HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 803 , .-.., -7 ~ . )J--3-/Q, /-1 , -. - -. . Bargaill and Sale Deed with Covenant against Grantor's Acts L I:) LJ C 5 CONSULT YOUR I.A WYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT . SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY f ~ C') THIS INDENTURE, made the 12th day of August Two Tho....Dd Fin BAYBERRY BUILDERS '" 29 Gladys Road Wading River, New York ....c. party 0' the fint part, AND, SHEFQUET KOCI ""'D /E"Alfr.SU'- liS"€. 1965 Broadway New Yorl<. New York Toli tJ Z-' ."/'5 w"",,~c.. .I party of the Iccood part, WITNESSETH, 1h81 the party of Ibe Dnl part, 10 mOllderalloo of Tea Dollan aad olber valuable considerallon paid b)' Ibe party of Ihe lCCOod part, does hereby lraot ud release uoto the party oftbe _ood part, tbe heln or luccesson and _Iaas of the party of the lCCOod part forever, all tbat cerlalo plot, piec:e or parcel of Iaod, IItUle,lyIol aod belol SEE SCHEDULE "Aft An ACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. DISTRICT: tOOO SECTION: 033 BLOCK:03 LOT(S): 019.017 SAID PREMISES KNOWN AS: 125 CAIOLA COURT, GREENPORT, NEW YORK BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihe same premlsa . aeg~~ by deed daled AUIUSI 11,:ZOOS aod reeorded A \.l G-U-S r /11 , :Z005 In Uber fa. 'f07'cp ~ a.~ . TOGETHER wltb aU riabt, tlOe aod I.terest, ltao)', ortbe party orthe Dnl part of, 10 aDd to ao)' Ilreeb aod roadl abuntol tbe above-deserlbed premlsa to Ibe ceoter Does thereof; TOGETHER wllh lhe IIppurleoaoees aod olllbe eslote and rl&bts of the party of Ibe Dnl parlin a.d to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises berelo lraoted uto Ibe party of tbe lCCOod part, tbe heln or luccesson a.d .....as of tbe party of Ibe lecond part forever. This CODveyance has beea made wltb tbe unanimous CODlCnt In wrlllnl ohlllhe stockbolden of the pIIrty of tbe ant pIIrt. AND tbe party of the Dnl pari eovenuts th8t tbe party of tbe Dnt part b. 001 dooe or luffered anytbl.1 wbereby the said premises have beeo Ineumbered In ao)' way wh8tever, enepl. aforesaid. AND tbe party ortbe Dnt part, In mmpllaoce with Seetloo 13 oftbe Lien La.., eavenaots that the party oftbe Ant part will receive tbe moslderatlon for Ibe maveyanee aad win bold lhe ...hl to reeeive lucb eoallderatloo as a trust fund 10 be applied Dnt for the purpose of paylallbe cosl of Ibe Inrprovemeat ud will apply Ibe same Dnlto Ibe paymeol of the cost of Ibe Improvemenl before uslOI an)' part of Ibe talal of Ibe same for ao)' other purpose. Tbe word "party" Ihall be eoastroeted as If II read ~partlelft wheaever the sease olthll lodeolure 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,lhe party oftbe Dnt part bas doly eseroled thll deed the d.)' aod year Dnt abcn'e written. \ . IN PRESENCE OF \ BUILDERS, LLC B)l . ~~ FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TITLE NO. OS-7404-62402-SUFI' SCHEDULE A-I (1JacripdoNI) ALL that certain pl,!t. piece or pan:el of land, situate, lying and being at Grecnport, in the Town of SouthoJd, Coullty of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. ]7 on a certain map entitled "Map of Rockcove Estates' filed in the Office of the Clerk ofthc County of Suffolk on June 11,2001 as Map No. 10637, whidl said lot is bounded and described as follows: ' , UEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Caiola Court distant 140.0S fect southeasterly from the extreme southea..terlyend of an arc of a curve which connects the southerly side of Inlet Pond Road with the southwesterly side of Caiola Court; said point also being where the division line between Lot Nos. 17 and 18 on the above mentioned map intersects the southwesterly side of Caiola Court; RUNNING THENCE along the southwesterly side of Caiola Coun along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 60.00 feet a distance of 61.29 feet to the division line between Lot Nos. 16 and 17 on the above mentioned map; THENCE South 9 degrees 48 minutes 01 seconds East along said division line ISI.85 fect; ',' THENCE South 79 degrees 00 minutes SS'sCccinds West 173.17 feet 10 the Subdivision Map of Eastern Shores Section S. Map No. S234; THENCE North 20 degrees 24 minutes SO seconds West along said last mentioned map 99.91 feet; THENCE North 48 degrees 43 minutes S2 seconds East 164.S6 feet to the southwesterly side of Caiola Coun, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHeR with ingress and egress over Caiola Court to the nearest public highway. ,., 11IE I'OUCY TO BE ISSlJED rmder Ihls commllment wiJlln.rll1'/J lhe Ill" 10 .uch blli/ding> ond impN1l'C1fl""" on lhe pIVIIIlse. which by IDw emull"". rWQ/ properI)'. FOR CONIIEYANCING ONLY: Toge/her with alllhe right, IIt/und I_' oflhe party oflheflnl parI. olin and 101M kmd lying In lhe "lWIlnfronl of and adjoining >aid """,,1M.. SCHEDUI.EA-I (o.:n:ripIiDnJ . .. , STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) IS: IDdivldual/Corp On tbe 11'" day of ADlult Two Tbouaand Five before me, tbe uDdenJllned , personally appeared ANTHONY NICOLETTI perlDuily knowa to me or proved to me on tbe basis of aatlsfactory evidence to be the iadivlduai wbose name IllubKribed to the witbln iutrumeat aad ackn_ledlled to me that be executed tbe aame ia bis capacity, and tbat by bis lillaatare oa tbe laltrumeat, tbe iadividual, or tbe person on behalf of which th~vlduai acted, executed the iastromeat. lAR-~ --- Number of pages TORRENS Serial' Certifie:lll: . Prior Clf. . ~ . Mongugc I~rumcnt ~ I Monsase 1iut Stamp FEES 3 Page I Filing Fee: HlIIldling 5. JllL TP-584 NOlalion EA-52 17 (Counly) Sub Total EA-52 I 7 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. :3tJ ' HJ Comm. of Ed. 5. ..lllL Affidavit Cenilied Copy Reg. C.opy Other Sub TO/al Grand TOIaI ISJ . ~, 4 District 1000 Seclion 033.00 Block 03.00 Lar 019.017 5 Real Pnlpeny Tax Service: Agency Verilicalion 05033041 1000 03300 0300 01g017 ".pTs-, (~~~ Ii SalisfaclionlDischargelilRelew;e USI Property Owocrs Mailing AdcIro:5. RECORD" RETURN TO: MICHAEL F. KELLY 2305 AVENUE Z BROOKLYN,N.Y.II235 RECORDED 2005 Ru9 25 O2t26: l~ PI'l Edward P.RoMaine CLEJ<I( IF SUFFIX.K COOHTv L Doool2405 P 803 1 \ /) Mortglll:l" Ami. I. Ba.~ic Tax 2. Addilional Thx Sub TOlal Spec. I Alil;il. or Spa:. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ ./ ' Held for A intmem_ ,/' TrJnsfer -"'-3 /-S- 0. _ Man . n Tax orw family YF.s If NO. SC!e a pase' cpr Thx Due ImpRlvet.l Vacanl Lwtd TO 10 TO ~ TO~ 7 TItle Company InConnallon Co. Name FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE TItle, 05-7404-62402 8 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fanns pan of the DtlaChed DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN11 made: by: BAYRF.RRV RIllI.DERs.. LLC The premisis hen:in i. silualc:tl in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. SHEFOUET KOCI ENGJELLUSHE TONUZI In Ihe VILLAGE In Ihe Township "r Soothold or HAMLET of BOXES Ii THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING G R...~ AJ fD R"..,- --- 1IIIml RIIIIIII 1111111111 11111 III 1111 11111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COCNTY CLERK RECORDS OFI'J:CE RBCORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0089575 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 05-03901 Recorded. At. 08/25/2005 02.26,19 PM LJ:BER: PAGE. D00012405 803 District: Section. Block. Lot. 1000 033.00 03.00 019.017 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS I'OLLOWS Deed Amount. $789,000.00 Received the I'ollowing Pees I'or Ahove Instrument Bx8lllpt Bx-"'pt page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3,156.00 NO Comm.Pres $12,780.00 NO Pe.. Paid $16,088.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR. 05-03901 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRtlIIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County - PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE /518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.SWIS~ 15"I?, ~,~,9,f'1 it C2.DoteIlMd__ I I!.f'i( I e'5-t C3. _ I ,,/,~, V', &;1, MC4. '_1 v_, ~ ,0.3 ,. . . ' . PROPERTYINFOR~llON REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STAlE IIOARIl OF IlEAl. ~ IERVICES 'RP - 5217 u..tl17 ..., Yft ""'-1 .- ~nl.~ _. I ~~inla ~ourt 'l....._ S'euNIl~ W' i . ~1lD!!II"~T }.~ ~~,.. ..-. Homo !j,?sa:_ 1f.~!!..y 3. T.. IndaIo whDnt fwn Ta II... to lID IMI' I -. w_....__IIt_ofbml. - ~U<.t. Lot. lft!J.'J"et/ll-USIfe 7liNU~1 lMTNAIIIl/c:DM'lUiW -.- ......... __AHDIT'IlI!:!TN.....: QrvQft:QMf ITAII "'COO< ... IncIoIIe .... ....... of ...----..... Roll .,..... .,.......4 .. ... died II I of PIIICItI'. OR 0 Part 01 . '-I'CIII 5.=..., 1 .... FIIOtOffUT Ixl ...... IORI '1CIfK . .t2-r lOnIr'......__.__ ""--no____.,E... 0 .. Subdil.iIion Appr'CMI_ Requirad for Tr..rer 0 4C. _........... _ with MIll PraYkIod 0 ..- Nom. R& VRRRRV ~nTT nJ;"D~ T T.I" !.AIr iiiiii: 18iiliiY .., .... LAltI........'COMMNY -""'" 7. Check 'hi bow. ...... which nIOIIt accuraIeIy cIIIcrII.-s till .... 01 tile ~ 8t..... ... at __ ,.. Dolo 011....' T_ R - , 12 ""' , n~ I v.. -...--.-- .. ~ T_1o Condominium I ~ Communlly _ .. _ Cono1no:Ilon on Y-.l Lond J ~ 1M. JIropDrty Lac.IIId within ... Agricultural 0i.b1ct I( -_ ....Buiot.-._.._--. L _ ",",1ho_1o....",__ 1L a.dr. ... or.... ........ .....110.... _............ to-""",: A ___...___ B s.r. ..... RelIIled Campanial ar P1111ne1a In ..... C Orw of eN ...,.. .1110 . Seller o _.._IoGovom..._..lmldlnolnllltulJon E llood T_ _ Wonomy .. _n ond SoI.ISpoclfy_ F ......_.................Foa_CSt>aclfy_ o SignItIconrChongo n Pr_ _ T_llIoIuo_ Solo Dotoo H _-*_Io_n_Pric:lI I on.... UnuouoI F_ _no _ PrIco ISpoclIy_ J Nono o o o o "~OnoF"'ily_ R 2 or 3 FMIiIy Raldentill C ~ntlel V.ant Land D Non"'~ \till VacMI. Und I SALE INFORMAllON I , '0 .... ContrKt Date E~AG'IcuIlu"1 r Comrblrcill o Apon.... H Em.rtIIlnment I Amuumenl l- '\4 , 9.i 13. FuI.... ~ ,'" I A,a,o '0-0.0.01 , . IFull SIll Pric8 II the lOtII amounc pIid for I'" property Including ptfIOlI.Il property. This ~ may t.. in 1M form of c:ah. octJor ~ or ~ Wlt......,.uion of rnor!Qegll or om. obIiptiona.] ,.... IDUIId to rw ,.,.., wfNIIe ..,., .-nount. ...-...-..- I ,0.0 I properly ...... .. tile .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION .0lIl "'ould nIIIocI'ho _ Flnol _men! RaH and TIX Bill ,I. :::"aI~~fTom I O. '11 11. T..........v..car........In.......1 ... _a... 12-./.0,_U 1..___1 /0 . '. I. d'TI'<? , , , G-R5"OA\hlfe..{ "':T......._IRaII_IIl.....__,_____, I~ - D~ln 03,#7)" OI9.D/") 1 l CEII11FlCA1l0N I I m1II) - . wi 1M __ vi .......--. ._ ... ~ r.... ..._ .... __ ,.. 1M .. 0( IIQ' .............. ..-.n ... 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