HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 197 .". I No N.Y:S. Real Estate Transfllr Tax I Required Ie 12~21 F'lq1 JLf{'-J -3 mm ICOO:! 1..199) - 2O~1 - Bq;oin anrJ !kaJc Doed. wilh C~"" apin. Grnoros Acn -Indivkluul or Corpnlion. (II. llhcaJ CONIULT YOUII LA......... __ ""1__ ~ -naa .....__.-.....IIIOULD _..- n ~ "'Y'. THIS INDENTURE. made lhe 20th day of December 2005 Bh'TWEt:1\i WILLIAM STARS and BERTHA STARS, his wife, 1505 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York 11952 lltllt residing at pallyoflhcfirslpart.and WILLIAM STARS and BERTHA STARS, residing at 1505 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York 11952, as tenants in COmmon pOlly of the second part. WITNESSETH.llIlIIlhe party of lhe filSl pan. in considclDlion of len dollars and other valuable considclDlion puid by Ih. party of the ..eond part. does hereby granl and release unlO the pOlly of lhe second part. the heilS or SIlCCeS50IS and ...signs of the pany of lhe second part forever, ALL Ihar cellain plm, pi"". or pareel of land, wilh the buildings and improvetnell\5 thereon ereL1ed, siluale. lying and h.ing.itHhe at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk ana. State of New York, bounded and'described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at .1 monument on the southwesterly side of .Wickham Avenue which is the following two (2) courses and distances from the intersection of the northwesterly side of Middle Road with the southwesterly side of Wickham Avenue; (1) northerly 44.34 feet to a point of deflection in the southwesterly side of Wickham Avenue; (2) North 390 07' 20" East 106.28 feet to the true point or place of beginning; running thence westerly along lands now or formerly of McCarroll South 470 36' 10" West 230.0 feet to lands now or formerly of Harold R. Reeve & Sons, Inc.; thence North 430 41' 20" West along said lands now or formerly of Reeve 75.0 feet to lands now or formerly of Heyliger; thence North 470 38' 00" East along said lands now or formerly of Heyliger 236.0 feet to the southwesterly side of Wickham Avenue; thence South 390 07' 20" East along the southwesterly side of WiCkham Avenue 75.0 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated October 28, 1981 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 5, 1981 in Liber 9095 Page 573. TOGIITHF.R ,,'ilh aU righl. lille and illlereSl, if any. of lhe pally of the firSI pan. in and 10 any sueel. and mads ahuning the ab...ve-d..crihed pn:mi"". 10 Ihe cenler line.. Ih.reof; TOGETHER wilh Ihe appunenanc.. and alllh. eSlale and righl. ...nh. pony ofll1e lir., pari in ond I... .oid pn:miM:", TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD the premi... herein gran led unlO Ihe p"rlY of Ihe "".ond pan. Ihe he'-,.,. or ,oece5,;o," .nd ...illns of Ihe pany of the seoond pan f...rever. ANI) rhe parly uf ,he firM pan covenant. thallhe puny uf Ihe fi..1 pan h.., n... done ur soffered anylhing whereby lhe ..id promi... have been "n.umbered in any way wholevcr. u.epl ". afore.aid. ANI> Ihe parly or Ih" !iN pari. in ...mplian.. wilh Seclion 13 or Ihe Lien La~. cuvenanl.lhallh. p"ny..r Ihe lirst pori will re.eiv. Ihe .on.ideralion for Ihi. conveyone. ond will hold Ihe righll'" receive ...h con.ider- .Iion a. a Irosl fond 10 he applied fir.t ror Ihe porpo.e of paying Ihe e....1 or Ihe improvemenl and will apply Ihe same first to Ihe paymenl of lh. eO'1 of the improvemenl before u.ing any pon of the tOlal of Ihe ..me for any <>lher p.rp....e. The w...rd "party" .hall he e..n.llraed as ir il read ..parli.... whe"ever Ihe .en... lIf Ihi. indenlore 5(' require.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I:he pany ...r Ihe fir.1 pon ha. duly e.ecoled Ihi. deed Ihe day and ye..r Ii... a"'lYe writtcn. Is rM.mu~s\'I: cu.: ~fl~4~C~Au./ William tars Page 2 of 'fJ~ /JpJuJ Bertha Stars 3 AcIcnowIedgemlflllalaln In NMrYork ~ Slate 01 New Vork, Counly ot Suffolk , sa: On the 20th day olDecember, In IIIe year 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally. appeared WILLIAM STARS and BERTHA STARS personally kno,wn 10 me or proved to me on Ihe basis 01 sallslaclory evtdence 10 be the Indlvldual(a) whose nama(St1S (are) IlUb8cribed 10 IIIe within tnelrumen! and acknowladgad 10 me Ihal ileletle/lhey axacuted Iha sama in .........../lhalr capaclly(laa), llnd Ihat by ~""""'lIheir slgnalure(s) on Ihe instrumanl, tile IndividuaI(s) or tha person upon behaK 01 which Ihe i"!fivlduel(S) acted, executed IIIe Instrumanl, 2~~~4 - tar Public IIMYLc.."a:18 ~"'_"'_'flIt ...01 1OlllIIIl,.8IMQIIlf Ct.......l hfhr.... so. 21102. AcImowIecIgerrMmt by Subecriblllll W1tneealalaln In NlIW York Slate AcIcnowIadllarnenl_ln NMru .1S1ate Slala 01 New York. Counly 01 , . sa: I i On tile day 01 .' . , In Ih. yesr Ihe undersigned, personally appeared . before met perSOnally known 10 ma or proved 10 me on Ihe basis 01 sallsfaclory evidence 10 be lhe Indlvldual(a) whose name(s) Is (are) aubscr1bed 10 Ihe within Inslrumenl and acknowledged to me Ihal he/she/lhey execuled Ihe same in his/herllhelr capaclty(iaS). and Ihat by hls/herllhalr slgnalura(s) on lhe Instrumanl, tha Indlvldual(s) or tha person upon behaK 01 which tile Indlvldual(s) acted. lIXlICUlad the I..trume~. 'I AcknlIIwIMlgament talaln outside NeW YoIIe Slate Slale 01 New Vtlrk. County 01 . ss: . Slale 01 , County 01 , IS: . (or Insart Dlslrict 01 Columbia, Terrilory, Possession or Foreign Counlry) On lhe dely 01 , in tha year Ihe undersigned, personally appeared , bafore ma. lhe subscribing witness 10 lhe loregolng Instruman!. with whom I am personsl!)' acqualnlad. who being by me duly swcm. did depose and say" thaI helshellhay reslde(a) in thaI ha/shalthay know(a) to be tile individual described in and who 8lCIlCIllad Iha Ioregclng Instrument; lhat said subscnlllng wilnesa _a prasem and B1W' said axacule Iha SElma: and Ihal said wllnass al Ihe aame lime aubscribed hla/l1ar/their name(s) IS a wltnesa thereto. Tille No.: WILLIAM S1'ARS and BERTHA STARS. his rife TO WILLIAM S1'ARS and BERTHA STARS. aa tenants' in common L' Distributed by ] Chica~ TItle Insurance Company On the day 01 , I~ IIIe year Iha underslgnad. personally appeared . before me. personally known 10 me or proved to me on the baals 01 sallslaclory evidence 10 be the indlvidual(a) whose name(a) la (ani) aubscrlbed 10 Ihe within Inslrumenl and acknowledged to ma Ihal he/ahellhey exaculad Ihe same In hls/her/lhalr capaclty(lea), thaI by hlBlherllhelr algnalure(a) on Ihe Instrumanl, the Indlvlclual(a) or the parson upon beIlaII of whlcll the IndlvldUaI(l) acted, 8lCIlCIllad the Instrumenl. and Ihal such incflYidual made such appearance beIonl lhe undarslgnad In the (add the city Dr poIllic81 subdiviSIon and tIIa 8I81a or country or other place the acknowledgemenl W8B laken), SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR lOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO: LARK & FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 Zip No. Pue 3 of 3 .. Ii ~ Ii IS ~ w " ~ ! 2 "' .~ '" ~ . 'I . . .. 't- , ~, .. , 11 2] Number of pages TORRENS ~ RECtJlDED 2005 Dee 23 11:18:44 AM Edward P.Romaine a.ERK OF SUFFOLK COUNT\' L 000012427 P 197 Drt 05-20593 Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Dc:ed , Mongage Tux Stamp FEES I Re..'OJ'ding , Filing Stamps 2J Page' Filing Fee Handling TP.584 q- Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 p- ",( 119~ ~ Mangase AmL I. ~a~ic Thx 2. Additional Thx Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dulll Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ' (:) Mansion Tax 'The property covered by Ibis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. so:e appropriate tax clause on page # of this ins ment. .,- '. 0-0) 5. lX) .-'- J_ Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-52I7 (SllIte) --( _ Sub Total '-1'< _ ~ :;.i R.P.T.S.A. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surclullge Other 15. J!!L Sub Total G"and Total " ~ Disl. 1000 Real Property Tax Servke Ag..'lIcy Verification Section l40. DO Block 0 l. DO Lot 003.000 5 CoIlUDUDity Pn..rvation J'wul Consideration Amount $ N/ A 14000 0100 003000 CPF Tax Due s ..g- Improved 61 Satisr~~tionslDischargesIRclcases List Property Owners Mailing AddreAA RECORD &: RETURN TO: Vacant Land TO LARK , FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 TO TO 7 Title Com N/A n Information Co, Name Title # TIufTolk County Recordina & Endorsement Page Thi" page forms pan of the aUached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTl made by: WILLI~1 STARS and BERTHA STARS, his wife The premises hereio i. situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Thwn.'lhip of Southold WILLI~1 STARS and BERTHA STARS. In \be VILLAGE as tena,nts in cOIlDDon or HAMLET of Mattituck BOXES Ii THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR FILING. Paqe 1 of 3 (over) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0132783 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05--20593 Recorded: At: 12/23/2005 11:18:44 AM LIBER: PAGB: D00012427 197 District: 1000 Section I Block: 140.00 01.00 BXl\J[[HBD AIm CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 003.000 Deed Daunt: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Hanclling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO I'ees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20593 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBN'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, S~ffolk County . . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FiRMl.Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.Btate.nv.uB or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNlY USE ONLY C',SWI8CaU ~?,3, $7.9,71 cz.DMol__ J:') I~ 3 1~S1 ~ fi:Y v.. C3. Book I ~~ , (/,;;2 . '71 C4,'_ PROPERTYINFOR~TION * STATE OF NEW YORK BTATE BOARD OF REAl. _RTY __ RP - 5217 .~UI7 8ft .m I. "-'<Y L I.aootl... W~_ L ~c\l~1d L Wickham Avenue ......,..... Mattituck ...... 11952 I Z1PCODl: 2."""" Nome Sl;ars L&5 ""'" c:aMPANV William -- Bertha rNrNNllli L Stars LAlIT NAMI' ItoMPMY 3. Tax Inelc_ wheN fuwre To. BIll.. w be Ant ....,. if cllhar than buyer Iddrlu Clt boIIom of form) L - Stars LAST NAMl/mNMNY William , Bertha ,....- L P.O. Box 942 ..11I[(1'........IIAIID.'....... NAIll' Mattituck .....""~ . 1 J . of P'I'OII. OR D P.rt of . PerClI IN .y I 11952 "'411 7flC'ODI! """"' I IlR I 4 IllnIy . Port III . _I a..... OIlIloy oppIy: .... PIonnIng bid _ W1diwloi... AuIhorily e_ 0 ...S__'_Roq_lorTr_ 0 oc:. P_IAp_lorSUbd__...._ 0 4. India... ....1 nuIIIb.r vi __ "'it Raft I*WII tranI.rNd on the .... 5.=:- I SlI. ""ONI'FifT I xl '"""" . e. - L .!l~~L... N._ L Stars lAiT~/COIIII"AN'f ~iam Bertha ....TNMIE - ^~ One Family _......1 B 2 or :1 F.nUty Rutdentlel C Ruililnl~ Y~nt Und D Non.fluadMli8I V_nt Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11._.0"'__. NIA lO~Ag'IcuItu'.' t: Commercill G Apl!nlMl1l H Enlertllinlllllnt I Amu.mnt I ~ Cammunilv SIMco J _... " ....... Sorvlco t far..1 CMaII: Ih......belaw .. ttwr apply: .. Owne~ip Type " CondomInium .. New ConItruction on VICIflI Land lOA. _ LacI10d wIIhIn on Ag<1cul..... _... 1.. &uy.r reroelYed . diIcIau'I nodGI indiGlling IMIht Il'-"I II .. on AgrICuOwIl 0IIlr... o o o (O 7. CMd: the t.. ....... which most MiCUlWleIr ~ the u.. of tII. property .. "- dm. aI ....: '2. Dolo of .... I Tr_ ...... I ""' 1 v_ I 12 -'0 1.?5 I" - ""' v_ 11. a.cIl_ 01' more 01 thMe ~~...._ _ wI-...... 10""""'-: ,\ Sell BeIwoon Rerltivel or Form... AelltlVOI R Sale BeIv.wn ReI.aad CompaniM or Plir1nlra in Bulinen C One of the B~ iI .'-0 . Seller I) Buyer or SeIer iI Ga~ Agency or Londlng Il1IIIlutlon E lload lYPO _ _....,.. _n .nd ....1SpocIIy_ F .... IlI"-'.... ..1-._ F.. _ ,__ o Signlllcoro ~ in "- _ T._ _.nIl.... DIo H .... of Bull..... io IncIlldod In ..10 "'... I 0IIIar U......I F...... _... "10 PrIco lSpacIly Solow) J _. Termination of tenancy by the entirety 13, Ful .... ,..-. N/A , , ,0, 0 I , , . !.Full Sill PrIce il1hItotal .mount plid 'orlhe ptOpeI'ty inducflllll pegDAlI property. ThiI paymer1lt may be In .... form o. CIIh. otMr property 0lI" IiJQCIdI. or N .......... of mongag.. or CKNr oblig:ItIona.l ",..,. IOUItd ro IN ,."., wIIoII dolfi, MftGUtIt 10.=':.:== I N/!, .0.01 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo ohould roflOClIho 1_ FInal ......."".1 Rollond Tn Bill II.V_IlIAo_Il__IO 5 117T_A_V_laIo11_In_11 which Informdon ..n . . ; , 5 5 0.0 I ; ,1. ""'- ._ 12 .1 ,0 I-LJ It.___1 Mattituck Cutcho'iJue UFSD 2D. T.. Mop "_011.... ..._"" 18..... _ _. _ _ _ _III _ort.1I 14C1 - 1 - 3 I I CERTIFICATION I I ....." ..... .. <I'" U- <lInl"DnIllIlIoa -.... .. ... .... 1ft lIUo .... __ liD ... boll <I..,. -.. ... IIIIIIIl .... I ....._ .... .... ........ or l1li)' wH'uI ...... ......... fill mMIriIII "'1 ..... wII ......... ... .. the Dnn'.... fII.... DI'IIIIII .... rtIlIIIvr to .... __ .... ...... ", fIN .... rllluu.. ~ BUYER'S ATTDRI\EY g~Ad--. ~ 1U'rtlllllll'lATUIIE 12/20/05 ..TI Lark Richard F. .....- ,IJII........ 1505 ITIIHT NU.... . Wickham Avenue JTIl[[I' NAME. WTUI SAW 631 734-6807 _ca. T!lIl"IIOM' NUMIIR Ma:tti t;uck NY 11952 ClT'f'ORlOlllN IT.n ..- ~ NEW YORK STATE R:L~~ COpy 12/20/05 ..,. --