HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 351 f I J C:SCC;:; \) '~f- I )) " ~~~Cc ~' EXECUTOR'S DEED . ~ . '" THIS INDENTURE, made as of February 16, 2005, Between Edith E. Mlnnigan, as Executor under the last will and testament of Thomas L. Minnigan, late residing at i91 Princeton Avenue, Hewlett, New Vort 11557, who died on September 19, 2002, party elf the first part, and Edith E. Minnlgan, residing at 91 Princeton' Avenue, Hewlett, New Vort 11557, party of the 'second part, . " WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, to whom letters testamentary were issued IJY the SUmJgate's Court, Nassau County, New Vort on October 16, 2002, File No. 325245, l:md by virtue of the power and authority given In and by said last will and testament, and/or by ,~rtlcle 11 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, and In consideration of $0.00 dollars, lawful money of the United States" paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of thl~ second part, the dlstributees or su~ssors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that plot and pan:el of land, situate at East Marion, Town of Southhold, County of Suffolk, State of New Vort, described as follows: / .;-f'. UEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly line of SoL,rth Lane which when measured along oJ,,\ \~ E181d line is distant 77.75 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly line of land conveyed by the ~-\ ~lartles of the first part to Flora E. Gemannt (and which point Is at the northeasterly comer of District the right of way leading to thEI beach which Is hereinafter described), and running thence South 1000 ~11 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds East along said right of way 179.37 feet to the "Beach" ~~ction hereinafter described; thence North 37 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds East along the "beach" fi9.56 feet to other land of the parties of the first part; thence North 31 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds West along said ()ther land of the parties of the first part 172.53 feet to the southeasterly line of South Lane; and thence South 42 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds West 8110ng South Lane 67.34 feet 110 the point of Beginning. Block 6 Lot 9 Together with an easement of Right-Of-way over the following described premises: BEGINNING at a concrete IT1iJl'!umel'\t at a point In the southeasterly line of South Lane which lEI distant when measured alcmg said line 67.34 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly line 'of llilnd conveyed by the parties of the first part to Flora E. Gemannt; and running thence South 31 degrees 1 minutes West along other land of the parties; Thence South 41 degrees 45 minutes West along other land of the parties of the first part 67.71 feet to a point on the northeasterly line of said land sold to Gemannt which point is distant 178.94 feet southeasterly o'f South Lane when measun:td along Gemannt's land; thence South 31 degrees 1 minute 30 S4aconds East along said land sold to Flora E. Gemannt 53 feet to the ordinary high water mart olf Gardiner's Bay; thence northeasterly along said ordinary high water mart 150.82 feet more air less to the point of Its InterS4action with a line drawn on the course south 31 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds East from a concrete lT1iOI1ument on the southerly side of South Lane distant 77. 75 feet northeasterly from the point of beginning; running thence North 31 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds West 40 feet more or less to a concrete monument; thence South 37 dlagrees 21 minutes 20 seconds West along other land of the parties of the first part 69.56 feet to a concrete monument; the,nce North 31 degrees 1 minute 30 seconds West along other lands of parties of the first 1791.37 feet to a monument on the southerly side of South Lane; and thence South 42 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds West along South Lane 10.41 feet to the p()int of Beginning. S;~id premises being known ail South Side of South Lane, East Marion, New Vort, also known aEI District 1000, Section 38, Block 6, Lot 9 on the Suffolk County Land and 'Tax Map. Bl,ing the same premiS4as con'l/eyed to the party of the first part by deed dated September 18, 2002 recorded October 8, 2002 in the Suffolk County Clert's Office in Deed Liber 12213 page 7~15. TOGETHER with all riglht, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part In and to anlY streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at. the time of decedenrs death In said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to conveyor dispose of, whether Individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwiS4a, NYSIIA R.........._ e..a. n."", on Hollllxs" (9~~J CoP,..... Capootl" Developmem .1. . .. - .-'. TO HAVE AND TO ttOLD the premises herein grented unto the party of the second l>art, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or lluffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, llXcept as aforesaid. " AND the party of the tlrst part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the costs of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using arlY part of the total of the same for any other purpose. I" STATE OF NEW YORK C:OUNTY OF NASSAU IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day Elnd year first above written. -?~~. IIN PRESENCE OF: ~~ '?'~ Edith E. Minnigan _ I I ) ss; ) On the 16111 day of February, 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared e:dith E. Minnigan personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capa " that by his sture on the instrument, the individuisl, or the person upon be f will di' I acted, executed the instrument. E. pp, II Nol8Iy Public. SIlll8 of New York No. lI2I.A4606738 " CIuaIilled In NBI88U COlmly Commission Expires July 31, 2005 Executor's Deed Title No. District 1000 Section 38 Block 6 Lot 9 County or Town SWtolk Street Address South Lane (No Number) East Marion, NY 11939 Edith E. Mlnnigan, as Executrix under the Last Will and Testament of Thomas L. Minnigan To Edith E. Minnigan Return By Mall To: es . app, Lapp & Lapp 100 Cedarhurst Avenue, PO Box 435 Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Rttserve This Space For USI Of Recording offiCe ~YSBA Ri~i" Keel .EIIa1a: Forms on IIoIDDcI- (9101)) -2- CawriJla Qopoon" lleY........", --- ~:u 3 ioiUililicr tlf pages TORR~NS Scrlalll. RECXRDED 2005 Jun 20 I013~il45 Al'1 Edward P. Roaaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTY L ??oo12393 P 351 DT' 04-45522 CertificateN l'rior Clr. " J:>ecd , Mortpae Insuumenl :rr: Deed , MUlll\II&e Tax Stamp fEllS Reconling 'filing Stamps Page' fiillng Fee 1illnd1inll TP-S84 9- 5:- -:<- Mortgage Ami. I. llDsic Tax 2. Additional Tax R.P.T.S../\. ./ ~/ = Sub Total 7 - . 30 Sub Total Notation EA-S2 r1 (Coilnty) Certified Copy Reg. C~py .,- j < Sub Total . - OIlAND TOTAL Sf1ecJAssiL Or Spec.'Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual 'fown_Dual Ileld for Apportionmenr Transfer Tax Mansion Tax _ The property coverccl by this 1Il0rtpge is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES orNO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on pa~ _orthisinslroll~-/< -oS 6 COllullunity Prescr.:vation Fund Consideration Amount $ FA-S2'" (Slale) Conlin. "r IJd. S lllL- AlT"ldavii Other Real Property Tax Service Agelie)' Verilicalioll DIst. l SOClion B lock ~OS:2~~44 1000 O:!BOO 0600 009000 RRSK A 14-.1UN~ Initials "'--- ~lfactionsIDi5ChargeslRAii_ LiSI Property OwnCls Mailing Add ..:J n._ RF.COIID A RnURN TO: JJ: --, Lot Stamp CPF Tax Due s Dale Improvccl Vacant Land /() .Lapp -I-ULtP. /{)O ~hu/~5~ $J Pc> ..&J'f:. 4.::3.'5"". 8 Title Company Information /Z.j L. . I- ~ / Co. Name Lr:::aClr r ,LII"S /y,-! //5/1 I TIUe 1# I Suffolk C01~ Recording & Endorsement Page 'lbis page fwms part of die IIIIacIIlxl ~ (SI'6CIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMFNr) TO TO TO made by: ei:itl-h fY/j/7 /? (1 Q r.) ., be premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK CXXJNIY, NEW YORK. TO. - '"dICTOY,1IShiPOf~ elit./It m//?/)Cf/7 /')1 III the VILLAGE _ _ _ (tr HAMLET of BOXES 5 'IHRU 9 MUST BE TYPIIDOR I'IUNffilJ I; IIJLACK INK ONL Y PIUOIl TO RECORDING OR FILING. 111111111111 1111 1111111111II111 11111111111111111111111 1111111 1111111111 11111111 Sl:Jl1'FOLIC COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument. DEEDS/DDI) Numb.r ()f Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0064838 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBR: 04-~15522 Recorded: At: 06/20/2005 10:35:45 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012393 351 District: : 1000 Section: 038.00 1I!Y"M:ItlTBD AND $0.00 Block: 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 009.000 FOLLOWS De.d Aml:lunt I Received the Following r.es I'or Above :Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/ri.ling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG U5.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STA'1'B $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Tran8fe,r tax $0.00 NO Coam.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFBR. TAX NCNBBR: 04-45522 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART 01' TIm :INSTR1lMENT '1'H:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Bdward P.RoIIIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County --- . PLEASE TYPE l)R PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps'.state.ny.us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. aWlS CoM 14<17,3. .,,~ ..ef' V, '~~-I C4. Pap L" ,...3 ,.s-; I lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2. DdII l)eed R.aardMI STATI OF _ YORK STA,. BOARD OF REAL I"IIUPUII" SERVICES 1:3._ PROPERTYINFORAlATKlN RP - 5217 ""17 In JIW "::=L 't~,_er LSouthold a7'i'QIIITQWN Rnnt-h ~i niP nf Rnnt-h T.;lno l'IM'i"NMil' F.At:t- M.l=IIr;nn ""'''' " 1}J2 z..... L Minnigan NM1e lM1'''''/CIl:M'M''l' "Edith E. ,...."""" L LAlIThAM(/~AIo" FIlPIltMI'I 3. Tu IndlicIIlI....Mu~TD8IIII.,.lObe_ L _I '.""'_buyw_fIt _ at bml AcIdreu LlSI uw IIDlfIII'Nft' """'- L ......'IMUMIIJIAIIoD5'IIIIITNAME ClIYOItlUW11 1"1"':'11 "COllI .......lIUII'IbIrfllf---- ---"11: RoU..,.... .........bd on the.... .1 I 'ofP....... OR D PIInof.P__ .. _ irregular ,",-, [77.75 Ixl _ _our 179.37IORI ...... 'ttCal' . 1000001_...____oppIy: 4A. PIon.... brd_ -........Ity E*U 0 ..fZl...~viIian~WltAequirwdtorTr.... 0 C. - Appovod far SubdIvIIIon - Mop - 0 ..- No"", LMinn~ ....._ v 1=!W~),~ ;:IA J.:ViP,....Jt-r;v Estate of Thomas L. Minnigan L l.AIIT MAw. , CDItMN'I ...r..... 1. Ch_ the beta Wow which m.. ICCUm.Iy cIIIcrIbee lb. ... 01 the property III th8 time DI"'~ N 111 ~ DIllY I - _lIuI____oppIy: .. 0wn0nIIIp 1'/po 10 Condom'....m I ~ CommuniIy Servke .. New ConIUuctIon on V...m: LInd J _, 'M. "'-LocoIod _n..~ DIItricl II: Pubr..&orvico '11.__._..__.. I. fo_ _...._IoIn.._..._1et 1" a.II: _ _ ....., __ ~ -- _ _.......... to"",,-,: ^ .. ~ ....... or Form. RMdw. R Solo__~"or""""'inlluol... C 0.. 01 lIMo ...... 10 _ . Sol,.. 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Bill I ,.. :""==":: ""'" I 0.5 I 11. T_ __ V... I"" ........_, ,..,_ 1:10.. 'I.), I () I-LJ 11._""_ -.. 15br.dlY:id , , ,~3C) a 2D. T__IdI_I..._lIl____._____, District 1000 ,Section 38 Block 6 Lot 9 I I CERTlFICATlOID I conIr)' _III "'... -.. -- _ ...1hIlI_ _ _... _ 'ID... bMl "'~ --.... _ ud r ............lhoI.... ...... "',.,y wIIl'lII,.._or_............wlII........_...... """""'.."'.....................to......._ "''''IlIIIo_ !!l!!!!!. IIUYEII'B ATTDIIN&V 0~~;,{{" l200 LaDD. III lAO' .... Charles E. -.- 91 IltlltT..uw.P Princeton AVenUE! 516 '''''lfMClAI'''ftII&A.I', ~ClUIa 295-3344 -=- ...... Hcwlet.t COY OR ..... NY 11557 .rAIE pcaor , SellER ~ ~'~ ~.. . I 71.' 16 I2nn5 Edith"'ir. Mi .nigan -. NEW YORK STATE COpy '- ----