HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12430 P 65 l'..... ~..o Stonda....N.Y.8.T.U. Form 8002 -llIIrglIin end SeI8Ile8d. wI1h Coven8nt lIlIelnsl Grentofl _ - unllann AckIlCMl8<llJnenI ., Fbnn 321!O ~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THlSINSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USEe 8Y LAWYERS ONLY I ') iJ 9) THIS INDENTURE, made thel W~ of November, 2005 - . 'f. BETWEEN "/ L / L/ _) .0() Q ~ ~ ~ -J ~ ~ ~ . ;", "- . 111.7- 4'1~ 6S- 1?1'1~- 5-(' S RICHARD JOHNSON AND LAURA SANTISI, his wife, residing at 440 West 44"' Street, New York, New York 10036, party of the first part, and S; J:' DANIE~LAWLOR AND HELEN.LAWLOR, his wife, residing at 227 East 57'" Street, New York, New York 10022, party of the se&nd part, '1-~'T-/J 4." ....Is. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 00l1oo-($10.)-00IIars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. being shown and designated as all of Lot NO.8 and a triangular part or portion of Lot NO.9 adjoining said Lot No.8 on the East, all as shown on map entitled, 'Map of Property of George H., William T. and Daniel T. Riley', and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York, on November 27, 1928 as Map No. 186, said lot and part of lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Riley Avenue, where the same is intersected by the division line between Lots 7 and 8 on the aforesaid map, said point being distant 400 feet easterly as measured along the northerly side of Riley Avenue, from the comer formed by the northerly side of Riley Avenue with the easterly side of Bay Avenue; RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning along the division line between Lots 7 and 8, North 19 degrees 29 minutes West, 309 feet to land now or formerly of Waite; THENCE along said lot and along land now or formerly of O'Brien, the following two (2) courses and distances: <l '\). lV\ :>.. " '^ (1) South 63 degrees 55 minutes East, 107.13 feet; (2) South 69 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds East, 3.00 feet to land now or formerly of Sullivan; THENCE along said land, South 18 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds East, 230.58 feet to the northerly side of Riley Avenue; THENCE along the northerly side of Riley Avenue, South 70 degrees 31 minutes West, 75 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 10/15/02, recorded 11/13/02 in Uber 12219 page 529 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. ~ " TOGETHER with all right. title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same fil'llt to the payment of the cost of the improvementlJerortl using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as if it read 'parties' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly exe above written. this deed the day and year first IN PRESENCE OF: _2 . , .' .. , . BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE INew York Slate of New York, County of New York, as: Slale of New York. County of lNiIUIUC as: On lhe If, day of November. in the yeer 2005, On the/2l day of November, in the year 2005. before me. the undaralgned, pereonelly a_AId before me, the undersigned. personally IIIlP8lI'8Cl LAURA SANTISI RICHARD JOHNSON peraonelly known to me or proved to me on the besia of pelllOnetly known to me or proved to me on the besia of aetisfaclory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is utisfectory evidence to be lhe Individual(s) whose name(s) ia (are) subacrlbed 10 the within InlllrUment and acknowledged to (are) subacrlbed to the wilIIln Inlllrumentand acknowleclged 10 me thel helahellhey executed the tIlIIIIe In hlalherllheir me that heIsheIlhey 8ll8CUted the ume In hlalherllhelr cepecity(iea), and that by hlalherllheir signature(s) on the capecily(1ll8), end that by hialherllhelr algneture(s) on the inalrUment, the Individuel(s), or the upon behelf of which Inalrument, the Indlvldual(s), or person UIlOlI behelf of which the ind" al(s) acted. executed men!. the dividuel(s) a lhe Inalrument. oflndlvidual~l) '**" PuIlUo, .... cI ""'York ND.Ol1'M081101 _...~lhPacller 0uIIUIIcI1n Nuuu County ~" r_ State of New Yofk O. 'ulotl EllpIrN llIaeIDbIr 08, 2001 ~~~~~_~~OColl 01....... I -.. WIly TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS ....nE OUTSI~ENEW ~O~08, 2008 Slale (or Dlatricl of Columbia. Terrllory, or Foreign Country) of County of as: On the day of , In the year 200. before me, the undersigned, pereonelly a_AId peraonally known to me or proved to me on the bellis of ulisfeclory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) aubacrlbed to the within instrumenl and acknOwledged to me that helahe/lhey eX8CUl8d lhe ume in hialherllheir cepectty(iea), and lhal by hlalher/lheir signature(s) on the InlIIrument, the indlvidual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the indlvidual(s) acled, executed the Instrument. and thel auch Individual made auch appelll8llC8 before the underalgned In the Clnsert lhe City or _ poIIticaIlUbdiviaion) in . (ond Insert the Stele or Country or _ pi... the acknowledgment was taken) (siglllllure and office of indlviduall8klng lICI<nDWI8dgement) Nolary Public BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ' =~:(~~NS~~~ fA 0((--1"'3 'If ..s-P RICHARD JOHNSON AND LAUAA SANTISI "i:- TOj'. DANIEfuwLOR AN[Y'HELEN LAWLOR SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <':1~I~te)SWF.Al.Tlll.A:'IoI) TnLE ISSlJRASrr.C(')\,...\s'r ~ftJ.~ ' ;)/ eu.d 'I/)-~ l.j/li-, ~ 'I /lJO/ p STANDARD FOMI OF Nl!WYORK IIOMD OF TITLE lNIERl.....a4 , DiItributId by . Common~:~!!.~,,,..,,,, ~ o I iii! ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ 15 m I ~2 J Number 01" ""g._ . .3 TUltRENS RECORDED 2006 Jan 11 01:27:19 P". "iu. or." . CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12430 P 06S . DTtI 05-22831 Srrial " eel.ilicRlc II Di'e~11 Mullgage In_lrumelll lloed I MOI;lgoge TIIX ~IOJllP FErlS . Recu,diug I Filiug 51"',,1" 4 ('ng.1 Filillg Fee -~= 5__ l\-ll1rlgHge Ami. "aoelling '1'1'-58.\ I. IJR_i. Tax 2. Additional '1'.. Nutallon H..I'.T.SA 5- --75= -~ Sub T olsl' I:A-52 17 ((nIllU)"1 Sub Tolsl (9'1- Sp.dA__il. Or Spec. I A,kl. TOT. MTG. TAX _.___ Duol Town_._ Duol Cnunly__ Held ror Apporti,,,unenl .~ _ T,on.rerTsx c;bo 0 _ EA-5217ISlalc) CUllnu. nr Ed. -~QQ-- Muosion Tax _._. ____ . 'n,e propelly co.ered by Ihi~ nlllllgnge i. or /' w ill he illl rrovrd hy Rune or .W11 fom iI)' _ j.;?;) ! dwelling ollly. . I ,It'! ; Cfr Y"S orNO...._ _ 'r1 ; Ir NO, ... nppropri.'e lax c1ou.. on poge H : - __oflhisillsllUmetll. ".... . -- 6 Communil I'reservlllion runt! Cl1llsidcl'Olil1ll AlllOllnt s~ Allid..i. C.,lili.d C,ip)' Ileg. CUP)' Olh.r /5 Sub Tutal (jRANDJOTAI. I ,-_Real.l~nll.erI\. "I'nx ,S,,-vi,.,. A,,,,,,,,,, VIIIIII in.ofI.i,... 06000972 1000 14300 0400 018000 ~ (REAP A ~ CI"F Tn" Due SlImp I)lIIe Imllloved Initial, , ~ VncolIl Lllnd 7 Snli.rllcl;nnslDischBlgeslRclea,es Lisll'roperty OWllers Mnilillg '^ddr~ It[CORI)" RKTURN TII: I TO . If) 'I'D 'I'll ~/Y}'~1'4. ;)/ €~ yb=-~ ~ V~I ~ LI-. /0.0/.4, R q , Title II - S Suffolk COllnt Recordin I & Endorsement Pa e Tille CIIIII(1uiIY Inflll'lIJntill1l 'l1.is 1\1gC (Orlle; Illrt of the IIlIoched __ mode h~': ~!:-2~~ , , lSI'EClFY lYl'E OF INSTRUMENr) TO __l'~ '\ he l~tIIises IICICill is silUllled ill SlJA;OL.K C:OUNI'Y; NEW YORK. IlIlhe lOWIIShill of IlIlhi: VILLAGE L . . /. or II^MLETof 'ma..t/-"e.../-~ I BOXES 5 UIRU 9 MUST liE TYI'ED OR I'RINTEL> iN U1.ACK INK ONLY !'RIOR TO RECORDING Ol( FILING, IOVERI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number . 06-0003174 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-22831 Recorded: At. 01/11/2006 01:27:19 PM LISER: PAGE: D00012430 065 Deed Amount: Section: 143.00 EXAJaNBD AND $520,000.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 018.000 District: 1000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tranllfer tax $2,080.00 NO COIlIIlI.Pres $7,400.00 NO Fe.s Paid $9,629.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-22831 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS HOT A BILL . - '- - -- -:-- - -- - -- -1>J:EASETYPl:O~PRESS F1R1oIILYWRENWRITlNG-oIirFO~Nr ------ INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stBte.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Cod. Y,'7 ,J,9,g, r I .e.!' .(t * CZ. Dote Deed__ '~I ., ,~,6S1 C4. .....1 C3. Book PROPERTYINFOR~TION '.-1 ~ 435 Riley Avenue .,MUNAII[ HatUtuck VlLUlGL 11952 Z1P'COD[ .TNn......... Southold aft OR rCM'N z._ Nomo Lawlor LAST NNA I~ANr Daniel ~"'11tAMI. Lawlor LA"'_"'~'~ Helen "lilT tIAW 3. Tu IndlcaIe wharo Iulunt Ta SIIII are 10 be.. Riling "other Ih..\ buyer addl'DSll" bono.,. d forml I Add_ IAIIT NAIIlI I co....".. ITIlR'T NlIIMMAND.,...,.... 4. IndIG8hIIhI n..... at AnT ..... RaIl..... __ on...._ ""'''"- 1 I . 01 P...... 011 D Po. 01 0 P..... .. =...v I - lOR I agq:1 . 4 6 I Ixl ..,," I'IInNT"F1I' ....., -- Johnson LAS' hlWl:/COllPA~" Richard ~"I NA-. SanUsi Ul8T MAW I COMPANY Laura '1M' MIlL 7. Ch... tINI box HIDw whidI mot MCUl'alel, ..1_ tII. ... fIf 1M property .-: thII ..... 01 ..Ie: A~ One F.mlly __101 B 2 01 3 FIMiIy Ruidential C RuidInIlld YacanllMd D .........id8ntiaI YKllnt lMd >. I SALE INFOR~TION I ,,.__- E ~ Agnc.....oI f' Comr..-c'" . (i ApeI1ment n EnlarUinmllllll M1U101MnI I ~ Community_o J InduoIrioI K PubIO: Service L ForOl1 . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE SOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 ....!l3n.....~ fllQi'.....1; "'''1'1: 211'''''''' (Only. _.. 0 _ _ _lIIoy....,. fA. Pl8nning Board with SubdNilion Authority EdUI 0 .., s._Appmol_ Aoq_1ar T,_'" 0 C, Porcol Appn>ood'" SubdivioIon - Mol> -. 0 -....---lIIoy"""'" I. Ownarohip T_1o ~, t. New CoMrrutdan on V..,r; Land 1M. Ptopeny LocIIId Mhin .., Agriculturll 0IItricl 'll8. Buyar....... ..-nora_ IhII U. property II In an Agrtculh,llll DlItIicI o o o o 11.. a.dt .. QI' more aI "-..4& -. .... .. - -- to-.....r.: 9 , 24 , 05 - Goy v_ 11 , Ii, 05 - "'" V_ A R C' n " I' '0 H I J ,2. o.t. at ...., Tnnst. ,5 ,2 ,0 ,0 ,a ,0 ,0,01 , , . (Full 511. Price ilthe total _mount ~Id tor the propaty Indudlng peROnll property. Thit ~ II'IIY be In'" form of Alh. Other praperty or good.. Dr the .-..mp(ian of mortpgel or other obIigllionl.. ,.,.,.. round ro ".. "..,.., wIroIf dGIIM 1IftGUnt. 11 Ful .... Price ,.. 1ncIu.. tha v'" at p....... I 0 I 0 I property InaIudIld In .. .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Dotl ohould nftlCl the 111111 Flnol ............ Roll Ind TIX Bill 'I. v_.. ..-- -.... -....... 104/05 I '7 T.... _ V_I" oII-.-~ 1ft _I which InIormItion taIIen '. ....- '". "- ano ,2 ,1 , OI_U ,..___1 HatUtuck 2lL T.. Mop .........'111/__.111......_1...._ _ with ___......111 1000-143-4-18 SaIIt BItween ~. or Fonner RNlMtI s.It BeIwMn .....18d CornperdmI or Partnen IfI Buarnea One 01 tho ....... 10 .... . _ Buyer or Seller Is Governmoru Agency or lAnding Inltitutiofl Duod Typo nDt WwrIllllY or Barpin Ind Sell CSpecify Below) ,. of Fral:lioMl Of &..I llYn Fee Inbt,.. ISpedfy 8oIow1 SignlficanI Chenge in Property latwa.. Taxable StaIUII ....d SaIa DIll SII1a of ....... illncIudod In S111e Price 0..... U....oI F...... A--.g Salo ..... (SPEl'" B_ , ; ,4 ,4 .0 ,0 , I I CERTlRCATION l I ftI'IIf'y dud .. nI' the lIftIa ollnl'unnadun raIered .. ... rurm 8ft' tnIr ... C'UI"nd lto tilt .. or 111)' IulnIedMt IUId hrHrf) and I UDdI. --.I dud Ihe 1118ki1lll or WI) ...iIUUI fIdMo I&IItfrIWnt Df ........... r.ct bIftIn "W IIUbjeft 10 Cht DI"Cft...... ullhr DftUlI .... nlldhr 1o.11t' mlldna ... n.... of...... tndnllllfnIJ. BUYER'S A1TORNEY ~ J.S' \IA11'1 212 .... COO< - o en Bruce lI. rllSl t.AI6 684-1919 ....- ...... NEW YORK STATE COpy ,