HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 395 WCB-2 Rt\', IlI99 (unironn DC~.) rv LlTS '6& r :-;q") Dist. 1000 Sec. 078.00 Blk. 01.00 Lot 038.000 -7 ~ - 1- 58 5und.ud N. Y B. T. U. fOfm looJ . .81r1"~ and 5.. DeN. wirb ConruIllE .piaM GrlMOl". Am_lo.hvtduaa or Calpor.... (Ii..... w..) CllIIlUl:r _ LAWYD _11..111_ ..__,"1I",_1II01Ut. _ IIY LAWYIB OI&Y. nus INDEN1UIlr. made Ibe IIETWEIN " May , in lhe year 2005 " clay of JoaI' E. Nixon 690 Greenwicb Street, Apt. 2B New York, NY 10014 party ollbe fint part, aDd Jobn C. Meyer 425 Sleepy Hollow Lane Soutbold, NY 11971 party of Ibe ICCllIIIl put, ~II_I'" that \be party of Ibe first part, in considention of Ten Dollan and other valuable CllIIIiderati!' paid by the party of the second part, cIocs hereby ......t and reIeue unln the parly of the seconcI part, \be bein 01' .........10.. and UIicns of Ibe party of the ........s part 1oJeVeJ', AU. that certain pint, pie<e or' parcel of land, with tho buUcIinp and improvementa tbcreml -cd, situate. lyilll' aDd bellii' ill the SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. The following covenants are imposed on tbe property: I, Tbe exterior of tbe bouse will be of natural materials. 2. Tbe grantee must obtain the grantor's approval of the site location of tbe bnuse and tree clearing. which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated 4/12/04, recorded 4/22/04 io, liber 12315 cp 171 in tbe Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TOGRTHER wilh.1l rieht, lille and interal, if any, ollhe party of lhe &rst pari in and to any IIr.... and ro"d. "bulling Ihe "bove cleacribtd pmni_ to the center linel lbereol; TOGETHER with \be appurtelWlcel ond oil Ibe e....le ond righlS of lhe parly of the &rlt part in and to .id premises; TO HAVE AND TO J (OLD lhe premi",. herein granted unto the parly of the aecond part, the hcin 01' IllCCCIJOra aDd ....01 01 lhe party 01 the second part forever. I' .. AND lhe party ollbc 6rst part covenants t'lot lhe party or" the &1'. p.rt has 001 done or lufrered anylhing whereby lhe said rremise. have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as a1oraaicl. ' AND the J1"rty 0 the &rsl pari. in compliance'with'Section 13 of lhe Lien Law, C!OYenantsthaJ the party of the lirst part will receive lhe consideration lor this 'c:onveyance and ,will hold the right to receive .uch consid- ~...Iion u a trust fund 10 be applied lirst for the purpose of paying the c:ost ol.he improvement and will apply lhe some finl 10 Ih~ "")'l1Icnl ollhe cosl of the Improvemenl before uline any part 01 the \OIa1 01 the same lor ony other purpoae. The word "party" shall be <onslrucd u il il read "parties" whenever Ihe lenae nf this indenture 10 requirea. ===:---'h_O'''&.~''~''i~''- J n E. Nixon AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACT CORP. SCHEDULE A TITLE NO: 632-S-8124 All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOUTHOLD, at SOUTHOU), County of Suffolk and State of New York being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of a 50 foot private road, (whicb point is the southwesterly comer of the premises herein described and the southeasterly comer ofland formerly of Dennis L. Kaser & Sandra Dart Kaser, and now or formerly of Joan E. Nixon Revocable Trust, said point of beginning being tbe following two courses and distances from the southerly terminus of the easterly side of the public highway known as WiJlow Pond Lane; I) south 13 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds east, 200.00 feet; 2) south 76 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds east, 200.00 feet; THENCE along lands now or formerly of Joan E. Nixon Revocable Trust, north 13 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds east, 203.57 feet to a point and lands of Beny; THENCE along land now or formerly of George J. Bmy Jr. and Sandra L. Berry, the following two courses and distances: I) south 83 degrees IS minutes 40 seconds east, 47.86 feet; 2) north 77 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds eats, 149.31 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of Schochet . south 17 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds west, 277.18 feet to the northerly side of the aforesaid 50 foot Private Road; THENCE along said northerly side of 50 Private Road, north 76 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds west, 165.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH a right of way (in common with others) over the aforesaid 50 foot Private Road, the northerly side of which extends from the southeasterly comer of the premises above described and runs north 76 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds west, 365.00 feet to the easterly side of said 50 foot Private Road, which easterly side extends north 13 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds east, 200 feet to the southerly terminus of the easterly side of Willow Pond Lane, said right of way being for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from said premises and to an from the said public highway known as Willow Pond Lane. DISTRICT: JOOO SECTION: 078.00 BLOCK: 01.00 LOT: 038.000 6 . STAT EO"NEW YORK) ) II.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLI<) On rhe,t{ day.r May in dI. yar ~ before me, lhe uodm~,peIWMIIY__ Joan E. Nixon . penonaIly k......1O me or proved I. me on the bail .r IIIlilfloclory evid......1D be .... iadlvidual(.) whole name(.) II (lie) IUbIoribed 10 the within ;"lInImenlllllloclmowledpd ID me IhIl hellhellhey ueeuted Ihe...... in hillllerllheir eopICily('<I), IIIIIIhIl by hiolherllheir IlgnallllO(.) on .... inIInunonI, the iadividuol(.), or.... perIDII uporl behllr.rwbich Ih. individllllll.) ICl8d, llUCII1ed Ihe inSll1lmml. ~~A/_ - ~ ~or S......n..dom...r lo_du.1 tUl.......--......t KENNETH B. ZAHLER ..dIvld..llaklo......awled.-t Notary Public NolaryPubllc, Slatecf NewYorl< Suffolk County. No. 01ZA4517618 . F.r .''''""",,,...,Il. III..... I. Now Yali< SlIIte. Term Expire$ Febru.ry 28. 2007 .. Stat.. Dla1rkl orC.la....", T.rrtlory, ~.." or Fonlp Caaotry . SfATIlOFNI!WYORK) ) a.: ) COUNTY OF On .... _ diy ar in.... _ _ beI'oR me, lhe 1IIIdaIi...... pomooJly ~ ....-.ally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe bai. ar iIIiafoclory mdonee 10 be.... individual(.) whoao name(.) iI (lie) IUbocribed I. dI. within illllnlmelllII1II aeknowledpd I. me that hoIlhelthey ..._111.1lIIIO in hlalhorltheir --"Y1ioa), IIId thll by hillherlllu:ir sipoture(.) on .... inarumenl. .... ,adividlllll(.), or III. perIDII upon behalr.rwhi.h dI. iadividuall') lCled. ...ecuted Ih. instrurnnlt. )..., On the _ diy.r in lhe yar _before me, Ihe IIIlderalp:d. penorIIIly appoorod pmonally 1_ 10 me or proved 10 me on .... bais or sodIlKlory eviden.. I. be .... iIldividull(.) wb... DIIIIO(.) i. (....) IUbscribed t. ,he widlin insnumen\ IIId ICknowledpd 10 me lhat heIabdIhey ......Ied lhe 1lIIIO in hialherflhoir _il)'(les), IhaI by hialher1lheir .ip......) on th. i......menl. lhe individuall'), or.... pmon upon beha1r.r ..i1i.h the iadividUlll.jlOled. ......... .... 'nllrUmml. and lhat su.h iadivulull mod.....h appeII'IIIOe _ ....lIIIdaIipod in .... . (lnson th. city.r ocher politi..1 subdiVl.ion IIId th. SIll. or counlry or other pi... Ihe ocknowledgmcnt wu .....n). .. r.r ....D....odpn..ts I...... .Dbld. af Now Yoli< SIIIte. !llrplll .. ..., .r1l WUH CoVJ:NANT AC^INST CRAN1OR"S AclS TITU No. - Joan E. Nixon TO John C .!leyer lToUIDAID .... Of NIW 1'011 ICMID Of IIftl __... DUIribwIM .. First American Title InsurGntt. CompGny of Nfl/) York ~ I I II !l I I I I ,.. SlpltDn .Dd 0IIIce or l.dlvldoaltaklB..ckDowIedameat 'ECTION lLOCIC LOT 078.00 01. 00 038.000 Suffolk COUNTYoIUIII\_'" ReCOJded AI Roque.. 01 plnC_.nllo 1_ ~ 01 Now V... UTUIN ay IIAlL TO; Richard W. Vandenburgh, Esq. Fo.tcy & Vandenburgh, LLP 4 Monteuk Highway We.thsmpton, NY 11977 ZlI No. I Number ofJlllgcs I TORRENS I ~ ~2 l ," RECORDEO 2005 /lay 10 010 34. 51 PH Edward P,R~aine CLEm: OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012386 P395 !:ITtI 04-40175 Serial" Certificate" _ Prior Ctf. "_ Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FE.~. Recording I Filing Stamps ~ Page I Filing fee /1- -~- _5:._ '. Mongage Amt. Handling TP-S84 '":,:. I. Basic Tall 2. Additional Tax Notalion Sub Totll R.P.T.S.A. - _~ _ Sub TOlll -jj;{ ~7 GRAND TOTAL ;?dO dL/7- /Ul. SpeelAssit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ Transfer Till I Sf ~ C/ Mansion Tax _ The property covered by this mongage is or will b. improved by . one or two family dwelling only. YES orNO_ If NO, sac appropriate tIll cllu5e on page N _ of this instrument. / _(d-tJ 6 Community Preservation Fund Consideralion Amount $ 365,000.00 EA-S2 17 (Coun~1) EA-S217 (SlIte) Comlll. of Ed. _~CllL- Mfidsvit ~)..f!.!2 _ ...... --'" Reg. Copy Other ,.-J Sub Tolll I) = l Real Property Tax Service Agency Verifit:llti.9.n . Dist. Se~~~~ ~. .___B,,~~ "~: ~:_ Lol i 05017655 1000 07800 0100 038000 i ! ~~ !' J I SatisflctiorlslJ)ischBrgeslReleases'ListProperty"Owners Mailing Addre RECORD & RETUM TO: CPF Tax Due , $ 5.800.00 Slamp Initills Improved Vacanll.and -.L Date R i,ohard W. Vlndenburgh, Esq" FOister & Vandenburgh, LLP 4 Montauk Highway Wuthampton. NY 11977 TO 10 TO TO 7 'j 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title" Aquebo un Abstract Cor . 632-8-8124 ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page nus page forms part of the attached Deed (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Joan E. Nixon ,C'.:J=he pn:mises herein is situated in ':1 SiJFFOLK COUNlY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAt'IIILET of Southotd John C. Meyer Southold BOXES 51HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I_.,.....~ 1111111111111111111111 0111111_11111 ~IIIIUIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number c)f Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0050084 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-40175 Record.d, At. 05/10/2005 01134.51 PM LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012386 395 Districl; . 1000 Section. Block. 078.00 01.00 BXAMJ:NED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $365.,000.00 Lot. 038.000 Deed Amc)unt. Receivee! the Following Fees For page/FOLling COB EA-CTY TP-584 RPT TransfElr tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,460.00 Above Instrument Bx8lllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCBG BA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTII Comm.Pres Fe.s Paid $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $5.00 $0.00 $5,800.00 $7,507.00 Bx8lllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFlUt TAX NtJMBBR. 04-40175 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTROJIENT THIS IS NOT A BJ:LL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County c,. SWIS c-. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSmUCTlONS: http://www.orps.B1Ble.ny.uB or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,. STAlE OF NEW TORK STAlE IIOARD OF REAL -.nY BERVICU FOR, COUNl'Y USE ONLY RP - 5217 ..-A17....., PIlOPERTY INFORMATION "=::L 275 ........-,. Sleepy Hollow Lane .....,.- L Southold L t1T1'ORTOWfl, Southold -- 111971 "c:.am 2. IIuyor N.... Meyer lAITNNlI'l!ICOIIPANY John C. ........ L L""NAIIlICOMl'AN'i ....- I. T.. Inc... wheN lueufl TIX .....10 blllIIIt L uu..1 if ell_ tMn buyer IdcIra-. ell' boItom of form) Addr.. lAIT NAMl' la:lIIHMY "'1 NMIt L IoIIlUT 1IAlIUlII_1TIIUT MAlA alYGIl1UMll . IIAII .. .... .. ::-'_ I II.. PIlCINIKliI I x I _IH IORI .... .9 .2 I IOnIrB_"'._I___....." fA. ......... Board with ~~. IIIon AuIboriIy ExiIII 0 411.~__Roq_""T_or 0 OC'_~""SUbd__...._'" 0 ... I....... tIHl n..... 01 ~ RoI ~ 1ft I ._ an 1M.... 1 l.olPll...1o OR 0 Ponol._ ..- Nom. L lIixon L....' NIIoMi I CQMM."IY Joan E. ,.rllloft L LAlIT IIIIlIIl/CC>>IWIY ...,..... 13. Full .... ..,.. 3 6 5 0 0 0 , j'" 0 . 0 I , . . (full s.ta Prlc:l it the toI.t ...ounI Plid for 1M propGfty Il"CIudi"lll PI.....I property. ThiI ~II nwy be In thI form of CMh. ather property Ot goocII. at'" ....".won 01 man;aga. ell other obIlpt1ans.) ",.,.. tOUIId ro ". ,..,. MrhoIe dDIIM amaunt. L ' -...----- a. 0WneraNp Type II Condominium E ~ ".lcuIlu..1 I ~ Communi.. _ .. _ c:onoor.-. an V.... lAnd F Com_ J Indullriol ''''PnIporIy~_..__ Q _ K Pub6c:_ ,oa..._.___ H EnIarUlInmInII AmuMrMnI L Foren ....... P'ClI*\Y illn III AgrIcuIIurDI DIMricI 15. a.cII_.. .... "'_.. .. ............. to......r.r: A "II &.Iwaon ReIMiveI or Formw .....UwI B s.a. .....,. ~ CamPi"", or .-.nn.. in 8~~ C Ono of IN Buywa II .1aD D SaIor D &uv- or SeIIDf .. Gowrnment Auelq' ar Londing IftIlitution n Daod T_ _ W.non!'( or......lIld.... tSpocIfy _ I' BIlle of FncdonII Of' '-- than foG Il'UNIt I8pedIy BokIwI G llio- ChI""" In _ __ T_bIe_1Ild Sola DaIoo H Sate of...... . Inducted III &.III Price I 0Ih0r Un....... F...... ~ _ PrIco tSpocIfy lloIowI J _ o o o o 7. Check 1M ltax billow wIdch mAt ~urltelv........ 1M u. of the properly M 1M ~... MIr. A~OnoFomily_" 8 1...3__1101 C __ V..... Lond D Non.....".lal VIICII'lt Land I SALE INFORMATION I n. .... ContIrIlIIt DnII 12 -... /10 ... / 2004 1 y.., 12. 0... at .... IT......... 5 - / ... , / 2005 I v.. ..._........."',.....1 I ..0,0 I ......-rtY ........ In '1M .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - om. Ihould ren_ the I...... Final .....T1V18nl Rolllnd Tax Bill ,.. v.... at A__...,.,... RoIIIrom I O. 5 'I 17 TOIIII Aa-.d V.... tal II ,.,........... I whim ............ ,... . . a ; , .8 .0 .0 , ,.._c_ Ll.. J , ll-LJ ,..__";'1 Southold 2Il. Ta ... ........., I 110M Iden1IIierCI) .. n-.....,... ..... ...... wIIh ........ ..........,1 1000-078.00-01.00-038.00 I I CERTIFICATION I I <OrtW) _ oD or 1/10 1_ "_110.. __ 0Il111i11 run... 1nIt.... _,.......... """ .......1IIIlI boIkI)... I __ ..... IIIe ......... or,",>" wBIIIII__or_n1oIraoct_ .111 IlIIdKl d..... .....ldo..orl/lo ......... _...lbIlIlllIdna_-.or__ /BlXi!! BUYER" ATTlIIlNEY SoVTHaLh QIYOflTClIWN m~--- ,~j,6s- .~ I S(..B''lJ+a~ LA~ I'IIIffTNlJ..... .1IIHrNAMl!IAf'1!"~1 I J.j I '!;tJ1 ?~ :/ 6(~~ Vandenburgh' Richard W. LAlTNoV.: ...-r1illl\Ml . 631 288-5550 MlACODi. nLII'ItOIloIi....1I NEW YORK STATE COPY