HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 991 \ NY <mi ., Eucuuw'l, Dc:c:d - Indi.,iduaJ at Capotatiml (~. SJ1Ild.) (NYBTIJ 8005) CONlIULT YOUR L.. WYEIl BUoIIE SIGNING THIS 1NSTIIUl'dENT. THIS INSTIlUYEN'r SHOUU> SO; usm BY LA W\'yJIS ONLY \, Tlns"INDENTUiRE, made: the 9th day of June BETWEEN JOHN A. ROSE . in the year 20DIS as executor (executrix ) of the Ia.~" will and It'.sWDenl of. KATHRYNH..ROSE ['\ .-t. _ ~ V3!f3Y:!fICW\ ,!:l\eof Mattituek, New York "\ \ 0 'I. ~ . ... lid' _If to .,.,'1 ,OI.lUU1 VRA:rl(Uceased - .r' O~:S8~~Haso .0:1 ' " party cof!he firsl!"1It and ,\ ~ 'S. ~IO:J ~Iollu!l nJ b.IH10"O MARK A. DAVIS and PAMELA DAVIS, bl, wife, both rcsididf'llt'2lffilfo~lf'I\'ll':d;-"'"- Matdtuek, New York 11952 -. party "f the secom( pan. WlTNFSSETIl,Ihalthe party of !he rusl pan. by virtue of !he power IIIKl aulhority given in and by said last will and testament. and in consideration of ~. Five Hundred Twelve Thousand and 00/100---- dollars. paid by the panyofthesecond !>lII1. doesbcreby grant and release unto tho: party of the second J"IIt.!be heiIs or _sors ancII assigns of the party of Ihc, second part forever. ALL Un," certain pllol. piece or parcel ofland. with the buildings and improvemenls thereon erected. slIuale.lying and being iin the at Mattituek, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk lInd State of New Y orlll:, being bounded and described as foUows: BEGINNING lit a concrete monnment let on the loutherly side of Pike Street, distant 490..36 feet East, a' measured along the loutbelry side of Pike Street from the corner formed by the intersection of the loutbelry side of Pike Street and ~e easterly side of Wickham Avenuf'; RUNNING THENCE along the sontberly IIde of PUre Stn:et North 74 degrees 22 minutes 00 seeond East 153,.39 feet to a monument; - THENCE SDud.14 degrees 36 minutes SO seconds Ealt, 124.10 feet to 8 monument; THENCE Soudl 73 degrees 52 minutes 30 seeonds West, 151.23 feet to a monument; THENCE Nortb 15 degrees 38 minutes 00 scconds West, 125.29 feet to the southerly side of Pike Street aDd tbe Jl10mt or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER wid. all rigbl, title and inlen:ll, if any. of the party (If Ihe first pan in and 10 any Slroell' and ~J3d.< abulting the above ,described premises lO Ihe cenler JiBes thereof; TOGETHER with \be appuJrtenances, and also all !he estate which Ibe said decedl:nl had al the time of decedl:n1'S deaIh in said premises, and also the eslale therein. which It he J"IIty of the first pan has or has power 10 convey or dispose of. whether individually, or by virtUe of said wiD or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unlO !he party of the second part, the heirs or SIIa:es80rs and assigns of the party of the liCCOIId part fon:vc... AND ~l\e party otllle fina pancovenanl& thai !he party of !he fin;! part has not <lone or suffeted anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whateVer. except as aforesaid. AND lbe party ofthe rust pan. in compliauce with Section 13 of !be Lien Law, covenant.< duLl: the party of !be firsl part will n:ccive th,: consida'atioD for Ibis conveyance and will hold the rigbt to receive such e,onsideraIioD as a lrUSl fund W, be applied first for the pwpose of paying the cosl of the improvemeDl and will applll the same first to the paYmelllt of !he cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of tII1e same for any other PUllJOse. The word "party" !:hall be conSlnJed as if it n:ad "parties" whenever the sense of this indenlulre 50 requires IN WffNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fU"Sl partbas duly cxeculDlllbis deed the day and Y"'"" fiI1il abo.. wrilll'!,. IN I'IlFAENCE Qi'c .loJ~ ~ ~ ROSE, Executor V!iEAC/fN(J__BllWW_NBwYOM'SJ'AJJiONu: S_alNI!W Y....CouIII;y aI Suffolk \.., 0a....9t dayofJUDC inlbeyar2005 bcfm: .....lbe UIIIIonipod, penona1ly oppemxI JOHN A. ROSE, Executor . ponunoIly IauJwn 10 .... or povaIlO DIll on .... buiJ of IlIIiICII:llW)' ..idenlz II> be.... iDdiviclllll(l) whooe 1IIIIlIl(1) is (Im).w-ibed....... wldIiD.......... .m a:IIDlIwIaI&ed II> IIUl dill htIIIIeI\bey ......... Ibe ...... ia .~ ~). .m IhoI by ~ oiJInoIun(l) em .... ......-. .... ~... ~ ..... bd.aII of..ticb.... iadividual(1).-I. (J/il.:/) ~~~/ A~FONIJlfMVllllWl7rUNNllWYOM'SJ'ADONu: (4v.wr.nt~""""A.r:1b111 h4.-4...~J SlaIealN..Y....Olaalyal \... 011 !be clay of iD rile yar bcfm: 11>0, ....1IIlllonipaI. pcnDDIIIy ....-.d the 1Ubllaibi08 wi...... ... thB fllIe8aioll inIInm1aU, with ........ I ...; pc:nlIIIIIly ....p..iatlld. wbo, br:iq by me duly _ did depooo IIIli say dllllldabellbey n:side(1) 10 (/1*,...,<1- v. -uIsIJIGQIy.int:IMdI*_and_____ if....,. ~ dill b.nbeIlhey 1aIlIw(1) , II> be .... iDdiviclull cIeocribed in ODd who 0ll00IIIIld .... fon:A\lIiQI ~; ....1Iid1Ublaillio& __~.m_1IIiI - __ ""' I0IIIO; IDII dill aid _ lilbe __ lime IIiIocziIx:d hiIIIafthelr lIOIDO(a).. a __. EllBCI/I'OII'BDEED _1II~ Tnu: No. ESTATE OF KATIlRYN H. ROSE TO MARK A. DAVIS AND PAMELA DAVIS I. 1 g ~ w = ~ I II: : " ..' .. USBACIlNOIfUDGIIIlN_BEl.O"V.'mONNE'/IIYOM''\"J'AJJiONLY: SlaIealNew YorII,CGImI;y of \..: 011 lbe dIIy of in !be year befaIe..... ....1IIIdaIiped, penona1ly ~ ponunoIly~II>""orpoval"'''''on~~of~ ............ be III: iodividual(l).... DmIIl(I) is (lIIl:) &UbIIaibed....... _ iDIInImI:nllDll_1odpd In _ dill ~ ......Ied .... ...... ill ~ ~y(Ia), IDII IbaI by hiI/I1erJIhelr --..c:1) em .... __ .... i..dMdDli(I). or lbe paDllIplIII bChoIf ofWbk:b .... iodividuoI(I) INd. c:aecwd .... ioaIIumoIL At:II1if1WUIDGII FONI JlfMV.vlO/lDIDII NIlW You SJ'AmONu: (o.tfS-""...,.a-,Nl~ '- 1 w,...,C.,.".., _.. .. . . . .. . .. .. , .. . . , .. . , . .. .. .. . .. . . ,7. .. . .. . , . , .. . , \... (CaIpIM _.... -. c-,. _..JI-....,) 011.... day of in 1100 year bellR me, ....1lIICloniped. penona1ly appwed ,~Iy ~ ... _ ar povaI '" me "" .... buiJ of 1IIIisf"""" ............ be IbD iDdIvidIIoI(l) ......1IIIIIll(I) iI (....) IUbIaibod rO.... withio iDmumaU IDII""""""", ... .... IhIl ~ .~.... .... _10 bIaIb..JlI.... Cll*itYfIOl). dill by hlI/bod their ~I) ooi.............1he indIVlduoI(I),...1he pIIIIOIIlIplIII bduJf of wbid1 .... iIIdividuoI(l).-I. WlCIIIlld.... inIIrwDcau.lDII dIIIllICh iDdivlclual IIIIlIe aucb ............... bel_the W1derIipld in .... (~*QIy~~~~and*_~~M odwrpb;e*~_""~ DIsTRICT 1000 SI!cnoN 140 BLOCIC 03 Lar 019.001 CouNT\' OR TowN Suffolk. Southold _AJ'1IEQU1iEI'OF ~ NIIIIooaI1lIIe ~......C""'P""1 alNew YoI'k U1V1IN Il'/ MAIL TO AUnd A. Vvllrm..", Esq. P. O. Bu 95Il WadID&Rlver,NY 11793 ~-:,:~.. ........ -'. " 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFI:CE RECORDI:NG PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt, Number : 05-0062623 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-44481 Recorded. At: 06/13/2005 11:47:38 AM LI:BER: PAGE: D00012391 991 District: 1000 Section. Block. 140.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $512,000.00 Lot. 019.001 Deed .I\Dlount: Received the Following Fee. For Page/l/'i1ing COB EA- CT:t' TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.0CI $5.00 $30.00 $2,048.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling ms SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Co:mm.Pres Fee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,240.00 $9,437.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSPE:R TAX ,NlJMBBR. 04-44481 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PlEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stats.ny.us or PHONE (5181473-7222 FOR COUN1Y USE ONL,V Cl. SWIS Cade .. * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I ~?, 'j,~, 9', 'rl ca. Dote 1- -- le;' / D.:~ I~-' C3. _ I ~ .;2.,,,:>, r,/ I c.. '- . PROPERlY INFORMAnON STAn Of _ YORK .,An _ Of _ PIlOPliIITY SERVICES RP - 5217 ar.A1T.... ~ "-1L719, WA !':t-.l..At- LocetIon IT T II ......,...... L ~nn...hn'n C1IYmlTDWIII Mlttit-l'Il"'!W 11~ z. ..... ....... L ""'....P.~ L LMrllAMl./CQUNNt -Mazr ~ ~AA D~--l. _--1" .... -.. .- ~T .... So Ta. lrlltaIItwt..fuueTaxBIDI_tobe_ _ ..__.......__IIl_........,L Ad_ LNn NAI& IQJIIWWIn' f1IlIlT..... L .r.....'NUIIKI'IANII..lMl!T...... ClT'YUIIIGlMil ..." .. .... ..110M 1153 '""*" rlONTHln - Ixl 125 Dr."" 1001 . . - ""'" 1OllIy._..._~._- M. "-k'll __ __ blItI 0 ..SUbcll__-_......Tr- 0 OC'__...SuIIlI..__....._ 0 ... ............ nurnIIeI' of a___ ,,1\11 Ilol1 ....... .............. an tile ..... \ I '''P.n:oIa OR D Pon.h_ ....I... L ~W~-F 'K':...h....y" J.J Dnall!:a ....... ....TfMIIi L LMI NMlE/COIIlNH" .....- ^~ Dna Fomll._1 B 2 or 3: F....r ........1.1 C RalidontiII VICInl Land D Nol'1I-Atlidencial Vac:llnt UncI I SALE INFORMAnON I ',.....CO..r_~ E~ _.... ~ eomllWnily_ F Commo1dloI J l_rlIl o ........ Public....... n EnI8ftIIlnment I AmuMlMftl L Far.. ~...__._- .. OwnerINp Type is Condominium L New eon.truc:tlon on Vaanl Land 1OA. _ L-* wIIhln.. AQricuhwIl_;a ,.. Buvar IGCOMtd . ....... ....1Nbdng dill_ _ loin.. Agri:ullurol_;a o o o o 7. ChecIr. lb. lbox IMIDw whillh ...... ucul"8Nly d...... the __ Df.. ......, .. the !1m. gf .... 11. ChIcII: ... Dr...... ale- _ -. _ _ ....... tit tNnIIIr: 01 1 MDIIIIt OI.y 120051 v_ A B C I) F. r o H I J ----""-- Sill Botwoen ....... Campen_ Dr "rtnars In BuIinaI Dna or Iho B...- '" _ . Sol. Buyw Dr SeI_ Is Gov.nment Au-ncy or Lending InIIilution Dood Typo not W......, "" Bo'lllln ond .... _Iy _, _.._""Lou....Fu_lSpocIly_ S/gnHII:a.. 0I0ng0 in Pru_ _ T_ SloIuo ond.... DalDo "II of BUIineu illnduded in &.Ie PT. Ot/lor U........ _ Alfuctlno SIlo Prico ISpool1y _I NoM 12. Dale of a... I Tn.... 106 ....... 1 09 120051 Oar v_ 13. Full s.a. 1P'r.1 , 5 , 1 , 2, 0 , 0, 0, II , 0 I , , . IFun s.a. Plric:ll ts btat" lmount Plid for tM property il'lducllng PlrlONt proF*1Y. Thi. .,..,mant mIY be in chi form of cuh. om. praperty Dr ~ Dr tile MIUfnPtiDn of mo~ 'IN' DCher DbIigIIianL) PIHN rtUJd ID,. tIN,.., 1IIt"ItM..,.,. amount ,.._..._or_ I QO, ,0, II I ptOperty IMIudId In ..... . AS5ESSMENlINFORMAnON - Dolo .hDuld rofIOCl'h. _ Fln.l_on. Roll Ind TI. Bill L '1. V_oI " .....__A.1 OC:T T...._V_C...._In_1 _h__ ~". ; , . 6 .:2..0 n , ... _,-. ~ I . () I-U '1........ _ _ I #" /.:L zo. T.. Mill 1dendIiII1a1 I RoI IdIntIIIIrlaJ '.1IMn thlin taw, ..... IbMt with edcIIIaMI kIMdIII.CsIl 1000-140-03 019.001 I I CERnRCA110N I I mWy ....... 01.... U.... 01_ _.... ... tIIlo..... ............. _101... .... III 10)' _-..... IIoUol) llIId I _ _ 1110........ """l' riIM _ _. "'_!HI bonia .. ...... _ 01"" ..._ of.. ..... ..... _ ..lilt ....... """ ..... of __ BUV,.. BUYER'S AnoRNEY ~71&P - IU\'IIIlIlIMn_ 1""05 "K Volkmann .....- Alfred -.- 2000 ""'''UIIKlII OreQon Road .........TNAIII&Af'1I'RIAUI. 631 929-0900 ....- -- MattJltuck OT'W 01 TDWN NY I 11952 IT"'~ ",c:c:a. ~~-~ ,,.'C....pojL-1 b .... NEW YORK STATE COPY SELLER