HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12398 P 309 L 1~')'1i -fl ') (y,/ I! Tax Map DesipatiDll Dist. 1000 See. 038.CI Bllt. 04. OCI Lotli) 021. OOC! - . -- 2, S -tf-2... / mOOl . Bupin ond Sale Deed wi... eovOlllllt aplul OnaIar', AcII IDdIvidllll orCmpcnUoo (SlnaJc~) (NYBTU 1002) C(}''lSVLT YOUR LAWYER BEroD: SIGNING 11IIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS llHLY TIDSINDENTURE,madethe 19 dayof May BETVVEEN BARBARA ANN PAGANO, residing East Marion, NY 11939 ,in the year 2005 at 1345 East Gillette Drive, partyoflhe firstpart,lIIId SANTA A. SGARLATO, residing at 1 Irving Place, Apt. P9D, New York, NY 10003 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the lirat part, in conside:ratioD ofTen Dollars IIIId oJher valuable coosideration paid by'the party of the second part, does hereby grant IIIId releaseunlo the party of the aecond part, the heira or suecessora and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that cenain plot, piece or puceI of land, with tbe buildings Ind improvements Ibcrcoo en:cIed, silllllC, lying and being It East Marion, Town of SoWboId, CoDDty of Sulfoll< and S_ of New York known Ind designated as Lot No. 77 on I certain map entitled "Map of Marion Manor" and liIed in Ibc om... of lb. Ccri: of Ibe County or Sufrolk on Man:h 18 1953 as Map Number 2038, b.ing mORl pllllicularly bounded and descn'bod as follows: ' BEGINNING at I point 011 tho easterly side of East Gilloue Drive (50 feet wide) diolant 577.00 feel nartbcrly from Ibc cxtromo nortberly end of I CUIVC COIIIIOCling Ibc CISlOrly side of East Gillelle Drive wilb Ibe notlllr.rly side of C..v.. Point Road' , RUNNING THl!NCE nortb 26 degrees 36 minutes 30 SCCllIIds \VeIl aJoog said easterly side of East Gilloue Drive, 100.00 reel; THENCE norlh 63 degrees 23 minutes 30 ....ods cut 100.00 feet to I point 011 tho Woslcrly side of Cedar Lane; THENCE south 26 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds castlloog 1bo _Iy sid. of Cedar Lane 100.00 feet; THENCE ..uth 63 dcglecs 23 minutes 30 accnods west I 00.00 feet to I point on lbe eastcrly side . ofEl:'~Clil!el!"Drivc~!tbc.P"intor.pJacc~fB~G~G. .... . PREMISES KNOWN AS AND BY STREET NUMBER: 1345 East Gillette Drive, East Marion, NY BEING THE SAME PREMISES' CONVEYED TO THE PARTY. OF THE FIRST PARK BY DEED DATED 01/11/99, REC'D 02/01/99 in Liber 11942 PAGE 882 TOGETHER with all right, title and intereat, ifllIlY, oflbe: party of !be flIltpart of, in IIIId to IIIIY slreela IIIId roads abutting !be Ibove-dcscribed pmnise.s to the CCllJer IinCII thereof, TOGETHER with the appurteaances and all the CIliate IIIId rights of the party of the fintpart in IIIId to aaidprcmises; TO HAVE AND TO nOLD the premisea herein granted unto the party of the second part, the hein or auccessora IIIId I88igna of the party of the second part forever. AND !be party of!be first part (:ovenlntl thai the party of the first part baa not done or auffered anything when:by the said premises have been incumbered in IIIIY way whatever, ucept BS aforesaid . AND the party of the flIltpart, in complillIlcc with Section 13 of!be Lien Law, coyenanll that the party of the flIlt part will receive the conaideri.tion for this conveyll1ClllIIId will hold the right to receive such consideration BS a trust fund 10 be applied tint for the pwpo.se of paying the COlt of the ~vement IIIId will apply the SlIIIIC flIlt to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of !be total of the same for any oJher PWP8!~;.. ," . - ~ The wOiii,.r.jiaM~:i~M~'Ii5:':'i:OIu;bued BS if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. . . ~",r'II,,:.-.'I:.u:; IN m-Rl~'.M-'f&~tl1e party afthe lirat part hai duly executed this deed the day IIIId year first abOve written. IN PIlESIlNCE OF: t' .... " : ~ ,. IJSBd~If'UWUMbNr I'lMM IIbIARf' W'UBlf Jt'aw IUKa "'~"'. tIftL.l: 8"'''' afM.., York, Ccnmly oC fU-L.... 10'" '" } a.: ODilia 19 ..,oC Hay. ;"..~ 2..Q0 beIbno_"~..d,1 '7". .1 6:A ~gkJ. . B~:~. r_.8~ oC~. plIIIDIIIy bDwii 10 IIIIl ar 10 .... ... Ibii '-Is ..., _laIy nicIoaco 10 ba lba '-. '- I) "'-1IIDl(1) II (a) .......... to !be wilhin~IIIIIICbr..JIadpd IoDlll1bot~__Cbe -ia..............CIIIdl(leI),lIIIIlbolby~ -..-..cl)an lba .......... tIIa iadividal(1). ar !be p!i'Ian 1IplIIIlldIIIf oCwhlcb dul ..1tridmd(1) -,1lDlllIIelI1bD __ . ,; ---- --._S-a1_'ftIIlI Na.Il1_~ o.~e::..~... ~1'a.M"UllrIfmlllVJIIIIIf'ltB'Sr_Ol\r.r. fN-T"""~"'_A~c:.t(Jlca,.} 8tateafN.., Yark, Coaaly af . . J IL: On the day oC' . . ill the yar bef'ore me, the ancIcnisned. penlIIIllUy llJlJ-od . . IhalllbscribiDawitaea 10 Ibe~io.ob_d, witb wIIomIam penoaany 1CCl-h&d, who, being bymedalySWOlll, diddepoH IIId ny that bellileIIhcy reside(l) ill (fftMpI_qf._lJa.:.ilalr t...citJllItt:I.I. tM_II1I4_IIfl1Wber./f "'9'. t~; that hC'hbellhey kaow(l) to ba !be Indivldael dCIIClibad in IIIlI wbo CltllCI1Ied IbrI JInaoing iollromeDl; !hllllllid saIm:n"blng witness WIS prcseat and nw said _!be II1II0; IIIlI that.1d wiInea IIIIbr1 SIIIIIt lime IlIbscn"bed hisIherIIh!'ir lIlIIIIo(l) U a witness Iberelo. BARGAIN" SALzDDD wmr aIYIlIWlIIAGADISrOLVll'lll'l ACII Tm.llNo. . RES 05 32.616 BARBARA ANN PAGANO . . TO SANTA A. SGARLATO FmELlTYNATIONAL TrrLE INsuRANCE e::=OMPANY OF' Ntw YORK lM:DIrJ'o&a'IDI'lI . jf(,FlUIlty~ __Ilri_....__ rl ~ I ~ . . LL o Ill' .::J ~ ~ ~ r ;' LUaAI..&ftUfP~, I'VIIM IIIKoUW "'.l.nIrf "'~" IlmA~'.;u.a 'IAI..Z; State oCN... yen, Caunty of J n. ODilia _or iallla~ beIbno..... the lIU,Io........... JIIIIOIIIIIy IpJlCIIItllI . , . . ~ 10 DIll ar pmvrd 10 DIll ... ilia '-Is cf IIlIIflIclmy nicIoaco 10 ba "1ndIvIduaI(1) willie DmII(I) is (....) lILIbIcrIb<<Ito Cbe wldIIn ~ IIIId doowJedaed to me lbat brI'IIbe'Iboy IlOleCIIlIld the -"'bi&'bal'Ihr:ir~).IIIII1hatby~ lIipaIure(l) an 1110 inIInaaom, "1adivIdlaI(1), ar Iba JlOIIOII1IplIII boha1/"ofwhicb ilia iniIlvkDI(l) -. _die iaslramomt.. . -. ~l'ImI,.UllrOuatl8NilwJlB'Srm'Q\u. fOul tJjSlat. at' FtR'IIp q...",t Acbrt1wIlIIpat CIr1f/U:at.} . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . . .. J...: (C/mrJIIa y--.Itafo. c-.,.. ~.,.Mun1dpoIIry) . On the day of in the year balin me, lire Ulldeniped, perIOI1I!ly IppCIIIed JIllIIOIII\\ykaowa 10 me arproved 16 me oathe buil ofllllillilclotY mcIence to ba I!re individual(a) whosename(l) iI (ue) subsCribed 10 !be wilbiD iDIInaneDl and Ickoowlodp! to me that hel'lbelthlly encaled!be lime in biolherllbeir CIpICIty(la).lbIIIby bioIbaf their Iignataro(s) OIIlbe illllnrroenl, the iilclividaal(l). or the)llllOll apoo bahalfofwbic:h Ibo iodlvldual(l) acted, execated the inoIrament, ODd lhatlllch Indivldua1 made oaeb IJlIIl'IIIIICll before the lIIIdonigoed in the . /hII1 ilia dry 111' 0"'" poIlIlctzl IUbdivIrl"" o.d 1M "011 or """.try or o/AIr p'-tA. od1"''''''''''''''tMllU/ob7!l. DJSnucr . 1000 SECTION. 03'8.00 BLOCIC 04.00 Urr 021.000 CoIDnYoRToWN Suffolk SOUTHOLD RZCORDEDA.TMgUUTOF F1deUly Nlltlooal TIlle IalllrnlllOtl CIl1II""ny ofN... York /IE1URN 1/7' M.f/L ro SANTO D. SnARLATO. ESQ 332A 9th Street 2nd Floor B.rooklyn. NY 11215 " rJ 2 3 " Number of paGes TORRENS o RECORDED 2005 Jul 18 D3129:21 PH Edward P ,llOIlIa toe ClERK OF SUFFOU COONTY L 000012398 p 309 DTI 04-49536 Serial 6 . Certilicale 6 Prior Clf. U ~ I Mortgage InSbument Deed I Mortll"ll" Tax Slantp FEES Recording I Filing Slalnl'S 4 Pagel Filing F... MurIGllgc AmI. Handling TP-SB4 I. Basic TIIX 2. Addilionol TIIX Notntion Sub Total fiI\-S2 17.(COWIlY) fiI\-S217 (SI!tC) R.I'. T.S.A. _ Snb Tolal COIIUJI. of Ed. s~ SpecJAssil. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX 'J;; .5 ( Onol ToWII_ Dual Coullly_ Ileld fur ApportiolllllCIII _ TlDnsf.~ Tux . p'()S'O - - J 3n~ Affidnvil C.rlilied Cl1py GRAND TOTAL I 5:fAi ~ ~ Malllion ....ux _ 111c P"'llCrty covcrnd by lhis murt"'gc i. or will he illlproved by a UI1C ur . ,yO f1l1uily d""UiogClnly. 'YES or NO I f NO. see uppropriale 'u" ciiWSUn Iloge U _uflhi.inslrunuml. - .,;r lIer;.CClpy Olher SubTOIlII Reol PnlflCrty Tax Service Agency Verilicalion $ ~~()tJ 6 Slomp 05021255 1000 03800 0400 021000 ~. (~A_~) .1l!J1 as J CPP Tax ')ue Dole Improved Iniliols -". - -- --. ~ Vocanl Lond 7 SnlisfnClionsIDisch"'lleslRelca..es List Property Owners Mailing Addres. ItECOIWa. IIETURN TO: 3o.n1-0 -p. S:\GvY k;v~) r.. St 6~A ~+r-- ~, .:..F f'1 ~(c5ci~"h I N'-/ r ~ 'I~.) Suffolk Coun TO TO TO 11lis pnge fonns pu1 ofllle IIl1l1ehcxl K Title Company Infol'mation I . 9 & Endorsement Pa ')~ If~ro'. J~f'\(\' ().Q ClJJJ) .~ (SPECIFY WPE OF INsmUMENr) lIIod. by: UOXI.:s 5 'nIRU 9 "'II '111C pn:lllises herein is sitUIIll'() in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. J...T.......pof as'" ~"'1g., J Inlbe VIlJ..AGE S' } or HAMLET of -QA...t~G'- : TYPED OR I'RINIT.:D IN m.ACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING O!{ FILING. IIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111 1111 SOJ'FOLK: COUNTY CLBRK: RECORDS OP'P'J:CB RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of InstrumeDt. I1BBDS/DIlD NUmber of Pages' 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0074379 TRANSFBR TAX NOMBBR: 04-49536 Recorded. At, 07/18/2005 03.29.21 PH LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012398 309 District. 1000 Section. Block. 038.00 04.00 In'''IIINBD AIlII CHARaBD AS IrOLLOWS $520,,000.00 Lot. 021.000 Deed Amount. Recei ve,d the Following Fees IFor Above Instrument Bxetl\Pt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Hanciling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO D.-cn $5.00 NO BA-S'l'ATB $75.00 NO 'l'P-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO JlP'l' $30.00 NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO 'l'ransf,ar tax $2,080.00 NO CamIII.Pres $7,400.00 NO Fees Psid $9,629.00 'l'JtAHSn:11l. 'l'AX NmlBD. 04-49536 'l'HIS PAOli IS A PART OF 'l'HB INS'l'RlDIBNT 'l'BIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.RoIIlaine County Clerk, Suffolk County " , PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:// www.orps.st8te.nV.Us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNIY USE ONLY C2. _ Ilttod Recordod I r;,~,.3.-?,~ L2.1/ /t' /~..~I * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CT. ,awn;; Code STAlE Of NEW YOIIl STAlE IIOARII Of REAlI'llOPmlY SEIMCES RP - 5217 C3. 800II PROPERTY INFORMATION' ,. = L .l~.s.... INZI7...JM E1IU..1i.i,11er:te Drivp-. P:Atlt' Mllrinn, NY z.s,,- ...... L Southold ClTYDIlTOWN L ..."" tJ.&iul I SGAR~ \.AI,'NMdl ~~TA A L LA&TNoUIE./~ -- 3. Tax II'lIJIcD wtwe fut&n TIllC BIII..ID bO IInI L IiIIng If IXhlr nn buyer Idd... CII banDm 01 fonnJ ...... LAaI .....,tIJIItNMt ...T..... L S;~T_IIANDSI1IH:flUMl' .. IndIuIe Iht nil..... 01 ~t RoI percell, 11'.......... an the .... Cl'f'tJlllCMN I I 'of P.reels OR D 'art of . Parcel 1T4.. ..- ..Ilood I n Ixl D...J lOR 1 ........... SID FIIOWTIUT ..... L PAGANO .......r lAlI NAW:,t:DIiINN'f Nom. L LAST NAIll! rCOMMNY , n.7 11 ..- COnly . Part aI . P..u ChIck .. ...... IppIy: 4A.1'lonn;ng__s.-.AolIIorilyE_ D ...__....~bT_ D 4C. PM>>! ~ for e.~~NIon WlIh MIp Provided 0 BARBARA ANN -- .....I~ 7. CUe.. '1M bo. .... whIcIh mMl .....telv...... the.... 01_ property .. tile dme allI&Ir. 11. FuR" F'I1et ,52 .0,0,0.0 .0,01 , , . (FuU s.a. Pria lalhe UItIII lmolJlIt: pHI lor lhlI property Including peIaOftII praporly. This PIYI'I*C n.-y 1M in Iha form or.-h. othtr proparty or goodL or m. -.mptlort of mortaIOII ar ad.- -~_. ~ ,..... nMJIId fa ".. ,...,...,.",. doUM MnOWII. E ~ Aorlcul.'" ~ Convnunl1ySonriol F _.. J Ind_1 'lIA.-.v~_..__1ct G __ Publlo_ ''''...._.__.-... H E_.,_ L For... ....lho_Io...."W..."...IlIiol.... ,..a.II....rnaNlaf......_.. ~_"""""'to'lrll'lll.: s.o BaI.-n ....... or fonT8 ReIIUYeI s-. ...... ..... eomi-n. Of""'" In Bull,... Oneol""'--'''_,_ Buyer or ..... II Govornment Agency or lencIng Inltitufion Ilood Typo _ w...nIy .. Sorgoln ond _1Spoeity _, SIlo 01_........... Feo _ tspocIly_ SiD- ChII9ln _ -. T...bIe __ _ o.r.. SM or..,... IIInducIad In SIll Price 0IhIr Unuoull F...... A_"II _ Prfce tspocIly _ No.. -....----1pIIIy: .. OwnInhip Typo II Condominium .. New CorIiMruation on V_nI Land D D D o ^~ OnoF.mily_ B 2or3FamltvRllldlnllli C __, V_I Lond D Non........... V..nt LInd I SAU; INFORMATION I n. .... Cantl.. o.te - 05 I 04 I 05 c., Y.. v'" 12. Date of II. IT........ 05 - /19 '''' 105 ,..-.........- I 0 'I I ...-_In"'_ . ~ .. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DalIIIhouId ....octlht 1_ Fino'Aluumont RoIl.1Id TIX BUI ,I.Y_.." '.....__1 0, 5 117 T__V....IoI.._In_I' whIIh .....rrftIItIon ..... . ; , ,6 ,0 0 , II, ........... c.. 1'J.o:1 ,O'I-LJ '1.___1 OYSTER POKDS SCHOOL SD#473802 20. T_ ~ IclenllliM1atl RoI ~ .. men Ihen toLIr.1IttMh IhMt willi......... ............n DIST: 1000 SEe: 038.00 I I CERTIFICATION I J .....,.... ,01 or.... _ or __ ___.. .... fonD ............ __ ,.."'" _ or III)' ................. bdofl... I -'" . ........ -.... orlllQ' _ __01_ rlld.................... -...... -.....- "'............. -......IIlIIidlra... ...."'__ 0/tA~a::~ BUYEIrS A~ BLOCK: 04.00 LOT: 021.000 SGARLATO SANTO D. ....,.... -- ~lf- -.... 7~ ... (,,, 1 ~ TWPO-. ..... NEW YORK STATE COPY /\ ./