HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 30 " .l i /'~)tf 1Q. l-- / ..L,') {'(') ") / , , -:)L D:3T 1'000 Se.e. Co 3lr.o '1. r% 0. k 01.00 t-f o,lr.OOO );5, 2-/--1 ~ ~ r 0 S" 00 g,,&. UNIT DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this 1 r& day of '::h....o. _ ~, 2005 between RUSSELL VENTI residing at 35 Foster Lane, Babylon, New York 11702 and NANCY LOHNEISS, residing at 17 Wingate, Quilfon, Connecticut 06437 all Tl"Wltees of the Venti Family Trust dated June 13, 2001 "Granton" and MARTHA A. SCHWARTZ, residing at 500 East 77'" Street, Apt. 3325, New York, New York 10162-0011 "Grantee", WITN ESSETH: That the Grantor, in consideration ofTen and 00/100 ($10.00) Dollars and other value consideration paid by the Grantec dies hereby grant and release unto the Grantee, the heirs or successors and assign of the Grantee, forever: The Unit known as Unit 2B2 (hereinafter called "the Unit") designated and described as Unit 2B2 in the Declaration establishing Cleaves Point Village Condominium (hereinafter called the "Property") made by the Cleaves Point Village, Inc. under the Condominium Act ofthc ~tate of New York (Article 9-B of the Real Property Law ofthc State of New York), dated April 24, 1983, recorded in the Office of the Clerk ofSutTolk County, Division of Land Records on the 6'" day of May, 1983, in Libcr 9354, a\ Page 235 as Amended by Liber 9395 cp 61 covering the property therein described (hereinafter called the "Declaration''), and designated also as Lot No. 18, District, 1000, Seetion 38.02, Block I on the Tax Map of the Town of Southold on the floor plans ("the Floor Plans") of the Building, certified by Kontokosta Associates Engineers &. Aichitect, filed in the said Clerk's Office on the 6111 day of May, 1983 as Map No. 86. The Building is shown on site plan as filed in the said Clerk's Office as Map No. 86. The Building and the land on whieh it is located are hereinafter referred to as the "Property". The land on which the Building containing the Unit is located and is described as follows: SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TOGETHER with an undivided 2.260 percent interest appurtenant to the Unit in the common elements of the Property (hereinafter called the "common elements"); TOGETHER with an easements for the continuance of all encroachments by the Unit on any adjoining units or common elements or limited common clements now existing as a result of construction of the Building or which may come into existence hereafter as II result of settling or shifting or the Building, or as a result of repair or restoration of the Building or of the Unit after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty, or after a taking in condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, or by reason 1 q I.ECAlA CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Tills No.: 3S05-00846 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN PIBCB OR PARCBL OF REAL PROPBRTY SITUATE AlII) BBIl'IG A PART OF A CONDOMIHIUM IN 'l'HB '1'OWJi/ OF SOll'l'IIOLIl, COlDlTY OF SUFFOLK AlII) STATE OP NBIII YORK KNOIIN AlII) DESIGNATED AS lDlIT NO. 2-B2 'l.......11iBR WITH A 2.21>0' lDlDIVmED IIITBRBST IN THB COMMON BLIiMEN'l'S OP TIlE COIiDClMIJIlIllM HBRBIIlAPTJlR DBSMlTARn AS THB SJlMIl IS DEFINED IN THB DIICLARATION OP COBDOMINJ:OM HEIlEINAFTBR REPBIUlED '1'0. TIIB REAL PROPBR'1'Y ABOVB DBSCRIBBD IS A mrrr SHOlIJI ON TIIS PLMS OP A CONDOMDlIllM PREPARED A!ID CERTIPIED BY IIXlIITAItOSTA ASSOCIATES, BIlGDlBBRS AlII) ARCHITECTS AND AlID FILBD IN TIlE OPPICB OP THE CLBU: OP THE COtmTY OF SUPPOLB: 011 MAY Ii, 19S3 AS MAP NOMIIBR 86 DBFINBD IIIl THE DBCLAIlATION OP CONJX>>IIINIllM BN'J'ITLBD CLEAVES POINT VILLAGE CONDOMDr.IllM MADS BY CLEAVES POINT VILLAGB INC. lDlDBR 9-B OF THB NBlf YORK REAL PROPERTY LAII DATED APRIL 24, 1983 AND RECORDED IN THB OFFICE OF 'l'HB CLBRJC OF THB COONTY OP SUPPOLJ: ON MAY 6, 19S3 IN LIBBR 9354 CP 235 AS AMBIIDBD BY LIBBR 9395 CP 61 COVERIl'IG THB PROPBR'1'Y TllBRBIN DESCRIBED. THE LAND AREA OF THB PROPBRTY IS DESCRIBED AS POLLOIIS: PARCBL 1: ALL THAT CBRTADl PLOT, PIBCB, OR PARCBL OP !.MD, SITUATE, LYING, AND BBING AT BAST MARION, IN THB 'l'OliIl OP SOllTIIOLD, COIDI'l'Y OF SOPP'OLJ: AND STATE OF IIBW YORK BBING MORE PARTICllLARLY BOlDlDBD AND DESCRIBED AS l'OLLOWS, BBGDlNIl'IG AT A POINT ON TIIS BOtmlllBSTBRLY SIDB OF SHIPYARD LAND DISTANT 2808.97 FEET SOlmIBRLY FROM THB OORNBR FORMBIl BY THE IIlTBRSBCTION OF THE SOtrl'IIERLY SlOB OP MAIN ROllD (NYS ROOTB 25) WITH THB SOllTllliBllTBRLY SlOB OF SHIPYARD LI\NB; THBI!ICB SOOTH 35 DBGRBBS 41 MDIU'l'BS 30 SECONDS BAST ALONG THE SOUTHWBSTIlRLY SIDB OF SHIPYARD LI\NB 405 FEET '1'0 THE ORDINARY HIGB WATER LINE OP GARDINBRS BAY; THBI!ICB ALONG THE ORDINARY HIGB WATER LINE OP GARDlNERS BAY THB l'OLLOWING TWO (2) TIB LINE CODRSES AND DISTANCBlI, 1) SOOTH 37 DBORBBS 2S MDlOTBS 00 SBCONDS WEST 346.66 FEET; 2) NORTH 88 DBGRBBS 33 MDIU'l'BS 40 SECONDS nST 201.57 FEET TO OTHBR LAIlD TillS DAY COIlVIlYBD TO BMANOBL IWII'l'OICOSTA; THBI!ICB NOR'l'H 11 DBGRBBS 49 MINU'1'IlS 30 SBCONDS BAST ALONG 'l'HB LAST MBIlTIONBD LAIlD 570 FBBT; TIIBl'ICB NORTII 55 DBGRBBS 16 MDlOTBS 00 SBCONDS BAST STILL ALONG LAST MEIl'l'IONED LAIlD 72 .17 FBBT '1'0 'l'HB SOUTnJlllSTBRLY smB OF SHIPYARD LI\NB AT TIIB POIIlT OR PLACB OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER 1II'l'H TIIB BENEFITS, RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES,. BASIlMBNTS AND SUBJECT TO TIIB BURDENS, CO\IBIIA!ITS, RESTRICTIONS, BY-LAIIS, RBGlJIATIONS AND BASIlMBNTS ALL AS SBT FORTH IN THE CONDOMI1IIIllM IlOClIMBNTS FILED AlII) RECORDED AS AFORBBAID. -LEGAL DESCRIPTIQH COIITDItJBD- . .1 of an alteration or repair to the common elements, so that any such cncroachments may remain, so long as the Building shall stand; TOGETHER with an easement in common with the owners of other units to use any pipes, chutes, shafts, wires, ducts, cables, conduits, vent ducts, pipe shafts, utility lines, flues and other common elements located in any of the other units or elsewhere on the Property, and serving the Unit; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the Grantor in and to the Unit; TOGETHER also with a right of way through the common elemcnts to the public streets; TOGETHER with and SUBJECT to all easements of necessity in favor of the Unit or in favor of other units or the common elements; SUBJECT also to and easement in fllvor of the other unites to use the pipes, wires ducts, conduits, cables, utility lines, vent ducts, pipe shafts, chutes, shafts, flues and other common elements located in the Unit or elsewhere on the Property and serving such other units; SUBJECT also to the provisions of the Declarlltion and of the By-Laws of the Condominium recorded simultaneously with and as part of the Occlarlltion, as the same my be amended from time to time by instrumcnts recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County, which provisions, together with any amendments thereto, shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall bind any person having at any time any interest or estate in the Unit as though such provisions were recited and stipulated at length herein; SUBJECT also easement in favor of the commercial unit having sole access to land as a limited common element for the exclusive use of the commercial unit which shall extend 100 feet north, west, and south of the commercial unit. SUBJECT also to rights of other unit owners through the common elements to the public streets; SUBJECT also to an easements for ingress and egress in favor of the commercial unit 24 feet wide extending from the commercial unit limited common element westward to the west boundary line of the land for the purpose of providing access 10 adjacent property to the west. SUBJECT to an easement 24 feet wide for ingress and egress, in favor of the owner of the adjacent land to the west, extending from the easterly boundary line of said adjacent land, along the access road in front of the commercial unit then to, over and along the main access road of the Condominium north to Shipyard Lane. 2 ~ SUBJECT to reciprocal easements of egress and ingress in favor of the Condominiwn unit owners, members of their family, lessees, assignees and designees and in favor of the owners or owners, member of their family, lessees, assignees and designees of the adjacent land to the wesl of the Condominium Property for the purpose of permitting access to and from the commereial unit and a marina or other commercial facilities to be constructed on the adjacent land to the w4est which reciprocal easement will permit the use of access roads in front of tile commercial unit to and from Shipyard Lane which easements shall become effective if, as and when a marina or other commercial facilities are constructed on the said adjacent land; SUBJECT to a 15 fcet widc easement of ingress and egress in favor of the commercial unit extending from the casement providing ingress and egress to Shipyard Lane from and to the land to the west of the condominiwn land, south along the west property line of the condominium to ease Gardiner's Bay and then ease approximately 93 feet along Gardiner's Bay. SUBJECT also to easements in favor of any unit to which a patio or deck is appurtenant for the exclusive use of such patio or deck. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Grantee, forever. The use for which the Unit is intended is that oca residence, cxcept that if the unit is a commercial unit it may be used for any lawful purposes. The Grantor covenants that the Grantor has nOI done or suffered anything whereby the premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. The Grantor, in compliance with SI.'Ction 13 of the Lien Law, covenanls that the Grantor will receive the consideration for this consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to rcceive such consideration as a trust fund for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply for same first to the payment of the costs of the improvement before using any part of the same for any other purpose. The Grantee accepts and ratifies the. provisions of the Declaration and the By- Laws and the Rules and Regulations of the Condominiwn recorded simultaneously wilh and as part of the Declaration and agrees to comply with all the terms and provisions thereof as the same may be amended from time to time by instrwnents recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County (Division of Land Records). 3 ; The terms "GnD:1tor" and "Grantee" shall be read as "Grantors" and "Grantees" whenever the sense of this deed to requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and the Grantee have duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. VENTI FRAMlL Y TRUST 9:::~~ Russell V ti, Trustee By: Nane STAlE OF NEW YORK) COUN'TY OF SUFFOLK) On the ....2.. day 0;--0 e. (' in the Year......~005, before me, the undersigned, personallY appeared RUSSELL vENTI, personally")nQWll to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactorY evidence to be the individual-.. whoSe name is subsOibed to the within instrument and acknOWledged to me that he uted the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the lndlVldua r the person upon behalf of which the IndiVidual acted, executed the instrument. MAUREEN A. DEVONMIUI! NoWy Public. 81at8 of N_ YoIll No. 52o!ill29ll88 QU811118d In 8ullalk County My Commlulan ExpIres July I; ~ 4 ~. " STATE OF COUNTY OF On the Jst' day of ~ in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared NANCY LOHNElSS, personally known to me or proved lD me on the basis of 5lIl:isfClctory evidence lD be the individual whose name is subsaibed lD the within Instrument and acknowledged lD me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the ment, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the Individual acted, exe d the Instrument. NDlary Public, State Yoit No. OIC049195S9. Suffolk Co~n" CommissiDIIEJqJilIlS D~l C"5/0e0 DISTRICT: SECTION: BlOCK: LOT: RUSSELL VENTI and NANCY LOHNEISS, as Trustees of the Venti Family Trust dated June 13, 2001 MARTHA A. SCHWARlZ record and return to: WILUAM H. PRICE. ESQ. 828 Front Sbeet P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, New York 11944 1000 038.02 01.00 018.000 COUNTY (OR) TOWN: s RECORl)ED 2005 Dee 29 01: 17:30 PM E~rd P.Romoline CLERK CF SUFFOU< CllUNIV L ??oo12428 P030 DTI ill-21236 Nwnber of pages TORRF.NS ~i Serial # CenitiCllle # Prior CtC. # Deed . Mortgage Insllumcnl Recording / Filing Slamps 3 I-T:ES Page / Filing Fee Comm. of FA. 5. JllL Mongage AmI. 1. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlal Spec. f Assil. or Spec. / Add; TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual CouRly Held for Appointlllent _ Tr:msfer Tax 3.036...Q!L Handling 5 .alL TP-584 NOlation EA-52 17 (Counly) Sub TOlal EA-5217 (SIIIle) R.P.T.S.A. eo 00 Reg. Copy Olher Sub 1'0101 llit(. " CPF Tax Due $ 759.000.00 $~80.00 Affidavil Cenilied Copy Grand Thtal Section o3'.oa. Block 0/.00 1.01 01'.000 5 Real Propeny Tax Service Agency .verifiealion 05050767 1000 03802 0100 018000 /pT S (R;MJ A ~EC hllpmv~d x I. Vaeanll..and 6 SalisfaetionIDischargo:sJReleasc Lisl Properly Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RE1'URN TO: TO WI1.I.IAM H. PRICE, JR., ESQ. 828 Front Street, P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, New York 11944 7 TD " "1"0+__ Co. Name " Title# lKOS- otll/(~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page mad.:- hy: This page forms pan of Ihe nllaChed (SPECU'Y TYI'E OF INSTRUMENT) 'RIA sspl/ 1/11.. f; 01- }.ijf.. '7 L ",j""..'cl: Tile premi"is herein is situaled in as -h'HJ-.. ~ J' #~ /Ie., .;,. SlJFrOLKCQUNTY.NcWYORK. FA"." '; 7"tIl. v ~-t TO In lhe Township of ~ 0':' --I-f. 0/1 In the VILLAGE Nil-crt.../? 'S:'c.I.......tIl.1-___ or HAMLllTuf E..",f 1111tA','(!H. BOXF.s 6 THROUGH II MUST All TYPED OR /'RINTI1D IN BLACK INK ONI.Y I'RIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.l:'oJG. fll\"C:r) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111I11I11I1II11111 1111111111111111111111111 S'lJI'POLK COmr1'Y CI.E1Ut RECORDS OI'l':J:CE RECORD:J:IIG PAGB 'l'ype of ZIlstZ"Wll8Dt 1 DEEDS/DDD IlWaber of Pages 1 8 Receipt Humber I 05-0134158 TRANSI'BR TAX WMBBR: 05-21236 Recordedl Atl 12/29/2005 01117.50 I'll L:J:BER: PAGE: D00012428 030 District 1 1000 SectioDI 038.02 Block 1 01.00 LotI 018.000 Dee4 AInouDt 1 ..,.aMTMWn AIlD CBARCilIl:D AS POLLOWS $759,000.00 Received the Page/Piling COB: EA-CTY T1'-584 R1'T TrlUlsfer tax Following Fees For Above :EDStZ"Wll8Dt Ex~ NO NO NO NO NO NO $24.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $3,0315.00 W.I1dliDg I\1YS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copie. SC'1'll CCIIIIIII..1're. ree. 1'ai4 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,180.00 $15,380.00 ....-Wl; NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX RaMBERI 05-21236 TH:ES PAGE :ES A PART OP TBB mSTll1JIII!:II'1' TB:ES :E8 ROT A B:ELL Bdwar4 1'. RoIII&ine County Clerk, SUffolk County __ __T _ FOR COUNTY USE ONL V Cl. SWIS CMa ,l* STA'll! Of NEW VQRK STA'll! IlOARIl Of REAL PROfERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 .~17"''''' PROPERTY INFORMATION "~I 2820 __, ifli'fTN&/'llIIIIM Sh'Dvard Lane. Un1~ 2B2 rlMf.~ Southold CITY 011 TOWN East Marion ,..... 11939 ""..." 2._ - Schwartz L.u.T NAIll' lCOWANY Martha A. ....,.- LAlI.'......./COMI'Ahoy r_T~ 3. Tax Il1dIcMa where fUlUl'Il.x Billa '1'110 be .... I IIIIIIng ~_""'__I._offo<m1. -- LAST trMM: I t'OMMN'f ......f.AIIII 1Sf,,", NUMlEIAND.'M.tl u.MI: CRY Q11IDWN IT.ATE lIP'"'" .. ........ .hII IIUII'IbM or .......-m RoI ~ .,.,....,.. on th. cr.d 1 I . of P.reel>> OR D P8rt of lit Porcol 10000__ofo__..__1y; 4A. P1annl"llBaoldwllhSu__""YEldIII 0 41. SlD:lMlIon Appronl WII AequiNd for Tramler D C. ParalI Approved for SubdMsIon wilh M.., Prowided 0 5.~ Ixl IORI .0 "- fJlONTNIT 'ACIIIS . .2 - ...... Venti Family Trust dated June 13. 20011 ..- L....,NAW/COMPAN't' tlltsr'lNlll[ N..... LAlT ..... I CClMMN" FillS r NAIC. ^ ~ an. FOrNly _01 D Z or 3 FM1Iily ReIidIntill C RHidlnlill VlCllllt lMd o Non-Relidenlill Vlantland I SALE INFORMATION ~ 11. _ C:-... Dolo E ~ Aorlcu....... I ~ Cammunlly Sonrico F CommerciI! J Indultrlol G Aplrtmont K Public S.rvice II EnlKtDlnmanl/ AmuNmllnt I. Forest a.II tM .... ...... _..., ....." .. 0wn00shJp Typo;o eo_,,,,,, I. N.w Cof1lU'\.laion on VllGlnI' Lend 1M. Property LDGltod within .n AgrIcuIlur" ~rict '08. Buyur recaivGd 0 cIIcIosure notic:e ntic:lting thM h prapMy II in .. Agricullural Oillric:t liiI o o o 7. ChecII. tM beD: INiIow which m-' IlCCIUntaIy ..,... IhII .... at the properly _..... tlm. at ..I.: '2. D... at S... I Tr""'" ...\t. , 20 , 05 "'" v- I,)., -I, 05 ..... 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Dato Mould relleCl'ha IllIDlI Final _.me01 Roll .00 T.. Bill 18.V_of__""", 10 5 111.T"oI__V_loIo11-~"_ol.11 which___' .-- , 3 5 1. 1 01 , "._C1_ I 4 , 1, 1 I-Lfd II. School_ _ I Oyster Ponds .;l. 20. T.. Mep ~II Roll klent_lsI C. man then four. atIecII ..... willi IMIdttJoaeI ~"I 1000-038.02-01.00-018.000 I I CERTIFICATION I ClII1if)' _ 011 "''''"_ "'ma;......Ian.......... an 'his r_ ...,........ __ (lo..........rlll) ~.... boIIoIIlllld 1_........ nlllkIaJl "'_ wWuI r.a.. _ "'.- _ ......n ... loIIbJo<I _ Ia Ihr .........._ '" 1100 ...... .... -.. .. ... ............ ..... "'..... __ #. UVER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Price ....HAW William H.. Jr. FlIIITNME East Apt. 3325 631 417-1016 'TN!! tlu".... -- ..-- New York CIlYDIlrOWN NY 110162-0011 IT"Tt .. COUl VEN By: NEW YORK STATE COPY