HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948 - Annual Rpt of Supervisorll3.48.9500-(BAM0.tl25 ) STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR The Town The County of Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 194 ~ ~t AUTHORIZATION Ardicle 3, section 30 of the General Municipal Law "Every'*~ town"• shall annually make a report of its finandal condition to the comptroller. Such reports shall be made by the;~~ supervisors of towns+'~. All reports shall be duly verified by the oath of the officer making the same and shall be filed with the tomptroler within sixty days after the close of the fwral ysar of such municipality. Every such officer shall also, within sixty days after the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, make a report to the comptroller of the finanaal ealdition of such municipal corporation on the date of the expiration of his term of office, or his resigna- tion or removal from office, as the case. may be. The refusal or wilful neglect of such officer to file a report as herein prescribed shall be a misdemeanor," and subjects the official so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty days, to be paid on demand of the comptroller. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRB *!`'~'. • COMPTROLL&R'8 OFFICE OF 1 .... f.........o... IN FOR THE ~, e •~ SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND OPENING BALANCES /~( d eceipts: General Fund ..............................................................(From Page 6) ..... / ... a .... 9 ... 4 ... s ... s .... S ...... Welfare Fund ............................. (From Page 7) ............... ~i~.~.t I TZGa,~ ~cc-w.-~.~. ~ ° i S ~ ..............................(From Page 7) ....... ... ~. j. ~ . . .... o ' Highway Fund ............................................................(From Page 8) ....... .~ .... ` .Z .y .~. .~.. r Sp cial District Funds: ~O ~ / District./..4.~~......(From Page 9) ....... ... .... 3 6 3 9. .Y. cf ~~"« District.~........(From Page 9) ....... ... .J. j. ~ 8. .... .d .. ~ (f~T.t- V/ti~. e-~e-aac. District ................(From Page 9) ....... ... .... 4 ~. 3 .~. ~..9 'r'te District ..............(From Page 10) ~ ~°~ District ..............(From Page 10) ....... ... .... 3. ~. .3 ... ~'..~ ,( r/~. 'Qir.(,~Dist~'ct ..............(From Page 10) ~ C ~ ....... ... .... ~ ~. d ~'!~ .3... a"1t' .7!~..!e L1-.:'!:L..' O~er Funds./.:!... '......(From Page 11) µ 4 ~.. 9 .°.. ... ..~... ... .... .............. .~ ~+.~., ~,G~...,.c h7,..,. ~ v~~........~c'~ ~. 6 1 7 T..~..... ~- ............. ..~.... .. . . . .. ... .. ............... ~ ` ~ ~ ~'~ ` h alances at Beginning of Fiscal Year: General Fund ..............................................................(From Page 6) .. ~. ... ~ ... ° Welfare Fund ............................................................(From Page 7) ....... ... .~ ... .~ / 3 0.. Health Fund ...............................:................................ (From Page 7) ....... ... .... ... ... ... .. ...... Highway Fund ............................................................(From Page 8) ....... ... .... S ... ... / ... ~ .. ~ ...... p nds: nct Fu ~~~ District.N........(From Page 9) '" ....... ... .... ... y ..:. ... ..7... o d''~''°' Distric[ ................(From Page 9) ....... ... .... ... ... ... .. .:r. ~"~trc.t /cv'~Lt-~."...c District ................(Fro~n Page 9) ...:... ... .... ... ... .7 ... ~.~. ~~~ " ao, . ~riy~,~,~.lLL ,co..ly Dtstnct ..............(Prom Page 10) .:..... ... ... ... ... ~ ... .~{:. ~otc.Gl~'..-!'C' d.''".(LDistrict ..............(From Page 10) ....... ... ... .., ... .7 ... .~... Gf•GeyLG~.Late. ~a~r~istrict ..............(From Page 10) .... ... .... ... ... ... ... :...... Othher Funds (itemi e)......~j-.-. ....:........................(From Page 11) ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Total balances at beginning of year ..............:.............................. ....... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...:... ..... ~. 9 ... .. .. .7 .~'... Total receipts and balances ....................................................... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ~ ... . ~ `~ ... v Z : b 6 2 SUMMARY OF PAYMENTS AND CLOSING BALANCES P: :yments General Fund ...........................................................(From Page 19 $..... I .. .... ... ... ... U .. J S, ..... W ]fare Fund ...............................; (From Page 20) 77-~•~ ....... age 20 &encl.( ............................... ..... ... .... ... ~ . . .. .. 3 . 7.. .7. / Highway Fund ......................................................... (From Page 21) ....... ~ S. ... . S. 7 ..~.. Spec' 1 District Funds: District.(!,.r......(From Page 22) ....... ... ~. 3. .. (' ~ g .~... f v "tr'.c.. District.A~./......(From Page 22) ....... ... `~ ... ... ~ ~. .3.. Vf.»G~e.a ~~~~'e'l`'""District ..............(From Page 22) ....... ... ... .... .. G ... L ... ( J ....... -, ~""''~ ~""' '^"'-~' District .............. (From Page 23 ) ..... ... .. .. ... . .. a ...... r r" '' ~t~ l.~°"'~"C r<"y''~C District .............. (From Page 23) ...... .... ... ... .... .. ... ...... ~ P /t`~~~~ ~~District ..............(From Page 23) ...... .... ... . ... ... ... ....... O er Fupnds (y' em' e)......~f"~...~~.:.'f ~'!!:.`.!:~r6m Page 24) ...... .... .. . . v g.. Total Payments ............................................................................. ....... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... $.... 9. ~ ... ..~ ~ 3 .8. alances at close of fiscal year: General Fund ...........................................................(From Page 19) $.... ... ... . ... . ... .g Welfare Fund ...........................................................(From Page 20) ...... .... ~ .~ ..~ .... .~ ..3.. Health Fund .............................................................(From Page 20) ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Highway Fund ......................................................... (From Page 21) ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... . ~ . Spe{S' I District.Funds: ~t'' District...l.4....(From Page 22) _- H 3 ~ < ~ District.,~~...(From Page 22) ...... ... ... ... 3 ... 9 ... z ... S~ .....~ istrict ...........:..(From Page 22) ~District ..............(From Page 23) ...... ...... ... .:. .., ... :.. .:. y ... Y ... ~ ... ~!.~. v... yLts~,rCsC- ~n'~"~C..District ..............(From Page 23) ~ ~ ...... .... ... ... .t ~ .7 9. '6-~' VX2'L" i [nistrict ..............(From Page 23) :gt~e+mai/ze~ .a.....1~`~.t~af.~ ~~om.tag~4~ F.u~ r ... .. ...... ... .... ... .1 ... .. .. ~ . ... Z ... d ....... ~.~ ... ....... . . ,s.~.,)...... ... .. .. .. ... . ........ Total Payments and Balancea ................................................. ...... ... .... ... .. ... .... ...... $.... ... .... . ~ .~ .. ... ........ 3 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-GENERAL FUND i. Real Property Taxea i I (except welfare, highway, health and special districts) ~ a. For eneral town u ~ g P rposes $ ~ •f ~ ................................................................. ~`~ b. For ..... ... .... ... y v~ o ~ c. For school districts~ .................................. .. ~~i .. ..................................... ....... ... Total real property taxes ................................................................1 ....... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ...... ..... ... 3 ... 8 ... ! ....~ G ... S ... o ....... I Other Taxes: ~ I a. Mo taxes ................................................................................. rtgage ... ... 2 ~ ... .7 . 8 S .......~ i qq~...... .. Total other taxes ................ ..... ... .. q ... ... . S . . P State Assistance (Per Capita) ............................................................... ....... ... .... ... ... .... ... .......i . ..... ... ... i ... G ... 7 ... 3 ... 3 ....... Other State Aid .....................:................................................................. .. .....~ a. Federal aid ....................................................... b. Donations and contributions.......°.Ll.-~<- "'~........."-"-"~- ..... ... .... ... ... .... ... ..9~ d 9... Interest on Deposits ..:............................................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ...... ... .... ... ... ... ... ....... Interest and Penalties on Taxes--(Eaclusive of Fees) ................. ~...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ...... ... ... ~ s. ~ ... ~~ Licenses and Pennita: a. Dog licenses (Received from county) ............................................. ..... ... ... ... .. 3 ~ .~... b. Other licenses (Town ordinances) ................................................. Total licenses and permits ............................................................. ...... .... ... ... ... ... . ...' .......; ..... ...' ... .. ~ . .. .,. .~ ~.`.'f Fines, Penalties and Forfeiturea ......................................................... ...... ... ... ... ~ ... ... ... ...... ..... ... .... ... ... 9 ... ..°... Departmental Earnings; a. Rent of town owned Property .................................. ......................... ..... ... ... ... .... J ... . °.. b. Fees of town clerk ............................................................................. A ...... ... ... ... 9. ... ~ . 3... c. Fees of justices of the peace ............................................................... ...... ... ... ... ..: ... ... ..fi.., d. Fees of assessors ............................................................................... ...... .. . ... ... .. b ... 9 ... S ..... . e. Fees of tax collector ........................................................................... ...... ... ... ... .. ... ... ....... f. Fees of constables or police officers ................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......~ g. Fees of town ]ibrary ........................................................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... h. Fees of parks and playgrounds ......................................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... ~ _ i. Fees of airports ................................................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... j. Fees of cemeteries ............................................... .......... G.~ e rz~.~u- , l ................................................................................................................ m ..............................................................................:................................. ....... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... Total departmental eamings ........................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......' _I S . G ... ... ..~... Amount yarned forward ..................:.................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... ..... ... .y ... ... ... .! .°.... ^ Westchester county towns only. 4 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-GENERAL FUND Amount brought forward ....................................................... Sale of Town Property ............................................................................... Temporary loans (except for highways) j a. In anticipation of taxes .................................................................... b. In anticipation of bond issue .......................................:.................... c. Emergency appropriation loans ....................................................... d ............................................................................................................... Bonds Issued: (Purpose) ~ a. Principal .............................................................................................. b. Premium and accrued interest ...............................................:.......... ~'. (Purpose) a. Principal .....................................................................................:....... b. Premium and accrued interest ....................................................... (Purpose) a. Prindpal ............................................................................................. b. Premium and accrued interest ....................................................... Transfers: a. From .................................................................................................. b. From .................................................................................................. c. From ................................................................................................... d. From .................................................................................................. = Amount tamed forward .........................................................I~..........~..................... I~ 5 ~ I 0 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEI IPITSI-IGEINERAL FUNND a Amount brought forward ........................................ U 1...1...1...~...L.:L..~... It I 71~f1 3 i~/ ladl Agency and Trust Receipts: Payroll Deductions: a. Retirement System ...............................................................~ b. Withholding tax ............... ,.,, ......................... d ......................................................... . . Other neral Fund Receipts: a .........................Y"z- ar..~ e ~/ 4 .......... b......~;~a~c... (~~~[-t--t.-crti. nn............V ..........,. / T ~F 7 vJ.~LG~ .-,s.l C . .........................o....... ...............: CB.C.e. '~~-.~E~.~,~,,...~. e ...................................................... g .......................................................... h .......................................................... i ....................~........................... Total General Fund Receipts (to page 2) ................... Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) ................... Total Receipts and Balances ..........................................'Ik.:s.. 0 0 is q~ 0 r~ S w 1 6 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-WELFARE FUND ii Real Property Taxes .............:..............................................................._...~......... .~....L ... .. . .. ~I .... .1 ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... Reimbursement from State: / ~ a. For Home Relief .............................................................................. $....... .... .... ...... .... ..... I b. For Welfare salaries ................................................................................ .. .... .... ...... ... ..... { 9 s/ o ~ c ....................................................................................................................... ..... .... ..... ... ...... ..... ...... .. . . i ~ ~ ~ Refunds from home relief recipients ........:....................................................... ..... .... .. . ... ..... ..... ..... JCT. I ...... .... ..... .... .....: Other Receipts: n ............ ~ $•• 3 ~• ................................ c ............................................................... Pt ( pag ) ..................................' ....... Total Welfare Fund Recei s to e 2 ...... ... ...... ... •••°• ••••• ••• •• • 9 •? 5 ! "" ~s' Jry g Y ( Pag ) ......................................... Balance at be •nnin of eaz to e 2 ...... ... ...... ... ....... ,••••• •„ 1 • •/ /• • 3 0/ Total Receipts and Balance ................................................................. ... ... ... ...... ... ...... $..... ..... .... S .... ... /b ....... I~ a.c ....... .............. ... ...~'.. .... I ...'.. . L.. .......{'$..... ... ~ .s. ... ~ ... ~... . a. ............ Other Receipts in Fieni~lrFund: ... a ............................................................................................................... ..... .... ..... .... ....... b ............................................................................................................ c .............................................................. ...................................... ~ $.. P ( Page ) .................................... Total Hr~irL Fund Recei is to 2 ...... .... ..... .... ..... ....... $.... ..... ~ ~ ..... °.... ca Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) ........................................ .... ..... .... ..... ............ ..... ..... ..... .... ........ ... ... $. ..... ~..°. .. .. ...... ........ ~+ e Total Receipts and Balance ................................................................ .... .... ..... .... .... 7 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1): Real Property Tax ............. Received from State as State aid .....................................,,............... Received from budget and capital notes .................. ........................... Received from sale of bonds .......................................... .................. Received by transfer from ..........................fun d............. Received from other sources (itemize).9 .............~d~~ Bridge Fund (Item 2) ; Real Property Taxes ............................................. .............................. Received from budget and capital notes .......................................... Received from sale of bonds .............................................................. Received by transfer from ................................fund.......................... Received from other sources (itemize) ............................................ Machinery Fund (Item 3) Real Property Taxes ...................... ...................................................... Received for rental of machinery, County Road F n .......... S' 4.....pt' ~..~.i~c~ Received from other sources (itemize)...~i.~!.!~^+ ~ N 9 Snow and Miacellaneoua Fund (Item 4) Real Property Taxes ...................................... ....................................... Received from ~ dget and captal notes ...........................:............... Received from ask~~da7:.t;~'";!'''e-~•t,. SiswvitLce,.v Received by transfer from ................................fund....:....:::...: Received from other sources (itemize).!~"'6~'+'• {~a%u'` Total Receipts (to page 2) .......................: Highway Fund Balances at Beginning of Town Fiacal Year: Highway Fund (Item 1) ............................. ......................................... Bridge Fund (Item 2) .......................................................................... Machinery Fund (Item 3) .................................................................... Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) Total Highway Fund Balances (to page 2) ............................... Total Receipts and Balances ........................................................... 8 n ....f$... ..... ~ .~. 7... o ~I ve. ... ... ~ . ~ .. ... 8 1J i i .. ~ ..... ~~ ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ... f .. ....... I / d s i ..... ..... I ....... ~......... i i ... t ~ .. ..... 1~ ..... .... ..... ..... ....... 30 0 ..... .... ..~. .~. 6.~ L ~. J . O O ...... O ........ ..... .... ..... ... . p I 8 3 .~ ~ ..... L.... 1~ 7'~ .7.. z. ........ ...... .... . 6 6 . 6.. ~ ........ ...... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .~ .. . !.. 5.`.. ?. 3 1 9 _ .. _ i ~ D;~~ s' ~ I r 7 7 ~ q a. Property tax ......................................... ....: , v .$.... ... .... ..~ . ~ ... ~ & J ~ `~ 3 `~ b. Assessments ........................................... ~o.~. ... ............ c. Temporary loans ............... rP~f{.~s:......... ,tue .. ~ ... .y" .~ S; d. Bonds issued ..................... ~G ` t-.!t ~ .... ~...,, • z~~ ~ • ~ / z O 3 r . / J . x.. ~ k _ / 4 3 .,~ b ' ......... ..:~!f..: !C~:9 .E-!~9 ~!! !. e. Premium and accrued interest .............. ....... ... .... ... ... ~. . . s / b iS f. Other receipts (itemize) .................................................................... ....... .... ... ... ... .... ... ....... Total Receipts (to page 2) ..:........................................................ ....... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...:... $.... .. ./. ,~ .b 3 ~ .Y... Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) .................................. ....... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... ...... ... ... ... .: .. ... . ~... .Total Receipts and Balances ....................................................... ....... ... .... ... ... ... .... ....... $.... ... .. . ... ... ....... ~:. . ,~ ~~ ,e..-4.e., District , ~_ P $ roperty tax ............................................ ......:.............................. a. ~-'-~*+-4` ~.s_..e_ . .... ... .... ... 3 . a a 8 ~ p b. Assessments ................................. ~ c. Temporary loans ............................................................................. .~ d. Bonds issued ............... .... ~ir.~c,G .zo -4-'S............. .. ..............+..~.. r .. .. ....... ...... ... .. .... / .... ... / ... .. . ... .. . ..:. $ ... r s ~, ~ ~ e. Premium and accrued interest......!' "~ ~"'~~o~ ~~ ~'`"~`°~':'" ~'T'`"""t " i i f O h ~ / / 6 e 3 o '3 Z ~ ~ ) .................................................................... ze errece is ttem . t P ( ....... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... Total Receipts (to page 2) ............................................................ ....... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... $.... ..: ~. S. ... 8. ,.. S~ Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) .................................. ....... ... .... ... ... ... .... ....... ...... .... ... ... :. .. ... .`.r. Total Receipts and Balances ........................................................ ....... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...... $.... ... _. '~ .. ... ..~... p GJ lv • u/.' ~ Ts.~ yilhe . 'd ~ ,a . istrict ~ .......................................... . a. Pro tax ..................................... perty .$.... ... ... ... .. .7 ... . ~. ., _ : b. rleeeseeeente~.........9i1'!~.. v,~'.......... : % ~ ~ .. ... ... ... .... ... ....... ....................................... . . c. Temporary loans .............................:....... ....... ... ... ... ... .... ... ....... d. Bonds issued ....................................................................................... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... e. Premium and accrued interest .......................................................... ....... .. ... ... ... ... ... ....... f. Other receipts (itemize) .................................................................... ....... .... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Total Receipts (to page 2) ............................................................ ....... .... ... ... ... .... ... .::.... $.... ... :.. :.. ~'. 3 . ..~.. Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) .............................:.... .:..... .... ..: ... ... .... ... ....... ...... .:. ... ... ... 7 8 Total Receipts and Balances ..................................:.................:... ...... .... ... ... ... .... ... ....... $.... ... ... Y .. ~. ~. .3... * Distinguish between fire protection, fire alarm and fire districts. If there are not sutLcient spaces tolist transactions of each district separately, please attach a supplemental statement for each dis[rick ,9 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEYPTS-SPECIAL D~STRICT FUND~~`«r_ x 0 V r l~ w ,~ ~` DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS s ~ _ '~I i a. Property tax .................................... Distrito ii I ... / ~ ........ 9 .................. .................{~......... L..J... b. Assessments ............................................. -- - li ~ iIt ~. ~....... c. Temporary loans .................................................................................+ ................ d. Bonds issued ......................................................... e. Premium and accrued interest ...........................................................j ............... ............. i .... f. Other receipts (itemize) . ................................................................~ ........ Total Recei is to a e 2 ~ P ( P g ) ............................................................. ..................h...~........ Balance at be 'nnin of ear to a e 2 ~ S Y ( Pg ) ...................................I.............................. Total Receipts and Balances ......................................................... ~~~ ~~; StrlCt a. Property tax .................................. 3 3 0 ................................................ ..... ......................... b. Assessments .......................................................................................... .............................. c. Temporary loars ............................................ ................................................................... d. Bonds issued ....................................................... ................................................................ e. Premium and accrued interest ........................................................................... ............... f. Other receipts (itemize) ........................................................................... .......................... Total Receipts (to page 2) ...................................................................... . ....' ......1....~... L..... Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) ................................... . ............................... Total Receipts and Balances ......................................................... . ................. ~ liI.G~Zd~2~~e~ ~~DistriM a. Property tax ...............:....................................................................... ............~'.......°......3~ b. Assessments ............................._ e. Temporary loans ................................................................................ 3 ~ a a d. Bonds issued ....................................................................................... . ............................... e. Premium and acertted interest .............................................: ........................................... f. Othet receipts (itemize) .................................................................... . Total Receipts (to page 2) ............................................................ . Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) ........................................ . Total Receipts and Balances ........................................................ . • Distingg~~uush between fire protection, fire alarm and fire districts. If there are not sufficient spaces to list transactions of each district separately, please attach a supplemental statement for each district a ~.. ~ ~ _ . 10 DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-OTHER FUNDS /a-~y ,~ N. Zee.--..-G J a-^N- Fund ~ i ' 94 '; e Ce~.~t al~~[. .AC ~re..G. ~ NB~ $....~ ~ ...:. 3. ~ ~ /.f a ..~. 9: °.. a xj / ... ~} n ',. i ...... .. ~ . ~ ... . . Total Recei is to e 2 ...................................................f Balance at be mnin of ear to a e 2 g g Y ( Pg ..................... I Total receipts and bal nce ....................... ......,........... ... .... ~ ... I . . . I ... ~ ... .......i ', i ... . .... ... ` $.... ..L ...,. ~I ~ .... ... ~ y ..... / 1 .~';. ~ . ... 8 . 7 U ./' ... ~. Z ~ ~. 7 /d . .~.~ t ' yyy n o y~I ~ ~/ W J.4~ ~ ~~~, ~ ~ I ~ . ~' M1/ia~s~f- ..... ~ .... ... . ~ ~ ... / a o ~ ' L ...... ... . ... ... ... ..1: • ::: '. :::.: ~ ~ Total Recei is to e 2 ....................................................... Balance at beginntngof year (to page 2) ........................................:.......~ .. .. ... . . ... r~ eapts nd balan ~ ~ ~ I ~ 'dill',, I ~, ...... $ $.... .. ~ ~ ... , ...~ / ~ _i ~ '3 ... ... ~ ... ... ./~ ... ... ... ... ~II ° ~^ .a..l ....... ~ ~ 1_ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~,Fund I i L 1 ~. Gam....-,~_,..L ,~-~-...w c~ t~ c ~--+-~., ~ ~ s ~ : ~ i I -z .... ... .... ... ... .... . .. ....... ~ 1 l ...... ... .. .... ... ... .... ....... i Total Receipts (to page 2) ........................................................................ 4 I i d $.... ... /.. ~? . ~ .... ... ..~. ~ g Y ( Pg ) ................................................I Balance at be 'nnin of ear to a e 2 Total receipts and ance ................ .............................................: ~ i ...... $.... .... ... ... ..' ... ` .... ..~ ... ... ... ... ....... F ..Z. and I ~~ ~ ...~. ,~ .1~ I '$.... ... .... ./. s .~ 6 ~ I~ .....~ ...... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... Total Recei is to e 2 .................................................... P ( Pag ) .: .................. Balance at begirning of yeaz (to page 2) ................................................ Total receipts and balance .......................................................................... $..... ....... $.... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ~ ... ... :.. ... ... ... ... . ... .. .. !~ .. Fund ' i ~ $.... .. . .... ... ... .... ... ... I f j ~ .... III ~ i Total Receipts (to Page 2) ........................................................................I Balance at beginning of year (to page 2) ................................................~ Total receipts and balance ....................................................................... ... ~ J .. ....... $..... ....... $..... ... ... ... L.. ... ... .... .... .... ... ... ... ... ~... ... {... ~ .. ... ......~ ......~ ......; Non: Show name of each fmd, i. e., Cemetery Trust fund, Tax Stabilization Reserve fund, etc. 11 ~' i I i ' ~ ~ ~ j DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Towa Board: , Town Hall and Offices: a. Rentals (Board Room, Offices, Elections, etc.) ~, ~ , „ ~ ~ b. Compensation of employees ............................................................ ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... c. Purchase of furniture and equipment ............................................... . .... ... ... ~ .... , . . ,7 7. S d. Repairs, light, heat and telephone ................................................... . ...... ... ... .... ... y ~ ... 6... e. Other expenses ................................................................................... . ... ... .... .. . ... .~ ~. .~... Elections: a. Compensation of election officials (inc. mileage) ........................... ....... ... .... ... ... ... ... ....... b. Compensation of custodians of voting machines ........................... ....... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... c. Other expenses .................................................................................... ....... ... .... ... ... ... ... ....... *d. Vodng machines, purchase and repair ............................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... , ..Insurance:: a. Compensation insurance ..................................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... 9. ~. .7~. b. Official bonds,and undertalrings ....................................................... ...... .... ... ... ~ ... . 3 ... 0 ..... . c. Fire and liabiliry ................................................................................. `f a d. Dues for membership in Association of Towns ............................... ...... . U e. Other ..................................................................................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... Printing and advertising (all departments) ....................................... ...... ... ... ... .. ... ~ ..7... `*Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation ................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... `*'Services of engineer and expenses ....................................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... Zoning inspector and expenses ............................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Annual audit and examination ............................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Publicity Fund .....................:................................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Employees' Retirement System (Town share) ................................... ...... ... ... ~ ~, ... ... ..°... _ ; Total Town Board ........................................................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... i ... ~ ... 4 ... 3 ... .... 6 ....... lupervisor: a. Salary .................................................................................................... ..... ... . ° b. Compensation of employees ............................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ~ ~. 7... c. Office and other expenses ................................................................... ...... ... ... ./. 3 3 3 3 Total Supervisor .................................................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... .9 .. 5. ..°..,1, Amount carried forward ....................................................... 2 y 3 3 69 ~ Do not report principal or interest on borrowings here. See pages 17-18. y' In towns where office of Town Attorney does not exist ~~ Ia towns where office of Town Eogincer does not exist. 12 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND ......f~..........~...1.......~..i... v..ii ................353 6 Justices of the Peace ught forward .................... J a. Salaries ..............................................................:::................................. ..... b. Com nsafion of em to ees ............................................................. .......~ I c. Offic and other ex enses ..............................................................~L..................... Total Justices of the Peace ............................................................lu......... ... ... 3~p......Zlil$.:..........f ~'..~.~.....x Councilmen : I I ... ............... ~ $... ~ ... ~... ~... ... ~... .. ~ .......' I b. O ce and other ex enses .................................................................I p ...... ... ... ... ... ... . .. l .......1 ! ~ ~ Total Councilmen .................................................................... i ...... . ...l ~.. { { '$ l Town Clerk: i ~ ~ I i t '~ l a. Salary ................................................................................................... ~, ;$~... ... ~...I • ~ ~ ~ e I b. Compensation of employees ............................................................... ...... . .. ~ ... ' .... ~ . ... ... . 3 ... c. Office and other expenses .................................................................. ~ :....... ~ ... ....... i Total Town Clerk :.::................................................................... J Assessors: a. Salaries .......................................................... b. Compensation of employees ....................... c. Office and other expenses ........................... Total Assessors ........................................ Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: a. Sala ~ ° ° ry .................................................................................................... ............................. b. Compensation of employees .............................. / d ° ................................................................ c. Office and other expenses .................................................................................. 6 G.....3... Total Receiver or Tax Collector ....................................... ......... g„.,-, °- --- 3 $~o s 3 Tawn Attorney: a. Salary .............................................................. b. Compensation of employees ......................... c. Office and other expenses ............................. Total Town Attorney ............................... Amonnt carried forward ................. /lolq o 13 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND Amount brought forward .................................................... ...:... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... i $.... .. ... .... ... .... ... . ~... Town Engimer: a. Salary ................................................................................................... .$.... ... ... .... ... ... ... ....... b. Compensation of employees .............................................................. ...... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... c. Office and other expenses .................................................................. ...... ... .... ... ... .... ... ....... Total Town Engineer .................................................................... ....... ... ... .... ... ... .. Town Comptroller: a. Salary ................................................................................................... .$.... ... .... ... ... . .... . .. ....... b. Compensation of employees .............................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ....... c. Office and other expenses .................................................................. ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... Total Town Comptroller ........................:....................................... ...... ... .... ... ... .... ... . Zoning Commission: a. Compensation of employees .............................................................. $.... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... b. Office and other expenses .................................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... Total Zoning Commission .............................................................. ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... $..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 3oazd of Appeals: I a. Compensation of employees .............................................................. $.... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... b. Office and other expenses .................................................................. ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... Total Board of Appeals .................................................................. ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ....... $..... ... ... ... . Manning Boazd: a. Compensation of employees .............................................................. $.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... b. Office and other expenses .................................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... Total Planning Board .................................................................... ...... ... ... ... .... ... ... .....:. $..... ... ... ... ... ... .., a. ompensation of employees .......................~'} .. .. b, ~ ~ Y"~,o.c_ ................................................................ $.... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... 7 .. . b._ .....~ Total ..................................... ....... ... ... .... .. ... ... ....... $..... ... ... ... ~ ~ !f 3 e Amount carried forward ................................... .. .... ... ... ... ....... $..... ... ~ 9 ! 8 14 _~ DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND Amount brought PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: a. Compensation ..................................................................................... b. Mileage and other expenses ............................................................. c. Purchaze of equipment ..................................................................... Total Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs ........................... Lock Up: a. Compensation of employees ............................................................. b. Other expenses .................................................................................. Total Lock Up ............................................................................... T~ellir a. Signs and signals .............................................................................. b. Highway lt~gi~g'"~...:........~!,'t~.~r*:.......L.~:~.'.~:-~'!............ Totat Traffic ....................... / - -- - Dog Warden: a. Compensatic b. Other exper Total Dog Forest Fires: a. Compensation of fire wardens and laborers .................................., b. Other expenses ................................................................................... c ................................................................................................................. Total Forest Fires ............................................................................ Inspection Costs: a. Building Inspection ......................................................................... b. Plumbing Inspection ....................................................................... c. EleMrical Inspection ........................................................................ Total InspeMion Costs ............................................................... Amount carried forward .............................. 15 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND i ~ Amount brought forward ...................... I i" ....... Examining Boards: a. Plumbers ..................................................................... b. Electricians ................................................................. c. Heating and Ventilating ........................................... Total Examining Boards ..................................... •*Fire fighting expenses paid from General Fund.. War Emergency Purposes ........................................... EDUCATION Attendance Officer: a. Compensation ....................................................................................... b. Other expenses .................................................................................... Total Attendance Officer ................................................................. Town Historian: a. Compensation .......:............................................................................... b. Other expenses .................................................................................... Total Town Histortan ..................................................................... Town Library: a. Compensation of employees ............................................................... b. Other employees ........................................:.........................:.............., c. Payments to other libraries .................:.........................::.............::::. Total Town Library ................................................:...................... ~: a. Compensation ...................................................................................... b. Other expenses ................................................................................... Total School Directors .................................................................. Amount carried forward ........................................................ *~ See Section 209 General Municipal Law. 16 v 0 s DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND Amount brought forward ...................................................... ~....... ... ... ... .... ... ... ...... I $.... ... ... ... ... 3 ... .~.~. RECREATION ~ Parks and Playgrounds: a. Compensation of employees .............................................................. ..... ... .... ... ... ... ... .8 ~ f b. Other expenses ................................................................................... ....... ... .... ... ... ... ... ...... I G Purchase of equipment ....................................................................... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... I d. Patriotic observances (Memorial Day, etc.) ................................... . ...... .... .... ... .. .... O o Total Recreation ............................................................................... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... $..... ... ... ... y .:. z ..&... PUBLIC UTILITIES a. Cemeteries ....................................................................................... ....• ..... .. ~.'. .°.... b. Airports ............................................................ .. .. ... ~...... .. 1" ~F - Voa+.w c. ~eelea :.................. .................... ~~ _ ._ Y..........x. uw' e 4..,.<. ~ .................. .... .. .... .. .. ... ... ... .~ ... .. ... ... .. . i .. ... i ...... ~ , d. ~,e~,,,.~ . 'Sle,....Cers.~a[. r.t~ux.t++.e. v/{ / o o , ... ...... Total Public Utilities ....................................................................... ...... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...... ..... ... ~ ... 3 . ~. ....... •MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST 2edemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary Loans: a. Emergency appropriation loans ..................................................... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... b. Revenue antiapation loans ............................................................. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... c. Defidency loans ............................................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... d. Other temporary loans (itemize) ................................................. ........................................................................................................... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ..... .. ... ... ... ... ... ....... Bonds (give title of each issue) a ............................................................................................................ b ......................................................................................................... G ........................................................................................................... d ............................................................................................................ ....... ... .... .. ... ... ... ..... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....... Amount carried forward ......................................................... ....... . ..... ... `~ ~. ... ... / a ~ Report here only debt paid from General Fund 17 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND Amount brought •Interest on Debt: Interest on temporary loans ............................. Interest on bonds (give title of each issue) a ......................................................................, b ....................................................................... c. d. Total Interest ..................... CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT Nature of Improvement: Paid From ~ Paid From Bond Proceeds Other Funds a ...................................................~ .................................................. $.............................. b ....................................................................:......:......................................................... ~ c ...................................................~f ..................................................I _............................. I I d ...................................................~1......................~..... 4.......................4 ................................ Total Construction and Permanent Improvements ..............4 ................................. $.............................. MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENT Veterans Organizations for Rooms .................................................. Judgments and settlement (describe) b .....................................................................:.:......:..:..................... To County Treasurer to reduce taxes .............................................. Other Pa~nents (describe) : ~y a..... ~.~........ti..y.:e:.Q,..;..;..~SoG.. b .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. • . .. .. .. • . .. .. .. . {. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Total Miscellaneous and Contingent ............. Amount carried forward ............................. ~ Report here only interest paid from General Fund. 18 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-GENERAL FUND Amount brought forward ......................... TRANSFERS AND REFUNDS Transfers: a. From ................................................................. b. From ................................................................. c. From ................................................................. d. From ................................................................. Refunds: a... b... AGENCY AND TRUST PAYMENTS 't o ~n tax (Federal).....;~} .................,.................................. Tax Collection paid: , v a. To GeselyTreasurer.5.....!~....:'u.'P~..~'..;:4....""~ :................ ........................` b. To School Treasurer ...................................................................................................... e ........................ ........~ ............... ...... ............ ~..7........ 8. Total Agency and Trust Payments ......................:................ 3 Total General Fund Payments (to page 3)...........~....... l~ 3 . 6 0 , ,; ~~"" ~ y, ,~..... ~ ............................ $......1....... ;Gut - ~ y 16' ~, a Balance at close of ear to a e 3 ~•/ ~ ° ........' 2y6 6/ Total Payments and Balance .......................... ~.............. f ...... ..................... $.................. (~~c~'~ .. .. I~ 19 z DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-WELFARE FUND Town Welfare Officer: ~I i .................................................. I a. Salaries ............................................. $...... ... .. ~.. ... ... 0 ... 0 ... ............................... ...................i . b. Office and other expenses........... ....... ... ... ... ~.. .. ~. 3. ~ / // ................ ...... Total Town Welfare Officer ................................. ........ .. . ... .... ... ... .. .... Home Relief ................................................................................................ $...... .. ~ 3 ... ~'. .. 7 .... Veterans' Relief .......................................................................................... ........ ... ... ... . ~ ~ ~ 0 0 Lunacy examinations and expenses... Total Welfare fund Payments (to page 3) ................................................................ ..........:. Balance at close of year (to page 3) ............................................................................. ........ 1. Total Payments a/nd Balances ....................................................................................... ........ ~i b. ......................................................................................................... c. ...................................................................................................... Tota] ;3ea+~t .................................................................................................... ........ Registrar of Vital Statistics: a. Compensation .................................................... b. Other expenses ................................................. c. Fees of physicians ............................................ Total Registrar of Vital Statistic............ Total 1 Fund Payments (to page 3) Balance at close of year (to page 3).......... Total Payments and Balance ...................... 12111 3 alU iIWM 3 i DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fun General Repa Special imprc Redemption c Interest on nc Bridge Fund Labor and tea Materials for Constnuti'on Redemption o Interest on no Transferred ti Machinery Fur Purchase of n Repair of mac Storage of ma Repairs or pay Gasoline or oil Redemption of Interest on ma Transferred tc Snow and Misci Salary Town Expenses Tows Salary and exp Removing obsti Cutting and rec Other miscellar Redemption of I ~;,a; Transferred to Total Pays Highway Fund ', Highway Fund Bridge Fund (: Machinery Fun Snow and Mise Total High Total ] l (Item 1): ~ I , irs, including sluices and culverts ::............................... i .1~$... ..... ... ~ . E? .3 .. . Z n vements, including sluices and culverts ....................... . ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... . f budget and capital notes, principal only ................... ...... ..... ..... ... .. .... ...... . tes ......................... ................. . .......................................... ...... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... . .... .... 8 1 ..... L .... ..... 1 ...... Item 2) m work, repair and maintenance of bridges ................ $.... .... ..... . ... ..... ....... repair and maintenance of bridges .............................. . ..... I .... ...... ,,, ,., ,, .. 8 ~f new bridges ................................................................ ...... .. .. ...... ... ...... .... E budget and capital notes, principal only .................... ...... . . ... ..... .... ..... .. ...... [es ...................................................................................... . ... ..... ..... .... ..... r fund .................................. ...... .... . ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... $ ..... .... ...... .... ~ .... 9 ........ d (Item 3) : achinery, tools and equipment .................... ... .... ~ ... .... & 6 S/ hinery, tools and equipment ................ .......................... ....... .... 7 ..... 9 ..... 6 J ..... 9 ..... :hinery, tools and equipment ........................................ ....... . ... ...... .... ..... ...... of operator on machinery rented to county or villag ....... . ... ...... .... ..... ...... for machinery rented to county or village ................ ....... ..... ... ..... .... ...... certificates and notes, principal only (§266).........,,, ...... ..... ~ ... ° :hinery certificates ......................................................... . . ..... .. ... ~ / ...... `f S fund .................................. . ...... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... ... 3 9 I ( e :ll s F d . ..... ..... .... ...... aneou un (Item 4) iuperinfendent ................................................................ $..... ..... . 3. 9 q .9 .p .... ~ Superintendent ............................................................ . ...... ..... .... ..... ~ .... ~- ..... enses of Deputy Town Superintendent ...................... . ...... ..... .... G ..... .... . o actions caused by snow ....................:. ............ ....... ...... G ... o ...... 3 ... ...... 8 .. roving noxious weeds and brush ................................ . ...... ...... ... ...... ... .... ..... eons purposes (itemize) .............................................. . ...... ...... `f ... a budget and capital notes, principal only .............:.... ...... ... ..... .. /v ~ ~ ~ ...... ...... ... ...... ... ...... fund .................................. ....... ..... ... ...... ... ...... $...... ...3 7 ~ ..... .3 8 g t . ...... en s (to page 3) .................................... . ................... ........ ... $. /. .7 . ..... .Z . 7 3alances at Close of Town Fiscal Year: (Item 1) ........................................:............................. $...... ..! .Z. Y.'.7. ~. ?.. tem 2) ........................ ......................................... ......... . ...... ..... .... ~ ... 8 . 6 . i (Item 3) .........._ ......................................................... ..... .... 3 0 .... y . ... ~ ~llaneous Fund (Item 4) ............................................. ...... ..... 3 ... .... z 3 .... / ... . 9 way Balances (to page 3) . ..... .... .. .......................................... a y u 'ayments and Balances .......................... $ • ...... ~ .... ..... ... . .... ~ .... .1. 7 ..... , . 21 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-SPEC DISTRICT FUND ~ ~ _ _ ,- ~ ~tiw Dt triM i ,T ..' .... ~ i B { f a / ~ 3 36-sew ee : ~. e ~ o G ........ ................................. i . ^k ~iP~ s+n''.w'` u ....... .... .... ~ .... ~ .. . ~ `f ~ t ~ I . I ........ t.~-trc. .. ............................. ...... ... ... . .. .. .. g~neegei.-eA--b°tbs ..........................::7~tas:'z"~'~,=~a{.....,,.. y.. ... ... „. 1 . ~. 3 Itrterest- eu-•betsds ............................. ~ ............ ~,.u gi~war , ~'+ ~~ 4 ~f ~ ~ ' Q.. ' / 3 3 , .. . . .. .. r,, c.-Pd4-tether ................................................ ....... ... .. . ... I d ............................................... Ym ( P~ ) ..................................................... Total Pa ents to e 3 ...... ...... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... ... ... .. .. ...... ..... . ....... / ..... 3 ... . ..~..3 ... v Y ( Pag ) ....................................... Balance at close of ear to e 3 •••••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••• • •• • ••••• • •••••• ••• ••• ••• •• ••• ••• ~•••••• Total Payments and Balance ................................. ......... 1 [- o d 2 a G , ~~' strict, + Wit ............... .............. 3 a m o 0 . ~..~,c. Zttn.~-..«.,, ~-.,,.v,rarv lr~wa ~~ .................!......... ---~-°-- ............................. '--- ..... .. .... .. .. .. .... O . ~ ~ r 3 Principal°etr"trtffids ................... .... ...... ~1.......:!........ ~!~¢~ i G~e ~c ~ • - ...... ... ~ ~ ~' ..°. S ... ° .0.. .3... ° 7 ~f 7 .. ..... ..... ... ..... bonas .................. I++hest-otr . ... c.-ltlren+ler ............................................................................................... ...... ... ..... .... ... ... ....... d. Taxes paid to Treasurer of District ............................................... .:.... .. ..... .... ... ... ....... Y ( Pag ) ..................................................... Total Pa ments to e 3 ...... .. .... ..... ... ... ....... ~ . S 1 3 S ....., Balance at close of year (to page 3) ....................................... ....... .. .... ..... .... ... .....:. ..... ..... .... .~ . .... . ................................... ..,.......... Total Payments and Balance.. ....... ... .... ..... .... ... ....... ..... ... ~ . S. 7 . ...~ .C. (! f p T Co-W-~ rs~R fr~+a4 Y J`x.o~[ti-6~L.-..s. 'strict a. (~e~C+etiew,.....4c!r. ~..~!,C.Gw.~...~.. (/ ..... ... .... ~. 4 lo L. . L... b. Debt service: Principal on temporary loans ....................................................... ....... ... .... ..... ... .... ....... Interest on temporary loans ........................................................ ...... .... ... ... ... ... .... ....... Principal on bonds ........................................................................ ...... .... ... ...... ... .. ....... . Interest on bonds .......................................................................... ...... .... .... ...... ... .. ....... . G All other .............................................................................................. ...... .... ... ..... .... .. ....... . . d. Taxes paid to Treasurer of Dis[rict .............................................. ...... ... ..... ..... .... .. ....... Ym ( P~ ) .................................................... Total Pa ents to 3 ...... ... ..... ..... ... , ,, , ... ... . ,•, . .... ... ~ .,1. 6 L 6•.. Balance at close of year (to page 3) ...................................... ...... ... .... ..... ... ... ....... . .... .... ..... . y. ~ . ~ 6.. Total Payments and Balance ................................................... . ...... ... .... ... .. ... ... ....... . .... .... ... Y '. ~. .. : '~.... t Distinguish between fire protection, fire alarm and fire districts. If there aze not sufficient spaces to list transactions of each district separately, please attach a supplemental statement for each distriM. w 0 N .~ DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS-SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS * - ~ ~striM b. Debttservice :....................................................................................... ...............................I Principal on temporary loans......., Interest on temporary loans........., Princpal on bonds .......................... Interest on bonds ............................ c. All other .................. - - d. Taxes paid to Treasurer of District ................................................ Total Payments (to page 3) ...................................................... Balance at close of year (to page 3) .......................................J Total Payments and Balance ..................................................... '~ ~~~'~~~'° ~~~~'~DistriM a. Construction ................ b. Debt service Principal on temporary loans ................................................ Interest on temporary loans .................................................. Principal on bonds ........................................................... Interest on bonds ................. c. A11 d. Taxes paid to TreasureF of District .............................................. Total Payments (to page 3) .................................................... Balance at close of year (to page 3) ...................................... Total Payments and Balance ................... ............................ * ~ "istrid a. b. Debt service: Principal on temporary loans ............................................ Interest on temporary loans ............................................... Princpal on bonds ................~.......................................... Interest on bonds ..........................:.....:...:.::.:....................... a All d. Taxes paid to Treasurer of District ................................ Total Payments (to page 3) ...................................... Balance at close of year (to page 3) ........................ Total Payments and Balance ..............................------- ' Distingwish between fire protection, 5re alarm and fire districts. If there are not sufricient space to list transactions of each district separately, please attach a supplemental statement for each district 23 DETAILED STATEMENTsOF PAYMENTS-OTHER FUNDS ~~~ ,, f~ f 1 /.I ~/.tw.~rrC. J L'u ,~ Fund ICI _, ~....-L,~ ,,,/~~G......~~~.<..~~ 194 e ~s~ ~ ~ ~ o . ....... ...... .... ..... .... .....' I I ~ ~ 3. 0 9~ ... ~'.9 .......................................................... Total payments (to page 3)............ ..... .. / b / J Y ( pag ....................................................... 13alance at close of ear to e 3 """ . "' ~ .. ~ "' "' ~ "' ~ """ v .................. ...... .. .... . .., ..... ................................... Total pay~en s~ aces....... ti ~ ~ I {u~ C f .~.s.[.-a-e~- / Fund ~u.~ ... .... .°.... <, b ....... ...... .... ...... ..67 / ~'° 'S '4"~ Pa ( P~ ) ....................................................................... Total yments to e 3 ""' "" "" ` 9 ' ' S„ Y ( pag ) ......................................................... Balance at close of ear to e 3 """ "' " ' '° ' O/ J O ......... .............. : l s d b ..... ..... .... ..... .... ....... ~ ..........:. ............. _ .. a ance ~C~ ........ Total pa nts an ~i-e.Y-a~iz+~.L h/""c~.'x`'s'/~Fund 2' i / . ... ,~ ,~ *, - ~ ~.w..t 'eL: .... ....... ..... ... .. . .... •9. ..... 38. .... x .a.. ~ ~ ... z. Total payments (to page 3) ...................................................................... ..... ... .... . Y ( pag ) ......................................................... Balance at close of ear to e 3 """ "' " ' "' ' ' " ' ' 9 ~ ~ .. .................. l d b ..... ... ... . . .... ... ances........ .... a Total payments "'~ Fund /~ O ~i 'tr~InM La4a.6,.u. /.1 C ....... ... . ..... 3. !. 7. d'.. ....... .... ..... .... .... ...... . ~. 5... Total payments (to page 3) ...................................................................... ..... .... ..... ~ .... 1 . Y ~ Balance at close of year (to page 3) ........................................................ ...... .... .. . . ... .... a 1 `'.~ .................... .. .......... ces l d b . ..... .... .... " ' . .................... ................ a an Total payments an Fund ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... . Total payments (to page ...................................................................... . ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ........ Y ( pag ) ........................................................ Balance at close of ear to e 3 . °"" ' "' °' " " "' "' " ' ""'"' .......................... . s l d b .. .... ..... ..... .... ..... ........ .... ..................................... ance a .Total payments an Nore: Show name of eaeh fund, i. a, Cemetery Trust fund, Taz: Stabilization Reserve fund, etc ~} ~.... RECONCILIATION OF BOOK AND BANK BALANCES AT CLOSE OF FISCAL YEAR f~ ,~ i r, ~~ ~.. V S aLs ~~ G~ '~ Back balances-AI1 funds: O uts t and in g N e t Ba n k Name of bank Location B a nk B al an c e C he ck s . B ala nc e ,i zGa-G.~..e_w.C......Bank of.~i°t~-!;«;~,va-t+- 1 7 7 ... .. .. ... .. .. . ~. / l ............................................Bank of...............::......................... ~~ .. .. 6 !. .. .. ' . ... .. .. :? `~ .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .. . '/ ~ .....................:.'....................Bank of..............:.`.......................... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ~ ... .. .. 6 Z . .. ... ... ... 7 ... 9 .. r . r ...........Bank of ..............~~. / / / 3 ... ... .. ... .. .. .. ... ... ~. 7 ./. .. ./ .. .`~. .. a ! ..........................................Bank of.......................................... . ... 3 ~ 1. 7 .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. . ... /, 3 ... / .. .... :.......................'.'.................Bank of................~~...................... ... .. .. ... .. .. ~ .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. . .. . •r rr " ...................... .................Beak of.......................................... ... .. .. ... ~ ~ .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. . ... .. .... / ~~ ~r ............ ...Bank of .......................................... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .: ... .. .. ... .. . .. ° .. / .... ` !,~ ... ~ !:fir :................................Beak of................ ~~...................... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. ~i rr . .........................................lilmlt of....................~.............:...... . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . 1 .2 ~ . .. ... . U/ .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ~... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . G .... ......................................Bank of......................................... ...........................................Bank of.......................................... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ...........................................Bank of..... ............................... ... ..:~ .a.C..Bank of ................. ... ............... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . . y .. :/ .. . /` '!.......~'..... ..-..+..:~r . Beak of ..... ................................. r l ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. ... .. .. .. % .. ., . ~ ~:F.1.'.':'.`.:`.Y.~:L..Bank of.~.' ~~.-..ix~. i / 3 3 ~ / S / 3 ...........................................Bask of.......................................... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Totals ..........................................................._................... .3 .. ' .. .. . .. p .... .. .: .. .. .. / ~. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... Cash on hand in office .................................................... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Total cash in bank and on hand .................................... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... . .. .. .. . ... Total book balances, all funds (page 3) ...................... ... .. .. ... . . Nora.: Be sure to show above reconeiliation. Attach bank etrtifirates in support of hank balanw shown. 25 r r r .5. DETAILED STATEMENT OF TOWN INDEBTEDNESS AT THE CLOSE OF THE FISCAL YEAR /9yz • ~ I f there be no indebtedness, so state Bonded debt: (Show each issue separately by title, indicating purpose for Rate or which indebtedness was incurred and year of issue.) interest General town and highway bonds: ~~ yabl / y~ town.) ~~ G Q / ~~~ O / h~- a~~ ~. 7 Y p s ............... -~ 42 a. ..........:. ~.!.9.... ... .. ~. .. s. ... ~ ... ° ... .. .......................... .... .. ... ... ... ... .. Total general town bonds ..................................................................... S 'trill nds,(yot in lull' fire dis~rict~) . $, , u O : .......................... ... . ... ... ... .. .. Total spetial district bonds .................................................................. ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... $. .~. g. ... .. ... Total bonded debt ................................................................................ Temporary Loans Emergenty appropriation loans ......:........................................:........................ Tax anticipation loans ........................................................................................ Revenue anticipation loans ................................................................................ O,~~llt~er temporary to s (itetyize)........../..~ ....................................................... 03.waL ul- 7L/~e- - iJ.wi+.r /~-a- s~.~G . o /'. .......................... Machinery certificates of indebtedness ...........................................................:. Special District Lo ns (show of dis 'M). .....,,. :......... ~ay!~] ~ y~ . ....... ~ _ ....:.................... I... $. ''... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .~... ... .... .... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... :... ... .... .... e ... .... .... ... ... J.... ... ... .... ~ .... .... .... .... ... ...r ... ... ... e ... ... ... ... $. ... ... ... ... ... .... Total temporary loans ............................................................................ Total special distriM ]oans ..................................................................:.. . .. ... .. .. .... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... .... . . . . .... ... ... .... .. .. .'a .. ... o .... ... ... .... TOTAL TOWN INDEBTEDNESS .......................:.....:......... .... .. .... ... ... .. .. .... . $ . .. .... .. ..° .°. .... Nors: Do not fail to report indebtedness. If general debt sinking fund exists report amount o same ere ......................._................_........................................ Z6 SPEQFIC INFORMATION ASSESS] COM] Assessed vnluation Real property, Franchises .... Total asst Pension props Total ...... Assessed vahratimt Real property, Franchises ..... Total asse Pension prope Total ....... Assessed valuation Real property, Franchises ..... Total asse Pension props Total ....... Assessed valuations Real property, Franchises ..... Total asse Pension props Total ....... Assessed valuatiau Real property, Franchises ...... Total asse; Pension propel Total ........ Total Average Amount of audited At the beginnir, At the close of Accounts due the tr (Describe fully Total ......... :D VALUATIONS FOR LAST FIVE 'LETED ASSESSMENT ROLLS r year ending Dcr. 31, 19tfcf subject to general taxation ...................................... 2 $........ 8 9' ... o / ~ ~ ..................................................................................... .......... 9~ ........... 6 8 ............ :ssed valuations, subjeM to general taxation.......... $. ~~ ....... 'f' 9 ! ........... b 9S ............ .. , sty mar ed exempt' .............................................. ........... ....b. ~ 3 ~ ............ .................................................................................... ........... .......... ............ $.?... .~~...... .9Qs year ending Dec. 31, 19 ~~ subject to general taxation ...................................... $..z.(.. ~.~ 9. .9,3 ~ ..................................................................................... ........... ~:.~... ..~.9./.. ssed valuations, subject to general taxation.......... . .. Z. ~ . `?~ 7 .. it 2 pry marked "exempt" ................................................ $......... .... .... b.q ........... ..~. ..................................................................................... ........... ....:.. ~.... S!f 6 ! 7 6. year ending Dec. 31, 19 ~{6 subject to general taxation ...................................... 2 3 ......... 8'8 ........... rho.. ..... .................................................................................... ........... .(n.8'.f .. 0 8 .......... ssed valuations, subject to general taxation.......... ..~.;~ s ..7... ........'. ty marked "exempt" .............................. .................. .......... ..._f'.s ..~`~ ..... ........:...............................................................~..........: ........... ........... ............ $..2.. .6:3G G7 year ending Dec. 31, 19 ~7 subject to general taxation ...................................... ...2,, ,,Z.T ... ~e 3 J ... .................................................................................... ........... ..7..y... ......... ..3.9..1.. ;sect valuations, subjeM to general taxation.......... . ~..`!! .. b ~ ~ •ty marked ••exempY' .............................................. .......... „ . , .....~.s. „ , ,., ..~('.... ...................................................................................: ........... ........... ............ $. z~ c.:'~.. .8.9...1. year ending Dec. 31, 19 ~b subjeM to general taxation ...................................... ...2 ... V 3 ....... / 9 ~ ................................................................................... .......... .. 7 6 .......... ............ J"o ......... . ssed valuations, subject to general taxation.......:.. „ZS y.v 3 ... 7 v .. ty marked "exemPY~ .............................................. .. ......... s'~ ........ . ......... .'.?:y.rl. ................................................................................... ........... ........... ............ $...2.. . ~9... .!. `~.. ................................................................................... ........... ........... ........... $.12... .z.7..~ .$ (divide by 5) .......................................................... ............ .......... ........... $..2 . o S. ..~.7. accounts outstanding and unpaid: g of the year ............................................................ ... e year ...................................................................... ........... . ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... um, uncollected at the close of the year: 1 ...... ........... 27 f_. r r VERIFICATION ~I'A NE~1G YORK ... ..... ..... County of ...... ...... .. :... .. ss.: Town of .......................................................................... ~oZ+,waw ~' !~~ ,being duly sworn, deposes and says that ......................... ,,, N. Y. he rraides at .................lc~Gr.!;-... v'e-~ . ................................. ............ ,that he is the supervisor of the town o ......~5 . ~'.:e.`.1'........, in the county of...... .~~' and that the foregoing. report is a tme and correct statement of the moneys received and paid out by him as supervisor of the said 'town for the fiscal year ended December 31, 194.31....., and that this report agrees with the official records kept by him. ....~.....~..a-~:... ~.:~~..°..~.:. Subscn'bed and s~orn.ta bore me thisl )} P. O. Address. ~/Zu:.~:~1 ~T~'r...~~ f .............. ..~'f.'.°..aay of... ...~:4.4.:n+s~y ts4..9... ~.~.a. Q P NOlOI) PMbtie. ELLA L. PHILLIPS ~-~-~--~,,,~~, NOTARY PUBLIC. SUFFOLK COUNTY,N.Y.No.3569 ~Y COMMISSION EXPIRES MA90p 90. 1950 C:[i ._e...._.-.n ;' ~._ January 3, 1949 ~ormari ~;. K1iPP, .,upervlsor Coin of Southold iSresnport, ilnu York ilear sir: r hereLy certii'y that the followinK is a correct list of the accounts and balances oY the 3upervisar, 's`own- of Southold, ts+~v York, as of ~leasmber S1, 1948: :~lorman `r;. Klipp, [[:,rman E. Klipp, "dorman F. Klipp, 'Vormr~n E~. Klipp, Ftorman E. K1iPP. ":Sora~an F°. K1ipP, '"lorman ~. K1ipp, :orman ?~. Klipp, 3upr., upr. , Supr., 3upr., Supr., >upr., Supr., 'Pawn o Supr., Supr., .'fishers island s~erry Jia- i'iahers island k%arry is- trict ?tact. ..:? - 56,145.50`•" 'teneral Fund - X558,078.55 •' F[if,hway Aoct. - ~ 4,412.68, Public Ttielfare Account X17,121.39 V school Tax Acct - 135,176.02 `~ Ralp`cx c;ox, Rec. of Taxes f Southnld - 36,089.57 far 3cand Acct. - 42.65 r'rit~eholuins, Tax ?.acount - 470.01- Y/'ours/ v/~r~y t~:jru~ly r. }[. 'tAv'r:ETT Cashier .• . TELEPHONE 36 SAFEDEDOSIT BOXES FOR RENT ~~°~. The Peoples National Bank WIM411 ° '°'°°° Greenport, Long Island, N. Y. „e„w~, Iwgw~NQ PoIIYW F'FJw:iLII. RFSF:RV6 q G.9PNw 9VBT6M WV' FLOYD F. KING. PwewwJENT •'~[MBEa~ IRVINE L. PRICE, VICE Pw [sloe NT •N° CAwNIER HENRY C. BUNCE, Ae6T. CwewlEw .Tartea~zy 3. 199. itare~sn ]t. I~1lnp, !3npextisoz, Towp of €ionthold, 1F. 7., tizee~sozt, lY. X. Aaar S1zt 'Phi• is to eertity that at the aloes of baeiness Deoea~er 31t lit! thew wss on derosit trx tke ezerlit o! the Town of ~axshold, !t. Y. as follows: ?own of a3ottthold, ~, Y., !ilp~hway aooovRt, ~6,il22.~'~ Town of slDOthold, 4i. Y., sires ,xoeotirtt, x,226.78 ~ Town of ~ontQOid, E. Y., Tsnetee ~tococ®t, 1,~h5.29 as showft on the boolte of The Pec>ple• lYablonel t3ant of S3reeneozt, lFew Tost. Yours very truly, (In tziplioste ) ttaehiez. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CUTCHOGUE CLARENCE C. FLEET. PPEBIO [NT RALPH W. 6TER LIN O. VICI PR¢BIOEXT I RAYM ONO E. TVTHIL L~ CABNI6R GEORGE G. TERRY. VICE PR6 BIOaNT L. MON LFELO. ABeIe TANT WBNIeP CUTCHOGUE, N. Y. 3snuary 3, 1949. Jar. liormaa E. 1Clipp, supervisor, Greenport, ti. Y. Dear sire This is to caLtify that at the close of business December 31, 191,8, there •as a talance in Chia bank to yoyr credit in the amount of =13,359..67. Very t~ruly~yo~urs,,/, R. E. Tuthill Cashier THE MATTITUGK NATIONAL BANK DDRIS p.REEVE, ASS1.Gsmee AND TRUST COMPANY MATTITUCK, L.I., N. Y. Deoes~ber 31~19~+8 To •hom It star Coaeern~ fhia is to oertity that at the oloae of bwiaesa Iloreaa ~. 1[lipp Suuppervisor had o~- deposit with Chia Hoak the aus- o~ =15,36.41 in the Osaeral !raid. ~/e2'~ tP12~y pOUra ~ ~I-tA~ ~~ ~`.~-2y`~ "aa't Cashier HCW4RD a. TYTNILL. P[c[ip[ui •V W `~ a (VICE PR 6[~p[NT• E. ERNE9T BDISSEAII RICNgRC T. MERWIN. CARXI[R OECROE C. TERRY. COYNeR BANK OF 50UTHOLD SDIJTHOLD, N. Y. H©raan E.1Qiy~,Ea • Snpsrvlsor,Town of ~toatholdy areenport~ 11.?. HELEN E. UNTO N, gaa•i Ci.[Ni[• Taut~ary ~ ~ 1949 Dear Sirt Your balance in li~f.s berilc~at the close of basinsss on Deeeaber 31,194!! was ~6r113.S4 Xours were truly, Cashier ADDR[[t ALL COMNUNICATIONB TO TN6 Dt~ARTM[NT FRANK C. MOORE STATE OF NEW YORK STATE COMPTROLLER DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY iN R[M1YINO RiPtft TO Torn of Southold - W-3 28 January 1949 Mr. 16orman E. S1iPp Supe~isor Greanport, Nax York Dear Mr. &lipp: yany thanks for your prompt snd satiafaatory reply to my inquiry oP the 24th instant. The ohanges have been made in your 1948 report. Yours vory truly EDWARD D. SIEtdER Deputy Comptroller p ByFrankiJ~~'~~^ CWL ~ Director of Municipal Statistics ~- --~ AppRlg8 ALL COMMUNICATIO NB TO TN! DLPARTMCNT l h ~' FRANK C. MOORE STATE COMPTROLLER STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY IM R[PLYINO R[P!R TO ToTm of Southold - ~_3 24 January 1949 I~'• Norman J, K1iPP Supervisor wreenport, New York Dear Twlr. Klipp; In auditing your 1948 report it has been noted that you entered a loan of rY3,500.00 among the receipts of the Park District. Comparing the outstanding indebtedness of this District for 1947 attd 1948, I find as follows: Park District Bonds Outstanding Dec.3 ,1947 (pg,28 Outstandin Dec.31 1948 ) X20,000.00 (1) Paid 1948 (pg.23) ~ (Pg'26) 18,000.00 ,000.00 If the :3,500.00 above is considered a loan, the following results: Park District Bonds Outstanding Dec.31,1947 (pg,2g) (2) Issued 1948 (pg,lp) w20,000.00 Total 3,500.00 Outstanding Dec.31,1948 w23,500.00 Paid 18,000.OG (1) Paid 1948 (above) 5,500.00 (2) Difference 2,000.00 3,500.00 Kindly review the above and advise me. Yours very truly F,D1YARu D. SIEie:F,P Deputy Comptroller By ~jl„GZ(,v~" C1YL:9T Frank J. Corr, r. Director of I,:unicipal Statistics January 87, 1849 Department of audit & Control In Re: Albany, Res York Town of Southold laM3 attention: ter. Frank J. Corr, Jr. Direotor of Munioipal gtatlstios Dear tar. Corns Nith reference to your letter of January 84, 1949, sill you kindly make the following aorreatioas in the annual Report of the Supervisor of the Iowa of Southold, County of Suffolk, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1948. Page 23, under I~ttituck Part District under principal on temporary loans, enter the amount of Thirty-five Hundred Dollars (~3b00.); under taws Paid to the Tzeasurer of the District, enter the amount of Thirty-five Hundred tsentp--four Dollars and Thirty-six Cents ($3524.36). Page 26 under Special Dist riot Loans, enter yattitnok Park Dlstrio~ Capital Note rate of interest .018 the amount of Thirty - five Hundred Dollazs 03600•); under total temporary loans enter the amount of Twenty-three thousand Five Hundred Dollars (533,600.); and, under total torn indebtedness the amount of Sizty-five Thousanfl Five Rundred Dollars (585,b00.)• I am in hopes the above sill clarify the matter of the Thirty-five Hundred Dollars (53500.) loan referred to la your letter. Very truly yours, Borman E. K11FP H~:t1 Supervisor OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOLITHOLD NORMAN E. KLIPP SUPERVISOR GREENPORT, N. Y TELEPHONE GREENPORT 55G essessed valuations ;,*ear ending December 31, 1943. Real oronerty subject to general taxation. ~24~639,195• Franck:ises 764,507. Pension nroo~rty marked "~xemDt" 89,445.- "__:r• Booth; dJill you please fill ir_ the amounts of assessed valuations as noted above. ~~e have to have same for our annual. report to the Cor.^ptroller. A ~.C.G a.r c'.. ~~ ~BA1, PJAH 2~ ~ ~ 7 PM 1949 THIS SIDE ,~FCARD IS FOR ADDRESS - / ~ ~ DEPARTMENT OFOAODITAAND CONTROL Division of Municipal APPaira Thank you for your annual fin~anpcial report Por the fiscal year ending in 19-~.-Q, ~ Your cooperation is appreciated. ,.~--~ _ - Very_truly yours - Frank C Moore per:.... .,4/ ....... /~ai/~9 FIN6NCI4L REPORT OS TH$ $IIPERVISOR OF THE TO111T OP 80U1'HOLD, N. Y. From December 31, 1947, to Droember 31, 1948 General Fund Receipt • Reo'd a a a M n a a a a M N N a a M M N a a M a M a a from 9.11. Horton, guperviror, Bslanoe Deo 31/47 a Reoeiver M M N a a National a State Coy a a M a of Tazes a a Memorial De-y Observance a a Penalties Housing 4genoy, In iiest of tracer n~trollsr, Local •salatanos Fixes a Fees " County Treasurer, Franchise Tsx a a a Kortgage.Tax a a a Dog ~,;oenseb " Town Clerk, Fees a a a Reporting delinquent dog owaere for 8oathol•~! T•owa Aeoords from gYSessors ~ DOg Lioease.Fees. a Licenses for Bus H"lanohise l8011~.07 3046b.00 300.00 1844.11 18b.80 41693.33 394.00 334.48 1883.17 77a~.ab 837.14 854.36 4.35 88c:b4 ~i 40.00 30.00 b0.00 Rent for Polling ~laoe from Fishers Island Ferry Dist riot (1947 bills pa~Q for Ferry Dist.) a Insurance Co. - Fire lose on Polioe Oar for Old 4ddrassogrsph a Oonoe.aloa, Town Beach from Ysttituok High School, Youth Pro~ram " Southold High School, a 9ta1;e of New York, Reimmbursement Youth Program Disbursements. paid 5.11.. Roston,:~x Supervisor, SaLsy a Borman E. Y1~PPr Supervisor, Salary Supervisor's Expenses 3 Sup1s11es a Rent for Supervisor's Ofiioe " Olerk for Supervisor, Salary " Junior Clark, Salary- " Town 4ttorney,.8slary, a Town "Olerk, 8a-1ar'y a Town Olerk~s ~ eater 8 Supplier a Registrar of Vital Ststistias, Salary a for vital ~tatstios a Rent for Town Offices a Expenser ~ $upplles, Town Offices a Justices of Peace, Salaries a N M M Facpenses d Supplies a Expenses of Town Board a Doer to ~isooiation of Tower a nrsesrors, $alarie• a a Ezpensas ~ 8upplios a for Addressograph 1[sohine a Clerk for 4ssessor• a for Taz Sheets ^ for Labor On Tax Y8p a Junior $teaographer Salary a Reoeiver of Taxes, ~alaryr a a . a Expenses d Supplies a Clerks for Reoeiver of Taxss a Polioe Patrolmen, Constable, Salaries a a a Expenses d Supplier a -Nor Polioe Cars " Special Traffic 4fiicers- a Sot Polioe Telephone a Natal~men 386.83 18~ 40 35.00 150.00 300.00. $18.00 333.37 3666.83 813.31 430.00 1788.70 848.00 1100.:00 aooo.oo 750.71 766.80 17.7b 1300.00 84b.86 6ooa.oo 388. a7. 100.8 b4.00 7380.00 817.08 a377.bo 88x.70 83x.50 $00.00 1783.33 1600.00 aoa.3o 1403.00 13707.00 4508.16 1960.94 r ..:.__ .. j#187883.70 315. 1878.00 Y ` _~ Air~buiCe~e~rent ~. Paid Junior Clerk, Police Dent. " Town Trustees " Attendance.Officer, Salary ; " 9t ate Comptroller, State Retirement " for Printing sad Advertising " Premiums on Bonds " Pre411ums on Insurance " for Care of Dump. " for material & erection of Fenae (Dump) " Reggair~ & 8xpenses, Rows Property " Balance for Sound Property " Sxpense bills, Highway Department " American Legion Poat (1847) " .American Legion Posts (1948) " Catholic War Veterans " Veterans of yoreign Ylaro " for Memorial Day Observance " Cemetery Tax " Veterinary Services " Lie Ruard Services " fo Youth program, Southold 3ohool " for Youth Program, ltattituok School Dec. 31/48 Balance on hand ~ 598.80 55.00 800.00 4802.00 .340.76 193.0? 7124.93 1304.00 1417.00 6441.57 4357.88. 291.yi0 200.00 800Od aoo.ao .200.00 200.QO 821.80 3 1 ~ $3342.27 ~ 74b41.43 -3- 60UTHOLD LIGHT D13TRIOT Reoeipte. Reo~d . from Reoeiver of Taxes ~ ~ $858.56 Disbursements. Deo.. 31/47 Aooount overdrawn $ ?'i.l$ Paid IAng Island Lighting Oo. 6 48 8333.60 Deo. 31/48 Aooount overdrawn 75.04 SOUTHOLD FIRBC DISTRICT . Reoeipte. Reo~d from 9•W. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo. 31/47 $ 135..68 " " Reoeiver, of Taast' 80878+53 ; X808.81 Disbursements. Paid Southold Fire Dist riot 850.00 Deo. 31/48 Balance on hand .8 60UTHOLD PARK DISTRICT Reoeipte. Reo~d from g.W. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ 73.8$ " " Reoeiver of TazN 3 34.01 ~ 3807.93 Disbursements. Paid Southold park District 3500.00 Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on Hand 107.83 ORIENT LI(~T DISTRICT Reoeipte. Recd from S.Yf. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ 44.a8 " " Reoeiver of Taxes 113T.~1 = 118$.80 Disbursements Paid Long Island Lighting Oo. 1~151.t~58 Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on hand 30.61 ORIENT FIRiG DIBTRIOT Reoeipte. Reo~d from B.W. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 ~ `'` 84.04 " " Reoeiver of Taxes 3008.:87 ~ 3033.81 Disbursements. Paid Orient Fire Dist riot 3000.00 Deo 31/48 Balance on hand- 33.81 ORIENT HOSQUITO DISTRICT Receipts. Reo~d from S. W. Rorton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ 10.43 " N Receiver of Taxes a01 .65 ~ 8086.08 Disbursements. Paid Orient Mosquito Dist riot 8000.00 Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on hand 86.08 PEOONIO LIGHT DISTRICT Reoeipte. Redd from $.W. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/4? ~ 7Q.0$ " " Reoeiver of razes .3 t 1558.35 Disbursement R. Paid Loag Island Lighting Co. 1487.5$ Deo 31/48 Balanoe on hand. 70.83 _y~ BAST L`ARIOH LIGHT DISTAIOT Receipt®. Reo'd Prom B•W. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ " " Reoeiver of Taxes Faid Long 2aland Lighting Oo. Dea. 31/48 Balance on hand Disbursements. Ol i BbST MARION lIR$ DI3TRIOT Receipt i4. ~~~ Recd from S.W. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ 30.8$ " " Receiver oP Taxes a508.7~8 ' ~~~ Disburseesent s. Paid Bast Marian lire Diatriot Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on hand OUTOF#OGU9C -LIGHT DISTRIO? Reaeipte. Reo'd[ Prom 9.ti9. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 " " Receiver oP ?axos Disbursements. Paid Long Island Lighting Co. Deo: 31/48 Balanoe on hand OUTO$OGUE FTRB DISTRICT Reoeipts: ReQ'd from S:YY: Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 " " Reoeiver of ?axes Paid Cutohogue lire Dist riot Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on hand Disbursements. ~ 46.58 a5Q3.41 ~ 50.54 11758,33 # 1143.34 lloa. a 40.80 8540.58 ab00.00 40.68 ~ abb0.00 a49T.44 6x.58 ~11810.3T 117x5.00 85.37 YATTITUCK LIGHT DISTRIOT N0. 1 Reoeipts. Reo'd Prom S.yP. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ 107.60 " " Receiver oP Taxes 3030. = 3137.65 Disbursements. Paid Long Island Lighting Oo. 304b.33~ Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on hand 9$.Sa HATTITUOL LIGIiT DISTRIOT N0. a $eoeipte. Redd Prom S.N. Hortoa, Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ 43.$8 " " Reoeiver oP Tazas 510.ab ~ 553.93 Disbursements. paid Long Island Lighting Co. 7.4 Deo. 31/48 Balanoe on hand 5 ]IATTITUOK IIRB DISTRICT Reoeipts. Reo'd from Reoeiver oP Taxes ~11000.Od Disbursements. Paid i[attituok lire District 11000.E 1[AT2ITUOK PARK DISTRICT Receipts. Reo'd from Reoeiver oP Taxes = 8004.38 " " Bret Rational Bank, Note 3500.00 ~ 9504.36 Disbursements. Paid llattituok part Dist riot 70x4.36 " Bonds $000.00 $ Interest on Bonds 480.00 = 9504.38 -6- FISHSRS IBLAHD LiaHT Reoeipt.. Reo~d from 9.11. Horton, Supervisor, Balanoa " " Reoeiver of Tazes Dlsburaementa. Paid Fishers Island ffileotria Corp. Heo 31/48 Balanoe on hand DISTRICT Deo 31/47 ~ 69 6 ~ 1773.34 9. 3. 61 ~ = 8674.74 8 :00 FISHWRB ISL4ND FIRE DIBTRIOT Reoeipts. Reo~d from S. W. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 ~ " " Reoeiver of Tazes Disbursements. Paid ~'lahera Island Fire Diatriot.. Deo 31/46 Balance on hand H- 1F- (iREE11PORT ,;TIRE PROTIDQPION DISTRICT Aso eipt a. Reo~d from $,_~: ~~~~ Supervisor, Halanoe'Deo 31/47 ~ X78.11 " " Reoeiver of Tazea 4478.19 " " Houaing'A Hone Finaaoe Agency In Lieu of Tazpe-; .00 Diaburs~errt a. Paid Village of Qreenport, FSre Departmernt ~ a$~ :Hpp " Village of (ireenport, Water Department 6, b Deo 31/48 Halanae on hand TOWIi IHOItigRATOR OPRRATIOit Receipts. Reo~d Isom S.1P. Horton, $uperviaor, Balance, Deo 31/47 Disbursements. Dea 31/48 Balance on hand ~ 491b.30 ~ 4488.86 i 3000.00 FISHERS ISLAWD FHRRY DISTRICT Receipts. AOOOUNT ~1 Reo~d from Reoeiver of Tazea X10013.08 " Transfer from F.I. Ferry Dist riot Account {Itd 3000.00 X13013.02 ._.~~_ Disbursements. Paid Oomoniasionera, $ervioes # 960,,.00 " Premiun on Sond 8,00 " for Labor, ataterial de Supplies 251.20 " " Legal Ser~ioes 2000,00 Transfer to Oensral 1'tmd, 1847 Hills ~.g~ " " Fishers Island Ferry Dist., Account 1}~ 8 .00 ;120 Deo 31/48 Halanoe os hand ~~9~7~ FISHERS IBLA)iD FERRIC DISTRICT AOOOII9T ~/$ Receipts Reo ~d from Fishers Island Ferry Diatriot ~8T888.73 " Transfer from Fishers Island Ferry Diatriot Aoat.~41. 0 ,96188.73 Disbursements.. Paid for Operatics of Ferry as per Contract X81551.03 " " Charter of Y/Y Xankee 800,Q0 " " Salaries 8 Wages 9278.7b " Oommisaioners, Services 73p,p0 " Federal Transportation Tazea 3418»66 , " for Yai1 Haulage 788.87... " Pre®luia on Inaursnoe A Honda 79H5.6p " for $quipment, Printing a Supplies 19&1,88 " ~ M Labor de lfat erial 585. ti71 " " Claims Ee Damages 48..66 " " Telephone Services 189.03 " Petty Cash Fund 40. 00 ranafer to Fiahera Island Ferry Diatriot Aeoount / . ~1 00.00. 8 8 .87 eo 31 48 Dalaaoe on hand . _~ - .. PUBLIQ WSLFeRE ACCOUNT Reoeiptq. '" Reo~ d from S. W. Horton, Supersisor,Baleaoe Deo 31/47 X24113.01 ". ~ Oounty Treasu7cer, Reimbursements 8810.48 ". " Individual Reimburaeaents 298.20 " " Raids made by Polioe OfYioers A Polioe Justine 114.47 " " Federal Sooial 9eourity Agenoy, Burial Wspense 85.00 X33869.18 Disbursements. Paid Welfare OYYiaer, Salary 1800.00 " Welfare Ofiioer, Yor Home RelieY 13368.43 " .Welfare Offioer, Resolving Fund 1000..00 " ~OYYioe and other expenses 531.34 " Burial Sxpenses 250.00 187 37,~77 Deo 31/48 Balance on head ~ 1712E 39 LIBRARY ACCOUNT Reoeipte. Rea d from Raoeiver oY Taxes ~ 7600.00 Disbursements. Paid Fishers Island Library ~ 982.b8 " p'loyd I[emorial Library 8809.08: " Southold Library 1628.89 " Cutohogue Library 1228..36 " YattituoY Library 147 .14 ~ 7b00«00 SURPLUS ACCOUNT Reoeipte. Rea d from B.W. Horton, Supersisor, Balance Deo 31/47 8238.7.8 Disbursements. __ p,_~, Deo 31/48 Halanoe on hand TOWN TRUST NEB ACCOUNT .Reoeipte. Reo'd from Town Trustees Disbursements Paid Yor Labor and &xpense, Transplanting seallops Deo 31/48 Balance on hand Reo'd Srom S.W~ Horton " " 1947 Wasrea~ " " 1948 Warrant TOWN TA7C 1LON~i Reoeip~a.' Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 Disbursements. Tzansferred to Sohool Taz Aooount 1947. Asrrant " " Fize Distriots " " " " Light Distsiots " " " " Bark Dist riots " " " " Mosquito District " "; " " Fishers island Ferry Distriot1847 " " Library Account 1917- •arsant " " tieneral Account " ~"' " " Sigbway pooount " ". " "' Machinery Account " " " " Miscellaneous Aicouyct " " " County Treasures " - ~ "'. " " Ciensral Account" Penalties " " " 8ohool Taz Aaoount 1848 Iiar~ant Deo 31/48 Halanoe on hand ,,, ~ 1558.8T 317.88 1242.09 ~ 61760.84 45b773.41 476089.57 X983613.82 ~ 8190Si.10 899$4.78 138~9 .49 9638.a7 4016.86 Warrant 10013.Oti 7aoo.oo 77000.00 y. X887624.26 . 98~ 089.6"°/ Reo~d from $. W. Horton, a • 1947 1Parrant " ~ 1948 Warrant _~ BCHOO~L TAZ A0g0UR? aeoeipta. Supervisor, Balanoe Deo 31/47 ~ Disbursements. Paid TreN surer N f SoN ool Disc riot, 194' `Narrant 1948 Ilarrant Deo 31/48 Balaaoe on hand HIOHW~Y TURD Reoeipts.- Reo'd from S•W. Horton, Supervisor, Balsnoe Deo 31/47 ° " Receiver of T azes r in Lien of Tazes r from County Treasurer, State 61d Disbursements. Paid for Repairs de Improvement of Highwayr Deo 31/48 Balance on hand HRIDaE PUHD Reoeipts Reo~d from S.W. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 Disbursements. Paid for Repair & Ysintenanoe of Bridges Deo 31/48 Balance on hand ~~aooo:oµo 19b.80 YACHIR&RY PUIfD Reoeiptw Reo'd from $•W. Hostoa, Supervisor, Balaxies De-e 31/47 ~ " " Receiver bf Tazes o " Second Hand Trucks Oounty Treasurer, Reimbursement'Snow Removal " for Repairs to Highway Sooo~ _ Disbursements. Paad Obligations for 3isohinsry & Interest for Ysohinery, Tools a Implements M M Repair of Yaahlnery, Tools de Implements Deo 31/48 Balance on hand ldIS0ELL4RT0US TURD Reoeipts 81 Reo'd from 8. W. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 ~ ab30.8a ' " Receiver of Taxes 18000.00 " Yattituok Rational Bank 8 Trust Oo $udget Rotefi0000.00 • " Oounty Treasurer, Snow Removal 1817.19 " Return Premium, Inauranos a7•so Disbursements. Pa1d for Snow Removal ~~~• Yisoellaneous Parnoser 4~• " Town Superintendent., Salary 3998. " Szpensee, Town Superintendent 510.. Deputy Town Superintendent, Salary ~BQQ, Junior 01esY, 8aiary Deo 31/48 Balance on hand HII}FIIPAY 1[QCRIN3RT - SPBOIAL ACCOUNT Receipts. Read from 1[attitnak Nat'1 BanY A Trust Oo fonds ` .'''-~ X144717.04 ~4 .89 X98103.48 ~8. ~ '"~i~/ 7 . 8 ~ 786.86 7.80 7b8.8b ~4aaos.oa 9 .9„~ 3048.07 ~4038b.81 811 . 816000.00 DiAburaement s. paid on Aooount Snow Plow .,,••~~ l -$- WITHHOLDIAG Tp7I p00OUliT 8eoeipts Recd from Payroll Deductions Disbursements Paid lithholding Taz Deo 31/48 Balance on hand U. 9 • GOAD p000tlAT Receipt Reo'd from 9. w. Horton, Supervisor, Balance Deo 31/47 " " Payroll paduotions • Disbursements. paid for U• 8. War Savings Bonds Deo 31/48 Balance on haffi. ~pLpAass General: poaoun# Southold Fire Distriot Southold Park Distriot Orient J,ght Distriot Orleat Fire Distriot Orient Yoaquito Distriot Peccnio Light Distriot East Marion Light Distriot Ee-st Yaroa l#xe Distriot Outohogue Light Distriot Qutahogea Fire Distriot Yattituok Light Distriot lto. 1 Yattituok Light Distriot Ao• 4 Fishers Island Light Distriot Fishers xsL~d'Fire Distriot E. iY. Grsmnpost Fite Protection Distriot Town Incinerator Operation v Southold Light Distriot Overdrawn Fishers Is]snd Ferry gistrict pooount t-1 Fishers Island Ferry Distriot pooount 88 Public Welfare-pocount Surplus pooomst Town Trustees Aoootimt Town Tax pooount School Taz poconnt Highway Fend Bridge land Machinery Fuffi Yisoellaneous Fund withholding Tas pocount U. S. Bond 4ooount pbliggaations Of the TO11A Bonds - Yattituck park Distriot Equipaent Bondr~ Machinery Fund Bonds - Yaohinary Fundy Speole-l Account Budget Dote - 8aow Re~cozal ~s. # 7784.9!6. 7344'.84 47 K:.~ ~454.~a• 33.81 48.48-- 9b8i • 40.90 . 40.86: as Ra . i r.p.:o ...74.74 448.65 ~l' ~80vo: ca0 9000.00 83000.00 ~ 458.15 41~.b0 44.sa 976fi4~8.1Q 24. b8 588.46 29L42.3g. 84li~b ~ 76 . z~:©a . 9808957 18776.15 X4504.18 470•.01 44.85 1 _ __ ___ -e- State. of ltew .York Oouuty of Suffolk SS. .Town of Southold ]iceman ~. Blipp beiag duly sworn, deposes and says that he residse at Cireenport, N. Y., thst he is the supervisor of the Town of Southold, in the Co~a4y of Suffolk, and that the foregoing zeport is a true and correct statement of the moneys received sad paid out by him as Supexvisor of the said Towa of Southold, sad that this report agrees with the official records kept by him. Supervisor. Subscribed and sworn to bstore me this ~~ day o! .l~C.au.c.G~t~ 1848. .l,.e.a. ~ U ZcD.a.1.G,~(.. Notary Public. ., ELU1 L. PHILLIPS NOTARY PUBLIC; SUFFOLH COUNTY,N,V.Na.1554 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 'A, 1950 <wa