HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12218 P 438 L r U-I~ p i32 {)If ~~: ~ ~~ ls61d jLfO-f- /2- "iWOOl..9- c:)(Q S __ H. Y.B. T.U. ""'" _. BoqUo...S&it Dood, _eo.-......o.-.......- u.tcno _. ... ... CONSULT YOUlt LAWYER BEFORE SIGNlNC TIllS lNSTIlUMr.NT-TIIIS INSTIltl1K1:NT mOULD BE USED BY LA WYEJlS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made tll& 22nd day Of October. 2002. BETWEEN HENRV PIERCE and JENNIE LEE PIERCE, twJ wife. boUI rnkllnlJ at 2615 W-I.. Il:oad. PKonlc:, New York t1118. party of tll& first part. and ANDR~HRKOLB. noaidilllJ at 1500 SOWld AY8IlU, MIWluck, New York 11162 and AHOREW T. FOHRKOLB, nulding at 1&GO Sound Avenlle, MaUituck,i'New:Vork'f1N2,.. Joint lIlAInUIln COIMIOf1 wlll'l right of aurvtvormlp . .'; . party 01 the seeond part, WITNESSE:TH.1I16l tll& party 01 the first part. In considlllllllon ~,I ten ($10.00) and otller valuable COfIllidllllItlOIl paid by the party Of the second part, dON henl~' 1111lllt and release unto the plUty of the second plUt. the heirs or Sllccessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL lhat cerlllln plot, piece Of parcel of land, lying and lNtIng sl MaIIItuck. Town 01 ~lhold, County 01 Suffolk and state of New York snd. being bounded snd c1esctlbed as fOllows; BeGINNING Sl s pojnI on \he northwssl Una of Mkldls Road, C.R. "'1, dls&sn1114.53 1!ee1 ~ from the oomer forrn8lll by tll& Intersection Of Ihe IIOrthwssler1y line 01 MIdcIle Rosel. C .R. ;n:r wl\h tll& southweAlterty side 01 Malden lalle: RUNHING THENCE along lhe nonIlwestel1y 11M 01 Middle Road, C.R. 121, South 44 degrellS 4CI minutes 00 seconds West.eel.DO fll6t; THENCE North 41 degrees 35 minutes 20 $8COnds West, 62.&1. 1m; \) 6l THENCE North 4-4 degrees 44 minutes SO secondS EasI. 60.00 leal: -- /000 THENCE ~h 41 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds EasI, 62.56 feel 10 \he point 01 plBC'" of BEGINNING. seL. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE lhe same premises as QOlIvll)'f1d to the party ot the tlmlpart by deed dSled /1{0 1/1ll/llo4 and rec:mdeclln \he Suffolk County Clerk's Off1c8 on 11241lWln UberlRllelllSOO eI PlI{/e 455. ~ - 0/,1)0 Lot- ()/:5.o00 TOGETHER WIlh all right, lllle and interest, II any, ot the party llf the rll'lil part in and 10 any streets and roads abulting the aboVB descr1bed premises 10 lhe center lines lhllnlof; TOGETHER wl\h the appurlerlllflC88 end slIthlil esllIte and rights ot the party ot the first pal1 in Bnd to said premises; TO HAve AND TO liOLD the premises herein granted ooto the pal1y of the second pal1, the ttelnl Of SUa:essonl and lI55igns Oir the party of the second part foruver. AND the party of lllllfirst part covensnl5 thai tll& party of the firslpart hll$ noI done or ;5Ufflll'lld anyl/llng \IIhe11lby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, 8XCIBpl as aflllf8Sllld. AND tile party of lIle first part, In compliance with Sedion 13 of the Uen law, oovensrlLS IhSlthe party ot the first part wi. I1lC:lIlve the conslderellon tOf this conveyance and '","I hold the right to I1lC:lIlve SllCh consideration as a lrusl fund to be applied flrsl tOf the purposllllt paying the cost ot the ImproV8fTWlnt and will tlPPlY the same flrsllo the payment of Ihe cost 01 the Improvement befOl1l using any part 01 the t,Qtal of the same tor any other pwposo. The word "party' shall be construed as If It mad "parties' when lIVer \he _I of this IndenlUl8 so mqulres. IN WITNESS WHEREOf. the party 01 the rll'lil pari has duly l!J(l~Qlled lIlis deed the da.t and year flrsl above writlenL IN PRF.5ENCE Of' f3~ t/~tutl 'a#.U.JV) E flVlttBL W.tT7YelJ ~. ,~ ~~ fI;:A- "_ HENRY PI . , ~ ') ~1) -, . /\<( ~ "Lev. eo d LEB PIER~ TO SI! USED ONLVWKI!N TIlE """NnW! 11110_'.,....... IN NEW YORKIITATE ~. :',.. : . ~ . ':" . Slate of NIM V_ County of ,S~~ On IlIe ~;a.J4ar of 0CI0ller ~ .;,. ~r 2IlO2 belanlme.llIeu,"'1\tIMd, ~ ~Nd Henry PiIfOIn Mnie l.IIil f'IIC'Ce ' , ~.q:, "- to 11II or pn:MIll to 11II on 1M buls of WlIIII8clDIJ ..Idll_ to IIIIl1e 1ndMd1..1(.) wIloM 1llIrM(.) II t-) IUbIIcrlIMd to IlIe wIIlIIn InIilrumIm Illd ac:li:nowtIdlled to 11II IhII hlfllllll'lMy _lied Oll __ In ~ <If 'lJ(1_" Illd IhII Ily hIlIihIrllllllr .iIIlllIlunICIl on IlIe ~ IlIe hldMd'...." orllle...- upon bIhIIf ofwllldl IlIe lndMc-,.c.) IIded. ~ }1/1d IlIe ~tINmIollt .s6~~ (...:./< ~_. (!IilIrllllurln ollIcIof lftdIvIdlIII taIcllllllldulO""'~ ....) f lWlIIf4MC._ .......1'ullIIrl. ...,......... -.1M8810ft1 .... ""b.dllt....-- 0.... . . .EiIIfIlIIIII~'" "" TO SI! USED ONLY WHEN1HE ACl<NOWlEDGMENT.IS ..,..hl!.....T"' ~.~,~ATI! . ~. .;, if.......,~ ' 'Slate (or DiIlrId of COlumbia, T.mlOIJ. or '....lIfI Counlr)o) rtI II: . ..."'~, . .', On IlIe day of In lhI yew ..."... "" IlIe undInIIlIned, pIISll!IIIt ~Jld.!Id .."... 1\ ,:>. l, '. . . ~ " ,,: , ...._11)' "- to _ or pRl'iId to ... on 1M bull of f"","fRlDly,.",~ to ....1lIe lndMdl..I(.) ~ ...-e.) II (.ra) ~ to IlIe wIIlIIn tnetrumI!'Illld aclInclwledged to ....1hII ~ ......1lIe _In IIIllo'lI.IrJIh I llf.'l I ~" tind 11111. by h.....1IlIIIr lIlgnltuN(l) on IlIe iIlIlI\lmInI, IlIe 1nlIMduIlI1" 1lf,1lIe ~UfID!I'bIhIIf ah...., IlIe 1r\<I..~-l(.) ~, _dIcIllIe ~ Illd IhllIUCh lndMdual medllUCh ~ ......1lIe W"',4M1d In 1lIe' " ' ~ Ii .. , ' SIlM Or NIWI y_ Col.!JIIy,of . ' l;ln !/II dnll!! ' In 1lIe,.., bfIID!- -.1lIe ~.pII'ICI!IIIIIy I~~ .... . . ':i, 1 ' ~ ~ to .... ar ~ to 11II on IlIe buls of (.~~.:.o.~~...~htJ.: 11II '::-1:- ':;,* In 1lIIIll"" ~). Illd 1IlII by'" . ,..........)..11I IlIe ~1IIe~.t"'l(I).ar~,. . upalllll/llll'.at)l4lldl 1lIe1lull{l1lu.~1)""", ..,~Ol..~, . . . '.' .. '. '. \. (~';mi.!l'\Ct ofI!aI~I~~ ";ng I . ~.~ . ,...~IlI) II: _In C-Uw CIIr"-- palIlo.llli.lI<lliG II (......-....... or:~orl!llW"" III ..lOl.....l!.._lI_trIIlMI ;r." ';- . "~ .....lIIb /III.~-:'1IIdn8.1dIruId. ....1lIIlll , . 1.,. '. ' to' , SECTION 140.00 ~~&r}~ couNn'OR~ lkiffolk "" . . " :~I~~4I. MaItIludctNetd'aik . ,...... ~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH CCIVENANT AGNHIT GRA.NTOfI'S AICTS l1IIII No. RICIJIided It Rl"qI- 01' COMUONWEALTH.I:AND,~ INl!UW<<:E COMPANY '. '.~. , . ... .'" t.,. . .' ~ . ."t' '.; ,. . __Clf'___W'III\IIll-_ .If ._ IMIlMbr .onwealt~ 1- _--11I......"n'n.&~("AIIOA1W '''-:!.':'' ." .r_' WIIliIm OJ GIlllIIInS. I!eq. P:O~ BJ!1lI ;.. - '~ln.Rud -' : NiMY~ 111152 'l""--___u.. .;.. ~F~ Number of pllgeli TORRENS o RECQRI>EC> 2002 tklv 04 02:39:02 PM EOHrd P . RoMine cleRK Of Sl.lFl'OLK COI..IHTY L 0000 12218 P 43lil DTI 0:1-13971 Serial II Ccnili<.'ulc# Prior CII'. /l \'> Pull': , Filing F~ Hundling TP-5114 q~ Deed, MafIgU[!<.' Tal'. Slump FEES Recording' Filing Stum~ Oo:.:d , """nguge In.<lronu.-nl 2J EA-52 17 (COunlyl S- --- SuI> '!illa! ...z- _ - 3c- ;>f Mnnguge Amt. L Basic Tax 2. Additionul Tax Sub TOOII SpedAsslt. or 5. 00 r- NlIIarioo _ C..mm. of 1~1. 5. 00 Spo:c./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual T4lWO _ DUll! Counl)' _ Held I' Of Appoillllll(.'n1 Trunsfn Tax S7.R. aD M:uuil'n TUx EA-5211 (Sbltc) R.P.T.S.A. Affidavit Reg. Copy SuI> T.llUl /S' ~ Gmi!ld Total 75 .r;q ;; 'm.: pn~rty covened by Ihis mortg:lgc i. or will be improved by a one or IWO family d_lliog uoly. YES Of NO If NO. see approf>riarc t:IX c\au!lc 011 page II or Ihi. instrUmcnl. CeniflCd Co!,y Olhcr IPOO,! P-/(),CD 4 Di.trict--, Sec1lon Real 00 14000 0100 012000 Pro",:ny 02043050 10 ;';2: ~~ 61 Sati.raclinnslDilil:haflltexIReleases List Propcny Ownc," Muiling Addre$$ RECORD 81 RETtJRN TO: I 01.00 Block ()/iiJ.. Lol Consideration Amount $ 5 Comm1UlltJ PreIenatioIIl'wld _It> vtJ&-' . 0- CPF Tax Due / S / ImplOval VacWlt Lund TO /)j//;'om C G~~ir7S PO. Box 05 \ I 2~ I 0 5 rna ir? Road ~a-lf-l.Juc.~ NY "15.'2 ~~"""1I C.om ~tTolk County_Recording & Endorsement Pale De('d ISPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) TO TO 7 This page forms pun of the ulluched _ _ lIlade by: l:knr~ :::rpnni p_ -P,e rr t'.-. I Pi" Pie'''(~ 'm.: p~mise:; ~rein is sitUated in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of _20 U I he) I d In I~ VILLAGE or HAMI.ET of BOXES 1\ TIlRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTI::O IN 81.ACK INK o."I.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO _Enhr kf) I h (over) I 111I1111 II 11111 III III 11M 111111111111111111111111 SUPJ'OLlt. COONTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of 1:natr:'Ulill8llt. OBBOs/mID lfU:mber ,C)f pag.s. 3 '1'RAJfSFIR TAX NmCBBRI 02-.13971 Recorded. At: LIBBRI PAGB. 11/04/2002 0213!1I02 PM D00012218 438 [leed Amount. Section. Block. 140.00 01.00 aAKrHBD AIm CHAlt.GBO AS PO:LLOWS $143,.000.00 Lot: 012.000 District. 1000 Received the Following "..s For Above Instrument lZv......,t NO v.ftdling NO HYS stJRCKG NO a.-STAB NO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO comm.pr.s 1'... Peid $9.01) $5.01) $5.01) $5.01) $30.01) $572.01) $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $671.00 Bx......,t NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Piling COB U. - C'1'Y '1'1'-584 RPT Transfer tax TRANsnR TAX NUMBER: 02-U9,rl T1US PAGB 1:S A PART 01' THB IHSTRllIIDIT Bdwerd p. RoIIlaine County Cl.rk. Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON fORM INSTRUCTIONS, I1ltp:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE iS181 473 7222 FOR COU;,\lv USE ON'..'1' iLl? ~ g S~(~t C2 o.te -" R~OO'dM LJ~ ~:Lj! ~ ~~ C3 Bon': ! 2 Z J g I C4 Pa!!" L4];.b, I- , I . . I " ... .c;;r REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C 1 SWIS COC:"e- SlATE OF NEW 'YORK STAff BOARD Of REAL P"OPERTV SEfMCES RP . 5217 .tt',~ZI;H~. yr PROPERTY INFORMATION 5175 llo.!ld 48 PrfJparty j L.O(;$tOQ;R Mattituck ""y":57~~Q::t"' SOUthold 2, 81JYJtI Nan\(' FOHRKOLll ___""MMM"';_"'~'" "'f~ '1:'<"'1 ',<>\t'~.;i;' I\.>mm-l >\Mi~""'1lM c.....:- _J:QHBl&QUl "';~ ,;,,~.. v:.r,l'4""i" .A,'IDREW T. ; ~,$1 ',l(.\It J TiJ); salill9 AddrOd ji~,>h Ahf,t>io tH~!Vf Ll~, 3d-, iFt lw ~~'\t if ohm :hl~ t""-,w <;i(i'.,';:1:. ,it 'J(ll',(JC~ ,;.1 bnni ; ~fil .'"....,.,.(,A,W""~ 4. l"d\(;l)l& Ul. nU-Tlbt:' of AsIl~'fffIHlt Rot! rtJtn:;l'!1s trlJ".tllft#d Q1'I dll~- chad ,0, Q,..._l...J ~ u~ 1',J:l~o<)!j OR 0 (Qnty Ii P<ln .,t . P<l'/e,tll Ow<;k Jlf,. W" apply o o o F:tl~ c,t;) t'llIcd 4A "1::Ii'<1'1'9 !kilO',1 vd', SU>1VI<'U" ;'l.tthVlcV' ii''''i\1& 48 $;.;\;<[:;,""" m ;\pr'Ydl ,',';]$ ?~d({d '<lr 1 "A1'i+<J' '''''''' Pn.lfWrty ~i{. 060 ..~.w <<; ':,,:<)1 f,p ".>\Il'" Ly SU0;:I'i''i.:I'' ','I,'if Mil:' P"",'id,,,! x 0" PIERCE lil:Nl1Y fl, S.11l" ...... ; "7',~,\, i">,';,::,:;,;;,'~ JENNIE LEE PIERCE \i::.c-;j:.",,,r ,'jWk<>.)~ Ci'UJc!k me COil beilJW wh.icll m05t ~ar"t1tIy deSGfibn lhe- I#.'e ot ttl. PfOPIl'rty Mt lhu lil!!.O .ft1' "allli: CMck tlm ~ fwtkw,.I ItS t~ i1WIV' .13:. r}....~l'5iltP 1-';j;'\' h Cr:l'i1"rt';jr ,WI o o o o '\~ a'it r-..nily fluidellb,ol Ii 2 ", J file>' IV "':~!N!I!< it C ~Qs,(ffiI1'Mi Vll';;:l<M '>t:"" D """",.....;"O".'VM...'''..' I SAt. 'NFO"MA~ 11. S.ll:! Cor11r&d 01'11. E'~ F (~ II I. R t91l1'1\\11l1fy Slif'<'Ki I '''lIU1ilp,lI K. 0,jtlt~f''''':''' LUNj"mj( 9. "J""'t C(,''i~truc:tir,n (1(' '-"ilewll LeU;'; 1M, P''''''irtv b~e<l '>.virhir 1n>1."YCdLq' C>,:i"\,'; l08 8i""':' 1"(';.1ii,,'cli ~ itiliCil7l<,if~ !v'I<<l!i1h;'!","'Li II...", tn' lY':'rOf':'y lit 110 ;If: "<;r~;(J'~,",ql :J;;.~~h:1 AHP{;":'~"'il :';;nrtll11crna, Apltt'tuv:nt tol'!trnilfnWilm ,./,muwrf1lYP tli Check on, or flIOh'llrf th... llondttlons u appl~ to tr-,$fM: ;:u,'1 02 6iy~~' S,.d!! BHwett" lie;iIt'v.w l)L fi)<(l-li! H@i1\'\:~S: 9 t. . "A,;nr A B C tl I,. I, (i H I I Sal.. 8;:t\'1"'~'1 R"'atl:n1 Camp;t,.,:':, ,), PM"'I">; ,j". GC"k'lihi'i 0ne \,'i \!il/t SiNHI'i> >>: Aillle a SliI-'W ~l;'fvlY S<t1i"..,J' Gl:nlo/;'rrml;1nf ^"rW'ii\t w: (Hdwil :~m'fkm Oot-?d 'YP*'1Ot 'NtJVIlr'ly oj :M'?f':'1 ,1rd Sll't; ,Spm;i{v Si!MC1\,I...: SIlW of !'JCli,F"':: tl> l.kl>fllLilt'O r",,,-, ;nt'ro!'~: i:>lW1Cil" S<)ltlw) S~r.fium Cna"\lfl '11 ~OO<Jny i+I'~WIit,W T Mn;m!i! &t.ctUe':i (IrA Sllle Dutes Sditl iJl Ot,:\' 114J:tl i~ :'l(:!lidOMl ,1< SMI'! l>Ylr;') 01h,~t UIi\J~JJ) f~,)!;, !\'fj,~,;;: '1,J ~",In r~":,, (:;i;::,,:,cify 6.;ok)wi N{)l\e 1l Onte ot S..la Ihitl..tet e-lQ \IN';" 2L..LJl2. rM) TW" 't3 ",lit Sll:le Prin 3 0 0 0 .I.......!. () L!Lj , . ',ftl>!YOJldl\: il'd'lluih\) pM"OOI'l!ll \1fUJ-l':'t1l @5h olhl'lt (:fOil"!'!l)' r:r gool'h, m iJm 1JlI!hP'"fl(#)!\ {jf rllN'.Ii'l1 '(Ji)IW;! 4) lfltt !',-{lbld w.):I.:ffu d1;>i4lr ,FVCuM 4 Ihr11 Ebi~ Pf'V" " tit(' r.1J'/ 'Hdhijl 'Jot. mOOale lhe \~Iuu ot ~a1 pr'QP-W included ;~ U;. uw I ASSESSMF-lT iNFORMA.TJON -u .l--'-- 0 ..1. (L ; . Pau 'Shoulo rfJ-tJ.act th6late:$t rilll.'li As:s\'rll.$m~rn Anll ami- 'Tax Ril! 11} V'hilt ", A'MI:,.W'floenl Roll hQffl 01 O)~ . , ~ n TotItl A1IHIlSud v.-,. 101 till part(>Q, if:! transfer} '-- wmCh intanr<iltHm ~-et\ 2 .~,L....Q.Jl.. , '-.' ,- tlL P'ttJperty Cia1\!l. 4 8 L-_l ,. ""h...."""'~N.... i SOu!=h'ld/ Mattit1lC,,--~12 to" T Uk M~ l4:ilintlfiw!v I Rollldflltlfl_i$;l lit ram'll than four, atbM;f'! .......1 wWh additional kH-rrtJfwrJ"l) lClO(}-140. QO-Ql. 00-012.000 L, ------.J , Cf:Al1flCAT10-D J l'-I"rtif)i lha:f aU of tJu" illllUl> flf infOnru1:lIm, ~t1trtt!d M 1h!s fill:'" ..rv lnle :md ntn,". iUl thit t)ffil t,f tn~ ktl,,"lt1Jet rum lM'1Wf} J.liid . U~~lut Uta. tht> makinl( "I ,In\ wilahd rl~ U,:lttlIDll'lIl flf matt'rW bwt hi.'nio \'I flI ..uttit"~ 1O tht m..wmllll\ Ill' Itu. mUlll b~ wltttht' to Ihe n>>ikltt<< aM filIfqt of flllw: ImttmRVrW.. ~ Ii / ~/~' /'; 6VVElfJ; AlTO"HEV ~ V'..t /tJ/iM ~"/..-/l- Goggins Ivilliam C. ,u:~"". R" Marew~rJ<<5lb ~l -ikol>.i,Wi !,r':;;;;:---~ , C. t:J11L,~ '"t(.n~ ".\h~ 'A' ,~ ~ .:,.." f' jJ 0 ;1.' 63.1 298-4214 h..'4.n~ JlJt.Iln77JU ':'1'",,;;;,",;,,1, {f(iLL/kix~L KEW YORK STATE COpy ~~ /1 , ~ /'U/7v...., .....oL.:. ,./ 'T.. p J;;'{~J", IOJ~:;){}.;J.. /.<--<;~..'- tlenty piexCe