HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12505 P 27 I' "' r-c, ^- ..J <! oJ . . () J ~:' ~~ ,~ ') 1/ 7-;C- ,~c 1 .)j . BAR'GAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 ':AIJrlOK THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD Il~ PRm>AREU UY AN A1'I'ORNEY AND REVIEWF.D BY ATTORl>EYS fOR S~LLU AND P1JRCHA51OR Ilf.FORH SIONING, THIS INDENTURE, made Ihe JO ~y of APRIL, 2007. bel~'l'C!n FRANK E. BROI'HY AND MARY L BROPHY as husbllnd and wife, residing at 75 Second Streel, New Suflblk. New York 11956 party of the first part, and MARY I.. BROPHY. Residing 01 7S Second Streel, New Suo-olk, New York 11956 party of the seeond part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration, paid by the party of the second part, docs hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, 'Ihe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL thai certain plot, piece or pareel. o~land. wilh Ihe buildings and improvemenlS thereon erected, situate, lying and being . SEE ATTACHED BEING AND INTENDED 1'10 BE the same premises as conveyed by deed dated August 14, 1978 in Libel' 8480 page 256 and recorded on August 15, 1978 in the Ollice of the Clerk of the County ofSllffolk TOGETHER wilh all right, title and interest, if any, of Ihe party orlhe first part in and 10 any SlreelS and roads abulling the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtel~anees and all Ihe estate and rights of the party oflhe firsl part in and III said premises, TO HA VE AND TO Il0LD the premises herein granled unto the party of the second part. Ihe heirs or succe!;sors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND thc party oflhe first part, covenanlS that the party ofthc first part has nol done or sutTen-d anything whereby thc said pn-mises have b.'Cn c:I1cumbered in any way whalevcr. exeepl as aforesaid. AND Ihe party of thc first pan, in compliance wilh Section 13 of Ihe Lien Law, covenants that Ihe part)' of the firsl part will receive Ihe eonsiderution for Ihis conveyance and will hold Ihe right to receive such consideralion as atrost fund to be applied firsl for the purpose of paying Ihe cost oflhe improvement and will apply Ilhe same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvemenl betore using any part of the total of the same for an)! olher purpose. Th~ word "party" shall be eonsltrued as if it read "parties" whenever Ihe sense oflhis indentur~ so requin:s. IN WITNESS WIJI,:REOF, Ihl: party of the firsl part hilS duly execuled Ihis deed the day and year first above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: ..:j.~c-I( If. l3,.rot.., FRANK F.. RROPIIY I M~~~~ NYSIJA H~jdcnlioJ Rcall!slatC' I:onns on HoIO&K;s.(SilOO) Cupyrig.ht Capsoftl Dt\elopmml ,I, I . .- . SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at New Suffolk, in the Town of SCluthold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yorl<, bonded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Second Street. 142 feet southerly' frclm its intersection with the southerly line of Jackson Street; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Second Street, South 5 degrees 05 minutes West 66.14 feet tClland of Wetzel; RUNNING THENCE allJng lands of Wetzel and Larsen, South 87 degrees 21 minutes West, 100.91 feet to Iland of Martin; . RUNNING THENCE al4Jng said land of Martin, North 5 degrees 05 minutes East, 78.50 feet to other land of FIOlrence P. Grathwohl and James W. Pugsley; RUNNING THENCE alcJng said land, South 85 degrees 37 minutes East, 100 feElt to the point of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH an l~asement fIVe (5) feet in width along the easterly boundary of land now or formllrly of Larsen for foot passage to private beach; SUBJECT TO an easement five (5) feet in width along the westerly boundary of said premises for foot passagl~ for the owners of the properties to the north to the pri'vate beach; TOGETHER WITH the use of the beach are for bathing purposes subject to such reElsonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the seller, including a mSlintenance charge not to exc~eed $25.00 per year unless agreed upon by the five owners using same; TOGETHER WITH a ten (10) foot right of way over the easement on land now or formerly of Wetzel to the south for access to and from Second Street. ,. State of New Yorl<) ss: County of Suffolk ) On thih~lc:/''''day of April, 2007. before, the undersigned, personally appeared FRANK E. BROPHY and MARY L. BROPHY, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence tel the be individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capllcity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the pers,on upon behalf of which thEl individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. ~L~ Not'a P' ic Jo;OI'"/~~ 1'. .IIARTUi ." State of N... y_ nO. '1'1:18236 Qualitjod In Sotfalk Ccun l"mrnllliGn E.pl.... JIUl. 81 "" 'r d-o II - C:::::~___ , '. ...;....._- ~.;~-:- ...... ~~.... ~' -~._.._._......~.,_.- .' , -- ._~--. "-'-. .. "t"".'~~"..'-e .~.. NYSllA RL'Sidcnti.1 ReDl E.mlll~urms on rlolDocs" ('9100) -2. Cnp)Tiahl clp~n' DevcIopmcnl I .. . Number of pages TORRENS tf 1~ Serial 1# Cert; ficale It Prior Clf. # Deed. Mortgage Inslrumen! Deed I Mortgage 1'ax Slamp 2J / Q.. -- FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. .00..... )_. TP-5114 Notation EA-5217 lCounl)') ..--- ) Sub TOlal 7,_ '- ~) Q() ~7 EA-52 17 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5 . .00.... Affidavit -:r- ~niricdcc~ _ Reg. Copy Sub TOlal /30 /57 Olher ~ DiSlrictl~Seclion Real Propeny To., Service Agen('y Verification /'<)" Grand TOlal 10 LOI 1000 020007 20.007 5 3 Satisfllclion/DisehargeslRclea..e Ust Pr'Jperty Owners Mailing Addre.~ RECORD & RETURN TO: PATIUCIA C. MOORE ESQ 5102(1 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 RECORl1EO 2007 May 14 11:32158 RII Judi th ~. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK CIXJHTY L 000012505 P 027 OTll 06-33108 Recording I Piling Smmps Mortgage Amt. J. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointrne~ Tr.msl"r Tax --W--- _ Mansion Tax ~ The property covered by Ihis mOlgage is or will be impmvcd by a one or lwo foll1lily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page 1# of Ihis inslrument. Lj-30,o7 Communi! Pn.'Servution Fund Consideralion Amount S 0 $0 Improved ." Vacant Land TO --liL. TO TO 7 Title Company Informution ClI. Name PECONIC ABSTRACT I~C. 11tl(' 1# ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of the ollloched BARGAI~ SALE DEED __ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) FRANK E. BROPHY & MARY I.. BROPHY The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of SOUTHOLD Inlhe VILLAGE llr HAML&l' of NEW SUFFOLK BOXES 6 THIWUGH 8 MUST BE TVPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR rILING TO MARY L. Il:ROPHY Inv,ar) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE , Type olE Instrument. DBEDS/lIDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt; Number . 07-004658CI TRANSJrER TAX NUMBER: 06-33108 Recorded. At. 05/14/2007 11,32:58 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012505 027 Distril:t: 1000 Section: 117.00 EXAMJ:NED AND $0.00 Block: 10.00 CHARGED AS FOLLOWS I Lot: 020.007 Deed AIlllOunt. Receivtld the Following Pees, Por Page/I'iling COE EA-CTI: TP-584, RPT Transf'er tax $12. CIO $5.010 $5.010 $5.0'0 $30.0'0 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHa , EA-STATE : Cert.Copies SCTM Comm. Pres . Pees Paid i $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $157.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSPIi:R TAX NUMBER. 06-33108 THIS P~~E IS A PART OF THE INST;RUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith County A. Pascale I Clerk, Suffolk , County C1. SW!Si Cod. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp://www.orps.state.nv.us Or PHONE (5181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT it STATE OF NEW YlIRK STAn BOARD OF REAL PRllI'EIlTY SERVICES FOR COUN"IY USE ONLY 1''-/, 7. -3,.~, C ,f I cz.Dat.O...._ I'''> I I Yl~71 &i U-v ~ C3. Book I /, <?.s , &I ,5 I C4. ......IJ:I PROPERTY INFORMATION I ,. "-"L 75 LocdIan ImIHI NUMIlII L New Su Holk ClT'YOIllO'NN RP - 5217 1t.....!Q:17 .... JRI Second fitreet I,MI.' NMI( y...... 11956 ZlI"CODlr. Z. ..... L Brophy Nerne LAST NAMI/CDWANY Mary L. ....,NotMI: L . LAlIIMMI./COIINNY ..... NAM[ .r 3. Tu 1".~1catI whItw ~ Tex Iii. Ira 10 bo ieI'( ..inti II,,,",.,...,, ~ odd_lIl_ IIl'ann) L -- ".". . LAIr NMIitCOMNHY 'IIISTNAIIIl! L S1'IIIIT NLIIIIUR AND IIIII;(T NAMf. aTt'tJRIDWN STAT!! ""<000 .'~I Sin 'DllltUT Ixl .....H 1 '1lR I 'ACRU' . 10"". Porl "'._Cloook..__ 6A. PllMlng BoDm with Subdivision Authorily ExlItI 0 48. Subdivillon Appronl was Required for TIIMfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved tot Subdivision wiIh MIl' Provided 0 .. I~ thlt numa.r at Aaulunenl RaU ..rail. t._......... an die'" . 1 J 'of Percel. OR 0 Pert af . Parcel '.Sell_ N.... L Brol'~ LAP" l!',COIllWft' Frank E. -- L Brophy lAST NA.W: I f:DNtnNY Mary L. '''''TNAME I_ family Raidentil' 2 r 3 F1milV Residential C Raldenllal VK8ftI und D Non-Relidendal VIClnt Land I SAlE INFORMATION I n, .... CantrKt o.te E ~ AQrIt:u,,,,., F Commercii! Ci APMmtnt H EnlertaiNnllllll Amu....nI I ~ Comm_n;,y S.rvlca J Ind......., K Public S.-via t FbI'oll -.... -- ...... oppIv: .. Ow,..~ip Typo is Condominium e. NlIW ConstnJCl:lon on Vacant lAnd lOA. Propotly LocIIed within an AuricuJlurai Disr;rict 1. Buyer receMtd e dilclolwe notice indiCMIng thllt thII property II In en Agriculwnl Dlstricl' o o o o 7. 0.... the 1)011I lMIow which moM accur..el, ct.are.. thll UN '" the prapMty lit the lime of ..Ie: u/a ...... I Doy I v_ 1~ I 3q 07 -.. Do, Y.., 15. a.ck ... or mare 01.... aandIIiclM; as .....liw*IT to tr.-.fM'; Salo BtcwIen ReI.iva5 ur Former RelMives 8IIawDon Rollted ComPlnies or Porlna,.. In Businlll One of the Bwyars II allO I SeDer uyer or Seller iI Govarnmant Agency or Lending IraIlIiMLon Dood Type not Werranty Qr Sergol" and Slle (Specify BeIowt s.s. of FrDCtional or Leu than fft IntcrlSl (Specify Below. Significant Change !" Propcmy BatwMn Taxa" Slatus and &.Ie Dell Sala oJ Buslneu i. lndudlld In Sill. Price Other UnUKIl!1 Feccol1l Anoctino S,. PrfClt (5pKify BeIowl No.. 11. D.te of ".Ie , Tr..... 13. FtdJ SaJ. F..... , ., 0, 0 .01 , , . (Fu" Sa&. Pr,i-=- is lho lOtal amoum piid for the propGrly inc:iuding PIIf10niIl properly. Thl. PlYrMl'1I rna., be in the form of C111h" oahar property or goodI. or the auumptlon of mortuag81 elr olher ~UDlliOllS.. ",.... fOfJntllD rite MM" whole~, MlGllnt. c; H I J M.1_~~::..............noI I . . , . . , 0,0. 0 , ~.- , , . , ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Da," .hould ..n1Cl'hl "till Final _amln. Roll Ind Tlll< Bill I 1" y.... of AI.........-.: Rail from I _lnIormetion ..... 17.T_A_V.....IIIloll_In..._' ; , to .~ .n ,01 , '.._""CIno I~.I 'o1-LJ ,..ScllooI__1 NeW S,/lFYoI.:.-J<- 20_ T.. Map 1lMntif"....J I RoU ~rtllJ CI more tIwI klur. dim Iheet with ......... kIentIflerilU 11000-117-10-20.001 , I CER11FlCAl12[) I Cftd/'y thoC ... vi .... bOJllll vi iar.......... ...- WI dolo I'arm on ..... .... cum..... 110 .... ..... vllD)' kIIowIIdil' .... boIoIl _ad , .............. 11Io& .... ...Idnjc vlUlY___' vI_ r............ _IU ,..bJ'" me 10.... __ vi ,he......... _ 10'110 ~.... RIIIlIl or 11I"'__ BUYER BUYElrS AlTORNEY )N~ I fJ~. IUYllUlGtilATUllE MeH] L. Ihuyh,. I "'-I-30-Cf' "'''t Moore Patricia wr_ HIIII NAIl[ 75 S1'lW:I!TNUlIII'" Second Street PO Box 202 ImII!ETMAMilMol"'........ C931 .... .... IV? $- L.J330 TILEf'\oa..lMJIIIlDl New Suffolk DTYOIrro/WN NY "A" lIgV, ...COOlI SEUER au.~~y\.~ I "'f-30-01 NEW YORK STATE COPY ....