HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS DOTTRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION RECEIVED JU! 2 2CC8 Souii~~id Tuvrn Clerh PROJECT APPLICATION NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Submitted by: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 27, 2008 ::_:..~. o 7 N ~ ~,.,o _ ~~,. y :,; co ,, ao l # S , SnxtGnld TLP~1y~Gmtiorr TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION Project Name: Townwide Pedestrian Master Plan Implementation Project Location: Hamlets of Mattituck, Peconic, Southold, Cutchogue, New Suffnik C~raannnrt FacT Marinn (giant Fichar'c Iclanri Municipality(ies): Town of Southold, NY County(ies): Suffolk Sponsor: Town of Southold Applicant: Town of Southold FOR NYSDOT USE ONLY Region & Proposal i0 #. Date Received: Minimum Eiig~iitY L:riterie Mat Yes No within MPO Area: Yes (MPO: ) No NY Senate D'~sbict Nun~ter NY Assembly DistrScd Number Regional or MPO Priority RaNdng: of Funding Decision: Project FtSy Funded Project Partialy Funded (Explanation Attached) Project Not Funded to line-by-line instructions for preparing this project application. S'mRlmld lP;PAppG.ubom 1 1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTNOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Suonsor Information sponsor: Town of Southold Sponsor's Mailing Address: 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box ] 179, Southold, NY 11791 Contact Person: Name: Mr. James A. Ri Title: Totvn Engineer Phone: 631-765-1560 R.A. Fax: 631-765-9015 E-Mai] Address: Jamie.richter a to~vn.southold.ny.us Sponsor's Approval: Signature: Date: Title: v ~IJ IJE ~ ~ I 2oa~ SUPbAYISOR . ToWrt DP SOUTUDLO SoulInNTL•P~p/im/ion TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF $OUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRfAN MASTER PLAN IMCLEMENTATION ' A~~licant Information ' Applicant: Town of Southold Applicant's Mailing Address: 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, NY 11791 Contact Person: ' Name: Mx. fames A. Richter, R.A. Title: Town Engineer ' Phone: 631-765-1560 Fax: 631-765-9015 E-Mail Address: Jamie.xichterQtown.southold.ny.us Applicant's Approval: Signature: ~ t~L'LiC=-t..~T~~ 1~ ~ Date: JUNE. ~ ~ + 20D Title: SUPS 0.YIS01~ 1b6uN OK SovruDlD So~rtlgGl TL•P/!rr/imlion TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Enhancement Activity Category Check the enhancement category or categories under which this project is eligible. The reasons for how the project fits each checked category is required in Attachment D. J~ Provision of Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles ^ Provision of Safety and Educational Activities for Pedestrians and Bicyclists ^ Acquisition of Scenic Easements and Scenic or Historic Sites (including Historic Battlefields) J~ Scenic or Historic Highway Programs (Including the Provision of Tourist and Welcome Center Facilities $I Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification ^ Historic Preservation ^ Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Transportation Buildings, Structures or Facilities (Including Historic Railroad Facilities and Canals) ^ Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors (Including the Conversion and Use Thereof for Pedestrian or Bicycle Trails) ^ Inventory, Control and Removal of Outdoor Advertising ^ Archaeological Planning and Research ^ Environmental Mitigation to Address Water Pollution due to Highway Runoff or to Reduce Vehicle-Caused Wildlife Mortality while Maintaining Habitat Connectivity ^ Establishment of Transportation Museums Project Costs and Funding (From Attachment H) Transportation Enhancements Program (TEP) Funds Requested: $ 2,494,112.00 ~~~ Local Non-Federal Share to Be Provided: $ 623.528.00 Iz~ Funds from Other Sources: $ 0.00 jai Total Funding Needed for Project: $ 3.117,640.00 ial Total Project Cost: $ 3,117,640.00 lsJ Soatlxr(d TLPAyyGmtinrs TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ATTACHMENTS Attachment A -Sponsor Information (Page A-1) Attachment B -Applicant Information (Page 8-1) Attachment C -Project Description (Pages C-1 to C-3) Attachment D -Eligibility: Project Category or Categories (Page D-1) Attachment E -Eligibility: Relationship to Surface Transportation (Page E-1) Attachment F -Eligibility: Benefit to the Public Interest (Public Access/Use) (Page F-1) Attachment G -Expected Benefits to Result from Project (Pages G-1 to G-3) Attachment H -Project Costs and Funding (Pages H-1 to H-Zj Attachment I -Implementation Schedule (Page I-1) Attachment J -Maintenance and Operation of Project (Page J-1) Attachment K -Documentation to Support Project Eligibility (Page K-1) Attachment L -Documentation of Community & Political Support (Page L-1) Sm~Uwla l'FP applizatina 1 ' TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION APPLICANT INFORMATION ATTACHMENT A -SPONSOR INFORMATION The Town of Southold is a speaal place full of unique chazacter, and the Town Boazd employs an unusual "bottoms-up" approach to problem sohirtg. This project was developed through the collaboration of the Town's Engineering Department, Planning Department, the Southold Transportation Commission, and nine (9) Hamlet Stakeholders Committees. The Towm of Southold will serve as the sponsoring agenry for this project. Specifically, the Town's Engineering Department will administer the project, a role it has successfully undertaken in the past for numerous federally funded projects. ~ Ouahfications of Key People James Rr'chter, R.A., Town Engineer - D4r. Richter, who will seine as the Project Director, is responsible coordinating grants and construction projects for the Town Highway Department, the Department of Public VZ'orks, and Towm Board. Mr. Richter has more than 15 }'ears of experience in overseeing municipal transportation facilities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, downtowm streetscape beaurifications, maintenance of signage, pavement ' markings, sidewalks, and budgeting and implementation of capital projects. Heather Lanza, AICP, Towm Planning Director - b4s. Lanza, who participated in the grassaoots effort to solicit recommendations from the Hamlet Stakeholders, will assist in seeing this project through to fruition. Ms. ' Lanza's responsibilities at the Town include processing and reviewing applications for development for the Planning Board and pxo~iding longaange planning sen~ces. Neboysha Braslu'ch, Southold Transportation Commission Chairman - ~Ir. Brashich, who seines as ' Chairman for the Transportation Commission as well as the North Fork Promotion Council, Inc., has assisted in facilitating all of the Town's recent federally funded projects fisted below. He wi71 continue this sole as liaison to the Iv'YSDOT and project coordinator for this TEP project. Sponsor's Past and Current Performance on Previous]{'{' 3DOroved Federal Sid Projects The Town of Southold has demonstrated the ability to secure federal funding, hire engineering consultants and contractors, and prepare contract documents for bidding in accordance with NZ"SOOT Procedurer for Localfj~ Adminirtered Federal Aid Projeclr. ~9 fisting of recent and current Town-sponsored transportation-related projects, which have received federally funding, is as follows: Pto'ect Name Des ri rion Status Sea~~ew Trails of the north Fotk (1995) Southold Town's ~Sltemadve Project Funding: 5300,000 Transportation Inidarive Bicycle & (Town scaled projec[ back and fumded Kayak Romtes and U"'all:itt Trails full amount North Fork Trail: Farmstands & Seascapes; Scenic B}ways Corridor Management Ptojec[ Funding. 565,000 (Completed. Hamlets & Seasca es 3 ri12001 Plan Scenic Bvwa ~ desi anon received 12/0] Norh Fork Recreational Travel Needs Nl'SDOT R10 handled full paymen[. Assessmem (2000) Town paid for pre-scoping of services & RFP Norh Fotk Trail, Scenic Btway (2007) Resource Protection PIN SB09.03.321 Project Funding: S15Q,000 -Contract C022403 (Phase Icompleted -Ongoing through aznendment of scope to include bike/hike trails North Fork Ttail, Scenic B}way (200 /~ Interpretive Signage& Facilities Project Funding: 520Q000 PIN 0'58.90 On Guin .js stated above, the Town of Southold is intimately familiar with N1"SOOT procedures and requirements as well as their key personnel at the Region. The Town has also been very proactive, ane of the .rtrongert on Long bland, in the implementation of projects that enhance and/or maintain the cultural, aesthetic, Mstoric, and environmental significance of local transportation systems and open spaces. The Town is experienced and dedicated to impro~zng and promoting pedestrian and bin~de facilities and initiatives as well as quality of fife and context sensitive unprovements. sanlwlG ~re-r,apprrwusn Page :1-1 ' TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION APPLICANT INFORMATION ATTACHMENT B -APPLICANT INFORMATION ' The dpplicant and Sponsor for this project aze identical. as stated above in attachment "a", the Town of Southold will sen•e as both Sponsor and Applicant and has demonstrated the ability to oversee and administer federal aid projects from the initial planning phases through implementation. lJ r~„u,~ra ~Itr.appFxnon Page a-2 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SDUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION ATTACHMENT C -PROJECT DESCRIPTION EXISTING CONDITIONS ' The Town of Southold has conducted a comprehensive "grass-roots" effort through numerous meetings, communication and correspondence with each of the nine (9) Hamlet Stakeholder organizations throughout the Town to identify critical needs and deficiencies related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities, sweet aesthetics and beautification, transportation links, tourism, and overall public safe[}'. -As a result of this outreach program, which included over 3,500 ' hours of volunteer time and effort, a listing of over 35 locarions townwide were recommended for various capital tmprovements. Due to the budgetary constraints of this grant program, the 35 locarions were prioritized, and the I1 most critical locarions were identified and targeted fox this Townwide Pedestrian'.~faster Plan Implementation Project. ' Mattituck Location 1- Main Road (NY 25) at Love Lane -This intersection has been historically problematic to the Towa anti NI'SDOT. The intersection exhibits an expansive pavement area, vehiculaz speeding, a sharp horizontal curve, high ' accident rates, and extremely dangerous conditions for pedestrians within the heart of the thri~ting Mattimck business district The quaint downtown feel of Love Lane abmpri}' ends at Main Road as crossing the State road is neazly impossible at rimes. Connectivity and safety improc-ements are required. ' Location 2- Factory Avenue to Love Lane and Love Lane to Mattituck Inlet -Sidewalks exist intemnttently on the south side of Dlain Road from Factory .Avenue to Love Lane (1 /2-mile +/-) making it difficult for pedestrians to walk along this commercial corridor and access the downtown area on Love Lane. From the north, there aze no pedestrian accommodatlons for boaters at Dlatriruck Inlet to attract them to the downtown area, which is approximately ' 500 ft away. Pedestrians aze deterred away from aossing CR 48 to travel to Love Lane because there are no existing crosswalks, sidewalks or way finding signage in the azea. The pazk/shoreline itself unaccommodating and is in disrepair. Cutchoeue Location 3- Griffin Street-The extsting median on Griffin Street is short and nazrow and pro~~des insufficient pedestrian refuge for pedestrians crossing between the post office and Shopping Center. _As the pavement expands even wldex futther north, a need for a wider median with plantings and a crosswalk has been identified to break up the ' pavement azea and improve pedestrian access. In addition, there are no pazking accommodations within the Cutchogue Hamlet Center for bicyclists who utilize the two neazby bike routes on Main Road (Rte 2:i) and New Suffolk _Avenue. Peconic ' Location 4- Peconic Lane- There is an obvious lack of pedestrian connectivity between the recreational complexes on Peconic Lane. Pedestrians moving between Cochran and Taskex Town Pazks find it difficult due to the combination of the lack of sidewalks on the east side of Peconic Lane, the lack of crosswalks, and speeding vehicles along this straight ' stretch of roadwat~. Further concern is that both pazk complexes are heavil}' used at night as well with no existing roadway lighting. In addition, there is no existing sidewalk connection on the east side of the road between the site of the new communih~ center and the two parks. ' OU I Location 5-Traveler Street -The existing on-street parking is not clearly defined and creates a dangerous crossing siruation for pedestrians attempting to cross this wide stretch of roadway. The north side of Traveler Street has no ' curbs, sidewalks, lighting, or landscaped buffer between the Long Island Rail Road tracks making the roadway look dilapidated. The south side of the road consvsts of some of the hamlet's key and most frequented sites including Town Hall, Town Hall .Annex, the Post Office, library-, and Feather Hill Shopping Village, but also some of the only vacant buildings and abandoned tenant spaces as walkability and aesthetics on Traveler Street do not compare to the adjacent ' historic section of Main Road. There is also no ~7sua1 ox ph}'sical connection from the LIRR station on Traveler Street to the existing points of interest. ' Location 6- Youngs Avenue -Youngs .Avenue between Route 25 and the Horton Lighthouse has been designated a future bike route per NI'SDOT/NI'1~TI'C Long Island Non-Motorized Transportation Srud}'~ The roadwa}' is cuaently lacking bike signage and striping. s~~Hermrarea~prWr,~A PageC-1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTNOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION Greenport Location 7- Route 25 at Moores Lane -There ate no crosswalks at this intersection to accommodate pedestrians, mainly students from the high school on Moores Lane, attempting to cross Route 25. The existing sidewalk on the north side of Route 2~ west of Dloores Lane ends approximately 300 ft before the intersection forcing pedestrians to walk dangerously close to the roadwa}' and crossing mid-block where no crosswalk exists. East Marion Location S- Route 25- This section of Route 23 runs through the Hamlet Center (neaz angels store) and is a stop fox passengers of the Hampton Jitney, which traverses between New Fork City and the Cross Sound Ferry in Orient The area also attracts local residents and shoppers as the area includes a retail store and post office. Vehicle volumes and speeds detract from the downtown feel of the area. The lack of crosswalks or medians for pedestrian refuge makes the crossing situation at this location dangerous. Orient Location 9- Route 25 -This stretch of Route 25 has become ahigh-speed throughway- fox travelers to/from the Cross Sound Ferry and Fishing enthusiasts heading to Orient Point. The roadway section needs to be modified to slow drivers, creating more of a downtown feeling, and alerting them of the historic Orient Hamlet on Village Lane. Creating this sense of place will spin visitors, economic revival and interest in the azea as well as significantly improving safety. Fisher's Island Location 10- Community Center- There is no formal path connecting the newly constructed community center and the public school. ~ wom, footpath meandering through a wooded axes is eszdence that a new walkway is necessary. Visitor Centers Mattimck and Greenport- Visitor Center Information Centers- The existing visitor centers axe small and outdated. The centers lack a modem comprehensive system that can tell the store of Southold's rich history. Building expansions and exhibit upgrades aze necessary to promote the area and its new Scenic Byway status as granted b}'New York State. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS & ENHANCEMENTS Capital improvements proposed for this project have been cazefully selected to not only pro~zde the best alternative for pedestrian connectivity and safety and aesthetic enhancements and beautifications, but also to be feasible and implementable on the respective Town, County and State roadways where they axe proposed. The Town of Southold acknowledges the fact that their "main streets" aze not Town roads, but County Road 48 and NYS Route 25. Through yeazs of experience and correspondence with the NYSDOT and Suffolk County DPW who oversee the jurisdiction of these roadways, the Town and their engineering consultant fully understand their requirements, and have selected innovative but also time-tested improvements, which have been previously employed on State and County roads. Conceptual Dengns and photographs ofproposed design elements from similar JocaJprojects an provided on 22 "x34 "attarhmentr. Mattimck Location 1- Pedestrian improvements at Main Road (NY 25) at Love Lane -Reduce the expansive pavement azea of the intersection to promote connecti~~ity across NY 25 by the construction of curb extensions, medians, and distinctive crosswalks (See Attached CanceptuaJDerzgn). Proposed improvements en«sioned for this location aze similar to NYSDOT successful enhancements on NI Route 110, New 1'oxk _~cenue in downtown Huntington including brick paver curb extensions to match the existing sidewalks, synthetic asphalt crosswalks (ImprintTM), concrete handicap ramps with detectable warning fields, new pavement markings and signage. The proposed Route 2~ crosswalk location provides the best sight lines For pedestrians at the horizontal curve, and the proposed median provides a refuge significantly shortening the distance across Dlain Road. Location 2- Construction of sidewalks between in West Mattimck -Provide continuous sidewalk network from Factory _9venue to downtown blattiruck (Love Lane) where the existing sidewalk system is intermittent along NY 25. Pro~dde sidewalk and crosswalk to create a connection between Loce Lane and Hattimck Inlet and waterfront pazk. Enhance parking lot aesthetics and amenities at Hardtack Inlet Pazk and continue sidewalk/walkway to the waterfront. The crosswalk proposed fox CR 48 is DuraTherm, a decorative asphalt surfacing s}'stem, which the County prefers for SautlmNTEPApp&mtioa Page C-2 [~ ' TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' adding ~zsibility to their crosswalks (example: CR 97, Nicolls Rd just north of Montauk Hwy). -~ push-button activated flashing beacon system is also proposed, which would futther alert drivers that pedestrians aze within the crosswalk. Cutchotnre ' Location 3-New bicycle rack and new landscaped median on Griffin Street -Extend the existing median on Griffin Street approxttnately 200 feet to the north to provide new trees, shrubs and pedestrian refuge. Install a new bike rack in the municipal parking lot behind Karen's Deli shopping center so cyclists, who utilize the two nearby bike routes ' on D4ain Road (Rte 25) and New Suffolk venue, can stop and enjoy the downtown. Peconic Location 4- New sidewalks and crosswalks on Peconic Lane- Install sidewalk and lighted crosswalk system ' between Cochran and Tasker Pazk on Peconic Lane. Install sidewalk from site of new community center to pazk. Proposed improvements emnsioned for this location are similaz to the Town of Brookhaven's lighted aosswall: system with automatic sensors on Hospital Road in Bellport. ' Southold Location 5- Sueetscape Improvements to Traveler Street -Install new sidewalk and streetscape amenities (trees, benches, lighting, trash receptacles, etc.) along Traveler Saeet. Install new sidewalk on east side of Horton Lane. The ' sidewalk connections and streetscape enhancements will expand the hamlet center creating a "superblock" and "sense of place" bounded by the Route 25 historic district, Traveler Street, Horton Lane, and Youngs .-venue. Location 6-New signing and striping for on-road bike path on Youngs Avenue -Install signage and striping fox a new on-road bike route on Youngs Avenue from downtown Southold (NY 25) to Horton Lighthouse. This implements one of the proposed bike routes as per NYSDOT/NYMTC Long Island Non-Motorized Transportation Study. In order to reduce the number /duttex of bike signs, the Town may elect to utilize experimental "shartow" bike symbols. ~ Gteenport Location 7-Install sidewalk and crosswalks on NY 25 near Moores Lane -Install sidewalk on north side of N'Y ' 25 from location where existing sidewalk ends to Moore Lane. Install new synthetic asphalt crosswalks at intersection of D4oore Lane and NI' 25. The purpose is to facilitate pedestrian safety and connection, specifically the heavy volumes of students from the adjacent high school, across Route 25. t East Marion Location 8-Traffic calming/pedestrian improvements on NY 25 neaz Hamlet Center -Install new curb extensions, driver feedback deices, signage, and crosswalks to create a more pedestrian friendly environment in the ' Hamlet Center (angels Store). Improvements em-isioned for this location are similar to Broadway in Port ieffexson. Orient Location 9-Traffic cahning measures on Route 25 -Narrow existing travel lanes with new median and bike lanes. ' Install new driver feedback devices on NI' 25. Proposed improvements envisioned for this location aze similar to NYSDOT successful enhancements on NI' Route ] 14 in North Haven on Long Island's South Fork including raised medians with Belgiau block pavers, delineators, new pavement markings and signage. (See Proposed Photon) ' Fisher's Island Location 10-New walkway from the school to the new Community Center - Create a pedestrian connection from the school to the newly constructed Community Center through an existing wooded azea. ' Visitor Centers Mattimck and Greenport- Visitor Center Expansions and new touch-screen kiosks -Expansion of the existing visitor center buildings (approximately 200 squaze feet each) in the hamlets of Laurel and Greenport to accommodate ' proposed interactive touch-screen kiosks to educate c-isitors on the history, em~ironment, recreational facilities and State-designated North Fork Trail Scenic Byway within the Town. sonsmm'n3PAppfi~nron Page C-3 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION GENERAL. LOCATION MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY NYSDOT REGION 10 ~~'~~'°~" EAST MARION .. _ _ 8, .,.._ ~ ~4 GREENPOINT ''' ~ ~ ~` SOUTHOLD ~' ll~ .c.'t. tr: PECONIC CUTCHOGUF: ~.,,~'' ~~ ~~' -{ R MATTITUCK ~ ~ NQ ~` ~ ~ •, ~.~ -, .:. s~• ~~~~' 1~ i ;,. FISHERS ISLAND __ _ l0 1 N N.T.S. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY ^ Mattituck, Location 1- Pedestrian improvements at intersection of Main Road and Love Lane ^ Mattituck, Location 2- Construction of sidewalks between Factory Ave & Love Lane ^ Cutchogue, Location 3- New bicycle rack and new landscaped median on Griffin Street ^ Peconic, Location 4- New sidewalk and crosswalks on Peconic Lane ^ Southold, Location 5- Streetscape improvements to Traveler Street ^ Southold, Location 6- Signage and striping for on-road bike route on Young Avenue ^ Greenport, Location 7- Install new sidewalk and crosswalk on Route 25 near Moore's Lane ^ East Marion, Location S- Traffic calming/pedestrian improvements on Route 25 near hamlet center ^ Orient, Location 9- Traffic calming measures on Route 25 ^ Fishers Island, Location 10- Proposed walkway from school to new community center ^ Laurel and Greenport, Location 11- Proposed expansions and upgrades for Visitor Centers -a T Location 1-Main Road /Love Lane Intersection: Looking west on Main Road (Rt. 25) approaching Love Lane. The intersection exhibits an expansive pavement area, vehicular speeding, a sharp horizontal curve, high accident rates, and extremely dangerous conditions for pedestrians. Location 1-Main Road I Love Lane Intersection: Looking west on Main Road at Love Lane. No existing crosswalks and wide roads make the intersection very unaccommodating to pedestrians and results in a disconnect between the north and south sides of the Route 25 business corridor. Location 2B -CR48. Love Lane to Mattituck Inlet: Looking north on Love Lane. There is no pedestrian connection from the downtown area on Love Lane to the Mattituck Inlet and Waterfront Park. Pedestrian accommodations would attract boaters to the hamlet center and shoppers to the waterfront. ~, "`~ ~ :.~ . Location 26 -CR48, Love '` `" tw` ~'` ~ ~ Lane to Mattituck Inlet: ~ -t- a~ ' -~ Looking north across County ~-,~ .; r .; ' esr~ ~ ,_«~~,_ - Road 48 to Mattituck Inlet. ; ~,. _ alb rr,~p~~~~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ There are no crosswalks or ~ ~ ~ -~ ~---, ' - ~ar • ~ sidewalks from the vibrant " ~ ~ ~~~ downtown business district on .y,_.~ - 4~'j ~ Love Lane to the very active ~ 'j' -~ r"-. ~ :.~~` Mattituck Inlet waterfront (L. L's ~ ' only north shore harbor between J-s~~"~' ~~-~' -,-=~> g - Mount Sinai and Orient Point). k;~ . - ~-~ _. ~. y~ EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 OF 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD k Location 3 -Griffin Street, Cutchoque: Looking at the municipal parking lot on Griffin Street. There are no accommodations for bicyclists, such as bike racks, who utilize two nearby bike routes on Main Road (Rte 25) and New Suffolk Road within the quaint Cutchogue Hamlet Center (inset). r ~ n .~ !i ;;~-c~ Location 4 -Peconic Lane, Peconic: Looking north on Peconic Lane. Lack of sidewalks on the east side of Peconic Lane, crosswalks between Cochran and Tasker Town Parks, and pedestrian lighting make it difficult for pedestrians to move between these two active recreational complexes. Coupled with this is the long, straight segment on Peconic Lane, which makes the roadway conducive to excessive speeding. Location 5 -Travelers Street. Southold: Looking west on Travelers Street in vicinity of the Post Office. On-street parking is prevalent, and dangerous crossing situations exist for pedestrians attempting to cross Travelers Street. Location 3 -Griffin Street, Cutchoque: Looking north on Griffin Street in the vicinity of the municipal parking lot. The existing median (inset) is short and narrow; beyond the median pedestrians have no refuge when crossing this wide road to access the post office on the east side of Griffin Street. Location 5 -Travelers Street. Southold: Looking west on Travelers Street across from Shopping Center. On the north side. the railroad tracks are in clear view with no landscaped buffer. Nc curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting, or defined parking exists. ' EXISTING CONDITIONS 2 OF 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD y ~~. . 1 Location 6 -Youngs Avenue, Southold: Looking south on Youngs Avenue. NYSDOT/NYMTC has proposed Youngs Avenue from Route 25 to the Horton Lighthouse (inset) as a designated bike route as part of their Long Island Non- Motorized Transportation Study (LINMTS). Currently the roadway is lacking bike signage and striping. Location 8 -Rte 25. East Marion: Looking west on Route 25 in vicinity of Angels store. This area is East Marion's downtown. The pavement area is expansive and could be used in a better way to create more of a downtown feeling, while improving pedestrian crossings and calming speeding traffic destined to/ftom the Cross Sound Ferry. Location 9 -Rte 25.Orient: Looking west on Route 25 in vicinity of the Orient hamlet center. The pavement area is could be used in a better way to create more of a downtown feeling, while improving pedestrian crossings and calming speeding traffic destined to/from the Cross Sound Ferry. EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 OF 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ . ~ ~ ~u ,~, : ~ ~- .~'~!~"-~~ rte" i' - ,- _ ~' J' _ ~y Location 10 -Fisher's Island Community Center: Looking at the new community center, existing path, and school. The only connection between the school and newly constructed community center is an informal path through a wooded area. There is a need for a pedestrian connection between these two popular facilities with a formal, safe walkway. Location 11 • Visitor Information Centers, Laurel and Greenoort: The existing visitor centers are small, cramped quarters and lack modern features such as interactive displays that could educate and inform tourists, students, and the local community on Southold rich history, scenic byway, and recreational facilities. EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 OF 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O CURB EXTENSION O CONCRETE PLANTED MEDIAN ON-ROADw~ BIKE ~~ ROUTE SITE FURNITURE AND PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING BRICK PAVERS OR SYNTHETIC ASPHALT CROSSWALKS -1~ -~~ MATTITUCK - LOCATION 1 .~<; ~s t ~~~~~ ~ ., CONCEPTUAL DESIGNS NYSDOT TRANSPORTATION E'~HANCEMENTS PROGRAM HAMLETS OF THE NORTH FORK DESCRIPTIONS: LOCATION 1 - PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS AT LOVE LANE AND MAIN ROAD (RT. 25) , MATTITUCK LOCATION 5 - STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TO TRAVELER STREET AND SIDEWALKS ON NORTON LANE, SOUTHOLD LOCATION 6 - SIGNING AND STRIPING FOR ON-ROAD BIKE ROUTE ON YOUNGS AVEN~,IE, SOUTHOLD I I '~~ a ~` +; ~.~k I, >'I'HCE1'PHIVT PITH cr;rotii na~nrai. k 3B M4TTITUCK LOCATIOV ? - PEDESTRIAN COV'1CCTIOE~S FROS1 FACPORI~ A1'E,VUF, TO LO1~E LANE 9~E LOPE 14AT TO M4TTITPCP~ MET ~~1 fI T~~~ CCTCHOGI'~E. LOCATION 3 - AEW B1CYClG RACK .4V"D L4NUSC,9PED ~N~UI,A1 OV' GRTFFi'V STREET ~/~~1 ~~~. ,..;~'~Ph:U BULIYJC~T AFB L1 GH?FII fJi0~5li a!.F; SY~'fFh1 i ;u~rrr~ riinecwai a cvc7~~ NEWNIC. L(IC.47705 9 - f~ VER CROSSNALK .ANfI SIUENALh BE':111;~ S P:1RKS `~~,. l~'U V'EV; COl~ihTTl' C'E\TFil i)~ PT~Q\1C LA!~E ~f~ EXAMPLES OF PROPOSED So~~TeoEnao~~aTtoN E - DESIGN ENHANCEMENTS vE~~ a~-aoan ~iKE i~orrE o~ ~ouNSS ,A1~ENUE AND DESIGN ELEMENTS FROM DUAN?OWti SUI~THOLD TO HORTUS LIGI{THOL'S8 u~ w 4 .. TISITOR CESTF.R5.1L0.?"IlT';CK & CRCEAPORT - PROYO,SED TOI,CH-SCKIP.~ KIOSKS POR VISITOR CE\TEN ERPAVSl0.1'S NYSDOT _= TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM - HAMI,ETS OF THE NORTH FORK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: PROJECT CATEGORY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OR CATEGORIES ATTACHMENT D ~ ELIGIBILITY: PROJECT CATEGORY OR CATEGORIES This project fits into three (3) eligible enhancement categories: Category 1-Provision of Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles, Category 4 -Scenic or Historic Highway Programs (Including the Pro~dsion of Tourist and Welcome Center Facilities), and Category 5 -Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification. Categ~ L Provision of Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles Hom doer the facik~ZJ~ reeve tripe that could otbenvzre be made by motor vehicles? Enhandng the walking environment will encourage pedzstxian and transit ridership towards the region's goal of reducing personal auto use. Providing connectivity with sidewalls and crosswalk, improving/proving bicycle facilities, provided kec linkages, and incorporating site amenities also encourages shoppers to patronize walldng destinations, particularly within the downtown hornier censers, as opposed to big-box caxorienied shopping places that are inaccessible by transit or on fool. Ham doer the faaCst~~ enhance rafety forpedertrianr or buyclartr or fif! agap in a pedertnan, birycle yr other iron-motorsned rbard ore path yr trail network?The locations identified fox improvements have been targe[ed by [he Town and Stakeholders in large part to the safety concerns thac east. In general, the existing conditions present: 1) vast expanses of pavement which aze difficult w cross, 2) long straight roadway se~nents conducive for speeding, and 3) vehicles routinely exceeding the speed limit, wltich detract from the walking experience and perception of safety. The proposed neckdowns, refuge medians and tex-tuxed crosswalks would nazrow crossings and slow vehicles, making pedestrians feel safe and encouraging more walking trips and provide tme connectivity along and across sidewalk azeas. Additionally, the redesigned pazk/plaza space acknowledges that pedestrians need not just places to walk long distances but shady resting areas in which to regroup and recharge before venturing off fox more shopping. The new streetscapes and park improvements will become destinations in themselves, drawing more pedestrians who value a shad}', landscaped place to rest and socialize. It will also provide bicycle pazldng facilities and new bike routes connecting to existing routes. To what extent are the connecting loeationr (origin and dertinatianJ d~erent and rlirtlnct?What aclrvity centerr are connected or k~nk in a continuour r_y~rtem provu]ed? The primary acrivity along within the downtown hamlet centers is retail shopping and tourism. This projett is specifically focused on providing complete, uninterrupted linkages along and across the "main street" ox °streets", and connections to the Long Island Rod Road stations, public buses and Jitney in each of the hamlets, as well as providing connecfi~dry to neazby parks and recreational facilities. Give o general dereription of hate the faality mill meet accerrib:7i1~~ guide4~ner under the Amenarnr ursth Dirabilitier Aet'r The project will be designed ' according to ADA guidelines, including pedestrian ramps with detectable wazning units at each cros's'walk. Additional benefits to those with disabilities include shorter crossing distances, new/wider sidewalls, and places [o rest. ' Cs~gpby 4 -Scenic or Historic Highway Programs (Inclu the Provision of Tourist and Welcome Center Facilitiesl Ii~hat zr the rcenu or hirdonc autheuteiity and integrity of the h:ghmay? Route 25, CR 48 and Sound Avenue aze NY Stare-destgnated scenic b}'wav condors', known as the North Fork Trail Scenic Byway, and the proposed expanstons to the two Busting ~'isitoz Centers located on Route 25 will accommodate interactive kiosks and videos Eor tourists providing a heater appreciation of the azea. 1 1 1 CategS>_y 5 - Landscanixvr and Other Scenic Beautification Hom doer theprojed enhance the landreape for the travekng public?The proposed design would transform the unaccommodating Traveler Street in Southold into a vibrant streetscaped boulevazd, with amenities such as plantings, searing, distinctive paving and lighting. Downtown Southold is a busy shopping and histone atrridor, with high volumes of pedestrians and traffic congestion. The streetscape enhancements and sidewall; connections on Youngs ~9venue and Horton Lane would complete a one, square block commercial center anchored by Town Hall and Town Hall Annex, the public library, post office, hismrical society, and numerous historic buildings and sites. The landscaping and amenities will provide a green refuge, a place to rest or wait ox people-watch. The improvements themselves would strengthen the economic viability of the hamlet center. Haw mould the project af/-er the travediag publu a p[earing and memorable viraal eaperietue? By reviving and developing iMs underutilized and unpleasant space along the railroad track, this design would expand and strengthen the Southold downtown as a whole. The proposed design would add trees and other greenery io an area where such amenities aze lacking. Distinctive lighting and paving would enhance the space and give ii an identity. A uniyue design will provide a unified and beautiful visual experience fox the traveling public. W~bat best practicer or innovative derignr doer the project ure for bulk efementr?This project would employ planting beds for drainage, wa[er antsen-ation, and innovative CU Structural Soil TAe deaeloped by Cornell University beneath and around tree pits to spur healthy street trees by forcing deep root s~rzowth reducing the potential for heaving and cracking to adjacent pavers and sidewalk. toulleiNTF7> AppQiaAnn Page D-1 0 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: RELATIONSHIP TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ' ATTACHMENT E -ELIGIBILITY: RELATIONSHIP TO SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ' Current ar past transportation pumose This project will continue to serve its cunent transportation purpose as it elevates the importance of walking and improcting safety for pedestrians on several busy downtown shopping comdoxs. It will support the corridor as a walking destination and enhance the walking experience on Route 25 and CR 48 and segments ' in between. This project will create new walking azeas and public space with amenities on Traveler Street m Southold Hamlet. It will support bus and train ridership tluough improved ph}'sical connections. h will ' provide bic}'cle routes and bicycle parking facilities. Enhancement of aesthetic. cultural or historic aspects of txac-el experience This project will enhance the aesthetic and cultural aspects of the travel experience by providing a landscaped space for pedestrians to enjoy, either by walking through or stopping fox a rest. The new/revitalized ' streetscapes wtill become destinations that encourage social interaction and foster pride in the communit}'. The proposed streetscape improvements on Traveler Street are within the Southold National Historic District. The visitor center improvements in Southold and Gxeenport will enhance the historic aspects of the entire scenic byway and overall navel experience. This project also compliments the Town's current project PIN 0758.90 - Planning and Construction of Interpretive Signage& kiosk Facilities along the North Fork Trail Scenic Byway. The proposed pedestrian links will proczde access to proposed kiosks to be located in the ' hamlet centers and interpretive signs to be located within the Town's preserves and historic sites. Proximity to intermodal transportation system The project azea is served by the Long Island Rail Road in Mattiruck, Southold, and Gxeenport. Bike racks and pedestrian linkages between the railroad stations and downtown hamlet centers are proposed. Suffollc County Transit, the local bus svstem, and Hampton lime}', the long distance shuttle bus between New York City- and Orient Point, also sennce the project area. Sidewalk areas and crosswalks are proposed in the vicinity of several of these bus stops. The project area also relies upon watexbome modes of navel. This ' project proposes a pedestrian link from Mattimck Inlet and Marina to downtown Love Lane in the Matdruck Hamlet Center. The project area also relies heavily on bicycle usage as a mode of transportation and ' recreation. _~ bike route is proposed for Youngs Avenue, and bike racks aze proposed throughout the hamlet centers. This project will enhance the pedestrian element of the intermodal transportation svstem by improving safety and the walking experience. 1 souuomtr't'appr«rra„ Page E-1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: BENEFIT TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PUBLIC INTEREST ATTACHMENT F -ELIGIBILITY: BENEFIT TO PUBLIC INTEREST PUBLIC ACCESS~USE~ The Town of Southold, which encompasses neazly all of Long Island's North Fork, is truly a destination for all seasons. During the summer months it is the ideal time to enjoy boating and the beautiful beaches, the trails and state pazks. The fall brings the harvest season on the North Fork-a great time for fresh roasted com, pumpkin picking or a snsit to one of the 34+ ~°ineyazds for tastings and tours. Winter season is the perfect time to cozy up with Long Island wine, escape reality and experience the quiet and tranquil wonder of the North Fork. Spring brings beautiful blossoms, produce, and the opportunity to enjoy the warmer weather without the hustle and bustle of the summer season. The proposed project will result in new pedestrian space and stxeetscapes, continuous sidewalk systems, bicycle routes and parking accommodations, tourism facilities, and gateways. It will also improve safety for all road users, especially pedestrians, by reducing crossing distances, slowing vehicles, managing traffic operations and reducing conflicts between pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicle traffic. These improvements will benefit all who lic-e, work, shop, tnsit, vacation or pass through the Town of ' Southold. The project is expected w especially benefit Town residents, which includes a large senior ettizen population (30°~a of residents over 60 years of age) who generally enjoy walking ox biking to neazby ' destinations. A significant portion of the population also includes Long Islanders who perxnanendy reside elsewhere, but own second homes within the Town. Tourists also frequent the area from other parts of New York State as well as out-of-state visitors from Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island s~ia the Cross Sound Fem. ' This is a community that would benefit from increased public space and enhanced walking emtironments. This project will add landscaped public space, which will help filter the au and create a pleasant pedestrian em-ironment that, will encourage more walking and fewer vehicle trips. The safety improvements will also ' encourage walking, especially for the elderly and families with young children, who might otherwise be reluctant to brave the long crosswalks and high-speed vehicles. ' The proposed improc-ements will be constructed within public right-of-way and will be open 24 hours a day, ? days a week, and free-of-charge with the exception of the proposed expansions and equipment upgrades fox the Visitor Centers, whose accessibilit}' will be limited to Saturdays and Sundays during the months of June ' through October. The enhancements proposed for this project will be designed to accommodate a variety of uses. 1 1 (sai8ralATGP~1f~6mrn,„ Page F-1 lJ TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM EXPECTED BENEFITS TO TOWN OF $OUTNOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION RESULT FROM PROJECT ATTACHMENT G -EXPECTED BENEFITS TO RESULT FROM PROJECT Streets serve our communities as both multi-modal transportation facilities and important open space assets. It is this dual functionalin• that makes them our most valuable form of public space. From the simple and ' straightforward installation of sidewalls ox crosswalks to a comprehensive design that includes street trees, distinctive lighting, and custom furniture, this proposed project offers the Town of Southold an opportunity ' to immediately and directly improve quality of life fox the public, as well as encourage economic recztalization and toursm. _~ldditionall}', this project will foster a greater appreciation of bong Island's most well pxesen-ed town full of rich history, breathtaking vistas, wineries and farmlands, sensitive habitats, miles of coastline, scenic b}wa`~s, recreational spaces, unique boutiques, small-town atmosphere, and New England-like culture. ' Enhancement of Local and Regional Environment The proposed project will enhance the scertic quality of the Town in the following wa}~s: ' Creating a beautifully landscaped streetscape along the underutilized Traveler Street, wluch will provide a buffer from the current eyesore, the Long Island railroad tracks. additionally, the new public space will further enhance the scemc quality of the neighborhood by t}-ing it into the adjacent national historic district located on Route 25. • Creating landscaped medians on Griffin Street within soften the look of this wide paved roadway. • The project will contribute to improved air quaGtyby adding landscaping for air filtration and b}' encouraging more walking taps (thereby reducing velilde trips). ' The project will improve the quality ofGle fox residents and visitors to the area in the following ways: • Creating walkable communities throughout the hamlet centers and to oudeing parks and points of interest. • Increased tourism to the azea facilitated by improved transportation linkages (waterfont ' connections for boaters, bicycle routes and parking facilities, sidewalk connectivity, linkages to wain stations and bus stops, and safer roadway crossings. • The improved streetscapes, parks and waterfront will become destinations, drawing new visitors to the azea, enhancing the marketability of the communityand contributing to economic development • The enhanced and safer pedestrian environment will encourage residents and tourists to stroll and ' shop in hamler centers rather than driving to other shopping destinations, also contributing to economic development • The new enhanced public spaces will become focal points for the community, a place for gathering and socialinteraction. ' • Enhancement of tourism and visitor revenues by creating a greater appreciation of the area with the promotion of the Scenic B}~x-ay designation and historic and natural elements by modernizing the ' ~~isitox centers. Enhancement of Transportation Plans. Projects and S~-stems The proposed project will expand and improve the existing transportation system by adding new pedestrian linkages and improving pedestrian safety in the vicinity of all hamlet activity centers, as well as to ' nearby parks, recreational complexes, waterfronts, schools, historic sues and community centers. The extsting transportation s}'stem exhibits glaringgapswhere pedestrians axe forced to walk on roadway shoulders ox travel lanes. Where the existing transportation system is technically "accessible" to pedestrians, a varieh~ of ' unpleasant conditions east for pedestrians, including long crosswalks combined with lugh-speed vehicles. Safetyis a major concern at most of the locations, especially for the more vulnerable pedestrians, such as the elderly and families with small children. Not only would this project guarantee access to disabled individuals, it would improve accessibility for mobile individuals who nevertheless prefer to drive or be driven ' because of their perception that it is unsafe to walk ox bike. The project will enhance the trip experience by providing expanded sidewalks, safer crossings, pedestrian refuge medians, distincdr-e crosswalks, pedestrian so„moN7NP App4'mtlon Page G-1 1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM EXPECTED BENEFITS TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION RESULT FROM PROJECT lighting, designated bicycle routes and facilities, and slower motor vehicles through the implementation of traffic calming meastues. Furthermore, this project will address deficiencies in the transportation system by reducing excessively long roadwa}~ crossings that hnpede pedestrian circulation and pose a safety hazazd. Relationship to/Support for Other Plans. Projects This project relates to several local long-range transportation and town master plan documents in a number of ways. It supports the economic vitality of the azea, improving upon existing retail corridors. It increases the .rafetq and .recuritj~ of the transportation system fox motorized and non-motorized users. It increases the accessibility and moln~k~ty options. It will protect and enhance the environment and improve the quality of!zfe. It will enhance the integration and connectivit)~ of the transportation system, across and between modes. It will presence the existing transportation system. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program -The proposed project is consistent with and will advance the intent and policies of the Town of Southold Local \X-'atexfront Rettitalization Program (L\I'RP) btu enhancing visual quality and community character as well as pxo~iding fox public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources. Section 1'. Implementation, Page 54 of the L\XtRP supports the proposed project stating: "Hamlet Ilevitah'tiation Plans including Gateway and Streeucape EdemenW - In order to maintain the character of Southold', vilda~es, it is essential to integrate new development in a compatible. jarhion. Automabidet mutt not be adlawed to override tbe pedettrian- fiiendly gaalities of the trarkYianal hamlet cenlerr. Yet, the economic vitak3y of there business districts must be enhanced in aesthetically attractive ways. In Mattituck and Cutcbague business groups have already stepped to the plate by initiating streetscape projects in publiclprivate partnerships with the Town and other public agencies." Scenic Southold Corridor Management Plan -The proposed project is consistent wrath and will advance ' ' s the intent and objectives of the Scenic Southold Corridor Management Plan (CbfP). Page iii of the CNIP Executive Sntmnan~ describes the local citizen's ~dsion for what the Town of Southold should be in ten years, as a scenic eomdor and as a eomxnunity: `2n this comforting and appealing vision, defined through a series ofpublic meetings which bighkgbted the Scenic Byways planning procer.r, tra~c un71 move at a rearonabde speed through the village hamlets, and bakeways and walkways willprovide other more localitied access to hamlet ,bops and services. Year-round dondrtr unll blend into everyday life of the community, srrpparZing cultural and recreational facziitier, and contributing to the North Fork i traek'tional gxality of lefe. " Long Island Non-Motorized Transportation Study -This project will also fulFill many of the goals and recommendations of the 1~1'SDOT/l~l'bITC Long Island lion-'.Motorized Transportation Smdy (LINMTS). Specifically, this project will implement one of the study's proposed on-road bike cortidoxs: Youngs venue ' from the existing Route 25 on-road bike route to the Horton Lighthouse in Southold. The proposed route will also connect to the Tow^n's Seaview Trails Bike System. Bicycle racks are also proposed for this project at several key locations including municipal pazking lots and wain stations within the town centers to improve multi-modal transportation. Assurance of Availability) Size of ?Matching Share The Town of Southold guarantees the provision of a 20°/u local match fox this project. The Town's previous ' success with federal aid projects, as pre~aously discussed in Attachment "A" of this application, demonstrates its ability to furnish the matching share. Direct Usex Immediate Area and Environmental Benefits The proposed project increases the availability, awareness and protection of the lustoxic communities. Direct users who will benefit from this project include pedestrians, cyclists, boaters, commuters, tourists, transit riders, and residents. This project will also provide accessibility to people with disabilities. In fact, the North ' Fork is the fastest older citizen growling area in the State. The 55 and older percentage fox the area is among the highest in New York State. s„Necamrevappthd°r Page G-2 1 ' TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM EXPECTED BENEFITS TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION RESULT FROM PROJECT t 1 Innovation. Creatic-it;~. lfix of activities This comprehensive, townw•ide project will meet three (3) distract eligible transportation enhancement activities Facilities fox Pedestrians and Bicycles, Scenic ox Historic Highway Programs, and Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification. This project will offer an innovative approach to the design of pedestrian and bicycle accommodations and streetscape enhancements. The design will feature the following innovative, yet time-tested products: • Imprint Crosswalks -synthetic asphalt embossed in a brick-like pattern for NY 25 (installed on NY 710) • DutaThetm Crosswalks - a decorative asphalt surfacing system proposed for CR 48 (installed on CR 9~ • Lighted Crosswalk System -automatic, sensor activated, in-road lighting when pedestrians aze present. Proposed for Peconic lane (installed on Hospital Raad, Tawn o_fBrookbaven). • CU Structural Soil T"t -developed by Cornell Universih•, proposed beneath and around new tree pits to spur healthy sweet trees by forcing deep root growth reducing the potential fox heaving and cracking to adjacent pavers and sidewalk. Proposed for Traveler Street and Griffin Street (installed throughout 7V1'~. • Pedestrian-Activated Flashing Beacon -provides increased visibility and warning to drivers that a pedestrian is present in the crosswalk. Proposed for CR48 crosswalk at Love Lane. • "Sharrow" Bike Symbols -Experimental shazed-roadway pavement mazkings to complement bike route signage. Proposed for Youngs Avenue (installed in Nem fork City). • Architectural Bike Racks -Decorative yet functional bikes to be used in historic hamlet centers to complement conventional bike racks proposed within municipal and railroad pazking lots. • Interactive Visitor Center Kiosks -Interactive, touch-screen, kiosks are proposed to educate visitors on the history, env-ironment, recreational facilities and State-designated Scenic B}way within the Town. With regard to the use of CU Stmctural Soil TM, this project could sea-e as a "model" for street tree planting standazds or as a case srudy analyzing the benefits of this innovative product. In general, landscape architects and axborists alike have widely accepted Structural Soil as the recommended treatment for use around newly planted street trees in urban areas to prevent the upheaval of curbs and sidewalk and to promote healthy, deep tree root growth. Although widely used throughout New Yoxk City, on Long Island municipalities t}'pically shy away from using the product citing that the initial installation is cost prohibitive. \ti'hat is generally not taken into account is the significant cost sac-ings over time with the reduction in tree, curb and sidewalk maintenance and need for tree replacement..-1 case srudv could document the long-term benefits of the product within Long Island downtown azeas. as previously mentioned, the Comdor A~anagement Plan (CMP) and State designation of the North Fork ' Trail Scenic B}way has recognized the CR48, N'Y 25 and Sound .venue comdors as areas of special statewide significance and welcomes the promotion, presere-ation and awareness of the area's scenic, historic, recreational and natural elements. The transportarion linkages, downtown beautificadons, and visitor center improvements proposed under this project supports the CAMP and Scenic B}wa}' visions. This project ' also compliments the Town's current project PIN 0758.90 -Planning and Construction of Interpretive Signage& Kiosk Facilities along the North Fork Trail Scenic Byway. The pedestrian links will pro~Zde access to proposed kiosks situated in hamlet centers and interpretive signs in the Town's preserves and historic sites. lJ Level of Community. Regional Support The level of community support for this project is unparalleled as demonstrated by the 3,SOOt hours of vo/uateer time and et1"ortby the nine (9) Haznlet Stakeholder organizations and the Town of Southold as they conducted a comprehensive "grass-roots" outreach program to identify critical needs and deficiencies related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities, street aesthetics and beautification, transportation links, tourism, and oc-erall public safety. The dozens of stakeholder members are committed to and are eagerly anticipating the award of this project as stated in their letters of support. In addition, the project has the support of the local elected officials, Town Supervisor and the Town Board who unanunously adopted the proposed project in an April 2008 Town Board meeting. s~,,,lale rcrnppr~r,~n Page G-3 C 1 i ' PROJECT FUNDING There aze no supplemental funding sources for the projects being applied fox under this grant application. The projects listed will be on hold until funded by this Transportation Enhancements Program, or some ' future program to be determined. The Town t}picall}- finances their grant projects through bonds and is subsequentle reimbursed by the State afrex project phases aze completed. ' PROJECT COSTS .fin itemized Conceptual Cost Estimate listing each enhancement by location is provided on the following page. The construction costs are based on recently obtained (2008) unit bid prices from similaz construction contracts. The estunate includes mobilization, maintenance and protection of traffic, surc-ey and stakeout. The estimate also assumes a 5°'o per yeaz inflation rate fox the next two yeazs when the construction phase ' anticipated as well as a 20°% contingence fox additional items not listed this conceptual estimate. The overall project cost is estimated at $3,117,640, which includes engineering design, survey and mapping, and construction inspection. The 80% Federal Share requested under this TEP program is $2,494,112, and ' the 20°% Local Share would be $623,528. (See Conceptual Cort Estimate on next page) l TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTNOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ATTACHMENT H -PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING SOA/IMIlI ]t.l~/'~pFl(<6/(OA Page H-1 CONCEPT UAL COST ESTIMATE FOR June 2]16, 2000 TRANSM)RTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TO WN W IDL PLDEST ft1AN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROTECT TOWN OF SOUTIIOLU SUFFOLK COUNTY, NV MgTi 1TUCN CUT CNOOUE PE COXp SOVT NOLO ORE ENPOflT EAST MARION O RIENT FRHEfl '9 pLgN0 VISITO fl CfHTERS LOL ATpNf LOL ATpN3 LO GTpN) LO LATpNI LO LA 110X3 LCL ATpNB LpC glpN) LpC AIpNB LOC AIpNB LOCA 1/ON 10 LOL AtION II CLEARING ANOGRUORING L3 NEC 1 Po0.00 I 15 WOW 1 ]5W.Po I 12500.60 1 IO W0.03 I 5UO.Po I IO PoO.Po UNCIAS6IFIEO EXCAVATION CT 30.W 120 6W.00 IOpJ 30 WO.Po 20 $6Po.W 155 650.Po Z65 8550.W 25 ]SO.W 30 WO.W 30 9W.W 2p Po.W DRAINAGE 3TRUGTURE EA pW.W 4 £32 W0.00 d 2000.W DMINAGE PIPE LF IW.W IPo 10 Po0.00 W SWO.Po 150 15600.W OIORETENTION DRAINAGE SYSTEM LF IW.W W SWO.W 200 OWO.W gSPHALT PAVEMENT T 120.W 3Po $38 W0.00 250 $30600.W 20 2dWW 10 $12Po.W CIXICRETE SpEWALK SF EO.W I,OW $0 W0.00 15.OW $120 600.W 105W OW.Po 8200 E65fiPo.Po 12W IO WO.W ]0 S6p.W ]0 SW.W 1500 $120W.00 OETECigRLE WgflNING UNITS Eq SW.W 0 W0.00 12 6Wp.W 0 OW.00 12 OW.00 3 $1 `AO.W 2 IOW.W 2 tOW.W BELGIAN BLWIOGONGRETE MEOIgN SF E20.W 21W 2W0.00 1W 32W.W 10Po ppWW 1500 OWO.W 600 12 WO.W 600 120W.00 BRICK PAVERS BF E20.W 42W 4WO.W 5060 1092W.00 CONCflETE CURD LF E22.W I6W 5200W 30W 6fi W0.W dW BOp.W 600 132W.W 3100 02Po.00 3W 600.W 400 WO.W 400 BW.00 ADJUST E%13TING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Eq ]$O.W 3 250.W 1 3000.W p.W SAWGUTTING LF .W 2000 12 PoO.W 4W 2000W 3W0 10 WO.Po 250 IWp.W 250 ISW.O OURATHERM CROSSWALKS SF E25.W 650 16250.W IMPRINT SYNTHETIC ASPHALT CROSSWALKS 6F 25W IIW SWO.W 500 125W.00 SW 125W.W TRAFFIC SIGNS EA W.W 10 WO.Po 4 1200.W 6 10N.Po 10 3W3.00 I6 BW.00 0 12f10W 0 12W.00 LIGHTED CROSSWgLK 3V5TEM Eq f100W.W 1 W3.Po PEDEBTRIARACTIVATEO FLASHING BEACON Eq $160W.W 1 516 WOW DRIVER FEEOBAGN SIGN3 Eq f90W.W 2 10 WO.W 2 160W.0 TOPSOIL CT $W.Po ] 50.W 15 ]50.W 5 2W.00 5 E250.W 5 50.0 TREES Eq 5W.W 4 2WO.W 12 60p3W 6 3000.W 12 6W3.00 SHURBS FA IW.W 25 2WO.W 30 000-W 25 2WUW 15 15W.00 IS ISW.W STRUCTURAL SOIL CT $150.00 5 ]SO.W 5 ]50.W 50 ]5W.00 SiREEt LIGHTING EA §50W.00 20 TOO WJ.00 BENCHES Eq 25W.00 2 SWO.W 3 ]SWW 0 E200W.W TRgSH REGEPTAGLE3 EA f15W.00 2 3WO.Po d 60W.00 BICYCLE MCK Eq 525Po.00 1 2W0.00 2 SOW.Po 1 25W.W 1 SW.W 1 25W.00 GATEWAY SIGN EA 540W.00 1 OW000 1 OW.W 1 dOW.00 1 WO LO I OW.00 E%PANSION OF VISITOR CENTER LAUREL SF 5300.00 2W OWp.W E%PAN310N OF VISITOR CENTER GREENPORi 3F Op.00 2W OWp.W IMERACTIVE KIOSKS WITH SOFTWARE EA $IOOW.00 4 OOOO.W DELINEATOR POSTS EA 52W.00 IS 3000.00 t5 OW.00 WHITETHERMO PAVT MARKINGS-LINE3 LF 100 SOPo SW0.00 SW SW.00 4W W-W 500 SW.W ISPo ISW.00 SW SOO.W 15W 1500-W ISpJ 15W.00 WHRE THERMO PAUL MARKINGS-LETTERS EA E1W00 2d 4Po.00 WHITE THERMO PAVT MARKINGS-6VMBOLS EA 511500 ] 0500 60 WO.Po YELLOW THERMO PAVT MARKINGS-LINES LF IW SOW SWO.W 4Po W.W 20W 15W 150. ISW 15 . SUBTOTAL 33]K5.00 5320 SO.W 345 .W 150 O.W E5430W.00 5141 W.W 411050.W f55 B10.W S%810.00 3]OW.W 1IR 1pp.W PROJECT SURVEY ANO STAKEWT % 3 $10140.W 9613.50 1368W E4519.W $16260.00 2J.W 955.50 $I 6>d.3p $1819]0 EI 110W $51G1.W MAINTENANCE ANO PROTECTIgJ OFTRAFFIC % 5 $16,9Po.W 518.022.50 52,280.00 5],53250 §2],ICO.Op E]OS.Po $15B2.W E2 ]93.50 $2 ]40.W §1 BSOW EB,605.W MOOILIZATION % 4 $ID,SM.W 512.61800 5162400 E6026.W 21680.00 SS6AW $L2]d.W 52232.10 $219210 $1400.Po $6884.W SUBTOTAL f3TB 515.00 5358 .W 551 i2W i60 TR8.00 ]040.00 EI5 ]B1.W f35 W2W $6R ]SIT 13B].RO 14q.W 1BR ]52.00 CONTINGENCYBINFIATION 30% $113550.W 10I6]1S0 1532160 $50810A0 $102112.00 4]3LW 10101.60 $16]52.16 $1041 fi.16 $12432.W 55]025.W TOTAL PER LOCATION $4BR OBS.W $966323.Y0 Sfi63B3.60 5218316.90 fTBB 15R.W §RO SRB.60 S463M.60 SBt 59.36 SR 803.36 f530]3.W $R505]].60 CONS7RUC710N TOTAL Au Locnnoes 2 565 950.00 ENGINEERING DESIGN @ 10% 256600.00 SURVEY AND MAPPING 3.5% 569610.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION@8% 5205280.00 PROJECT TOTAL 317 00 DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPOSED ENHANCEMENTS AT EACH LOCATION: LOCATION 1-PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS AT MAIN RD AND LOVE LANE INTERSECTION LOCATION 2 -NEW SIDEWALKS BETWEEN FACTORY AVENUE AND LOVE LANE 8 PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION FROM LOVE LANE TO MATTITUCK INLET LOCATION 3 -EXTEND/LANDSCAPE MEDIAN ON GRIFFIN STREET AND NEW BICYCLE RACK IN MUNICIPAL LOT ON GRIFFIN ST LOCATION 4 -NEW CROSSWALKS AND SIGNING BETWEEN PARKS ON PECONIC LN NEW SIDEWALKS ON PECONIC LANE -BETWEEN PARKS NEW SIDEWALKS ON PECONIC LANE -CONNECTING FUTURE SITE OF COMMUNITY CENTER AND PARKS NEW SIDEW ALMS FROM RWV DEPARTMENT TO RTE 25 ON W EST SIDE LOCATION 5 - STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TO TRAVELER STREET AND NEW SIDEWALKS ON NORTON LANE LOCATION 6 -SIGNING AND STRIPING FOR ON-ROAD BIKE ROUTE ON VOUNGS AVENUE LOCATION 7- NEW SIDEWALK AND DISTINCTIVE CROSSWALKS AT INTERSECTION OF RT. 25 AND MOORES LN LOCATION 8 - PEDESTRIAN/TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES ON RTE. 25 NEAR HAMLET CENTER (ANGELS STORE) LOCATION 9- TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES ON RTE. 25 NEAR HAMLET CENTER LOCATION 10- NEW SIDEWALKS FROM THE SCHOOL TO NEW COMMUNITY CENTER rjQ LOCATION 11-EXPANSION OF VISITOR CENTERS, LAUREL 8 GREENPORT 571 AIIxFmen! H - Pmject Costs aM Funtliip 1 1 1 1 1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT I -IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Staff Date End Date Enhancement Funds .~waxded December 2008 Execute.~greement~c7th'~I'SDOT January 2009 .April 2009 Select & Hire Architect/Engineer Map 2009 June 2009 Prepare Design Approval Document Julp 2009 October 2009 Prepare Contract Documents October 2009 June 2010 Bid and Award Project July 2010 August 2070 Construct & Inspect Project September 2010 June 2011 The implementation of specific elements of the TEP Program may be able to be expedited well in advance of the overall program scheduled listed above. Fox example, the installation of striped crosswalls should not require the same duration of constructing lazger intersection enhancements. SontholATEP. 3pplita~mn Page I-1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM MAINTENANCE & OPERATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT ATTACHMENT J -MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF PROJECT ' The Town of Southold will maintain all infrastmcture improvements as proposed under this application, which aze located within its right-of-wa}~. Specifically, the Town will maintain curb and sidewalk, traffic signs, ' pavement markings, landscaping, street lighting, driver feedback devices, delineators, traffic signals, and distinctive crosswalks. The Town's Department of Public Works routinely inspects, inventories, repairs and replaces traffic control devices as required. Town personnel or contractors through a varietc of requirement contracts carry out these efforts. The Town's Highway Department will be responsible for maintaining curb ' and sidewall: improvements. Some elements proposed under this application, specifically, distinctive or striped crosswalks across NY ' Route 25 and Count<~ Road 38, will be located within New York State or Suffolk County right-of-way and will ultimately be maintained by the N-YSDOT and Suffollc County Department of Public Works, respectively. Planted medians within the right-of-way will be maintained by the Town. NYSDOT construction specifications and approved listing of materials and suppliers ~ctil] be utilized for this project to ensure qualih~ and maintainability of project elements. 1 1 1 1 1 so„uroieTEniiypn~~un Page J-1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT TOWN OF $OUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT ELIGIBILITY ATTACHMENT K -DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT PROJECT ELIGIBILITY .~ copy of the ?001 New Yotk State Resolution unanimously designating Counn• Road ~8, NZ' Route 35, and Sound .~~-enue, a 56-mile corridor loop throughout the Town of Southold, as a :~Tew Z'ork State Scenic B~•u~ay known as the "North Fork Trail Scenic Bf~uray"is included on the following page. _~dditionally, the documentation designates the forth Fork Trail Scenic Btu•ay as a component to the :dew fork State Scenic Byways System. All of the improvements proposed for this project are located either on the Scenic B«x~ay Corridors, between Route 25 /Counn Road 48, or on intersecting T'oa~n roadwa}•s located immediately adjacent to the Scenic Byway roadways. Soutce: New York State Scenic Byways Program -Nomination Handbook ~ _ 1 scenir by~zvay is a road, but not just a road. It's a road with a sto~~ to tell. ~~ scenic G~~zvay might offer magnificent znew.c or farrznating hi.rtorical.riter or amatiing zvildlzfe. It might ojfer acce.cr to an exhilarating arr-a~~ of or'ldoor activities or reveal raptivating cr'ltHre.r, .r~,ellGinding art or.~ectacular.rtructure.c..svhether a .reenic hyiva~~ offerr one or mane of there thin~.r, it alzvay~.c offers a great e.~aperience. ' -1 .scnic hyzvay is a "zznn-zvin"arrangement for the travelez:r that >'se it and the communities that adjoin it. Travelers arc treated to an ~zncommonlg~ exciting, eda~cational or entertaining trek. Comm~nzitiesprofit by an organitied managcmezzt plan that protects and enhances the hyzz~ap cozridoz• zvbile enroz~raging increased to»rism. ' Source: New York State Department of Transportation Website .roxzirold Tr P ~ppk«~~n Page Ii-1 1 1 r 1 1 NEN' YORK STA'L'E SCENIC' BYWAYS ADYISORI' BOARD 2001 RESULt?T1UN Nl?MBER T1'~'O September 10, 2001 I RESOLU'hIUN DESIGNATING THE "NORTH FORX TRAIL SCENICBL'WAI"' AS A NF.\W PORK STATE SCENIC B1"V1:Al' I V1'FIEREAS..Article X11-C of the New York State Highway Law recogtti2es that the f+uhlic imerrst is ser+ed by the formation of a coordirtated Scenic By~yays progr•aun; and, I WHERF,AS, the responsibilities ofthe New fork State Scenic Byways Advisory Board related to I the designation of scenic bynvays include recommendations for designation and addition of components to the New York State Scenic Byways System; and. I ~'~'IIERF.AS, the North Fork Trail Scenic B}~yay Steering Committee has made several presentations to the New Ynrk State Scenic Byways Advisory Board regarding the desi~mation ofportions ofNew York State Route 'S, t'ounty Route ~ti, and Sound Avenue, along the Long Island Sound and Great I Pcxonic Bay shores of the North Fork of Long Island in Suffolk County, as a New York State Scenic Byway; and, I V1'HERE:IS. on Sc•Ptember IU. Zftfil. the North Fork Trail Scenic BVv,ay Steering Committee submitted a Scenic B~~+avs Nomination for the °North Fork Trai/ Srenic Bfm•ap", a 3(i mile I corridor loop alone, portions of New York State Route ?5, County Route 4R, and Sound Avenue. along the Lang Island Sound and Great Peconic Bay shores of the North Fork of Long ]stand in Suffolk Counri•; and, 1i'HRRFAS. the Nc~+ York State Scenic Byvavs Advisory Board has thoroughly reviewed the nomination documents and has found them to be consistent with the New York State Scenic Byways I Program Nomination Handbook; now therefore. I BE IT RESOI.\'I!:U.'I'HA~I': The Ne+y York State Scenic B}•+yays Advison~ Board recommends the designation of the I "North Fork Trail Scenic Ry++•ay" as a New fork State Scenic Byway, thereby adding it as a component of Lhe Ne++ } ork State Scenic Byti+•avs System. I Adopted unanimously by the Ne+. York State Scenic Bv+yays Advisory Board on September 10, 20111 1 9 /o ~voi I UA\'ID IL •ASSN:R Uate 1 ' TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENTS PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION OF COMMUNITY TOWN OF $OUTHOLD - TOWNWIDE PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Ft POLITICAL SUPPORT 1 ATTACHMENT L -DOCUMENTATION OF COMMUNITY & POLITICAL SUPPORT Letters of support for the Townwide Pedestrian Master Plan Implementadon Project are included from the following State and County elected officials: • New York State Assemblyman Marc S. Alessi • Suffolk County Legislator Edward P. Romaine A letter of support for the Townwide Pedestrian Master Plan Implementation Projectis also included from the: • Toc~m of Southold Transportation Commission As discussed earlier,zhe project was conceived and developed through a grass roots effort (3,500 volunteer hours) by the Town of Southold and the nine (9) Hamlet Stakeholder Organizations. As demonstrated by their diligent efforts, each of these organizations has expressed their full support for this project. r Mattituck Hamlet Stakeholders Y Peconic Hamlet Stakeholders ~ Cutchogue Hamlet Stakeholders Greenport Hamlet Stakeholders Southold Hamlet Stakeholders i New Suffolk Hamlet Stakeholders East Marion Hamlet Stakeholders Orient Hamlet Stakeholders ~ Fisher's Island Hamlet Stakeholders ' s~,~u,~rarEr_apphxro„ Page L-1 1 06/26/2808 16:37 6319295512, .5l.'~ MPAC $. A4SSt McRdaM DIS~1°CI~ fiSSEI~I.YtdAN ALESSI 7ME /aSSBMBIJ` S-rA'TF/ QF NBW Y4aRK ALBANY Jwte 2b, 2008 I;eather I+anSa Rtannirtg niredar xg}vn of Southold P;q, Eox 1175 Bouthold,NY I1.9S8 FA3C; 631-765-3136 PAGE 01/01 COMMffTEES A ansrev Lenox 6~y„~~fln Wnn1` V91P1M4 pear Ms. 1raD26: I would like to take dais opportunity to exPs'e`as my support for dte Townwide Pedestirian implemantat9on P]an that would itrtprove pedesti<iau access and safety ~°ughout tha'X'own of 9outhoid. Improving pedestrian safety is an impoXtsnt go ~~ . ~t~~s ~ being adtniuisteTed by for residents and visitors of the Tow1t of Southold. Appro the state of New York wi}1 ultimately enhance gaiety by creating waUceble communities that ate ertticai to reroovfng pedestrians from dangerous roadways. Please accopt Yhis letter as a sipa o£ my full support for this initiativa• if 1 can bo of further assistance, please feel free to contact my distria< ofSoe, Thank you for your time and attentlozt regarding this matter. Respectfully, ~j i~% ~~Gy Marc. S. Alessi. 1~MBER OP A9S13MI3I.Y JvX9A:sah D q~OPFlCE~P~o°m928,I,°pa1°nwo~lneo 8ui~uq~Atb°n~ewv°~k 1~2et4a 919 7~ X40 ~~' PMI~d 011 ra°yolPd p°Par. 1 1 06/25/2008 13:37 8523203 LEGISLAT~2 ROMAINE PAGE 02 I.,IC GOUPt7Y 1~EfaXSLATURE ,~ teamQQ~~ p~' 1.5, ~r ~cou~' fiDWARC) P• F{OMAINE LEGI91.ATOR I BT DISTRICT June 25, 7.008 Heather J asza Director of Planning Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, AMY 11971 Dear DQs. Lanza: X am writing an suppo of your grant application ro 2~Tety Mork State for implcmontation o£Southold Town's Pedastri Master Plan. Iixfproving pedeshiau access to end around the downtown areas o£tJae tows.' hamlets will enhanoc the vitality o£this unique part o£tlae county. pn behalf of the t~esid is o£ the First L®gislative Diateiot, thank you £or yotiu e~bxts to improve pedestrian access an safety. Please feel free to contact my offioe if x can be of any £vxther aaSistanee. Siniy~ `~ /~7 ~y,a,~l'"~i Edward P. Romaine Su££oAc County Legislator, First District a2a @RIFFING AVEtJV6 Nv lfaof Ff+oNS (8311882^$a00 FAX (63}1e8R,.3203 SOU'~~OLD 7L`RANSPOZ2~'ATION ' COMMISSION 7ownFi~ll F. 0. Box 1179 68996 MaN IMetl ' SmMold, NY 11971-0999 Phone 1669) 795.1998 Fax(692) 7953166 ~ r . June 23, 2008 , _ ~~i Nei ~ , Ms. Heather i.anxa, AICP ~ ;,, JUN 2 4 2008' planning Director ,~. • ' Town of Southold ;. -~--~'"'- 53095 Main Road . . ,.: Southold, New York 11971 ,~, Dear Ms. Lanza:..... ~J The Commission reviewed the draft Transportation Enhancements Program -- Townwlde Pedesfrlan Master Plan Impiementattion during its May 27 and June 23 meetings and gave its unanimous approval for submission of the proposal to the New York State Department of Transportation. the Commission wishes to state far the record that the proposal embodies what is best In Southold -town-wide "grass-roots" partlcipatlon through the stakeholders committees in close coordination with the Town Board and related departments in the design of transportation solutions that affect accessibility, mobility and safety as well a5 the unique environment and heritage of the North Fork. rel , Neb sha R.t3rashich Cha an