HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 321 !~/J~/ 7 f :321 . ' , Ci' 1t'JG- ,. )6 -7 - I D, Lf NY OIlS - Borpn ond solO Ilccd ..lib Co_ .p;nSl Glllllor'. AclS Individual or Cor"","on (Sinll_ Sheet) (NYBTU 1lOO21 " CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING nos II'OS1'KUMENT. THIS INSTRUMEI''' SHOULD BE USED BY LA WYERS ONLY TlUS INDENTURE, made the "2 i' BETWEEN day of August . in the year 2005 GUSMAR REALTY CORP., a domestic corporation, with ofijc~j'oc3tCd ~t .1"3-1 ~ 37th .. _'. Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101 " ...., .... " , ,..... ." . . :" .. p"'y of the first part, and_ '. . .' ALEXANDRA JONES MIS ~1/.RC;ARET 6U,.BERT, residing at 1625 Gull Pond, Greenport, NY 11944 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, lhatthe party of the first part. in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the parly of the second p'" forever. ALL that certain plot. pie.. or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improv"",ents thereon erected. silUlIe.lying and being in the Town of South old, COUDIY of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot IS on a certain map entitled "Map ofSununit Estates, Seelion 2", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 5/21/02 as Map Number 10768. SAID PREMISES being a part ohhe premises described in the deed to lhe grantor recorded in Liber 11955 page 460. TIllS CONVEYANCE is made by the party of the first part during the normal course of business and with the unanimous written consent of the shareholders of Gusmar Realty Corporation. TOCETHER with all right.litle and interest. if any. of Ih. p:uty of the first part of. in and to any streets and roads abulIing lhe abovc-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOCETHER with rhe appurtenances and all the eslate and rights ofthe patty of the first pari in and to said premises: TO H,o\ VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of Ihe party of the .econd part forever. AND the pany of the first part covenants lhatthe parlY of Ihe first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premise. have been incumbered in any way whatever. except os aforesaid. AND the party of the first pan. incompliance ",ith Seclion 13 of the Lien Law. eovenants thai the pany ofthe first pun will roceivethe consideralion for this conveyance and will hold the righlto receive such consideration as a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the eosr of th.. improvement before using any part of the 10lal of the same for any olher purpose. The word "purty" shall be conslrued as if it read "part.es" "'henever the sense of this indenture .0 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of lhe first part has duly executed Ihis decd thc day and year first above wrillen. IN PIlESI!NC.: 0.', GUSMAR REALTY CORPORATION BYi.~_. &. PANTELIS , PRESIDE I lISEACKNOwu:DGMENT I'ORM BEI.DII'WtrHIN NEW YOB STATeONLY, SlaleolNewYorl<,Countyof Queens ,...: On !heJ.I"'~f August in !he year 2005 before me. !he lllldenigned, persolllllly IIppean:d pantel:is Fakiris , penonaIly known 10 me or proved 10 me on !he basis of satisflClory evidence to be the individualCs) whose name(s) is (arel subscribed 10 !he wilhin inslnlmenl and ocknowledaed to me thaI hoIshelthey executed !he same in hislheJitheir c:upacily(ies). and thaI by hislher/lheir signalllle(s) on !he illSll1Ullen!. lite individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individua1(s) llCted, execu !he inslnl I, DONNA M, NEUIIAIIER . NOTAAV PUBUC, MalNIW No.01HE479l1l1OO QuaIIlied In Queena CCIlJIlY , TllIIIl Expies Se1J1mb813O, zili' ACKNOIVWJGMEN1' FoR..., FOil lISEVo'n'HlN NEIl' YOIlK STATEONU', {New York SwuribinJ WitIWD AdlltJwl,d",.Mt C~niJkul'} StateofNewYorl<,CouDtyof Jso.: On !he dlIy of in the year before me, lhe undeISigned, persolllllly appean:d the subscribing witness to !he f""'lloing instNment, with whom I am personally DCquainted. who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say thaI hcIsllelthcy reside(s) in (if 1M place ojrtsit/mc. is in acUy. ine/uti. the .,_, and SIrHl ""mber. if till)'. thertoj): that helshclrhcy know(s) 10 be the individual described in and who executed lite f"regoing inslIUmenl: that said subscribing witness was presenl and saw said execute the same: and thaI said witness at lite same time subscribed hislherltheir IIlUIIe(S) as a witness lhen:1O. BARGAIS "SA!.!! DEED WrTJ-I CQVel'A.N1'S AOAl....rrOItANTOl..s ACTS TTrUi No. TO FIDEun' NATIONAL llTLE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK .. . 1.~NJIIAnD 192' c~, ,. A"'FU1"iJy~A ..,' ~N_ ......s-l..tllW"'-- ~ ~ i <5 II: o u II! ... o :x ::> II: fZ l'j ~ !II j!: ~ :x w II: . USEACKNOIVI.EDGIJENT I'ORM BI!LOWwmUN NEW YOII.I:ST.m;;ONLY, Slate ofNe.. Yark, County of Iss.: On lite day of in the vear before me, !he undersigned, personally appeared . persolllllly known to me or proved 10 me on the bnsis of slllisfacror} evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose 1181III:(.) is (are) subscribed 10 lite wilhin instrumenl and acknowled&ed to me that hoIshcllhey executed the same in hislhedtheir capacity(ies), and that by hislherllheir signBlure(s) on the inslnUnent, the individua!Cs). or the person upon behalf of which the individ"al(s) acted. executed lI1e inst,ument ACfiIIOWI.JiI){)&II!NT FORM FOR USBOUTSIoeNEW YOB STA.TI1O,"L1: to., tJ/ SItU"" Fo,.i,.. ~1I'1'd' Ad:ll:OWwt,IfYIII C,nijiNl,/ .........".....,.........,......,.,...,.....,.... )..... fCompI,.r. V..1Uff ,,'lllt SIGl,. CDIUIIIy. Prrwbta: Dr MlUliciptlliryJ On !he day of ' in the year before me, the undenigned, persolllllly appeared permna1.ly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be lite individuaJ(Sl whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 lbe wilhin inslrUmenl and acknowJedsed 10 me thaI helshcllhey execuled lite SIII11e in hislher/1heir c:opaclty(ies), that by hisIherf!heir siSnatUre(s) on lite instrument, !he individual(s). or the person upon behalf of which !he individulll(s) wed, executed the inslnlloent, and that such individual made such appeannce befnre lhe undellligncd in lhe ({nsen 1M city or other poIilica/ subdivision QJod the .'aJe or roumry or o'Mr plm:e ,II. acltnoM'ledglMn' was l1Jk.n~ DISTRICT SECTIOl' Bl.OCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RECORDED AT REQUI:ST OF Fidelity NadonaI Title Insul'8nee Company of New York RETlJIlN BY MAlL TO /-f'('.""" h"""., jO""Cl rAP-vr<;r /-,.6-;;> IVr /I rr? J NlUllber of JllI&COJ TORRENS J RECORDED ,"2005 0.-: 23 03.49: 14 PI! Ed~ard P.Romaine CLERK OF ~UFFOl.l( COUHTV l '!)OOOI242, P 321 on [15-2')703 Serlal/l Ceniflcare /I Prior Clf. /1_ ir '.. I 4 Deed I Monpp InIlrumenl Deed I MOI1i~e Tox Stamp FEES Recordina I Filing Stamps Pagel Filing Fee, Hondling TP-S84 --- Mortgage AmI. --- I. Basic Tox --- 2. Additionol Tex Nowlon --- Sub Total SA-52 17 (Coun~y) __ _ Sub Total SA-5217 (Stale) GRANO TOTAL ~39..- cf Spec/Assit. Or Spec../Add: TOT. MTG. TAX Duel Town Duel County Held for Apportionment TnnsferTex '{.Coo..-_ Monsion Tax The property covered by this mortg;;ge]S or will be improved by 0 one or two fami'" dwelJinS only. . YES or NO If NO, see .pproprillle tax clouse on poge" _ ofthls inIltumenl. . R.P.T.S.A. Comm.ofEd. :s~~ _--..1 CW- AtrKlavil --- Certified Copy --- Reg. Copy Other --- Sub Total l Rl:aJ Property Tilt Servic:e A;,ency Verificelion _.ni.... ~ .C:-'inft _R '-'It: _ .. , ...t 03800 0700 010004 6 Communi Preservation Fund Consideration Amounl S (l1J".M CPF Tax Due S .2.3()()./JV Stamp Oste Initials I 1 SatisfaclionsIDisclwJleslRel_ List Property Owners Mailing Addre RECORD A RETURN TO: Improved Vacanl Land r/ -.lo TD m m flEv,w rvvt(..; I~ rt:Pv1 ~/ fr~j7 AI Y I / I/O This page forms part of tile attached 8 Title Company Information Co. Nome ~M-t/..>->se ~/.) Title II a "'- 'l Y&le.v Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page PEEP (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS'IRUMENr) 6-c- C; ".,A-fl ~A-c- 'r 'I Co P, m:lde by: :!J The premises herein is situated in Sl..ifFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO 1~c.;;.YAN~#J np~S In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ~ov>-t()..p BOXES 5 lHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIE> IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I . . (OVER) 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111I11111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0133052 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20703 Recorded: At: 12/23/2005 03:49:34 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012427 321 District: 1000 Section: 038.00 BXAMINED AND $190,000.00 Block: 07.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 010.004 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $760.00 NO Comm.Pres $2,300.00 NO Fees Paid $3,299.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20703 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.Blale.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. BWlS Code ~?,3,~,.$,rl G I ~3 I ~["""I C4. I'IIlIIll .) ,.;2'/ I * C2. Dete 1_ Recorded C3.Book PROPERTY INFORMATION """-L lot 18 Loollllon IT11HT _1E1l L E. Marion CU"QII:'OVlIN z. ...... L Jones Name L,qT NMIlI! I CXIIIMHY ,...,....._--&- L ....Ir NAME I EDilMII'I Sumli.t lane 1T1Il[['l'hMl't REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY IERYIC:E8 RP - 5217 1INI~17 11ft J1n VUIloCH Al.exalxIra Town of Southold I IUQ 11939 D-C:t.OIr. ,.. a..-.......... af_ _MIIiOM _ ...1'lr~'J tv~ ,\ Salo BalwMn R.llltiYel or Former ReIaIMtI B Sale Between ReIMad Companies or Plrtnera in BUlineu C ana of the BIIY.. i. liiio . Seller I) Buyur or SoIlar II Gowrnment Agency or Lending Inltltutlon J: D8ad TypllIIDt W.r.nrv 01 a.galn Ind SaI. (Spedfy BeIowI F 511" of Fl'Iletional or La.. tllln Foo In.. ISpecify BeIowI G Signilblnl Chanpln Prvperty htween Taxeblo Sblru. and Slit. 0II1l H Sale of ....... i. lnc:ludId In Silo Pric:o I Othot U...... Fa..... _I... Sole Price lSpeclfy BaIowl J None .......- u...-W.......... ...., NAM:. 3. Tn 1ndica1e wtIoro fuuft To Bill.,. ID bI .nt L _"" W"h.lhonb__IIl_oIl'o1m1 _... LASI NA"" COIIPMY L 'TllEET NUIlI_ AJIID 111I[ET NAM[ ""'''''- o 1 I, or Paroelt OR 0 PIrt 01 _ Parael .t. IndlMtelh. nurnb8, 01 ........". Roll pat'OIIs t...nllerred Oft the dHd 5'~il ... IORI -. . 7 7 I Ix I ...... 'N;JNrHII'T ..- N.... L Gusnar Realty OJrporation LAST NAMl! , I;QMI'MY toNl NMIl.. L LMf NAME I CQMI'Atn' tllaUNIIIIII 7. a.cIl. tha box bekIw whWl most ........, ...... the UIII at tM property -' thl .IIM of ....: A ~ Ono Family Residtntial 8 2 or :I Femfly ReIiandII C ....... Vtcam !.Iind D Non ~I Viani Lind l SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... CDldrI. Ollie E~AgricUI"''' F Commercial a Aportmo., H ERlIftIfnmont I Am"""'lnt ~ Communlly Sorv... j IndUltrll1 . PubllcSorvlao I. Fo_ 1a. om. of .... I Tr.""'" 11 I 16 I 04 ...... DIy Veo, :1/: I.-;t I 05 ...... "'" v... 2 1 0 0 0 0 , . , , , . ~O.OI CFull SIll, PrIce I, the uul iIf\"lDUnI pileS tor the property Including personIIl property. Thl, paylnGnl may be In lhe form of cuh. 0IhIr proplftyor god. Of 1M ....-..pIion of morlQlga Clf IMhor obliptionl,) ,.... l'Dund 10 lite nlJlnJSf ~ doIIIIr .amounr. 14..._.........01_ I 0.0. 0 I JII'OP-'Y Included 1ft .... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D... Ihould ..fleet the I.test Fin.IAsHssm"'" Roll end T.. Bill 11 Full .... PO" L ,.. Y.r "" As__ Ralfrom 1 0;3/011". T.... A_ V.olal ," po....... "'_11 which Inform.don Iak... 1'. PrclpIrty C.... Ll 1 I\.U II. _I_No... I OvstAr PnndR 20. Tax Map .t....m-c.. I RoIlcllnClRltis) IN m.. tMn lour. MIlch IhMt with Mldltian.. IdMIIIlrC8I. 1000-38-7-10.004 1 I CERTIFICATION I I ..11lI)- 1IolI. or.... _ or _.... ._ ...1IIIIl'ann or..,y ~iDlid........._ or........ r..t............ ~ r"'TNA..: I. ITAn WamIl lCWy._""........Ia-k.....,_ ilA, Plaming Board with Subdivillon Auchoriry bills D G. Subdivilion Appravll w-. Requinld for Tr....'.' 0 C. Pore,. Approuod for 5ubdivlllo. wi'" Mop - D -..........-."'..- 8. OwI'I8rlhlp Typo is Condomkllum 9. New Conllluctlon on V.cant land 1M. I'JgpIrtv LacIlId wtlhln." Agricultunll Dimic:I ''''__.__Uldlelling IhIlIllo "",porty .. In I. Agric&AlInI DIolricI D D D D ; 1, 4. O. 01 , ; .... .... lW1'Id .... .... ... or..y ...........11' .... belIeIl .... 1,_ I11III .... onuIJ"Il 10.... """'_... of.... ..... law _live ... .... IIIlIIdaR and IIUetl .or r.... _.... BUYER'S ATTORNEY .....- 516 Finn IlIIlOOIxRx "'RlTMMI[ / 5lMfr NUMll!ft srwar p .1Yl tu-u.iv, I~I ClTV Oft TOWN IIA HY&!! ~~~_~Io! ........ 119J~ ...""" - Kevin p. 483-6480 TWIHONII NUMllft NEW YORK STATE COpy