HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 528 '. ~: . \.;, ;' 3 '3-,3 -/q, 17 L/2Lfcl{ PS2'f, NO CONSIDERATION Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant against Grantor's Acts CONSULT YOUR LA WYER BEFORE SIGNING TIllS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LA WYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE. made the 12th day of August Two Tho_ad Five ANTHONY NICOLETTI 29 Gladys Road Wading Rivcr, New York party 01 the lint part, AND, BAYBERRY BUILDERS, LLC 29 Gladys Road Wading Rivcr, New York party oUhe seeoad part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the flnt pari. Ia toasldenlloa of Tea Dollan Bad other valuable coasldenlloa paid by the party oUhe seeoad part. does hereby Inat aad releue uato the party oUhe secoad part, the heln or succeaon aad assJaDl of the party af the HCOad part forever, alllhat amla plol. pIece or parcel of Iaad, sJtaate,lyIul..d belnl SEE SCHEDULE MA" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 0J3 BLOCK:OJ LOT(S): 019.01' SAID PREMISES KNOWN AS: 1ZS CAIOLA COURT, GREENPORT, NEW YORK BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the lBIDe premises u acquired by deed dBted Jaaua." ',2004 aad recorded FebruB." J, 2004 In Uber 1Z299 cp 101. TOGETHER with all IiIht. IIde aad Interest, If aDJ, of the party of the flnt part of, Ia Bad to aay Itreelll aad roadl abuttlal the above-descrlbed premises to the ceater fIDeI thereof; TOGETHER with the appurteaances aad all the estate aad rlab.. of the party of tbe flnt part Ia aad to Mid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD die premises berela Inated uto the party of tbe secoud part. the beln or laecesson aad assllDl of tbe party of the secoad part forever. AND the party of the lint part covea.... dlat the party DUlle lint part bu aot doae or suffered aa)'thlng wbereby the Mid premJses bave beea lacambered In Bay W1I)' ...ballYer, uccpt u afol'Cl8ld. AND the pany of the flnt part.la compllaacc with SecIIou IJ of die Llea Law, toveaan" that tbe party oUbe flnf part wID receive the toDlldenlloa for fbe coavey..cc aad wiD hold the IiIht to receive lach coasJdenlloa u a trusf rand to be applied lint for the parpooe of pa)'lal the cost of the Improvemeat aad will apply tbe I8me fint to the paymeat oftbe COIf of the Improvemeat before uslalBay part of the total of the I8me for aay otber purpose. Tbe word "party" IhaD be constructed ulf It read "parties" wbeaever the seue of this ladeatarc 10 reqalres. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. tbe party of the fint part bu duly eseoaled tbls deed the day aad year"flnt above wlitlCa. IN PRESENCE OF: " , ~ Fidelity National Title Insurance Company TITLE NO. OS-7404-62402-SUFF SCIIEDVJ..E A-I (Dnt:ripIitHt) ALL that cenain plot, piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and being at Greenport. in the Town of Southold. County of SulTolk and SlDte of New York. known and designated as Lot No. 17 on a eertain map entitled "Map of Ruckcove Estates" filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of SulTolk on June II, 2001 as Map No. 10637, which said lot is bounded and described as follows: UEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Caiola Coun di~lant 140.05 fect southeasterly from the extreme southeasterly end of an are of a curve which eonnects the southerly side IIf Inlet Pond Road with the southwesterly side of Caiola Court; said point also being where the division line between Lot Nos. 17 and 18 on the above mentioned map intersects the southwC5terly side of Caiola Court: RUNNING THENCE alons the sllulhwcSt~i;;ide of Caiola Court along an an: of a curve bearing 10 the left having a radius of60.00 feet a distance of61.29 feet'~!hc division line bc:tween Lot Nos. 16 and 17 on the above mentioned map; .'..... .THENCE South 9 degrees 48 minutes 01 seeonds Easulong said division line 151.85 feet; THENCE South 79 degrees 00 minutes 55 5<.'Conds West 173.17 f=tto the Subdivision Map of Eastem Shores Section 5. o Map No. 5234; tHENCE North 20 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West along said Iw;t mention.'lI map 99.91 feet: THENCE North 48 degrees 43 minutes 52 seconds East 164.56 feet to the southwesterly side of Caiola Court,the point or place of BEGINNING, TOGETHER with ingress and e~,'ress over C.aiola Court to the nearest public highway. TilE POLlel' TO BE ISSUED ullder Ihis COII/mllmenl willllUure Ihe lille 10 such buildlnsp and Impro\'f!men/S on Ihe premises ....hleh hy law cOllstitute "nl ProfWITY. FOR CONVEYAN(.1NG ONU:' 7j'gelher ....ilh olllhe righl. lille 011I1 inleresl oflhe part)' oflheftr., pari, of ill alllllO Ihe IUlUl ("i"ll in the .m'el!t infra", of and (Ilijo;ning ~aiJ preIftLfl!.f. ,CllliDULE A-I r/J.'scriplionl Rcv,(1l31O.\1 ." " .. . ST ATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) IS: Individual/Corp On tbe 12" day of Augult Two ThouAnd Five before me, tbe undersigned, personally appeared ANTHONY NICOLETII personally known to me or proved to me on tbe bull of Atisfaetory evidence to be the Individual wbOle name is IUbierlbed to tbe wltbla Inltrnment and acknowledged to me tbat be eneuted tbe lame In bls e&plclty, and that by hll Ilgnature on the inltrument, the Individual, or tbe person on behalf of whleb tbecr~ted the lnatrument. HOTAR~:::-~L:-. "-~~-;:~=~ ---~..... .' ~..J -""'1:_-- .. - :L-..r:;.-......... - ,.' .'~- "" "l.IO Mlll1l!llI1C AmI. I. Ba.~ic Tax 2. Additiolllll Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I A,,~il. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for AppoilllllklOl _ Transfer Tax D M:uJlIiun Tax .' Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certilicate # Prior Ctf. # Deed . Mortgul!e InSlrumenl Deed I MOftl!UBe Tax Stamp FEES 3 Puge I Filing Fee Handling 5 JIlL TP-5114 Notutilln EA-521? (Counly) EA-521? ,SIOle) Suh Total R.P.T.S.A. Ao Comm. of Ed. 5. ..Q!L Affidavil Certilinl Copy Reg. Copy Suh TOIaI l~). I' Olher Grund TOIDI 4 District 1000 Section 033.00 Block 03.00 Lor 019.017 5 Real Property Tax Service Ageney Verilicatiun ~~ 1000 ~~~ ......-/ 03300 0300 019017 6 SatisfDdionlDischnrgesIRelew;e list Property Owners Moiling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: DAVID B. PROKOP PROKOP AND PROKOP 131 ROUTE 25A ROCKY POINT, N.Y. 11778 RECORDED 2005 Rug 18 12114,18 PM Edward P.Roaaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUHli' L 000012404 P 528 Recording I Filing Stamp; The pn1perty ,'Overed hy lhis mOlgage is ur will be impmwd hy a unc or Iwo fwnily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. 5L'C apJlnlpriolC lax elau!lC on page # uf this i ns\ me . Communi Preservation J<'und Con.~idcr"'iun Amount $ D $ 0 CPF 'I'.&X Due: Improved I ~ VanOl l.and TO --L D TD Tn 7 TIlle Comptlny Information Cll. Name FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE TItle # 05-7404-4%402 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pari of the ottached DEED ANTHONY NICOI.Err. 1bc premisis h.,...,in is situatnl in (SPr,CII'Y TYPE OF INSTRUMr,NTI made by: SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of So.thold In the VILLAGE BAYBERRY BIlILDERS.LLC or HAMLET of G- ~ ~~J PoR'-- BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RRCORDlNG OR FILING 1I111I1111111111111111111111111111111 mill 11111 III 1111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF:ICB RECORD:ING PAGB Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DOD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0086471 TRANSFER TAX NDMBER: 05-02891 Recorded. At. 08/18/2005 12 .14 .18 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012404 528 District. 1000 Section. Block. 033.00 03.00 BXAMJ:NED AND CHARGBD AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 019.017 Deed Amo\Int. Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTIII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRANSPER TAX NUHBBR. 05-02891 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THB INSTRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Rom&ine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.lIt8t8.nv.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. BWIS ~ IL .,. ~ .8 I * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IS", '7, ? ,l?, g. r' STATE OF _ YORI( STATE SOARD OF REAL PIlOI'UTY IIERVICI8 C2.Dm_Rocordod I o!?, /11'1 Os-! MonIh ra;; v.. 1:3._ I /~ ,V',~,YIC4,"""1 PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 1U'-5117 ... JIn 1."'-1 ......... 125 mm ..... C!aiola ""'1 iWiI - 7' Court: -< 1'li~gld I -- Iq~lia Mrclf5Q. nn..+ ....... - BAYBERRY BUILDERS. LLC LMT ~ Ic:o.wrr LM I NMIIi ICIRIINM' -- J, T.. 1ndIcIta.........T......tobe_ I _ H____rar_..Iannl. - LAIl MAla I COIIMIf'f' ..w11lMll .,.-r MUIIIIII AND......, 1M_ &. IndIcaI. ... ...... of &------'lIl IIDI ...... ~..........4 .. 1M deed c:n'\'0III'~ II 'ofhrcell 011 0 '-rtot. Pan:aI , IrATi. ~CQDI I. :::...v I - ,.llQNrFliIiT Ixl .",,, IORI "N:x;' . 1OoIr. -... _ _ __ apply: tA. PIInnIng BoIrd wflh 8l1tl dt..-on AuIhortIy Emu 0 ... '" ....LJ1IIanApprawal_ RIcJ,IINd flirT...... 0 c..... AppravodfutSU_..... Mop - 0 1.- - ...lt~T lAA~.ieAl LAll'NM'II~ ..., .... 7. ca.- the boil beIDw whIah..- - ..... d-u. &he.. of... ......- . the"'" 01.-.: A~OnoF....IyIlool_ 8 2 or 3 Family ReIidIntIIl C Reeldendll VlClmlMld D NoI." .~ .WlV....Land I SALE INFORMATION I 1'._~o- E~_" I' Commor<laI G _ II -'/An"..m.tIf ~ Cammu.lly_ J I_ . Publlo:_ L F.... -...----- I. 0wn0r0tIIp T... iI Candamlnium .. ~ eor.ucuon an v..,. LMMI _~ ""'-wl",In ""_Diolncl ___.__Indi:oling ........_Io...._lurol-"O o o o o 11. DIlle of .... I T....... I 1 MonUI Day y_ I f!>., (z..,~ UDnlh DIf v.., 1I.QIIIIIIr._.....,...._ _. __..........~ ...FuII_...... , ,.~0.01 , , . 1F.._......lolho_....... ....lor.... _'ncIudl"ll__. lIriI perrnenllMJ be in the form of AIh. OIher ptapMy or goodI. or tM ..umpllon of ftlDI"IpgeI or attIer obUpIlona.l PIoue touttd to ". ,."." whole dollar amount. .4._...._.._ I .0,01 ......., ........... In ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Deta Ihould I1IIIIC1 lilt 111001 RIlII _ RaO Ind Till BIll A B C D P. F G H I J .. &.IwoIn AelIUwI or Fonner ReI..w. SIlIo ~ ReIItId ~ or ParInan In BuIInea 0n00l"_1o_._ Buyer or SIIIIr " Oo_~nl Ji+tI4rcy or Lending InII/tuIion Dood T,.. ... Won..., or Bo....,. _ _ ISpocIfy _I SIlo.. F_ or '-..... FGll_,Sjlodtf_ _,11,"" Chongo In "- _ T_ __ &010 DoIoo _01__10_"_"'100 llIhor u.-.I __ -"ll _ PricoISpoclfy Solowl Nlll10 11.:::"01,;". ..'";.:.::......10 ,i 1 ".T__V_C...._.._, ... _co.. I ~.OI_U ,..___1 j GR.eeNfb~" (it..>) j I /I tI> ~ , ...T..__loI/__IoIU1......__._____1 I~ ~.n a).I' 0/9,0/? I ICERTIFlCATlON l ......., - 011 "'.... _ "'..,..-. _ ...1IdI_ on _ -.I __.Ill........ '" OQ'......... and __,.....-..... _....-... "'lIIQ'___"'_locl_........... ....... _10.. "'..._...._............lIIIlI...."'__ BUYER'S ATTORNEY &~ ~~ ~J .~""II G-~~j'~ I U-l-z.{ ~ .p"U~Dr 1 '!2Py~ -- ...... ~E.~/~ ""'00_ 4~ NEW YORK STATE COPY .....