HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 286 , L f' I I ), i (', ':/~ ~"; l/ ;; :/(/-_L/_)('! I' I' , I FClfllllOO:!--o.pia Ind Sale Deed. whh CD\__..... Grantar"1 Mll-IndMdaII ar Corpcntian (I......) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS OINLY, THIS INDENTURE. made the 14th day of November, Two Thousand Five BETWEEN JOHN HENRY SHIP and JOANNE SHIP flkla JOANNE GROHOSKI, husband and wife. rt~siding alSO Conklin Road. Manituck, New York 11952, p;:uty of the first pan, and MARIANNE MORRA, residing at 994 Feathertree Drive, Toms River, New Jersey 08753, pilrly of the St.'Cond part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pan, in consideration ofTen Dollars Imd other valuable cl>nsideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that cenain plot. piece l)r parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, at Mattituek, County of Suffolk and SlIate of New York. known and designated as Lots Number 17 and 18 on a ccrtain map entitled. MMap of Garden Heights situate at Mattituck, Suffolk County. Ncw York", which ~Lid map was dated May 22, 1929 and duly filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 24, 1929 under File No. 577, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Conklin Road and the northerly side of Middle Road Ext. C.R. 27A; THENCE North 14 degrees O:t minutes 50 seconds East. 100.00 feel; THENCE North 70 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East. 125.00 feet; THENCE South 14 degrees 01. minutes 50 st.'conds West, 100.06 ft't:t; THENCE South 70 degrees 31 minutes 20 St'Conds West. 125.00 fl'Ct to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by dl:ed dated April I, 1971, and recorded April 5, 1971, in the Officc of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 6909, Page 398. .. '. , TOGETHER with all right, title and ink:rc:st, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenanees and all the estate and rights of thl: pany of the first part in and to said plremises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the seeond pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany of the second pan forever. AND the party of the first pari covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pany of the first pan will reeeive the consideration for this conveyance und will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement bl~fore using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be conslrued as ifit read "panies. whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pal'lty orthe first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year filrst above written. IN PRESENCE OF: JOHi'~~~ ~H~ JOAN SHIP ..d')f~ ,. L-- I . -. . STATE OF NEW YORK) ) 55.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 141h day of November. :!O05, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared John Henry Ship and Joanne Ship, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and ac:knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their eapacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual{s), or the person upon behalf of which the individunl(s) acted, executed the instrument. N_~~ ~,. .... L Hi ""-. ~-..c.... _."'" .. "'~IIIIIl7:9 . - ,.~..~~~~ - -".""....-;:;:~"" No. 0' MbObf 77..3 fGy.p. ,/,tJjoro " ... '.. '\, \ I . " f ~ I ./ ~.\ l ~, .' .~. \ . . I I. .. '. '\ .~ J \ . . Number of I)ag~s TORRENS RECORDEr, 2005 Noll 22 10:23:00 RM Edward P.Roaaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNT'" L 000012421 P 286 DTI 05-16115 Seria] # Cenificale ~r Prior Clf. # Deed / Mongage Inslrument I Deed / Mortgage Tax Slamp FEES . Reconling / Filing Slamps 2J Page / Filini~ Fee. _ Handling /!T . - NOIalion ~- ,75 30W Sub TOlal c9~' Mongage Ami. I. Ba~ic Tax 2. Addilional Ta.~ Sub TOlal Spcc.lAssil. or TP-584 5. 00 .j- EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (S\al~) R.P.T.S.A. Grand TOIal . .- Ab1~ /6a-c#s- Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment ~ _ Transfer Tax I ~ _ . Man~ion Tax The propo:ny covered hy Ihis mongage or will ~ improved by a (ln~ or I~ family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale lux c1au~e: on page # of Ihis insll 11~nl. J " Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavil Cenified Copy NYS Surehllrge Olher 15. J!!L Sub Total ::!J Disl.1000 Section .139.00 Block 04 . 00 Real Propcnly 1000 1:0\900 0400 Tax Serviee: Agency VeriliC3lion Lot010.000 5 CommuDity PreaervatioD hDt Consideration Amount $. 1!10' 010000 CPF Tax Due $ f4lcOO V , . Improved Vacanl Land 6 Salisfa,clionslDischargeslRelenses List Properly OwnClS Mailing Address RECORD & Rf:TURN 1'0: TD It) . Justin Lite, Esq. 212 Higbie Lane West Islip, New YCJrk 11795 TD TD 7 Co. Nank: 0 Til]c# ~ - _ ~uffolk County Recording & Endorsement PaR- This page forms pan of Ihe auached d..ed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) _.__ malic b~ JOHN HENRY SHIP and JOANNE SHIP f/k/3, J'S3.RR8 C~9R9&kit' R\1SDaRd a.RQ wife, The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO MARIANNE MORRA In the Township of In Ihe VILLAGE or HAMLET "f Southold Mat:t:i~ut'!k BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/ODD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0121688 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-16115 Recorded: At: 11/22/2005 10:23.00 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012421 286 District. Sectio:ru Block. Lot: 1000 139.00 04.00 010.000 BXAMJ:NBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $430.000.00 Received the POllowing Pees Por Above Instrument bempt be Page/Piling $12.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.1)0 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1.720.1)0 NO Comm.Pre. $5.600.00 NO Pee. Paid $7.472.00 TRANSPB:R TAX NUMBER: 05-16115 THXS PAGB IS A PART OP TBB INSTRCMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stat8,ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT fqR COUNlY USE ONLY ILl.1,~~8ql C2..D.lel~_. I J J 122/ 0:) J2.,L/.2 t.c4.P.:2~ W I_I 1;1. SWIS Cod. C3._ PROPEFnY IINFOR~ATION 1. ~'Ian L 50 ~ II""U-':II Conklin Road 11.....1 NAM& Mattituck ".;.LAG!' I 11952 ZPCDDE L o......~uthold ..- Nomo L M~:r;;a. m. I ".., STATE Of NEW YORK STATE -..0 OF REAL PIlOI'EIITY IlEJMCES RP - 5217 ~1171lr..V'n Marianne ......- L LAsr NMIlI COM......., .......1 NAMr I. Tn IndGII whenl futurD Tax 8iIII.,. to be ..... """ "._Ih.. _ __.. _am of forml L Ad_ 1.AS11lAMl-/~ .L 51...LIIlfUMHtn.v..:J SWlttT 111M"[ CITYOI\:~ 4. Indlcat, tN, number of A__nt Hal parcell tranlfen" on the .... 1 J 'of Percel, OR 0 Pen of . Parcel 5. Dood -rIY SIu I'M I 1oC1t!6' . 2 91 Ixl MtQN;"1i1il 0["''' .. ....... N.me L Ship L.UI NMII., COMPMlY John Henry -.- 1L a.k QMI_ ma~ at tt.. .........._ _1pP...... 'lID trannr. ^ Sale Botwoen ReI8tivv, or Former HelMiYII o Sa. Batweon RaIIltDd Companies Dr P'rtnefl in B....i...... C One oIlh. Bu.,.,.. II etso . s.tIer D Buv-r or Sollar ill GcwarnI'TMtnl Agency or Lending Inllilution E DIed TvPI' nDl W...lnlCy or Barglk'l and SeIe (SpacIfy BelOWI f 5810 of FrICtional or L..I than Fee IntwM ISpecify Below) G S1gnlllcnt ChanQIIln Proparty Batwllen Taxlibil bus.nd ... OM H Sale of BwI..... i, Induded In s.a. Priea I 01 IUIII Faaar, Affecting SIll, Pru CSPKKv Belowt J L Ship' ':..w1...../CO~ Joanne ......- 7. ChecIr. ,he III" b.Iaw which mOlt HICU,at..y dMOlbes .... u.. at 'M property M th ttm. at ..Ie: A~ Ono F.mHvllolldonlllll 8 2 or 3 F,mlly R..iden~ial C Ruklent.1 VDUnI Lind D Non-Rnidentilll VICMM Lind I SALE INFOR~ 1'. .... ConIrllCl 0... E~.r,g.O:u."'1 F CarrrrltCi.r G AparcmlrU H Encertlinmlll\l J Amuaemont I ~ Communlly SoMco J Indullriel K Public S.."ica L F..... 9 I 30 ManI1 01, 1 05 v_ 12. Dete of S... I Tr.MIer JiLl LL ..- Doy 05 .... . 4 3, 0 , 0, O. 0, II , II I , , 0 (Full 5Dl'e Price Ia tho tOlII MIOWW ptIid for "'I property Including panGnIII proplfty. Thla PlyrMnt may be In the rorm or cash. DC~ property or goods. cr the .uumptlon 01 mortgages or ochlt' obrlQllliona.' ",.... IDUnd 10 Ihu nINInJIl whole cJoIgr ","GlInt 11. Ful .... Price 1..Ind_lh.___ol_nol I , 0, II , III .....--......- 0 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. o.t. lhould ,.nllClth. 1_ Final A.....mont Roll .ne! T.. IIiIl ,.. v., of AII~_....nI Roll hm I 0 .4 I 17. T-.I A...... V..... Cot .. p.....ln tranIIerI. I which InfoImltIoII ,.un "1RI1 NAM' "'~I'I! ~""'" IOnly . _.. . _D ~....... oppIr: "'-PIo.......Boord...hSU_AulhclriIyExi... 0 ... Subdivision ..".....1_ Roq.... ....Tr_ 0 C. P.n:el ApP'ovec:I for Subdivilion with ....p Pr<wided 0 CMck...____....._ .. Ownerlhlp TyPI i. Condomlnium L New ConllrUcdon on V8Cln1 Land ,CIA. Propvrty LOCIIIOd within In AgrIcullurll Diltlict ,. BllV'lr ~ . disdOlU~ natic:8 indicaling thIllhe properly .In an ~aJ Dillricl o o o o ,.. Pro,.rty C... I 2 , 1 .0 I-LJ 1t._DloIrlaNomo I , Mattituck-Cutchogue ; 5 4 .0 0 , 2D. T.. MIP Ie......... I Roll ~.I .1....... tMn to.... .n.h .... willi .........1rIenIIII.(aI1 1~00-139.00-04.00-0l0.000 I I CERnACAno.!LJ I ~ .. ,,0 uf......... or __ ........ .. IIlII rann o~ I_ .... __ '10 lilt .... uf Illl' ................ _ .... 1 __ t.... tho _kin. 01.,. .tIruJ I'll... IIatnatnI ~ muItrtuIlbd hrNln ,.W JUbjed mr to Ibe ....m.I~ alU.. _I ..... nbdlft to tilt ImIIdnR MId m.... fllftlbc IlIIlrulll....llli. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY .~"~'V1^" -41' /" IIQNATl8' Mar1anne Morr EQ ...... -- d1v 0 C1'''0III1011~ &~ JO~~iP II~ RDcut 1/ ~.5: J.f -.-cooo: Lite ....."""'" 631 .. Justin .....- 669-3710 ,,"""""- NEW YORK STATE COPY