HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12475 P 752 -; ILLi),:; tL)l 5'?1 Z ~ /- ~ CONBULT'tOI.R lAWYER BEIFORE IIONINO na "~.na lIaTRIJIIINT....LD.. USEDIV LAWYERS ONLY THIS IHDENlURE, __Iho 21 day of JUNE 2001I BI!TWEEN I\ElKO HR.L YER. reRlng 11l2lr2O ShipJard~. UniI 182. East Marion. NY 11838 perty of tho firs! part, snd KA2UKO HILLYER. ...1"'101 21120 ShIpyald 1.0... Unit 182. EooI'Morion. NY 11839 party of lho locand part, WlTNI!8SETH, IhoIthe ,lOlly of the rn' PM. .. __ 01 len _.. IIIld IlIher ..1..- _Ion paid by '110 pa~y of Ihe '1lICOI1d part. _ _by 11III1iIe. ...._ ond qui_ .no 1110 pa~ of the second pIIrt. lhe helrw or IUDC8SICn... 8Hlgn1 of tfIo peny or Iha HCQr1d part fcnMJr. ALL 1,81 c:enaIn plot. pilla or pen;eI of lind, wtlh tho builcings and Irnpruvumonts lhoroon ontCtod. slhato. Iyk1g ond bok1g .. ... st.E ANNEXED SCHEDUU5 -A- a.lng8nd ~end" to b8 1M pnlm... conveyed from KazukoHIIr.r ln1emal....~ 100. to Rell\o Hilyer on Jun. 2. 1988, -Mor8, 18I3..1.b<10lllI1._250 Sold _, _ ShIppnll.ono, UnlII8Z. Eaol......... NY 11838; SocII... 038.02. _ 01.00; LoI: 004.00. Sutfolk TOGETHER w;o, II ~ IIIIllIWId InIoroIl. J 11II)'. 0I1hO _ 0I1hO n... port In and '" any _ and roallll lbullt1g Ihe ...... _bod pramiIoI '" IhO ..nlOr _ ""'11Xll: TOGElHER wI:h IhO _....... and .. the _ IWId rig"," ,~ Iho _ or ... IlraI .-t In and '" _ ......-; TO HIIYE AND TO HOLD the pro..... _ granlGcl,..", IhO pa~ 011110 _ pa~. ... holrs 0< IUCCOOIO.. .nd _Iglll of IhO _ or III. HOOnd ~_. AND 'ho pa~ " the IlraI pan. .. compIIonce _ llacUon 13 .1 ... Lion Law. COWI_ "'"' "'" porIy 0111I. r... port wlllOOOivo lho _ lot 11IIo _ and wit hold III. ~ghl '" __ _ oo_n .. a Iruo' fund .. be lIIlPIIorIllrat for the ...- of payklg 11I0 _ 01 the \mpIQvomonl and will apply lho urno n... 10"'. _I 01 "'", _ 011110 ~ _ UUlll.any plOt 011110 _ or 11I0 I8IllO lor any oIhor _. Tho word "partY' ..... bo _ .. . d ..... "pollia" _Iho _ 0I1hIa 1_.. 10 requlnll. IN WlTNE" WHEREOF, "'" _ or lho lira. pori hoo rluly _ 11IIo _ Iho day and yur IlraI -.. wriUen ~/&-'1. ~~)k--- - sa.r.Ierd N.Y.B.T.U. FgmlCX)l- CUdUn 0-1.. UnIonn Ad.nawI......(IIngI. 1tI. Form 221. Commitment/Order No: A-0005156-S/05 Poge 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and being at East Marion. in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. being more particularly bounded and described els tollows; The Unfl known as Unit No. 1 B2 BEGINNING at a paint on the Southwesterly side of Shipyard Lone distant 2808.97 feet Southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Southerly side of Main Rood (N.Y.S. Rout 251) with the Southwesterly side of Shipyard lane; RUNNING THENCE South 35> degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East along the Southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane 405 l'ee to the ordinary high water line of Gardiners Bay; THENCE along the ordinary high water line of Gardiners Bay the following two tie line course and distances; I. South 37 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds west. 346.66 feet; 2. North 88 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds West. 201.57 feet to other land conveyed to Emanuel Kantokosta: THENCE North 11 degrees -19 minutes 30 seconds East along the lasf mentioned land 570 feet: THENCE North 55 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East still along the lost mentioned land 72.17 feet to fhe Southwesterly side of Shipyard Lane of the point or place of BEGINNING. PARCEL II ALL that certain plot. pieCE' or parcel of land. situate. lying and being at East Marion. in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New Yonk. being more porticularly bounded and described as fOllows; BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side of Shipyard lane distant 2508.97 feet Southerly from the corner fc)rmed by the intersection of the Southerly side of Main Rood (N.Y.S. Route 25) with the Sc)uthwesterly side of Shipyard Lone; THENCE South 35 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East along the Southwesterly side of Shipyard lone 300 feet to e.ther fond conveyed to Emanuel Kontokosta; THENCE South 55 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West along the last mentioned land 72.17 feet; THENCE South 11 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds West along the last mentioned land 570 feet to the ordinary high wClter line of Gardiners Bay; . Commitment/Order No: A-OOOS156.S/05 Page 3 LEGAL DESCRIPnON: fco""nuec:ll THENCE along the ordinary high water line of Gardiners Boy along 0 tie line bearing of North 69 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds Wesl. 367.59 feet 10 lond conveyed to Parlcside Heights Co.; THENCE North 11 degrees .49 minutes 30 seconds East along the lost mentioned lond 565 feet: THENCE North 55 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East still along the lost mentioned land 278.8<4 feet to the Southwesterly side of Shipyard Lone at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with on undividl~d 2.260 percent interest appurtenant to the Unit in the common elements of the I'raperty (hereinaHer called the "common elements"); SAID PREMISES: 2820 Shipyc]rd Lone. Unit 1 B2. East Marion. NY 11939 Sec1lon: 038.02 BlclCle 01.00 Lot: 00<4.000 County: Suffolk . mIlE UgDONLY"''' TMF- .~K"""" av.IDIT IS MArwiN NM YCRIC..IIT&TE ..: ......r_v.... Counlyol_'~ -lqllO: On Iho 2.\ day 01 June In"'.... 2005 blfore ml, the underallllned. petlonelly ~ Relka Hilyer . ...-.onaBr known 10 me or PfQv.d to me on lhe belli 01 oelill__lobelhe--<"I_ nomoll'_ (aro) subKribed to the wItin lnalrumenl. Md -=lu1D'l........d ID me Dill '-'1MIthey eucuWd lhe IIrM In hlalhltlthelr _ .. ..... I.., 1ignI1I.<el11 on the iI'Istru.. I). uponbehldfofwhlch tfte II L SIIlle orNlw VOrlr., County al Onth. dI)'ol In the year . bnn me. lhI undetlilllnecl. ....on.., appnrlld I*'IOIIaIIy known 10 1M or pnwed ID me on Ih. b... of .....r.c:aory _1dInoI1o 1M Ihllndivldual(l) whDH .....(.) II c..) IUblcrtbod to 1M wUhln inalrumenllnd actnowtadgM ID me IhIt hellheIIMy eacUled the ..me In NllMrllhelr CoIII1dln"'). 8I'Id uw. by hlllhIr",*" tlgnMIure(I) on Ihe InItrumenl. the 1ndIvk.Iu.I(1). gr 1M penon upon behalf or which thllndlwldullC., GiR. Ixeculld thI Lnatn.menL of 1ncIivIdu"18kIng 8eiU_.....~...m) (iiu~';';;:;;;:.dOifQ of Inclvtduell'ldng-~~dgrMnl) HOWARD A. BALSAM , NoIary Public. Slale 01 New York . No. 02BAIlO48185 Qualified in Suffolk County_ CommiS8lO~~t,JA.~ INlMlSIGIENr 10 """B DUTlIIDI! NEW VOAK STATE SlI&e (or ~lrIcI 01 Columbia. Tlrrilc:ary. or Foreign Country) 01 Onlh. _o, 01 in Ihe year II. before mi. lhe undll'liyned. personally appeared ~raoRIU, known lD me 01 proyecIlO me on the blllI af ..liafKtDry eVIdence to be tha Indlvldull(.) whoae name'I' II (.r.) IUblGribod 10 the wdhln Inlll'Ul\'Wlland .._ .D'~ 10"" lhalhollhelthey e-=uIM the.....,hIInwIlMir~ and IhIt by ~rtIhelr 11gnan(1) an DMI inIIrumenI, IhI indtvlduelCl). or lhe ~ upon ..... 01 which Ih. lndIYidualCI) KIed. uec:ua.d the Inltrurnenl. .nclIMIIIJCh h:JMdual ... luch ...-.nee before lhe undngned In the . In __ _ ___. (arid""'" !hi ".or CouI*Yorohlrpllce Ihie ~IIW'II__....) (...." 1"'_ CIIr' or.... poIieiaI....,...J QUITCLAIM DeED TlUB N A-0005156-SI05 .. -- Relko HIlyDr TO Kszuka HUlyer ITANDAIlD'~ Of' NIW 'tORIC IO-"'D .. mLl UNDIIIMII'''' rl NF:W.YORK TITLE nrk.anIOJ~Tl.1!iI ~ ,-- NEW YORK TITI.F: ....ani! CorporMIv. 11--- WIlIIII'~""_ 114"'._ 1'liII1II........1I1I --- p ~ I . n I . . = , ~ i ! i = . ------. .- (_IgnaIuq.ndalllctof~""'''' ~~nI) DISTRICT SECTION 038.02 BlOCK . 01.00 LOT 004.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Surfolk STREET ADORESS 2820 Shipyard Lana R_ 01 ReaUOlI cI NEW VORK 11'rU; LTC: v810n Abslnlcl Corp 714 3rd Avenue Brooklyn. NY 11232 . . r-;~mber of puges . ;.. oS'" TORRENS Serial II _ Certificate II . Prior CIf. # Deed .. Morlgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage T'oIX Stamp FEES 2J \$- Page I Filing Fee Handling 5 ..ll!L TP-584 5- NOlalion 30 I EA-5217 (Counly) 5 '7(- a-JoD Sub Total EA-52 I 7 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of 8<J. 5. 00 Affid:lvil Certified Copy /fJ.<' {S"(@. Reg. Copy Sub TOlal Olber IL_ Grand TOl8I ~ DistricI ] Sec:lion ,... -. -- Real 0s044176 Propeny ~ Tax ScrviL"e (R::' \ \ Agency , ~,t Verificalion I~,", I Block 1000 0:1802 LoI 0100 004000 -., ~ ~ SatisfactionlDischwgeslRek:ase List Property OWlIel'!l Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: AUA'J-()tV A Cst eALT c.o'<<-P. 71~1 :5 /2.0 8.K '-'t-u ~~A.JI..Jc- uY II Jl..~.;A. 7 Co. Name Titlc# RECORDED lOot. Oct 25 12: 38: 12 PM J'Jdi", fl. Pascale CLEj~K OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L DOO01:<:475 F h2 DTlI u6'-10671 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Am!. r 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I Assi!. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for APpoin+menl Transfer Tax _ MansiDII Tax _ The propeny CO\'ered by Ibis mlll8age is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO I r NO. see appropriate lOX clause on page II nr Ihis irllllromen()l. - b-:JI- \ 5 Communit Preservation Fund S $ Improved Vacanl Land TO TD TO TItle Company Information COl2.J~ ~ -~/rlS- Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of Ihe llllachcd _ Oe. ~~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ _\(>(.:'1 Kl~ ~ ILL."JER The premisis herein is situated in TO k'A2.11Kn J..I/J.J-"f~ SUFFOLK COUSTY. ~ YORK. In the Township or ~r l;:k'cO\r:O In Ihe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR.TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument: DEEDS/DIJD NUmber of Pages. 5 Receipt NUmber : 06-0104144 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 06..10671 Recorded. At: 10/25/2006 12.38.12 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012475 752 District. 1000 Deed Amount: Section:: 038.02 BXAJaNBD AND $0.00 Block: 01. 00 CHARGED AS Lot. 004.000 FOLLOWS Recsive,d the Following Fees For Above :Instrument Exem,pt Exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transf,sr tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $155.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 06-106~71 THIS PAGE :IS A PART OF 'l'HB INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state:ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1'1 '1. ,3, g, ~ C2.Dml__d 1/(7 ,4C:;tflh. ~' DIrf ~ C3. _k I J, 4: t.f. 7,";' I C4. "'11" LZ PROPERTY INFORMATION Cl. SWlS Code ~ .. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORJl' STATE IIOARD OF IlEAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 1t1~17 Me. yn ,. ~l"" L ~82.0 ~ SlIIfPT NU.-.. I ::5 rl \f)'" 1\o.Rf':) """'T_ L eNS'T tlA R\otoJ C TV O'l Towr. L~II..I.. 'Tc.R. LAST.....!'/COIII'AW ~ v....... I \C\~'\ IIP'OJnI- 2.1Iu~ N.... ~'Z.u\<..O "'III~~ L !.M,.....,WIWA"IIy ....T_ 3. Tu IndllCllc whltre futuro Tax 81111... IU be lent BiIIIIg if olNr lnan buycH edchn (Ill boIlOm uI forml L Addnu IA,"NAM'!'/~hY r"".~t L STft!I!T.'UMIDl NQ 5111Err..... UN IlK 10ftIN 4. IndIDRII ... n&IIftW of A-rTTTIoIM I 0 0 I I D Roll .-ralll tr....r.nd on the dHd.. . "of PIIrce1. OR Part of II P.rcel rrA'" ZIP COD[ ..Do"" I '-- Size .....".Fm I Xl "---lit;,. I ClR I '",,,,,,' . IIlnIy . _ .. . ,....., Chock . tIIov_ CA. Planning ao.rd wim Subdivision Authority bIMI 0 .. Subdivision AppnwDl W8II Ruquirud for Tnm"'r D C. Plrcel Approvad.1or Subclvilion with Map Provided 0 1.._ Nom. L~ILL "le R NoUI:/COt.II"'W.. Re.\\(.C) .......... L lAST NAIll! ICOMMN"i foillTMAMI' 7. ChecIr the b'~lIc below whlah mOfit MlCUratlly delcrlbel ,th. u.. 01 tII. property lit tM time I'll ....: A ~ One I:arnlly ..idential 8 2 or ;1 family Ruktonl1B1 C "-Idllltilll VlCMt ~d l) Non-"lIidonl1ll VlClnl lMid I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... ContnICl 0.. 1'~Agric:ll'''''' I ~ CoInmllnky S...... I' CommaFciOI J Indumf" G 'Apartment K Public SeMca I Enlartalnmlm I Amusement I. For. _ tho bo_ __ -tIIov opply: 8, Ownol'1lhlp ~ il Condominium .. Now ConItructlan an V.cant Lend 1DA. Pl'OJICrty l.Oc:aIed wfItttn .n Agrlcutn....1 DiIIrkt 1aB. Buyer ....ivod . d11C1a1un1 naUc. Indf~ng Ih. thIi pn:IIMH1y Is In _ Agricullur'l OIIIrlCt >& o o 11. .,..... or man 01"- _ "1' " _~. . ~ 1oJ_.. tran",,-: I~ Ii,' I~~ 12. OM. of &.Ie I Tr....... 106 I ~\ _ Do, I 2J:t:5 v." Sale BolwGon RulallYbll or Farm. RellrtiV'N s.Io 8ulween Re'-tlld ComPM* or Pinner, In BUlinua One of the Buyen I, allO D Soller Buvur or &.I.... Is GcMtrnment Agency or L.endrlg Institution Deed Type not W.rrMllV ur Blrgaln and SeIlISpecify Belowl Sale or Froc.1ion1ll or LM. thin Fu InterIIt (Specify Below) Slgnlflc:lnt Otango in Propurty BetwMn T'KI" EbtUl Ind Sale Date Sale nf Bu-'__ I. Indudld In Silt PrIcu Other UnulUll FICtOI'I AfflCl:lng s.Ia Pric:e (SpKify &.low! J Nuno Q\J\"\ n ....\M bUt> 13. Full SaI. Pt_ 10,0. C.C. 00. 0,0,0,0,0 , , . (Full SaI. Prk:1 illhl to..1 .mount Plkf for ltMt propony Including .-.onal prop.r1y. This paymant: m~ hi> In the Iorm of CMh. ot:her propeny or goocII. or "'I IllUmpdon of mortgllg.. or ather obIlptiona.l PI.... tOUM '" 1M....,." wholv dulYr Mf!OU'!' '.._"'''._01....... I ,0, III --......- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dahl ShOUld 11I11eclths 111111 Ansl_ont Roll snd T.. Bill 1&. :"111 === from I I 17. Total A....... V....laf all ........In traMfel'll ;";' ,.. "'-'" C1._ ~-~,1. _1110..... Homo I (?) n. en. t - E.<:...t:.-ffiQl\l ~ , ~--.J 20. T.. Mop 16_1011 Ron __IIII...........fao... __ __ _ __I I ~TiOl'l~ 0'3'1'.02.' BI~" o\.oo.Lo\-<rt.c,'JOO . I I I CERTIFICATION I nr1IlY - .. '" dIo _ or Iar.......... __ an .... Iona _ ,.... _ ,.m:cl'lallw _ "'..y ................ boIlc1l.... I ._ ..... .... ...lUn~ "'1III)"..1IruI11IIso_1Ill.r_Iod_wIII~ me 10"'" __"'...._Iaw ......................,._lIIIDafll__mcn... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORIiEY ~!?~ 2.~2.0 I 'S~,'r. V. .<<?:[.J J r. v'I--e... ,wnNUIlI." 'Wiir--~ii:1IP"" o>%-~:-\-- M o.Y', 'd' ~~ I '9'i \,.b;5 :)" , ....,....... ""5ThAll'E ....,..... TtLE,.tO-.c...UMlI." ~ .~~ -< g.u'R w..."n.. . - I ':-L2..\ /os n ' NEW YORK STATE COpy '1- ... -- -