURIE HAEFELE TO TERF.sA ROGERS FI\JKLITY NATIONAl. TrnK L~UKANCK . COMPANY m' NEW YORK ", IKWt'UMr'C1lI1V21 t:--W_4f, Fidelity ~.-I' ",-""Nnr........,..D*~ USIi ACIfNOWUlX'.M&vrFOR.V REl.IJW WIn/IN NEW YOOl" SrA7EONLY, s_ orNow v...k, COIIotyoC On Ihe day of in lhe year hef.... mo, Ihe 1IlIdenigncd, JlCroonally appcanad personally koowII to me or proved to me 011 !he basis uf ..lisfoc:tory evidence 10 be lhe individual(s' whose """",(,I is("",) ",boc:ribcd 10 Ihe wieJlin il1SlrUmenl and llclcnowledecd 10 me lha1 beIsheId1ey e.<CIIled the ..me in hislherltheir ClIpOCiIy\i..~ and that by hisIhrrllhoi, ,ignllDlre(,) on lhe iJl$UUment, !he individual(I), or Ihe persIlIl upon behalf or which lhe indi,idual('1 IClcU oaCCIIl<tllhe instnlmenl. '...: AClGVOM1.F.IJGMENT FOlIM _ U,';l!OurstDllNEW YOBKSrAJl! ON!.Y, (V", cfStoJlt II' FtJni". t;mnrrl At-btnwlal'lIItrI/ C:miflc.'IIltJ ,.........................,.......,......."......I~: ICi1MpIll~ Vt'IUIf' wlrh Slalr. COIIm". PrttWkT or M~';/Jaliry) On the day of in !he ynr herore me. Lbe undersigned. penonlllly uppcami pcnonally known 10 me or prm.... 10 me un Ihe basLs of salisroc:tory evidence IUbelhe individual(I' whose norne<al is (....I...bsc:ribedloth. within inSltW1len\ and acknowledged 10 Ole 11III hcIshcI1hey ......00 the lame in hi,/herllhei, capaci'y(lesJ, 11III by hislhed lheir signature(s) on the insuumen~ the indhidua!(,j. or lhe person upon behalf of which the individllOl(l) oc:ted, ..ecuted Ihe instrument, and thaI such individwd made S\lCh 1IJ'PI0I1IIICe bef"", the uodmigoed in Ihe (Irwn tlw dry or utMr pulilic:ullubdiWsion cmJ t/le SIUI~ or t"OUnlry tJr otlltT pillce tflt! adntJM'Ittlgrfl61t K.m ,aken}. DISTRJCf SECfJON 117 BLOC" 9 LOT 24 COU~''Y OR TOWN SUFFOI.K NHCfJNlJlitJATREQUF.5TO,.- .ldellly Na",...1 nllelllSlll1l.... Compllny oCNew York R.TURN BY MAIL TO Ba1re &: Holland, P.C. One HunlinglOO Qllldnlngle, Sui.. 3509 Melville, New York 11747 w Ii ~ " z 6 a: 0 u w a: ... 0 ~ l'i ... w u c III U> ~ w m a: . . , ~ , - A .... . . i!J TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Oct II 03:18:15 P" Edward P .ROIIIaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHW L 000012413 P 895 Dl# 05-10345 Number of page. Serial # CenificlIIe # _ Prior elf. # Deed I Mongagc Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax SlWIIp RecOIding I Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page I filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. OIl 5- Mongnge AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Ta., Suh Total Spec./ Assil. NOlation EA-52 17 (County) f5 _ EA-52 I 7 (Slale) ~_ R.P.T.S.A. _~_ SubTotaI__~ or Grand 'C0llI1 / ~'5" /t/q~ :), Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX .. _ _ Dual Town _ Dual County _... Held for Appoinlmem Tr.J/Isfer Tax /l,"'Jrn - Mansion Tax The property covered by litis mongage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. vr,s or NO _.. . If NO. see appn>priate laX clause on puge # ___ of this instru 0\._ - ~ Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15.~ Sub Total Other Sectit1.OO Block cOr.oo Lot t:)~<f,ooc /000 11700 OgOO 024000 5 CommUDity Preservation Fund Cort8id~ration Amount $ ~s:00() 500 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification .--.-. - --... - -. - - _.- CPF Tax Due Impmvcd _ 'CO '" Vacant Land 6 Satisf81."lionsIDischa~IClISC.' USI Propeny Owners Mailing Addre..s RECORD & KETliRN TO: TD h ~.~ ,(/",_.- J fJ. L. ~,.Jc. .~I ~~r~ ~3S...~ ~ 11~ 1(71/.7 Suffolk Count Recordin To TD 7 Dronnation Co. Name TIlle # ~ 8 Endorsement Pa e This page fonm part of lite allaclted mado.- by; i~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ 7.. fJ AI ~' .-fJ.. ~ '1" D;; premi..... hcreio is siwaled in ~ SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YOlK. . ,-/~TO j) . ::::::~::EUf ~. 7~4 0/ . ~ or HAMLET of ~ LAJ..J.... I ~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRJOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (o\'er) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number : 05-01064~8 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-10345 Recorded. At: 10/11/~005 03.18:15 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012413 895 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section. 117.00 EXAMINBD AND $6~5,OOO.00 Block: 09.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 0~4.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Page/Filing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,500.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cart. Copies SCTM C01IIIIl.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,500.00 $1~,149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 05-10345 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY US~ ONLY Cl.SWlS~ I(;/J-I y- * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1c;.t.-7, ':l,g ,~l'l C2. DmI Deed Roco_ I'~//( STAlE OF NEW YORK &TAlE BOARD OF RE.... PROPEIITY "RV1CE8 C3.Booll I /,~, V,/, .~IC4.Pa8e . PROPERTY INFORMATION ""_1 '/8.( Set:.oNb LocatIDn smur Ntaaat 111EET ...... .5o"T~"'LIl CRY go TOWN 2. lupr " oc.J:..I.s rt.me I.ASTNIoIiR:/~r.'Y RP - 5217 ....~llItftJM ~,'J#f '1J~<4J Suff-I..r.. V1LLAQo .arQJl)to TEfi/;.s ,4 ,....... LAST __/COMMNY ...1........ .1 3. Tax indicate whe..1ubn Tax Bill '1'110 be ... BiIInll if othIt' then buylrf edd... III boItom of forml I -- LA57 "U.Mf I ~A'II' .......... IrllmrNLIMII:RMDII"[TNAIIl . C1I't'OItTOWJl 8TATt: ..ClXlE .. =... I SIn fIONlnft Ixl DlrrlH lOR 1 , ,0..;2 7,1 ACHlIO IOn..._...'_IQlodcu....._ 4A. Pllnning Board with Subdivision Aulhority Exilll 0 4B. SubdlMlon Appnw81 _ RequhId for 1l1lnalor 0 4C. Pan:eI ~ for SubdIvWon with M.p Providad 0 ... IncIcM:lt .... number 01 AuMsm.nt Ro1I*'CI'1 cranlllerNd on ,he .... l . of P8rc.l. OR D P.rt of . Perce! 1._ N_ HtttF-kF- lAST fIMI! 1alMWn' Jlt-tne.s F ..aI. NAM~ L.m-~~~l ;- ~L1IWE ,..,- A ~ On, Family Raiderrti.1 8 2 or 3 F.mlly R_denll.1 C Ra*IeNW VllClntullnd D Non 1O_-"ttiaI Vaclru: Lind I SALE INFORMATION I . 11. .... Contra 0... E ~ AgricuUur.1 F Commercill G AplInmenl H E"nlettlirtrNflt I AmUMmlnt I ~ Communi.. SIMco J Indultrlll K PublicServie>> I. _ ~....__.......- a Ownerlhip Typo II Condominium 9. New COftIttUCIIon on VacaM laRd 1M. Property LocIIled within In AgriculW,.1 Di.rid laB. ~ rec:eNed I dildo... notice indlclling m. .... PRII*1V II in In Agricllllum DisIric:C D- O o o 7. Check the boa below which molt KWrltely d.sertbn .he \1M 01... property ........... 01....: 12. DabI of ... I T........ - I coy I v'"' ('0 O~ I , I D~ ..... Day v., 1&. Chedr. OM .......... of.... _.dIL_ _ ........10 ....r.: ^ s.. BeIween RII...1wI or Former ReIaIiva B Sa&o Between Ael*ld ~PIt'I.. Ol" Plrtnl", In Bulineu C One of the Buyers is alia I S.U... D Bwer or SeUor II Govemmon. AfIOrw:y or Landing IMIIIUliorI E Deed Type not Wan..,. or BIIrv-in end S." ~ 8ltkJwl F &.Ie 01 Fr8CI1onel or Lou Ihen Fee IntereII (SpecIfy Below) G Significant Chenge In Properly SoMaon TD.ICIIbIo SIIl~ IlId SIIe Dates H S. of 1kI.... .1 Included In Salt Price I Other UnulUll FDCIGn Affecting Sale Price ISpecify BIlow) J N... ,b,J,.f,t>," ," ,0,01 , , . (Full Silo Pries is thllOIIl amounl paid 10r the property incIwing peNOnIl PfOptrty. This prtment mey be In thD form 01 cash. other property or good.. or.... -NnPIion of morI:pget or other obllptlOnl.1 ",.... rocmd 10 rIw II8Il8If wh"" dol,., ,mounl. ...-....-..-.. I ,0,0.01 pnIp8I'ty Included ... tile .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dat.lhould ..fla" the la'nI RnalAua,lIIllenl Rolland Ta. Bill 16.V..oI~Rollhml iJ f'117.ToIIIlA...-.dV.luelolllll_...tr.......,1 which InforrrmlDn ...... . ~r:l-. 13. Ful Sel. Price . I ; .3 .., I D.O I ". Property a... I 01, J , OI_LJ I L-... .. ". School DImIaI: .m. 20. Ta Map ld~" , Roll IdMIIIIIrCII (If m.... than tour. 1tIIlch..... willi .dcIIIictMlldentlRM1eJl j;) (S-r /O~<:> SEe. / /7. (:) \;l I bLOC.< 09.0 u J-6T 6">';.0"" I CERTIFICATION I I m1Ify ..... aM 111Iloo ......lIIlnr~,.. -...I ... IhI< ..... on! I....'" ........110 "'" ..... III IIQ' -Iodoo .. boIId'I.... , _Iballht ........ uI'..., _11\11 .... IItaIeIIIftII 01 mlIIIrtaI r.. IlirnID wtllIIbject lilt to tIw ItI"IftiJdblll oIlhe ... ... nlallhl! In Ibe ...... .... fIIaA ~ .. ~ !lira!! BUYER'S ATTOIlNEY ~ ~ 1 ..f {)!.3 /05 He II~..L DtbJ- t. . IU"l'tR SlGNATUIlE <M,...... P1RST NAME '\f'jo( I .<)D,~Jl S~ ~31 'S'O (..-- (dOQ ~ .,..nllUaOlll .',,"T NMC IAIrCIII..uJ -- 1~. .....11 K I ~lT1 IPtGgl ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY