HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 944 LI/~iICi P {/~~f,- -ri';f' r r.,f-" ., OrP r It . IY3-1-l( p:flilJ8o.r-C<)Y7J NY2005 _ Rupin and Sill. Deal, willi CO_....K Onnllll"l AcIl-IDlIi'tUW ..Corporu_ (Slap $MIl) CONSULT~\lR LAWYER BEFORE SIClNlNClTHS IN&TRUMI!NT-TNI8INSTR11MENT SHOULD BE USEO BY LAWYEIlIl ONLY, ;-. . , ) , THIS\lllDENTUKF~made!he 1st day of September . in Ihe year 2005 BE'lrWEEN !J~.." ~t.Y' .! residing at 420 Sigsbee Road, Kattituck, New York 11952 r ,party (If the finu part, and AHred M, Ciletti, Jr, and A'Iuebogue. New.York .... 11d/ra.... B__l__& J.. . ~~--PCI.,,4- Selt~er,Aresiding at 55 South Fields Road pW1Iy of the second part. WITNIlSSETH, tlUlllhe party of the fint part. in cCIlL.idel1llion of e doUar> paid hy Ihe pa.rt): of the second part. does bereby gnmt and release unto the party of the second part, lhe hein or successors and .",ign. of the pany of the .~..,j,~d part fo..ever, AL.I. thul certain plc~. piece or parcel of land. with !he buildings and improvements Illereonereeled, situate. lying and heing inlhe Town of Southold, Count.y of Suffolk, and State of New York S,oe Schedule A attached and lIade a part hereto. .. , . BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the aame premiaes conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated April 18, 20D1 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of ~he County of Suffolk. on APril 27, 2001 in l1bBr of deeda .12115 at page 462 J TOOETH fiR Wilh aU righl. ,ille and inter.... if any. of the party of the first part in and 10 auy sIl<els and I'OlIIIs abulling the above d,'scrihed premises tn the cenler li"es thereof; TOGETHER with the appuncnances and aU tire ..late and rights uf the pony of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVEANDTO HOLD thc premises herein g...nled unto the party uflhe second part. the heirs or successors and a..ign. of the party of the second part forever. ANI> the pany of the first part CQ\'enants llUllthe pony of the fi...t part has not done or suff.red anything wherehy Ihe said p...mi.... have hecn encumhered in any WDY whaleYer, exccpt as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenanlS thallhc party nf die first pan will ""ceive the con.idcmtioo for Ihi. conv<-yance and will hold lhe righllo re<:cive such colUlidcration as a trust fund 10 he applied filSt for lhe purpose of paying lhe CUlU of the impro\'Cmem and will apply the same firsllO the payment of the C<lIlI of Ihe irnpro\'Cmenl hefore using any part of the towl of the same for any Olher purpose, '.". word "party" sludl he construed .. if it R:ad "parlics" whenever lhc sense or Ihis indcnlun: so requires. [1'/ WITNt;SS WHERt:OF, the pony of the first part has duly executed this deed lhe day and year first above wrilten. IN PRf,sENCE OF: W~~ leen Delaney '" Ita 1--- \\ 1 ,_ ..__..__...-.:::III_~""",._,,JH.I~"_f1l. ..- '. ...~-- -- . ..... ~....,..,.._....,;.._..-,. ,.-:~..------ ,. . . ~.:..~...~?:'4~U'-004"5'" .' . .~ '. ,:..... , , ";; , .... I",' ',., ...' , :, LEGAL DESCRIPTION!" . "; " h .....1.. - t . - .........""'.... it.......,.1. . '. ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECH, OR PARCEx.. OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING, AND BEINO IN THE TOiIN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK KNOWN AND DESIGNATBD AS LOT NOS. 8 AND 9 AS SHOIiN ON A CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "AMENllBD MAP OF MATTlTUCK PARK PROPERTIES INC.. AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF 'I1IE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON JANUARY 12, 1926 AS MAP NUMBER 801, SAID LOTS WHEN TAKEN TOGETHER BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDBD AND DESCEIBED AS FOLLOWS: " " '0 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHliESTERLY SIDS OF SIGSBEE ROAD DISTANT SOUTHEAIlT!mLY 364.4, FRET FROM 'rIIR CORNER FORMRIl BY 'I'm: llI'l'ERSECTION 01' 'I'IIE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD (NYS ROUTE 25) AND THE SOUT1IWESTERLY SIDE OF SIOSBEE ROAD, RUNNINO THENCE SOUTH 20 DEGRSSS 3S MINUTES BAST ALONG SAID SO\1TllNESTSRLY SIDB OF SIGSBEE ROAD 100.00 FEE'!' TO A MOIIUMENT AND LOT NO. 10 ON SAID MAP; THENCE SOUTH 69 DEGREBS 22 MINUTES WEST ALONG THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN LOT NOS. 9 I\Nll 10 ON SAID MAP 140.75 FBIlT TO A MONUMRNT AND LAND OF JOHN HUSING; 'I1IENCE NORTH 20 DBGREES 24 MINUTES WBST ALONG LAND OF JOHN HOSING 100.00 FEllT TO LOT NO. 7 ON SAID MAP; THENCE NORTH 69 DEGREES 22 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN LOT NOS, 7 AND 8 ON SAID MAP 140.47 FBEl'TO THE SOUTHNEBTERLY SIDE OF SIOSBEE ROAD AND THE POINT OR PLACH OF BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SBCTION 143.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 006.000 1JiC".AI. -~BGAL DESCRIPTION- STATE OJ}lEWVORK~~UNTY OF Suffolk On.he / day oW ~ in lhe yeor 2005. heron: me. ,he undenllned. penunolly appeared Kathleen Delaney . per.ronally known to me or pmvcd 10 me on the ba.,is (If 5l.U.i1ifaclory evidence 10 be the inclividual(l) vmosc nBlDe(s} i.s (arc) lWbr.c:ri.bcd to the wilhin insuumern and acknowl- edged 'u me 'ho' helshelrhey eJI<C1IIelI Ihe lime in hillherllheir <op:u:ily(ies),.nd 'h:d by hililherldleir si.....ure(&1 on Ihe in5:lnlm....n. ahe individual(s). or lhe penon on behalf of which the indivwul1l(lCl acted. c.\cculCd the jllllrumer". ~Jl~ ELAINE T. VIUANO Notaly Public. Stale Of New York No 01Vll102922ll, SuIloIk CoI!!l!L <l Commission ExpIras Aug. 9.Q!:LO I STATE OF . COUNTY OF On the &lay uf in the year . bernn: me, the undersigned. OJ. NaIOIry Publi.C' in IlDd (or suW Slulc', ......noIly appeared ..he lIuhscrihing WilDC511 In the (urcloinU insuumenl. with whom I am JIO""mally ......inled. whn, heing hy nu: duly .worn, did dopa.. and soy Iho' heJshehloey rnid.u) in (il"" ~"" uI mole.., is io. oly, inclwlc dlc......... Ulftl_ il lOy.1hmol); ,hal heI.hehhcy know(.) III he the indivitlual \leMcrihL..... in and whu euc.'Ulud the (oreaoing inslnnnem; Ibm said lWlwrihiog wilDCSJ WIU ~nl and saw said exe,,-uI.: whe samc; and thai uw wilnc!CS:II. Ehe same lime subscribed hhillll:rltbeir namc(s) as a wilncss Ihcl'ClD 18dd1hc rullt.lWi.. ihbc Kkauwledf,rnrDl is IIkaI ouIIidt NY SIaIC) und IhaI said subKribing ",,'ilncss made such ;app:aranc:e before Ihe ulll.lf:rsigned in the (ialCft lhe: cil)' orOlher poIiticlllUb&livilioa lAd Ihc ~"1.111C tt cnunD')' or OIher pllCe ,he proof ...Ika). lIurgaitl uub &ulr i1rl'b wmr COVENANT AGAIN~T (jRAfn'OR'S ACTS TIT1.F.No. n.~~~~OOY-?J~._._... Delaney. Kathleen 1'0 B.J.S. Rental Corp! ~ .'WIt..""nJl......lUf~ lJi~IrIl",lftIhy STEWART TITLE- INSURANCI; COMPANY 1B11\A.'iT"hr.I~"TRP.P.T, 10III1'l.OOIl NLtWvnM.c,NRWYIJMK 10017 . 121:h9:!2-OO.!O Pu{ib)"~.II']] , STATE OF On Ihe.. day or in Ihe yoor bel... me."," undeni....d. penunllly lIpflCOIOd' '. ''!l- ,pcni0ft8lly knnwn 10 me or pruw:d 10 me on IIu: basis of wilronory eyidence 10 be ,he indiYidual(s) w...... Rlme(I) iI (are I subscribed 10 the wilhin illl1MIU'II1 and acknowl~ edged In me1h:d helshelrhey ......Ied Ihe lime io hillhe<lIheir CIpOCi'y(i..,. and 1h:d by hillherllheir .ign;dW"ell) on Ihe inolnune...1he indiYid.a1(.). MIhe penon un beholf of whioh .... inLIividual(l) Ktcd. exec:uled lbe iRlCl\lmenl (odd lIIer.lI..wi..lrlN:lCk"'""""""'"'Is.........-NY_1 and WI ..... oubscrlbi., wi'.... _ .uch appc:aronce bel.... 'heunderoisnedin lhe 1_...cily.."""......._oeI...sw... ....., .......pIa ..."'.............l STATE OF , COUNTY OF On Ihe day 01 in .he year berOl< me penonally <anu: IU me knowo, wbo. beinl by me duly .......n. did depole and say Ihol he raides II Ihol he Is IIic 01 lhe C'Ul'porDIWn descrihed in:and which CleCUlcd the foregl)ing insuumo,n: IhoI he kDOWli Ihe .... nf ..id ,,,,,,,,,",il1a: Ihollhe leal .mud to saitJ instrumrnl is suc:h CCvpIlI'BU: KGI; thai it wu 5n affixed by order of 1M huunI of din:t."lol"J of said curpnralion. and ,hOl he sisned h nome ,he..IU by Iik. order. /JrJ;:: ~ SECI10N 143.00 .LOCK 01.00 'ID 006.000 COUNTY OR towN Suffolk S11UlIlTAOORIlSS 420 S1gabee Road Rccarded at Rcquc.. 01 STF.WART Tln.n- RETURN BY MAli. ro: W1ll1am H. Pr1ce. Jr. P.O. Box 2065 Greenport. New York 11944 ~. 2 3 ;; Number of pages .' R~Ev 2005 Sop 19 12.21;32 pt1 Edward P.RouilK' ClERK IF SUFFOlK ro..ml' L 000012409 P944 DTlI 05-07225 TORRI;;NS SerialH Certifit8le H Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortgage Ins~ont Deed I Mortpge Tax si8mp FEES Recording I Filing SIIIJ1\p5 4 Page I Filing Fee Ilandling TI'-584 ~~c) Mortgago AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Tol8l FA-52 17 (County) CA-52 17 (SllIIo) R.P. T.SA _ Sub Total Comm. of Ed. 5~ SpccJAsait. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ Tl8DsferT /!JtJO. . 30 to Affidavit Stamp Sub Total - GRANDTOTAL--.1S.L.'-e Hal Property Tax Service I\(!FIIcy Verification 6 Section._ ., B lock Lot 1000 14300 0100 006000 CPF Tax Due I ~ Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other s Dote Initials 7 SatisfactionsIDischargeslReleasca -List Property OWne... Mailing'Add RECORD .. RETURN TO: acant Land !. TO TD TD r' WIlliam H. Price, Jr. P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, New York 11944 Suffolk Coun Tillo# Recordin & Endorsement Pa , g Title Company Informatioa 1ms page form; part of the 8l1a1:hed Bargain and Sale Deed made by: ~ Delaney, ~,'klaaa (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSlRUMEI'IT) The premises herein is situalcd in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK.. TO In the To\\l1Ship of Southold ALFRf.D M., eII.ETTI. JR. and In the VIll.AGE B~ J. SELTZER, tr../ 12 ~.PrtL- or HAMLET of Mattituck . BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR I'RINrED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 'OVF.R' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRIC RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Xnstrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number I 05-0097771 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-07225 Recorded. At. 09/19/:1005 1:1.21.3:1 PM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012409 944 Deed Amount: section. 143.00 EXAMXNED AND $3:15.000.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 006.000 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO D.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.300.00 NO COIIIID.Pres $3.500.00 NO ..... Paid $4.95:1.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-072:15 THXS PAGE XS A PART OF THE XNSTRtJIIBNT THXS IS NOT A BXLL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASFT'fi'EOR PRESS FIRMiYWREN WIli'ffNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.8tata.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1L a.cII: ... or more 01 u.. _....._.. ............. ...-..: A s.r. IWwMn ReII&iva or Fonner RNINeI R Sale BeaIween IWIuM:I eamp.n.. Dr PDrtnem In BuIll... C Ono of Iho ....... I. oloo 0 Sol_ D Buyer or SeIIIr it GovommonI AfI4nt:y or Landing Il1lIIitutlon E o.d TypD NIl warranty Dr E11lQ1ln end 81.. ISpecify BeIowI F _uf_..~_Foo_(Spodfv_ G SiQnIIIco..ChongoIn__T___....SoIolloloo H _al_ialncl_InSoloPrlco J 011.- Un&mUoIl FKlOrI Atf8cUlg Sale Price (Specify Below) J Mono --- -- ......._-----~ . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl.'- Codo .I'?',P., ?,,?,g,91. . 10'11 <f 1 ~ MonI I ... * C2. Dote o..d Roico.- C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION "~I 420 -.-uun I'I1lUT'4UMItII Sillsbee Road 11"11'''''''' !C:.nll~hn'" DTYOIITCMN MlIII"",ff'lI1"lt ...... ~ 1:.' -la" i.AlTNAMr/~ C'''lIItti _ Jr. Ajl;ired M. .- . I Barbttra J. ...nIii Seltzer LAlTPMW/COMI'AoIW'l' ~ :I. ra IIdem whe.. lulu.. Tp BUIt.. to be MIlt I _ ","tw___Cot_al"ml -- 'Il!!!. 7101'- /O'ID ~ ITllHTNu.lRMlDsrJI!VNAIIP LAS' NMIIt/caNl"All't I:~d---. DO / I 'orpM:OII ~OR 0 Pllffat.'.reet .. ........ 1M number 01. T __nt II0II ~ t......A.... on the dud 5.::'.... I s;.. IORI Ix I ""'" .3 2 I .lIONr....' ....,. 5."" _ Delanc':.t LAlT ......., ANT Kathleen FWIlI'~ I.Ml JIAMI/CO/NNN'f rJlSTNMlIi 7. ChecII. the baa: ..... whkh mod _ur...Iy...... ... .... '" 1M properly .. 1M .... at ulr. A~ 0.0 Fe"" _101 R :2 or 3 famlty RRidlntill C _ntIoI v..... LAnd J> Non-RttJdtntial VKoInt UncI I SALE INFORMATION I ,,. .... eo..tr.I DIll. Ii ~ Ag.~u~u'ol I ~ CammuoIIy So...... F Com......., 'J_Y1 G Apartmont . K Public SeMca H EnlltlUlnm"'ll/ "'-"l1li L FOl'1IIl , 6 1 9 1 lis - Ill, v_ ,9 1 1 1 OS. - Do, v-; 12. DatI of .... I Tr.....' ,3 ,2 ,S ,0 ,0 ,0 ,11,01 , , . IFull SII. Price is the toe.. amount ~ for lhe property including PlflQnat ptClpIrty. Thll ~mlftl mey ~ In m. form of cuI\. olher property or goodt. or the MlUmpllon of rnortQlG" Of other obliglllonL) ",.... round ao rhe nHrM wftoIe dol,., amount 13. Pul SlIe PrIce ...---.......... , ,0,0 , ~"""""In"""" . ASSESSMENT INFORl\ilAnON - DolO oIIould _1110 lilli' FinalAuonmenl Rail and Tax Bill 'I. V... of a ._ RoM tram I r\ V I 17 TDtIiI A-.d v-. cat ... ....... In......... I which ............ ,._ ~. : STAT!! OF NEW YORI< STAT!! _ OF REAL PAOPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 IIPofU111'31ft I ] ]9~2 ....- ""'"- IJdr I I.4J/.-J lOnIyl_alo_____ &A. Plenning brd whit SuIldIvilion AudIority ExiItf 0 411.WldIY__'__nodIarTronslor 0 4C......._..SUlIdI............Mop_ 0 -...----- I.~Typo"~lum .. New c......<.K:IIon on V..nalMtd 1M. PIapIny I..ocIIed w1d1in In AgfICUlw.1 DiItric:I 'OS.__.__'nclicIIIno 1hII...._ialn..AgricuI1urollllorrid o o o o ; 2~?oo, '1.__ 12,6,0 I-LJ .........D__.! Hattituck-CutchoRue , /J..;ff'"'" 1000 , I &.fi... I CERTlFlCAnON I ,.'l11li) "'"'oD...... _.._...Iom!............... .._.xl ...........11o........."'f _.... ond boIior) ....,_ _............. 01 011)' ....... lIIOI_ "'.....r1oIllod ........ .... ""'Jod _10.... ......- "'.... ..... ..... _010 Il1o -..... .... ul' __ BUYER I BUYER1I ATTORNEY m. Tu MIp .......a.l1 RollldllltlllrCaJ Itl more dIlIn faar. atblGh ...... whh addIionaI ~I 01.00 ~ I&.r Price ...,- 420 .'J1IIIEIT~" 631 -.... ~1 \8bee RnRd ........NMII'WlIIlMal NA......ifoIlI"K Qn" 01 TOWN I NY lll'.... 11952 .. .... ~..z~, MIJ.IIIIlCINATUlIt , . ..thleen Delaney , ..,$r 143.00 006.000 William H. ,...- 477-1016 ...-..- NEW YORK STATE COPY