HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 160 . (lf/-I-LL L' IJ-- Yl0. f (G 0 m!!T CLAIJ\f. D~ED THIS INDENTURE, made on APR 2 9 '. . 2005. between ANITA AGUECI. havina an address at J jj Ro&. LtIM, MullltJlcA; NY 1l952, as the Grantor hel'CWlder (hereinlfter ref8l1'Od to as the "Grantor"), and ANnA AGUEC'N;7tee ~f the ANITA AGUECI REVOCABLE LMNG TRUST, dated - - a 2005, having an address at m Ro&. ~ Monillid:, NY 1l95~a;;r as.tI.e +.... (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee"). "~r"'lee. WITNE8SETH, that Grantor, in c:onsideration ofTen Dollars and othu vlluable consideration. the l'llCCipt and sufficiencY of which hereby are acImowleclged, dlMlll hereby grant and release unto Grentee and her trustees, administralors, SlJCCCSson and assigns forever. SEE SCHEDULE "A" DESCnn"ION.o4'lT.o4CHBDHEBI'O TOGETHER with III right, title and intenlSl, if any, of Grantor in and to any streets and roads abutting said premises 10 the center lines thereof, and, TOGETHER with the Ippul1enances and all the eslale and rights of Grentor in and 10 said premises. TO HA VI: AND TO HOLD the pnlIIIises herein granted unlO Grantee and her InIsIMs, administrator8, SUCClllSOI'I and &Slip forevel'. Grentor is the owner of said property. Said property is nollocated in an agricultwal district. Grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the I.ien Law, covenants that Grantee will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive IIICb consideration as I trust fund to be applied rust fuo- the purpose ofpayiq the COIl of the ilDfJl'OWlllCllt before using any part of the lolal of the same for any other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has duly executed this deed on this day of 82 D 2l)JI!i .2005. ~:-:r;;: ~~ ANITA AGtlECI Grentor STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: APR29mi On the _ day of . 2005, before me, the undersigned, I nowy public in and for IBid Slate, persoIIlIlly appeared ANITA AGUECI. persoIIlIlly known to me III' proved to me on the basis of satisfaclooy ovidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed 10 the within QUIT CLAIM DEED and acknowledgocl to me that she executed the same in her clpacity as grantor, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instnuncnl. .-110'( LEE JOHNSON ttDrNlN PlaIC. 8lIIII of .... YOlk ..... No. D1J01113726 o oR .In 8l*Ik Ccany Ct...~l 'l ' .. EIIpn8 AiIlJu'l2, 2qlII SCHEDULE "'A" All that certain plot, piece or pan:cl of land, with the buildings IUId improvements 1hcreon erected, situate, lying IUId being in the Village of Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suft"olk and State of New YOlt, bollllded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a conc:retc monument set on the southwesterly side of Oak Street 290.20 feet northwesterly along said southwestcrly side from the northwesterly side of Horton A venuc; beiDa the northcastcrIy comer of IIIIId of J~wvmn"'i and the _""---1y comer of the pn:miscs herein described; fium said point of bcgiDDing running alons said land of Jagodzinski; South 39 degrees 29 minutes 90 seconds West 175.0 feet to a nail set in an oak tree; thence along llU1d of Horton and along land of Harold Jones North 54 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 100.00 feet to a c:onc:retc monwncnt; thence along IIIIId of 'I'hilbcrg North 39 degrms 29 minutes 20 seconds East 175.0 feet to a c:oncmc monument on said southwcstcdy side of Oak SlMct; thence along said southwesterly side of Oak Street South 54 degrees 34 minules 20 seconds East 100.0 feet to the point of beginning. SAID pn:miscs being known as 335 Oak SInlct, Mauitla:k, NY 11952. " Number of pagel< TORRENS ' 'f] ;; RECORDED 2005 J~~ 01 01:20:45 PM . - - -Edward P.Raoaine ClDK OF SUFF(Jj( COUHT'I L D00012390 P 160 DTlI 04-43056 Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage InstrulllCTlt Deed / Mortgage Tax. Stamp RcconIing I Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. 00 rr Mongage Anll. I. Basic Tax. 2. Additional Tax. Sub Total Spec/Assi!. Notation or ". EA-52 17lCounty) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Gmnd Total fit 1 rfI) Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax. Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by u one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see uppropril1le tax cluU5l: on page # of Ibis instrument. Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~n r5D Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other / 15. ..!!!L Sub Total 4 Dist./Of1) Section It! Block 0 I 5 Co_UDity PnaervatioD hDd .. Real Property Tax. Servke Agency Verification 1000 14100 0100 022000 ' Consideration Amount $ .. CPF Tax Due $ Improved , ~ SatisfaetionsIDischarge.VRelcascs List Property Owners M~i1ing Add....... RECORD'" RETURN TO: J\mcRlcl\li SE:"NIOR c.Clo~~N"'1O~ b \-oR.\ ..a€ f\N I.-t\tJf: eftS, ~~R.,(*\1>~ NY 1031 Vacant Land TD /0 . m TD 7 Tide Com n Information Co. Name 11\1,,# 8 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e ~PE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: This page forms pan of !he attached fuk(A f\G-0E e... \ The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. , 1'a.~ Ihc: Townllhip of 'SO u1i+ 0 t.. 1) J.J 1J/fJ& In !he VilLAGE TO 1\-.,\ rf"1L-f\6UEc.t aE11Dc1\.&lE or HAMIEl' of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR tilliNG. (.....,r) 1111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I 111111 11111 11m 1111I111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRIC RECORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument. DBBOS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 aeceipt Number . 05-0058759 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-43056 Recorded. At. 06/01/2005 01.20.45 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012390 160 Deed Amount. Section. 141.00 1l!YllJaNBD AND $0.00 Block. 01.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 022.000 District. 1000 POLLONS Received the Pollowing Pees I'or Above Xn.trument B>r""'lpt Exempt page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SaCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $149.00 TRANSPBR TAX HUMBBR. 04-43056 nus PAGE XS A PART 01' THB XNSTRlJMENT TaXS XS NOT A BXLL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.Bt8tB.ny.ul or PHONE (518) 473-7222 F9R COUNlY USE ONLY C1.__ ~.3%,Y.'11 it CZ. Do18 Deed _ocI t....JJ.. I oJ I Q..~ I .'. C3. _ ~C4.I'...1 l,ll..O I '" PROPERlY INFORMATION "-L a"?... a-tIon L .. ~1'~1> ,......... ..=: ~ PtGu~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITATE Of NEW YORIC STATE BOARD Of REAL _RTY IIBMCEI RP . 5217 ...un "I WI I JlJtt11I'1'0 cK. R.E\J~ L, "IIIJ(T- LAIr NAIIIi I taIINNY I It?12.1 TROS/' ...- I. T.. 1r'*-1IlIwJJI,Il.'-.J'r ...... II) bD ... IIIIIng if other thInCDwar.dd 'l"''' baUom of form) I -I JKS 00- ~ , ~M --'~();J":JI-r. _Ii ."",rIlUMMRAND~~ ~ '1III1'UIIi ~ V, g~5:J IAlIf CODl! . 10aIy1_...__......_ 4A. PI8nnlng Bon wiIh" 'a# iIion Au\hority ExiICt 0 ...__'_~rorTr_ 0 c:.__rorSu_n_lllIp_ 0 4.1ncIIc.IW...........",. ._4 RoD ....... bMft..... on 1M ... . I '01_ OR 0 Plrt.f.Po.... ..=.,. I SI.. lOR I Ixl DEI'III NIOJIINlt.1 ..... ....... ........ ~I I.AIl...../~ ~ 7. QIdI: !hi box IbeIDw whiah IIIDlII ...-. ...,. .~ the ... 01 1M prapeny at: '1M __ at ..... ....,..... ^IF.m'IyRnidonti" R or 3 FemlIy Rllidemlal C Ralden1111 VIAni Land I) Non-RNidInIW V~nt UncI I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... CanIncI 0.. _... _ below...... _ .. OwnerItllp Type it CondDmlnlum .. New ConIIruclIon on V..nt Uind __~wllhinon_"''''o;a,.ta -.................__1- 1hIt.. prapmy II In III AgricUIwIl DIIlnct o o o o F.~ Ago""""".. F CommIlcill G __ If em.n.inmenl' AmUlllmllnt I ~ Com""'nity_ J Ind_1 K PubUc_ I. _ I DI, I - - ... Data 01 .... I T.._ CJli I ;(1/~ ...... 0., v.. . . ,0.0,0 I , , . (full Sa. Pra iiI the tot.1 wnount peid for lhe property "udIng personII propeny. Th. payrMnI. m., bit in the form of... 0IhIr praparty or ~ or 1M IllUmpCian of mal'1'pgel or Olhtr obIgIIionI.1 ,..... round 10""'''''''' .,... ."., amount 13. FYU ... PrIca ,..-....-..- I .0,0 I .....-It' InaIudId kI .. .... . ASSeSSMENT INFORMATION - Oau ohould ""'oct \110 1._ Fl... · 1'. V... '" . 1_ RDII hm I which ............ ....n 1.. ChIdI_. ..... aI..... COL......._ _...............r.: A B C D F. F G H I J 1M &.twHn FINdvu or Foma rw.tiveI 8M BeIwHn ReIMed Com,.nf.. or Partnwa in &&.I,.. ON aI tho 8uyvrI II Ilia . Sell... Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Llnding Inllkutlon DoDd Typo not WIIl"II'Ity or "gain .nd BIle CSpIdfy IlllawJ ...... _.. ~ 111M FoG _I8pocIIy_ _.. ~ in "'- -.T_ SIaIuI ond.... Oorn _oI_Io_ln_Prioo llIlw U....... _ All...,... S... Prico ISpocIIy BoIowI 'i.td\e. 1""0 t Ros r ...rt R.II Ind Tax Bill I 17. T.... _ V_loIo1 ""-111_1 , , ~ 18. "'-'" ao.. I ~ I,OI.W ,1.___ ~'1'I1c.I~ zo. T.. MIp 1denIIIeI1.- , IIWI ......-... Uf mon thin lour. IftMh .... wHtll&lclitloMl ~I L./()()() -1!:iLoo - D/ 00 -O;)J~ I I CERTIFICATION I 1 CftIIfy _..01.... ...."'1oA. . - __ ....._ an _ ....--\10....... vl.., ~oad _....1__ -....1IIOIlIIoI "''''' ...... ..... _ "'_Iloo:t honIo wID oubJod _10 ............. . 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