HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12432 P 643 .' . ~ ", '. No N.Y.S. Real Estate 'rransfer Tax I Rellulred I L /1 LiS} F(pLn iLf()~ 2-;2 Lf / ""1ID1lI02 (9199). 20M -1IIrpiD IDd Solo Dood, wilb eov-u lip.... __._1__..0......,. (.i.... sIaoa) DDIIIlII.TYDURLAlnD_IIO___-naa_IIlOlR...._OTUllTDRONLT. TIU~ INDENTURE, made die 23rd day or September 2005 IIId . BETWEEN . MARGARET L. PAASCH flk/a MARGARET L. KEOGH, residing at 355 Delmar Drive. Laurel, New York 11948; JOHN E. KEOGH; residing at 875 Pike Street, Mattituck, New York 11952; PAUL J. KEOGH, residing at 7084 Airport Road, Bonnerdale, Arkansas 71933; and JAMES F. KEOGH, residing at 12 Shi.p Avenue - Unit 2, Medford. Massachusetts 02155, as joint tenants with right of survivorship panyorlbefirslpllrt,and FRANCES MARGARET KEOGH. residing at 875 P~ke Street, Mattituck, New YOI'k 11952 . , pany oIlbc IeCOIICI pan. WITNESSETH, lhal Ibc pany oIlbc finl pari. in considcralion of ICII dollus and other Y111uab1e COIIIidcralioD paid by die pany of the ICClIIId pari. doc:s hcn:by granl and n:1case QUID Ibc pany of lbc seeoad pari. lbc hein or IUCCCSIion and assigns oIlbc pany of 1hc secODd pan forever. ALL dial c:enain plol. piece or pan:el of land, widl die buildinp and improvemcnlllhcn:on ereclCd, silUalC, lying and bcinginothe at Mattitl1ck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, and being more paI'ticularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of pike Street where the division line bet~een premises herein described and the land now or formerly of Louis Gildersleeve adjoining on the east intersects Pike Street, and which point is distant 167 feet more or less westerly from thl westerly line of Wickham Avenue; and running thence along the northerly side of Pike Street, South 630 45' 40" West 95.40 feet to land now "r formerly'of Edward N. Decker; thence along said last mentioned land and through a pipe, North 260 55' 10. West 251.46 feet to the land o'f the Lon! Island Railroad company; thence along said last mentioned land the following three ce,urses and distances: (1) North 460 19' 40" East 89.49 feet; (2) South 29,0 34' East 19.25 feet to a monument; (3) North 610 32~ East 18.42 feet tel a pipe and the land now or formerly of Eva Woodward; thence along said last mentioned land, South 260 22' East 62.10 feet to a monument and the land now or formerly of Donald Gildersleeve; thence alon! said last mentioned'land, South 240 40' East 62.10 feet to another monument and the land now or formerly of Louis Gildersleeve; thence along said last mentioned land and through a pipe, South 240 09' East 135.74 feet to the northerly side of pike Street at the point or place of BEGINNING. ' BEING AND I~rENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated June 3D, 2003 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Off'ice on July 9, :l003 in Liber 12260 Page 110. 'RESERVING, however, to John A. Keogh the exclusive posllession and the use And occupancy of the above-described premises for and dliring the natural lifetime of John A. Keogh, with John A. Keogh to pay for maintenance and repairs. water charges, insurance charges and taxes relating to said premises. . ' TOOE11fER widl all righl. tille and inlClal. if lilY. oIlhe party of die first pari, iD aad to any IIreClS and roads abullinatbc above-Gcscribed premilClto die ccater Jines Ihereof; TOGETHER with die appurtenanc:e:s and all 1M eltale and righ" or die pony of die first pan in and to said premiSCI: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe pn:miscl berein granted unto die party oUhe ":cond part.lhe hcirs or lucceSllOn and aslignl ordle party of lhe second part fon:ver. AND die party or die firsl pari cuvenanlSlhatlhe party of Ihe first part has nOl done or sulTered anythinG whereby Ibc said pn:miscs have been ellcumbered in any way whatever. cxcepl as aforesaid. AND Ihe party of Ihe firs! pal1, in compliance with Section 13 or Ihe Lien Law. covenanls Ihatthe party of the first part will receive Ibe consideration ror tbis conveyance and will hold Ibe right to receive such 'consider. alion as a lrust fund to be applied firs! for tbe purpose of paying Ihe COlt of die improvemenl and will apply Ihe lame firlt to Ihe paymenl or the COIl of thc improvement before using any part of Ihe tOlal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party. sball he cons!rued as if it read "parties" wbenever the lense-of dlil indcalun: 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOIi~ the party of tbe firsl part has duly executed thil deed die day and year first above wriuen.7?J. ex. ,o..e4.~ -rIA; it. i2P IN P.UIlNC8 . v,' # . . ~- Margar . Paasch f I Paul J. Keogh Marg L. eogh ~ 0J~~LY Page 2 of 3 . AclolOWledgtlmenl tMen In .....YoIIc Sllltll Slale 01 New York. County 01 Suffolk AcIcMwIq.....nl tMen In NewYollc StIlle , as: Slate 01 New York, County 01 Suffolk . sa: On Iha;}.1J day 01 Septembe,rtn the year2005 , bolOra me, Ihe undersigned, parsonally 'appeared MARGARET L. PAASCII fl'k/a MARGARET L. KEOGH personally kl~own 10 me or provod 10 me onl Ihe basis of sallsfactory ellldence 10 be tho Indlvldual(ls) whose 1IlIII1l$) Is (ere) subscrl1ed 10 Ihe wIIhin Instrumenl and acllnOWledged 10 me Ihal M/ahellhe, execuled Ihe same In hisJherllhatr capecllyttesj, and Ihal by lIiIIIler/l~ slgnal.Urllis) on Ihe Inslrumenl, lh1l IndividuaIls) or lhe parson upon IIchaU 01 which Ihe Incllvldual(e) acted, lIlIIICUted !he Inslrument -tiW..-- jJ.~-L Nota.ry Public MMMAIlWH.II I.....':.........'M 11001 .....ClIIIII Ct...... . .EII*IIOcLIt,a1t _ ~~\~fde AcknDwIedgement b, 14_,-.1bt.", MI....." NiiI York SIII\e SlaleOfL~~ountyol ~ ,as: Onlhe ~.YOI _1..-~ ,lnlheyeer2005,bel0l'llme, the u~;;;., per~app"ned PAUL J. KEOGH g~~~~~~;""" I am pG.~M\.Hy aeqU8tr\ted. .Jtw lIIel". ~ .~. .-.Vf'A...... oi~1ii&~~rrJgifia~t&C.m~h@hat he to ". "'a."lth.hf.. !la....II-ktend .ms 8..wleeHhe- k.,4D~na IrtIlrHmeftt, the.~wtIPteM.wae t-.w.!l.4'" Al\d amr lal~ -01(08"\8 U.. IBFA8: .nd-u..~wMRe"'''~A18-\IPw a..h-Ibvd 11:.rr IUIAlI'IIlIIr- I IGu..(stJlS"a nlbru.g IIN' ub". I!Iecuted tbe lIallle in his cal!aeity, a9d tb,~b:t' YrStR~8ngFg~e 0~otb8~ffuWfnt6i~,etft~dl~a UtawU aCieir:r. IXfcure:t t~e. fnaE"ru"ullr.a~ ~tbllt lIue 1n 1V dua de ucn a p ance e orestn. f un erai er 8 e, tute 0 Ar ansa . .-:~__ Notuy Public ~.~I:!.O~'~ . (c,~'-cOM~C'~""- ~.\ ~;-.:-z, TrtleNo,=- :,.\OTAh~\~ . MARGARET J~. PAASCH f/k/a MARGARET"I!.- ! KEOGII. JOHN E. KEOGH. PAUL \~~ KElfmiL\C ..<$ and JAKES F. KEOGII 'it::9"'O~.I.~~t.! . ._,~~.,- ""It3l~ -:I"" TO FRANCES MARGARET KEOGH Illbn. ~S_ by Chkago TItle Insurance Company Page 3 of 3 On 1he:J)"J clay olSeptelSb~lIn IIIe year2005 , belOre me, the underlllgnod, personally appeaned JOliN E. KEOGII personally known 10 me or proved 10 mo on Ihe basis 01 salialaClOry evidenco 10 be lhs" Incllvldualls) whoae 1IIItIIS'(a) Is (we) IUbGcnboc:l 10 Ihe wllhln inslrument and acknowlec:Iged 10 me lhal h8lehellh1lT exeeutod Ihs some In hlslf,uollhelr capacltylinl, and Ihal by hls/lI6..'11..I, slgnalure(1I) on Ihe inlllrumelll, lhe individual"') or tho pelBOn upon behalf 01 which tho IndivlduaI(.) oc:te<J. IIXOCUle(ilhB IlIIIrumenl. " -__(t;..JA~'" ~~ Notary Public IIRo\M IlWH.II ~Pl&""""_ . lIoot_IIl.....flaIIdl ~.... . .,....Od.11.8ID~ Acknowledgemanllllken outeid. New YDrk StIlle . , . Slale oMaaaacbuaetta, C9unty 01 e "5&."1' ,se: . (or Inaart Dillrlcl 01 Columbia, Territory, PosSllsslon or FOl'lllgn Country) . On !he .2~ 01 -:s..........,. In Ihe yea12006 fber.;;'. me, Ihe undersigned, personally appeared JAKES F.. KEOGH personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on lhe basil 01 ' sall8lactory evidence 10 be Iha lndIvIdual(Bj whose namall) Is (tltel subscribed 10 Ihs within Instrumonl and ackllowladged 10 me Ihal he(..~eA~ey oxeculed Ihe leme In hlslMrllhelr capacIlYIl_). Ihal by hlsa.,,<!'hul. slgnalure(..) on Iha Int;lrumonl, Iho IndividuallC) orithe porllO/l upon beIIaU 01 which the Indlvldual(ll) acted, oXl!CUlOd IhB Inslrumonl, and Ihal sucll Indi1lidual m.xlo ouch awoaronco belore tIIe.lln~ersl!llloo In L'18 city of Medford . State of Massacbusetts (add !he c!ly or polllic;ll 8llbdlvllfon and tha sl!Ile (If country or other place the acknowlodgomenl was la)cllnl~"I'"'''~''' /"c.,.\EI. - :j:t,~.::, ~ ,.. ~\ . "';';~"" "'- ''';'. . "I ! ,',' . ,..,.. .....o~'Il f'\ _ ~"'oL_n... ~~...~ a.......~ Notary j:pt~~fl;:.t~'! ~;i~i \I\A..... _' r.<.', '.I=(i .~ -. ..: t'';1 I . - -I C...._ ~.....v "'~- ::,/[/.(1T'0'7 " 1:7.1.,~., <:<::'j! ."" . "'jol"" . ".........~I".. ,." ~~"'. r; ~t~=" ,'.... . ""'" .,...., " .ro,I'V"'" SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN IlETIII!N BY IIAIL TO: LARK & FOLTS ESQS 1'0 BOX 973 . CUTCllOGUE NY 11935 . Zip No. I I II! ~ !1 ~ I ! ~: E ti .. ., - .'. "' ~ ' . 1 2] Number uf pal!~s .. lURRENS RECORDED 2006 Jan 25 04: 11139 PH Serial # CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L Dooo12432 P 643 DTO 05-24872 Certificale # Priur Clf. # , Deed l Mortgage InslrUment Deed / Mllrtgage Thx Stamp Recording / filing Stamps 2J L Page: / Filing Fee Handling S. J1!L. TP-SK4 ?- Nutalilln - ~ .., EA-S2 17 (Counly) , Sub Total EA-5217 (SI,atel 75'_ R.P.T.S.A. ~ en Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Affidavil Certified COllY 0 C NYS Surchallle IS. J!Q..... Sub Total Other Grund Total fEES cJcf Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additiunal Tax Suh Total SpccJAssil. ur Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlmenl Tnmsfer Thx 0 Mansiun Tax /'30 15f.-~ The property covcred by this mortgage is or will he improved by a une or two family dwelling only. -;11 YES or NO Ir NO. see appmprial&! tax clause un page # uf Ihis inst nt. _" -.2 .3-c.o 5 Comlllllllity Pleaervation II'aIId Consideration Amount $ -0- ~ Dist.lO~SCCtion 140.00 I Block 02.00 Lo1024.000 Real PnlfX'rty " Tax Service Agency Verification ~ 1000 ~ 140000200024000' ." CPF Tax Due $ N/A Improved 61 SatisfaclillnslDischargeslReleascs Li~t Property Owners Mailini ~dress RECORD & RETURN TO: Vaeanl Land LARK , FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CU~rCHOGUE NY 11935 TD TD ,0- TD 7 Title Com N/A NA Information ~ Suffolk County-Recording & Endorsement Page Co. Name Title # This page fonns part of the allllChed MARGARE~r L. PAASCH f/k/a MARGARET L. KEOGH, JOHN E. KEOGH, PAUL J. KEOGH and JAMES F. KEOGH Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: The premis..'S herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of In the VILLAGE Southold FR~Nr~R MARr.ARRT KEOGH ur HAMLET of Matti tuck BOXES I>> THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR flUNG. Page 1 of 3 (uver) ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ IIIIIIIIIIIII~ 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD Number elf Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 06-0008593 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-24872 Recorded: At: 01/25/2006 04:11.39 PM LIBER: PAGB: D0001~432 643 District: . 1000 Section: 140.00 1l!Ya.JIJ::NBD AND $0.00 Block: 02.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 024.000 FOLLOWS Deed AmcIWlt: Receivedl the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Fi.ling $9.0D NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COZIIII\.Pres $0.00 NO FeeB Paid $154.00 TRANSFER TAX NmlBBR: 05-2487,2 THIS PAGli: IS A PART OF THE INSTR1lMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stllte.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNT'f USE ONLY LR./ I itI' ~ C4."-L. .b.Y'd I * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS lCode 17<? ~.R,R. 9'1 . STAlE OF NEW VORK STAlE IIOARII OF REAL -.nv _as cz. Da_D~d R__ C3.B_ PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 JlP.1217....lWI 1."-vL 875 LoGetiDn PUT M.-R L soithold ........ Pike Street SIIIDT ..... ~tituck 111W 2._ - L LAI~!i~9... 'W L LAlIT NAMIi I COIIPAN'I ~saces Marqare~ J.TIIIAlIIlf I. T.. Indi=-e....,. fUlUl"e Tax .....10 be..,. L~ IIUIng WOIhor"".__.ca_oI_ KeQ_ AddreM iDi IQMOA'ft' LP.O. Box 646 Mattituck 1mII!1T.....-.. AMJ ~ NAIll an OR ItMN f~~es Maraaret 1 N ,Y 1 11952 I "An: .aXlI! &.=..,. l Ixl SIze FIIIDNTI'HT DIf'nI . raasch, MaraaretLL. . SoIl.- L-Keoan, Marqaret . , .....miI,........ N.... 10lIl1 f'/k/a '..R _ 7 , 51 1OnIy......lIf.__.....,......." .... PIonning Ilol"_ _.......1Ily EJaou 0 41.S..-AppnIvIl_Roq&.itodIar1'..... 0 C._~""Subd__MII._od 0 .t. IndIc8Ie .... ...... at .. ._4 Roll pMUII 'I............ all the dMcI 11 . of '.reel. OR D Pan of a 'arcol Keoqh. John E. nulT NIiii U(~~I...1.!J.11 J. "'eif. James F. A~OnoF_R_' R 2 ar S FMnlIy Auidlnzial C Ruidanci. VICaPI Land D __'V....l.Iml I SALE INFORMATION I 11, Solo _..... Dot. N I A E~"'ricUl1urol F Com_ O ,,",""'" II Emonu.n../~" ~ CommuriIy S1nric1 J locI_Ia' . Public_ I. _ -...--.....,......." .. ~"TyPo 10 CondomInium .. Now em.trYCtIon an VKam Land IlIA. "'-"'~_ In AgricuI1uraID;oorfcl 1..__._.._........... ItuII U. propMy illn ., Agrtrulllnl DiItricI o o " o o 7. a.:. .. bUK below which moIlt ...._teIy ....ra.. th_ .. 01 th_ prGp8fty .. th8 IiII'IlI at __ ,.. a.dI: .. or II'IIIIII 01_.. --- III _ .,11-....... to......: '2. 0.. at ..... I Tr...... ..... I I- I - Lq I ;~ I 0\ ..... .- N/A A SaIo .....n RellltlWlII or Former A8IItIva B SIIo__~or.........;,,_... C OneolIhoB...,...Io_._ () au,.. or SeU8r II 00....-... AQ8ncy or l.MIding InIIIIuIion I! Ilood 1VJlO _ W....., or IIor1!"'" .ocI SIlo (Spocify _I " _ of __ or u...... Faa '......ISpocIIy_' G s;gm..... CIIongo" "'- -.. 1.._ _.... S...llMI " Solo of_Io__.. SIlo PrIc. I OIhor U...- __ ~ Sola PrI.. ISpocIry BeIowI J, __ llY-..ylllHKJtKMIX~_ Gift . . ,0.0 I , , . CFull SIlo Prico ;.Iho.......-.... for Iho prapettylnoluding __ .........,. Thlo ........ '""' bo" 1M..... of -. _ _nv or ~ or.... _mplion of rnortpg.. or 0Ch8r obliglriana.) ",.... round fD th8 nlNnIIlf wftM .".,. MlGunt 1'._"_01_ I ,N(A. .0.01 --....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DlIla .h.uld _llh. ,._ Flnol ~.....1I"4IIlt Rail .nd Till Bill ,s. Full .... "II_ ... :.. "'..:;;;;:.-:.:: InIm I 0 , 5, n. TDlII_ v....lal.. _.. _I , , 5 . 8 , o 0 . 1"_"Vc:lo.. 12 ,1 .0 I-LJ 1.._'......;_ I Mattituck - Cutchoque UFSD 21. T.. ... 1cII......... I RaI .....dI8rM CI I'I'ION ... ra..... ...... ..... wfth . -. AI ...........1 14ll - 2 - 24 I I CERTIF1CAllON I -uI)" .... .u 01 1Iw"" III _ _.... .. .... ftJnn In ....... __ 110Il1o .. oI..y '-Iodp.... _ ond J ...... ..~ ................. olq _........_ or_ _ _ will................. ........... nldw""" .... _...... --.....lIIInll "'_1_ BUYER BUYER"S ATTORNEY ~)?'~~<~..,b'lh1/D> ---Prances rsaret 'Keb , Lark .....- Richard F. -- 875 .......- P1.ke Street PMlr..... WftIlI.... 631 734-6807 _COllI -- Mattituck """......... tNY ..." 11952 _COllI i'n~~. ~~ t/I<k, ~4:-;Y,J... ~ '1'- I f. ;J.~<IJ5" ..... II1II OIl" NEW YORK STATE COPY --