HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 98 .... IIF.jD-)/r 1 I l!C' 7 \' (~I~.. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8002 (.short version), FORM 8007 (long version) CAUTION. 'nlls ,'GREEMEI'T SII'll:1.D HE I'REP,'Rf.O UV AI, .~lTOR:oI~Y A"'O RF.V1EW~O UY A-r[ORI'F.YS FOR Sn.l.F.R ,'I'D PURCIIASI;R HF.FORE SIG:oIINCi. THIS INDENTURE. made Ihe May 20. 2005. BETWEEN I.UCILLE GOODMAN. oDIS Founh SIf\."C'I. PO Dox 616. New Suflillk. New York 11956. party of Ihe lirst part. and CORNELIA I'. ROGERS or3 15 Fourth Slreel,l'O Box 616. New Suffolk, New York 11956. party oflhe second part; WITNESSETIl. lhallhe pany oflhefirst pan. in consideralion ofTen Ollllars and No CenlS (SIO.OOl. lawful money oflhe UnilL'd Slales. paid by Ihe party oflhe sec'lnd part. does hereby granl and releo.,", unto Ihe part)' oflhe second part, Ihe heirs. or su.ccessorS and assigns, of the pany of the second pan forever. . . ALL Ihal certain plOI, piece (>r parcel of land. wilh Ihe buildings and improvements Ihereon erected, siluale.lying aud being in Ihe New Suflolk. Town of South old. SufTolk County, New York being more panicularly bounded and dcscrib.'ll... lollows: IlEGINNI:-;G Dllhe nonhcaslerl)' comer Iherrof. on Ihe weslerly line of Fourth Slreel, distant soulherly as measured along Ihe westerly line of Fourth Street, 102,24 feel from Ihe cOnler formed by Ihe illlerscclion of Ihe southerly line of Jackson Slrccl and Ihe weslerly line of Fourth Strcc\. adjoining land ofNalhan Warner LOstale on Ihe North; RUNNING TIII,NCE along said :Iand 83 degrees 43' 40" Wesl. 103.10 fCClto land of George Hinsch: RUNNING THENCE along said land Soulh 6 degrees 32' SO" Wcst, 197.89 f."'lln land of ^ndrew Goodale; Rt;NNING TIIEl\CE along said land Soulh 83 degrecs 48' Easl, 102.77 feet to the weSlerly line of Fourth Strect: RUNNING TIIENCE along said line N(\rtb 6 degrees 38' 30" Easl. 197. 76 feet 1CI the poilll or place of BEGINNING. ; , . TOGETHER with all righl,lille (lOll interest., ifany, of the party "flhe first purl ill and 10 any slreets and mads abulling the above described premises to the cenler lines Ihereo[, TOGETHER wilh Ihe appun<:nances and aUlhe estate and rights of the party oflhe lirsl ran . in ami to said premises, ~\'~IJ..\.'llI(CS:ldcllllal Real L:"'il(~' FI'I'"m5 19/Clfh of.:' !WI MUllln.ow lkmh:r &. C~l.. II mrmtlc:r nflhe 111Ii1.sN~xis Group. --.- . ,. . Title No. ...Tille Number TE..~ Section 117.00 I Block 010.00 I Lot 016.000 LUCILLE GOODMAN Cuunty or To,,'n SulTolk Tu Stnoct Addrcss 315 Fourth SlI'CCI I CORNELIA P. ROGERS New SulTolk. New York 11956 : Return Bv Mail To: Eugenia M. Vecchio, Esq. I ~I Eugcnia M. Vecchio and Associatcs 550 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suile 210 Harrison, New York 10528 I Rese"'e This SOllCC For Use Of Recordinl! Office I r I I I I , I , I I I N\'SDA's Rcsickntial Rc:ull::51:lle I~orms (9100) C 2004 M:lIlhew Iknckr &. ('0., a memher urw l..exisNcxis Drool'l_ l -)- I I I I I I I i I I I , '- TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD Ihe premises herein granled unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany oflhe second pan forever. AND the pany orthe first part, covenanls Ihallhe Pany ofthe first part has not done or sutTered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. . AND the pany of the first pan, in compliancc wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenanlS thaI the party oflhefirst part will receive the consideralion for this conveyance and will hold the rillhtto receive such consideralion as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying lhe cost oflhe impmvemelll and will apply the same firsllO the payment oflhe COSI ofthe improvement before using any part orlhe total orlhe same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall he conslru,'<l as if il read "panics. whenever the sense Oflhis indenture so requires. IN WITN/:."SS WHiREO~, Ihe pany of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year tir~1 above wriuen. ~~.~~ UCIU.E GOODMA IN PRESENCE OF: Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York St.,le (RPL ~ 309-u) STATE 01' NEW YORK ) ) 55.: ) COUNTY 01' SUFFOLK GENIA M. VECCHIO Notary Public. State 01 New York No, 4996440 Qualified in Westchester CO,I':;:J.L Commission Expires May 18. ~r&!!P NYSBA'S R.:sidL"li.11 Reul F-slalt forms 191\1(.1) C:!DIM:\tDntlew DL'IldL'f'&: Cn.. D mcm~ ~,rtht 1.C''l(isSc\i~ (iMlfl. .::!- & Endorsement Pa e J:olumbcr of pages TORRENS Serial #. Cenificale # . Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mongage Instrument Deed I Mongage Tax SllImp FEES 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling 5.~ TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slllle) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total ~ Comm. of Ed. 5. ..QQ.... Affidnvil I Cenified Copy NY S Surcharge Olher 15.~ Sub TOIaI /5'd' Gr.md 1'0101 4 Dist. Section Block Lot Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificution 6050~~~12 1000 R~SK A ~UN.o '.- 11700 1000 016000 ~ SalisfactionslDischargcslReleases List PRlpeny Owners Mailing Addre.o;s RECORD & RETURN TO: t~~fI/fI 1l1. vea...Juo)' 7sq. 5 Sf> (lIIa mtlvO () ec/l thJ.e ;1 Ll...t ~u.tk ~(O mn)"OOY), ~ lo6;;?."iS' 7 Co. Name Tillc# 8 Suffolk Count This pagc forms pan of lItc anached RECORDED 2005 Aoo 05 12:43:22 PM Edward P. Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L DOOOl2402 P 0'98 DHI 05-01006 Recording I Filill8 SlllmpS Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOIaI Spec/A",.il. or cr..... Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlment Transfcr Tax / ~ / () _ Mansion Tax The property covcred by litis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. lW:C appropriate IlIX cJlIUlie on page # _ of' s insuumcnl. S CommUDity PrelervatioD FaIld Consideration Amount $ o .CPF Tax' Due' 5-S~O. /" ,~ / Improved Vacanl Land TO TO /0 TO Title Com IIn Information L t1. C I 11(. irrndw ItY\ TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI made by: The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~. CIJ/"/}P.tJl1 P. R()!j el"s' In lItc Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR !-'1L1NG. (ovcr) 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 SUP FOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0081744 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-01006 Recorded. At. 08/05/2005 12.43.22 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012402 098 District. 1000 Section. Block. 117.00 10.00 '"Y"'MINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $427,500.00 Lot: 016.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,710.00 NO Comm.Pres $5,550.00 NO Pe.s Paid $7,412.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER. 05-01006 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTRtDmNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONI.Y PLEASE T,YPE OR PRESS FIRMLY. WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 Cl.SWlSCode It/,h,g,~ ,~, 91 ~+- , C2. Dme Ooed __ I ~...~, ~I ~ri C3._ , v.a-<!C4,p_1 ,0,1>$1 PROPERTY INFORr.,ATlON l'=L 3/5 I &L(+f..! s-ht'ee+ I '~;;-lm.Jcl ~,- Q~ ra;: Z. Bu... I 0 AA... a... ~ Name ~tow.vN IMT 1iIAM: I CClt'I"Nf'W 3. To IndGie whirl fulin T.lC BilI1 IJI 10 bo unl L _Inl if 0Ih.. thin buter IIIdrcu lit boaom 01 form) Ad.... LASTIIM'I:/COIIIIWIY L IITIII!I!T ~MDSI""I NAME C. IndlMbt the ......., CJI Aneu..1lM1 Roll ....... tr.......,... on the dMd * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of NEW YORK STAll! BOARD OF REAl. PRlIPEIIJY BERVICES RP - 5217 jtp-Ul7 ... JRI ~e.w Su..~ ('~el'-A- P. -,- ~ "'My..... ,.. NMa cnv 011 TOWN ST~Tt: D'COClE 'ACIIII COnIr" ...... 01 . ''''''1 Check .. 1My apply: .... PlaMlng __ _ SubdN_"""'Ny E,.;,os .... SubdI\IIaion Approval waI Requu-d for Trann 4C. !WQt ApptlMJCl b Subdivision with Map Pruvided o o o P 'ofP.n:et. OR D Pan al. P.rcel 5. =... I S1z. Ixl DEPTlt I DR I I. ..... N.... 'IIQNTPffT rC+~~ V\ IAII NAIll I COMI'AHV .If....GJ ~.Q \\~- -- 7. ChedI: the bOJI below which moM .ccumely dl'Krib.. the IDe 01 the property .. the tlm. of ..... a.dIlhII __ bIIow. they IPPY: 8. OwnIrahip Type fa Condominiwn .. N8w ConIIructIon an V4C8I"l1 Land o o o o . Lf.ot 1-.5. 0 .0 .0,0 I , , . lFuI Sail PrQ is the toUIl 'rnDUnI j)IIld lor 1bI proparty Including pananal pIDIHlfty. Thil peymallnly be In Ul. form of c..... other property or gooda. or.... .lIUmption 01 1IIOI'tpp. or oIh" obUgIliona.t "... round", .. ........ wltcMr doIW iIII'IOUftr. '.._.........01_ I .\" . I..., 0 0 I __....._ . ./V.V ,fV.t"-1 . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dill I.auld """ellhe 1._ Finol AI_mont Roll .nd T.. Bill A~ Ono Forni" "_ntl,1 II 2 or 3 F.mlly AftidenU.. C RosIdontllll VIICanII..nd [) Hon-Ruidenlill YICIr'lI Land I SALE INFORMATION I 1 t. S.I. ConInct DIItt1 E ~ AQricutt'rol F Commercill G ___ II E~I/AmllHrMnt , - , y.., "'" t2. DII.. of S11le , Tr....... IDS'"' ,dO ,~ ManfI 011)' v... 13. full Sale Priu L, I ~ C........... SoMce J IncklICnIiI 'lOA. PrclprMy LocaIecI wiIhin .n Agricultural DImic:I K ""blk_ ..........._........""'__ L For.1t IhIt the ptOp8lIV illn 11'1 AgricullUrDl DiMrict ,.. CI-* .. or ...... 01 theM concDIi.-.. ........10---= A 811" Be"","" ....1tI1fOS or Former ReLltiYftl B Sale Botwtton ""..:1 ~ or PM'*' in Bulin... C One 01 ... ....... .. _ , So"'" D Buyer or ..... '- GcMtmmtnt Agency or Londlng lrIIlIl:udon E DIad Typa not W.rrantv Of BatgRln end 511e tSpaally BoJow1 F s.. of FrICtional or Lo.. th.In Foe InlClrCISI (Sp.c.lfy Below) G S6gnllilant Chanp in PrDf*IV ......n Talllble StaIuI -.,d s.. 0.. H Sail of BuII,- I. Induded in s.1e PricI . I OIhar UrtUlUll Fcors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Belowl J None I 1)1.lYCl.a<1P "'t,)f.hM}- 1e1At'H1rs ,"'~e.st 11. =:'~='""" I f)~ I 17. T............V....Caf.......lntrMllllrll ; ,I. "- C1_ ~-LJ 1.......... DiM.... No... J.e ()) SU.[J d Il<... i .I lJ ~tJ.cJl , , 20. T... Map lcIentli"~ , Roll Identif.cll II more than tow. ettaIh .... willi ........... IdentlUerlln 1')or,nOfl 113j ~WJ<. 010_00,) uto,{".O~ I I. I CERTIFICATION I I <'fttll)' .... oJl 01........... ..,_ ........ ua ". _......... _......... (lo... ..... 0101' _... II1II belIdlllllll ....._ ,,,", ....1IIIIIInlI '''.11)' wlUl'uI r...... ~ or IIII.tlrIItI f'Dcl1Nnta _II -.1Kl aw to Ihu Dnn'..... _'Ilhe DUlIIIIuw nbllM- to the maid..... nun, or r.N inllruIIIfI& BUYER IIUYER'S ATTORNEY Cern~'J 7, ~dY I '5'/~{~ 1kl'l'!rI iIONATUII! DAn! ,~J c:;- I rOtlV"1)., S1Yee t- srlll!lT ..-eR Sl'1IHT NMllIAI"TU IAlII :Po~x. ~/b JJtwJ C?,u ~0l( QTV DfI ICM'N , ~ ~, ~4 I I !'1.S.b .... 'V(){'C'-1lD ?Sf_I1?~nll:}-IIA. LoW1'NAW I ........ .314 <g3S--(8'J % Ii#W4C01M' llLVtIGIG....... NEW YORK STATE COPY