HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 483 'J, :;,,;,;:<;:.)..:/, __ _~." 1,:)01 Bll1aillnndSalIlDetd.wilhCov~antq41l1SlU-fllmUI~f"Ur""''''''''''~~'~' -~'r-- , . '~;';;('\iJ.j:~:;?~;::i, :,' ,.' WYBR. BEFORE slCiNlNG 11US INSTRUMalT-nos rNSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY k'WYEIU QI'\IL't '.,t>..' .:;..... ~RREL'.IU]~DICR:D ;rn INlJIENTUllE, made tbe jpaay of March, two thousand five Ch iapella, Nortb Fork Bowl, IN. and MalIituck ll.eoIty Al50.iatio., as grantor, having its prin.ipal la.. of busi.... al9870 Mai. Il.oad, )I_ok, New York .rty of the first part, l\l\d ttitu.k CYS, L.L.C: ne CV S Drive oonsocket. RI 0289:5 .\ > ITNESSETH; that' the part)' of thofirst part, in c.onslderatlon of ton dollars and othor valuable .,ideratio. paid by the party ofth.....nd part, does hereby grant..a r.l.... unto the parly of the second art. the heirs or SUCCC$i80n and assips of the party of the second part forever. that ccrtain plott piece or parctlofland. with tho blJildings,and improvements thereon erected, situate, ying and being in thCl " SEE SCllEfULl! "A" ANNIlxED HIlRETO HIS DUD IS OOENIlW TO /olUUCT TIlJ\.T CERTAIN DEW GIVEN BY THE PARTY OF FIRST PART TO THEP~ OF THE llECONl> PART HEREIN DATED SEPTEMBER I, 004. Aim RECORDED ON 0 BIR 8. 200.1, IN LmER Doool2348 PAGE 141. wHICH ONTA,INED AN INCOMPL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ONVI:YED. OGEiHER wilb.ll right, titl~".lere.~ if an), of tho party of the fint part in and to any streets and oads abutting the Above deicti' . 80s to tho center hnos thereof; TOGETHER with the applJt'tcnances nd aUlhe ..tat. and righla of the ofth. first part in and to ,aid pr...is..; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD he premises heroin granted unto part)' afme sc:cond part. the heirs or luccelSors and assigns of the party fthe s.~cond part forever. ND the parly of the first part. nants lb.t tho party of tho first part has not done or sulfared anything hereby the said promises have Q encumbored in any way whateVer, except Ii aforesaid. ND the party of the first part, i )JIlpUan"" witl, Section 13 ofth. LIen Law, .ovenants th.t tho parly of e first part wHl receive the con 1Jra~On for this conveyance and w~l1 hold the right to. receive such onsidl:ration as & truSt fund to t'phed first for the purpose ofpaymg the cost olthe unprovcmont and ill apply the same fint to tho 'lcnt of the cost of the Improvement herON uSlng any part of tho total of e same for lUly other purpose. he w.ord "party" shall be cons4d as if it road "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires, WlTNESS wHEREOF, th~lrty of the first part has duly ....uted this de. day and ear first bove written. N P1U~SE.NCE OP: I I BY: :,',.."~,J.~) C-l G" , ~c.-.'.'- , , .. ,,",I. ,. \ , " ,/ / . . . SCHEDULE A - t!aAL DE~ea!.~%6N PAG! 1 of 2 .' .' . I;"AKI.,;A!.I A . .--.... -..-. -~-_. _.._.n"O_.. ~...TIO\.t" CEIi.'tAI)1" PLOT, llI~f OJi. PARCBJ;. 01' 'LAND, Sl'lfA1'B, LYnm, AND BBtNG A.:c ....-n'ITUCK, IN 'l'HB TOWN 011 SOU'l'HOLD, COllNTY OF SUFl'OK AND STA'rll OF NEll YOU, iCNOWN lOO> DB8:r;GNATBD AS AND BY Ul't NO. i01 ON A CER~ MAP ENTIU 'AHliIIDBD' >lAP 01" PROPllRn: <;IF.'MAn:ITt1CK PAIlK 'P:R.Ol!J!RTIllS, INC., ~=Tt7C1C, N.Y,' MADS BY. JANIllL R. YC.llNG, StIRWYOR, AND ,WIUCH MIll' Wl\S F:ILllD , TIlIl OFrICE' OF THB CLERK OF t'IIli COUNTY C'F SUFFOLK ON JANUARY 12, 1!1~6, A{J MAP ,Nil SOL . ' PAll.CEL B J\U, TIlAT CB;~TAIN' PI.OT, PIllCE, oa PAR~g~ OP IJ\!\D, SIft1ATE, 'Llt'ING, AND II)!D1G AT MATTITUCK. tN TIlE TDlOl Of SOU'l'HOW, . COUNTY OP Stll'P\loX AND STATE 01' NEW 'Y0IlK, . KNOWN AND 'D:SSIGNATBD AS AND BY LOT lllO. lQJ ON.A ~AIN MAP ENTln.BD "-. MAP. OP PRQPBRTY OF i'lATTlTuCK PAlUC PIl0PIlRTXI!Il,INC."MA=:roCIC. N.Y." MADE BY IlANIllL R, YDllNG, SURVEYOR"; _~ W1UCIl MIIP WAS PILSQ'.!:lI Tim. OfFICE OP THll c:LERK OP TIlECO~.DP sll'rPOLIC ON ,fNlllJ1l:AY 1.2, ,1.926. AS',i'lAl1/p' S01.. u PARCEL C PARCEL 1 (L(\.T 28) . ALL THAT CB1l.TJ\lNPLOT. PIIlCE OR PARCEL OF I.IID. SITUATE, LYING AND BEING AT MATTITUCK. TO~ OF SOtITHOU>, S'l,JlOLK. COUNTY, NEW YORK AND MOllE P ARTIc;uLARLY DESClIItlED )08 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AMONUMBNT. AT TEE INl'ERSqN OF THE SOtlTHBRL. Y LINE OF TBB AU> MAIN ROAD wrrs: WBS~rmu.YIJNB f/l:~LANB, FORM SAID POIl'rr OF BilGINNlNG RUNNING ALClNG SAID SOflBBllLY LlNB soum 70 . DEGREES 18 MINlJl'ES 10 SBCONDS WBST 191.68~; THBNCE ALONG LAND CONYBYm> OR ABOUT T,"B CbNYBYBD BY THE PARTY OF. THE FIRST PART TO NORTH POro~BOWL, JNC/'ORTH ~ DBGRBES 39 MINUTES 10 SJ;cONDS WEST 6Ml FBETTO THE SO~LlNB OFTaBMAlNROAD; . THENCEALO~GSA:rD SOUTHBllLYIJNE. TWO ES: '1'137.27 FBBT:, T S6.S6l'BBT TO TaB soum 20 DBGlIBllS 39 OF BEGlNNNING (1) NQRTH (0 ~EGRBES 18 MINUTES 10 ;;IECOND . (2) NORTH S3 ~ 28 MINU;P3S. 00 SECOND EXTENSION NORTHBlILY OP sA1b 'W'l!STIllU.Y MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST 82.40 P'I~ TO TaB ) .. / SCH!DULg ~ _LgG~L DgSCQIPTIO~ PAGE Z. ~of 2 . ALL THATCB'aTlJNPLQT, PIBCB. ORP.ARCJn,OFUND, srruATB, LYlNGAND . . BEING AT MATr:mJCK. TOWN OF saumoLP. S"llFFalX caUNTY, NBW you. AND MOlU! l'ARUCl,JI.ARLYDBSClUBBD AS FaLLOWS: . . . i..' . :aBOJNNlNG AT APO'INT ON THE saU'l'BBRLY UNB OF THE OLD MAIN ROAD. 191.60 FBP.T WBSTBRLY'A!..ONG SAID saUTHJ!,1U.YLlNli FROM ~LANB FROM SAID paINT Ql! l~. . G RUNNlNO ALONG SAlD sO''(,]'l'HBRLY L1NB saUTll70 DBGREBS 18MIl.. 10 SBCONDSWl!ST46,6711BBT: . . , . . . THBNCE ALONG UND CONVBYlID:BY THB TOWN O'F saUTllaLD TO' MORCBBL. NORTH 20 D]!qll.B1lS ~9MINtn'BS 10 SECONDS WEST S7.33l'BBT TO' THE . sQUTH:BRLY r.'D:-lB aF MAlN ROAD; THENCE ALOl'!tJ si\lO SQUl'HBRLY L1NB TWO c:OURSBS: (1) NORTH S3 D:soisBs 16 MlNllTJ!S 00 SBCONI1S BAST 29.73 FBBT: (2) NORTH 70.Il'BGlUlBS 18 MINUTBS 10 SBCONIlS BAST 18m FBBT; THENCE ALONG LAND CONVBYBD OR .-\Baw TO:B1l coNVB:iBD:BY THE PARTY . . aF TaB NaRn~ FORK BOWL, INC.,SOUTH 20 DllGRBBS 39 MJNU!BS 10 SBCONDS BAST 66.01 Fllll'I' Tei THE paINT OF BEGINNING. ~C!ZLD . Parcell All that certain plot piece or parcel 01 land. sl\1Jate. lying and bolng al Maltl\1JcIC In the Town of Saulhald. countY of Suffolk end Stata 01 New Yor\(, IenaW and dNlgnoted'.. and bY LoI No. 104 on a carta.ln map enUUed 'Amended Map 01 Prap81ty 01 Matt1tucIC Per\( propertIeS, Inc.. Mettltuck. New York' made bY OenleLR. Young, SUNeyor and ",nlch map wa. filed In the 0tiIce 01 \he Clerk of County of Suffolk on January 12. 1926, a, Map No. 801. Parcel 2. All thaI Cl,rtBln plo\, P_ or panoal 01 land, IIwata, lying and being In the Tawn 01 sciu.thold, CountY of Suffolk and State of New York, naar MI,ttltuCk, bounded end deacribad a.Io_: Beginning al. monumanlat tho inl8/$oc:tlan of tn" aoutharly lin. of tho Main Road with thl wosterly IIno of Marlono L.an.; running a1ang said _tam IIno of Marlone Lano, South 20 dogre.. 39 minutes 10 .acondl eas1203.38 ,...1 to an Iran pip.; Tnance, along land now or !onnarly of Abitz and Hegula, and al rlgnlangles to .aId westerly Rne 01 Ma~eno Lano, South ag degra.. 20 mlnulas 50 saccnds west 145.00 feet to an Iron pipe and land now or lonno~Y of MattltucIC Park Praportl.., Inc.; Tnonce, along ,aldllnd NoM 20 dogra.. 3S mh,ulaS 10 .ocondo We.1205.77 feel to a manum ant on said 5outher1y line 01 MaIn Road: Thence along said soutnorly IIn. of Main Road NoM 70 dog""' 18 minute. 10 a_ndo east 146.02 foal to the point of aEGINNING. St~tc: of _New ~~ork~__ ) , '--.,. ) SS.: I rountyof_SUPFOLK__ ) ! '. On tho.J!t.....11I day O.fl!in the year 2~05 before me, tho IUldersignod, penonally appearedrRDbert hia~tta - ; Dally known to ale or proved to me on the bub of satisfactory ey-ioence to ~e I whOtoll&Dle{l);; ( b&cribed to the within instrument Illd ICknowledpd 10 me thet hel.helthey ule the.' lit .,,*1 '),1Oli that by hb<'herlthoir lignature(,) on the inIlnlmeal, tho individual(.), r the n up . tie i dual(.) ocIOd, ""e.utod the iDltrumont. !.Ignature au IV ow .,". II GARRETT AEI~ CORRRf"TWNlJkD .lll'i=&"- ! . r QualI1l.lktSu.oIk_ ~" I,! -..IiIlp/tw".,.U.IO_ Bargain and Sale Dee, " i WITH COVENANT AGAINST F~TOR'S ACTS i Tm..ENo. ,/ Robert Chiapelta, North Fork!1WI, Inc. and Mattituck Real':y Association,' District 1000 Grantors Section Block Lot COUD.ty 143 02 002.000,004.000,028,000,027.001 Suffolk TO Mattituck CVS, L.L.c. Grantc~e. Record and Return by mail to: KEITH ARCHER, ESQ. Hams Bloom & Archer, LLP 445 Eiroad Hollow Road Suite 127 . ~ Melvme, New York 11747 rlHB^ FilIl\CVNolllllold\oorn::l>OOl GeM."'P<I ~ "'. State of ~Ncw YOrk__-:-. ~ sS.: i I ... STATE OF NEW YORK 55: FOUNTY OF SUFFOLK /1, EDWARD p, ROMAINE, CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK IN ANe FOR SAI[) COUNTY (SAle COUI'lT BEING A COURT OF R!;CORO> DO HEREBY CJ;RTIFV THAT I HAVE COMPARED THE ANNEXED COpy OF. . DEED /',,)37'" ATPAGE .!:f./'"3 _RECORDED 3,/Y~t1J. , AND THAT IT IS A JUST AND TRue COPY OF SUCH ORIGINAL DEll;} AND 011' TH. WHOLI 'fHIIIIIICII. IIN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED THE SEAL OF SAID COUNTY AND COURT THIS I if'--- DAY OFy--,....~ 200,,)- tIt.. lL.-J.'~ &I CLERK 12-01~,1'JIlJ2I<1l Mattituclc It~alty 'Association' r-'-- District 1000 I Grantors S.:ction Block L,)t Gounty 143 02,027.001 Suffolk TO Mattituck CVS, L.L.C:. Gr,antee. ,I Record and Return by mail to: KEITII ARCHER, ESQ. Harras Bloom & Archer, LLP 445 Broad Hollow itoad S:uite 127 . ~ Melville. New York 11747 F:\HB"'f'ilot\CVS\Sowlllll~dtod.wpd 6 S.tisf.cuonslDi>cbarg.s/Rel..... Lilt Propol1)' Owne" Mailing AddrOS' RECORD" RETt1~~~ !fo.M G' 5 LS/In i4J;::~~ '11./"S 13,1~ ~(<::i" IZr 1.a1.;:tI..J,,~} 117';,. - 7 Title Com an . ~&CJ/ ~lti:. 0 - . lill'fo1k County R,cl()rdin.~ndOrsement Pa~ Ths page forms part of th. altaChod ( 6 ~'.J!JX!l1';" . ~od. mad. by 10 bW" CbVc,t:ll' rIA I IJdI ~ (;;, It... (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS'TRlJMIlNT) f-~ The premises herein is situated in &,.J rIVe, 'l- ~ /~ SU!'FOI.KCOUNTY.NEWYORK, J7JIJ7/dc. C'Vs. ~ U:.. . ::::~;;-=s{)~ ~ orHAMLE1' of BOXES " TIlRU 8 MUST BIl TYPED OR plUN'TBD IN SLACK INK ONLY PIUOR TO RECORDING OR FlLlNG. ~ PrIor Ct!.' _ Dood I Molti,.g. \nstrUm.nt 2J . Dood I Mortlloge Tax Stamp Fl!J!S Page I Filing Fe. Handling . 5. .!&- TP.5B4j ., I)-- Notation S"lJ EA.52 11 (Count)) Sub Total_ SA-5211 (State) Cjg R.P.T,S .A. Comm. of Ed. j,..QQ.... AffidavIt --~ -::-:7' ~tft: lL>-l NYS Surcharge ~~ J?Q.... Sub Total ~.;..{.7J 41 Other --- Grand Total IB~k~ ::;J D6F ] slJ;~' ~ eJ\'~ Lot 0 OJ.. t ,00;;) o~ 7.001 DJ-q.oo ( Real Propol1)' Tax Service Agency VerifiC&Uon RE,ORDEC' :~)(l5 M.'3f 14 fJ3; 1~: 30 PM E.r:lw~rd P.Rom.ilin~ CLERK OF SUFFOU< COI../NT\' L 00001237(, P 483 on 04-32l!7S J Rec.rdlDa I PUln. SIaIIl,1 Mortgage AmI. 1. Basic Tax 2, Addluonal Tax Sub Total SpecJAssic or Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual To.... _ Dual County .- Hold for AppointlllOOt Transfer Tax Man.lon Tax Tho propOl1)' covoted by thia mortg.g. is or will be improvod by a on. or two family dwolling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate taX clause on pago. _ of lhia instr\UllCllt. 5 ColftlftUDity p,......atiol1 Fund. conoideratlon Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Improvod. Vacant Land ._ TO TD TO ";:, /" 11I~lllllli 111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 1111111111111111111111111 SU:FPOLK COUN'l'Y CLERK RECORDS OPFICE RECORDrNG PAGE Type of l:nstrUlllent: COIUl.!lCT!Ol~/J)EED/J)CO Number oj: Pages: 5 Receipt Jhulber . 05-0026659 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-32575 Reccrded. At: D3/14/2005 03:18.30 PM District, 1000 Section: 143.00 EXAMINl~D AND $0.00 Block: 02.00 CHAJtGBD AS LrBER: PAGE: . Lot: .. 029.001 D00012376 483 FOLIJOWS Deed Amo~lI1t: Received the Fc:>,11owing Fees For Page/Filing COE BA-CTY TP-5B4 Cert.Copies SCTH COJ\'IIl\.Pre,s $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $15.00 $6.25 $0.00 $0.00 Above InstrUlllent Exempt NO Handling NO NYS SRCHG NO EA-STATE NO Notation NO RPT NO Transfer tax NO $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.50 $90.00 $0,.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Pees Paid $321..75 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-32575 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRlJMlllNT 'rRIS IS NOT A B!LL Bdward P.ROIIIaine County Clerk. Suffolk County