HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 909 L IJ L 1(/5 e crcq .~ .M.S 'JJ~ V~if. .' ': ",,\''',. ." 'I' . .,. " ~, ow' h' .11 ,'Iun., .h' ,. th-\". I I'..... ."j'" . \ .... . .. . . . ....... ". '" ., I " .1... .\1.I.....~.\1 h1i....\:\ a:, ;:".~l:.\'\\"" ".......".1.\&..h',.. ., IV.:' NY IlI\5 .1I..oIund _ 0.1 wlchC_..""'Onoorol.-', Ai;g r_..Carpndian I~ _rNYH-n; _ ' . ".. ....'...J..ll ,..,' "'01 ..'~ . . ",", . I I . I _.J" .. ; .. . ..'...'..n_......./..'I':"':.....lt..lr ". .l.'ONSIlI.T YOW LAW\'F.a III!I'UIIF.IllUNINC 11IIll1Nlll1llJMENT. 'I1UII1N!ITII1D4ENT llHUULD 81C1.IlIEP BY LAWYIlUONI.Y . . ".. . " I ,_, '-1:'r II . . I_ ..... .". ,,.. .,',' . ....... . I . I' '.' ...) 'I.., . .~". I." .... ','I . ,'..: '3'b -7- 10.3 Rrstu,IlJ'k(CfrN Tltk~c. PLJ:" O""~/~ - , . .. ..~r. : '._,' ,"1. ,.. '. . I .,. . :..:..r:'..... misiNDENTUD-..;;;";;'u.; ".)t,l""""".-y; " ';;t' ,,;.._.,v.. 1.........,.. ",;1 :BETWF.EN" : .:..' . .:, r:,~r:. ..... r::~" ", : :'!:'.: .11"- ',,':'::'" ...... 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'::, ,". :W!'""~~~.~ '!f.~:fi"'jian, iri'ooniidoralioII ofT.. DoIIm aDd~ y~abIc~jJaidPYIi!'i ,...oI'. '. ..., ,pany,9f.1I1o """""" ~ ~ ~y lIIln~aDd.."'''''' ,1IlIIO 1he panyorlbe ICCOIId pan,lIlo honor _llIIII...ipI or. .', r...... :. 'lIlopanyoflbelCCOlldpanr~~,:, " , . \ '=, 'J i . .~I.~ ,". . ... .;..... . . '.(' '1.\ .... :.' . "':1' "1' '.:1 ,. ',. ".1 '. .:" ;.,. ""'f ..... '.1 , ., I '. I..'~' ,:'.. .. . . \' , . I ." . ALL IIut oedaiq pliO\...... .. pnd.'!f, ~ ",iIh Ibe IuiIdiJ.'P ond i,,'I"'~ IbomIo -. .w-,lyias and bring in lIlo . . . ,. . " '. t .. . , . .~.. . .' ::.. -I .'. "'t . - .r,. ..' . .:'..1 . ". .... ",.' TAl Mop DooiJnIIk.. ',; .' . . . .., SEE" 'SCHEDULE: t. .' "A" . "'.':. , ATIACHED '. .,...., ....;. .. ~ . ~ . 'r' "';. . DioI. 1000 So.:. S~~/) Ilk. Oh<<' 0 ',. ......-'" , , . " . _ . _.~l' .\.""'1......-. _.'... .-= _ .." -.'-'-'" f>ein ~4d i~cLe:~:-m ~e +h-e.s41l1€ prel'l1lS:-c. c:onu-e.y-ecL jk e partie> o~-\-h-e -fi(&'t" p qcr hf're.{ 1\ ~y d e.ecL .hq:(~~..~:.i.:nLib-e.r 1J.3S" pqje31081 . .' TOGETHER with.U ria:6L Ii!le and in........ ihny. of the pony O(tbe rU>t pon or, in and 10 DII)' _II and mads abutling 1M abovc--deoorihcdpmnises ~iho~li....lhmor; TOGETIIEIl widjdie ~'II'''ailllirataieandnp.oflbe pony "ClIlo nia pan in and ICl oiIid'pmi_: TO HAVE AND 10 HOLD lhI: pmniIIcJ ~ p..... UDIO Ibe party uribe """,,nd pan.1be hoiDi or.'......._ and _.... oflbe pany orlbe _ pan rnrevor. '.' " , - ANO tho pony Dr the fill<l pan C:OWOM11lA lhallhe party of Ibe firll pan baa 1101 dme or ...rrered'lIlydliaa wbei'eby Ibe said _i_ hayr ...... incumboml in lIlY way whatner. u..... afl1C1Olllid. AND 1M pany oflllo filii pan. illOompliaacc with Sooti<m 13 orlho Liea Law:OOYaIlUIIS lhaIlIlo pany 0("'" I\nil pan will reaetve lIlo col15.....linn lOr this ....veyanoo and will hold Ibe riJl\llll> reaetve such canoidrnlionas alllMl rund 10 ho IIJlIlIiN f.... r....1be ~ of paying tho ..... of Ibe illljlllJ\'ellll aDd will apply Ibe same fU>t 10 tho pafllll'n1 of tho 00lll of lIlo impn"",men. hor"", IIIliIlS""y pall or tho IGlal or lIlo _ for any IlIher JIWIIl-' : , ",., w<1ld "party. sball ho c:<>lIlIII1lOd .. ir i. _ "partia" w...........lho ..,.... or lhis indootum 10 ~ ~ ~I ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1he party or Ibe fill<l pan hlll duly e...- Alex ,,; ~I IN PIlE5ENCE Of: )(' / ~ .. .., :u '" :"~ ....._-... .-.. . -'..- . .. .. '" -- .......--.. . ~._. ... ..... ... -- _.".' '" ,:j /(i ., '" , . '..____._._ _ ___ __..J Underwriter NCI, 451.s.04161 Tille Num!lslr FU-04161-S Schedule A Description Page 1 AMENDED 06106/2005 PU that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being known and designated as Lot 17 on a certain map entitled "Map of Summit Estates Section 2" filed May 21, 2002 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk as Map Number 10768 which said lot is bounded and described as fl)lIows: BEGINNING at a wood stake North 42 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds West, 157.50 feet from a curve connecting the northerly side of Gus Drive to the westerly side of Summit Lane (Chios Lane) having a radius of 40.00 feet and a Ilingth of 59.94 feet; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly line of Lot 26 as shown on "Subdivision Map of Summit Estates", Section No.3 and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 21,2002 as Map No. 10769, south 47 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West, 170.00 feet to a concrete monument set at the northwest corner elf lot 27 as shown on said above map; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly and easterly side of the Recharge Basin als shown on "Subdivision Map of Summit Estates", Section No.1 and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 22, 1993 as Map No. 9426, the ~l)lIowing two (2) courses and distances: 11) North 76 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds West, 118.03 feet to a concrete monument; :i!) North 06 degrees 23 minutes 29 seconds West. 115.00 feet to a concrete monument set on the southerly side of Summit Lane (Chios Lane); F~UNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Summit Lane (Chios Lane) the following four (4) courses and distances: 11) Along a curve to the left having a radius of 170.32 feet and a length of 35.58 feet to a point; :1) North 64 degrees 53 minutes 48 seconds East, 50.00 feet to a point; :1) Along a curve to the right having a radius of 125.00 feet and a length of '158.17 feet to a point; '1) South 42 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East, 42.50 feet to THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. U!JItAOrNO'WI.IiUGMIiNI"l'ODIlIIfJ!1"wmI/NNBW YOIIllI'srt.nO/fu: .j . . ~ ...... ~~~..York,~oI lIolts I'rV . '. I.... Oa .i,.ii:>;~y of ~.. I! in'!be yea; >cor" before 1IIO,Ihe undonipod. penonaIIy .ppeIRld - AI......... ....... ponllDIIly a-n ID "'" ... pnMlli ID "'" OIl Il1o basis of IllisfIlUly ..idonallO be Il1o iDdivilUd(a)whoaollOlJll!(.) II llW)ouIErihodlOlhe wiIhiD iJ\lll"..-1IIII oJ.._~ 10 Il1O Iha1 .............. .......... Ihe ...... in bisIIIoIMIoir ~ia), IIIlI d;b;-~ aipIIun:llil 011 Ihe ............. Ihe ilIdivid..J(ll. ... Ihe paIllII upon ~=~~~;r IIolIIY Pullllc, Slim of Nlw Valll No.01H06Q74303 Oual1fled In Nasslu County ,..., r Commission Expiln ll5/13120-llr''''' ACXNOlt~&VT'ODI_UIUl WInIINNrwyousr..nrONU, 1,M.wy........ J""""'-kANr_.L.4- .aCclriflalwI Sl8lcol'NoowYorlI,~ur ,.... Oa Ihe day of in tho year beI'cn me, Ibe.-.;pod. pasonaIIy appomd lbe ...-:ribiD& willlallO Il1o r.... inslruJMM. willi whom I .,,; ponmaDy IIllqIIIiI1od. wbo. beilIll by me duly IWllIII. did c\oplIHe IIIlI say 1ha1...........,.Iaido(.l iD ' " rifllw ""'''ofmid<rnls;1III "". iMlwkllw _ and"_...,,.r. if /111;\', "'.rrof); Iha1 hl>'sbMIIey knowlsl 10 be Ihe indiviWII cIcocribaI in IIId wbo CJCDIICd Ibe raqai"l iaIInlmoa~ Iho1I1il1 subIc:ribinlI..v.- _ .....,..... saw aid _lbe......; IIId Iho1 Mid wi......1he same time subocribed (llU'f!n'" riI1==SIIbdI....ic.vr andllw...w ,,,,....,,,'" or hisIbedlIrit 11lIIIO(1)11. ..w- __ . ,1IIwr [!/IJn 1Iw. WdJIIIJUn~ " . IIAIlGAIN . SAUl 0IlIlD wrnIOOlo'ltCAln'l~oa.vma...ICI'I Tm.E.No.. FLI-04161-S Filii LonII.lond Tille APy,lnc:., JONES TO OOLDSIMITH STG AuoclatH, Inc. ] . 48~_ _ Pwtc, NY 11001 . 1S11l_1I (1'111 ~ 12121"7_ Ii\X:(SI6)_1I .1 . j! 1JsB~_"..__NrirCllll'~nrONt.I', .. I. .. , SIoUGrNCWYork,cGao.qol . > I. ',' I.... '. , 'oalliC . 'lI&'jol" '. '. ,.', inlbey;... beIln _Ihe ........pod. pllIIOI1IIly IpJlOIRIlI p--lIy kDown 10 Il1O ... pnIWld 10 .... OIl Ibe buia iIIl1ll1iafacuwY evidoaI:e '" be lheindivdlal(l)............l is (...l..'.....,;'-! ID Ibe wiIhiD inIaumaIllIId odmwlodpd ID ... IIIat .........- ......... Ihe __ in IIilIIIIembeir ""I*'iIy(it5), II1II '~bY-~ ___")m Ibe _ Ihe indiYiduaI(J), or Ihe poIIOII upon bObatr or wIIiI:h Ibe iDdiyidul!(sl .-I. ~ Ihe ins1nlaIoIL ,. . ~'OIIM".uI/llOurs/lJllNlIWrOlllll'sr..nrONu, . /Uw.(_~F_..~~C"'''''1 ..... ............ ..:..................... .......... .1.... r('..."....__Saur.C~_""~I.' Oa die day of in 1IIe;ear befcIe .... Ibe \IIIIIonipld, pen;malIy appean:d . ...,...uy a-n II> ... ... ........ 10' me'i.n.1bi basis of ~ . 0Yidl:nI:e II> be Ihe indiYicml{51 .......... nanie(sl ia f.u"l siIba:rihod ID Ibe wiIhiD ..........1IIlI ~ II> ....1bII.........hov aecurod Iho_ia~ J;...~~-),lIIatby~"jj;i;.-~) nn Ihe I_lbe id . 5)....1be pmnn upon bd1oII' of which IhelndiYidual(II.-l.__dle~oadlllllsuch iDdiYiduaI ............ __~ her... dIo UJIlIaIianed in.... " ,. " '_. DrsrRrr IO()O 0.3 t, 0 0 SIit'llON "DBA ""07 ~O III..lIa ~.. 411 0 b . ID'r 01 0 I . Cooh-rYoaTOWN .su ~II( , IIECOmI!DAT 1lEQIJ':sTUF STG A~t'lJt IDe. . tlf.TIJRIi.Y MAlL TO HOWIId S8mudl. Esq. 320 Carleton A....u. Suite 2500 . , ConIIaIlaIip. New Yark 11722 . ',.,'. .. , k 111c prupcny covered by this nlOlgagc i. or will be impmvrd by a onc or two I C, family dwelling only. V YI'.5 or NO Sob Tutal ....... If 1"0.""" appruprillle lUll clouse on Grand TOIal~. pogr # of this ins ment ~1 0 4 I District ~M0503';800n~~: ~~8~ci 07~~_n~1~003--_nl.o.OO3 5 Communll Preservation Fund Real ~~ S571.435.00 ~;~i1ce! ~: SA . s VJ-/.7D Agrncy . Improvrd VcrifICation. Number uf pase. TORRE!I/S y Serial # Cenifie..c # _ Prior Ctf. # J:l<:ed. Monsasr Instrument o..rd I Mongagr Tax Stamp FEF.5 2C Pugr I Filing Ft... Itl Handlinl: .5. .1llL \- TP-584 Notation HA-521'J' (Coonty) 5' ;)7 Sub Total !;A-521'J' (SllllCl ~ R.P.T.S.A. Cumm. (Of Ed. 5. .!!lL Affidavit Cenilird Copy Reg. COllY Other (((' ~isra.:tiOnIDillCharge!I!Release List Propcny Ownenl Mailing Addres., ....:J ~u. RECORD" RETURN TO: H'award Samuels., Esq. 32:0 Carleton Aveaue - Suite 2500 Omtrallsllp, New York 11721 RECORDEv 200S itJg 26 10: ca: 13 AI'\ Edward P.Roaaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK OJUHTI' L 000012405 P 90'9 !iTl 05-U3992 Recording I Filiog Slllmps Mongage Amt. I. Bu..i. To. 2. Additional Thx Sob Thllll Spec. I A..it. or Sp:c. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Ilual Town _ Dual Coonty _ Held for Appoinllrn:qt.-f)- / Tran.fer Tax N-41J_ Mansion Tax I~ I Vocantl..llod TO /0 TD TD 7 nile Company InfanDallon Co. 1110_ "'nt IAn Islaad Title A eaev, Inc. ntle" FLI-D4161-S ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fornls pwt IIf the onached . BARGAII'i AND SAU: DEED WITH COVENAl'iTS mnde by: (SPOCIFY TYPE OF ."'STRUMF.NTI .IONF-'ii The premisis herein i5 ~ituated in TO SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE GOI.QSMITH or HAMJ.ET of East :\farlon BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST RE TYPF.D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (o,,,r) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :InBtrument. DEEDS/Dml Number (If Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0089818 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-03992 Recorded: At: 08/26/2005 10:02.13 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012405 909 District:. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 038.00 07.00 010.003 BXAK:INED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed ADKnlDt. $571,435.00 Received the Following Fe.. For Above :Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/FJll1ng $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYB SRCXG $15.00 NO !!:A-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO BC'l'II $0.00 NO TrlUlBfnr tax $2,286.00 NO CaIIIIII.Pre. $8,428.70 NO Fee. Paid $10,866.70 TRANSFBU TAX NlDIBBR. 05-03992 THJ:S PAGB :IS A PART OF THI!: :INSTRtJMB!lT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Edward P.Romaine COlIDty Clerk, Suffolk COlIDty HEN WRITIN"G ON FORM rps.Bt8te.nv.ul or PHONE 15181 473-7222 I Y,<?.J,}?, 9. " . C2.o.te__ I ef' ~~, ~.s-t C3. _ 1./:.2.., ~ e;l, M-c.. "- I ,9 ./') flr PROPERTY INFORMATION "-L L.o.don 'TJUI......" ] ql'l~U..."a 1 "- ,..". Lan~M.KK.. East Marion L....., &i.\ilJa1 t-h L_Sllhiet t:h I. To ......... Iubn Ta ....11110 bII ... _ ....___III_oflonnl L Addr-. 1.MT1WIIt'~ L '11IKT -.. AIID I11IIlT IIIMII! arrQllTOlMil at ...- '\WiliWr'I ~!5f REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOAIID OF _ -.nv IERvas RP - 5217 IIN.ZI' ..... J/ft I J A3'}J ..,gg, ,...- "AT!: -Qla 10nIy._..._.....__ OA._...._s.__._E.dota 0 ...-.-.....-- __ forT_ 0 C.__for____ 0 Alexandra 4. ....... .... ........ ", '&_--*---..t: RoI ,... t1......... .. ....... I I . or ....... OR 0 .... 01 . ...... ..- L -.Jxl Properry fIDIr PffT - 10111 'Aaa/ ..... ..- No_ L JOnes LQf......../~AN'l' L LAIT"" 'QJMMIft'. . ..r... 1. CMcl.... bo. ...... ..... mall ....,.wy ....... 1M ... af .... property .-: 1M time DlIIIIr. -- .......--.--: "OoononhJpTYpolo~"", .. Now ConItrucUon on V..m. l8nd 'IA._~_..__.._", ...__._-~ ......._Io....~llIoIria 1L CI-* _ ... __ "'.... _ -- _........ to .....-.r: " ___or__ a .... ...... fIIIIIOd Compen_ or ~ In Bu8inea C Onool............._._ D ..... or sea... .. Go.Il1'UNnt Aeency or LendIng Ins&iIudan P. _ TYpo _ w.r_ or _In....... (SpocIIy _ I: s.a. of frllClllonlil or LeIIIMn Fell,...., ISpecIfy BIIowI G Signilicanl ChI"", In Property ......, TauIM sc.tuI .nd &10 0... II ..1001._10_1....._ I 0III0r U....... F....._na......... (_Iy_ J _ . E ~ AQri<......1 I ~ CGmmunIIy_ f r:on-<iaJ J__ G........... K ......- H EnlMtaln......' Amu.nn I. FcnII "~ an. Flllnlly RulcMnt'lt B 2 ar J Famitv Relw.nt.1 C ....nIi.. VICan\ Land o __ V",", Lond I SALE INFORMATION , ". .... CanIdl:c OM q , ,r I 0'11 MonIfI ~, v_ ,2. DIg of .....' IT......... t. I l() I Or MDnIh DIy Y.... ,r:7.i , '( l.S-.o,ol , , . (Full 511.. Pricll illhalGlal arnounl P8id far the pI'OI*IY IfldudIng peqonIl Pl'05*RY. _........ _be In'" fonn 01..... _ _or_ or'" _ 01 rnonpgeI or 'DCher' obIlg111or&) ,.,..,. tDUIIG 10 Iftcr....... ..,.. doIIM MIOUftI. ,..-.....-..- I tJ ,0,0 I __In"'_ . . . - . - . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oa.. ahould roll....... 100nt Flnol_m.nt Roll and Ta. Bill -:::.:...-:.::-, 0,5, u___~ '......._CIll. LdJ,~-u ,..___ I ZO.T.._~_I1l~........._._____1 63(5.uU O-/,OU LQr"O/O,!103 ~ I S: ~~~, .~ B: SfIo:oG' 't.: ---1 ~EP)60 I I I CERTIFICATION I cor1lI)'.....oIIIorlllo_ or__U11Ih1o~IW_.......-(..........."''''1.............. -.....-.........--. "'llIIf wtIIIUIl.... __ vi __ ro.c ....... .m ....jm _...... ....._ or.... ..... low _... .... -..... ..... or _........-.. !!m!! SUYEII'S ATTORNEY ,J.Pu......Pri. L. ~-- :::Ju..-.trrr ('~"OCl\ll\....""~ l "",- 1Ul'Cll1llNA1U111 Samuels ....- fo31 -.- o o o o I ~i ~7 . , ~I(.r: I X Howard -,...... q7?-"d-"~ 'L.MMONI~II NEW YORK ST ^ TE COPY