HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 948 . " I YD.--) .- K ~~~O~lD..{-, , ' L--~ LfCt, f C)LI~ :8ta_ N,V,B.T,lI. Form eOos -- EMcuIDr'a Deed - UnIIarm AdcncNilIdgm.... II:ONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORISlGNlNG TIUS INSTRUUINT-TIUS INSTRUIIINT SHOULD BI UlIIO BY LAWYIIlS ONLY 'THIS INDENTURE, made lt1is!:Y'" day 01 July, 2005 IBETWEEN THOMAS B. REEVE, JR., 8S Executor of the Eatste of Helen Z. Reeve 8/kIa Helen Julie Reeve, ./ d_.-'Id 3129105, Suffolk County Surrogate's Court File '11122P2005, residing at 11680 Wills Creek Road, San Diego, Calilomia 92131, party 01 the lirst part, and' DON L. JAYAMAHA AND SHARMINI JAYAMAHA, ~<; WlCt> .;> . residing at21 Cottonwood Avenue, Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, thatlt1e parly olltlS IIrst pari, In consideralion 01 Six Hundred Filly-Five Tho~d and 001100- ($655,ooo.)-Oollars, and olt1er good and valuable consideration paid by the parly 01 the second pari and In distribution 01 the aloresaid estate, does hereby grant and relaaae unlo the parly oltha second pari, the heirs or successors and assigns 01 the party 01 the second parllorever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, a1tuate, lying and being at Mattituck, In the Town 01 Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point distant South 44 degrees 47 minutes West, 87.4 feet from the southwesterly side of Maiden Lane, measured along the southeasterly line of a 10 foot right of way which southeasterly line is the northwesterly line of land now or formerly of Ella B. Jones; and from said point of beginning running thence South 44 degrees 47 minutes West along the northwesterly line of land now or fonnerly of Ella B. Jones 87.60 feet to a monument and land now or fonnerly of Uoyd Hamilton; THENCE North 47 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds West along said last mentioned land 160 feet, more or less, to the approximate location of the original high water mark of Mattituck Creek; THENCE continuing the same course North 47 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds West 83 leet, more or less, to the present ordinary high weter mark of Mattituck Creek as it presantly exists; THENCE easterly along said ordinary high weter mark abOut 95 feet, more or less, to land now or :.:lnnerly 01 Harold R. Ro1ltjVEo, Jr. and Margaret C. Rll6\Ie, his wife; THENCE South 47 degrees 25 minutes 10 seconds East 810ng said last mentioned land 83 feet, more or less, to the approximate location 01 the original high water mark of Mattituck Creek; THENCE continuing the same course South 47 degrees 25 minutes 10 seconds East stlll along said last mentioned land 200 feet, more or less, to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with an 8888ment for Ingress and egress to and from the above described premises and Maiden Lane over and upon a strip of land, 10 feet wide,leadlng eesterly from the above described premises between land now or fonnerly of Ella B. Jones on the south and Harold R. Reeve, Jr. and Margaret C. Reeve, his wife, on the North. SUBJECT, however, to an easement 10 leet in width along the southeasterly line of said premises. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the eeme premieee conveyed to Thomas B. !leeve, Jr. as executor under the Last Will and Testament of Helen Z. Reeve, deceesed, by deed 1/11/96, recorded 3/29/96, in Liber 11767 page 843. TOGETHER with all right, We and Intaresl, II any, 01 the party 01 the Ilrst parlin and 10 any slresls and roads abutting the above described preml8elto the center linas 1hereoI; TOGETHER with the appurlenances and all the estate and rights 01 the party olll1e first pari in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the premlsas hereln granted unto the party 01 the second pari, the heirs or successors and assigns 01 the parly 01 the second pari forever. AND the party 01 the lirst pari covenants that the party 01 the lirst pari hes not done or sullered anything whereby the said premlsas have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aloresald. AND the party 01 the lirst parl, In compliance with secUon 13 01 the Uen Law, covenanls lhatthe party 01 the Ilrst pari will receive the conaklerallon lor this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideretion as a trust lund 10 be applied first for the purpose 01 paying the cost 01 the improvement and will apply the same IIrstlo the payment 01 the cost 01 the Improvement before using any pari 01 the Iotal 01 the same lor any olt1er purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as II R read "parlles" when ever the sense 01 this Indenture 60 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pal1y of the IIrst pal1 has duly executed this deed Ihe day snd year IIrst above wrillan. IN PRESENCE OF: "--" .fIrJ<<U.12 . ,. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE ~late :, No~ YOrl<, Counly ~ 18: S1a1e 01 New York, Counly 01 18: On the . cley 01 , In the year On the cley 01 . in the year before me, the undersigned, pet8OI1lllly llpp88recl beIor8 me, the undelligned. pel8Ol1lllly appeered personelly known 10 me or proved 10 me 01. the bule 01 eaIia18ClO'l' lWidllnce to be the indvtdua~l) whoee name(l) Ie (ere) eubec:ribed 10 the within inetrumen! end lIdcnowtedgld 10 me !hI! hel8he/lhey exec:uted the eame In hlelherJlhelr capaclIy(lel), end thet by hlelherllhelr e1gn8lU18(1) on the insIrumenl" the lncIvIduaI(e), or the pel80n upon behalf 01 which the IndMdu8l(1) 8cI1d, 8lf8CUIed the lnetrumenl. personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the b8818 01 ealialectory evIdeno8 10 be the indvtduaJ(l) whoee neme(1) Ie cere) eublcribed 10 the within lnelrumen! end ecIcnowIedged 10 me the! heIshIIlh8y exec:uted the eame In hl8lherithelr capaclIy(leI). end thl! by h1e1herllhelr elgnatureCI) on the In8tlument, the 1ndlvIduIII(1). or the p8<8OI1 upon behalf 01 which the 1ndividua1(1) ected. exec:uted the inellUmenl. (elgnature end oIIIce 01 individual taldng edcnowIedgment) (Iigneture ,end oIIIce oIlndivtduall8king ecIa IOWIldgment) Notary Pulbllc TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE 5ta18 (or DiIlrtct 01 CoIumble, Territory, or Foreign Counlry) 01 CALIFORNIA II: On the 13 1lL day 01 July, In the year ~105 before me. the ..,delligned, personalyappeared THOMAS I~. REEVE, JR. pereonelly known 10 me or proved to me on the ba8i8 01 eatillectory evidence 10 be the indivldualCI) whole nerne(l) Ie (elD) auble_1o the wllhln lnelrument end 8CIInowI8dg1ld to me IheI hel8he/1hey .xecutlld the eame In hl8lherl\helr capeclly(lel). end thet by hl8lher/lhelr IIgnatul8(l) on the inetrumen!, the 1ndIvtdu8lCI), or !he peI80n upon beheH 01 which the Indlvldual(l) ected, elCllCUlld ~.... lnetrument, end thet euch individual mede euch Ippeerence beIor8 the undeQlIgnlld In the .::5,19Al !iJ1€.4/) In CALIFORNIA . (1neer11he Clty or _ poIilIcallUbdlvl8lon) (end I~ ~ or Country or _ ~ ~ ~ _liken) ~~~ ~r.tl~~~~1akIng8dlncr<<*IgmenI) M'I".~~II'. SNlIlll!GO CCUNlY .. COMM. BlI'.1lPIft. 11." EXECUTOR'S DEED Title No. .st\ ~SOSCa. t THOMAS B. REEVE. JR. as Executor of the Estate ,)f Helen Z. Reeve Blk/a Helen .Julle Reeve TO DON L. JAYAMAHA AND SHARMINI JAYAMAHA SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request 01 COMMONWEAlTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COIt.OlONWZALTU l..A.ND Trn.E J"15U~"CE CO,.I'AJrr."Y STANIlNIIl FOIIII OF NEW YDIlK IIOAIIO OF11TLE W<0ERWRI1EIllI O lliIIriboUd by . Commonwealth ALi''''~a;JM>ANY I i ~ .. II; i1i .. 2 I ~ ! l:l .. ...- .. [!] '2 : RECORDED 2005 Rug 01 12:24.09 PH Edward P. Roaaine . ClERK OF SUFFOll( COUHTY L ??oo12400 P 948 DTII 05-00101 " . NUIllbc:r of I...ge! 3 TORRENS Serial II Certificate II Prim' Clf,/I 2l I'E!ES Rccmding I Filing Slumps Ocelli Mortgage InSlntllleqt need I Mortgage 1'dX SiamI' P:oge I Filinll Fee Handling Tf'-584 Cf_ .ore. @J Mortgage Amt. . l. Ilosic Tax 2. Additional Tllx SlIh TOlal SpeciAssi!. 5. ..Q!L -J_ Notation SA-52 17 (CmllllY) EA-521? (SI..le) R.P,T.S.A. '5 Sub ToI.1 '7S= ~~ 5. _ll!L ;ff'. ,-:- 01' Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _. _ nnal Cllnllly __ Ileld f,,1' Appoinlment Trllnsfer Tax .."?- ~42- ~_ Mansion TaA ,,,. 1'lUpeny eoven:d by Ihis mO"lgoge is or will be impmvcrl by II one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES ."01' NO__ Comm. of 11~, AffiLlaY;1 CCllified CO,[,y NYS Surchn;rge 15. ..m... SnhTolal Grand Total ~ /~- IJ?J If NO, see appropdllle .ax c1anse on poge II of Ihis inslrnmelll, /. - -5 . Community PreBervation Fund , , ~ ConBideration Arnollnl $ .~'5'S;OOO Orher -:-T:lOO() ~ Reoll'l"Ol"'rtl/ Tax Service Agency Vrrific31ion ~ ~f-'TS RwIMA A .,JUL '- 1000 141100 0100 008000 CPF Tax Due '$ /4AV.- Improved , euS<i.O ~ c;<u cl6~> 2> \. ..lQ~~ ~.(.GUn ~ '~3:. Po.:.l-e.ho~ J )J.Y II " d. VoclIlIll.llnd __ 6/ S.,isfaclionJllDisch.rgcslRe;enses Lisll'roperty Owners Mailing ^~ RECORD & RETURN TO: . TO If) TO TO " 7 Title Com lm Information This page fonns pal1 of lhe IIUached _ Co. Name Tille II oS 5l"5O Suffolk 'CouotLRecordine: & EndorseOlellt .Page ~ . . : . "(SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) _ l11ad~ hy: ~ -~~ ~. ~~ ,J Y"" 'n,e premises herein is sitlllllcd ill n.S f?-I.IJ-CJkJdy' SUflI'OI.K COUNTY, NUW YORK, ').. _ TO TlIlhe 1l.wnship of ~u4V1O t.d '-~~ L. Jrlllllffit.l~ Inlhe VII.LAOH . <;:.!ha.,(I'Vlill', ,..b.yat"llll1lA..... or HAMI.R1'of _~-iud:. 1I0XES 6 THRU K MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO I(UCORDING OR FlUNG. {lIVer} 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFJ'OLlt CO'DHTY CLERK aCORDS OJ'J'ICE RECORDING PAGB Type of :Instrument. DBlmS/DDI) Number elf Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0079405 TRANSJ'BR TAX NUMBER: 05-00101 R.corded. At. 08/01/2005 12.24.09 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012400 948 Deed Amo:)unt. Section. Block. 140.00 01.00 1ZY.MTHBD AND CIU..ROBD AS IrOLLOWS $655,000.00 Lot. 008.000 Districla 1000 Receiveel the Following Page/PUing COB EA.-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfttr tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,620.00 Pees Por Above Instrument Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA.-STATE Cert.Copies SCTK ea-.Pr.s P..s Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,100.00 $12,869.00 Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSPBIt TAX NlDIBBR. 05-001O:L THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THB INSTRUMBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County , PLEASE TYPE OR PRESSFiRMLVWHEN WRmNGOI.fFORM- . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ,LI,l,~, ~~3.J C2. D.ut Doed -- I ~ I L I ~~I CI.-ll. 4 '-f,~C4.p_,qL/.6, PROPERTY INFORMATION STAn OF NEW YORIl STAn IIOAIlIl OF REAL PROPERTY SEII\IICES c,. SWIS 0.... ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 1tJl.QI'.....WI "-L 243 Loc8tIon :1f1lOT ...... .L 'Ct'IV OR TOWN Matti tuck "'LAG> 11952 ...- z._ L Jayamaha __ II.AI1'NAIIIe:/aM'JWt Don L. -.- L Jayamaha ;LAlT ......,CCMMNY Sharmini ,..,..... J. Tn 1~""fW.IreT..IIiIII"lDt...,. __ W"'h"....__lII-""'orm. L- Addrns Lo'iT NMII' I~.wr FNtllAME L 1'11111' ....."AfiID.fIIIU., NAME C11YDI'ICMN lTAT! ..- Ii....... L Ix I :::-" FRDNTrur ....... 'ORI ""'" . 5 . 3 I 1OnIr' ,., .. . _ QoacIl . _ apply. .........._,.;Ih__._ 0 48. SubdI_"___1orT.......' 0 c._........................w;,/oMap_ 0 4.lndiuIeU. numllu oJ ~ Roll ..... ............ on 1M.... 1 I , or Plrcell OR 0 Plrt of . ,.reaI .. ..... Na.... L Estate of Helen Z. Reev~ ,.., ....,cm.AN\' --- L IAIT__/~ ~ MMIl A~ Ona ,."'"V- B 2..31'am'ly_ C FIesIc1etulll V___ Lind o Non-RI.adIntIIII V-=anI lDnd I SALE INFOBMA]2[] 1'. .... CanIr_t Date E ~ Agrlalhu..' F ComlMrclIl Ci .........., H El'llttllinmenl' AmueMtenl I~~- J .......... K PubIl:Slrvlce L F_ ~1IuI__.__ .. ~ TyPo '" CclndomOoh.n .. New ConIIructian on v...... lMMt 1M. PrOI*tY LDCIlId wilhin In Agricukural Dillrlcl '...__Id...........__""" ..... _'" In anAgr...__ o o o o 7. Chad!. the bOil below which mcm ....-MaIy ......... UN oIm...apeftf.' !tIe'lm. at uIa: 11. OIl. of .... , ,,....,., 07 I 21 - ""', I 05 v.., '..a..-.........oI~_ -I... ..............tr....t.r. A ... ...,.." .....,. or FonNr ReIariWII B s.a. Bolween Rea.Ied CclmpInieI or hrIner. in BuIineM C an. 01 eM Buv-w II .am . Sellar I) 1Iuyor.._"'Gowr......._..~,nstIlullan E Daad Typo nat W.rr~ 01 Bergain and SIIe {SpoaIfy Belowl F _..............1.oa.....0.1___ Ci Significant a..noe In ~ny BMween TI" Status Ind S111e Du: II &O"of__"'_'.__ I OlIle<U........__.."PricoCS......._ J Nano 06 I 20 I 05 Ucnh ~ .,..... .6,5,5,0,0,0,0,111 J J . tFuII SaIl Pre. II the tabll amount pN for Ute propIrty including porlOnel propetly. flU PIvmenI .nay blln lhe form m cah. other properly or gaodI. Dr 1M .........,uan of .................,.......-.. -...................,-- ,.-=:::::== I , . , : lQ... .11, III ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dill Ihould _ thl IoIIG An.l_n' Roll .nd Tax Bill ". Full "Ie Prk:e ,..Y_..--RaIl.......,041.0511?T__V_IaI.._....._, which Worn..... ...... . . 3 6 0 0 ; 'I. Property cr.. 11.......!........QJ-LJ ,..___ I Matt1tuck 2a. T.. ..... 1Ul1'llll*1111 Roll ~ CI mon tMn lour. IItIICh ..... wIIh ........ .........n 1001)-140.00-01.00-008.000 , I CEBTlFlCATlONl I nr1ll'r.......,ar....u-ur__...............,,,,.....carn<tU..........oI"'1_....._ "UoIland. n ' ..... .........1IIIkInA oIl1lQ.w..".r.__of_r...._wllool1l<<l......... .....-........._IIaw......................._fIIIlIlIor.................... R BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ a Gaj daB -- Michael lIIII8ha ....,- ~ 'TllIlU~11l .~.e.O ~Il.' ~""'- ~ _It 1IIAMl1olf1"tll1ALQ 631 -- 441-1200 11!LI!~NU""" c;n'rCIIIIOWllI ~ -;;Il./S~ NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ . :.::l::;,tate o:~ Helen Z. TJ...ve 4- '-';I';'~~~" I Tho'lli'A"""ir~"'1leeve. Jr.. Executor ~~ .....~-