HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 915 I Y 2. - 2. ~/ (;; t:oN&ULT YOUR LAWYER BlFORE IIGNINtJ THIll INSTRUMENT.THIIIIlITRUMENT SHOULD Ill! USED BY LAWYERII ONLY L I~) 76 P 11) 1rHIS INDENTURE, made the 31 $tday of fa f1VMtt , 2005 BETWEEN );RANCIS KESTLER, residing at 40 Westmoreland Drive, Shelter Island Heights, New York-- 11965 !larty of the first pert, and l;RANCIS KESTLER AND CHRYSltYNA S. KESTLER, his wife, both residing at ,.0 Westmoreland Drive, Sh.!1ter Island Height, Wew York 11965 party of the IIIt:Ond part, \M1lIIEISETH, that the party of thtl first part, In conBkllll'llllon of N/'I ~,A~~'" dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant end ...... unto the party of the IIllOOnd part, the hailS or SUCCllS&Ors and assigns of the perty of the second part forever, j~ thet certain pkll, piece or parcel of land, with the buldlnga end Improvements thereon 8IllCIed, situale, I~ng and being In the Town of Sout.hold, at Hattituck, Suffolk County, Wew York, more particularly bounded and cllescribed a8 follows: fiEE Schedule A Attached Heinto and Made a Part Hereof BEING ~~ INTENDED TO BE the aame property conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated November 19, 2003 TOGETHER with all right, title and Inlenlsl, If any, af the party of the first pert in and to any strealB and roads lIbulllng the above cIescrtbed premla8ll to the cenler UMS thereof; TOGETHER with the appu~ and aU U!le aatale and rights of the party of the rnt part In rmd to Aid pnlmlses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Pf8'I1Isea henIIn granllld unto the Il8rty of the second pert, the heirs or SllCce880lll and. assigns of the party af ti18 second part forever. ~\ND the party of the first pert covenants that the Il8rty of the first part has not done or suff8red anything whereby lhe Aid pnlITIlses have been encumbenld In any way whatever, except 88 afareaald. AND the party of the first part, In campUance with SectIon 13 of the Usn Law, covenanlB that lhe party af the filllt part will8C8Ive lhe consideration for this ODIMIy8nce and will hold the right to receive such conslderaUan 818 a trust fund to be applied Ilrst for the purpose af PlYin9lhe cost of the Improvement and will apply lhe &an18 first to the payment of thf! DDSt af Ole improvement befonI uslng any part af lhe lolal of the same for any ather ~'UIpOII8. Tha word "partY" shell be construed 88 If It read "parties" wI18n ever the _ of this indenture sa "'!qulreS. I .. - =., ....... .....J.-."It IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~, of the Ilrst part has duly execullld this deed the day and yaar first above ~lrillen. II. PRESENCE OF: $/%1. 4M{A.u.l~ ~'ranciR Kestler SlIndlnl N. v.a.T.U. Fonn 1002 - Bllglln 11111 a..DIId, _ CcMII1II1l 11I_ GIMIo(1 AcII- UnIIonn Ac:I<MwIIdgmenl FDnn 3210 . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWl.I!DGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE St818 oHlew York. ClUl\y of Suffolk al: On Ihe ~i I day of:Irt.;~ In the ~ 2005 before /Ill,. the undenllgnad. jiiKadnally &PPllllrad Francia Keatler penonlIIly known to /IIlI or pnlVlIll 10 me ,an the blIIIls of lIlIlIafac:lllfy evldence 10 be Iha IncIvldUlll(a) wI10ae nama(a) la (1Ue) aublCriMd to Iha wiIhIn 1_ and Dllowtldged to me thai IMt/ahlIIIIIlIy ell8CUt8d the Mme In h~ capeclly(lea), and thai Ill/ hlalMrllhalr algnature(a) on the Instrumenl, the IndIvtdu8I(a), or the penon upon behalf of which the Indlvlduel(a) 8ded. Ihe /!Ialrumenl. State of New York, Counly of On the day of In the year befonl me, \he underalgnad. peraonatly appeared penonaI1y knoWn 10 me or proved to /IIlI on the .. of aalIafacIory evidanoa 10 be the Indlvldual(a) whose narne(a) Is (a",) aubacrtMd to tha wIIIm Inatrument and lICknCIwIedged to /IIlI thai hellhellhay 8XlIl2IIecI the _ In hlalherllhelr capeclly(laa). and that Ill/ hlalherllhalr aignatuI1I(a) on the Inatnlmant, the Indlvtdtnd(a). or the penon upon beIWI of which Ihe indIvIdual(a) lIded. executad Iha Inalrument. aa: (algnalu'" and oftIca of Indivlduallatdng aeknawladgmant) and 0 of Indlvlduallaktng IICknawfadgment) Notary Public ~g;.~cru-s"UC State olNewYalk No, 01 CE805lI403 g::~r.:.I~nst.gI:-..c:.~'\s. 2O!:!2 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 .....ne OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slala (or DI8lrfcI of Columbia, Territory. or Foreign Country) of ss: On the BPPlllI"'<1 personally known 10 /IIlI or pnlVlIlllo ma on Ihe blIIIIa of uUaf8ctory IlVidenca 10 be the IncIvIdUllI(a) whoaa name(a) la (a",) aubac:rlbltd 10 \he wfthln lna1tumenland acknowledged 10 me thlIl heiIheIIhBy lllllICUIIId the _In hIaIher1IheIr capaclly(lea), and lhaIlll/ hlll/hlH1lhalr a1gna1Ure(a) on the Instrument, the Indlvldual(a). or Ihe peraon upon blIhalf of wIlIch the Indlvldual(a) 1IChld. exacuted the Ina1nJmant. and that aueh individual made such appeanlnoa bafora Ihe undel8lgnad In the day of In the year bafora /IIlI.the undaralgnad, penonally (inaal~ the City or _ polKlcalaubdlvlllon) In (and lnaart tha Sl8l8 or Country or _ plaOl the lId<nowIadgmentwutakan) (signature and afIioI ollndivlduat talclng ac:knowledgmenl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'B ACTS SECTION 142 BLOCK 2 LOT 6 COUNTY OR tOWN STREET ADDRESS 1000 TltIe No. STANDAftD POMI OF NlWYORK BOARD Of' Tm.2: lHC:1!I III _11:4 DIIb_ by o Co~~...,,,....,. l':IIIMMU,IiWMUlllAhU 'nll.1i 11lli1t1llAr<<J: (:..tdPAN," 11535 Main Road Mattituck, New York Recorded a1 Request of 11952 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BY L TO: William C. Goggins,PC P.O. Box 65 Kattituck, New York 11952 Francis Keatler TO Francis Kestler and Chrystyna S. Keatler .. .-- . R_ THIIIPACE POR ua! lIP IlECOIlIlINCI OFFICI! . SCHEDULE A ALL: that certain plot piece or parcel ofland. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold. at Mattituck, SulTolk County, New York, more particularly "bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the nonherly side of Main Road at the comer formed by the intersection of the westerly side ofPacilic Street with the northerly side of Main Road: RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road, South 45" degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds West, 101.37 teet to the division line of lands now or formerly of Strong; THENCE along said last mentioned land, North 35 dcgrees 59 minutes 20 seconds West, 232 teet to land now or formerly ofO:Neil1; THENCE along said last mentioned land, North 53 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East. 96.04 teet tClthe westerly side of Pacific Street: THENCE along the westeirly side ofPacitie Street, South 37 degn.-es 04 minutes 50 seconds East, 217.14 feet to the northerly side of Main Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. . . Number of pagel' TORRENS L( " Serial/l RECOF!DE!) 2005 F9b 09 03.se.3S p", Edward P. Roaai"" CLERI( OF SUFFOLK CWlTY L 000012370 P 915 OTl 04-28284 Certificate /I . Prior Ctf. /I Deed I Mortgage In..trumcnt Deed , Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Rel."Onling' Piling Stamps 2J ~Di51.100~Section 142. I Block \ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total SpeciAssit. or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ DUlII Counly Held for Appointment Trllllsfer Tax 0 Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page /I of this instrumen I Of'" Page' Filing IFee Handling TP-584 5. 00 Notalion EA-5217lCcuntyl EA-52 17 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit ~ified Cop;~ NYS Surchaq:c Other 2. Lot 16. S CommUDity Pnlaern.tioD I'aIul Consideration Amount $ 0 , -- Real Property . Ta, Service Agency Verification ~ 1000 ~~aT S ~: A 142C10 0200 016000 CPF Tax Due s ,- Improved X , 6 Salisfactiion.oIDischargeslRelellllles Lisl!'roJk.'rty OwnCl'!l Muiling Address RECORD &: RETURN TO. / Vacanl Land TO 1..0 William C. Goggina, PC Bale 65 Hattituck, New York 11952 TO TO 7 Title Com Infonnation Co. Name Title /I ~ Suffolk CountIJecordinJ! & Endorsement Paae This puge forms pan of \he attached Bargain aod Sale Deed (SPEC&'Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Francia Kestler The premises herein is silUwro in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township "f Southold F".lilln~f a 1['.111,,1 lllT' an" r.hryat"yn.a R 1Ula.tl.aL.. In the VIJ..LAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU II MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. TO Mattituek (overl 1111I11111111111111111111111111111111 mlllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OlPP':ICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of :rn.trument. DBEDS/DDII 1f1DII!)er o,f pege.. 4 Receipt 1f1DII!)er . 05-0015506 TRANSFJl:R TAX NUMBER: 04-~i8284 Recorded: Atl 02/09/2005 03:58.35 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012370 915 Di.trict. 1000 Section. 142.00 BXAMIlIIED AND $0.00 Blockl 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 016.000 roLLOWS Deed Jlmcu:a.t: Received. the Pol1owing Pee. I'or Above :rn.trument Bxempt Bxempt page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO C.rt.Copi.. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pr.. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $157.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBRI 04-28284 TH:rS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romain. Cou:a.ty Clerk. Suffolk Cou:a.ty FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Oocllt . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON -FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:1I www.orp..state.ny.u. or PHONE 151S1 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I 'I, ? .1, f{', s;:~ * ITATE OF NEW VOR!l ITATEIOANlOF__n_ cz.__R__ I O,),~?' ,Orl Ii4DnUI -J5;., y_ a. _ L ~ 2, 'i ~ a:t:.. "- L...... PROPERTVINFOR~11ON RP - 5217 D-AI'''' JIn "-L 11535 LDcatIon :nwrn_. Main Road .'....1- ......... - L rClIYDIITCJlIIlN L rLASTNA-.:,CIDIII'ANY ~nlll"hnlt1 ".,k......I"II,... ~ ldtel? KESTLER FRANCIS ....- L KESTLER l.AarNMA,COIIII'M't CHRY!lTYXA S. ...r1Wil' L Ta IncIcIaI whn fucuN TIX" nlo a.1HI ...... .lIlhw....n__..._.._ L- Addr-. LiIlAT_/cae..MY .....- L iilM'l'T-.-.....1l1Ilii.IIMIA ""''''- tl 'of"'~" OR D Paft'of.PwCDI RAlI' ..- ...... L IQ I - ......- .... Ixl tt. VIDAl '-. . ......-...----- 4A.PIaMnS_....__-- 0 .. It. ~...IlIl/ol,ApprCMl.. FllquiredfDr,....,.. D C......._rw__Moo_ 0 ... ....... ... mmIIer at .. ........ RoI ................ ... 1M ... ..- ...... L KESTLER 1....1,....'~1II'f' FRANCIS ~..... L 1.Al1......./CUIIIWIY ......... 1'. ,. .... Price . . .0,01 , , . CFull Sale Prlea II the talIIl amount paid_ .... praper1y including pnonIl PfOPIr1Y. Thill ~ ..,. be In Ihllorm 01 aM. OCher prapMy or ...... or.... ......... of ~. or at"'" obIIgaIianLJ ,.,... RHIIId fD r'" n8II'DIt whoM tltI&t' amount. ,..-...-..- I ,0.01 ......., ......... In 1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dote Ihould ..- 'he IllaIt Finl' _ant RoIllnd TI. .i11 -....----- .. 0wnIntIIp Typo II Condominium "~ Ag...hu.., I ~ ~.. So..... .. _ c..-IClion on v_ t.1d F CamlMn:ill J.......... 1M. PIopIny l..acItM wIIhin .. AwlcuhuNl Dlllrlcl Ci _ K -- '''__'___rv II Enf8rt.llnnad / Am.....l'nInl I. ForeIt .... ChI ~ II In 11'1 AgncuIEurII DiIIrCt 11. a..II _ or.... .. __...-. _......... to .......-: 511e ......., AeIMIveI or FonNr ...... Sill Iatwaan FkIIMed CornIlIn- or Part'*IIln .....- Oneol......,.,....,.5o.I_ ""'" ..... or....... Cio\_..,_4 _ or I.onding InoIllulion ) Daod Typo _ _.... or IoIpln ... So.. ISpoaIIy _I .... 01 FraIanaI or l8II than Fell....... (&p.c:ify BeIawI 1Ign_ Chango In -.. _ T_......... Solo o.r. SlID of ...__ lIlndLlded in S. PrIce om. U......I F_ -rv .... Prtca __ - o D o o 7. ChecIc the .: ...... wtaIch moa~' ................ __ 01.... ........, at tM .... af .. A ~ One f.mlly Rui...... 8 2 Qr ! hmily Ru!dlul C ReekIer....1 VIlcaIII Und D Non-_'_'-l I SAlE INFORMAllON I . 11. .... c:an...1 0... ...... , ""' 'W ,Z.Dfta"_/T_ 01 , 311 , 05 "., - ...... ,.. y_ at ~IIIIIII""'" RDII from I ...... tnfermdan ..... I 17.T___V_....._.._1 , , ; ,.. Properly a.. 1;2/ LkLJ 11.__...._ 1 Ma~tftu~k.-Cur.[!hn'lle 21. T....., 1dIr~. J RDII ~ III..... thin row. 1--..... willi .......... ~I 1000 142 I I CER11F1CA1l0N-1 ,....." - .."...-..- - DO...._ ...-......-1....._ "'IQ' ........ \.. oad _...I_r.~_....uJos .._-~.._"'-..._....ouIoJrd........_.... "... ....._10...-.........__ I!.IB!! IIUVER'S ATl'ORNEY 2 16 ~~ Chrystyn.. S. Kestler Rny lint... I .TIIllT......~ 1TMI'......1llIf'IU1AUI 1~,IDr .... GOI\&lus William C. LMT __ ...r NMIIr. 631 298-4200 MIlA alDI 'IlI.IPIDllI ...... Shelter lsl.ond Heights ""'.....- NY ...... 11965 ..- ~~ FrsM~ler 11€ NEW YORK STATE COPY