HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 329 I LiD ~ 2 - 2 9 ' / LilL/cI P j2{( Sl8nd.RI N. Y.e.l.U. Fonn 8002. Bo'llllin IIId Slole Doed, with Covenolllogo.... GrIn..... Ada - UnIfonn AcknowlOdgment Form 3280 _ _ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the l S day of July, 2005 BETWEEN DEBRA GRANBERG, residing 735 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York 11952, the party of the first part, and MICHAEL M. MILNER AND ANGELA TESE.MILNER, husband and wife, residing at One Minetta Lane, New York, New York 101)12, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH, lIIatthe party of the first pan, in consideration of TEN and 001100 ($10.00) dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second pan, d08ll heraby grant and release unto the party 01 the second pan, the heirs or successors and lISSigns of the party of the second part forever, All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southald, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more partiCUlarly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Wickham Avenue at the southeast comer of the herein described premises where the same is intersected by land now or formerly of Timothy J. Brigham and Barbara S. Brigham; said point or place of beginning being also distant 200,59 feet northwesterly as measured along the southwesterly side of WICkham Avenue from the corner formed by the intersection of the northwesterly side of Pike Street.Railroad Avenue with the southwesterly side of Wickham Avenue; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along land now or formerty of Brigham, South 50 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West, 181.18 feet to a point; THENCE North 39 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds West, 62.02 feet to a point; THENCE South 49 degrees 19 minutes 20 saconds West, 18.42 feet to a point; THENCE North 42 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds West. 7.05 feet to the southeasterly side of land l)f the Long island Railroad; 'rHENCE along the land of Long Island Railroad North 33 degrees 16 minutes 10 seconds East, ;~23.92 feet to the westerly side of Wickham Avenue; THENCE along the westerty side of Wickham Avenue, South 33 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds East, 134.52 feel to the point 01' place of BEGINNING. l:leing and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated m6lO4, recorded 8/31104 in Liber 12341 page 06, the grantor herein being the same persons as the llrentee in deed recorded in Liller 12341 page 06. lrOGETHER with all righ~ title and Interest, if any, of the party of \he Iirst part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above descrtbed pramilles to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premi88s; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the sacond IllIrt forever. IIND the party of the first part CXlVllnants lIIat the party of the Iirst part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any wsy whatever, except as aforssald. IIND the party of the Iirst part. in compliance with SeCtion 13 of \he Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive \he consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a bllst fund to be applied first for \he purpose of paying the cost of \he improvement and will apply the same first b) the paymenl of the cost of \he improvement before using any part of the totel of the same for any other ~IUrpose. The word "party" shall bll conslrued as if it nsad 'parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so ~Ilqulres. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above ipp~ .E~~ ~.~'4~Q"'~d- Jl /I I , . ." .. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of N,aw York, County of NllSBIIu U: On !he l f day 01 July, in the yeer 2005, before me, the undareigned, personelly appeered DEBRA GRANBERG peraonslly known to me or proved to me on the basi. of I8tisfaclor~ evidence to be the indlvldual(.) whosa name(.) is (ere) .ub.cribed to the within in.trumant and acknowledged to me that hel8he1lhey lIX8ClIled the sama in hillherl\heir cepacilY(Iea). and that by hillllerllheir lignelure(.) on tha Instrumenl. the indlvldual(.), or the peraon upon belleIf of which the Indlvld1....(.) acled~ the 1rmant. cA.4,J ~~ (.Ignelure and ofI'lC8 of indlvidual taking ack.-ledgment) ~~~OW'lllllr Qua~l':' IluIIllIk Countv c......w InsIDn ExpIreI AprIl 20, J:007 Stale (or District of Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Country) 01 Stale 01 New York, Counly of Suffolk aa, On !he day of , In the year before me, !he undareigned, peraonelly appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basi. 01 salilf8clory evidence \0 be the indlvldual(.) whosa neme(.) is (ere) au_ 10 the witNn instrument and acknowladged to me that heIII1eIlhey executed !he IlItI18 In hisl11erllheir capacily(lea), and that by hillherllheir slgnature(.) on the inatrumenl, the Indlvidulll(.). or the peraon upon behalf of which the IndIvldU8l(.) acted, executed the inlllrumem. (lignature and ames of Indlvlduel taking acknowledgment) as: On the day of December, In lhll year belonl me, the undersigned. personally appeared personelly k.-n to me or proved to me on the basi. of sad.'actory evidence to be the indlvlduai(.) whole name(.) la (are) aubacribedl to the within inatrument and acknowledged \0 me that hel8hallhey executed the same In hW1ler1lheir capecltyr...), and that by hislherllhelr lignature<.) on the inatrument, the Indlvldua~.), or the peI80n upon behalf 01 whk:llthe Indlvidual(a) acted, executed U" in.trument, and thallUch Individual rnecIe .uch appelII'InC8 before the undareigned In the In (Insert the City or other poIilico1l .ubdlvlaionl (and illl8llthe S_ or Coumry or _ p.ce the ack.-ledgmenl_ taken) (ligna.... and otlIce 01 individual taking acknclV"~ CIQe'l1ll1I) Notary PulIIIc BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVI:NANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACllI DEBRA GRANBERG TO 11IIICHAEL M, MILNER AND ANGELA TESE-MILNER, huab.lnd and wi" SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TltIe No. Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TI11.E INSURANCE COMPANY ,,= Tn. ITANDARDFORII OF NEWVORK BOARD OF l11U u....._ ~.""I" DiIlribWId by o COmmOn~!~!~~.,.,_"v CiJ!\1MU:-;:~l~I.'H I..A~IJ .rl'LP.ISSUIlA,,"Cl!C(N"A.~Y i I u w a: l!i ~ , ~ w ~ .. ~ ~ I I 1 2 I Number of pages..] TORRENS CenificlllC ~I REoo;t[lE[) 2005 Rug 02 02: 07.16 PI'! EdwlIrd P.Raoain. ClERK (F SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012401 pm DTlI 05-00394 Serial # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Insll\lmcnt Deed/Mo~e~S~p FEES " Recording I Filing Stamps 2J Page I Filinn Fee Handling TP-S84 S. .m.... Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJ As..it. or Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-S217 (SllIle) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Spec. lAde!. TOT. MTG. TAX Du:JI Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Trunsfcr Tax \ S6O, . Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be "improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # of this insll\lment. }n- Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surchallle Other IS. ..!!!L Sub Total GllII1dTotal~ -' cJ Real Propeny Tax Service " Agency Verification 14'000 0200 029001 5 CommUDitJ PreMrvatlOD Fund Consideration Amount ~?~ 0 CPF Tax Due $ ~S1JD I mproved ..I 61 SatisfaclionslDischargeslRcleases List Pmpcrty OWI1l.'I'lI Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD 10 ~/HV.L!i'l C. ,(toJ'J FJ<i.. f? p'& I l.J.(P . /11 J1.ffI(f1/t..J< 1//' /f tJ~.:l.. TD TD Thi.. "age fonns pan of the uUIIChed :)~ Suffolk County RecordinJ! & Endorsement Paee ?I:'PO d/J (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ made by: 1J/~ J!uUI r;;,'#/II4Cl2.#-- The prcmiscs hc:n:in is situUled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ~ W/,r,L-n ftllrN1rJa Ih. I'I.I1..NEJe.. In the VILLAGE .#-IV ~4f 'TF.f J: - J1uz AI A?~ or HAMLET of /h A'mn/C.Jt. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ I11I1I1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 I11I SOPPOLK COUNTY CLBRX RBCORDS OPPICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument I DBEDS/DDDI NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmber I 05-0080239 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-00394 Recorded. At. 08/02/2005 02.07.16 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012401 329 District. 1000 Section. Block. 140.00 02.00 '"Y'lKINSD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $375,'QOO.00 Lot. 029.001 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bx-.pt Exempt Page/FiUng $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tr.ansfe:1:" tax $1,500.00 NO CODa. Pres $4,500.00 NO Pees Paid $6,149.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 05-00394 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTR'DMIINT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.lltate.ny.ulI or PHONE (518)473-7222 FOil COUN"fY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code ~,91 ~ I~.t REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2.o.t.Deod_ I ~ /2- .q51 Iloy - C3.800k ~OI.PIII.I ~R ' PROPERlY INFORMATION ITAlE OF NEW YORK STAlE IIOARD OF REAL ...........,. IERVlCEII RP - 5217 IlNIUT ... Nn "=L 735 STIIIttTNllllHEIII W1ckhem Avenue ITIIII....... 2.8u.,., No... L Southold al'tD!lTGWN L Mattituck w...... 11952 ZIPCIDDI: Hilner ua,.....,CIDMI'AIft' Angela-Teae -,- L Hllnar LAJT NAIll 1 co..A.'W" Michael ....r..... 3. Tu: lnck.llewherefllCUr,TlXlUllla"tobellnl L .... If ClCtwr IhIIn buyiIr Nd,.. (K bottom of forml _ Addreu LAIr NMli/CClMl'A'II' ""1IIAIIlI L .,,,&1 h\IIIMIItNrl1""" NAME t. 1ncIiAt... runnb. of ..---.....". Roll ...... trant:femtd .. .... deed cnv QI nMN STAll' ..- . 1 I lofPan:al. OR 0 Partof.'ar<:el "~I lib. HU'll "l' Ixl ...'" 100" '-., .4 .3 I 10nIy.......... _ tllook _...._ .,.,.........____E- 0 ... "'~'MIan ApprovoI_ AtrqUlF8d for Tr.... 0 .........-...--....- 0 ......... No... L Granberg I.AST""'~V Debra rIIIr....,.- L LAlf NMIll ICQWANY ,..IIIIAIII 7. CMck the It. _low which..... acou..aty d....... Ill.... of the property ...... time at ule:: A~ Ono I'..... _.., 8 2ar1IF.mltv~ C RllldIRlial VilCMl LInd D Non-J'-Idantlll VKMlt Land I SALE INFORMAllON I , to .... Contnct o.t. E~ Ag......... F Commera.l G AplrtnMIIU H fnlltRllnrnern J AmuMmOnl I ~ Communlty_ J '_ie, K 1'ubIIc_ L FarB! a...o ...___...._ .. Ownonhlp Typo .. Conun...... .. Haw ConIIruc:Iion on VKA~ UncI - _ Locoiod...... on AaricWw"_" ....--.---.... Ihltlht III'OPIItY II In an A(JicuIual DiIlrk:t o o o o 6 ...... / 1 "'~ / 05 v", 1.. ChIc*:................ _ -. . _............ ~ A We a.w..n RNtiveI or Formet Relltivu R Sale ~ ReIaad ComPlniol (W Partners In Buslnou C Onoollho-...._.5oI.... D IiUW'tlI' or SIiIIr iI Gcrverrvnanl Aguncy Dr L..tdIng InstllUlIon E DMd Type Mil Wlrnnay or Sa..ln ..xl s.s. ($ptdly BekMt I' ....... F_ Of "'Ihon Fell ___ c--. So..... (i SignIficant Chlnge In Property Berwun Taxable SlMuIlnd Sale Delos II s... of EIuIirMJg it. IncIudIcIln s.ao Prlce I 0Ih0< Un...... F..... ",,_ Solo Prlco 15_ "-1 J _ 12. 0.,. 01 S..,., Tr........ 7 ...... / 1"& / 05 Ell., v.. 11. Full .... Priclt ,3 ,J ,5 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,u, U I , , . (Full Saie Prit. i. tM tohlI amounl Plid far lht propeny incl'ucling peleonII pIOperly. This ~_ fI\IIy be In me form of cuh. other prapMy or gclOdl. or the IllUmplion of mon:gag.. 01' othlt obIig1lionl.' ",.... round to m.IW:JILW wffoIrt wn.r amount. ...-...-...,...." I , . II , 0 I ..DI*tY ........... In the .... , . ASSESSMENl'INFORMATION -Do.. .....uld r.1Ioct .h. I..a. Fin.1 AI_. Roll and TOll Bill 11. v..... llo...................... 104/05 117.T___V_'~"_In_1 which Wan..don taUn -' - ; ; 3 8 0 0 ; ,.. Property at.. I 2.1 .0 I-U 11._010__1 Hattituck 20. Ta Map "ntitiwW I .... ....tmert.I (I more tUn lour. atYch ...... wIIh ........... ~J 1000.-140.00-02.00-029.001 I I CERTIACATION I I cmIl\' .... oil IIIIw __ of IaIarmodoa _ ... .... rom. Oft ..... .... ....... 110 ... ... or Olj' ........ .... ~ .... 1 __..... .... .... ....... or OIQ' ._ n.... __ of _1loc1 bo_ riI """l<d ...10.... ....._ IIIht _low ........ 10 Iht ..........._ or_ __ J _ .). /lBUVER BUVER'S ATTORNEV ~ -t~ Roaa Daniel C. ,...- .....r",..". .. "I!I"A"'''''' Anse a 'relle-Hilner Michael /06 19'1 S'IlUTNUMllR I'TNIINAIIIWTMSAU'1 C rff(.JJ.o p(J€ c:nYOllT'OlMrlI 631 xxxxxxx 298-1200 -- ~_. I~ . :rt' III";$" ..- r '" ~-:.~ -.u""'1! . ebr:'aranbers NEW YORK STATE COPY