HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 257 - L.loZ1,7(" f ;<57 DIST 1000 SECT 143.00 BLK 01,00 LOT 005,000 r I Lf 2>- J-s- a.gaIn and &III Doed.... eav.n.rt...... GIaNDr'I AdJ IlIC1/V1du11 01' CiarpIntian (1IngII_) THIS' INDENTURE, made the 7 day of m~ Two 1110usend and Five . ~j ~ ~ ~1.....,!::;1. BETWEEN, CHARLES A. TIMPONE, residing at 919 r,6Hklil," uJ.d, u.u.&I, New York 11948 and'DEBRA J. TIMPONE, residing at 360 Sigsbee Road, Mattituck, New York 1195~ perty of the first part. end DEBRAJ. TIMPONE, residing a1360 Sigsbee Road, Mattituck, New York 11952 party of the second part, WlTNESSEllt, thetthe party of the first part, In consideration ofTen Dollars end other valuable consideration paid by the party of the IIlICOnd party, does henlby grant end raI_ unto the party:ofjh#lJl!IlfiXlnd part, the helrs or . succ8sscirs enil asslgne of the party of the second part for8ver, _..-t...JlI !1l:r;.J2 ,~lI4lIq'(lWlt ' . . ...' .. ~.. r3lo 011 ". ..' . ALl~~t ~rt8in 'PI~t, piece or parcel of land, situate,lying a~~~~Iil~~;~7A~.eI Southold, CountY Of Suffolk, and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 7 on a certain map entitled .Amended Map of Mattltuck Park Properties, Inc., Mattiluck, New York, said map being made by Deniel P. Young, P.E.and L.S. fromaclualsurveycompletedJune 11, 1924" and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 12, 1926 as Map No. 881. SAfD premisas being commonly known as 360 Sigsbee Road, Mattiluck, New York. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premlsas as those conveyed to the grantor herein bydeed dated and recorded In the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 16, 1992 in L1ber 11435 at page 104. TOGElltER with aU right, \iUe end intarasl, if any, of the party of the firat part In and 10 any streets end roada abulllng the above dBBCribed praml8e& to the canlsr Iineslheraol'; TOGElltER with the eppurtenanC88 end all the estate and rights of the party of the first parlin end to Aid prami8B8; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part foraver. AND the party of the first part covenants thet the party of the first part haa not done or auflerad anything oM.ereby the said prem/8B8 heve been encumbered in any way whatever, lIXCllpl aa aforesaid. . AND the party of the first part In compIlen08 with Sacllon 13 of the Uen Law, covenants thet the party of the firat pari will receive the consideration for this convayanoa and will hold the right to receive such con81deration as a lru8t fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the coat of the Improvement end will apply the 88me first to the payment of the coat of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. 111e word "party" shall be construed es if It read "parties" whllll8ll8r the sense of thla indenture 80 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed thia deed the day. and year first above written. : In Presence of: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55.: J'" ~ . On the I" day of .", 2005, before me, the undellllgned, persona appea~ Charles A. Timpone, personally knclWll to ma or proved to me on the ba8I8 of satisfactory ~dence to be the Individual whose name is (&nI) subscribed to tha within Instrument and BCknowledged to me that helShelUlay executed the same in hlslher/lhelr capacity(Ies), and that by hlslher/lhelr signature on the instrument, thsllndividual, or the person upon behalf of which the IndivldualllCted, executed the Instrument. ~~ _8EASA U ..,PuIIlIO. lIII1I 01"""". 110. ilium . r~~~ STATE OF NE,W YORK, COUNTY OF 55.: On the day of 19 , before me pensonally came to me known, who being by me I~UIy swom, did depose end say thet he resides at No. ; that he ~Iha of the corporation described in Sind which executed the foregolng Instrument; that he knows the seal of said COlPllI1Ition: that the _I affixed 10 said Instrument Is such corporate saBi; thai It was so affixed bl' orner of the board of directors of said corporation, alnd that he signed h name thereto by like order. notary BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ~. Covenant Against Grantor's Acts CHARLES A. TIMPONE TO DEBRA J. TIMPONE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55.: . On the 7 day of /lItVod...... ,2005, before me, the undellligned, pensonally appeared DEBRA J. TIMPONE, pensonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose nam,,(s} Is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthay executed the same In hlslherlthelr capacity(les}, that by h1s1herltheir signature(s) on the Instrument, the Indlvldual(s), or the penson upon behalf of which the Indivldual(s) acted, e~ ~the nS t. ~/~- notery ,. DIANE REILLY N~ Public, Sl8leafN8w'lbltc No.01RE4718018 Oualllled In 8ufl'aIk Ca!!I!tY CammillllianElpnsJuIr31. ~ SECTION 143.00 BLOCK 01.00 005.000 LOT COUNTY OR TOWN County of Suffolk Town of Southold RETURN BY MAIL TO: Harvey A. Amoff. Esq. 206 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 329 Riverhead. New Yori< 11901 1 ., Numhcr of pages TORRENS ~ Serial #I Certificale ;~ Prior CIC. 1# Deed. Mortgage Instrumcnt 1C:= Page I Filing Fee Deed I Mnrtgage Tax Slimp FEES nondling 5 .!IlL -~ 1'1'.584 Notaliun EA-52 17 (C'llInly) -5 /5 30 Sub Tolal EA-5217 (,State) R.P.1'.S.A. Comlll. of Ed. 5. (1) Affidavit (Cenified ~~ Reg. Copy 5' .JL Sub n'wl I~ Grl~d 'llJtul Other :J Oislricll Real 1000 Propeny 'll1K Service: Agency Verific.11;on Section . Lot 0100 005000 ~fllClion/DischargeslRelease Ust Property Owoo:n Mailing Address ....:.J O>DU' RECORD & RETURN 1'0: Harvey A. Arnott, Esq. 206 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 329 Riv,erhead, NY 11901 RECOROEI) 2005 Mar 11 02,23:12 PH Edward P.Raalair-. ClERK tF SlFFOLK COUNTY L 000012376 P 257 DTi 04-32393 Ret.~lnling I Filing Slamps Mortgag~ AmI. I. Basic 1l1K 2. Additional Tax Sub Tuwl Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held Cor Appoinllne~ Transfer Tax -r- - MlUUion Tax _ Tile property covered by IlIis molgagc is or will be improved by a one. or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate IIX ~Iause on page II of Ihis instrument. S Communit Preservation Fund Cnnsideralion Amoanl $ CI'F ThK Due $ Improved Vacant Land TO lU TO 7 Title CompllDY Informatlun CO. Name A UEBOGUE ABSTRACT CORP. ntlell S. TIutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached Barqain & Sale Deed wi th Covenants made by: llqainst Grantors Acts (SPECIfY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI Charles A. Timpone & Debra J. Timpone The premisis lIerein is situlted in In lhe Tuwnship nf SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Southold TO Deb;ra J. Timpone In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Mattituck noxES 6 THROUGH B MUST BB TYI'EO OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SUPI10LK COmrrY CLBlUt RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of J:netrwaent: DBBDS/IlDD NUmber of PageB: 3 R.c.ipt NUmber I 05-0026122 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-32383 Recorded: At: 03/11/2005 02:23:12 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012376 257 District: 1000 Section: Block: 143.00 01.00 "'Y"KJ:HBD AND CBUOBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 005.000 Deed Amount: R.ceived the "ollowing ....s "or Above J:nstrument BxBlllpt BxBlllpt Page/"iling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IIYS SRaG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO Ii:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTIC $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIII1.Pres $0.00 NO I'ees Paid $154.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR: 04-32383 THIS PAGE J:S A PART 01' THB J:NSTRmmNT THIS IS NOT A BJ:LL Edward P.Romain. County Clerk, Suffolk County 'CT. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUcTIONS: http://www.o.ps.stBts.ny.us 0' PHONE (518) 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT W I~_'" STAlE OF NEW YORK STAlE _ OF IlEAl. -.nv SEII\IICE.S FOR COUNTY USE ONLY RP - 5217 ......'Q..,""-JW7 S1'M'ETMNIWI. .....,..... Sigsbee Road '...........L Lacatian 360 L Town of Southold an...""'" Mattituck 11952 ...coot ..- Z._ L Timpone N.me LAIoT hAMll COIo'fWI" Debra J. -.- L LMTNAIIlI!/c:oMMNV 3.'" lndic8tl.,.lublnlTallllarolObtunt L _.. if cCher m.n buy.- ..... III baUam of fonnt AddreII LAIT NMII'~ .-- ..., MK L 5nu',......,NG.IMiIIllM<< an'GIITGIIMf 11'AlI ...... &'=:""I .... 'IIONTrln I x I ...... I DRI ~. - I.~ 1OnIy. p.,... - ~ -.... """,yo ...._..._"""...__........ 0 ....__II__iodIorT'.-. 0 4C....... _,...SubdMIIon""", Mop - 0 .. ....... ..... number 01 a.----.nt RoI ,.... ......... on .... died 1 I '01_ OR D "nof,1'In:oI ..- NIl... L Timpone LAtT NAMl! I CCMWil't Charles A. """- L Timpone lAITlIIoWI/CCIMI"." Debra J. -- A~ One Famllv ~I B Z or J family Aelidenlill C RePlentIlII VDCllnt unci D ....on RoIIdenI.. Vac:enl Lend I SALE INFORI~ ". Bale ContI_t o.~ E ~ AgncuII..1I r: CommIn:ill G Ap,Ir1rN1d H Entertainment I Amu.amonl I ~ CorM>unIIy_ J _;" K ......_ L For'" -...---....- .. 0wnerUip Type .. Candomlnium .. New ConMrucdon on Vacant lMId 'QA._~withln.._"'_ ,.. Buret receIwd. dIIdoIurl naticI indicaIng IhM: thI property 1& '" In AcIricutLnl DDIcr. o o o o 7. CheaIl: the bo.. below which most ICCUI'Itetr cltlCllMl the UN of.... ".....ay .. .... time aI....: 12. Dale of 8... I T r......r ...... I N/,. -... Ilt~ 3 I '7 I 05 ...... lIa, -'" 1L a.d& .. or more of.... _....... _......... ta ....r.: A s.Io EIIItwDen .....Uv. or Former ReImiv. it .... EMrwewl ~d C~ or PMnora.... Bulinall C One or the Buyers II alao . SoIlor 1) Buyer or Seller II Govamm_ Agtn:y or lending lnaIiIutlol'l E Dooc:I Type not Warranry or IIerpin and SIde (&p.:Jfy Beklw) .. &lie or F-=tional or t.. than Faa 1NDr8M ISpKify 8eIow) G SignH'icMt Qange In PrDPMY Batwoan Taxable Statui end SI.. 0._ H ~ or BuIi,,- illncluad In s.ro Price I 0IIl0r UnuIuIt F-..o -.g.... Pric:o ISllodfy _ J _ Matrimonial Settlement Agreement -0- . .., CI .01 I I . IFull sn PrIC8 Ia IhlllOUIl M'IOUn'I PlId far die properly including per1DPII prapcxl,. Thll ~1I1NY be 'n thII form of c:ah. DthIr property or gooda, or the -.mptlon of morIglQft CI DIber obIigllionI.) ,.,.,.. tDUI1tIlO .,.. ...,., whole doIUr MttJUIJI. ...-....-..- I -0-. (I . (I I property .......... In .... . I ASSESSME'rT INFORMATION - Dolo lIhould rollllCl tho Iotllt Finol _, Roll Ind Tox Bill ,s.Y~"_"___~lnlmL!l..JJ 17.T...._V_1oI....-.._1 , . . . , . . . w.--. _. .. ", ,s._c... 12., l.ol-LJ ,u.__~ ~A11I1Val- C \Ire ~b()Er 13. FuU .... ''rice 2O.T.._I__/RoI_IH....._......_____1 1000-143.00-001.00-0005.000 I I CEIlTlFICAl12![J I m\ll)' .... IlII 0I1l1c _ 01_ _ ... .... 'unn .... _ ood ....... no"''''' 01 "'1 .......... ... _ ... I __ 'bIlI... -... 01_ wtIIIuI_....- '" _,"'''''' wID..I\jc<t.... tho __ "'tho......... _.................. ......"'..._ !!Y:a!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY .,.,..._UllR }JJt}r)4J-~~ 3/710 DEBRA TIMPO~" ( Arnoff .... .... Harvey A. -,- 360 1l1IUt......... Sigsbee Road .,...-rIlAllliWIUlaALD 631 -- 727-3904 IELUtIONL NUMIaI Matti-tuck CITVOIITC_ -I N~ 11952 .TAD ...- ~~~~~ CHARLE~PZE NEW YORK STATE COPY IC5 ...n