HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 990 L I ;( L ID(; pqqc DIST \ 000 SECT O~g BLK 0\ LOT 01) 4~ -l-l~ ......... &.Ie oeM, wiIh CovenanI.,.. GdnIDrs ~ II*_UII or CotpcnIIon (WgII1ftIIQ . I' THIS INDENTURE, made lho/'~day of July. Two Thousand and Five BElWEEN, SHIRLEY PULTZ, as surviving tenant by the entirety of Edward Pultz, deceased, residing at 816 Wiggins Street, Greenport, New York 11944 party of the first part. and JAN FALKOWSKI,. residing at 3160 South Harbor Road, Southold, NY 11971 ;and ELIZABETH THOMPSON, residing at Manor Hill Lane, Mattiluck, NY 11952; and DAVID PUL n, residing at North Street, Greenport, New York 11944 as tenants In common party of the second part, ,1~:'fo" ~ ':':"'!I j::'( :..,~' ~ !::J2. :.J .: ... ";;'1'-':1 WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, In consideration of Tan Oolle,rs and:othe~.valJl8bl, ~~~,.ralion paid by the party of the second party, dOllll hereby grant end rei..... unto thegp..!lY..l\Uhe;secpnd 'P.8rt"lJ1e heirs or SUCClIlIlOrs end lIllIIigns of the party of the second part Iorewr, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot Numbers 11, and 12 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Properly of S. Bue! and Mary B. Corwin:, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 23, 1887, as Map Number 353. SAID premises being commonly known as 816 Wiggins Street, Greenport, New York, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as those conveyed to the grantor herein bydeed dated April 22, 1963 and recorded in the Suffolk County'Clerk's Office on May 28, 1963 in Liber 5353 at page 452. It I tt-IA I ~S N I N""T\-f 57tLHr The grantor herein reserves the exclusive right to use and occupy the premises during the Grantor's Lifetime and Grantor is to pay for all maintenance.and repairs, water and swer charges, insurance charges, and taxes relating to said premises, Said life use shall bepersonal to the grantor and shall not be subject to assignment or lease. TOGETHER with all right, title and Inlereat, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roeds abutting the above described P/lIlT1ise8 to the canter lines lhenlof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and alltha 881al8 and rights of the party of the first part In and to aid P/lIlT1i8ae; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prami.... herein granted unto the party of the lI8COnd part. Ihe heirs or SUCC88lOl'l and assigns of the party althe ...cond part foraver, AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the fnt part hes not done or suffered anything whereby the aid premises have bMn encumbered in any way whatever. except lis aforesaid. AND the party of tha first part in compliance with Section 13 althe Uen Law, covenants thetlhe party of the lirst part will receive the consideration lor this conveyance and win hold the rigllt to l'lIClIive fIUCI1 consideration as a trust fund to be applied firsllor the purpose of paying the cost of the impl'O\/8ll1llnt and will apply the same firat to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of tha 1oIa1 of the ame lor any other purposa. The word "party" shell be conllruec! as if it read "parties" whenever the san... of this indentura 80 requiras, . .' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party allhe first part has duly executed this deed the day and yeer first above wrillen, In Presence at. /~/.~ ~'/"'''''' ,#'" /"'27'" ./ ./ ..' ...~ ~~~ ~~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55.: " ~ On the I~ day of July, 2005,' be""" me. the undel8igned, per&onally appealll!l SHIRLEY PULTZ, personally known 10 rrie Dr pf'iW8C{ 10 me on the beais of aatiafactory evidence 10 be the individual wfKiae neme is (are) subacnbed 10 the within Instrumenl and acknowledged Ie me thel hellhllflhey executed the same in hillherllheir capacity(iea), and that by hillherllheir signalure on the inSltument, the individusl, Dr the pelllDn upon behalf Ich the. . idual acl8d, BXecuted ~ HAIMY A. . ofNlnr,oad "_ ' "" tl2AAOlI96585. WfaIIl~,,~ /' CGmInIssiaa bl*II OI:L 3t,~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55,: On the day of 19 , befons me personally came to me known, who being by me duly" sworn, did depose and say that. he residell at No. : lI1Bt he is the of the corilClralion described In and which executed the.foregoing instrument ihat he kl1DWB the Mal of said coipOraticin: thet the _I affix8cfto BBid insltument is such 'corporsle ie81; that it wais .j 'so affixed by order of the board of directors of said COrporation. and thai he signed h name ther8lo by like order. nDlary '7 .. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED with Covenant Against GranlOl's Acts SHIRLEY PULTZ TO JAN FALKOWSKI. ELIZABETH THOMPSON and DAVID PULTZ ,'" STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF 5UFFOLK 55.: On the day of 19 ,bBfcnl me, the undersigned, personally appeared " , personally known to me Dr proved to me on the basis of BBlisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (ara) subscribed to the within inBltument and acknowledged to me Ihet helshe/lhey executed the same in hillherltheir capacity(IBB), Ihet by hillherllheir signalure(s) on the inBltumen~ the Individual(s), Dr the person upon behalf of which the indlvidual(s) acted, executed the InBltument. and that sUch individual made such appes18nce before the undersigned in the (cily.state). ., '" nOlary SECTION .:.. BLOCK' . ~I '. LOT COUNTY OR TOWN . County of Suffolk Town of Southord J" , . , ; , . RETURN BY MAIL TO:"", "," Harvey A. Amoff. Esq. 206 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 ...'-, . .. 3 RECORDED 2005 Rug 01 ~IIJ4,52 pr, Eduard P.~iine ClERK OF SUFFOlK ~OUlHV l COJ012400 P990 DTI 05-,)0133 Num""r of pnges TORRENS Serial II CCl1ificwc II Prior Clf, /I Deed. Mortgage Inslrumcnl Deed / Mortgage Tax Slamp Recording / Filing SllImps 3 FEES Handling 5 ..!IlL S_ Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Thx 2. Addilional Twe Sub Thlal SJIllC./ AssiL or Spec. / Add. TOT. M1'G TAX DualThwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlmenl A Transfer Tux --==:s;;;z::... _ Mansion Tax Page / Filing Fee TP-584 NOlalion EA-5217 (Counly) EA-52 17 (SlaIe) R.P.T.S.A. 5 71_ ~ ~IJ_ Ib.._ Sub TOlal f)1 Comm.ofEll. S. ..Q!L AR'illavil ~C~ Reg. Copy Sub TOIaI /30 . 15'l(~ , cS 1be property covered by lhis mlllgage is I or Will be improved by a One ~r Iwo family dwo:lling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate laX clouse 'on page /I of this inslrument. 5 Olher IS_ O't~, 6~' Block 01.00 Grand1b1a1 Lot 023.000 5 .Communi Real Pmpeny Tax Service Agency Vcrificalion 05029224 1000 04800 0100 023000 ~~) ReMc A ~~ lion Amount Preservation Fund. e $ Dnc $ Improved Harvey A. Arnott, Esq. 206 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901 Vacant Land TD~ 6 Slllisfaction/DischargeslRelcase US! Property Owners Moiling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TO TO 7 . TIlle ~lI!pHny Inromlation ". .... Co. Name A UEBOGUE AOSTRACT CORP. Tille II AC : 51/ z.. 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page This Jlagc forms pan of lhe aIlDCbell Bargain ~ Sale Deed wi th Covenants against malle by: Grant:or &.~ TYPE Of' INSTRUMENTI Shlrl"y Pultz The premisis herein is situaled in SUPPOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO Jan Falkowski,' Elizabeth Thompson In 1I1e Township of Snul:hold and David Pultz In Ihc VILLAGE or HAMI.Er of Gree~port' .. BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK 'INK ONLY' PRIOR. To RllCORDlNO' OR FlUNG. . - 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 um 11111111 11111111111111111 UIIIIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFPJ:CE RBCORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages, 3 Receipt Number . 05-0079487 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-00133 Recorded. At. 08/01/2005 01.14.52 PH LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012400 990 District. 1000 Section. 048.00 RVJl.MINBD AND $0.00 Block. 01. 00 CHARGED AS Lot. 023.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount, Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ExA"'Pt ExA"lpt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $l5 . 00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTIC $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $154.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER, 05-00133 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSTRtDIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITIN~-ON FORM - INSmUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 'I, 1. 3, g, t. .'11 C2. 00.. _ __ , J? I I ,&.5'1 ~ [My YHr C3.B_ 1 I...?, 1-(, a,O I C4. ",,,,1 '1, 'I. D. PROPERTY INFORMATION A. I ~ 5 ""'-1 RTIi Wia,ginR !It'......t' Location -alIIlr IIUM8Ift iniiff'iia C,. SWIS Codo ~ -~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEw YORK .TATlIOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 Er ....~I'.....JNf .. ..... N_ I !l'1W;hnln aROIt Falkowski I 'I'h1f.llEl'!Sl _~!.___! A..., I :p.ultz i LAS1MM1i/~ I ~anpnT"f- Jan I .l1j..l,Hh....h 1---;- --., II David ..., -- 1J.~4 1 T.. IndicIIe wher, Man T.. 8iII...1O be_ _.. w____IM_tII,_1 ..- LHT NAIII/COWMY 'IIISTNMIf STIlUT....... ".,.,...., __ aTYUMr~ . (.J 'of Pan:.I. OR D Part 01 . Plreet al~lt ..- ... ......q ._ .......... .. "-~-<nMI RaD pi..... ........erred an thI ... Ii._ ......... I BIz. HlDNl 'UT Ixl Il[PlH IORI oaa' .l{L 1OnIr'_tIIo_~___: fA. Planning IIoerd with Subdivialan Aultloril.y &iIIt 0 "'~_""""""""'T_ 0 C. ...... AppnMd fur c.'l7~ iIion wiIh NIp ProwIdod 0 ...... N_ ~P~L.... .iJ'irlRv ... lQl ....../t'mINN'( "'1 NUl(. 7. ChIK'Il: 'IhII ba.I: a.aow whIGh m..t ..urlt.l, cr...:ru.. thIi .... of the praperty .r: 'M tfm. eI ....: A~ an. F.mily Raid..... H 2013.omIIy_* C RoIldlnllIl Vaelnt' UnIt D Non-RMiidlmill VICIni UncI I SALE INFORMATION I ,,. .... c.ntr.. o.te E~"''''''Itu", F Com_ a "Po........ H Entwbinmenll Amusement I ~ Comm.nllv_ Il_ K Publlo So..... L ..... a...... __ ___, .. Owneqh;p Typo 10 Candomlnl.... 8. New ConIIrucIion an Vacant und 1M. Propeny Localod wi&hln III AgriGullurll DiIIricI '''__O__lndlcolong lhII tI'II property illn III AQrICul:tInI DiIlricl o o o o 11. a..- ... or,... III .... ~ -r _ _........ to Ir..r.: A ___"'__ R SellIIetween .w...a CompInill or PannerI In 8uai,.. l" Onool...""", 10 _050'. o au,. or SlIer '- Qovernmenl ~ or lending lnIIitubon E OoodTypo_W_",_..._IS/>oCity_ F .... tII ..octionIl '" '- _ "h_.. lSpodIy 1IaIow, Cl lIig_Cho...ln "'- -. T_ S........_lloIao 1/ _oIS.....lolncl_In_PrIco I 0IIl0t U_ F....... -....... Prico 15pocily _ J Nono No Consideration Paid ,....-..........."'- Inn I ---......- . ' Mere chan e of 1dentit ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON . DIll ohauld ....... Iho Iotell Flnol_ Rolland To. 8111 ..... ( N/AI . .a.r . Yw 11. Dat8 ., s... I T,.,.,... 1 1 I:l. 10<' ....... DIr V_ 11. Full .... Pric. , , -0- , , 0 , 0 1 , , . IF..._PrIcoIo..._...........Id""... _lncIlld.... ...-1_. TbII plyrnInt fnIY be In tht form of..... Dlhtr prapmy Dr good&. or 1hI--..npdon of mon~ or Olhor obIigldona.) ",... round", "., __ ""*" doIIM MIOUIIt ,.. V_ oI.a.-~....... RaUfram I~ I I _.....,......._ v .~. 17.T__V_''''''~''_ , ,..-.c,- ~-LJ ,..__"';"1 G fLEEN P'Ofl-T ; ZgOO , ... T..__IoI/__III........._._____, \ 000 - Ot.{ ~. 00 b \ . 00 - 04JI't)oO I I CERT1FlCAnON I -wy ..... d '" Il1o ...... 0I1nf......... ........ on Iblo ...... 1ft _ ... _ 'ID Il1o ..... 01111)' ..........llIIlI boIId'l'" '-4.. .~.... Il1o ......... nI'..,...... tWsr!lllllnnnl~...urw flirt..... ltlllllUbJm... to'" Dl"GridUM rld.......... reI8IIft let thr........... ..rAtllRlIIItruInrn&N. ~u-L:. I 7~ Ar~:~.~~y A. JAN FALKOWSKI ..q .....- -.- 816 ...... -- WiQQins Street 631 727-3904 ~ITIliMllIAlITPSALl!t ......CDClI 1'I&.UMOM:HUllllII Greenport ""'..- NY 11944 r If All J'WICGDIi HbW! NEW YORK STATE COpy '- ~ . ,'~UJ' ~~~ 1 ....)~M-{)< SHIRL ULTZ