HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12445 P 713 " .-' " 3,~. 2. _ /-cJ.J) L.~<-/O(,.'i 5' 05 I I CClN8UL Y YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TIllS INSTRUIIENT. THIlIINSTRUIIENT SHOULD Be USED SY LAWYERS ONLY L I d.'-I'-I) . P71 '; e <v'l. ;}..1,c;.O' Dist. : lOOO Sec. : 038.02 Blk: : 01.00 Lot: 020.000 TH~INDENTURE,mada~ /'1.c:L dayof ~.dQOS BETWEEN II THOMAS~RAND and BARBARA BRAND, residing at 3 Romack Road, Huntington, New York 11743 ~~.p,. i!tI& party of the first part, and MARIA FASULO and LAURIE'OLSON, residing at 29 JOhQ Daves Lane, Huntington, New York 11743 ..v..u::u... lVy'~ ~ ~ party of ~ second part, I ' . WfTNESSETH, that the party of the forst part, In consideration of <'4r ~fB dollars paid by the party of ~ second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of Ihs party of ~ second part forever, ALl thet certain plot. piece or pareal of land, with Ihs buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the See Schedule A attached h~reto. This condominium unit is known as Unit 2C2, Cleaves Point Village Condominiums, 2820 Shipyard Lane, Eas~ Marion, New York. This condominium unit is intended solely for single-family residential us~. . . ',170" Said condominium unit includes a 1 OO[~ ownership interest in the Common Elements of the Cleaves Point Village Condominiums and a l.274' ownership interest in the Common Elements of Cleaves Point Club and Marina, Inc. ~(j ~. BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises as conveyed to the grantor herein by deed dated February 20, 2003, and recorded on March 06, 2003, in Liber 12238 Page 849 of the Suffolk County Clerk. TOGETHER with all right, tiUe and Interest, If any, of the party of ~ first part In and to any streets and roads abutting ~ above desclibed pramlses to the center lines Ihsreof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of ~ first part in and to said pramises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of ~ second part, ~ heirs or succesSQrS and assigns of Ihs party of ~ second part forever. Afl,jD the party of the first part covenants that the party of the flrat part has not done or suffersd ~ing ~iliby,the said premises have been encumbered In any way wha"'~1If&&i81if.1A ::8" :;0 - ,Y"I on.l.l'~IU~.~.fU!nCOf1'J;.\ " .. ,'0 GIHnl1,'~~'!.'" AND lIie'Pf\lrtr of ~e first Pl!rt:. in compliance with Section 13 of the UVoWIMib~Y."'\Bn~'l/1!ll.'~ of ~ first part wUI'receive'~'consideration for this conveyance and will hold-the iIIbl".;IlIC8ive:suctl consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of ~ improvement and will apply the same forst to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of ~ lotal of the same fO( any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if It read "parties" when ever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flrsl part has duly executed this deed the dey and year forst above written. IN PRESENCE OF; ~~,~~6-' Z BRAND , ~~~ BARBARA BRAND --- S_ N.V.B.Y.U. Form 8002 -Ilargoin ancI Bale Deed. with Covenant_Ins! GranIDr's Acts _ Unirorm AdcnowIedgment Fonn 3290 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT. MAnE IN NEW YORK STATE S_alNewYorl<, County of Suffolk ss: Onthe 11./ day of /J~~eyear 2005 before me, 'the u~ii8ii, perSonallY appeallld THOMAS BRAND perllOIIllAy - knOWn 10 me or proved to me on the bells of 881i8fecl101y evidence to be the Indivldual(s) whose name(a) la (are) sub8crtbed to the within Inatrument and acknowledged to me IhaI helshe1lhey axecuted the sarna In hlslherllhelr capaclly(1e8), and thel by hIslherllhelr Slgnature(l) on the Instrument. thelndlvldua~s), or the person upon behalf of which the Indlvldua~s) 1ICIIld, lllCIlCUtad the Instrument. c}y.l11'~ .eJ. p -' ~...,~ ~n8Iure and oII""lC8 ~lIGklng acknowledgmenl) LlTACOHEN RUDY Nolary Public, Slale of New York No. 01RU6030845 Qualified In Nalsau County C_lnlon Expirea January 29, 20 aJ.... Slata of New Yorl<, CoW1ty of Suffolk aa: Onthe /4d8yof ~r 2005 before me. the undersigned. personally appeared BARBARA BRAND . personally JmOwn 10 me or proved 10 me on the bellil of satisfactory evidence to be the Indlvldual(a) whosa name(s) Is (are) lub8aibed to the within Instrument and acknowI8dged to me IhaI helahellhey executed the same In hlslherllhelr cspllClty(Ie8). and IhaI by hlslhar/lhelr algnature(a) on the InatrumenL the Indlvldual(I), or the parson upon behalf of whICh the Indlvldua~s) 1lCIad. executed thaln8lnJmant. ~'htI~.A I.J~.#'II' (;illnatt;;; ;-n;(;'mce oti;,dMduallak1rlgQcknowledgment) UTA COHEN RUDY IIaIIIr PuIIlIcl. State of NawYDdl No. 01RlHI030841 iIlIo -- r In ,..... Counlr . I',.,. ~"""28, 20~ , S_ (or 0l8lllct of Columbia. Tlll'TflDry, or Foreign Country) of TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IBIlADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE 88: On the appeared personally known to me or proved 10 me on the bellis aI sali8f8ctory evidence to be the Indlvldual(a) whose name(a) II (are) subscrtbed to the within In8lnJm8l1land acknowledged to me IhaI hefshelthey executed the same In h1l11her11he1r cspaclty(le8), and IhaI by h1l11herllheir slgna1ure(s) on the instrument. the Indlvldua~s). or the parson upon behlIIf of which the Indivldua~a) actad, 8XllCIlled the lnstrument and IhaI such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned In the day of in In the year before me, the undersigned. penIOI18lly (and Inserllhe Slale or Counlry or other place th8 acknowllldgmanl was taken) (Insert th8 CIty or other poI1t1C111 subdivision) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS ntle No. LTNY -4069-S-05 Thomas Brand and Barbara Brand TO Maria Fasulo and Laurie Olson aTANIWlII RlIIIIIOF NEW _ _OF 11Tl.E U111lERWR1TE1l8 llIstIbAIId by a~ Cv.._._UIIL LlndT1lll___co.np.ny RES!RVE n.a SPACE FOR W! OF RECORDING OFFICE '. . (signature and oIfIca oIlndlYldualtak1ng 8CknoWIedgmanI) SECTION 038.02 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 020.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk County STREET ADDRESS 2820 Sh~d Lane6~gnit 2C2 East Ita eN& ~aelIf of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: Michael Lo Frumento, Esq. 377 Oak St. Garden City, NY 11530 . . ".. .. Scbedule A Description Revised: 10/2712005 Page 1 Title Number LTNY-4069-S-OS The Unit known as Unit No. C2 in Building 2 (hereinafter called "the Unit''), designated and described as Unit No. C2 in the Declaration establishing Cleaves Point Village Condominium (hereinafter called the "Property") made by the Grantor under the Condominium Act of the State of New York (Article 9-8) of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, dated April 24, 1983, recorded in the Office of the Clerk ofSufTolk County Division of Land Records on the 6th day of May, 1983, in Libcr 9354 at Pagc 235 (hereinafier called "the Decl3rlltion") and desig~~~..also as Lot No. 20, District 1000, Section 38.02, Block I on the Tax Map of the :i?!@i~fSouthold and on the noorplans ("the Floor Plans") of the Buildings, eeni tied by. Kft9kosla Association Engineers & Architect, filed in the said Clerk's Office on the 6ij;r&y of May, 1983 8S Map No. 86. . ,.... TIle Building is shown on 8 site plan as filed in the..sliid Clerk's office as Map No. 86. The Building and the land on which it is I~ted 'arii'~erei~r referred to as the "Propeny" . The land on which the building containing the Unit is located is described as follows: . PARCEL I ALL that cenain plot, piece or pareel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of South old, County ofSutTolk and State of New York, being more panieularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane distant 2808.97 fect southerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Main Road (NYS Route 25) with the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane; RUNNING TI-IENCE South 35 degrees 4] minutes 30 seconds East along the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane, 405 feet to the ordinary high water line of Gardiners Bay; RUNNING THENCE along the ordinary high water line of Gardiners Bay the following two (2) tic line courses and distan~es: 1) South 37 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds Wesl, 346.66 feet; 2) Nonh 88 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds Wesl, 201.57 feet 10 other lands this day conveyed 10 Emanuel Kontokosta; RUNNING THENCE North 11 degrees 49 minules 30 seconds East along the last mentioned land 570 fect; Continued On Nexl Page .~~, . Schedule A Description- continued Revised: l01271200S Page 1 I Tille Number LTNY-4069-S-0S , RUNNING THENCE North 55 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds Easl still along the lasl mentioned land, 72.17 feet tD the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane at the point or place of BEGINNING. PARCEL 1\ ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of South old, County ofSulTolk:me! Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Shipyard Lane distant 2508.97 feet southwesterly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side ol"Main Road (NYS Route 25) with the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane; RUNNING THENCE South 35 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East along the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane, 300 feet to other land this day conveyed to Emanuel Kontokosta; RUNNING THENCE South 55 degrees 16 minules 00 seconds West along the last mentioned land, 72.17 feel; RUNNING THENCE South II degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds West along the last mentioned land, 570 feet to the ordinary high water line of Gardincrs Bay; RUNNING THENCE along the ordinary high water line of Gardiners Bay along a tic line bearing of North 69 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, 367.59 teettD land conveyed to Parksid<.: Heights Co.; RUNNING THENCE North II degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East alDng the last mentioned land, 565 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 55 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East still alollg the last mentioned land 278.84 feet to the southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane at the point or pl:1ee of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with an undivided_(;;~percent interest appurtenanttD the Unit in the CDmmon clements of the Propcrt~rcinafter called the "common clements"). . . '..: ., [! 2 RECORDED 2006 Apr 1808:49:53 AM Judi\h R. Pascale ClERK CF SUFFOlK COOHTY L 000012445 P 713 DTlI 05-35032 NlIlIIllCl Ill' palle' Serial H Ccnifi~ulc II I'r;",or./# _._'__ Deed 1 Mong"IIC IlIslnllllelll l.leL...11 MIlnllnge T"x S'alll" Rcennlillg 1 Filillg Suuups 3 fEES !Imlllliull 5. IMI ___0 _._ Mor'llnge AIIII. I. IInsie T"x :!. A.l.li.iolll,1 T"x SlIh'lil.,,1 S(lCc,/Assi.. ------ Pngc 1 Filiug Fa: ------ ----- TP.5IH NlllillilUl Ilr EA-5:! 17 ICIl,uUYI_._ __ ___ EA-5:! 17 ISlIIlcl Suh '1\1.,,1__ __ __. SI'"e./A,ItI. 'inT. !\-ITG. TAX ---- -. ---- - C"IIIIIII. ufE,I. 5. 110 --- -- Du"I'lhwll _ _ DIH,I l'IlIllUY _ _ IIchl for AI'I'oiullllcnl___ Tr"dllsfer 'iii X ~lLCilo...... ~- - IU'.T.S.A. __.kt__ MUlIsiHnTils, Am,l"vi, NYS Suu"hulg.: __IS, _~L Suh'li1.,,1 _.__'___ Grund "l'nl'll_ _L55 ~ ~"he 1lIllllerl}' livered hy Ihis mnl1Uil~c is or will I~ i uprnvCtI hy ;1 nile Ill" IWO family dwcllll! ,,"ly. YES _ Ilr NO_____ If NO. see II IlrOPI;UIC lilK cl:lll~ ull pllgc: # _ _ _ Ilr lIais inSlnmll:nl. ---- -"- Cc:nilicll Cupy O.her d 4 DiSI.III-fl) SeClion O~ 1. r>>- Block (J/.HJ 1,1\1 0,) CJ . H'1!J 5 Community Hcul11rultell: 'lax Service' Allen<:y VClilkutilUJ 05048061 -"P~ (RSMIA)' . /0 -Lpt-DI,,; ~_. - - 1-". 1000 03802 0100 020000 , , cpr- Tllx nile $ 1~:2o.6-- Impnwccl_ _ _ Val:itlll'.&IIul _. _ 6 SIl,isf;tClinnsll1iseharlle5IRcle"scs l.isll'rol'eny Ownel'll Mnilinll Address Rt1:cnim & RETURN TO: rVhl hM! L~ f::/t urMI-JTf, C IIJ'j- <6 77 ~ ~ ~ ~,~ 115?P TIJ Tn Tn 7 .;t ~- C H Sutfolle. Count Recordin (, 05 & Endol.sclnent Pa 'e '11lis pUlle frmns pilrl orll,e ulIllche.1 __~E" L_ --- -- - (SPECIFY TYP!:! OF INSTKI.IMENT, 1II;,de hy: ,. h 01\1 n t; _F 61! 1/ JUL ~A/(.hn~l'1-_ R. ~,uJ.. ~-=--= The "relllises hereill is sill....ed ill SllI'rOLK COIINTY, NEW YCIIlK. . 1"" TO In ,he 'It.wnship nl' ...f~~I..Li;/J -'-- ty'/~ r t/ Su..LC> IlIlhc VII.LA!';E _ L~ "0/ S;; J..!.-'-== =.= '" IIAMl.lrl' of _ e#L'4.:U&! .:u"'1.:,.. - 1I0XES 6 TIIRl'lI MUST liE TYI".m ON 1'llINTED IN III....C" INK ONI,)' I'RIt')\( '1'1.1 I<ECOlllIING fll( 1'1 1.1 Nn. hlYl:r\ ~ . . . .' ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 8u.-.oLK COO......s CLBlUt RECORDS OI'FI:CE RBCORDI:IIIG PA.GB 'l'ype of :rnstrument I DDDS/DDD Humber of Page.1 5 Receipt -HUmber I 06-0038607 TRABSFER TAX RUIIBBR.: 05-35032 Recorded I Atl 06118/2006 08149153 All LI:BER: PAGE: D00012445 713 District I 1000 Deed Amcnmt I S.ctiODI Block I 038.02 01.00 BXAIIDDD AIID CBAJlQZD AS FOLLOWS $665,000.00 Loti 020.000 aeceived tha PollowiDg I'ee. I'or Above :IDBtrument Bx.oMl II. 1: .....~. Page 1 l'iliDg $15.00 110 BalJdliDg $5.00 110 COB n. 00 IlIO IIYS SRCHG $15.00 110 BA-Cn $5.00 IlIO BA-S'l'A'l'B $75.00 110 'l'l'-584 $5.00 110 Cart.Copi.. $0.00 JIO RP'l' $30.00 110 SC'1'll $0.00 IlIO 'l'rlUlllfer tax $2,660.00 IlIO CCIIIIII.Pr.. $10,300.00 JIO I'ee. Paid $13,115.00 TlUIIISI'B1l 'l'AX RUllBBRI 05-35032 'l'B:IS PAGB XS A PAR'l' 01' 'l'BB DIS',dltlllBlll'l' 'l'B:J:S :IS 110'1' A BXLL JUdith A. pa.cale COUDty Clerk, Suffolk COUDty PLEASElYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITINtH'fll'ORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:t/www.orpB.stBte.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR !;OUNn USE ONLY C1. 5WJS CoM 8:J~~~~1 .._~ ,IS '~ CUoak \ C4...... l].1 ~, ,. PROPERTY INFOR!ltATION "=1 U~~...l<;2 28ier..i9.ipyard I,an.. E:",~arlnn Tb S\~Jd. -- 2._ Name FasJtlo .- 1- IMa~L IL~ I Olson IMT ......,CCM'AJCY I. T.. ........... ........ T.. BIll 11'110 be_ I -.. K__......_III_oI"""'l -- LAST,.",.'aJMIANY PMI' _II aim IUlIlr NAAa .......""'" ... ......... ............. of ......_~ ....1 RoI,.,... a..~,..cI on the...... 1 1 01 Pl'- OR D Ponoll""coI 5.:::"'" I SlzI Ixl lOR I . ACR(I' . O. 21 DlI'TH MONT'''' 1.- - Brand lAS'NtMl/COM"AN't T~ Barbara Brand ......,.",.,ClJIMUft' F....... 7. a.ct. the boa below which I'IIOIf: eccutIItaIy...... till .... aim........, at... II... aI....: A~ OneFomlly_ R 2 Of 3 f8miIy a.ldenlilll C ~V_nt""" D Nan n .. ... V..m IMId I SALE INFORMATION I n. ... CaaIr'-.I ~ 1!~.IcuI1u'" F CarnmorcIoI G Apo_ H IEn1eruilnmem./ Am.-mem: I ~ Comrnunov_ J _ K PIdIIfo:_ L F_ L~ "I0'?5fd REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of _ YORK STATE IIOAIID Of IlEAL -.nv IIEIMCB RP - 5217 ..4117 ....J/IR 111 Q'lQ ..."""" ,...-rNAMI: If A'!! ..."""" 1OnIr' Pen oil _ ~ _....., oppIr; u. ........ Ban with ~ 'rt" 1IiDn AuIborIly ExiIII 0 - ""~ AppnMI-". -,,1Nd far T...... D c:.__...__MoI>"_ 0 ~""----oppIr; .. Ownership Type is ConcIominIum .. New ConMtuctioIt on VICIInl UncI ,M. "'-v &...- _ ............ _ -~_I__-" 111M tbI property is in In AgricuIIu,. DiII:rIcI o o o o 1&. a.- aM...... at __ co.~.... . _ - .... .. 'tr8r-'w; q , I.,;)-f~?. - 11 , J 'I, or;. - ..., v.. A II C D E F G H I J 1Z. DIlte 01 .... I T...... 66~ O(!)C), 00 . ~ q II .., . 8.R g. 9 I , , . IF.U5oIo "lco 10 tho_I............ "" tho _ indlllJng,..-_. Th. ~ ~ _ In IhIt form 01 uM. GIber ptOpeIty or goods, or the auumptJon of mcwIg-uot or OCher obIgiIIlana.) ",... f'OCIItd 10 the....., wI'IoII doIIIr ~ '3. .... _ ....100 '''___01_ I ,0 .0,01 .......-trnludldln_.. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DoIlIlhould _ lho_ Flnll_o.. RaIl Ind TI. Bill 'I.Y_oI' :_11"'''''' I ffJ .5'1'7.T__V_IoI.....-.._11 ...... "4... I ...... ,1. "'-" CIooo I '1./ ./I-~ '1.___1 1Il2-0rient ZOo Tu ,.... ........... IIIDII .....1IILw1aI ....... ..... MUlCh .... willi eddItIouI..........un 1000-038.02-01.00-020.000 5010__01.........._ SIIe BMwMn ReI-.d eornp.nieI or PannerI in ..... One oflho ....... 10 _ I -. a."... or s.u.r . Gcr.....,.,_. Agcrcy or lIn:ilng IMIiIuIion Dood Typo _ Worronly OIl1oogoln _ Solo lSpodlv _ &010 01 Fr_ 01...._ F_ _ISpocIfy_ Slgnlfi..". Chongo .. "'-"Y -.. T_ SIotuo Ind &010 Dol ~ of Bull... illncIudIId in Sat. PrIaI u.....r F...... -.0 5010 ...... ISpocIfy_ Nor. , ..~ ,eI .5',~1 , ; I I CERTIFICATION l I ftIIIfy _011"'........."'__............ ..........-__110.........",11)'.--.... --...... . -"'--.c et any ...... ... !IIaIftIIfIII fA...... t'kI ..,. .. IIIIIderI .. III tile DI_U ffllhe ..... "W nt.Ih~ to die ..... and .... fA ,... .....,..... BUYER"B ATTOIINEY ~ X!.: ~- ~1IGNA'UflI ~ ;;l.~...~ I H~~ ~ I'YI-vu~ c:nv...""", I I( /, If/n tMTll { ~L. L.. ()~Il.I/...M~J'r01 ~ lAIr__ ' FIIIlITIOoUM .51(, - .... ~ jJJ.2!t. HY&!! f. ~~ ...... y& <- H-~Y_~- ...... ........ .... .1. ;l.;l- ("S"h:I ...........-- /' NEW YORK STATE COpy ~ ...J