HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12432 P 867 , /4 J-2- 3D, J- L);!Lr)~: (1 ~l; 7 TillS INDENTURE made Ion the 16th day of Dec:ember, 2005, between MATTITUCK CVS, L.L.C., a New York limited liability company, whose mailing address is clo CVS Corporalion, One CVS Drive. Woonsockct. Rhode Island 02895, Grantor, and SCP l00S-Cl1-051 LLC, a Delaware Iimiled liability company, whose address is 8333 Douglas A vt,nue, Suite 1500 Dallas, Texas 75225, Gralltn, and whose address for tn notice purposes is clo CVS Corporal ion, One CVS Drive, Wo<onsocket, Rhode Island 02895, Alln: Property Tax Depl., Slnre No. 3105. WITNESSETH that Grantor, in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) in lawful money of Ihe Unil...! Slales, and olher good and valuable consideration paid by Granlee, Ihe receipt and sufficiency of which arc hereby acknowl...!ged, does ht!rehy granl and release unto Granlee, the heirs. successors, and assigns of Grantee fon:ver, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, wilh the buildings and improvements thereon erel:ted, siluate lying and being in tbe County of SulTolk, New York, and more pIIrticularly described on F.:dliblt A annexed herelo and in~"OrllOraled by reference herein, TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of Grantor in and to any streets and roads abulling tbe above described premisE:s to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the eoscolCnlS and appurtenances and all of the eS\ale and rights of the pany of Ihe first pan in and to said premiSl!S, TO HA VF. AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the Grantee. the heirs or successors and assigns of Grantee fOirever. This convey:mce is made subject to those moilers listed on ["biblt B allached hereto and inc'Jrporated herein by this reference. , AND Grantor covenants tltat Grantor has not done or sulTered anything whcreby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, exeept lIS aforesaid. AND Granlor. in complilll\(:e wilh Section 13 of Ihe Lien Law. covenants that Grantor will receive the consideralion for Ihis conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideralion as a IrUS!1 fund to be applied firsl for Ihe purpose of paying Ihe cost of Ihe improvemenl and will apply thc same firsllO thc payment oflhe cOSI ,of the improvement before using any pan of the lotal of the same for any other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GranlOr has executed Ihis deed lIS of Ihe day and year first above wriUen. GRANTOR: MATTITVCK CVs. L.L.C., a New York limited liability company By: CVS Phannacy, Inc., a Rhode Island corporlllion, its Sole M mber By: R STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ~ ~ 55. COUNlY OF PROVIDENCE ~ On the 13 day of December, in the year 2005 before me. Ihe undersigned. personally appeared Robert T. Marcello, personally known to me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis of salisfactory evidence 10 be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me Ihat he exe.:uled the same in his capacity, that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or .he person upon behalf of which the individual acled, exccUled Ihe inslrumenl, and thaI such individual made such app:arance befo,"" the undersigned in the Cily ofW ockel, Counly Oj~Vidence, Rhol\l: Isl~d. [Notary Seal] Dorothy T. O'Brien Notary Pubtic My commi.'lSion expires: Slal8 of RhtVt" 1~I"nd My Commission Expires 08/15/2009 -2- Store No. 3105 Mattituc1c, NY EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in Mattituck, Town of Southold, Colmly of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning Btthe intersection of lhe Southerly sideline of Main Road (S.R. 25, being an irregular width right of way) and the Westerly sideline of Marlene Lane (49.5 feet wide right of way) beiing also the Fifth Comer of the First Troet of lands described in a Deed to North Fork Bowl, Ine:. from Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., dated October 24,1994 and filed in the Office of the CI,erk ofthe County of Suffolk inl Liber 11703 CP 668 and from said point of beginning; R~lMing thence along said Westerly sideline of Marlene Lane, South 20"39' 10" East, 285.71 feet to the Northerly comer of land I1l)W or formerly of Lise10tte H. Urist; said Northerly comer being 224.75 feet North 20"39'10" West from a found iron pipe; Thence along said Northerly line of Urist, South 69"20' SO" West 145.00 feet; Thence along said Easterly line elf Urist in part, South 20"39' I 0" West, 5.54 feet to the Northerly comer marlced by a found concrelte monument oflands now or fonnerly of Marie A. Drake; Th,ence along said Northerly line of Drake, South 69"20'50" West 140.00 feet to the Easterly side line of Sigsbee Road (49'.5 foot right of way); said comer being 149.86 feet North 20.39'10" West from a found COI~erete mODlnnent; Thence along said Easterly side line, North 20"39'10" West 256.90 feet to the intersection of said side line of Sigsbee Road with the side line of Main Road (S.R. 25, being an irregular width right of way); Thlence along the Southerly side line of Main Road, North 53026'00" East 78.27 feet to an angle point; Thience along the same Southerly side line, North 70"18'10" East 155.34 feet to an angle point; Thlenee along the same Southerly side line, North 53~8'oo" East 56.56 feet to the point or place of beginning. Store No. 3105 Mattiluclc, NY EXHIBIT B :PERMITFED EXCEPTIONS None . ' .~. -' RECOROED 2006 Jan 26 04: 38: 42 PM CLERK iF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012432 P 867 I>TI 05-:25046 Number of pages TORRENS Serial II _ Certificalllll Prior ct!. II _ Deed' Mortaage.lnslr\lllleDt , ' .. I ~ Recording' Filing Stamps TP-S84 Notation' ~- BA.S2 17((::Ounty) ..,L(- Sub Total BA-S217 (State) - R.P.T.S.A. 30 ~. / 1\- S)'Q- \- Deed J MortIlge Tax. SlIIDp FB1!S 2J Page , Filiul Pee: Handling COD\lD. of lid. Affidavit .r-certified C - -~ \._ _' .. m. .l........~ NYS Surctlarge Other S. 00' , -' ~ortlage. Amt. . Basic Tax. .2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spel:J As.it. or Spec. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX . Dual ToWn _ Dual County - Held for Appoinunent. 6J L ' TransferTax Dc~./tO 4 Mansion Tax. =~ The property covered by this mortlale IS or 'will be improved by a one or two . family dwe1\in1 only. . "'1r- YES . or NO ~. I ' I (){.J . 'If NO. see appropri~ie llIX clause on ~ . '. ~ page #I o~ this illslrUment. . Lot o,!JO. 0 5 Comml1ni~ Preservation Fund ~ c;, . ~ - 37) , /' ~'~.. 1S; ..QQ.... Sllb Total (land Total '4 I Di~~ u Block o.:l. 00 Real PropertY 06003418 1000 1-4300 0200 030002 Tax. Serville ~T S Agency R A VerificlllClIl . LPA ~ CPF Tax'Oue S Improved, Vacant Land TO TO, TO 61 Sallllfectionll'Di,tchargelJRaleBHlll:.irt Property Owners MaiIliI Address . lUtCOlU> Ie:aETUBN TO: L~c.tJI::' A . t3ur I~~, 69' '/:)ec.).,t;.r.f Li- P /(, .:loo Cia..re-->dOn .::5f.,'d:f7Y;""'" oor &.,-lor". )....( A O::l."" 7 Information .~ . 'nile' - 7qq ISuffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'LA=w (SPBCIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 'I'hl8 page forms P.arl of the attac!I,ed made by: } .fQth-l-uc.t...CVSL.L. C. The premises hareIn is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YOR.K. - . TO ....;g~p ~ 005 - C;1./ -O!U LL C In the Township of ~.l1A old In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of -.5-:" . :r A 0 { d , , _ ^,...... """"''' 0 UTlc:T JI'!: 'T'VPP.Tl OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR F'lLING: 111111111111 11111111111111111111 1111111111 11111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 15:UFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of rnstrument: DEEDS/D1lD NUmber ,~f pagee: 5 Receipt NUmber : 06-0009059 TRANSlI'il!:R TAX NUMBBR: 05..25046 Recorded: At: 01/26/2006 04.38:42 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012432 867 Distric'!;: Section: Block. La!;. 1000 143.00 02.00 030.002 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Aml~unt : $6,32::1,910;86 Recei ve,;! the Following Pees For Above rnstrument Exempt Exempt page/P:iling $15.0'0 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.0'0 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-cn $5.0'0 NO EA-STATJi: $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $6.25 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Trallsf'Blr tax $25,296.0'0 NO CODIIIl.Pres $123,478.22 NO Pees Paid $149,025.47 TRANSPB:R. TAX NtlJIBER: 05-25046 THrs PAClE rs A PART 011' THB rNSTROMDlT THrS rs NOT A BrLL . . :;t. 7, 3,g, l~ eL 1;1.," ',~ C3. Book 11/..)...fIl ,..21 C4. ""'0 L PROPERTY 1~IFORMAnON ,. Pnlpo"Y LJ/l" Laadlon STRE" l.IMIER L 1/;.0,,& II 01., OWN PLEASE TYPE ()R PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NM YORK STATE IIOARD OF REAL PIIOPERTY SERVICES FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Ct. SWIS C:odo C2. Dote Doed Recorded RP - 5217 Rp.,uI7..lII'I ~MJ 6~~ I I,....1lIf: ~UAGr Z1PamE Z. Bu... L $" c P 1/(1(} S - ~ 2/. OSl J.L~ Name ~AIl NAME/lXIMP"'" F_INAK L I.ASr......I:/~ IWIITNAW 3. TIX Indi=-e where future Tax Billa In 10 bllOI'll ~ , BiIIn. ifaU_th.nbLJylr.xt,...CDtbotlomoffonnl U. V~ f~~7'dJA.J AddNU tiff NAIK'~ Ld~ N~ AI~ I ~..."" __r .fimNuod;(l,...',df'....; ~ flllllTMAME I L. I I .?~.J'S" I 5TATE 1I .. Indlut. the IIIIII1ber of A............ Roll pIIr.... 'rnn.femMI on the deed / 1 , of Pareels OR D h" of a Parcel 5.~ l ......- $Ize fIIOIITrUT I xl 1001 '.au I L/ ~ . . COnIV' It PM of. ~I a.c. ..1h1y'-.ap1y: ... Plenning Board with Subdivision AUlhority ExiIta 0 48. Subdivision Approv.1 was Required fOl Tnlnsfer D 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Mlip Providld D ..... I.S.II. N.me L tJ1!!{!:..e L lAST NAlIjIIi I<:OMMNY ('v~ L.1..1. , ........., FlRSlliI"'" 13. Full SaI. Pi. ,6.3,2.3.0 I fi_ L. , ,~ (FuU S,,, Pril:e is Ihe 10lil1 .mount plid tar thD property including personal pl1lplrty. Trllll peyment mly be in the form of CIIah. othar property or goods. or ItIIe ....mptlon of mortQDgeI 01" OIher obligllions.) PIN" round 10 the natlrt whole doll., lmouM. ChecIt 1Iwlilox. below _ th., ~ L OwMrIhlp TW- .. Condominium E ~ Agrk:ultur.' I ~ Community Service .. New Coftll:ruction on V..nlland f' Commercill J industrill 1OA. PropeRy Loc:Ited within In Agric;ullurDI DisUIcI G ApMmenl K Public Service 1GB. Bupr rKeivad I diKlosuro nOllCt Indiclllng H Emertlinmtl1t I AmUHmllnt L ForoIt thIllhe property "in en AgricullUl'Il Oi_rict 1&. ChecII .... or ..... of..... ......... _ ......... to tr.1IIIM': ^ Sele Bltwwn R....llves or Former Rellllives B Sele BMwMin Rellhtd Companies or Penn.... in Bulinae C One of the Buyen; illIeo a SlHer f) Buyw or Seller iI Govarnmel"lll Agency or Lending Inltitution Ii 00'" Typo _ W....... or llargm ood Ser. ISpoclly lolow) F SlID of Frectionel or Leu Ihln Fee In...... ISpacify BMowI G Significent Change In Propeny Bmw.en Tlkable SCatua and s.&e Dill H &.Ie 01 Bullnea 111 IncludlId In S1110 Prico . I OIlier Unusuel Fecrofll AflKting Sale Prico (Specify Below) J None o o o o 7. Ch_ thl tn. below which mu' eaaur~1IIy dacrlbn the ute 01 thIi property It ,he time of ....: ^ ~ One rlmllv Rlsidentlel R 2 or :1 Family Relidernial C ResldlJlllill VIc.nt lIInd D NOfl-I~.lidlf1tial V.cant Lend ISAlEINFORa~ 11. hie ContrltCI Date -, -" -/ -1 Diy v.. 12. o.u 01 511./ T......'.r I~ 1 .tf) 1 05 MontI De, Veer 16, Indlt:ate dill WIlue of perIIIII8I I 0 0 I pI'OIIlII'tyln......~the.... " ; , . ; . . ~ - I - " I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. IlIItI Ihould ..noctlho IalOlt FIIIII _melll Roll Ind TIX Bill I '" :"aI":===~ hom I (). 6':"17. TDtIII Al___ V.I... (of all ......In tr....... I 11. _ CI_ ~-u 19. School D_..Nomo I ~ThcJc.- :ZO. Tax Map klen'dfterCsI/ Roll "'4lRlrl" CIf mare 1hen faur. MtIlCh ..... with 8dditioftll i~..t , , .1.1:-D. {i"bl , 10'00- I~:; ,. Q - .3 D,OO.2. I I~o/IJL ,.." .... ..... LOIN. fIRSTIIAMI. .....c:ooo: 2~5.(J()tJ8 r[U'"l)N[ W"'II 2/1- VA"'''' crnOJll'roWN 7X IrAI.. 7S22'5 ~PC:OOO: ill!&!! 4~~~ NEW YORK STATE COpy JH.to/IJ$