HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12211 P 508 -I , I l LJ~dl\ f 5l)~ A ~'t-I!liliiiillIiJt'U;-'{;Lf,"'Q't ...... ........................ ~',............c..., 114 8' ,..... -'-.. COJaUl.T YOU, ~AWYIII luoa $lliIlM TIllS NTIUlMINl' - nut NU\lIJolIIl1' IIIOlIU) N UlilDIY LAWdIls 0lIl., TIIl5 IJa)..-....., . m.lI<k ..1'4 0 ff.Ul"" """u,,,"_ .... of Ill.. Ulh 4.y of Jun".ZOO2 BE'I'W'EE:H s.u. WQU. .. . Jol..,.e 1011.'1'111"._11. "ltliltAl'e rtall. c>t lunlYC>rutp. Ui.1411!lJ at 13 llLIl(:~on llrho, l'1!~ ~f. Nev' Y"r~ l(ll;Q), .Il~ .tIIIfY CUOL\. JI., ..... .. JOInt tlliUnl- 1"'-0_". Wltl>ot;ll "1.11'11 01 ..<,/I.onlllp, ruJ.lltna .1 }~ ~>t"UII l..afj., l"$UloIIl* ~, ~ 'to!'1t lCllOl, .. JOl"l puty or liwI fin! J>N1, Md WI 01 t:trItll, u.c, .. ".... Yor" li:U". lUbUlty cooop.al\:Y. l>IVl~ UI I'rh'dpd pl.". or ~1<lu. ". 2}O ta.. 'Stt> St.....t. M... York, Ilew Yc>rlt UlOZll. pm)' "i 1M ~ pen. WiT'NES5ETH, thai: tU put)' 01 tU A:M put;.izl ~ 01 ~ ll4l.:14rc<l '''rI7 Thw...1l<l >iIl<l 00/100 ($140.000.00) dell. lowful mooll')' or die .~ St... ',-, ..., p by m.. .po.rty ..J lbII -.lput;. _ Lt rel.Iouo QlllI:I .. prrny 01 .... IiIlIIlaII/I ... .... w.. fU"i1 <"" ud .... 01_'-111 o1lla,~~~. ,...~,,"!.. AU. d.t.l _tUI.1 pUll, l'I- C>t}l'U1llOl ~ ~~.. ~ ucI ~~~, "milt lIl...>_ ~.- , . , ~''1i " ,,<I~'~ I".... u<I bollia "',.... .. c:...."'1'P"'.. 1" tt>.a 1M of ,,,,,,.""14, c.o..llt1 of $uUolk, $(;11" of Ilew Y_. """"'" .nll 1I.....u."" .. Lot 1:>'.':>11 "i.,1' 0' ~~"". EI.....", fUll4 to tM 01t(,(;. of I:lle Cla!it at Lbo ""'nt)' at Mfolk ,,1\ 1ol....,),1, ~~l~ 110. UMi31. ""'" "i"Jrt.11i01l of .M FUl- _."4 ~o $alC&1o.1. ""'" kM)"..~l"~:J~,,\.y joint u_..I.....,_ ..-Lduut d.-t o.t ...rvl""u~l.p. by thilt ,,"utA o."~','\I..toll',JliI~'))1. 1911 ",cot_~ln tt>.a Oftl.... ot 1M Clalt ... eM County o, $1111011< "I UNr 9OS2i\'~' ~~ .~: >"" J { '.' .,\ "', " ~~ .; .. ,- ~" . ~.... " -....v-' ...... . . ro&<I& ~I" __ a.ctiJ.../ "'-- 1.0 tile..... ......... TOGEnIEJ[ wUh Illc .~ _ d tile __ _ .r\IJIIIIll' tile put)' of .. 6niI pitt Iu _1.0 ..Id~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD .. ~ ..... ....... __du JMl11 oJ 1M __ .... .. ."'*- Of ..-.. ""'0 .... af tile puty of.1ho ~ put t_. /' AHD .lhlI pu1y 01 lhlI '- .put _~'Il!I''' .. .. piIft1 uf .. lim pu!i ... not __ or till. .. 1lI~1ilIiIlI ~,. lhlI ..wi ..-- ...... '- m--~m a,. WIlY ..... ,... ~ .. .,--. A.NO Iboputl' ...u 11m pan, .. _~ wa ~ LI 01 .. U. Law, _ .. .. ~ of 1M lint pcrl ..ill rem.. !hot ~ for .. _~ _ wil.I bold tIle.npt 1.0 ..... ..... ~ -.i.... U ... If. IWld to be Ippl:l.ad 1m for .. ~ af ~. tba t<lIiII oJ 1IiI e...t4;l<~ !It _ wIl ""'" 1M """'" Ii. to 1M. pcy_ 01_ _ 01 d. lmpt", J _I ~ ..mc BY"'" old. IilItIII 01'" - tor ilAr .OdIU pI1f",*, 1'be WI'M ''put," obitlllM. ~ .. if it _ ..~.. ......... tba _ 01 ... ...- .. ....... IN ~ WHEREOF, thwt put)' ollbo h part ... Gal,. _led mJ. Ooed Illc dl" _ )'III' 6niI -- m_, I" I'lIDJ:1lIU: OT: il~ u:n"J' STATE OF NEW YORK ) :55.:. COUNTY OF NEW VORK I On thi$ 28'" Qr MIY. 2002, bc'forc me pcnol1ilIl~)I amt' ROSEMARIE CAIOLA, to me pe1'5OlllIJ:~y IaIown or proved lO me on tbc blIsis of sal.isflliCtOl)' ~ 10 Ix tbc ilndlvidWII described lIIId appointed iIIWlnu::y-in.flb:l in and by I CCftain Power of AI!lQmey cxCICUlcd by SAI. CAiOLA da:1cd December 29, lWlllO be m:onXd in dtc Ckrk's OlTlCC ctdtc Coum ofSutTolk, Stale or New York, simuluLI'IC'OUsly with the r~llg lnst~l. wbosc RIlmC is lWbsa1bod to the fotepini inslM'llent and woo !l!::knowkdged 10 me that she cxecllled tho r~ i I in oo~il)' all s;u;ch AttornC)'-in-Fact, and that by her signature in $1Ictl ~ I inmw:ncm was execuled as Ine lIeland an beha.lf Clnhe said SAL CAIOLA. u.MIEI!lil2 F. C1n.eorTl ......, ""1lIil:. ... tIi .... 't_ Ho. Il.rmmll4 QlJallIM III ....1.:: 00IMI:lr - COIl.IIIII' .~ . "".... a..) . . ....:;iIW, Q".... VJlt'Of1f_ :a,"'.... 'Lo<UKU,." 'YO'. "" '. -. On ,,"y . ~OO2 beCort -. 0. l:l~. ptI1llIId)' ~ $.\1, U~OU ~)' ~1f)_lll'plVI'O:Ilf) IIW llIIltcllliiil.olllllilt1li;.. lOl'Y .1Vidlm:c. CD bc 0. irldiYi~ 'NIIc:IlIt ~. is _) llIIIItIa'illedll>ltc~~Il1d.~CD_M 1ilI~1l1_.fi ~.w Lbo, _ in 1111.'1'"[" ~~~.... .Mby"" 'I 'u..- I(JlQilo.'~_iIlIIi- .....'..[1l> or die pil'QiIllIllPXI bclWC of ....weIl die ~ -.:!.IUlilNIIId _ ~ (,J.......""'"I1/~JJlJtrj... "~.....t . \l _I 111 ~~ ..'-rr_...__Un........ SIIiIe of IIEloi lORIt Cwftryol 16" Wl!K I..: =~ ~;:2 l:c(QIr -. _.~ !I:J('O' CAIO!..A JI. "",..ao.aI)' __ If) me or .pmvedll> me ClII _ IiIIiI olllllllJl. !'Ir:Iary ~ If) be _ ~~wbI:IIe ~ 11-. ~lbed II> _ willlltllWlnlaliOllt ud.w-~ If) _ Mlaflk'*-\' I~COl1lell__ iIIlrH.l1iiIhir '''Ii'''' 11)1... ."bfllW",~' ' ..,.....'rli-lllII__~-illIdi- yUI;--'(a). or die plDllIIlolpllll IlcIWJ' at wlIIdl illIdiv~n'lfl IIdlId. _1IId .. -1IlIDI:IIlO ...'" tlIIWI1t ..C!!' F. ~. ""~W. ;::_ of. 11Ift Tin N;:. :U ..]g!1!4 QI..1mocI 'n ll~ ... D>>'ft-li._IQ~,U~' ",', , , '.JIJ MtJ') "_I .. INb .. I 'IFftw emu..", "".._ 0..."""""" kn uNo' SA!. Cil.tClU \50\ 'h'f1u<-v..c.;.""",,1 - ~ C4lOU Jll. (~ l."."<-ln-~) TO rJ.S70f ElIt'\., w: ~ f " I. .e .1 . j t '" I ---..... laa.t Co-ll ot l:c(<* -..0. ~ 011 ~l)'~ _ ~ wi",cs} II> ltc ~ illll:llII'DllIlf. willi wholD I .. pctIillIIIIly ......-. Illbo, b::illI by - dIIJI)' .-. did dqxiR and II)' lIliIl bdtllirlllley rc:sicte(1) ill tf'" ,..,., 11I/ ~r w....... """. _ ... _ """" _ ~ II,.. -..rt. lIulI....~ ~I) If) be ltcWMdud(J) dacrlbrd In IIIIi1 wi>> --- _be- &<MI ~ "u.idt1l~ wi'-1II) _~l ~and_Nid CKCIIlit _ ~ IlICIlIliIl aid ~es) III _ _ lilme IiUbKribrd ~~) 8. ..t- I ("' IIiienlcI:I. IDq_____.._.."...,....., .. '( __ ....-,...,_",..,~1 . li ,,_AIIlI.._ ~ ..... ~ __.., .-_ bcI'l:R 0. lllldet "r-~" f"-- . """"-'iIf r'r r......'" T . ~ "" iJlllTll;lCI WOO lliCI'lIOl'l )J II..l)(X ] l.Of !'1. n COlJl!lTY 0Il1Vlr.f ~ JUn'11lilK IV IUD. 'to, ~ P. aUbuU, r'<I, ltecd SlRI tlil WI' 31$ P.dI;l\....Jll"" Ilr'I 1".11;. ~ ~o... ZIp ,fiG. lOn' ';"..-", L!.. 2 J ,- Serillll RmlfilIlm 2002 SIp ~ 121~46l'lf ~I'.~int a.El!ICCF S1EFlU: aum' l ~t22U p~ llcTt~ Nl.nlbc, of~ TORRENS OlrUfim~ 1/ I'riorQf,1 Oiled' MlIrtpI~ llUl!\I!1~"1 I.lmJ ( MIll1pp T. SUImp fa!S ll<<:mfit>J' fIIiIII; s..1'" J ~'/fm"" Fe<; I")' '" 5:" ,. ~Aml" t 1Imdl.... Tl'. $84 - L BiPtc Ta 2, Jl,dQiliQ..'d TlI'< ~ NoI.1lm SUb TcIla! - RJ".L"A, ~ _ SabfoUJ ';;;5 -- 3Q- 3.e specjAM<l, Or spec, lAdlit I'A.S'2 11 !,Cuwty J fA.52 1 7 (SI"le) C_"ufM Afr.VlI _---1 <ID- TOT, "'T(1, 'll\)l Pwal T_II DulIl Cwmy tI.leI for ~~ TmuJ.r TfP:'~"":::::" Rq, Cop, Otlw' SlIib, Teul I J: _ ...:::.- ORAND lOrAL ?S- 1M" MllMicm '1'.... _ 'I'M propcny .~ bylllls morr..... h or 'I'm H lmPfll1lM by'.. <1M U, 1..'0 I'i~i()' ""-1M. on!;'. VI'S Cll'NO If NO. ~ ~..... e;lRIe OIl...,. _..0(1l1li10'*........, emiT.", Cop)' I ~ ~ju Seniec~' Vcriflalm IJQ.t Sci:liotl 8 kdI Lot , Communit ,,"KI'V.uOI\ I'WId Canllido...lIoI'lAm,>unt S !iIIlmp' 02032081 1000 03300 0300 019015 :.. ~ 1 Sltis€lIClionlllltscfwg..~ U#;l f'n:Iptlrty Owmm Mailing!\. RECORD .. RfrnJl>tN 10: CI'I' TIUl D_ s Il1!Ipq\>Cd , YM'&Il1 Land L.ovrllnc@ Gllb<:.rt. t:lIq. Reed Saith 1.1.1' 315 Park Av"lWli! N_ York. NY UHS2 TD 11) TO , Titlll'CUlI1pJ1ny Inron..dolJl Co., Name 9 - Title" Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorseulent Pa e Thl:< lUl.'-C fQlm; put uf 1h.: atlad1l:d l'lIIIO<l (SPEC,..Y TYJ'E OF INS1RUMliNl' . "'M 11>, SIll Ca.lou (~()l TB01l1lt-ln4::01llIIIIl:I4l.) The: ~ hc:II:in is 5itllli1ed in SUFH)LK tDUNTY, NeW''ORK. n.....,,'l' I"AtOla lr. {lOX Ttrl'lanl:~1n-Co~n} TO In Ihr: Township of m the VlLLAOE or I L\Ml..m' or Sc>1l~hoJd IIl'l't ot" itdV'D Cr_port IlOXl:.<;; S1URtl9 MlJS1: DE TYI'l!DOR PRJN1'f'lJ) IN 8lA~ INK ONLY PRIOR '1'0 RIiCOIIDINO OR I'ILINl:i. IIIIIIIHIIII~IIIII'II IIHIIIIIII StJi'JI'OLl( COUN'l'Y .CLERK RBCORDSOWIa RlCORDING PAGE Dl..trl.l;t: 1000 Sect;l.on: Block: 033.00 03.00 E:X1\KINED AND CllIARGED AS I'O'l.U:I'Im $140,000.00 aecorded: At: LXBER: PAGE: Lot: 019.015 09/26/2002 12:06:416 PM D00012211 508 Type of IflBtruml:nt:: DEEDS/ODD NuIIIbe.-: of Pag..:!5 ~ 'tAX NtlHBER; 02-08623 Deed Aa:Iount: R8eBi ved the Following iEl'IMUI For ADov8Iti.trUlllAnt ElUIIDpt NO Handl.l.tiQl NO NtH suaam NO ItA-STAB NO cart.COpies NO SC'I'N NO Cami..Pre:lI F_. hid $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5..00 $30.00 $560.00 $5. 00 '15.00 $2S.00 '0.00 '0.00 $1.300.00 $1.965.00 Ix lli'll't NO NO NO NO NO NO h9ll/F.iling OOE ItA-en TP-S84 RPT T~an.f.r ta~ 'l'IlANSFZR TAX Nl.lKl3.&R: 02-08623 THIS pJI\GB IS A PART OF TlB mSTRUMENT Ed'Ward i'.RocIIai.nlll County Clark, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code 1'1,7,3. g, ?,rl '11 ;;Z G IC!.,L I MonttJ Day Year ,,( ;)., ;;2, /, / I C4. Pagol C2. Oato Dood _rdod C3. Book I PROPERty INFoRMATION ,5,O,~ 1. Property \ location 67Y2S County l:load 48 (Hiddle Road) STREET NAME Gree:!.."porr VillAGE ZIP CODE STREET NUMBER Soutlwld CITY OR TOWN 2. Buyer Name l'.ast 1)[ EdeT',.) i....L.C ~ICOMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME i COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address {at bottom of form} Address j 2nd Genera ti.on Ul.ST NAME I COMPANY Proper t ii':'.G 230 East 85th Str~et New York STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed ~~ # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size .(/1.5 lOR l J X I ACRES FRONT FEET DEPTH 6. Seller Name Cdio~!a Sal FIRST NAME LAST NAME / COMPANY Cai.nln Benny FIRST NAME LAST NAME,. COMPANY 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: AM One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant land D Non-Residential Vacant land I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sale Contract Date E ~ Age',"""co' I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment K H Entertainment I Amusement L Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3197 LL~ FIRST NAME N, Y I 1002S STATE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o CiI Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land o Q o o 10A. 108. Property located within an Agricultural District Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: ':) 1 N I ., l-, v Month D', Year , 1 n 1 () ;.. 0 , Month D', Year A B C D E F G H I J 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Pelce L....", " I. 4- ' () , Q) , (J , 0 ,0 0 I , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal property included in the sale , , 0 , 0 I , , . ASSESSMENT INfORMATION - Data hould reflect the latest Final Assossment Roll and Tax Bill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from which information taken 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I 18. Property Class I~ ( 1'" r'. II-LJ 19. School District Name I 20. Tax Map Identifier(sll Rollldentifjer(s) (N more than four. attach sheet with additional identifierls)) 1000-33.-3-. 10.15 CERTIFICATION Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale {Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price {Specify Below) None ; ,/ ,) () I , ; t ! i (/ '1A:' ... ~- , 33-~- JCf.IS- BUYER I certify that all of the items of information enten.>d. on this form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any wiDful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the oenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. hAST OF Eni:t.~ Ld~u - /".' / /'7' Gilberti -:/ By ~ ':",r;" ,___,,,__,/7 ,_BUY.~URE, ,,' C/C' UHl (~pner.:J.L1.(Jl.; DATE LAST NAME i'rdlH~rties LLC 230 STREET NUMBER 212 East aSth Strc.et STREET NAME IAFTER SALE) AREACOOE hew York 1\:Y 1002;:, CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE SELLER , '"'7'';..' jf(l'l(ii~; 5:L.t SELLER SfGfllATURE;"',.<./lr ~. //i'/( . / . / L t //7 .. ( ) DAtE ' '- BUYER'S ATTORNEY Lawrence FIRST NAME 521-3400 TELEPHONE NUMBER CITYrrOWN ASSESSOR COpy +