HomeMy WebLinkAbout33893-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-33166 Date: 07/22/08 THIS CERTIFIES that the building SERVICE OR GAS STATION Location Of Property: 28975 MAZN RD CUTCHOGUE (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Nap No. 473889 Section 102 Block 5 Lot 26 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated MAY 6, 2008 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 33893-Z dated MAY 13, 2008 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING TANKS TO AN EXISTING GAS STATION AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to REALTY CORP 808 (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SIIFPOLR COONTY DEPARTMENT OF HEAI,TA APPROVAL 13668 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 07/21/08 8315 07/18/08 PLDMIDSRS CERTIFICATION DATBD V~ ~~/l ~ Authorized Signature Rev. 1/81 87-tB-i?~9 09: q5 50.1THDLD 6UILDLNG CEPT 16317659582 PHGE3 fmm No.6 TOWN 06 SOVTHOLI~ Ili'R.DI.Kf; 11RPARTMEN'1 ranr HALL. 7es-lenx APTI,ICA'1'InN YnR ('Rlt'1'llrl<'AI'1': Qf M'f.liTn'VCY 'I'bis ;gtltltcation nxrsr i,e tilled in ny tyltewriler ar ink and nrbmrttrd In tale futild ma !•)c•p.rnrnr m with the fo; lrlving For urw bnitdLrg or nrw usr: ! final survey M property with accurate lceation of :dl huildtnus prerpctt~~ Imes, su rety, and a x,~unl neutral nr Ilr(u,t;r;rphia•. (i:nlurv5. 2. Final Apsrovel from Hctrph 1>uln of w~tcrsupply and stsvmnFC•dis)rnsxl (~ 9 Bain). ? Ahpn,valofelectricalinstnllationfrwnHoxrdofFin+ll»du,+'nicrs q. Sworn state:mtrlt from phml6er crltitying th»t the e,dJ,~r n.crl in <ysl r:» cnntnins less tha» 2/10 ul' Ny(, trod 5. l'Olmnetx:i»1 buildinc, inJu.e,Hl F„uldin@ nxthiplt Itsldencr. nlnl .Nmilar hrd4Gnga xml incutllahons. a cnTifitate of Code t'nmplianct fmm :nrhitcct or ct:giltl:e.r rs}u,nJ611: Gri ILu A~,iA!i ug. 1. Subnut 1'IaTatinc Hu:ml npprovsl ~d con:plred site )>1nn rrqutrcmcnts Q. Tor ecisting buildings (prior u. April 9, 1957) uno-confmtmiug ascs. o. bnddinL;+ n,rJ °prt-rt,irtraX • InndoseJ: { Accurate surrey o(prlnc~rlp::hrro-iut;:ill properly I»Irs, snteu, hud,liu:uxl unu..unl nnnrnd nr Iopugraphic Half llrl.;t 2. :\ pr nlxrlr congaeled application :Ind cuttsl:nl to in.pat ann-I hi~ tfu nlgilirnut II x Crttilitatc of Axup.utcy i:: Aanaxl, thr Ruddmg. Inspectr~r shall slate. ti;c masau, rh.:-::fur in l,'rtnnp u, the applicant C. Fcrs ). tS:rl rticni., nl'<lavpaney Ncl,~d+ve'I~.ni ~i2S 011, AAdit ions t„dt, cllinc 5?$.OO. :~Iternuum: la: dlvJlhp; x~i.pn, Strinunin~)ti+cl Y25,00 ,\vcu~..nrylruillliu;! A1S tltl. AcfJiri:,w: u.alcc!s,ny irlclJinfc 55,nu, Husi+xs.esSSU.UU. ?. Crltifi~'nlr of l]csnlr+nr) nn I'rc csi ~thig UuilJiug - EIfNt M) ?. CCh7y of t'a'rt diunta•uf(N•rnry+nrg -'~~: ~. l)pd:nc.l ('clli~catr nf(kcup:mr.- 5;i(LLtO S ~~lgnpuru'v ('~lrtdiealy Oft )cellpa!Ia„ ~ I(r5lrll'7111u1 XI S.l)p. ('Clnlltlltfi'1:11 Xl S.fl(i I,rn,. ~ ~6~~~ New (':m „u ucli, m' f)Id or Prc-cxtsl/m~t: Nnildin}1,;~ ~ (check mt:.) [,ocatio» of Pr„pe,ty. ~ -! 7`~_ /('~~ /K) /~-~ .tJepcs~.. ~ ~ ?"C \ ~U rz-,~_ o C r ( ~' - 1-lot.'.c No ~/y~ ~itilla:cr T~ Ilundct (hvncr nr (hrners of Proprrt)': 6:'~r~ _ ~L\ ~ L~_ ~~ r ---~ yufGdk t`•xntlg'1'ax Map Nr, ItNl/l, Surnon _LOL Hlock J LnI Y~ Srrh,ltwsuat _ ( rt FllcdMat,. p /~ ~~~((jjj~~, n I.or Pcnnit NO. ~ ~ 8 ~ 3 ? C)~rtc al^n n~.ily-I I ~~ Iv~._ :11,I:~iCdllr I~~17 ~- 1"I \._~ Hc:Jgr L)r;pt Approval'. _~~~_ / -,1~ ~~1 htderwritac Approval- _~ /~ OId' /, ~ ~(/ Platvrin@ Board Approval: - . Re(µtest tot ferrryx~rnry('eltiti.::~lc Fnl;tt l'endicare' (check u,tt) Fee Subntiurcf' S _ ~~ ~ ~i/F/ ,G~~ ~~~~ ~-~_ A(trlaenr Silmxturc ~ ,u. z 3314 ,~~~~ ~%`~~~3 b'd [RHb-NHS-[F.9 .111 S[NHrISH9 F STUr1Sl Wr19S :f, Rflrt2 t[t rnf FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL, COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 33893 Z Date MAY 13, 2008 Permission is hereby granted to: REALTY CORP 808 PO BOX 1006 WESTHAMPTON,NY 11978 for ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING GAS STATION AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 28975 MAIN RD CUTCHOGUE County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 102 Block 0005 Lot No. 026 pursuant to application dated MAY 6, 2008 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on NOVEMBER 13, 2009. Fee $ 250.00 ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUII.DING DEPARTMENT TOWN~B:ALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoatholdTown.NorthFork.net BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or Deed dre following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval PERMIT NO. / ~ l T ~_ Ch~ Septic Focm N.Y.SDB.C. Examined ,20_ Approved 20~ Disapproved a/c Expiration , 20_ Flood Permit Storm-Water Assessment Fomr Contact: Mail to: Lahti Engineering k Rd Suite 212, Stony Brook NY 11790 wv,ne~ 751-6433 Building Ifispector~~_ ;APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMTT ~1FY 6 _ I Dated oL , 20 a8 INSTRUCTIONS 0 ~ a. '[~ja atigt%T~mPletely filled in by typewriter a• in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets•o~pTans,-accurnte plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be wmmenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughorrt the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been wmpleted within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the iruerim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Courrty, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the constrtaKion of buildings, additions, or attentions or for removal or demolition as herein described. Tbe applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and. to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Sigrr~ure of appl' t or name, if a corporation) Lahti Engineering 207 Hallock Rd Suite 212 Stony Brook,NY 11790 (Mailing address of applicaot) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Engineer Name of owner of premises 808 Realty Corp. If applicant is a corporation, signature of (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No._ Plumbers License No. _ Electricians License No._ Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: ~ag75 Route 25A Cutchogue House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 102 Block 5 Lot. Subdivision Filed Map No. (As on the tax roll or latest deed) ized officer 26 Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Service station; S-1 b. Intended use and occupancy Service station; S-1 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Ai Repair Removal Demolition Other (Description) 4. Estimated Cost $35 , 000 Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars anks 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. Service station 100% 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Heigh Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Reaz Depth Heght Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: From 176' Rear 173' Depth 10. Date of Purchase Nov 1989 Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 100' Robert Kull 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES_ NO X 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES_ NO X Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES X NO_ POB 1006 14. Names of Owner of premises 808 Realty CorpAddre~Westhampton Beachph~No_ 288-0281 Name of Architect William Lahti Address Stony Brook NY phone No 751-6433 Name ofConttactor Island Pump & Tank Corp Address 40 Dovle Ct Phone No. 462-2226 I S a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?'YES NO X • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? • YES NO X IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property?' YES NO X ' IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: CO[JNTYOF Suffol W i 11 i am J . Lahti being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicazd (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)Heisthe agent/engineer (Corrcractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner m owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work acrd to make and file this applicatice; that all statemecns contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Swom,~p before me this ,-~ ~ / day of ~+ ~ 20 ° Notary lic JDHN V. SODEriBEt70 Ntaery Pudb, Slma of NwY YoAc No. ~9355T/ DuaAfled In SuMdk r71,~ ~ Danmissbn Ebbw Jury ~~~ Signature o Applicant ~OF SOUTy / r • .~O ~'~OOUNiV N~ 'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 ;,, '~ 1 NSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]ROUGH PLBG. [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]INSULATION [ ]FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ]FINAL [ ]FIREPLACE 8~ CHIMNEY [~ FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ]FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: .w.-Gm'~I ~k•r~'~° 5~ ~'.~:> ~..a w ~ ~~ "tom:.-~l DATE ~ ~` ! ~ ._ t?d' .~~ -~ -~~ INSPECTOR FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DATE COMMENTS ro FOUNDATION 1ST) ~ x ---------------------------------- ~ C ~1 ~ FOUNDATION (2ND) z 0. 0 ~. ~ ~ ROUGH FRAMING & PLUMBING ~ y --- - x ----_-- - ----- --- ~~., "3 INSULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE v ''~ O l~ FINAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS O _ (o -'`'~ -O ~ 7-r~ s , ~ ~ o~ ~~t,~7Ci ~c vv~o /i v L,q-n~S D o~ ~ilf. ~~ ~ 808 R-t Cie(' - ni~t~ ~~s f~C-~.s 2 6-< O Z p 1 F1d f}S ~ m fo' 2l0 ~~ g~ AU P,~ - S4-W % J D 2AG IHt(N 33 ~ - 91 Pv ~.~r' ruESS ~ - ~N° ~ P~ e. s,-ev~ve,E ,4s~P \~ \ ~ .~ o z - -t~ 0: 8 or- ~ ~ c ~ ' b ~ y `t , Nassau Suffolk Electrical Inspections,Inc. P.O. Box 549, Aquebogue, New York ~ 11931 Te1:631-591-3097 Fax:631-591-3098 Application: 8315 Issued to: Sob Realty Corp. Address: 28975 Main Rd Village: Cutchogue Residential Date: 7/18/08 Introduced By: Major Electric License #: 2579-E , Commercial ~ The following was examined and approved up to the above date and found to be in compliance with the NEC: Attic 1" Floor ^D 2"° Floor 3rd Floor Garage Conversion Basement Hot Tub Addition Detached Carage Pool Switches Receptacle Fixtures G.F.I. Range HOOd Smoke Detectors 5 8 14 1 Fans Dishwasher Washer/Amps Dryer/Amps Oven Range/Amps Carbon Monoxide Pomace Oil Gas Heat Zones Whirlpool Bell Transformers Final Insp. Meter Amps Phase Motors 7/18/08 Other Equipment: 1 I-'ire Supression System 3-2Hp Submerged Pumps 3-Multi-Hose Gas Dispensers Tank Monitorin¢ System I-Hot Box For Water 8-LBD Fixtures 2-2>0 Watt Pole Fixtures ~~ Permit#: 33893 This certificate must not be altered in any manner 07/21/2000 15:43 6318542505 Interii;».:Permit to 4pe'rate Su£~'olk Countp ,Department of Health Services Humsyun J. ii" 1laudhry, DU,1N5 Commissioner Article Xl [Hazardous Mater1a1 Storage FACILITY REFERENCE 13668 Date of Issuance:.TITLY 21, 2008 SCHDS REGISTRATION #10-0040 Permit expires one year frnm SCDHS PLAN # IiM07-221R2 the Aate of Issuance" FACILITY NAME & ADDRESS: OWNER NAME & ADDRE8.9: METRO SERVICE STATION PETItOI.EUM 888 REALTY CORD RTR 25 MA1N'RD RTE 25 MAIN RD CUTCHOCUE NY 1I935 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 TANKS TANIC# VOLUME CONTENTS 13 20th GALLONS GASOLTNP. la 8000 GALLONS GASOLINE 15 12000 GALLONS OTRSEL PAGE 01 The above listed tank(s) have beon aF?ntved, inspcoted end built according to the requirements of Article Xll of the Suffolk County Sanitary Cc•Ic. This permh romaine valid as long as it is operated in accordanoo with its design controls and has iu enr;uel fee paid. The Department roaervos Uto right to revoke this permit if these candi6ons aro not met. In ad ilition, the operator of the facility gives the Department the right to inspect this inemllation nt any time tc vivify its operation in compliance with int permit design. Renewal permits will be received in the form o I' an annual bill. A copy of this perndt must be kept on display et the facility. The above fink(s) may be placed imn service provided that all necessary permitting, lnspectbn, and other regulatory requfremeabt of tor~,lt, village and ell other munkipalltke have been satietied. This inclutles, but is not limited to, meeting all local building cotle, zoning, and iIrc safety raquiremeeh. ISS SY: .r~J ward W. Olson Associate Public Health Sanitarian Otlicc of Pollution CAnttni Permit Administrator 87-21-2008 15:42 SDUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT 16317659502 PAGE1 May. 20, 2008 4:02PM ISLAND PUMP & TANK CORP. No, 0007 P. 1 ~;~ ~ r ~~ ~ i„ .~,, '~ - - - ~` .~; ISLANT7 PUMP & TANK CORP ~ 20 '-.~ 40 DOXLE COURT ~ _ ,., EAST NORTHPORT, NEW YORK 11731 PHONE (631) 462-2226 RAX (631) 462-6434 PACSrMiLH TRANSMITTAL SHHHT TO: FRUM: Creorge (irlleri Jenlufer COMPANY: DATB; Town of Southold 05!20/08 FAX NUMBHR: TOTAL. NO. OF PA064 INCLUDTNO COVfilL 765-9502 2 PHONa NUMDBR; SENOr:AS A&PBRBNCB NUMRRR: Rri YOUR RBPaAaNCC Metm Service Station Main Road and Depot Road Cutchogue Permit # 33893z ^ rJACL+N'r ^ POA RBVlHW ^ Pr.IrASR COMMLNI' ^ PLEASE REPLY I7 PLEASIr RnCYCrn NOTnS/COMMftN'f5: Inspector Crillen, Please accept this as a formal notification that Island Pump & Tank Corp has began work today at the above referenced location, please note that we are only installing perimeter fence, saw-cutting the tank mat and installing shoring, we will schedule all appropriate inspections for the tank replacement. Should you have any questions plcasc contact me at 631-462-2226. Thank you, Jennifer Caccioppoli 631-462-2226 OS-20-2008 16:01 SOLJTHDLD BUILDING DEPT 16317659502 PAGE1 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 John Tsunis Tsunis & Gasparas 801 Motor Parkway Happaugue, NY 11788 Re: Valero -Cutchogue Dear Mr. Tsunis: ~o~~pF SO(/r~o~ # # ~`~UIY 1 ~ i~~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (631)765-9502 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Based on our conversation, the Southold Town Building Department will lifr the stop work order issued against the Valero property in Cutchogue, NY (SCTM# 1000-102-5- 26), effective immediately. However, only work permitted under building permit #338932 is permitted to continue. Upon completion of construction, allowed under building permit #338932, your client will be permitted to operate a gasoline station and automotive uses only. Any additional proposed uses must first be approved by this office. If you have any questions please feel free to contact this office at (631) 765-1802, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Respectfully Yours, / _ Michael Verity, Chief Buil~ing Inspector i3~dd ZOS6S`JLL£9T id3u .,rilanma a~aHinos 6b~0i a00z-£0-LO TSIJNIS &GASPARIS LLP ' JOHN C. TSUNIS MARIA GASPARIS Client: Matter: +++xx+++x+++++++rx+++++w+xw+++t++xxx++x+xxx++++++x+++xx+xx++xx++xx+x+++x++xx+*++xx++++x+++++++x+++:r+t To: ~"t i C~~.~~1 U FACSIMILE fit: ~~o ~ - q ~h ~ DATE: -71i3 ~b~ FROM: '_~`("t~..,, C . ~sy~.S TIME: ~ l7 5~ (~~ TRANSMITTED BY: ~ q NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE): If you do not receive all pages indicated above, please call (631) 582-4000 as soon as possible and ask for the person who transmitted this facsimile. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ADDRE33 BELOW VIA 7'HE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: -_ _ .801 MOTOR PARKNINV, HAUPPAUCIE, LONG l9lAND. NY 11798 • T&: 691a92d000.54X: 631 fi82-4091 • e-maA:hunk.po~parkCproglpy.net I'd TB04-Z88-TE9 dl~ SIMHdSa9 'i SIIJf1S1 NaL4~OT 8002 EO IBC 83~Jtid 20S6S9LT£9T 1430 ~JNIO~IIlB O~OH1f10S 6b:0T 8002-£0-L0 TSUNIS & GASPARIS LLP JOHN C. TSUNIS MARIA GASPARIS B FAX 631-765-9502 Michael J. Verity Chief Building Inspector Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Valero - Cutchogue Dear Mr. Verity: Thank you for taking the time to see me this rnorning without as appointment. Pwsuant to ow conversation, this is to confirm that the Town of Southold is releasing the stop work order on the above referenced property as it relates to the replacement of gasoline tanks and what is otherwise alkrwable in the permit. This is W further confirm that upon completioq the client will be permitted to proceed with the sale of gasoline and accessory automotive uses customarily found in filling skatans, including cigarettes, candy and soda. Notwithstanding the above, my client shall not proceed with any additional construction or renovation until all site plan and building permit applications are in place. Please confirm yow agreement with the contents of this letter by fax at yow earliest convenience. Should you wish to speak with me, my call phone number is 63t-793-6192. Again, thank you for your courtesies aL~ please enjoy a safe July 4'" weekend. very a„ly yours, TSUNIS & GASPARI3 LLP r yam' . _ --~ 1 ~r~ ~c/5) JOHN C. TSUNIS JCT/ds CC: Nick Bartolomeo Gene Buccellato 901 MOTOR FN~RI(WAl', MAUPPAUGE, LONG BAND. NY 11788 • ?EL: 631-5824000 • FAX: 631582-4081 • e+rwA:lswcCaapaflcOprooigy.nel Z'd iB04-Z8S-TE9 del SI21HdSH'J 9 SIWf1Sl WHLi~Oi BOOZ EO TIC r~xrr~N~Rr~~~v~ ~1vvrRo~lvr~ coNSa~rrz~~ pc. 207 Hallock Road, Suite 212 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Tel (631) 75t-6433 Fax (631) 751-6434 May 6, 2008 William J. Lahti, P.E. New York Vvginia Connecticut New Jersey North Carolina Massachusetts Via overnight mail Mr. Michael Verity Town of Southold Building Department 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Metro Service Station @ Main Rd & Depot Ln, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-102-5-26 Deaz Mr. Verity: Enclosed please find the following items associated with our proposed installation of a new dispenser island and associated piping at the above referenced site: 1. Building Permit application 2. (4) copies of proposed plans (already approved by the SCDHS) 3. Filing fee check in the amount of $250 It is my understanding from Mr. Damon Rallis that the tank replacement portion of the project does not require a permit from the Town. Upon completion of your plan review, please direct your comments or approval to my office. Thank you. Sincerely, William J. L P.E. w~""~ ~~ ao~: o~osaot towa Pan 5~c.aoc THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR THE FOLLOWING .STORAGE FACILITIES ONLY SCDHS# LOCATION VOLUME CONTENTS NOTE 13 Under /Out 20,000 gal. Gasoline 14 Under/.Out 12,000 gal. Diesel .Compartment 1 oft 15 Under /Out 8,000 gal. Gasoline Compartment 2 of 2 For. up to 90 days afrer [he. PemuC to Constmcf expires; the permit is renewable. The job filewill remain open for that period. If the Office of Pollution. ContioLdoes not ieceive a renewal application with the appropriatefees within the90 days, the file will be closed and anew application for a Permitto Constmct wilLhave to be filed if the job is to be re-opened.. All applicable filing fees will once again become due and payable. Issuance of this permit does not supersede any existing agreements with, or mandates by, the bf5ce of Pollution Control orany other government. agency.: The construction period does not supersede any existing compliance dates agreed to, or mandated by, the Office of Pollution Control or any other government agency. Issuance of this permit does not authorize the use of the storage facility(s) that are in violation of the Suffolk County 'Sanitary Code or any other government code. Special Conditions: None PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT Toxic and/or Hazardous Material Storage Facility Suffolk County Department of Health Services Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS Commissioner SCHDS REFERENCE # 13668 SCHDS REGISTRATION # 10-0040 Date of Issuance: May 2, 2008 SCHDS PLAN # Permit expires one year from HM07-22182 the Date of Issuance' "FACILITY NAME & ADDRESS: Metro Service Station Main Rd. &, 'Depot Ln. Cutchogue,Nl' U93y ..Your Application for Permit to Cohstmct a Toxic or Hazazdous Material Storage Facilities Tor the above referenced site has beenreviewedforcomplffance with Articles.? & 12 of the Suffolk County Sanitary-Code. The applicaCion has been approved. The items listed below and on the back of this Perrrpt are'conditions of this Pernut and.h`ave to be observed during constmction:. , 1. A copy~of~the approved plan must be kept~at the constmcfion site. A copy of Phis peinut must be kept ..on display at the facihry duffing Fonstrr3ehan:. „ 2 Safe' constmction practices must be followed during the installation of the storage facility(s). 3: The storage facility(s) must be constructed m accordance with theapproved plan. Any changes in design, materials or use requrres pnor zvntten~ consent of both the design professional and~the.Office of Pol~ution.ControLThe changes liA'y~[o ba subzwtted m al~'a`rmthatis acceptableto the;Office of Pollution Control. The contractor and/or design professional iS requiredto inform the owner that the - changes are being made.. 4. The Office of Pollution Control has the`right to inspect this installation at any time to verify its being cons4ucted in compliance with this permit.. The Office of Pollution Control mustbe contacted at 85¢-2523 at least 2 business days prior to commencement of any wor14 tojairange for the required construction inspections. - Contact~th~e local building. department andfor fire safety enforcement office for any additional requirements that may apply'to your project The storage facility cannot be placed into service until the Office of Pollution Control performs all required installation inspections and issues an interimpermit tp operate. The Office of Pollution Control reserves the right to revoke this pemut as allowable bylaw. -- - ~ --- - ISSUED BY: C~tP e~Clunie Bureau of Environmental Engineering Office of Pollution Control Division of Environmental Quality * See the back for exceptions DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES HuMAYImr J. CHAUDHRY, DO, MS Commissioner BUREAU OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING APPROVAL NOTICE Lahti Engineering May 2, 2008 207 Hallock Rd: Suite 217 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Attn.: William Lahti Re: SCDHS Job No. : HM07-221R2 SCDHS Fac. ID. No.: 10-0040 SCDHS File Ref. No.: 13668 Dear Sir/Madam Your application for a permit to construct a_project at Metro Service Station, Main Rd. & Depot Ln., Cutchogue, NY 11935 has been reviewed for compliance with Article 12 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. The application hasbeen approved. Enclosed you will find the Permit to Construct. This permit has to be hosted at the construction site during the construction. - _ If you have any questions regarding the review process or need assistance, feel free to contact this office at (631) 854-2528. Very truly yours, ~x ti Kenneth A. Clume Assistant Public Health Engineer $ureau ofEliyironmental Engineering Pi7bliCHealth Division of Environmental Quality ~ Office of Pollufion Confrol - 15 Horseblock Place - Farmingville, Ny 11738-1220 Phone (631) 854-2528 Fax (631) 854-2505 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~ STEVE LEVY SOFFOLK COUNTY EXECQTIVE _ ~ 2_ .. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH SERVICE OFFICIAL USE ONLY TOXIC LIQUID STORAGE REGISTRATION FORM Fac. Ref. No. nnapa roperty Tax Code District 1 0 0 0 Section 1 0 2 Block ~ ~ Lot Facility Name No. Street Communlty State Zip Metro. Service Station Main Rd & De of Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 Tank Owner No. Street Communlty State Zi 808 Realty Corp. P.0. Box 1006 Westhampton Beac NY 11978 WflI 6 mat'. numhar in Icft rnhim~ • n__,___.__ __.~_ „ _ New Change Add ~ Phone No. Phone No, 288-0280 _. _' _.y ... . .... . .. .. ... .,., f. w ui vii ~- S IN GL E ~ E m _ _ _ w W AL LE D WA LLE D DIS PE N SE FI LL, Z m ¢ ¢ OFFICIAL ~ CAPACITY ~ # ¢ ¢ ~ ? ~ x a o f (GALLONS) f f d ~ _ v ~ Z LL w m ~ X USE ONLY Other Material (Specify) } ~ = ~- LL ~ ¢ X a ~ 'n 13 x 008 X X X X ' ~y CUB yrz7~t~NT l 008 X X x X ~/~ 'S eom~~a~.T!"t~tirz ooa X X X ~P x X x X X X X X X X X X I certify that Information on this application and all attachments have been reviewed and that, based on my Inquiry of those Receipt No. ~ persons Immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained In this application, I believe that the Information is true, accurate, and complete. I understand that false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor ,i pursuant to Section 270.45 of the Penal Law. Amt. of Fe$ Date Print Name Si na __.-- O1 ~Y ~ Eugene Buccellato Vlilce Presideri~ nirviwo nev zraa _ 18-262-..3/88 L-- ~.dfi~ Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM -PROPERTY IOCAnoN: 8.C.7.M. R: _... 7NE FOLLOWING ACYYDNS MqV REGVIRE THE SUBMISSION OF A ~OV O ~Oi3~ ~a~p STORILWATER, CRABING, DR4INAGE AND ERq$ION CgNiRpL ALAN orawd scd;n,. eioek rat CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PROFESSKINAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK item Number. (NOTE: A Check Mark (~) for each Question Is Requhed for a Complete Apprioatfon ~ -. Yes No ~ WIh this Project Relaht All Slnrm-Water Ru~Ufl Germrated try a Two (T) htch Rainfall on SIte7 ~ ^ (This item wih include aq rttn-off cre?atetl by ~ilr, Bearing and/or COnstruGlon aglvltias as w911 as all She Improvements and Ne permanent creation of impervious surfaces.) Z E1oes tha Sire Planandlor Survay Show AIt Proposod Drainage Shuclures Indicating Size 8 location? / ^ This hem shall inctutle all proposed Crede Changes and Slopes COttVOlling Stufarn. WaterFlOwt 3 Wltl this Prpjert Require. any Land Filling, Gradlrg or Exravahon whore there is a change to the Natural 1~-~~ Existing Grade Involving more than ZOD Cut>ir, Yards of Material withk+ any Parcel? 4 Will this Application Requirr. Lora} bitiuxtwrg Adivifias Emxxnpassktg an Area N F-xcass of ^ / Five Thousand {5,000) Syuare Feet of GraurW Surface? - fs there a Natural Water Course Rurxtin0 through the Sile? ~ / Is this Project within iha Trustees jurisdiction a vrilhin Ono Hundred (100') feet o1 a Wetland or Beach? - Will there be Srte preparation nn Exlshng Grade Slopes whlrh Exceed PlReen (15) Teet rN Vertical Rise to ' ^ / One Hundred (100 } M Horizontal Plstance7 - - ] Wirl brier-ways, Parking Areas or otlx:r Impervious Surfaces he Sloped to Dkect Storm-Water Run-Off ^ / into and/or in the direction of a Town right-of-way'! - WIII dri5 Prt>jed Requlra the Placdment of Notarial, Rereroval df Vegetation andlar the Conshuction oT 1I1--~--~~~11r any Item Within the Town RigM•oi-Way or Road Sltotrlder Area? (This item wilt NO7 include the Insbhation vl DrWeway Aprorta.) g Will this Project keyu"vc She Preparation within the Cns Hundred (100j Vear Floodplain of any Watercourse? ^ NOTE: tF Any Answer to Quastions One through Nine is Mt:wered with a Check Mark In tha Box, aStorm-Water, Grading, Drainage 8 Ero6lon Control PWn Fs Roqulred and Must do SuhmltMd for Review Priw to Issuance of MY Buikfing Permitl __-_-___-~~~-_.-_---_---_---_ Ves •.. No_ EXEMPTION: , . Oces this project meet the minimum standards fur rAassifica00n as art AgfiCURtrral Project? Note= tf You Axcwarad res to this queauon, aStorm-Water, Grotlhtg, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is NOT Retjrriredl - -J ~~_~~-------------------------------~-.. _. .~J..--. ~...~___-_~- srn~: or Ivrw raltx, coulvrror-.....:..S~f~~i~......--- -~ 1'lul 1 . ............~~ / ~ L~L^.:!.,.--. J.:._~Yt.~ - I - .-..._---- Lr.ing duly swum, rlclx>scs and says f1Rd he/she is dtc appGcun for Ycrmit, tName of Indlwdual signing Dowmcnp Hurl t}ctt he/she is Iltt: ~.1.:~'17.~~-,~!~ ' a' 4~ ~- l h ~C'{r .................... ............. ......... y-.. ............................................-......... (Urner, Conaactor, Agent Corporals Orf~wr, ck.J (hvuer :mrl/or mpreseutalire of dte (honer Of (.Twrters, and is duly authorized fn (x:rfonn or 1 ~ ~ stud work atul In make :md file this applicatiun; tlttl all statements conrutted in this dPPliration arc tmc to t~)q ~d hclief; :md that dui work will he prrfnrntcd in the m:untCr set lurdt iu dtr application tiled hertwidt- No. 4935577 Sworn to Ixfore e. this; 0.~-'°.:: in Sutioik Cotrnly ~ 2~ Canmr:,wn frxpiros Juno 6,~. Dl - a,~ ...............................day t>~r.fY.f..f..lL./.......................... z~ ~8 / • I /] // ~- NOmry 1>trhlir.: ---' ~ .. ~:... ~yt' ......................................... --..Gll/r..,...1.~ L .. tsy,mt~re a r7 FORM - 06/07 r~~., ~ra-c poi rrx,r ~ inn .... ir..-,..-..~. ..ter,, ,,...,.- _ . ...... ......f.~ _~ !.-,