HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12419 P 826 //7-}O -Ii , . -' \ CClN!U.T YOl.R LAWYER BEFC:iRe: SIGNING 1MS'MTRLlMEHT. nos III.ST'fUAENT SHOUI.D BE LBED 8't LAWYf.RS ONLY L IJI-+1 q f'l2~ 'l.f S'" TIiIIIINDENTURE. made !he ".. dayof rilly, ZODt;', IlEIWEEN CLAIRE A. MANNING, residing at 1470 Jat:kson Street, New SUffolk,NY 11956 party of !he 6'" part, and JOHN P. MANNING, residing at 1470 Jackson Street New Suffol~, NY 11956 party of llle oecond pan. WITJIEllSETH,lIlaUhe perty~!hefi'" pert. In c:onsid'..~on of ten (10) doll.. paid by the party of the aeCClld part. does. hereby grant and release unto the p.~, of the second pert, the hen or alc:ceuoll'S and allign& or the party of the secord PBrt lerewr. AU. that oertai1 plat. piece or parcel of land, wtth the buldings and Imp/'O\l8lT'lents thnon erected. &i1U8te. Iyi'lg end bei'lg in Ire SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO > TOGETHER wiIh II righl. IiIII and inte...... if Irty. of 1110 party of tho fi'" part il and 10 any _ ImlltlOdl allo.Clil9 tho abow desalbe<l pre..... 10 Ire <enl" line. lhelllor. TOGElHER will1 tho appulenanoe. and all !he ..talo ond righll of lhe p.rty of tI1e first part in and 10 sail plll_.; Tel HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe prani... he,.1n granted unlO tI10 party of the second part, the hot.. or .ucoe..... and naigno of tho party of tIlal8OOlldpert_. AND tIla party of the fira' part cowenents thai the party of tI10 .'" port hi. nol done or IUlIorad .nylhi'lg _by 1h8 Uid preniae. h8\18 been el1QJntlerad In any way _w', ..""pi.. ato....i1. AND 1110 p.rty of 1110 lrat p.rt, In c:o..,uo... w111l _ 13 ot II1e Uen Low, ......nerD Iha\ lhe party of !he fint part will r8CBive the contidel'ltion for lhil ClOmeyanCB and will hold the right to receive sum consid.mllan .1 0 INSI fund to be opplied finll for !he p~ of pajing lIlo GIlIl of !he in1l"""1IIlII1 end wiU .pPy the ..01. ftl'll to lhe payment of the COlt of tho Improvwnent be10nt uling any part of the total of the AIM for any other pwpDliI. The WORt .party" wi be construed 81 if ill"lad '"parties- wr.n ....r tr~ IiIU.. of thS lnderdJrB ao raqunts. IN NTNE88 WHEREOF. Ihe party of Ule first part has duty e.Q./ted this deed the day Ind year ht above _11. tN PRESENc;:E OF: ~-~ ~ {lm.~ bldlnlN.Y1LT.U. Form8Q02- o.g.Jnanc:l S. Deed, with eown.ntagai.w G,..,tor'.JdI,-U~iIarmAcknO' ha...._.. Form 3210 . ' . . . .- . ...... .- \/U1age of NllW Suffolk, Town of SOuthold, County of Suffolk. and Slate of NllW York, m"Qr8 "parUculally bounded and d!'8Qibed as toJJowa: EIEGINNING al a point on the SOUIhaIly aide of Jackson Slnle~ dialanl231.57 feet _slally from the oomar fanned by lha Intaraaction of lha southarfy side of Jackaon Street with lha wealal1y side of Fifth Streel; running thence South 6 Degrees 08 "mlnules 20 aaconds Weal 421 feel 10 the ordinery high waler mark of (?l'88t Peconic Bay as il 8ldated end as shown on a survay by Ven Tuylend Son, LIcensed Land Surveyol$, date May 24. 1967; running thence along said high water ma(k on a lie fine of North 85 degrees 43 minulas 00 seeonds West 100.05 teello the easlelly side of lands conveyed simullaneously herewith by OoIothy K. Verctereae 10 James Manning; thence North 6 degrees 08 mlnuIBs 20 seeonds East along the eeslarfy side of said lasl mentioned land 424 feet 10 the SOutharfy side of Jackson Streel; thence South 84 deg_s 00 minutes 00 seconds Easl along the SOuthelly side of Jackson Slreet 100 teet to the pOlnl or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to any slale of fads that an accurat. sUIVey may show. SUBJECT 10 covenanl8, mslrtcllons, reservations, easemen'" and agreements of mcortl, if any. TOGETHER 'WITH all right, tlU. and Intenasl, It any, of the pany of \he firs!: part 10 the present high wal8r. mark of said premises. " TOGETHER WfTH ell rfgl1ta ami privileges of lha party of the first part 10 tile use of the water supply liom the iwllloc8ted on the pnlpeI1y owned by JamAs 'P. Manning which Is " ad)ac8nllo the above dasClibed propally. .5l..hedvle A :1'" In_ luu:n OHLYWH'iN tHE ACKtM'IIM ~fVIr.IENT."'''rw: IN .w~ '~oIiwwVDri<"Countyof Ne..J Yo"'>!' .., o.,It>e7.,~t:,of T1J/y ..1t>e,..,2.0Cl'f" before "" the und......gned. pelMnaly appeared ~LAIII.I! "'. n,.",~,,,,. peraonaUy known II me or praved to me on .he baI,l, of utillaC1Dry evidence 10 be 1helndividual(.) whOlal'\llme{') i. (are) M1blCtlbed 1:0 1M wl1llin in..namen. ancl acknowledged 10 me th.. h.,ltIe1they uec:u1ed 1M 111M In hialherllhw ClPIlCiIy(in). MCl ..... bV' hllJherllhelr .lgnatu~l) on Ihe ....runwtt. lheIndMdUII(.). orltlepnClfl upon behaJfofwhlch l.hllllnd1f.U~I) ICted. execut.d u. .In."..men'. f..>><n-. JI4. ~ -- r,..gnallll'll and offICe or Indlvlduellaking ackna...dgmant) EDWIN M. MULHOLLAND ..., PublIa, State 01 New YIIIII No. 4866898 au.l1IIM In ......u County ,"0". t _....... &plree Oclaber 2.}c:' TO III< Wlm ONLY WHEN TM& .a.r.w1oll"lllUl Crv:!IKMT "lIArs 0I..mUDE N~ YORK STAn: State 01 New VOlt, Co&.lnty cI .." On Iht dliy tA in the J..r before me.lhe under.laned, per.onanyappeerec:t panon.lly known Ia lIle or proved 1D me on 1I1e b..1I of MtiII8ctory evIdMIce to be Ihe Individu.I(.) who.e name(.) II (8111) IUblcriblld 10 1M wllhin lna1runWIland ad<nowledgad ID 1M 1Mt h.,IhMhey eua.ud Ihe ..me " h1l1her11hllr Clplldty(IItI), and that by h~lIhelr .lgnalln('l) on the In.ll\unen1._ indJvidual(I), or the palMn upon bahlllfClf'llltich the Indlvicll.lal(l) 1lGted. eqculed the ml1nnnent. (ligl\8lUre and oft'~a of "dlvidual taking acknowledgmant) StlIIII (ar Qillri:t:dCo6umbia. Tarrilicry, Of Foreign CcunIry)of I.; On the aaygf in 1M yaar before me. tha undersigned. par-.analty .pp....c1 peraol'llUy Mown 10 m. or proved 1a ma on .he bul, or ..:lIfaC1Dry evidence to ba tha Indlvldull(l) who.a nama(a) ia (....) aubaaibad 10 Ihe wiIIIln inIIrumentand anawllclged to me th........1hIy _acuted 'Ihe ..me In tdllherllhei' c.pKUY<->, Md Ihat by hialMrllheir IlgnlltUre(l) on U.e Instrument. .. indlviduel(.), or 1I1e ptIl'1On upon bahan gf which the IndMdual(l) acted. eX8Ql1ed the inatrumtm. Md lhIilluch Inclivldual mad. IUch .ppaarenoa before tht uncleralgnad In lI'Ia (lnurllhe CllV' or allier poIiIIcat IUbdtIQIan) in en NM" StaIIt or Cot.d'y or oInet pi-. ht ~menI'" Iabn) (wIQRIIIn Indolllca cllndMdualtalUng ~manlJ TIIIo No. Ct.Ala/S. A.Nlh'NINGo- TO JOHIJ 1'. MAli... i tI Go DISTRICT SEC110N Bl.OCK LOT II COUNTY OR T(MN ;) ovH, co I g( STRfETADIlRESS 1'170 JMkSOH ->-t~'/!!~.,. 1000 " 7 /0 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED lM1H CO\IENAH'I AOAIII8TGRANTOIl'8 ACTS Roalrdod at Request 01 NEW't'ORKnnE RETURN BY MI\IL TO: IT.ucwtD ~ W IiEWYOItK IIOMD OF n~ LNJIRlIlIUYIIIt - "1 ...i~~ , I.. ,. NE~.}(~~'J1TLE -...at.......... ,.~.v.~..... -- NEW YORK TITLE Be...... c..pon._ 11......'-- ............JI'lU18lD 11....1. ....11.....'82 -- 1!Pw'N n. r1VLI"OLLIWO l:.'f I 1-lS:.ci.H...-7"ooJ ME.. rJ~W VO~"ll NY IO~ c-' ~ W . . o i! R ~ Ii * " ~ w i :. i ~ i '--, ..' RECORDED 2005 Nov 15 11:13:07 RM Ed..ard P. Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012419 P 826 Dn 0~14985 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # ______ Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortl1age Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling /~'-~ Cumm. of Ed. 5. 00 Mortgage Am!. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Suh TOlal Spec./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointm Transfer l'..x Mansion Tax 5. 00 --,--- -- TP-584 ____5._==_ Notation EA-52 17 (County) __ . 6. ~=-- 1- {. -- :___J- Sub Tolal ;).1.- EA-5211 (Slule) R.P.T.S.A. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. (Xl Sub Total vered by Ihis mortgage i! or will be' proved by a one or t WI family dw ling only. YES or NO Olher Grand Total , ."', e appropriate tax clause un of this instrumenl. -- 'S- -o~ S Community Preservation Fund UNO. page If/. 4 Disl. Section Block Lot Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 05022107 1000 11700 1000 011000 /p~s (RJME A '-....O--'UN~ ~-~ Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due s -fj- Improved VacDJlt Land 6 SatisfactionslDischargeslReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD '" RETURN TO: TD Emin I/. Ill! /ho/Io/Jd wi/I t.ex1/(j-/rYJ /!vt/Jtle../ .;,/)7t1F1o()r )JeuJ forI: #i /OO:J.).. 7 Co. Name Tille # TD TD Title Com an Information 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Da:::D This page forms pun of the attuched f/Qire. A._Htlnni'?!j (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made hy: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In lhe Township uf In the VILLAGE '. .; or HAMLET uf . BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. .::JOhn '';) !It. TO r. an/JI'!!j '- <YY~/d '.' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0118984 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-14985 Recorded: At: 11/15/2005 11:13:07 AM I.IBER: PAGE: D00012419 826 District: 1000 Section: 117.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 10.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 011. 000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Page/Filing COB BA- CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Comm.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Exel NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-14985 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County '14, 7. -3,6,t, ~ CZ. Doto Deed Rocordod I II / I ~ lJ SI Monlh DIIv v.", C3. Boole 1 /,.01 l..!, (, ?I C4. PlllIol ff,.::?; b. PROPERTY INFORMATION Cl. SWlS Codo l:-'~'" . PLEASE TYPE OR PElESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stata.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ ~- STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES FOR COUNTY USE ON~ y RP - 5217 R....J~11 Kn JWJ """"''''1 /470 location ~N:E1" 'IlUMlE'I: . J ...dUON 5-hc..eer S711[[T NA,-..i file...; !'V F ~o I K, CnYOATO'hN \/ILLAG! 111'1,6 ""coo< 2. Buy., N.m. .. H t4 oJ"; I AI , 1.AST..AMt/COMP'ANY JOI,N nMTNAhlt p. LAS' 1rilAMI: I ~ANV H..n......... 3. 'ex andicMI where future Tax Bills.. 10 t. sent Billing if oftr thon buyw add.. flit boCtom of form) I Add.... :.AS-'lU.Mf/COMFA.'IIY ~I"tST NAME STRff'l' !\IUMlf" IoND STlltE I "tINE c. ~ Oil TOW\! ST~TE ZIIOCOOC 4. lndlc.. the number of Aanunent Roll p..... tnI.....mtd on the deed ~~ . of Parcels OR D Pan of I Parcel 6. Dood ......... Sin FRONT rct T Ixl ---.J OR I DEPOTH owE. . ACIlES' COnly if Part at . ""*1 A... 61h1y apply: 44. Pl.tnnlng Boartl 'with Subdlvilion Authority Exilta 0 48. Subdivtslcn Approwil MS IWqui,.;t for Trl...'" D C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Mlp Provided 0 LS..I. Name nAil"'" . l A!IT NAME I CON~ANY c,...,.. A. rlllST HAllIE LAS' NAIlIf I COM"'ANY '11l5THAIlII! 7. ChcIc tlte box ....ow which molt accurately delCrib.. the u.. of the property ... the time of .el.: "~ Onc Family Rosiden1illl B 2 or 3 Family A..iOenlill C R.,idemill VICllnt LInd D Non.Rtl,id.ntiill ViCD~ L...nd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sea. Contrlct 0.1. E ~ A.,icuh....' I ~ Commun;ty Servic. f Commerci.1 J IndustFMiI G Apart:nont K Public Service H Ent.rt.inmem I AlnuSlmenl L Forest Chec* the bo... below . they apply: .. Owrlorlhip Type i. Condaminiwn 9. "'eM' Con_uetion on Vacant l.and 1M. Propcrty l.OCIIed wilhin In Agritulturl' Ois'lric;t 1GB. Buyer received I dl8clOlUN nMic~ incic:ating tM! the property is in an AgriQ.l1tw11 Oilbia: o o o o Do. v.., 1&. Qedl. OM or more of rh_ condiliorw _ Ippllclble tD tranlfw: A J( SliI..Bc1w.n Rllltivn or Former R.ll1ives n SeI. Bl'tWeln Rellted Compenies or Plrtners in Business C Ona of tho BuVID . DI80 I Seller () Buyer Of Seller is Governmem Agency Of Lending Institulion E Daed Type nol Wlrflncy or B1irglin and Sale ISpoclfy Below) f Sele of Fractional or 1LoI. than F_ Inlcre.a ISpecify 8dow1 G Significlnt Chlinge In Property Between Tlxlble StMul and Sale DIles H Slle of BUliness is lncludod ., Sale Price I Othor UnuKLIoII FKlor. Aff8d:inU Salo Pric. (Specify Balow) J Non. '5. / l. I /10-;- ManItl DIy YOIII ....... S"' / ).. I / 0," 12. D.te ~ SIll.' Transfer 13. FullS." fIIb . . ,0 , II, (I I , , . (Full Sale Pdce illhl lOtalamount plid for tho propertv im;.ludinU personll property. Thi. Plyment may bIlln the form of CII.h. othlir property Of goods. Dr ,he allUmpllon of mortgaga or Ofher oblig.tionLI PIeII.. round to th~ nNl'eSI wIIo1o dol~( amount L, 14. 1nd"1QtI the V"UI of penonlll I . 0 I 0 . (I I property includM:t in the lI.e . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data sl10uld reflect the 18t811 Final Assessment Roll end Tn Bm 1.. =:rlchof=::,:nt-::from 10 I~ I 11. Tobil~VlluICof.ap.,.I.lntran....1 ~ j .'1."- 00 , 18. Prvp..-ty a._ ~~-~ "._I_Nomo I (lllEw ,tJI'r: a'-~ ~O..."..... I' S"N....... D/~m'c.1" 20. Tu Map Id.mlf1l1fCl) I Ran Idlnlif....c.lIJf mora .hln four. ItUdI &hen with .ddll:ional ....'!Iifi.r(a)) L-!()OO. 1/'100.1000.011000.0000 I I CERTIFICATION 11,.,\,!l1If'y that ~ll.II' thr IlftOI ..r IDfDl"lllUtlon entered on thk roml ~ Irue IIIId coned lID Ihf. heM of'lny IUlm.IedKf .nd IbfIirI) MId I underYund thl.the IIIIlIJna "' any ,,111I'1.1I ru.e "bllemcnl ,If DIIlLcrW rlK'l "'rrin "iD liIubja.1 lilt' 10 thr Dnn,bdOfl.'lil 01 tbe- Dl'IIU1 18w IYIl11.iw In lhe milk. amd nUDa or r_ n.trummls. !!!m!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY 01, I (). A ~ "^ _ I. l!i }'J. '/1.00 S" ~.~, - vrl) DAn 14- 1 () J"c."<SUAI ')h<..41' t1u I~oll.....,'p cOW, ~ L"$I" ,.,.W '1II1TNAMl! STI'f[TNUJ..n -STft~U NA_ .....'u !U.I.., (-z. 1'1...) N1iACOIlL 102.-101-; IU~""'ttlJMIE" S"uJe.o r.R N'I " 'S-" CIT'l 011 TQl.YN :lirA" ""cocx: ~ NEW YORK ST ATE COPY ! (7~ q.A. . 15"(1./Loo-f """'~G""U'" I d' .... ~ ---....-