HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 939 3f-7--IL NY 005 - Bill'" and Sale Deed wilb C........ apinsl QnMor', Ads Indi.iduaI., Corporal... ISiqIo Sholl) INYBTU 1IlIl!) L I (f. 91 j- CONSULT YOUll LAWYER BUORE SIGNING nlls INSTRUMIlI\o'T - TIllS INlt'TKUMENI' SIlOULD BK usm BY LAwn:Jlll OI'II.Y f q)) THIS INDENTURE, made lhe BETWEEN 1st July t in the year 2005 day of GUSMAR REALTY CORP.,1l domestic corporation, with offices IQClltCl\ lltl.~-15 37th Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101 J, 'i . .' J 001..., ,\ . ,J "I~ .;.pi ...I 111..,;tJ.t . I. ., ". ,,-., ,1,..1 I.. ,'III L".l,:~~ 1 . .;. . .1111:.1 party of lhe first part. and SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION,INC., a domestic corporation, with offices located at 13-15 37'" Avenue. Long Island City, NY 11101 party of \he second part. . WITNESSETH. lhal \he pany ofthe fllSl part, in con.ideralion ofTcn DoIlm and Ollter valuable consider.lion paid by lhe party of !h. second part, does hereby granl unci ",lease unlu lhe pany of !he second part, \he heirs or """"".se". and ....igns of !he party of !he _ond pan fore....'. ALL 111III certain plo1. piece or paR.-e1 of land, wi!h the buildinp and impro..monlS \hereon """,kld. si....... Iyml' and heing in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" AND SCHEDULE "8" AN!'\EXED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF. SAID PREMISES being; a part of the pn:misc.'S described in the deed 10 Ihe grantor recorded in Liber 11955 page 460, TH IS CONVEYANCE is made by the party of the first part during the normal course of business and with the unanimous written consent ofthe shareholders of Gusmar Realty Corporation. TOGETHER with all righl. lill. .IId inle",sl. if any. oflhe party ofth. firsl pan of. in and to any 5.....1. and m:ul. abulling lhe abov...dcsc:ribed promises 10 "'" ccnler Ii..... !herel1f; TOGETHER with the 1IpplIrle:nanc:cs and all "'" ""lale und ri~h" ofllle party of the tirsl part in and lD said promi"",,: TO HA Vii AND TO HOLD lhe premises herein sranled unln the pany uf the ..cond pan. the heirs or successors a~ llS!iiB"" of Ih. pany of lhe ....,ond pan forev.r. AND the party of the fllSl pan cov'.nanls lhullhe party of lhe firs. part hus not don. or suffered anything whereby the said pn:mises ha.... been incumbered in any way whale",r, c"""pl as aforesaid. AND !he party of lhe firsl pan. in compliance with Section 13 of lIle Li.n Law, covenanlS thal!he pany of the firsl pwl will m:eive!he consideration for !his conveyance and will huld the rigblto ......i.. such consideralion as .IIUS! fund to be appli.d firsl for \he purpose of paying !he eOSl of lhe impro..menl and will apply the same firsllO lhe paymcnlllf the cost of lhe improv."""'1 bef"", using any pan of !he Inial of !he same for any other purpose. Th. word ''party'' shull be L'OnS1I'1Ied .. if it read "parlies" when...r Ih. sense of !his indenlUrc: so requi.... IN WITNESS WHEREOF. !h. J'lU1y of !he firs. pan has duly cxecuted !hi. deed lhe day unci your firs. above wrilten. GlJSMl\R REALiY CIIlP. By: 1'f6..-'.IL~,~ ~ PANTELIS FAKIRIS, PRES IN PKV..s1lNCF. OF. lJsBACDI017fUDG1lBNTTORMIIEU1WWTnIINNEWYouSrATIlONtT, SlaleofNe.wVlN'II,CclunIyof Queens ,.., On IhD '~lay of .111L.-t in lhc y= 2005 before me, lhe undelsijried. personally appelIIOd PAm'ELIS FAKIRIS . penonaIly I......... to me or proved to me on lhc bIlsis of soIisracrory evidoncc to be the individual(s) wbooe name(s) is (....) subscribed to the wilhin insIr1Jme11land acknowIaI&ed to me lhaI helsheIIhey e...,ured die same in hislherflheir ....ily(ies). and dlIII by hislbedlheir sipaan(s) on the insllWnenl, the iodividual(s), or lhc pmon upon behalfor~ackld, uec:utedthe illSllllmenl. NOTARV PUBLIC. State of New Yolk ~ ~ No. 41.4796600 .0 QUldllied m Queens County,<" 1 . Term ElIllIes September 30, 20 W-. Nota:ry Public ACKNOWUIXiM6NTFOIIM 1'01/ U.'1E WTnlIN NEW YOIlK STATIlONLT, IN,,,,Y.,*~_u~_CmiflCfll" llmUofN...yo....CoanIyol' }ss., On die clay of in the year before me, lhe UIIdersigned, personally IIppemed the subscribinB wilness 10 lhc foreBOinl illSlnUllenl, wilh whom I am personally Icquainkld, who. beinB by me duly sworn, did deJlOlO and say hi helshellhcy reside(sl in (ifIMpIou,'Jj,..idnu:. is ill a city, indwJeIM.JI,.~and.JI""IIIIIIfbrr. ifany. 1M"7/); dlIII heIsheIIhey know(s) to be the individuol described in ancI who exa:ured the f....oillll insll'UlllOlll; lhat said subscribins ,..illlaS was presenl and saw said exocu/e the same; IIIIlIlhaI said wiUle.. DI Ihe same lime sub.abed hisIherIIheir narne(s) os . wiUICSS 1herelO. BARGAIN .. SALE DEI!D WRlfCUV&NAo"1T5 AOAUaTGItAfII"Tm:'S o\CTI Trru:. No. - GllSMAR REAL'lY CDRP. TO SlJKoIIT ES'I~TES lKJoIEX:MNERS ASSOCIATlOO, INC. FlDEIJTY NATIONAl. TITLF.INSURAN<:r;: . COMPANY OF NEW YORK . INCQIf"wnm 191' ~~~ Or"'. FilUlitJ ~ ,~ .....,..,""t.fMp~7IIIrA..........., USEACICNO'A'UiDGMBNt FDlUlIIEU1WWII1I1N NIiW YOIIK!l'rAl'F.O,W.Y, llmU 01' New VortI, CoanIy of On lhe day of in Ihe year before me. lhe undenliBJll'Cl, peIIOIIllI1y appe;nd , }ss., personally known to me or pmved to DIll on the hasis of "lisf",,1Oly evidence 10 be lhe individual(s) whololUllJlO(sl is (are) subscribed In Ihe wilhin illSllllmenl ancI acknow~ to me lhaI helshelrhey executed the same in hislbedlheir ClIpIICIty(ies), and lhaI by hWlu:rltheir sipIlJR(s) on lhe inslnuncnl, Ihe iodividual(sl, or lhe pcISOII upon behalf of which the individuol(s) acIIld, ellCCllllOd the illlilnlmenl ACKNOW/.FJJGMF.NT FOIIM 1'01/ USB 0Ur.iIDIi NIiII' YORK STAl'F. o.W.I', lOll, d/S1tM.,FGrftRII C1ftwMI ~""nl Crrlifirwll . ... ... ...... .. ...................... .. .......... .J..., ,CoorpIou v._ witllS-. c......"I'nwiIru., MuiftpaUly) On Ihe doy of in the y.... before me, lhe undersipxl. Jll'IlIOftIIIly oppeared pelSOOllll)' known to me or proved '" me 011 the bosis of saIisf/ICrurY evidence 10 be Ihe individull(s) whole IWIIC(s) is (...1 subscribed 10 lhe wilhin illSllllmcnland Il:knowIedpd to me thai heIshcIIhey executed Ihe _ in hisIherfIheir ':.;;,~'(ies),1hoI by hisIhorIlheir signDl\lre(s, on Ihe illSll'Ull1e/ll, the indi . s), or Ihe penon upon behalf or which Ihe individuol(slllClcd, ercc:w:d Ihe illSClWnellL and dlIII.uc:h indi\iduol made suc:h oppelll'OllCe before Ihe unclenianed in ,he ([nson 1M dry or odwr political JUbdMsitm und 1M _ or tOWllry or DlMr pIacr 1M acbrow/tdR_nl was """n~ DIS1'RICT 1000 SECnO) 35-8-5.016 BLOCK 35-8-5.015 LoT s 38-7-11 and 38-7-12 Cou""",, OR TOWN SUFFOLK I 5aJnlOLD RECORDWAr REQUEST OF .ldeJlly NIIIIoaaI nile 1_ Company ofN.... York RF.7tJRNBYMAlL'IV PAUL A. CAMINITI, ESQ. 53345 Main Road PO Box 846 Southold, NY 11971 I I I ~ ~ ~ I ! I SCHEDULE A . All those cetUIiD 1'1018. 1'1_. or par\:018 of\aQc\ with the buildl. and Impruvemoots thel:cop crocted. al~. IyinI: and bc:lnlllt But Mariou., Town of Solllhold, County of Sllttblk uul. S_ o!N.,wYcnIt, knownllDd .....'r.."".. Parcel MA". PIIlCOI "8", PllI'CC1''C'' and PIIrCO\ ''0'' .. shown 00. Subdlvlaion Map "SUIIU1llt Ea-... Scc>t\on 1" filed in \he omcc ordu: Cluk. of liul'folk County 011 Novanbmr 4" 15193 III Pi10 No. \1426, more. plIfticu\arly bolSDdDd and c\cIlGribcd as {onows: Ea-:~I"A:r- ODe. ~al!. BEGINNING at a point on Ibe --If line orland DoW or Con:nedy ofNCl1'I York State DepBZtmcnt ofPubll\: Wodal wileR! aaId _atedy JiDa ill lD_ctad by 1.b& ao~ liDa of P..rc:e1to be dl:dIea\SCl \0 New Ycnlc StalO for' FUWn: HIgb~ Purpoaca. .. sbowD on Subdivlalon Map "Summit BeWa. SClOlIon 1", a.Jd. polm bel... aituato the fi)llqwIDslhrec (3) co'....... and cIJ,stana4lIIlla moaaured lIIaJ\s the IICll,\IherIy IIde of Main Road (N.V.S. R1e. 25) from the: interseCtlon oftbc _ly olde o'Shipyllrd lAac IDd tbo lOUIherly alde ofMDin Road eN.V.S. Rte. 25); 1. South 56 del. 30 m~.. 58 _. We.t 430.21 relit a10ns \he southerly llde oeMain Road. (N.V.S. Rtc. 25). 2. South 63 des. 43 mln..... ...... WOIt 52.38.feet lUll aIooa tbe louthedy lido of MalnRoed (N.V.S.b. 25). 3. SouUi 33 deB. 35 mill. 31 ..... But 9.07 1bor a10nSlhe westarly liDe of land now or C-qrmerly New York Swe Dcpu1:nuont of Publio Wodcs; RUNNING'tbImco &om II8id point o!beaUmIniJ: Soulb 33 ..... 35 mln. 38 ...... Eolt eJous IDJMlDOWDr fomu,dyNew V",,1r. Stale DcputmcmtofPubUe WodaI272.99 =tto Lot I I, Subd.lvlalaD Map "SUDUIIit Estate8. Section 2" Suffolk C01lDl;)' File No. 107118; RUNNINOthcm:e South 54 dog. 15 milL 38...... WOIteJonlLot 11 and Lot 12, SubdiViSion Map "Summit EstatclI, Scol.lOll 2" 346.24 tbct to land I1DW or.formerly Larry D. & AIliIlQn C. Bouts; , RUNNING th........ Nor1h 3S des. 44 min. 22 ....... WOIt; eJoD81ancl oow "" formc:l'ly Larry D. & AUison C. Bouts eod aJong llW1 DOW or ibrmorIy AotoDloa G. & CaI.i.oJ>:o9 Kalatmedd... 3!13.12 feet to tPe lDulherly IIWe of Pan;el to be Oedl<:....1I to New Vcnlc SID: for' Future Hishway PUIpOlIClI. ... showo Oil subdlviloion MDp "Summit &-., 9eotioa In; . RUNNlNQ thence eJODB duo lIOP.tberly slda of Aid percel the foJlowins tbrae (3) comles a"d cj.iatances: ' 1. North 70 c\tlll' 34 min. 48 lICC. Bul90.65 feel, 2. Nor1h76del,3211:1in...........~221.91 feet, l. Norll:lll3 des. 43 mill. 48""". But 65.02 feet to tbepolm or p\8Cc of Be1l1nlllD8. CONTAINING... ercaof2.6719 Acrel. llalN!C!l J&~" Oneil' Snac:tl , BEGINNING at apol.at. DO,tho_rly sIde ofShlpylU.'d LAno wbere....;d wOItcdy side il In~ted by the lIOutberly li.qe ofh,rccl to be Dcd.l-..d to New York S_ for 'future H1&II"""y Pu.rpoaaa. as shoWJl aD Subcllvlllon MIIp "Summit Bowel, Secdon 1"' 8eId point bclnl IIL1IIIIc Soudt 37 ciq;. 45 mbJ. 52 eee. Eat.. ..........-cd alone the: wearul)' lid.. .;, Shipyanl. Laoo 9.05 f_lZom tholntcnc.nlon otthe soulherly sI.cIe otMaln Road (N.Y.S. Rto. 25) aad the w~l)' side or Sblpyarcl Lane; , RUNNING thence fiom seJd point ofbqlnninll Sou1h 37 dalJ' 45 mln. 52 scc:. East aIo~ the _lysldo ofShjpymd Lane 130.95 feet to Lot I, SubdivisiDn M8j) "SummhEstatu S.~D.l"j. . ~~. ....', ..' ,J ..... " ,',. ' .,.... RUNNING th_ aloog Lot I, Subdtvi.ioD Map "SIUIUJ1.it Bstarml, Saalioo '''\he folllowi".two (2) councs IIDd dl.-"_: 1. South:52 deg. 14 min. 08 sec. Wat 192.99 ftoot, 2. South 33 des. 3.5 min. 38 iec. I!qt 4.5.17 tMt to Illl1OnLIIIlc:nt fouod an<llaDd now OJ" fonnerly New Yodc Stale DaW1mc:.at of Pub lie Worles; RUNNlNG thenee aI""Ili land now or fonncrly NOw York litalc Department of Puhlic W'orkll the followinc two (2) counes lIIId dUuooe.: 1. Soutb 56 dcg. 24 miD. 22 _. Weat 26.5.00 foct 10 . ZIIonumc:nl f.bund 2. North 33 dca. 3.5 miD. 38~. Welt 192.7.5 _tto thelOuthcrJy UDoofPllrocl to be Dedi~ak:d to Now Yorlt s_ tor Fut\l", Hlpway PurpouIS, _ .bown OD Sub4ivision M8p "SWDmlt 1::Iwa.. Scc:tlQl1 1 "; RUNNING theuce IlIone tho lOulberly IIno oIl1llid pan:cl the following two (2) courses end distaD.....; 1. North 63 deg. 43 min. 48 IICC. BNt 16..50 rect, 2. North 56 dell. 30 mlu. 58 IICC. Baal. 431.60 r_ to \he point or pl_ ofBegiWllnll. CONTAINING CD IUelL DE 11.7534 Ac:n:8. .laIreel "'C,. Ona. Sa.co BEGINNINO at a point on tho: lIOu1horly oide of Quo Drive lit tho: nonhw_iY GOnler or LoI 34. Subdtvillion Map "Summit EI-. Section 3~. Sulfolk Couoty PUe No. 10769, said point bc.iDa altuare the following three (3) cou,,- .nd dI.wu:e... measured aIona the lOutherly .ldo. of 0... Drive from the lOutherly tIemlinus of the an: of a ourve OODDooUq the _rerly .Ide of~Jhlpycd Lane and the soutbedy .Id. afOus Drive; I. On the an: DE a """'" \0 th" I"it b"viDa " radius of 40.00 f_ for 0 d1nanr:e of 62.83 floct, 2. South 52 deg. 53 mi.tl. 48 .ee. Weft 248.00 fc:et, 3. On the an: of'a """''' to the left ...."ioa. radi... 0(810:00 fc:et for" ~c of 4.62:\1ooot; RUNNING thcDcc from ....cl poiDt oEbcallUIl". South 36 clc...51 mID. 12...... Eosl IlIonl Lot 34, S"bdivialon Map "Summit EllAll=8, ScotloD 3~ lIIId aloDII ....d DOW or fonnerly P.ricside Hoiahtll Co. li06.9li feet \0 Parcel."O", u .howu on Subdivision Map -Summit Bswes, Section 1... . RUNNINO thence South 53 clcll. 08 min. 48 IICC. Wcat aJ.ana; said pwoal 100.00 feet to Lot 33, SubdlvililJll Map "Summit a-.. SeetlOD 4", Su8P1k Counl,y FDe No. 10'13;- RUNN~G tltcncc Nonb 36 dq. .51 .min. 12 _. W_ along lAt 33, Subdlvb.lon Map uSuramlt EsIlW:., Sce~iOD 4U 758.07 feel: to tho southerly slclo of Quo Dri-; RUNNING thonco OD tho: an: of D curve to the r1l1bt haviaa a radius of 810.00 feet ."lonS tho: southerly oiclo of 0... Driva for . cll.otance of 100.32 foot ,., tho point o. pJaca of BcsUmlJ>l. CONTAINThJO an IU_ of 1.3875 Acn:8. l:a!eal.MD" Park &. jJleerlBatlon.' i..r.n BEGINNING at a polo! at the aO\l'''~.'ltc:rIy corDer ofParc:oI "C" 118.hown on Subdivloion Map "Summit atate.,.Sootion I", oaid. poiu.l beln8 .Ituate tho fol1owinc four (4) co........ and cllJlal>col _ LnClUIUI<lCI m.m tho: southerly terminus ofthc an: of a CW"Ve connectlnS Ibc WCIleriy aide of Shipyard Lane and Il>e southerly .ide of Quo On_: ~:...... 10~., . ". ., .>:'.~.' .-:: . ., C:lUrd:;) 'J.C::"'( ....t<UI.I: TO: 171B729o'l16li1 P. ooq'00( I. On tbe arc of a curve to Ulc Ic:f\ "ving a rad1us of 40.00 feet for a distance of 62.83 feet alODI d\C southerly side of Gus Drive, . 2. South 52 deg. 53 miD.. 48 s~. West 248.00 feet srJJl alona the SOytherly side of Owl Drive" 3. On the arc of a curve to t1l.e left htlvlq a radius of 81 0.00 feet for a diStlUlce of 4.62.fect still along the southerly lido ofOua Drive, 4. South 36 deg. 51 min. 12 sec. Ea.IIt 6OG.9Ci fcetalong the westerly line of Lot 34, Subci.ivislo.o. Map "Summit EstaU:s. Section 3" and. along laod now or formerly of Parkside Heigbts Co.; RUNNING tbimcc frOp1 said pqlnt ofbeJllDnio.g South 36 deg. 5.1 min. 12 sec. East along land !lOW or formerJ,y Paz:bid.o Heights Co. 200.00 feat to a monument found atId other laod DOW or fonned)' Parkslde Heights Co.; RUNNJNO 1honce along other 1and now or formerly Parks ide Hcighll Co. and alon8 Itmd now or forJDAilrly Cleaves Point Condominium the following two (2) COUl'SCll aod distances: 1. Soutb 54 dog. 06 miD. 18 sec.. West 206.12 feet. 2. Souib 10 deg. 39 min. 4' sec:. West 540.89 feet to the hlgbwat.cr mark. of Gardiner's Bay; RUNNING thence alooa tho highwater mark of Gardiner's DB,)' the [oJlowing.tie Unc COUl'Be and !1is~co: 1. NOl1It 88 dog. 30 adn. 49 sec. West 91.34 feet to lll.lld now or fonnedy CrcsClIll\t B~b Condomillium; RUNNING tbcnce along land now or fonnerly CtflBCCnt Beach Condominium Dl1d along Lot 33. Subdtvlsioll Map "Sw1)lnit Estates, SectiQn 4" tbe follow:lng three (3) courses and dis~s: 1. Noxth 10 des. 39 milL 49 sec. East 513.12 feet, 2. Nori:b 54 deg. .06 min. 18 8<;Q. ~ 203.SS feet, 3. Nortlt 36 dos. 51 min. 1:11100. W..st 158.32 f'ooot to P.~aol"C", Subdivision Mop Summit Estates, Section I", R.UNNING thence North 53 de~. DB min. 4B sec. :east alons; Percel "COO, Subdivision Map "Swnmit Estates, Section 1" 1 00.00 f~ to the point or plllcc of Bc&hming. C....n...1n;T1Ii; an ..... of 1.1622 A!:.ns together with the ~istlng boat clock as reflccted in survey dated Marc:h 13, 1992 by Young &:. Young entitled MFiDal Road and Dmina&e Plail pn::p8ted for SlUUnIir Esltates at East Marion, Town qfSoutbold, Suffolk County, N.Y." SUBJECT 1;)0WtlV1ilr to the.provision of Condi~on NUIObct 11 aa c01)~cd In tho Declaration of Covcwm.ts ara4 Rutrictions datad and rclXlrded in tbe of.fl.ce ofUJe Clerk of Suffolk CoW1l:y OIl, July 2i, 1992 In Libor 11506, page 123 and as 8D).ended on ~'c:h 8, 2001 by Am~dmellt to Dei:Jaratio.n lllcorded on June 21,2001 in. Liber 12051 page 541 iD. the Otlioe of the Clerk of Suffolk County and by ameon..........t dated Mudt 8, 2001 al80 recordQd in. the Office of ~ Sufii~lk County C:IC1'k in Libcr 12106, p8fO 903, reserviuB to Peter Fakiris Ot his designees the ex.e.hul've use of SUp No.1 and to the OWDer oflot 33 and his heinl and assJaus , the pl!lntllUUlot Q:01usJvc use ofSlLp 2 aa '!boy presently exist without ebanae for docW.ng or mooring. facilities &t. the cxillliDS "'1"" portiou of the dock OIl shown on tbc attoebed Schedule "B". II.I1d as shown on the subcllvision map of"SUmm.lt Bst!lk:s, Section I" filed In ~ office of the Clerk of Suftolk COqDty on, Novc:mbm- 4. 1993 DB file lI':lwber 9426. SUlBJECT .alao to a pennaIleoi eascrnCll1t for ingress and C/Il'CSS ~ thll= above dock 15 f'ecl by GOO feet. ~ along the lIoutherly side olParce.I "e" described above and 11$ depicted OD IlBid lIubcli'ldsion 1118p aod continwng an adI;Iiti~al 200 feet In a aoutherly direction alo~ Ih" southerJ~ portion of Parcel "D" 8lI de&Cfd.bcd above and BCJ'OB8 tho entire length o;f'parcel.'O" 10 said dock. . :". '5" ()..... I'V'\ ,-t E "S1-ct -\- c:.-::) p \r \ l)od G Q rc\ I f\ ~r:S Da.'f SC.~QE)U L€ "5" Number of piii.... 7. . TORRENS Serial , RECORDED 2005 Jul 05 12: 1 1104 PM Edward P.baine CLERI( (l' SUFFOLK COltlTV L DCOOI2J95 P 93'.l DII 04-47577 Cenificate # Prior Ctf. # . Occ:d i Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mongage Tax Stamp fEIiS Recording / Filing Stal1l]l6 2J Page I Filing Pee Handling d-J 5. 00 -5 - ~ Sub ToIlIl 3fo- IhS- 90 -=- 5. 00 p.?S 15. .ill... Sub TOIlII dV~. 7~ Grund Total c1,9. ?S Ad. Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccjAllSil. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax 0 Mansion Tax The propcny covered by this mongagc is or will be improved by u one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate taX clause on pagc # of this instrument. I-I":' 5 Co_UDity Preurvatioa J'uDcl TP-584 NOIlItion EA.52 17 (County) EA-52 I 7 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Anidavit ~c.;rtilicd-<;~IP~ NYS Surcharge Olhcr :::;] Dis!. Real Propcn:y Tax Service Agel\CY Verilication Section Block Lot 03500 0800 005015 03500 0800 005016 03800 0700 011000 03800 0700 012000 ./ Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ o o Improved ,., 61 Satisf1lC1ionslDillClutrgcsIRcleuses List Propcny Owners Mailing Address RECORD'" RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD I () ~)~.... ,t E'5i...f"'S H-cJ"""a~~ c(o G03~r R~... ('"'/ CoR-Po I:~-t~ 'O/...-h J:\....~ L..o~ -:r:...(q ~ c: .1'1 t.:'l- '( ,110 I A~. 1U TO 7 Title Com an Information Co. Name TItle" llufJolk County Recordina & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the auarhed D......4. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: G(.)~ N\Q.r Rrc. ( I- { C"IlP The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO ';;0_ ...... ,"t .::...-t...+.-... In the Township of '5Ow-;hco ~ 1~W\,",('!><..>"'er ~"'1IRhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. C!lvcr) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number ,of Pages. 7 Receipt Number . 05-0069517 TRANSFER TAX NOHBER: 04-47577 Recorded. At. 07/05/2005 12.11.04 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012395 939 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 035.00 08.00 005.015 BXAMJ:NBD A1IID CHARGED AS i'OLLOWS Deed Amount. $0.00 Received. the Following Fees :For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $21.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- en $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $8.75 NO RPT $70.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transf,sr tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $299.75 TRANSFER TAX NmmBR. 04-4757'7 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRtIMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR CO!lNlrY USE ONLY l:UWlS Codo ~ ~, ~, ~. 17.e:f 1 it CZ.Dote__ I 0/)1 t7rl A'"T ....if-" Dr( ~ C3._I./..->...~.9:~Tt4.P_1 ,9".3.'1'1 ,-'. . =iI PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. ......... L L..aatIDn STIIUT NUMI[ft REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NEW YORK STATE IOAIlD OF REAL PIlllfERTV IIERIIICEII RP - 5217 RN.Z17", .JIII'J LEBRI: Marion ...."'.- 19,1'I~=tatAa. ('Inmnrnn a......a.aa a D....1r &...a:ll 111\11 1'I'nvn n'f' ~nl1t-hnlc:j1 - ,&. a..- _.. men 01_ -w -. _ _ ....... 1:0-""": A Solie BeIweon ReI8tIYGI or Fonnor RoIMivM B SM Between ReIIWd Campen'" or Plnners In Bulin.. C _..1110_10....._ D auv. or ....... acw.nvnerw Agency 01 Lending InsrkuIion F. DIed Typa IIaI: W.rranty or 81rg1ln ..aI Sale (Specify BobIvI I' Solo.. FrICtionoI or Lou II10n Foo 1_ _fy_, o Slgnlllcanl Chonoo In ........" _ T_ Slalu. _ Sale Ooru H Solo "0_10 Indudod In Solo.... 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