HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 647 , ., . . .' ) )-7- )0.) L //LtJt \ C' If ( BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8002 (short version I. FORM 8007 (long \'e'rsion) CAl..TION: "11lIS A(iRF.EMENT SIIOIJI.I1 III; I'RW'AKI:D Ill' A~ A"rJOM,l\EY ^,,"u KEvmWEIlIJ'r' A'11(I!tSEYS FOR S~J..uH. Afo;'l) f1Ukl:IIASI;J( In~F(JKE SICil\JNCi. THIS INDt:NTURE. ITUIde Ihe Oclober /2. . :!OO5. BETWEEN JOHN E. Del'll.ll'l'l, of 1000 Carbon (;oun. Eric. Colorddo 80516. party of the firsl part. Dnd JOliN A. DeFll.IPPI of68 Birch.Strecl. Port Washington. New Yurk 11050. party of Ihc second part: WITNESSETH. Ih'llhe porty of the firsl p.n. in considecolion of Ten Dollars Dnd No Cellls ($10.00). lawful money oflhe United SI.ICS, paid by the pDrty oflhe second part. docs hereby gronland releDse unto the pany ciflhe second part, Ihe heirs or successors and as..igns oflhe party of Ihe second part lorever; AI.L thaI cert.in plot. picce or pareel of land. wilh the buildings .nd improvements thereon erecled, siluale. Iyin!! .nd being in Ihe Town of SOUl hold. Counl~' "fSulTolk Dnd Slale of New York. being 1lI0re partieul.rl~' huunded Dnd deserib<.-d ,Ill Schedule" An annexed hereto. J This is. Correelion Deed intended 10 eorrecl o..'Cd nllldc July 261h, 20111 wilh John E. DcFilippi. Gr:lI1tor. and John A. DeFilippi. Gr:II1Il'<l. ,'(.'Curded 71:!0/01 in Liber 12131. I'.ge 2. because of property deacription not correct. Being and intended 10 be Ihe sOllie premises conveyed 10 Ihe Gcontol1s) by Deed daled 1131100, recordL-d 2/28/00 in Libcr 12023. P.ge 445.: TOGETHER wilh all righl.lille .nd inlerest. if any. oflhe party oflhe licsl pan in and 10 any SlreelS and roads abuuing Ihe above deseribed premises 10 Ihe cenler lines Ihereo( TOGETI/ER wilh Ihe appurtenances and all the eSlale und righls oflhe party oflhe lirsl part in 3nd 10 s.id premises. 7'0 H-I VE AND TO HOI.O the premi""s herein l"'IIlled untlllhe party oflhe second pan. the heirs or succcssurs and assigns uflhe pan}. oflhe s""und part forever. AND Ihe p.,rty nf Ihe firsl pan. eovenanls Ihallhe party of Ihe liesl pan has nol done or sulTerL-d all}1hing whereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered in any way whalever. except as aforesaid, AND Ihe pnrty oflhe linll part, in eompli.nee wilh Seclion 13 oflhe Licn Law. e!lven.nls Ihallhe party oflhe firsl pnrt will receivc the eonsidecolion for Ihis convL'Y8nL-e and will hold Ihe righllo rL'Ceive such cOllsidcrnlioll as a lrusl fllnd 10 be applied firsl for Ihe purpose of paying Ihe cosl oflhe impnl\'Cmenl and will ',pply Ihe same firsllo Ihe p.,)'ment oflhe ellsl "flhe improvemenl belore usin!! any part oflhe t('lal oflhe same fl,r any olher purpose. 11.e word "pany" shall he conslrued as if il read "parties" whenever Ihe sen"" "flhis indcnlurc su l'equi.rcs. IN WITNESS JflIIEREOF.lhe party oflhe first part ha.. duly exeeuled Ihis deed the day and year firsl abovc wriUen. ~~. -y IN PRESENCE OJ-": ~~ ~YSIIA'5 Ro:idcnlial Rr:d r~1R 1:,lfmS (WOOJ o 2QO.I Malchew lil:'nck'r &: (.'0 . a mrmber Uflhc l.e~I~'c,.i.. Ciruup. ~ ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. 6J0S725S2-l):j SCHEDULE A PARCEL I ALL that ~ertain pial. riece or pan;el of land. with the buildings :md imprnvemellls therL'On ert:Cterl, situate. lying and being in the Town of Snuthold, County of Suflillk amI Slate of New York.. known and designaled as Lot 151. part of Lot 153 and all of Lots ]56 Ihrough 160, inclusive, on a certain n1.1p entilkd. "Map of Seclion 2, Gardiners Bay Estates", and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 9/23/27 as Map No. 275. said 10ls and parlnf lot, when laken togelher, being more parlk'Ularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Ihe Easterly side of Cedar I.ane at the extreme Northerly cnd of the curve which conneCIS Ihe FA1Slerly side of Cedar 1...:= wilh Ihe Northwesterly side of Beach Court. and fmm said point of beginning: RUNNING THENCB along the Easlerly side of Cedar Lane, North 26 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds West 175.86 feet to Ihe division line betw~"ell LoIS ISO and 151 on said map: RUNNING THENCE along said division line and along the division line between Lots 152 and 153 elll said map North 36 degrees 32 minutes 311 seconds East 234.61 feel 10 the Southerly side of Pine Place: RUNNING THENCE along the Southerly side of Pine Place, Soulh 83 degrees 15 minules 20 seconds BaSI 35.45 feel; RUNNING THENCE South 36 degrees 32 minutcs 30 seconds Wes149.96 feel; RUNNING THENCE South 42 degTL'Cs 48 minutes 48 St:colllls EaSI 157.38 feel 10 IlK.- Northwesterly side of Beach Court; RUNNING THENCE along the Northweslerly side of Beach COOrt. Soulh 36 degTL"es 32 minutes 30 seconds WCSI 236.15 feet to Ihe Easterly end of the eurve first above mentioned : RUNNING THENCF. in a general Westerly direction along the are of said curve bearing to the right with a radius of 20 leet a dislance of 41.00 feel to the Easterly side or Cedar Lane. the point or place of BEGINNING. . PARCEL II ALL that certain plot, piece or pareel of land. situate. lying and being in the Town of SOlllhold, Counly of SufliJlk and State of New York. known and designated as LOIS - continued on next page - .' ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. (,JOS72S52-04 S C H E D U J. J~ A (l'UlItill~ 167 through 172 on a certain limp enlilled, "Map of Seclion 2, Gardiners Rav Estares., and tiled in the SufliJlk County Clerk's Ornce on September 23, 1927 as Map No. 275. Together with the land underlying the SlrCCts abulting these 101s. mUllely Cedar Lanc and Beach Court. Subject, however, tn Ihe rights of othcrs on said tik-d map to pass and n..pass for Sln.-et purposes over said streets, including "Ihe palhs. IcaLling 10 the beach shown on 5.1id map. Together wilh the righl 10 use the beach lying belwl'Cn Spring Pund and tho.' Ray and Old Orchard Lane and Ihe Channel marked IIpon Map of Sl.'ction Two, Gardiners flay Estates, a~ "Bl.'ach for use of lilt owners" for hathing and similar purposes and togelher with a right of way OVl.'r Ihe beach tll the waler, subject 10 sllch reasonable restrictions as may be imposed by the party of thc first pan and such use to be in common with other persons to whom sllch rights may be granted by the parly of the first pan. the - party of the second part hereby covcnanting and agreeing Ii pay to the party IIf the firsl part the sum of Five and 00/100 ($5.001 Dollars per year for the IIse of such beach, this ,U11ount of Five and 001100 ($5.001 Dollars per year to be paid to the party IIf the first part in advance on the lirst day on January in each and every year beginning January ] st. 1981. II is understood and agreed that the party of the second pan is not tll Il.'\:eive any title [() the watl.'rs and lhe land under waters adjoining the said heach, other than as above. and the party of the first part rl.'serves the right to cut a canal or canals. diieh or ditches, through thc said reach, and to erect bridges over thc same, the use of said beach of the walers adjoining and of dIe heaches and canals to be l.'ntircty at the risk of the party of the sccond part, who is 10 hold the party of [he tim part h:mnless from any damage or damages which Ihe said part of the second part or their heirs or assigns may suffer while upon [he said heach or in the said waters. If def:lult be madc in the payment of said sum or I'ive 00/100 ($Hll)) Dollars lilr till.' use of the beach. as provided above, and should such default continue fllr more than Sixty (60) days after notice and demand Ihen the llwner llf these premises shall at the opliun of the party of the tirst part forfeit all rights 10 the beach, and the party of the tirst part, its successors or assigns, shall have the right :llId power to bring all nL'Cessary actions ag3insl the owner of these premises or any part thel'l'Uf tor the collL'Ction of such sums as may be due, with interest. such sums to be and rem:lin lien upon the above descrihed land until paid. The part or the sl.'Cond part for themselves and thei r hei rs and assigns, do hereby covenant with the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, Ihatthey will not use or pcrmit Ihe said land to be uscd for any purposes whatsoever other than dwelling or residemial purposes. Alteratiun or addition to such dwelling shall he made wilhout the wrincn rc.1SOnable consent of the party of the lirsl part. The completion of a dwelling shall, however be - conlinul'd nn next page - -. .\ ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP. 'fine No. (130812552-04 S C H E D U LEA (cunthmedl sifficient t:vidl:nce nf the approval of thc plan tht:n."of by the p:my of tire lirsl pan; that no fence nf any kind shall be ert:e.lOO or permitted on said premiSl:s (whelher hedge or otherwise) morc than three fccl high; that no nutside toilct sh."l1I he eJ't.'Cted or pemliued thereon; lhat no poultry house of any kind" pig sty ur kennt:l lor more covenants 10 be binding as real covenants running Wilh the land. it being understood and made a cnndition therenf" howt:ver, th."lt t1rey may be altered or annulled at any timt: by thc wriUcn consent of the party of the lirst part. without obtaining the conscnt of any of the owners of the adjoining land. Premises is bounded on the South by Cedar Lane which was the subjeCt of a certificate of Abandnnment (Certilicate No. 3637-fiIed 07/07/1995) that certificate of Abandonment was il stir the SlIbjcct of Aetion No. 15406/97 and resulted in the recorded documelll in Liber 11992 page 371 of an oder cancelling the certificate of Abandonment. . fOR CONVEYANCING ONLY The polley to be Issued under this report wRl Insure the title to such buildings and improvements erected on the premises which by law constitute real property. TOGETHER with all the right. title and Interat of the party of the first pan. of. In end to the land lyIng In the street In front of end adjoining said premises. '. .' Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPI. * 309-n) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COU;\TY OF SUFFOIX ) On Ihe g day of ~-Il!Jbe:~. in the year 7~. $.. before me, the undersigned, personnlly appean:d JOJ.IN E. DcFILlPPI. pcr.;onally kno\\'n 10 me or prnn'tlto me on the'basis OfSlllisfaeln'Y evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose name(sl is (arc) subscrib.:d to lhe wilhin instrument WId neknllwlcdg.>d to me Ihat he execuled the SlIme in his eapacitYl ies). wld that by his signatur.o(s) ,)n the instrumenl. rhe individunl(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. e' Uled the instrumenl. JOliN E. Dd:ILlPI'1 To JOHN A. DeFILlPPI ing acknowledgment, JOHN R. LYNCH HllIuy Public. Stale Of New ~ Naauu County #02LY7634131 ComrnIulan Elrplr. oIl/l, 81..1co '-? ~tion 037.00 Rloek 07.00 Lot 010.002 County or Town Sut1blk Stnd Address 3345 Cedar Lane Soulhold. New York 11939 Deed TIJI~ No. N/A Rdurn 8,- Mail To: JOH:-l R. L YNel1. ESQ. John R. Lynch. P.c. 200 Old Country Road, Suite 310 Minl'Olu. New York 11501 Rnc"'c This S ace "'or Use Of Recordin Officc "".SUA's Ncsidmlial Real FSI.C 1:Nm5 (&JJOOI '0;00-' MauhC\1; BcncJa- &: Cu.. . memb.:r urlhe LcX"i1.~~is firnup. '.- L- . _... . [-;= 2 f.jlll1lber uf (luges to RECORDED 200~ Oc~ 26 11:45:41 AM EdW?rd P.P.omaine CLERK (F 9JFFOU: COUNTY L DOOOI2416 P 647 DT# 05-1252S TOIIIU,NS Sl"liali! Cellilic:lle Ii I'riul' \:lr.1I lJeed I Mull~age III~ltllll1cnl Ut'e\11 M""~ng. '1'., ~Im"p FI,ES Rccl1ltling l Filillg SfillllllS ~ 1'1I~~l'l Filing F~l- t.I'lrl~n~r ^II1I, Ilmulling I, Uasic Tn:< TI'.~K.I ,. AdditilJlUlI T..~ Nlllnli(11I Sub 10lFII 1,^-~2 17 (C"uuly) Sub '!"totlll (0111111 C1fl:lI n_ .5Iill_ ~pecJ^,;sil, II, 5".<./Add E^._~21" 1:;'<llc) IU'.T.SA ._-3L=- Glt^ND.IO'l'^L 158.Sb 'lOT. ~ITfi, TAX Un:d TllwlI_IJIIiII (1111111)'_ Ileld n-r ^111"lllil)lllllell~f-'_ T,nll5lt'r Tn:'!: _'t::!-__ I\lilllSiul1 TII'l: I ht' plllp"lly e:.n'e'I"ti I-~. Illis 1II1111~il!;.~ IS tll willi,": ill...n'YI~I,' hy :11111(' III h\'(1 family c1\\'ellill1~ '1I11}'. ."1~5__'J' lJI.'_ ffNO. ~';'.. :'t(lI'II'L,Ii:ut' liI~ d:m~t' elll 1'1I~!~ 11 __..I.r!hi~ int:lluII1elll. Allidil\'il Cellilil"d (.(IIIY HCJ~. ClIp." Sub.lolnl (11111.:1 l[' I, CUJUlJllJllily Prcscrvulillll Fund ~:.:Ulll' I{t::d I'Il.lpCI1)' '1:1.,( Service Agency VelilicntilJlI _l.1iet._ . Seeliun IIloc..ok Lvi 1000 03700 0700 010002 Clln~hJt"l'nlit.'1I Amount $ CPF Tno"'C Due $ IJute IlIIl'lnvrcl __.__._ I IlIiliul,; l . -- - 1 Snlisiilcliun!\lUischnl'p,es/ltclcnscs List Pruperty Owners Muiliilg -^a~lrt"~<.; ImnllW & ItETUIlN TU: Vn,oill1l LlIlHI J~~~.~ ~ 2eD Dld. ~~ ill ~lO ~NYll5D1 ~ T[) TU TI) Il") y Tille CIIIIII"III)' h,ronllllliflll .l__.~~ & :Endorsement Pa re .11.i:: I<lge li.fllr; pm11'flhc "unched _ Co~ec; ,on _ (~I'ECII'YTYI'EnF INSHUJMENf) ~ )~_.. _f: . ~t-:~ -J1"'p,ellliseshc",i.1I i~ ~illllll,'d in SUHOI.K COUNTY. NEW YOllK.. InlhcT""nshil',,f ~~ III II", VII.I./\(iE 1'1 I IAJ\.II.ET "f ~~~ Suftolk COlUlt Illude hy: J~~~fl~ II' '.\LS ~ 1"111(1)" :-'11.1STlIE TYI'FDl)lt I'RINIHJ IN III :\".1; INK '.llll Y "I:I()lt .I':'IWo..."PI'fto"(;! II{ HI.II.."; ..--.-.----..-.-....-. tlJ.~L.1\1 II11I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OPP:ICE RECORD:ING PAGE Typ. of Instrument. CORRECTION/DEED/DCO Number of Pages' 6 R.c.ipt Numb.r . 05-0112467 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-12528 Recorded: At: 10/26/2005 11:45:41 AM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012416 647 District: 1000 S.ction. 037.00 BXAMDlBD AND $0.00 Block. 07.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 010.002 "OLLOWS D..d Amount: R.c.iv.d the "ollowing F.es For Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 C.rt.Copi.s SCTK Comm.Pres $18.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Above :Instrument Exempt NO Handling NO NYS SRCHG NO EA-STATE NO Notation NO RPT NO Transfer tax NO $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.50 $30.00 $0.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO ....s Paid $158.50 TRANSFER'TAX NOMBBR: 05-12528 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRmmNT TH:IS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONL V PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stete.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT C1.SWIS Cod. I So< 7, 1.~. 11'.", ~ ::DI_;=d,/~ ~~~ /-~: ~~ ~. . . PROPERTY INFORMATION ""'-1 3345 LOClItlan ITJIIiI.T NlAtIlR Cedar Lane II""'..... 2. ...... N.... .,j~~old DeFILIPPI Lq'I'NA./~tn' JOHN A. _r_ East Mlrion ....... 119391 "COOl! LAlT""";:/~ F.P"'" 3. T.. nIcItI 'Where Iutunt T.. BiDs.... to be.nt ...... if other thin buyer Iddre. t.r bonam 01 (arm) I ........ LAST N'" ICOMPANY IUIIilI NUWlkKANDI".EINMI. CII'YDlllOWh 4. 1ndice1. the numbw of Asuamlld RoI ...... tr.......... on t" deed D.,J ~ of Parcel, OR 0 Plirt of. Parcel ..::::.., I Sko mpnI IORI . z-. 8.s! ACJlI.I Ix! MD'UFEET ..- N.... DeFILIPPI LAS' NAIIII: I COMMNV JOHN E. n........ CIIock... _ _...... _ .. awn..hlp lYsN .. Condominium I ~ Communlry Scrvlee I. New COftItrucUon on VIlCIftl L.nd J Induttrial 1M.. ProPIftY I...caIed ~ an Agrlcullural a.ret K Public Service ,.. 8uyc!or rtIClINod . dIcJoIure I'lOIicIIncIIcMing L Forlll Uaat Ihe propeny is In an Agriculcwll Diltria: 1&. a-. _ or more of.... COII.......1IIlPIcebIe 10 WnIIr A SGIe BMWlI.,. ReIMlvo. or FormaT RuIIdYa. B &eI. BoIween RHud eomp.ni. or Pertnel"J In Businea C On. of n. Buyars II... . s..ler D Buyer or ..... is Gowrrnmerw. Agency or Lending Institutlon F. DoMI Type naI W.rrlnty or s.g.n .nd s.a. ($peeIry BIlow) ... s.a. of FractloM or .... thin Fee I,... 15PKifY BeIawJ G SfgnilQnt a..,ge In Property Bulween T.1l8b1e ScllIUI ... SeI. 0aIeI H Solool........lolnd_lnSaIoPrloo I Oth.. UnlaU8l Factors Affacdnu Silo Pril:e (Spaclfy Below) J _ LAST~'~/IMI ....r.... 7. Ch_k tM bu. "'OW which moat MCunteIy d"'" tM .... of .... prapeny at thII .1rM of ....: A~""'F__;" B 2 or 3 Famlty Aelkltntl.1 C ~VKMIland D Non....lidMIl.. v..... unci I SAlE INFORMATION I ". .... Ca~ D... F.~_.u,.. F Cornrn.lcill G _... H Enlll'lairuntnl/ AmuHmenI -... Do. >.., 12. .. of .... , Tr....r If) I ...... J2 I 0< 1 Oor >"" . ,0 , . 0 , 0 I , , . lFuU SIll Price it thlloIIII ..,...,. .... for the proporty Including ~rwanll property. Tbi. ~ IJ\8f 1M in .... form of cuh. other pI'DI*IY or QODdI, or Iba ....mption of mortOIQeI or 0CbIt' obBgldons.) ",.,. ItNntlltJ th. ,.".., whole doIW MnounL 1.1. Full &.Ie Price ,..-....-.......... 1 ,0, 0 I prapIIty Included In .... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dotllhould _1h.1a.... Finll -""nl Rolllnd Tax Bill 'I. y.., of &-- 'TleIIIt Roll from I Q ~ t7 ~ I ........ V.. (of 11II...... ... ........ I which .....l"IMIion __ . otII ,",_",au. I -z.-/. 0 I-LJ ,"' _ DIoIrICI Nom. I 01 ~t.e.,.. 20.. Tho Map 1hntIIeI1t11 ... ~ II-...ut..... d.lch IIhMt with ..1ItIIorYI.......-c.n Sec. 037.00; B1k. 07.00; Lot 010.0~ STAlE OF NEW YORIC STAlE IIOARD OF Rl!AL -.nv SERVICES RP - 5217 1lI'oQ17.....WI FlSr.- IIAIl Z'CUDa IOnIr . Pm III . ....... c.... _ dillY ippIy: ... AIming BoII'd with Subchilian AulhOtity e... 0 ...__....Roq....IorT'..- 0 4C. Po.... Aoo"""" lor 5ubchIslon - ..... - 0 o o o o Correction Deed pO':1d S' 2.3 q.o 01 , , I I CERTIFICATION I I -ul)" - 011 or.... ...... '" rnr....- ........ an IhII form I.. ..... ... ........ ,0> .... ..... <II ID1 _....... aad bolt!) ... I ........... _ ... ........ '" lI1I)" willi......... .......... <II _llId....... wIt....jod......... _.. <II.... _law Ndl,.... dIo ...........lIIinI 01_ """""'- l!l!!I!l BUYER'S ATTORNEY Lynch ,....- 1000 all11klrMJlMRllli Carbon Court !lllll'1T'\I.....WT"'....' 516 .J::hn R. ....1..... 248-6200 -- Erie arr co ..... CO ,80516 .rAn ZlPtvEI' DA'" T1!ll!f'HONI!.........1I. NEW YORK ST ^ TE COpy '-