HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 167 /40 -2-3&,3 ~yr-N IJ'1"O'"v ~ ~~~~ C~SUL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-nuS IHSTRUMENT SHOULD SE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY I U 1 Li 11 ' f \l'1" S' - Jl.ft).oo I> 0)..'00 L o'3(.ooJ ~-tl5"~.)-)"I,,}(,'-( , . THIS INDENTURE, made the 12 BETWEEN day of September 2005 DONNA URBAN, residing at 195 Mary's Road, Mattituck, New York 11952 party of I'!B firstGIi and AOiJ.- RUSSELL; ANTONUCC I and LP.UREN . ", ANTONUCC I, hi 5 wi fe 346 East 89th Street, Api:. A, Ne'" York, New York 10128 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, thBt the party of the first part, In conslderellon of ten dollars' and other velueble conslderatlon pakl by the' party of the second par\, does hereby grant end release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and esslgns of the pBrly 01 the second part Ior_, ALt. thet certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being 1ndt18 st Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded snd.described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Mary's Road distant l50.02 feet north- erly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side or Mary's Road with the northerly side of I~ike Street; running thence South 74022 '00" West, a dis- tance of 173.05 feet; thence North 15038'00" West, a distance of 66.00 reet; thence No:rth 74022'00" Esst, s distance of 174.19 feet to- the westerly side of Mary's Road; thl!nce South 14~36'50"East, along the westerly side of Mary's Road, a distance or 66.01 fel>t to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO liE. part. of the same premises conveyed to James Leddy and Eileen Leddy, his wife by deed dated July 9, 1991 and recorded in the Suffolk Gounty GII!rk's office on July 9, 1991 in Liber 11295 Page 507. BEING AND INTENDED TO BK the premises conveyed to Donna Urban by deed dated N~'ember 30, 1998 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 17, 19!~8 in Liber 11934 Page 571;. TOGETHER w~h all righl We and Inleresl If eny, of the party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abutting the ebove desaibed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER w~ the appurtenBnces end ell the estale and rights of the party of the first part In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SIJCC888OI'S and assigns of the party of the second part lorever. ANI) the party of the flTSt par\, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the considaratlon lor this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideraUon as II trustlund to be applied Ilrstlor the purpose 01 paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same flrstto the payment of the cost 01 the Improvement before using eny part 01 the 1oIa1 of the same for any other purpose. ANI) the party 01 the first part covenants as follows: that said party 01 the first part Is seized of the said prelnlses In lee simple, and has good rlghl to convey the same; that the party 01 the second part shall quleUy enjoy the said premises; that the sald premises are free from encumbrBnces. except as aIoreseld; IhaIthe parly of the first part will execute or procure any lurther necessary Bssurance of the lIIIe to said premises; and thaI: said party 01 the first part willlorever warrant the liUe to said premises. . Thel word "party" shall be construed as if it reed "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. .~ _~~U ~. DONNA URBAN Stond8rd N.V.a.T.U. Form 8003 - W.l'8I1ty ~ WIlh Full eov..onto- Unllorm-'-odgmonl ...... TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Slate ~f New York. County of (II/4r f Awl.. sa: Onlhe/1.-I'dayOI ~W Intheyear~S"" before me. Ihe undersigned. personally appeared ~......A t-tR.f.SAt-I personaiJY'kiIliWiI 10 me or proved 10 me on !he basis of saUsfectory evidence 10 be !he InlIvIdual(a) whose name(s) II (el'O) su_bed 10 Ihe within InBlNmanl and 8CknoWIedged 10 me thet heleh elC8CUled !he eeme In hllllherllhelr capeclly(lefll, t by hlelher/lhelr slgnaturals) on the Instrument. the nchI al(s). or the p8r1On upon behsR of which the Indivldulll( set . lIlC8CIIIed 0 Instrument. Slate'of New York, Counly of On the day of In the year before me. the undersigned, personally appeared personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on !he basis of eellBfectory evidence 10 be the IndMdual(s) whose neme(s) Is (ere) su_bed 10 the within Instrument and 8cknow1odged 10 m8 thel hel8heIIhay 8XlICUted the 181118 In hlslherlth8lr cepacltypes), and th8t by h1s/herlthalr slgneturo(s) on th8 Instrumet1l.the IndlvtdU81(s), or the p8r1On upon behalf of which the IndMdusl(s) ected. elC8CUled the Instrument. SS: (signal laking 8CknOwIedgment) (signature and orOce oflndlvldu8llaklng acknowledgment) .J;ptf'Tft'.'Seh_'Uo. 41ew 7/g"'K .5 . ;1;)- ~i TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE on FLEIS... ._r. Notary Public. sue. at .....,ull. ND. QtFU101111 Qualilktd In MIHIu Counl, Commi.lon eaplflll MilCh D. ~ , I, Slato lor DllItrlcl of Columbia, Terrllory, or Forelgn Counlry) 01 ss: On the day of In the year before me, the undersigned. personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis ofeeUsJactory evidllnce 10 be !he Indivlduel(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subecrlbed 110 the within Instrument end eckoowledged 10 me thel helehallhey 8XlICU1ad the eeme In hisllter/thalr capaclIyPIl8). and that by hIaIher/lhelr slgnalure(s) on the Instrument, the Indlvldual(s). or the person upon behalf of which Ihe Indlvldual(s) actad, executed th,. Instrument and that such Individual made SUCh appearance before !he undersigned In the In (insert U18 City or other poIiIicBI subdlvilllon) (and Insert Iha Stele or CcuIIJy or oIhsr place the ecknowIecIg"",,~ was I8kenl (signature end office of Indlvldu8l taking scknowIodgman\) WARRANTY DEED WI1H FULL ICOVENANTlI Title No. 'S' - -;)- 5 0 I '1 t '1 SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS 140.00 02.00 036.00J Suffolk County Town of Southuld 195 Mary's Road Mattituck. NY 11952 l.(l611 l/ '-';'1 ;1~"MCC .. STANDARD FORM Of NEW YORK BOARD Of TITLE UNDERW...... Dislltbulad by (.fr..rtl Ht.rc.J-......'l, [;11 1-5 -}o t'1tktt(oM.." ".J~ /'1,,1,(I( vtll"y< '" J.J,/ 11'317 ~ IS .. l!O 3 ~ IS III " II: o ~ ~ .. .. Ii! I II! ,. ! . . . . \ . . 5 .r' Number of pageli TORRENS i Serial" RECORDED 2005 Sep 2'J 04. iL. 15 pt\ Edward P.Roo~ine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COOilTY L 000012412 P 167 Dr. 05-08990 Certifieale # __-- prii" Of. # _ Dee,ll MI)r1l!sge InslrUlllenl Deed I Mongage Tax Slamp Recording I Filing 513nll'" 2J AiES 'l. linge /riling Fe,c H:mdling 5. 00 Mortgage AmI. !. B,,~ic Tax 2. Addili~nal Tax ~. ...:..-- - . Sub TOlal ___ -' Spcc.l^~sil. or TP-584 Nulntiull Comm. (If Ed. 5. 00 Spec./Add. - - - TOT. MTG. TAX __ _ - . Dual Towo -'-- Dual c.llInly _ . Held fur Ap . !lIlent (0- . Transfer x --l!{5. ~ -. Man' oTax ----- I e property covered by Ihis mortg;.ge is f will be impro\'cd hy II Cln~ ur lWl' amily dwelling only. . YES__ or NO HA-52 11ICounlyl.:___ _n' Sub Tn',,) EA-5211lSlale) RJ'.T.S.A. 3n. @... -- --. . --, oC! Affidavil Certified Copy Reg. Cnpy Other Snb 10101 Grand 1'0101 -:-:!IO(>u J' ''10' (>/J ~ Distriel Seellon Real I I'mpcrty Tax Service Agency Verificmiun I Block o').,.,v Lol 1000 14000 0200 036003 CPF Tax Due Improved ) 6 SalisfaclinnslDischargesIRdeascs Lisl Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Ctr~// r::'fIf,l",~-, ['1 '9-,. J, 1'-7' fro'" -1'-/-" /4.-A ~."(,,(I.A ....,/I.v<. t'i' /n1, TD Vacant Land __ /0 :7-- 7 Title Com n Information Cu. Name <:;-fG: p/(f'.e/..k, Title # -,;J.. ),1' ,'-t ! ~ Suffolk County R.ecordine & Endorsement PaKe This puge forms pari of the annchcd __ . 'T)J,A . lSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) _ made hy: ))~_J4 "1"""c,,_ The premises herein i~ siluated in SUFI'OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO _~:~....... - i'f.. Iv,,"c ( I A.~r!A11 Jf/n-lo.......a'. In Ihe Township ~r 11Il/le VILLAGE '>. ~-rt.1 ,;I or HAMLET of . BOXES 6 T1IRU 8 MUST BE TYI'ED OR I'RINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. lover) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SU!'FOLIC: COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :[nstrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmber o:E Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0102828 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-08990 Recorded. At. 09/29/2005 04.22.15 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012412 167 District: 1000 SectioD. Block. 140.00 02.00 RY"JlJ:NED A1IID CHAllGBD AS FOLLOWS $362,500.00 Lot. 036.003 Deed Amount I Received the Pollowing Pees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfel~ tax $1,450.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $4,250.00 NO Fees Paid $5,849.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-08990 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ". FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code ,lit STAlE OF NEW YORIl STAlE _ OF REAL PRIIPmTY IEIMCElI RP - 5217 11"-5117"~ ,(o .. ,4 iCrf..t II I 111'1,J-1 "'- -- C-A'!" J.... -..... 1. T.. IncIicute wMnt twirl TIX BIll 111 to bt.... ..... . ""'.....n___ta...... of 10<11'1 I Ad_ L.r.I'T NAIl! If.IJM'AIf't I1RST~ L aTlIHT~".....TIIIII...... "" OR__ ..~n. "'CllIII: ..~ L -.JXI DIMItY MONT fUT ... . a Sol. LtJiJ~ H..... . II.......... villi 0111 ".IN OR D Part a" P.rcaI 'N;w,U' . 1OnIy....... . - _...... - 4A. PIInnin(I BoIrd ~ ............iIion AuIharity ExiIII 0 .. c.-I./tIion AppIcMI... RequIred b T,..,., 0 4C. ParcII AppnMd for Subdh IIIon oMth Mlp PrOlridMI 0 .. ...... .... n........ 01 .&_6_ "... Roll ~ ........... on'" ..... .Cb NJJA:- -- L LAlIT NA-. J COIiI....1iIJY FMTNNIIt 7. a..c. .. INNI below which MOSt __-.., ........ the 11M 01 the property .. 1M tInw r1I air. a.cIr: thl ..... below . ...., apply: l aOw_,....Ia~I... ,\ One Fomlly _101 ); ~ At!.eultural I ~ CammuoIIy 5oNlco a _ ~ on v_.. t.nd B 2 or 3 IllIYIIr Aeeidenlial F Commorcl.1 J InduIINI 1M. Propurty t.ocMId WiltlM 1ft Agricullunl 0IIIrk:t C R_daufi,1 v.... lIInd (j Ap,Irtment K Pubnc Service ,. Buyer ___. dilclal&n nadcllrdcallng D Non R,1.iNnt1&l VKanI LInd H E~nrMnC J Am.-menI L Fcnat UaaI'" prGpM1y II In In Agric:u/IufII 0IIIrIcI I SAlE INfORMATION I 15. _...... _.. - ........._.......- to_ "..................... 101, J 1\ J IJ )1 A 501o__arFa,,,,,,,IIoI_ ~ v_ 8 SlIe BINIeen f'ellllld Compa... Dr Partners in Bulinu. C Ono"'ho~Io_.SoIIot o IIuyar or s.a. it Govwmment Aganc:v or LondIng InltilUl:lon E Doad 1yPo ... Wononty ... IIaogoin .nd _ tspocIIy Balow. F _.._...t.oo.....Foa._tspocIIy_ (J SlgnlIIca.. 0Yng0 .. -., _ TIIIOIIIa _ and Solo..... H _of_Io'__ln_Prioo I Olho. Un..... _ --. _ Prioo ISpocIIV Ba_ J _ o o o o 11. hi. 01 s". , lranlflr 10e:; d )-, 0 )1 MtInI'I o.r YOIll' 11.'.............. . >b)..5~ o. ~ 0.0 I , , . (full Sal. PrIce IIIhe lotIl amount PIleI tor lhe property Including pttr'ICIMI praPMIY. This PIvment IMY be In II" form or ClM. artier ~ or gaocII. or the -.mpdon of morlpglS Of' ather obIlgat1Dn1.) "..., lound 10""""''''''''' daHM 1mOUnI. L. ,..-....-..-.. I .0.0 I "....., ........ In'" .. . ASSESSMENT INfORMATION. Dato ohould r.hoc' th. I...., Fln.1 _m.nt RolI.nd T.. Bill 'a....... _....._,0 '5'"1'7 T__V_I"oII_.._1 which Inlanndon IIbn . . S'..,fLLI/ , , Y. V. 0 () , 18. _aono 1:l-.!.....J2J-LJ ,..___1 .. T.. ..... IUntIIIerCaII Roll ~II. more......... ... .... ... .......... kIInIIRIrCaIl 'S:..c...+, u" : 'Lf a. CJ IJ 610 c.. (<. o?- . <;> l.) C. -I- .. 01(.0113 I , CER11FlCATION I J certII)' ..... . of lilt ... ullwL .....,4... t'III.end an .....Ibna ~ .... .... narnct cw l1li' .... of my knaw.... ..s beIIeft.... I ....-... .... IhaI .. ...... 01111)' wIIIlId "Joe _ 01_ Qod _l11li oobJ<ct mo...... _...1.1. 01.... ...... ..... _ ...... ........... .... 01_ _ BUYER'S A~Y -x~ ( "l )" f1//l1y' 5" I 7;' 1::-!llr" - /:-/.(l)l.l__.... OR" -- I ~~(/ -- f'1Lf -1//11 -- ,(, .1 1,'( 11'M.r....." 1mIII1.....IAFTIIIIMLII ....... /I..tJ.1..f-lk r t artOfl'l'Qllllll1 t:..y I ll'1) J.. if.,.;. /"'4 . I~~.s- NEW YORK STATE COpy "R'."