HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 486 . ,. 1.'./ i Ii'; --'. . i r I 'i .11 <L'I' t ! " III 1- J -)-; .. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IIERlRE SiIlNIIIG nas INSTRUMENT-THIS .STRWENT SHOULO BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mede this of/) ~ey of OCTOBER, in the year Two Thousand end Five RUSSELL J. BAKER. residing at 120 Pine Streel, Mattiluck. New York 11952 Party of the firsl part. and BELARMINO ILLESCAS, :esiding at New York 11995 '1'10<>0 ~A'U Ii}, So....""'j'\,OLh 1J7 J p,g, Sell 1919, ~*h~B..a. ,1117/ Party of Ihe second part, ..; ',r.!:+!;'~.,. ...,..... WITNESSETH, Ihal the party of Ihe first, in consideration of Ten '?RI!B~:i\!!~~' gllier-lIaluable consideration paid by the ~arty of the second part, does hereby grant and,release;unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of Ihe'seco;,.d:pai1 forever, ALL, that certain plot. pie-ce or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and lleing at Mallituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the northeasterly side of Pine Slreet. 109.90 feet northwesterly along said northeasterly line of Horton Avenue being also the northwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Dries; RUNNING THENCE along said northeasterly line of Pine Street two courses as follows: 1. North 34 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds Wesl. 53.13 (deed) 35.25 (actual) feet to an iron pipe; 2. North 54 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 25.26 (deed) 25.38 (actual) feet 10 a concr&te monument and land formerly of Jones, now of Diffley; THENCE along said land formerly of Jones, now of Diffley, North 39 degrees 29 minutes 20 seconds Eas1150.00 feelt') a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Agueci: THENCE along land now .: r formerly of Agueci and along land now or formerly of Jensen, South 54 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds East. 132.34 feet to a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Rutkowski; THENCE along said land now or formerly of Rutkowski and land now or formerly of Dries, South 57 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West, 180.83 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED 10 BE the same premise. conveyed by deed dated November 18, 2004 and recorded Decerr.ber 14, 2004 In Llber 12360 of conveyance. at page 369. TOGETHER with all right. title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roeds abutting ihe above-described premises to the center lines thereof TOGETHER with Ihe appurtenances and all the estate and Rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises: TO HAVE ANt TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of Ihe second part, the heirs or SUCcessol s and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will mceive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideratiori as a trust fund to be applied first for Ihe purpose of paying the cost of the improvemenl and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of th(: total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be .: Jnstrued as if it read .parties. whenever Ihe sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe party of the first part has duly execuled this deed the day and year firsl above written. IN PRESENCE OF: , U,o;Ji,ICIi.\1,IM'U:JKO."t:,\"I" HH/M Ht:U,M' M"rrlll,": .\'ml' )"(JIIK .'lBTF.O.v/.r: SllIlenrNelw\'ork.Countyur Suffolk ,..., On ,h4J;iliy or October in the yo.. 2006 hero... lIIe. the umIc:t1Ii~lIO\l. p"",,,ItlJly _ppe3Ja! Russell "I. Bilker " ptl'Sl1l1ally knuwn 10 nn: or pru\'L'd 10 lilt' ,111 the b.:I~i... I,r salisfar..'111ry evi<lmce 1':1 he lho: in~ividu,,1I>1 who"" ""'net., i.lun:l.uh<<.'ri!>o.'(\ 1,'1hc within in.II~"n.nl :IIILI ""klll>wIc..I~..II" me i:!;It helxheJlho:y eAI.'CUlal Ihe s:lIne in hi<ihl:rhheir eap",:ill1;""). "",J lhal t>y hislherhhcir signaturt'hi) un Ihl,.' in:lI1rumcnl. the indi\'icJui.~:(!lo). lll" the p:N.W1 upon behalr "r which the individu,U., ""1.'\1. o.."'u" he iltillUmeOl, 'llNk c::::::::.r . ~..:2!!f> _ r.b_ AAneHe. "lJ1f!1/Zdr;D ~. QA~~' <<,S-lJ c. $1lf.B: .oF A , C:K.\'OM'/.WG."&\"1' "UII." HI/l"ffStfIJ.,~ \{"R),'ffIl",s;;.<h'?lfr.J', IN,'''' t..oB Stll')l"nNlfJ( "'"",'"'' ..\,"4,,.,"-11\1 :1111'''' (','rriJkrll"/ Sial. or NIIW \'ork. (;ounly or 1550: On thr d:1v of in the ,'ear hefnre me. tilt uoo.,,,,iglll'\l ""...,,,ally appe-.. ,'(\ . the subSf.'rihin~ '^;tne~s 10 lhe lilrcgl.ling in~1I lmenl. with ",'horn I :un """,,,,,,lIy acquainted. who. being Ill' lIIe L1ul" swum. di~ deJ>o><' ond ""l'th.t hel""""hoy n:.idc(sl in I if tilt' p/cl(.'c.,if rt'.'iic/('I,("t! i.,. ill a ci'y. ilk'hul.' ,11,: ('nYI untl ,'1n:,., m,mht-r. if 1lI1)'. ,1I.'rl"lifj: th:1I hehhdlht). kncJWI!lo) M bt lhe ir\lli\'idual descTihtll in and whn cX,I,'\."Uk.-d the flln.'going in"lrul1l1:nt:, IIt.n !rIuill !'AJ~rihinJ:! Wilnc.",,-lrro wn.. . <<:-em and saw saill tx<<ul~ lta~ ~Imr: and th:u said wit...,:" al il.C' samr time !rIuhSl.'rihaJ hislhcrllhcir name(s) a,tr\ 3 wilnes.. 1....-O:lO. HAllI;,\I:I1 .. S.%U: n~Y.11 ..:TII,"fJ\'r:sA.'"TIi"n"L"~liIt'!Iolllk."A' " 1)TLI': Nfl. TO ,. "'lIlt:U.IT\' NATIllSAI. Tlll.t: eISSIJRANCF. COMPAS\' _ 1.'\1.""'....,,,11 '''':.i . ~u ./ "".. I' "', . (~<rJ'1I'~..~,,," """. r we fry ~ f;.f'~).'. w" """"'.,.""..,......~I_IT.,..'..._,... .' i o I II: !l II: .. o ~ II: ~ w ~ ... ~ ~ II: w ... w II: r I..".: AC"'''''M'/.Ii/Ki.'''''T HII/M Ht:lIIM" 11'"111,\' "'A"If )'rll/K STATtO.~/.J: SlakolNew "ork. ('OUDtyor 1""-' On the .lilY nf in the )'Oilr hefo... lIle. ,he under..i""""I. """',"i1I1)' i1PPO:i11t'd ptl'S(1nall)' kl'klWn III In!: ,lr (1f1WI,.\J 10 t1lI.' un tht ha,c.is Ilf satisf3Cll'r)' .viden.~ In he lho: ind..'idual(s) wilt.... ,,,,,,1e(~1 i. (are) suh..riho:d 'u III< within i....lrUmcnt and ucknowl<d~a1lu me lhat hels"""""y el<Ct"utcd Ihr same in hi~c../lhcir capucil)'\i~J. and thai hy hislhcrhhcir signatureb) un the instrumenl. the indi\idual(M~ or the p:r"ol1 up.1n hehalr of which Iho irdividuailsl octI.'\I, ,',.",Uk:d thr inxtrumenl. y'P~ 4t:#7'11:";II71~,o''I''t'.s. n/al/~..r 'lcfxflV/J,:t."rf.,. f1:if,f.'rJII U,'iI-: Om'Slll/i NAY. )"flRK ,~T,Irr. O,W.I', IOu' "/.fi,.,,,.,.. ".""";I:n (;'.Ilf"U' A,.J,'I,",.,.../IlHlt'III C..mficdr,1 ,.."..,..,......"."""",.".".,'.."..,.,. ..1""-' fCc"",lIr" \0"'11.,1' lI'i,ltSlcn... Ci",1I11)'. '.1'111.",....,., "'"niL'ipt,III.Y'1 On the ~)' "f in Ihe yellr hef"... me. th. u.lder..igned, """",,,,Illy appeared pc~unally known In ITlI.' "f prclYell In Illl. UI1 thr ha.tr\i!rl III' SlIh,f::k.'h)l)' c:\.illenL"t:' III be lhe- ind:\'iLllliIICSJ wtklN.' Ill,UIlI:IJiIl) islarcl !rIubscriN-d IUW wi,hin instrumenl 3/Id :lCknuwlc.,(\~,,(\ III me that helshcllhey executed lhe ..me in hi!Jh<rhl.'ir c.pacilYI;':". Ih:u hy hislher/lheir si~nalun:(.1 lIn the in.<lrUJJICllI, tho indivi~""lfsl, '1I"Ih" pc""'" up"" h<half .,f whioh lhe indi\"iduolls'UCIN. e.<cutal1he i......rumenl.and lhal 'lIch individmtl mode _i1 OJ'I'C"",nc.' her"", Ihe undcNiJ!nN in thr llnsl'n I/~ l.'ilY ,,,,,,lit "/I,,/;,k<<1 s"l1rli,i:,i,tl' ulld ,lit! .f'tl/,' ,Ire",,,,,,.....,,r ",IIl'r 1,/an'IIIt' dc"k"".~'J.....I.S:lIIl'lIIl1''lII.," 'IIL.ml DISTRI..-,. Sf.t"TIIJ:t: RI.UCK I....r,. C/'U:I1TY ''''. TOWN R".YIII/II-:fI AT Rt:{l/It:!>T 1."- t"ld. iiI)' Nallonallllle Insul'llllCl: <:..ml'lIl1)' NI-;nlN,V It.. .\lAII. TO I I I I I J Number of pages TORRENS RECOROEI> 2005 Hov 04 09146:25 AM Edward P.RODaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNT\' L D00012418 P 486 OTl 05-13909 Serial # _ Certificate # Prillr Ctf. # , Deed .I Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps 2J Page / Filin~: Fee Handling 5. IK) 5- Mortgage Am!. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tlllal SpecJAssit. TP-584 Notation R.P.T.S.A. .5 '){ ~::..... Sub Total c9t/ or EA-52 J 7 (County) EA-5217 (State) Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment, T.:i7T"':;:" Transfer Tax I~ _ . Mansion Tax Affidavit Grand Total r}s The property covered by this mortgage i or will be impmved by a one or tWI family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrume . ,:. Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. JlQ.... Sub Total ~o Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification o 5 Co_aaity Preael'VlltioD FuDd 05043714 1000 14100 0100 027000 ,~ (~~~~ Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ --=13lt.O ~ / Improved 61 Satisfa<:tillns/DischargeslReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: Vacant Land _ PY1>lue ~ Pr9~ I EstI. 1~>1 ~. ~A ~')c.ty {Jol/d I NY "77~ TD TO TO Jf) . 7 Co. Name Title # ;;:hS I' ~.... ._..; . ~ufTolk County Recording & Endorsement'Pa.:e Thil' page forms part of the attacbed W made by (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) e>a tif The premises herein is situared in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of In (he VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES ~j THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 1d I t1C'O..) TO SOl., thJ ol 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP POLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of 7nBtrument. DEEDS/DDD Humber of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmber : 05-0116179 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-13909 Recorded: At. 11/04/2005 09.46.25 AX LIBER: PAGE: D00012418 486 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 141.00 01. 00 027.000 BXAMJ:NED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Amount: $368,000.00 Received the Following Pees For Above 7nstrument Exempt Exex Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,472.00 NO Comm.Pres $4,360.00 NO Fees Paid $5,981. 00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-13909 THIS PAGB 7S A PART OF THE 7NSTROMBNT TR7S 7S NOT A B7LL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLV WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNW USE ONLY C1. 8W1S 'Code I '-{. 1. 3, R. g, ~ ./ I ~ I '-I IG~ I ~y ." {" 1C4.P_ILf;~b, C2. Dill E_ RIc_ C3.B_ I / ,0(, L..(, PROPERTY INFORMATION '."'-L .120 L.oc.tIon .'REET NUMIUI Pine Street 111'[[T NAME L Q~~ld 2. ....' L Il1escas N..... lAIT N_,COMI'AN'f' 1 MattitUCk ........ I Be1amino HMT NAME: L LAlT NNMa I COM'ANY 'M'T NAllf 3. Tax Indica whInt future Tp BUll'" fa be unt I Billing ;, at,,", "- buyo. _III _ of """'I . - LAST hAM!JCtJfII'N.V L SnlErT NU~ AND "MlET NAME. caly~rDWJiI .. ....... 1M ........... 01 AaMument Roll Pol..... ,........,.. l1li thl ....d 0110 Part of .. Pan:eI J . of hreoll ..- .....- SI.. .'331 I X I 10111 'iDl' DE"'" 'lIOtIT'EfoI .. Sollor Nomo L Baker LAST __ ICOMMNY Russell rlllITN.-M' L LMT MNA: I COMPAN'I '1II5T~ 7. ChecII the II.. .... which most MCUrl"" Mal.. the u.. of the praperty . tM tlm. rrf ..... A~OnoFonWyllooi_ E~ AarloullUrol I ~ Commun;IySo..ico R 2 ar 3 F....1y RoaIdentiIl F Commercial J IndulI1:rlal C R_iential VICaRI. L..nd G Al:aMmlnt K Public SeMe. l> Ngn..,.......I.. VKlnt Land. H EnlII1.inm.....' ~ I.. Forl.1 I SALE INFORMATION l n. .... Conb'8Ct D_ 07 I 25 I 2005 1 - Coy V_ 12. o.te of 81l1li , Tr...... 110 I 17 I 2oc6"I - Doy YH' REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAft OF _ YORK ITAlE IIOARD OF REAL ~I" SERVICES RP - 5217 1II'-J117....'WI 11952 Z1PCODI nHIT "AM! STATE Z1PCOIlO 10nIy H ,., '" 0 ,_ a.- .lhoy apply: 4A. P1lnning brei WIIh Subdlvillon Aulharlty ExiIu ... Subdlvl_ __ _ Roqulood lor Tronofor <<:. Pon:ol Apprvvod Iar__ Mop_ D D D _Il1o......_.....,....... .. Own'l'Ihlp ~pe II Condominium .. New eonttructlon an Vacant Lind '1M. Praperry I..ocIted within In Agricultural District '108. BUVllr recaived I dlsclolul'l notice IndicIIing thlll 1M prvparty illn In Agricullunl DIIIrict D D D D 11. ChIdI: OM ar mo,. of...... condlllonl.. appI.... to tranIIIr. ,\ S8Ie Botween Rel.tl".. or Former Relatives 8 s... Batwoan RalllOd Campenl.. or p.rtnlrsln BullneH C One of the Buyars II also . Sailor n Buyor Or Seller II Gowmmant ~ or Lending IftIlitutlon E Deed Type not Wlrranty or Bargain and SllIa CSpoclfV BIIowl P Slht of Fr.ctlonal or leM thin Foe Interlll: (SpecIfy lllilDwJ G Slgnifleanl Changlln PrOI*tV a.w-n TlXllbIo SIIlUI and 511 II SlI8 of Bu.inIIa . Included In Sell lira I Othar UnUluaI Fcora AffKdng SIll Price (Spec:lfy Below) J None '3.F.II_I";oo , ,~,QOO, . II , II I , , . (Full Sa-. Price lithe total arnounl peId for rtte property including personll properry. This PI."..... may be In the form 01 CIIh. other proporty or goodI. or Ihl I..umption of mOl'lgIQIII e" other ~..I ".... round fa 'he nMNIl whole dollar .mount. ,4. Ind_.... .- .. poroonol I , II , II I _._Inlllo_ . I ASSESSMEllT INFORMATION. DaIIlhould refllCllhlletnt Flnll As"'lI/11II1l RoIllnd TI. Bill ,1.::: "::::.i.:.~=lrom I O..f"i '7. T_ _ VoIuo I'" oN..-1II _"I .700 , 7!7rilMuLX ,I. Pnpooty 1_ 12 , 1,0 I-U 11._I_Nomo I U2 20. To. _I_loll Ron _..colIH ......__. _...... _ _ _.n 1000 - 141.00 - 01.00 - 027.000 t. 4900 , ; I I CERTIFlCAllE:l I m1II1- .. 01... _ 01 LoA. 1'- ..- .. _ r_ "'" I.... ODd __ .IDIIlt boot vi..., ~ ad boIIof) ODd I -- ........ _tho ......... "'ony _11"ldoo _ "'_ rod ....... .11 xuI1Jod _ 10 tho ......- 0111>0 .....1 ..... ..Io\h'e 10 lilt ........ ODd .... "'_ _... !!YXi!! BUYER'8 AnOnno:f David f'M1'fU,1I1! 821-1314 Tl!LlPMO" 1ilU...... NEW YORK STATE COPY