HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12372 P 887 LI),~7L ~ f ~~ 7 . . '" 3S-7-IO.r;- ;::}tJ rJ.4, ~A1l" t)r ~,.JJ.r:-~- ~tJltH /.y, .;;Jtx>S' SUlndull'" Y.B.T.U. 'ana i3Q2.ION _lupin and Sill DHC' Mlt. Conn.nlllpanK ar..&ar" Ac16-IIIC:I'Id...I.. Cor,lorlliM 11':1'" ,hUll CONSULT YOUR LAWYIIR BEfORl! SIGNING THIIINSTRUMINT . THIS INSTRUMENT .HOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mad. the BETWEEN lilt- 2005 day of January GUS!\1AR REALTY CORP., a domestic corpora!ion, with offices located aE 13-15 37'h Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101 perty ofthe firet part, and CHRISTOPHER CAPOBIANCO AND NEIL CAPOBIANCO residing at 250 W. 89111 . Street, Apt. 2M, New York, "'Y 10024 party of .econd part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in conlid.r.tion of ten doll.rs and othar yaluabla consid.ration paid by the party of the eecond pen, does horeby grant .nd rei.... unl.O the perty of the second perl, lhe h..rs or .u.....o.o and ...illDB of tho party of tho .econd p.rt foreyar, ALL that certain plot, piece l)r parcel afland, with Lhe buUdiDp and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 19~fiIed in the Office of the Clerk of the County ofSufTolk on 5121/02 as File #10768, Abstract #14566. ......, I' r _ . , t' P7IfjIJ o~ ~"".r C-':m,1lF6 11 19:5 ~oNJN IJ,.J 19 ~r""',.,,", ...M II r.., .. ..., ., ~~1>"'" _ , SAID PREMISES ~ing a part of the pn=mises d''l;Cribed in the deed to the grantor recorded in Liber 11955 page 460, TillS CONVEYANCE is made by the party of the first part during the normal course of business and with the unanimous written consent of the shareholders of Gusmar Realty Corporation. --::> - - Dr., or;;;" N.o.- AIi; 7.* '"'S~ 1~'.JI"''f / D ~.... ~..... _ ..~.... ,J,..,,,,.., P~ApJ r ~ '''''- ~ ,~ "s~'" /D4tFT---' ~II.. /? ,''''- e.".n"'_"o _ ,\ ..,:-........-.s,s OJ,rte I~G' 'S~T '"7't3cJ/TI"" ~ - ~&.s:$ ill'" ~ ,... ____' ... ~.. - .,____ lb.a",c M#iK'tJA-t. -,;;,,- ~....,,.,..- oS '70 /rlF N'-r- v' f' , . TO~~~~ .~:I:II CII!II:Ii~ILI L:t:=.. J.fLa iR"~I.. ~1'."J'i :fUI pUll" venn fi-. pTIit iR Al.d ~w '.""3 D"IIl:l:.... _..!i fiStlJi ...h...LL;,,& dl. abv.... d."'llbwd pnium... w dl.. .....IIbl.. :._ d....._f; TOGETHER with the apI-'urtenanc:es and all the utate end "ghlll of the party of the r..ot part in .nd to said premi..o; TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD tho promi... herein granted unto the perty oftho eocond p.rt, the heirs or euccesears and e..igne ufthe party ofLhe second p.rt forever. AND the p.rty of the first part coy.nants lhat the porty of the fi.ot pert h.s nOI don. or eulfered enything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in an}' way whatever,except aI8fore.aid. AND ilia party of the first part, in comp!iance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that t~e part). orthe first t;,.p.an wlU.......Li 1 '1.- consideration for this conveyance and will hold the rieht to reCC1VC such eonsidcrat!on as 3- JGlW [)bn'~ ,.'t\!U'lii'fund.(d jJe applied nut for lbe purposo of paYing the coat of .h. improvem.nt and will .pply the .eme first to Or:'I'(I~; Jilt thi p8ymeiltftlfthe COlt oft.~e improvement before using any part llfthe total of the lime for nn,y other purpose. I"''' .'f ......"' 1 The wDrd.:P'!!r~.y..r~/hlll be consr.rued 1&1 ifit read "partiu- whenever the Bonse of this indenturo so requiru. H01\'l1.11 . - ~WHE I)'v' ,., '. .IN ~TNESS" D' REOF, the party of the firot part has duly .xecutad this de.d lho d.~ and ~..r first aboye .. written-, . . IN PRESENCE OF: GUSMAR REALTY CORPORATION BY: U,'UlIl.A"""'.NAWMI """M ""..111'" WIIJIIN/YHW ''''''',)'iil^UN/~r: S18leol'NewVork,COUnlyof ';5.,~ I...: On thell~.y of January in the year 2005 ber"", mo. Ihe undoraia-t. ""nonaJly a"""""", l?ante11s Fak1r1s . J1elllOnally kl1OWll'lO me or proved 10 me m the ..... ohatisfllClllly ev.'en,:c b. b, thc IncJivicJual('1 whnse 1III11C(.) Ja (an:llllblcribod to lhc: willlin iMlnlrm:n1 ancJ'ucknowIcdlfld 10 me !hat helshl:llhcy execU1Cd lhc: ...mc in hiolherflhc:ir CIfllIC'lly(iCl), and dUll by hisIhl:rIlhc:ir signaWl<(sl em lhc: il15lnlmc:nt, liIe inlividuaJ(s). or lhc: penon upon behalf l~Am 'If. ~~1'k1f~ acted, executed lhc: inSUUlllOnl. IOTART PUBUC. Stale 01 New York No. 41-4796600 Qualifild in Queens CounIJ..c _ 1Iml Upiru Seplllllblr 30, 20 JU.. ACJrNOWUfDA'3M6NT FORM 1'011 USIl WmllN NrM YOIlK STAre ONLY: IN"." y," SlIb.Irrl". wm.OJ A.riAnwlelprMI OtrflJlcat.J StaleofNew'York,Counlyof IllS.: On the cIa:1 of in Ihc year bcfnrc n.." lhe: undol5igned. ,,"nonal!y aJllll'lll'Cd Ihc ",boaibing will"'"" III the f<xqoing illSllllmcnt, wilil whom I ~ """""ally ec:qllllinllld, who, beinS by mo duly sworn, did dq10sc and say IhaL hdshtllthey ",-.idc(s) in (if/~ p/Dl:. nf ~.jdtrrct i.. ill a city. induM ,huI,.., alut II_I nlllllMr, if wry, th.,.,,,); liIat heI.he1thcy know(s) In he- thc incJividUIII dc:.<crihcd in ancJ who execu!Cll Ihc rclll:gllinS illSlrull1elll; dun ""id ouh=ihing wilnC5S WII5 flICl'CIIIllnclaaw oaid exeane Ihc sOme; and Ihat said willlClS al Ihc SOII'lI: lime sub!cribod hislherflhcir Illme(S) IS a willlCSS lhc:nolO. BARGAIN'" SALE OEm Wfnt (OYENAJrr'l"S AOArNSTOLVITCIl" ACt1 7"rTUi.No P,econic Abstract '641-5-02730 GIJSMAR REALTY. CORP. TO CAPOBIANCO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK /wrr~nD'fJll1 ~_M;. Fidelity~. _f" ".....,........1.-.....7>>04........ w u It o CI i a: ... o ~ ~ ~ c a. ",. ~ ~ a: III ll! U....Is. A(:'''WIWINJI;MhNl",.(IItM IIIsUIW WI I "'IV ,'Y'';W , UNA ."" III UN/~r: SlaleofNew York, Counly 01' I...: On die day or in liIe year . bc(ore llIe.the undc..isncd. pcr1On"'y appc:ared pcn;nnaIly known lClllle Ill' f1l'O"Cd 10 me on the bas.. or sadsfaacrY evidence III be Ihc individual!.) whoa<: namc(s) is (are) auboaibod u, liIe wililin instrUmcnl and acknowJcd~ 10 me lhal helshcIIhcy """""red Ihc sa"", in hi.o;thcr/lhc:ir CllpllClly(ICl~ and liIal by hislhaMeir sisnatun:(s) on Ihc ioauumen~ Ihc individual!s~ ... the pc:rson upon behalf of which Ihc incJividualCs) acted, executed Ihc insuumel1l. ACKNOWU!DGM6NTFORM FOR USIlOumDE NEw YORKSTATI!ONLY: lOrD t/ Sld~ ur Fom". Gnwrol AdlluwlfttllWIU C,,"'lJIcareJ ..... ...... . . .... . .......... ...... . ............. . .)ss.: (Omfl"r~ Vt'1I11f ",i," $rIlM, C".".,,,,, Pn".fnce ",. Mllnit.,..llry) On the day uf in Ihc )...... bef"", me, Ihc undol5isncd. personally af1ll"'lRld pcISOIIaUy known 10 n", or JlfO\'<llJ 10 me on Ihc basis of satisf8ClO,y evidence III be Ihc individual(s) whoac namc(s) is (are) subsc:ribod 10 the wilhin ioauumcnl and acknowIed~ 10 me liIal heI~ ...""uled Ihc aamc in hislherllhcir ""poclly(JeSI. lhal by hislhcr1lhcir s'snalUrels) on the in'lJUment, Ihc individual!s). or Ihc penon upon behalf of whic:h Ihc individual!s) ""Ial. executed the il1SlJUmen~ and liIaL suc:h individual llIadc .uc:h oJ1J1OnnllK:c heron: Ihc uncJcr.<ignoo in Ihc (I_n 1M dty IIf ntl",r pttli/ka1.wbdivi.riJNI 01111 1M 1101. ar aHIIIlry or ml",r pi..,. 1M ackllltwltdglllenJ "..... loUn). DISTRICT 1000 SECTIO!" 3 8 BLOCK 7 loT 10.005 COU!"TY OR Tow!" SUFFOLK / SOUTHOLD RCCORDF.D AT REQUEST OF F"lIIeIlty Nallonalllde Insunnce Company of New Yori( RETlJRN BY MAIL ro HELEN ROSENBLUM, ESQ. 1287 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 Number of ~ TORRENS RErolDED 2005 Fob 22 12:37:55 Pli Edward P.Roaaino ClEPJ( OF SUFFOLK CIlUIffi' L c.ooJ123n P 887 DTt 04-29774 Serial /I Ccrtificate /I Prior Of. /I Deed I Mortpl!e 1n.,lnInlCl\l Deed I Mortl!8llC lUx Stwnp FEES Reconlinll/l~linl! Stamp" :IJ Comm. of Ed. S.~ Monl!llgc Amt. 1. BlIlIic Tax 2. Additional Tax Suh 'nllal Sp..'l:JAllSit. or Sp"". IAdd. TCIT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ___ Dual County _ Held for Appointment TrolnsfcrTax ....~~Ql____ MansioolUx 1>0"81: I Filing Fee Handling s.~ TP-584 NOlalioo EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA-S217IStoilC) Sub Total R.P.T.S.A. ;b- AITIduvil Ccrtilied Cupy NYS Sureharllc Other IS. 00 Sub TOIDI Grand Total ~ 3, - The property covcred by this lIIurtgaj;C is ur will he impmved hy a une or lwo family dwellinll only. YES ur NO If NO. see approprialc lax clause on pallC /I of Ihis illlllrumenl. ~DiSI. Real Property , Tax Sc!rvic~ . Agency Verification J Section Block Lot 05005990 1000 03800 0700 010005 '~~ (ROTY A . ~~ - . 5 CoIDIDUDlty Preael'fttiOD. Fand Consideration Amount $ .;>.;?8, ad 0 CPF Tax Due s 3oIPO -- .. - -..... .' Impmvcd._..__ Vacant Land V . ~ S31isfiu:tionslDischarge.VRelcases Lisl Property OwnclX Mailing Addn:ss RECORD &I: RETURN TO: TO. _ / () #'l..G"N ---;;;;:~tFiJ 6"'<11""1, ):::.~ c:;. ~_ I /d~)? ~ ~/,J ~,. c-;2.,e:-,eJle---t:> A.1 f 1190/ TO TO ~ Suffolk Count Title Com -:E<!D4,C ':5 . .& Endorsement Pa . e v> (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Co. Name 1itlc/l n Information /}~;~1IC7 L;YC. Ci'?.3 0 7 l~e fonns pan of the anached b)LI.s~A,e 31Jt.rl (l,1!,o .___ made hy: The premille5 herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Thwnshipof ~:cJ'KOc.... !?.. In the VIU.AGE . or IIAMLET of BOXES" l'HRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. ~P~//I"(!() 0.. (uvcr) 11111111 III 11111 11m 11I1111111 Mil 1111 1111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPPICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument I DBBDS/DDD Number .of Pagesl 3 Receipt Number I 05-0019502 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 04-29774 RecorCleClI Atl 02/22/2005 12137155 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012372 887 District: Section: Block: LotI 1000 038.00 07.00 010.005 BXAKIHBD AlII) CBARGBD AS FOLLOWS DeeCl Amount: $228.000.00 Receive,ll the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Band.ling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STA'l'B $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $912.00 NO COIIII\.Pres $3.060.00 NO Fees paiCl $4.211.00 TRAHSFBR TAX NUMBERI 04-29774 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' TBB INSTRUMBJIT THIS IS HOT A BILL BdwarCl P.Ramaine county Clerk. Suffolk County . - --------- PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orpS.sI8te.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNlrv use ONt y "-L IIIXI 180 .......n ITIRT ....." If',? 3 ,tj',g-,r, * 1:2. Doto I~ RL ..... I ~,;1;;2. , OSl . . ... YOU' RP _ 5217 cs._I/.;}",.3,?.2.IC4.Polltll ,~,~';>I - / _"..._ PROPeRTY INFORMATION ~ .- (f/k/a ems LANEl I 'InlIN nF q"JPRfnT.n ..... STAn OF _ YDIlK STAn BOARD OF IlEAl. ~ IERVICE8 Cl. SWIS CoW REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 2. ..... - L ~mTrN L SOMMIT LANE .,...... i::;-7 \l~Q CAPOBIANlD CJIRIS'rollHER lAIT"""~ ....,~ L CAPOBIANlD LAlITMUIIlc:cJIIMNY NEIL -- 1 Tu 1nG... whn.... Tu: 8l1li... &0 belli'll -. .""___Ia._oIlonnl L Add,... I.MT JMMI! ICIDIIMIW ...T...... L ITNIT ~ MID 5DIIIT IMMI crrYOR1OWtiI . 1 " of PM:eII OR 0 Part of . P8rcaI ITAn. ""CODE .. IncIcate .... ....... 01 ...-- "_.1 Rail pWOIII t'raMfened ... !he ..... 5.:'::"" I SIze FIlQNrPUT Ixl "'"" 10111 . . ...... .9 .5 IOnIW 1- 01 0 _ -"_IIIPIF .... PIInning 80Ird willi ,.~t" iIIiaI. AuIhortly Exills 0 ..._..........__Io<T_ 0 4C._~Io<__Mop_ 0 ..- -.. L WSMl\R RFALTY CDRP. 1M' ....,CCIIIPMI'I ...... L LMI......'~AlIy -- 7. CMcIc the boa below ..... mod: ....r...... ....-... ... at the properIJ at the tIm. of uI8: 12. .,.. of .... , ,,..,.. I 12 , 10 ,04 ..... ... You I 01 , ",/,05 ..... ... Y.. -..----- I. 0wnun0hIp Typo 10 ~,,",m I ~ Community s.mc. .. NWf ConID'Ul:lkIn an V..", LInd J Indullriol _ ",-",....- _...._...... K _SoMce __._.~_--. L ...... _.... _IIV 10 in .. AgrtcoduIoI _ 1L ChIllI: _. ...... __ 1lMdI..... . .........ID tr"'-": 5* s.w.n ReIaIivaI or Former IWMivu &.Ie....., ....... Camp."" or AlrIMN in BuIinIM One of tho Buytn II aIIo . SlIer Buyer Dl" &.1_ II GoI.wMlMl. Agency 01' lending InIIituUan DIed 1Yw- 11M WlIrr_1y or a.gain Ind SeIt C5pKIfy 8eIowI Solo 01 F_I or ~ IhIn Foo l......lSpocIfy _ SIgn- Olonp In ...-n-, _ T...1IIo Sr.luo _ _ 0.0.. S. of Bu8I.- .. Included In Sell Ptlce 0IIl0r UnuouaI F_ AlIoctIng Solo PrIco Illpoclfy _ Nano o o o o A~ 0..,,_._, B 2 Of :1 FImUy RtaidniDI C _...... v..... Lond D Non-I~ V_I'll UncI I SALE INFORMAnON , . 1t..... ContnlGt D.te r;~ AgrIaI...... F CammoocYl 0_ H EmMlln""nt.1 AmulemDnt .2.2.8,0,0,0.0.01 , , . IFull s.r. Pric. II rhllOIIl MnOUm paid'" IhII property Induding pnonIl ~,. This PIYINRI rIllY be in .... farm of CIIh. other property Dr goodI. or .. ......ion 01 rnorIpp or Olh.. obIigMiona.) ,.,.. round fill the,..,." 1IfIIM'" ~ 1"_"_"'_ 1 0 0 0 I __In"_ ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DolO lIhould _ the 1_ filii' Aoo._ RoIlond To. BiR 13. fill .... Price 'I.Y_oI'.."__"""'1 04{OS111 T___IoI.._InIl_1 ...Ioh___ . 311 'I._ao... I XllXXJJOC&U ,1._ __ 1 ~ PaolJ)S j ; 1 7 0 * 01 20. T.. ..... IdIlIItIIwiaIl Roll ... 1 n M CI..... then .." ..... .... with ........... ~ 1000-038.00-07.00-010.005 I I CERTIFICATION ~ I artII)' ...... .. err * ..... fA IaI'cIrnuIlian ..... aD ~ I'wIa ..-e .... I11III LW'nd CIII ... .... err., ___" ... IliIIIf) ... I ......--- ... lilt ....... ul..,._I...._oI_ro..Mnln..IIU1jod......... "",.t. "'.... ...._........-........."'...._ !!YD!! BUYER'S ATTllRNEY OIris GJS"O I tJ rJ"; Ca ?iC}~ ~ -- ...... 4f> ; 07h1 nwrn NAMI wrllllA&O I~r, S1!u.ER /OOd r( "COlIC cnv QIIIQWU -- Pantel1