HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12214 P 885 . . C/22./'( P 88 ') ~'~:. (.'111 '+.. , ~""_Dood,_"--"""'('_"__""I.._""-"'1iIllo:t1 THIS INOENTURE~ Itl.IIR IlIe Sr&; of ..t.6:~_1'M> BETWEEN HERBERT SWANSON TI1e WlXllIblven Home for Adults 1350 Route 112 Port Jefferslm Station. NY lJn6 I LtO-I--1 party of die first part. and GARY SWANSON. as Trusleeof THE HERBERT SWANSON IRREVOCABLE TRUST 205 12 Poinle Regattll Drive Cornelius, North Carolina 28031 party of IlIe secoodpan, WJTN.:SSETH. IIW IlIe peny of IlIe flnt pen. in ~ of Ten DoIlar$ alId cllhcr valuable <XInSidenIIion paid by IlIe party of IlIe secood party. does ~ grant alId n:lwe UIIlO IlIe party of IlIe second pen. IlIe beir.l or ~ alId a:ssIsns of IlIe party of IlIe occond pen fOl'C'VCl'. PARCFJ. 1 - All 1ll,at certain plot. piece or portel of lalId. willlllle ~ and ~ lIlen!oII enx:tcd, >iIuatc. lying and being aI Mauilui::k, in IlIe Town of SoWIoId. Cowny of Suffolk arIIl SWe of New York. arIIl boIIIIlIlrd oollle EalIl by Maidl:n Lane a dislanl:I.- of 10 feet; and on IlIe SouIII by WId now llI' f_fIy of Junes L. Reeve E5ta1rs: and on IlIe West by WId of HamilIlIn I dislan1:e of 10 feel~ and IlIIIl1e Nonb by. Right of way.: PARCEL 2 - AU IIW ...nain plot. piece or pucel of land, willi IlIe buildin&:s arIIl impl'O'lCmenu IlIenloII mcted.. siwm, lying arIIl being at Malliluck, in 1M Town of SouIIIoId, COIIIlIy of Suffolk and SWe of New Yort. and bound 011 IlIe EasI by Maidl:n Lane I di_ of 60 fm; alId 011 IlIe SouIII by 1M WId now or formerly Of James Ilccve E.sIale alId wille wesl by l-IamiWllII a lIislanceof 60 feel and on IlIe Nonb by WId of Clan W. Rreve. BEING AND INTENDF.D 10 laE IlIe same pmnisos as coc<eyed in I deed by EUa B. Jones. n:siding.. Maiden Lane, loIaIIiIuck, Town of SOUlhold, SI,IlJoIk Coumy, NnI York, to J. Milford Ki.rlCIlp,.Jr..:tt CnmmiHimIer of Publk: Welfare. Suffolk COIIIlIy. New York. or /lis SlICCeSSOt$. dated August 29. 19S6 and .......4cd in IlIe 0ftlI:e of IlIe Clerk of Su/ToIIt COIIIlIy 011 Sepl/llllllcr 13. 19S6 in LillI:r 4178 pop 35 I. P "ReELS I arIIl 2 when lII;cn ll:>geIber an: morepenicularly hru........ and clcscrillcd as fallows: BeJinning at I poilll 011 me SOUthwest side of Maiden Lane, di5tanJ 142 feel nonbwesllerly of IlIe iaImectioo. of IIle nonb_ sidt of Middle Road ond IIle south_ side of Maiden Lane. as IIliO&SIII'I:d aIcol& IIle 50UIbWIISl side if Maiden Lane; I1IIllIIing IIlenee aklfl8 land now or formerly ofllle Ila:vr: EsIaIe, SouIII44" 47' 00' West. 175 feel 10 a motI\ItI1CIIl ond WId now or fonnel'ly of lfamillon: I'lIMiag 1lIenI:e. aIcol& said llIIld.. nonb 41" 25' 10' WJ:SI, 70.00 I'ecI 10 I Rigll1 of Way; I1IIllIIing 1lIeIIl:c aIcol& said RiglI1 of Way. nonb 44' 47' 00' _ 175 feel 10 IlIe SCIIIIIIweslIide of Maiden Lane; l\IIUting 1Ilenee'~ '.,'SQ!Ilh_ side of Maiden Lane, SOUlh 47" 25' 10 . elSl. 70.00 fm 10 1IIe point or pla(c of begimil!i~ ,'~ r:~:."'. "1~" C;"#ot,l' ~ l' j<" ;.. "f. '......~ .... ." ,t,~ ,. "1> BEING AND INTENDIW;TQ)IE .1l!\l:"'"'r';pit:mi>es <XII1veyed to 1be patty of \be fim part by Deed daJed Man:h 11. 1969. recorded Man:h 19. 1lJ69.in IlIe 0(1'''"' ~f Ibe CIcOt of Su/Tolk COIIIlIy in Liber 6S21. pop 296. " : #",. '.J'~""- ; .. .' ~.. .. ,.. c . ' TOGE"J'HER willi 1II1,., ,lith and in~ if 11I)', of Ibe party of IlIe fits( pen in arIIlll) III)' _ and RlICIs aIluIIing IIle above desci-ibed ~millcs .uf,1liC cCtuer lines 1lIe1Wf; TOGI!."J1IER willlme lIpplW........... ond aIlllle esIIIle ond riabl5 of 1IIe pinY.,df Jlle:lIis1:pin in ond 10 said premises; TO HA Vi: AND TO HOLD IIle pmniJt:s holrein gramed WlIO IIle pony (ir'1lIe occond pen. IlIe heirs or s""euoWI and assisns of IlIe patty of IlIe lIlOCOIId pen foteVt't. . , AND file peny of IIle fltst pen e<_ IIW \be party of IlIe firsl part bas IlOI done or SlJfTered IIl)'IIIing wlItm:by IlIe said pmn.... ..."" been encwnbcred in any way wIlaIcwr. excqH as a!oreaaid. AND die pany of IlIe fim part i. compliaDce ....ith Set'tion 13 of file Lien Law. l:OVCIlIIItIlIW IlIe parly mille 11M part will 1tlC\,..... tile considualioo for JIIis corJveyanec arIIl will hold IIle .10 ~"" such _idmnioo as I 1M! fund 10 be appIlcd first for me plll]lOSe of paying Iht cost of Iht ilnpnwement and will apply IlIe ume fim lO tile paymenl of IlIe cost of IIle impro,_nt before <>sing Ill)' pari of IlIe IDIaI of IlIe same, fot any oilier JlW'POll". 'fly, word 'pany' shall be COO5t'".d .. if if read 'JII!'llh' ...-.- IlIe _ of JIIis irIllimrum so ~rn. IN WI1'NF.llS WHEREOF. !h<. peny of IlIe flrsl pen bas duly eJOOC1I1Od Ibis deed IlIe dlly alId ~ nm abOve wrincn. . In Presence uf; .~SI.4lll>l$O^ b HERBERT SWANSON , STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA. COUNTY OF \)\~a..'t",,"~ 55.: On dJc .F~ or""""IT": in dJc ynr 2002. before me. dJc IlIICIeniped. a NouIry 1llmik: in and for said _. penonaIly appAI'IllI GARY SWANSON. pmoaalIy bIowIIlO me or proved 10 me OIl dJc _is or will'KIOty ~ la be dJc .ialMdUaI wIIaIe _ is IlIbscribed 10 dJc wiIlIiD inslnrmeal and .n...~ la me IhIt he UIlCUIed dJc _ in Ills ~, andlhlt tly Ills tipM_ 0Il111c mscnm-.. IIIe iadividuoJ, or the prlDI IIpOIl bellllf ar wIIk:II dJc iadividuoJ amd. tMI:Wd the l_.......... 1111 11111 !IIIIdI IncIivldIpI IlIlfPt _ oIIll*l!~' / bel'oredJcWldoJr~ in~t'd,\(,.'-...t">.~lo:I"~:- V I~or poIiIIeaI tllbdMsion and _ .......~.8~~ pIam.wIq.......lWnJ l~~'if, 'Yi.. _J 'W( $OTAIt" 1 I j1>f,11_~ \~~ ~~~.u.!.-:~ J MJcommIAaon__ _ " ,- STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55.: On Iho da)' of 2002, before me penonaIly - 10 me lcnoWIl. ""'" beiua by me duly swom. did ~ and _y IhIt be resides II: ~. ;1hIt he a the or . IIIe eorponIiIlII dacrlhocl in aad wIIk:II -.- the l'oICJDiIlc: inIlrunIcnl; IIllII he IcrlowIthe n or Slid 0lll'p0I'IIlaft IIllII dJc n .tllMd 10 said insInancm is !IIIIdI CllIpl)11lC. n; 1hII II _10 aflIlced by Clldcr or the board or dil1etGn or said <:u. ....."'ion, II1IIh1t lie: lipl h _ IlIen:IO by liIrlt order, nowy .. . . , ~ . IlAKGAIN AND SALE DF.ED widt Covenant I\p/.asl Granror'. Am HERllERT SWANSON TO GARY SWANSON. IS TIusIte arTHE HERBERT SWANSON IJtREVOCABU! TRUST . , , STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF 55.: On IIIe day or , 2002. before 1IlII. IIIe Ulldmi&ned, a NoIary Public ill and for IIIlld Sl&IC, pmonaIly lplIelIr.ed , pmoaalIy la10wn 10 me or pnIWd U) me 011 IIIe basis or aalis1rlc1Or:Y cwidmce III be dJc individaolta) wlloac 1IImCl(/I) is (an/I suIlscribed lO IIIe widrin ~ and ~ to me IIllII bellbrlllley 4lX4lClIlat IIIe _ ill IIlaIIJerflllelr ClplCit)'Cle$I, and _ by lIitIIIerfllleir aipllw:e(a) CD IIIe i.rm_, IIIe indiYiduaI(a). or IIIe penon Upl)II beIIIIf or wIIk:IIthe ~a) actecI. ~ llrc in!Irumcm, . nowy STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 55.: " On 1Ill.' " day or . . 2002. before.me. llrc 1IIIdmiped.. '. pel'1lOOally appeared , Ihc mb!eribin& wIIOcsa 10 die fOlqOiDa i~. willr 'IiIIlIm I .... pmoaalIy acqubxod. wbe belnJ by _ duly _. did .. aIld say dllII he'/1IlctdIcy rcside(s} in (if die place or 11i1~ is in a cily. inI:Iude lhc _ and -. I1IlIIIber. if any, IIImot) ; 1hII he'/Jhe'/IIIey Ialow(s) III be dJc lndMduaJ dcat.jb"d ill and ""'" eJCeaIIld dJc (oj""";" ill.b ""...1; dial said IIIbscribirrg wIIOcsa _ JRIIllII JUld _ said _ dJc _: and_ said wIIOcsa II dJc _ lime .l1dIscribed hillberilbeir 1IUIIe('s) as wIIOcsa 1lIen:IO. IlOlaIy : II!l::11Oi< 1((-0 /{JCJ '1 IUlCK lOT caUNT\' as T<lW>< Sdf(:Ou:. RETURN BY MAIL TO: Nancy Bumer, P.C. 46 Raure 2M SUite 4 Setauket, New York 11733 . NunIbw Of JlIICS TORRINS SeIial . Cerlili.... . Prior Of. II Ll' '2 J -3 ~, 0Rl)B) 2002 Oct 15 02138156 fII'l EdllIIIIrd P.baine ClERIC OF SlIFFI1J( aurrv l ??oo12214 P 8115 DTt 02-11238 . Deed , Mottpac InSCl'umenl Doed/Mottpa,e T.I 51.... FEES ~ina I t1li1ll SIImps .......' Filinl F." lllmdlina 11'-584 Notation 1!A-52 17 (COUllly) 1!A-5217 (StIIe-) IlP.T.s'1\, Comm. of Ed. AlTuJaYil Cerliliod Copy Rq.:topy Olher l llmmp DIIe lnilials 7 s.lisractinnsll ~ 'f s .McrlPF Ami. 1.IluieTu 2. Addilimal T.. SUb TaI.aI S'" _ SlIbTaIIlI ~~ 00- Spec:JAsslI. 0. Spilc:./Md. lOY': MTG. TAX 0..1 Town Dual County_ 1l~1d rill AJIllI1rtionmenl _ T........~T.. f2I . r MIPs_T.. ___ The properly co-..I by th.lI1IICIpIe . or will he I",plllved by. nn<< or two r....ily cIwellina only. YES or NO Ir NO. 1ft _-u.c IU IIhn1H on pqe. _orlllisi_. 5~ 15' _ SubTCllIJ OR..;\ND '!'C":"Al.. C/q- -: RaIl Pnlp:rty Tax Service Apncy VcrlflCllliOll Disl. 5mion B~ 1.01' .. '--. !lOoo .-' 000 ~.OOO O~OO 00 02039195 1 ~} _, __.~. _i1......- ! ..__"'....... KETUltN TO: 1'0 1t:>De> 1'0 1'0 6 Community Pl'CKrvation Fund COlIslderation Amounl $ CI'F To.is. Uur: S Improvod iIt'.nlLand NANCY BURNER. P.C. li6 ROUTE 25A SUI TE '1I SETAUKET. NY 11733 B TUle Company Information Co. N.me Tille" Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page '1 his page foems plI.I1 of the aUlIchal DEED (SPOC'II'Y n'PU OF INSTR.l.JMENI") ftllIde by: HERBERT SWANSON The pl'cllliscshmlin issilll8led in SUFFOLK rollNlY. NEW YORK. TO GARY SWANSON AS TRUSTEE OF THE HERBERT SWANSON IRREVOCABLE TRUST 1II11Ie Tuwnship of In llIe VILLAGE or IIAM!Ef of MATTITUCK SOUTHOIO OOXES 511IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRI'NJEI.) IN DLACK INK. ONLY PRIOR ro Rr:CORDlNG OR I:IUNG. lOVER) . I 1111111111111111111 11111111 IW IIII IIIIIIII SUI'I'OLK COUHTt' C%.BRK RBC01U>S OITIC& RBC01U>IHG PUB TJpe of ID8U-t:: DZms/J)l)J) "'-"r of 1'....: 3 'l'JUUISI'D 'tAX: JftPoC8BR: 02-11238 Di..t:rict:: 1000 SactiOll: Block: 140.00 01.00 .......HDIBJ) AIIID CD......... AS :roLLOIIS $0.00 Reco~: At:: :UBD: PAGB: loot: : 009.000 10/15/2002 02:38:56 I'll D00012214 885 o..d A1muat:: 'ap/J'iliq COB D-c.r;r D-584 J.Ul'r 'l'J:an.i!.z: tax "_.i.~: 1:!uI 1'o11owiDq 1'_. 1I'0z: Above :ID.t.z'um8A1: Ex .L t: HO Radliq BO IUS SOItCIIc: BO D-S7AD BO C4l2:t . COp.i.e. BO SC'DC BO c-.I'z:88 ..... Pa.i.e! $lJ. 00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ut.OO Ex .L 1: NO 110 HO BO BO BO ftWII'SI'D '!'AX ~: 02-11238 TRIS PAID :IS A I'AIl'l OJI' '1'BI: IIIS1'lroNIl:1ft' Bc:braI:d :1'.. D__>4 118 CouIIty Cl8z:k, ~i!olk ComIty Pt:.EASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLf WHENWRfrrNG'ON FORM IN$TRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st/fte:nv.lMl or PHONE (518) 473-7222 " I t . I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev3J97 " Property L-l85 Location STfIEET NUMBER ~outhoid Clr( OR TOWN Maiden Lane STREET NAME 2. Buyer Name -- I Gary Swanson, as Trustee of th<:> Herber LAST NAME I COMPANY !. ~,attituck VilLAGE ZIP CODE Swanson Irrevocable Trust FIRST NAME L- LAST NAME tCOMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent I Billing if other tr.an buyer address (at bottom of form) L-- Address LAST NAME I COMPANY .,~'" ''t~ :',,~;/r:1~~~~-:"'?'):~~~4~-(~~S::~",tI~_;:1:~:rH}'i:ry.'::-~'-;:~?>;;.~,.-,_/ STRf,ET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN FIRST NAME ",'~1"\~',- J ;~.':>" '::-' , "',;,<.~.-",.j>:- "';;'~'i'--'r ,,'\' ','~ I"'" , STATE ,'" 4. Indicat;e the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed ZIP CODE # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel DEPTH lOR L . (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o - 5. Deed Property Size L FAONTFEET I X , 'ACRES' 2 5, 6. Setler Name L..!::!!!rbert Swanson LAST NAME / COMPANY FIASTNAME L- LAST NAME / COMPANY ,7. clteck the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: FIRST NAME > A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C'Residential Vacant Land D" _.. Non-ReSidet;tial Vacant Land E~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment / Am_usement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a dRsclosure notice indicating that the property i$ in an Agricultural DiStrict o o o o 11, SaI.Contract D~te NONE I XX Month / XX Day / XX Year 15. Check one or more of these condftions as applicable to transfer: ""~". -~'." """r.y-o'_........,...."-"+-!'~., 12. Date of Sale I Transfer ."'......"...-' ", ME . j\1=, Day / () :2:+ Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business OnE1or !h~,~uy~~~::!!~.._~"'::;~rl~,~_ '.' . .cc,:' ,1:i. ' Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Lass than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) , None ~ 13. Full S81e Price , , O. 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may bl~ in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate~. value .of personal I , , , , , , 0 ,OJ 0 I property Included 'n the .... . ' .~ ~'iQNlIt~~_~ .'~~~~ \~(r~'D_~ Tr"nsfer to a Trust 16. Ye~r ~ Assess~ent Roll from I 0, 1 I 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) J whICh Information taken ; ; 3.3 0 0 , 18. Property Class 2, 1 , 0 I-LJ 19. School District Name I '.lattituck 20. Tax Map Identifterhlll Rollldentffier(s) IIf more than four, attach sheet wrth additional identifier(slJ ,cd}.-, 40-1(8- q No - /-{ I -'\\1 I certity that aU of the 1- of infonnalion entered on this fonn are Ime and correct (10 the best of my knowledge and belief) lmd I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the oenal law relative to the making an~ filing of lalse Instruments. ....-..,; :: \,,\ l~ Burner N;:mcy FtASTNAME BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY '- / BUYER SIGNATURE DATO LAST NAME 20512 STREET NUMBER Pointe Regatta Drive 631 941-3434 STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER Cornelius II' NC 2S:031 CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIPCIJOE SELLER i / SELLER SIGNATURE DATE