HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 598 MAR-10-'2005 THIJ 04:31 PM HARRAS BLOOM & ARCHER FAX NO, 631 393 6229 p, 04 IIJ003 '03/0l1/.0~ 1'l1E 16: 09 FAX 831 722 9631 COIDIONWEALTH /\. \ '1/ '- . l'ltlndonl N. y, II. T. U. FOI1l1I002 ."'P1n 0..1 iialo De<d. wlCll eo.........!"'... _', JIots.lndl.iAual ar Coq_ (8;"po Sh""', ... " :ONSlJLI YOUR.',AWYllIlIlllFOllSKlNINCTlmi lNSTlUJMNT-THISINSTlUJMI!NT SNOULO"I! USJ!I) BYLIWYE\UlClolLV. 'f_ . v:. . S JlNDmrORE, DIlI1!I:lthe~daY o.-March, twCl thousand five , , atTwnN i . \ ",' , 1r~~ g;f~ T,L,C. ~iOn!~J<cl. ~ p2895 m;tY elf the fint part, ll!Id I " · Mattit11clc CVS, L.L.C. .Ie C'VS Drive oonilockct, lU 02895 arty of \be second pilrt, lESSETH, that tile patty of the JiJrsL pan, in consideration of ten dollars and other val'lIable dcntic:m paid by the party of the s~cood part, does henlby grant and n:lease unto the party of the second art, ~1Ie hein or sw:cesS0t9 and assigns of the party of the second part forever, 1that certain piot, piece or parcel onand, with the bUntl;ng. and iIuproVClttCllts thUeon erected, situate, lying ,1lId being in the \ \ 1:'- " i.':l SEE SCHBDU(,E "A" ANNBXHD HERETO aid ~r.-emlscs bo::iDc and ialllnded to be the same conve:yecl to the pliny ofth. fu&t part by titled dated ePtC1,"b~ I, 2004 and recotded 01\ Oelobcr 8,2004 in Liber DooOl2348 Page \4\ and deei dated eptl\lll\b!lr 1, 2004 and =0\'dCd 00 October 8, 2004 in LiberDOOO12348 Page 140 '~14R. wi~ lII1 right,vtIe II1ld IntCf!:St, if any, of1b.e party or the llm part in.and ~ aoy strooLs and 'Olll!S abutling ~ above cle&Cribed Pl'C:l:llisCli to the ceDtor lanes thereof; TOGETHF..R With the appurtenllDCcs '.' aU the estate iuld rights \If the p~' of the fim plitt in and to said p~ses; TO HAVE AND TO HOlD be. pI-emises herein granted unto the party ofthe second part, the he;11l or succesSOI'S aDd iSr.igllll of the puty ~~-~ . the plIrty of the first part COVOIWiIlIl~~~~Jiarf.Y of the first part has not done or surr;,red anything het'l:by the said pnmllses have 'beeIl C;11C in lilY way wba~cr, except as aforesaid. I\ND the party of the first part, in cOlDpliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants tltat the party of lhc"first part will receive the considndon for this eooveyanoe and will bold the ript to rcc:ive such cnuiden.tion as Ii tlUSt tlmd'to be spplied first fur the purpose of pa. the cost of the imp'"OVI:1:llCl1t and . npply the same fll'llt to the pa)'lllllllt of1b.e cost orthll improvcmfmt 'before using IUlY part oftbe total of he Slime for any other pIII]IOsc. '. rile word "party" shall be COII$1.rued all if it ~ "p~" when,ever the sense of this iodentl= so requires, , IN W'lTNESS WDER'KOF, the party of the fitst part bail duly ClltClCUted this deed the day and year finrt ~e written_ ,. . .1 i' ...~:JlS~O~F,:1 . t ' !";'~I..,.,:,... 8;, . ;, . '1' . ' ,. . .1" '" - " . , .1',:: . ;' T' :., '\~' MAmTtJC1(. <;VS, LT..C_ BY; ~ 1J 4:.t"-~-~ - O\lnll McMonagle-GlaRl< Assistant S...,;retary MAR-l0-:2005 THU 04: 32 PM HARRAS BLOOM & ARCHER FAX NO. 631 393 6229 P. 07 ~ou ,03/011105 TIlE 18: 09 F'u 831 12Z 9831 , , collllONWEALTIl : J; SCHEDULE A UeScRIPTlON (Continued) p~No,: 3803'.00aln ~ :DIIIlCItI!'nDll I" "I , ALL = CIIIl.'l:ADl 'f!m, I1IBCIl, 011. ~r.JZ.CRI. oW' %.MIl, ..XTUl\.'rS, LY:IlIG, AIItl BSJJlG IN Ml'.'n+'I:'OC:J::. -rOw O\!' lIOI:/'1'IlOL1l. 6Un-o~ ..;v"nUt, \QlW YOJIX, BIi:~ MOd \!lIlZ'l'Xt;m.l\Ii\LY .1lO~~ltD ~ DlII'';'....'''' AS: FO!J.QIIS: ,", . .\. " . ,(. . . . BBG. 1iG:ri.T ~ .nir1'!:RsIl~:tO\It 07 ~:d.60tl'f11BllLY llDlVl,nnt OP lW:N J.0AIl (S ,11.' 2.5, . . Al~'~ -=' RDWr 011 llAYl' MIll '1'llE lIBlI!l'BRl.Y SXDBL:CIIIl LtIIllI 01' MULENE !#a\ (4',;;5. ~', nPli: 1l.Ia\c: OF lUI.'t'l , llSDlG ~ 'mil. l'UTll COlUl12R oP '1'IIK IIUS': orUft .0":\LUmB nU""TR"'" llII A Jm!lD TO 1IQ\l.TIl l'olUt BOl41I, DlC. !I'R.OI'l1C\.n=a: llQW"...:rxG1t.AllBS. DlC. Ill\.'1'SD OC'l:, 24. U94' AlIID ?%tlItJ :nI' 'l:Illl 1i00000LIt "'''J'''.'t a.E:lIX' II omam DEGD BoOK J.J.703 usa 6GB :a!IID ncM lIAm BBG~ 1WNS \ . 'rIiE!lCl! ALONG iAlJ) \1I1lS'l'lDLY'SIilJlL]lI1Ill 011 ",,"T,"'" WI)lS BO'lJTIl ~o DEGlUlZEI 39 l'IlJIl1J'MS I. . . ,"0 Si:CllllDS 11M'!:, 285,71 'Ii'U'l.' TO ,_ 1ll01l.'I'tmlILY (lCIIlJISa OF LUWS mill Ol!. !'OiIIolBRLY OP LJ:sEi:.o'l."\'IE H', 1IIIJ:S'r'. IiA1D IIOllTll1llU,1' ~ B1i:DIG 2U.75 SllIl'l: tDR:l:Il 20 DEClItZBS 39 MDlll'rIlS 10 BSCOImS WIlB'l' ftOK A 1'<JOIDl tp.OIf )I1:l!Il1 'l'ljRNCIt. I\LClHG BAJD IlOllnDIilU1: LDB OI!' UIl:IB'1' SOll'rB. 59 ~g 20 ~5 SO SBCORtlS "S'\'o 1..5.00 iSlI1.t', 'I:HEl!lCE: l\LI::DtG SAJD IUlSTElU.1: ~ all tJRJ:EI'I' IN pl\Jl.'J: ScwrIl 20 DJ!QltEll!" 3S KDItl'1'BS 10 SBCOblllS EJoS'l:. 5. 54 ~ 'l'O 'I'a BIOIl.'1'lIIlIUoY COIllllBlL,' ~ BY ll. 11OQ1<<l com::ll.ETIl l'IOmlKI'lII'r 01;' W!lDS. NOW OR. .1IQRJO!I\I1.1' OP JIARJ:B 1\.. tmA1CJ!:' 'rllENpli: ~ ~ !Il;la'!llEllLY 1>Dl1~ 6v DRlID 50'OTll 69 IlBQllEBS.:.IO IoIIJlll'rBIl 50 SBCClNOS WB5'r~ 140. QO FB1I'1' 'l'O '!BlII. ua'l:XR:~'" smB' LIBB oa' ll'tGSBSE 1I.OI.l:l (,,~. 5' Ihi:Il'r \l]J)E uGll!I' 01 WAY) , nm c:caiIm BlI~; 1U. 8' I1llt1' :IlO1t~ 20 nllltAEES 3' MD'lITtES':LO I '. ' I . , Sil11lJS '\!ES'J: ~M A E'OlmIl. ~E'1'B ~OotIlI-uo'U I '. .n~F.il. ~ w&n '~ormiLT srol: LlJ!I5 1IOll'l'K 2.0 !NIll'''''. 3f MDID'l'BS 10 SECllIllDS lIXll":, 2~~. ~ 0 ~ w .mij ~'IlC'1'IOd OP IW:Il 8:tp1 'tillllB 011 SJ:GIliaBl!l IIDAJl lIIUK 'J:IlIl .aras! 1orliio. 01' ~ 1I.OAD 'ls.'Il. 2l;, a&XW',>>T ~ lr.J:DTI! UGII'r oP WAY) , , .,;. . . ' 'I. . . .' I' . TIIEIIFB ALOIIG 'l'H!l SOu ~y IIml t..:IlIB OF w.Di lI.OII> 1>lOIl:J:Il 5) sscoFS 'IUlST, 7.. ~ 7 FBft W AIll' NtCILE J'OIlilT I 'I'IiEIiCl! ~ 'I.'lIIl 5&Dal: SO",._T ~ %.:tIIlI ROR.'l'Il '70 nllQUSS w~J. 1.!I5.U nirr ~ P ~ i1o~; . . ," '1'IiE1~CB JW:lllO 'l:IIJ!l SlIMB OlUU....-..V &~ Ia11lE NOll'1'K U 1)IlQJO""'" 2S' .......u....s. OQ SBCORIlS BAll'r, 58.5' "''1' 'rO.'!lIlI,ElO;D1'1' oa &aClI 0' ~"",,,.lAG. ~, n 1ClXtI'1'I:S Oil n KD11l'1'IS 11) llBCOJlI[IS ~r '7 -. -- MAR-10-2005 THU 04:32 PM HARRAS BLOOM & ARCHER FAX NO, 631 393 6229 p, 06 , Mattitu:ck C:;VS. LL.C_ Purchasers. Record alld Return by mail to: KEITH ARCHER, ESQ, Hams Bloom &: Arclwr, UJ> 445 BtQad Hollow ROad Suilc 127 Melvine, New York 11747 , :', ,~ ~ i\: '. :';:. 'I' \ , ~;~^ l'lk..~CV '..SNJ~td\D.mI CVs to cvs 3 2 G:I.~ , , ," I' " I' MAR-10-2005 THIJ 04:31 PM HARRAS BLOOM & ARCHER ~ . ~ ' ~' ,'.:' j:; ',., "I'" \ '. " " , FAX NO, 631 393 6229 AssIstant Ss.;reta!'y p, 05 i 'I ~ 1 I ;\ in the year 200S before me, the undetlligncd, personally appeare.t III1e or p~ to Dm oR the basis of latisi'aotOJy evidence to be the :d to the wilbin wtlUlllCllt lIJlli aclalowledpllo me that lIeIshe/tlooJy I~. and th"t by blB/hcr/thlirllignallU1l(lO on the inslrUDlent, tb.e illdividualC:!)., IIUlIl(5) acted, execlltcd the inslruml\llt. - ~l"l" l~~~~a~~_~ent) ", " 1 ne . un " '. .', ' " State of Rhode ISland I: B raUt~,8~~~~JlonExpirSl'l O~107107 Wn-H CO~JQ'f1.NT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACIrS Trl:r..ENO. MattituckCV::;, I~J_..C. Sellers District Sec:tUm 6loek: Lot COU1l.ty 1000 143 02 2.4,28.001,27.001 and 30.01l1 Suffolk TO Mattiwclt CVS. LL.C Pan:hasers. ' Reeord aDd Return by mall to: MAR-10-2005 THU 04:31 PM HARRAS BLOOM & ARCHER FAX NO. 631 393 6229 P. 02 'f; . .~: T -'I n_ u___ "- on . , . "I ' ~ , , , ....._01...............,.... 'WIt""'" . I Olin I1111IIIIIII "II ~I DR 1IIIII BIIIII I1llmllll1l-- , . , : 'I ..,'1')'p~Lf*-t~t. D8:ms/DDI:1 . ,:NUmbek at 1'~.1l" 4; . . 'Jl.eo..!~t, ~el:l' 05-0024741 .TRANSI'SR 'rAX NtlMBBR: 04-~1J.870 . ! . I .D:I..t.r~c:t.. 1000 StllJ'!'OLK COtnfl'Y CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFlO RECORDING PAGB Jl.acarded: At:. 03/08/2005 03.58.04 PH need A11lOunt.. S.ct.i~. Black. 143.00 02.00 IZ'I'''IMD1BD ~ CKARmm AS FOLLOWS $0.00 ." LIBBR: PAGE: D00012375 598 Lal~. 02ll.00l I " Jl.ea"!VI>d t:l:le Follawin4J Pees ];:ar >>iove'::tll.bu_omt ..... It P"5l'e/l'iHng $12.00 NO ItaD4:L;1.Dg CO. $5.00 NO ltta SRCKG BA-C'l'l' $5.00 No BA-lITATB TP-5B4, $5.00 110 Cert.Copies lU'T 1ii110. 00 110 SCTH ' Trll.!l~1!cr tax ': $0.00 111'0 COIllI>.PreB ; , .... Pdd TRANSr' :R lru lWIIBBJh 04-31B701 i ' Tm:S PAOli IS A P.b.T OP '1'ID: INSTRT.lICIalT , 'I 'l'lUS IS NOT A BILL I ' I Baward P.~:I.De I ! County Clerk, Suffolk COUQty 1 I $5.00 '15.00 $LSS.OO $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $327.00 Bz~t NO NO NO NO NO NO MAR-l0-2005 THU 04:31 PM HARRAS BLOOM & ARCHER FAX NO. 631 393 6229 P. 03 03/0IlU 'l'l12 18:01 FAX 131 1U '~S1.. CUIUU""bAL:lll 'VIIVIfa. ..---- 1 1] N....ber.f_ 'lOl<RI!NS ~ REJ:!ll108l 200S t1.r OS 0:$, !:IS. 04 P!1 Edwird ,. 1lDuf.:w CInl: OF SlJ'FOLr. COUNT~ l bVCAit23i'5 p !.'9'tl en ll<-3U711 sma!' Q,rtillal/o. Prior C1f, . . , Deed i Mortpp_ , , I Deed I ""'- To>< Sl>lIlp fI!lIS _IlII/I'iIiqSlDlII>' IFlU." Pcc ,I in<< tS.4 NcMarion I " s, J!!L ~AmL 1.Ilul<:Tu ~ M4i_ 1'1:, SIb To1aI S"",,JAIait, :'1:1: .. !lA-52 17 (C"""'l') SlIb'lbtal EA-S217 (S....l l\.P,T3,A, ----1liL _ Comm. of lid, 5, 00 (~ .r- NYS S"",ba... _--1i J!!L. ~.b Toul Odlor 0..........1 ~ Roo! Proporty '\\x s.m.e A.!:Oncy VCrificatiotl . , ili I · '~. SIlI~~UIlI'ftl\lenYO"_MoiUocAAldR" " . f/!s~~/~~;;,LL.) <r1& J~ ~'-'W ~ .s'",,~ ~7 H%M1J1 ,lIP) / 17<{ 7 . lft,_._,~ I nt ~~ 1000 14300 0200 029001 P T S 1000 .l4300 0200 02BOOOo/ RCFE, A 1000 14300 OaOD 027001 ' : 1000 l4300 0200 030001 , 1000 :LC300 02QQ 004000,. Spt<;./AII4. TOT, MTG, TAX DwII TawIl. _ Dual COWlty _ Hold fur AppoinDll<nl -::::r;-- lnNfotTox ~T.. Tbo_orryCOV<ndbythl:s_....'.i. or wUl be improved by .. me or two _1,_.. <oly. YllS __ ... NO IfNO'...~....e1....,an ___cf II';. IOt'nfof 5 Co1am1lldtT PrnoInatlOD had Conoid....'"'" AmOUS1t $ -6 -cf $ Iml"""od~_ CPF TIlX Du. VI<lIlIl Land _ . Ttl 'ID TO 7 nile f_tiOD . ~ ; . .14 'l111e' ~ SutTolk CountJr Recording & Endorsement p~ Thi5J1ll/1.famupor1~",.._1 ~ nwleby' (S~OPINST1l.llMI!N'I) ~r1f,'( C\JOS,I~U"'. 'Tbopnmiloo.......l<_.. S'UPPOLX COIJN'n'. NJ!W YORK. 1'0 In lIIoTownalllp of , ~~ h ,~rI'I"'.! :rJ,S. LJ ,- lntbeVJLLA.GS ~_: ,.' orlWolLllTof ~.~ ~OXllS ,-imu . MtJS'r,llll TYPeD OR PlUNl'lm IN lILAC1t tNll: 0Ill.Y PlUOIl 1'0 lIJlCORl>INO OR PlI.JNO, .1