HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 858 LI~LHI'. . . f~;SS N.Y.-S. Real Estste Transfer Tsx . $1.380.00 t odJ. ! LID -2-1 , / 'I- THIS INDENTURE, made the 'IIIh BETWEEN. day of and 11952 ANN L. BANNOH, residing at B55 Mary's Road, Mattituck, New York party of the first pan. and residing at 1015 ScHOltJAt..rn ~ IJot.P/lllrS t. ~ C. QlmIQT9PIH1IR gIIQtj~q'PliR aRA .,.""........n I"'U""""'\l.""'I':In .. Orchard Lane, Southold, New York 11971 kis --iie-, pany of the second pan, WITNESSETH, Ihat the pany of the rust pari. in c:on.sidcnlliOD of Icn dollars and other 1IlIIuable COIIJidcnuion paid by the parly of the second pari. does hen,by llf1IItl and release unto the parly of the seeond pan, the heirs or suc:c:essors and assigns of the parly of lhe second pan f"""",r. ALL thaI certain plol. piece or pIlI'CCl of land, with the buildings and improvements Ihemm erec:1Cd. siluate. lying and beingin1he at Mattituck, 'Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being known and designated a.s part of Lots 35 and 36 as shown on 'a certain map entitled, "Map of Garden Heights., and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 24, 1929 as Map No. 577 and being more particularly bounded and described as follcMS: ~ BEGINNING at a mc)nument at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Hamilton Avenue with the westerly line of Mary's Road; from said point of beginning; running along said northwesterly line of Hamilton Avenue, South 460 22' West, a distance of 126.45 feet to a monument; thence along the northerly line of said Hamilton Avenue, South 70" 34' 40. West, a distance of 19.0B feet to an iron pipe and land now or formerly of Barker; thence along said land now or formerly of Terry and Hill, North 14" 02' 50. West, a distance of 120 feet, more or less, to land of the County of Suffolk; thence along said land of the County of Suffolk two courses as follows: (1) Easterly on ~ curve to the left, having a radius of 5,7B9.58 feet, a distance of 66 feet, more or less; (2) Southeasterly on a curve to the right, having a radius of 4B feet. more or less, a distance of 92 feet, more or less, to a point on the westerly side of Mary's Road; thence along the westerly side of Mary's Road, South 140 54' 00. East, a distance of 33 feet, more or less, to the intersection first described herein, to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated June 20, 2000 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 14, 2000 in Libsr 12055 Page 743. TOGETHER with all right. lille and inlerest, if any. of Ihe party of the firsl pan, in and to any streels and roads ahuuingthe above-deseribed premises to the eenler lines thereof; TOOETHER with lhe uppurtenunces and all the e'lule and rigbls ofthe purty oftbe first part in and to uid premi""s; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises hereia granted unlo Ihe pany of lhe second pan. the heirs or su...,....rs and ...igns of the pIUIy of Ihe second pan forever. AND Ibe parlY of the first pan covenants tbal Ihe panY of Ibe first pan has nOI done or suffered anYlhing whereby the said premi..s have been encumbered in any way whalever, except as aforcaaid. AND lhc pany of Ihe first pan. in Immpliance wilb Seclion 13 of Ihe Lien Law. tovenants lhallhe party of lbe firsl part will receive the eonsideration for Ihis conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such eonsider- ation ss a Irusl fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of Ibe improvemenl and will apply lbe same firsllO the payment of Ibe eOSI of tbe improvement before using any part of Ihe 10lal of lbe ume for any other purpose. The word "plUly" .hsll be conslrued as if ir read "plUlics" wbenever Ibe sense of Ihis indenlure 50 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe party of the first pan has duly ellCCuted Ihis deed the day and year finl above written. IN PRESENCE OF: 9- ;;(~ Ann L. Bannon Page 2 of 3 Aclmawllldglment r.kM In _Yo'" .... Stale 01 ~'ew '\brie, County of Suffolk On Ihll 29th day oIAuguat ,In the year 200S. befora me, the undersigned, personallY'lIppeered ANN :L. BANNON personeHy known to me or proved to me on the besle of eetlsfec\Q1)' evidence to be Ihe Indlvldll8ftll) whou nsme(1) II 'fare) BUbuc~bed to Ihll within Inllrument end ecfcnowl8dged to me Ihet iHlllheflltey exacuted Ihe seme In ftle/herflhelr cepecltriiee), end Ihel by ftlslhel'/lltelr Ilgnelure(1I on Ihe Inelrument. Ih8 Indlvlduel(BI or tha person upon beheff 01 which . the lndtvIdueJfs) llCI8d, 8llIICUIad Ihlllnllrument ~~ - Notary Pu 1 IICIWlD f. WI( ~J.v~~a1_- IlII. .aMCaIIIII. ~..IA&..EIIiII_11,JDJ~ Ack~ by SubacrlblnllWllnea ta.....1n New Yorfc &tn. Stale 01 New '\brie, County of On Ihll day 01 , In Ihe year Ihe undanllgned, personally IIppesred . before met Ihll sublcrlblng wIln811 to tha IoregoIng Inelrumenl. with whom I em perBA)Ilally ecqueJnted, who being by me duly ewom, did depon end sey, thel he/shei1hey reeJde(1) in Ihst heIeINI/lhey know(l) to bathe IndMdueJ descIIled In end who -.ted the Ioregolng Ilnalrument; lhst leld subscrIlIng _ wes present and 88W IBid execute Ille Ierne; end Ihel uld wUn"l II the ume time 1Ubec,Ib..cl hlslherllhelr neme(I)" e _ th~ Tille No.: ANN L. BANNON TO CHRIST(IPHER SHOWALTER and JOANNE SHOWALTER II Or~oomd ~ Odcago TItle Insuranc:e Company Palle 3 of 3 , i o I l!l !!l ~ 2 ~ i ~edgement_ln _Yo"'S- , I" Stele 01 New 'Itlrk, County 01 . sa: On the dey 01 , In tha year tha undersigned, pereonally eppesrad , before me, pereonelly known 10 ma or proved 10 ma on tha balls 01 setllllectory evidence to be the IndIYlduel(l) whOla neme(a) Is (ere) IUbscrIbed to Ihll wIIhln Inslrument end acknowledged to me Ihel hellhelthay execulad Ihe lame In hle/herltheir capaclty(lel), end thel by hls/herlthelr Ilgnelure(l) on the Inslrument, Ihlllndlvtdual(l) or th. pereon upon behaU 01 which the indMdual(s) actad, 8lOICU1ed the InSlrument, . Acknowled~ ta..... OUI8Ide _Yll'" S- --- " , I" . Stele 01 , County 01 , ss: . (or Inlart Dlllrict 01 Columbla, Tarrllory, PO.....lon or Foreign Country) On the day 01 , In the yeer Ihe undersigned, personally eppeered ,belora ma, perlonelly known 10 me or proved 10 ma on tha balll 01 setl8lactory evidence to ba the Indhridusl(l) whOle neme(l) Is (ara) sublc~bed 10 tha wllhln Inslrumenl and acknowledged 10 ma Ihat helshe/thay axaculed tha lame In hle/herlthelr capeclty(lal), that by hle/herlthalr Ilgnatura(l) on the Inllrument, the Ind"Mduel(l) or the pereon upon behaJl 01 which Ihll Indhridual(l) acted, 8ll8CUt8d Ih8 Instrument, and that such individual mede BUch appeerance before tha undeiel"ned In tha (add Ih8 CIty or polUlcaI BUbdIvIsIon and Ihll staIlI or country or other place thl acknowledgement wes taken), SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN IlET\IRN BY MAL ro, GARY FLANNER OLSEN ESQ OLSEN & OLSEN 'LLP PO BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 Zip No. " " ,~ , /1 Z I _"\ Number of pl&ges TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Of. # _ Do!ed / Mortgage Instrumenl Deed I Mortgage Tax SllImp FEr:.S 2J q~ .:(/0 W~ Puge I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. ()() {a:d.. - NOlalion :(// EA-52 17 (County) ~ ~ Sub "lr1l;"1 EA-52 I 7 (SllIte) R.P.T.S.A. 7.<; ZP ,-::sn CO Comm. of Ed, 5. 00 Affidav;1 Cenified CIlP:1 NYS Surchaq;c OIhcr 15. J1Q... Sub 1bllll /~.5 ilI7 Grand Total :::!J Dist. 1000 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificalion Section 140. 00 Block 02. 00 Lo1001.000 , ~ 1000 14000 0200 001000 .~ 6 SalisfaclilllnslDischargesIReleases Lisl Property Ownen; Mailing Address RECORD & RETVllN TO: GARY FLANNER OLSEN ESQ OLSEN & OLSEN LLP PO BOX 706 CU~1CROGUE NY 11935 7 RECOIlDED 2005 Sep 29 11137.58 AM EMrd P.IlOlllli.... ClERK IF SUFFOLK COUNTY l ??oo12411 P 858 DT. 05-08741 RC(.~m1ill8/ Filing SIlImPS Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Tola! SpecJAs.qt. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlment Tnmsfer Tax 13'i<' n ~ Mansion Tax The pmperty covered by lhis mon8"ge is or will "" improved by a one Ilr two family dwelling only. YF.s or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page # of Ihis inslrument. 5 CommUDity Pn..rvatioD Fund Consideration Amount $ 345.000.00 CPF Tax Due S 3.900.00 Improved X Vacanl Land TD 10 TD TO Title Com Information Co. Name Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Co. Title # RH ~ Suffolk County Recordina & Endorsement Paae - ~I.J This page forms pan of the attached Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: ANN L. BANNON The premiSCli herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In lhe Township of In Ihc VILLAGE or HAMLET of Mattituck BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO SClI~.I"'~~ tic,",,,,,..t(i'S", L..{. C. Southold Page 1 of 3 (over) i , 111111I11111 1111I1111I11111 111111111111111 1111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGB Type of In.trument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt IllUmber . 05-0101917 TRANSPBR TAX HOMBBR: 05-08741 Recorded. At. 09/28/2005 11.37.58 JIM LIBER: PAGB: D00012411 858 Di.trict: 1000 Section. Block. 140.00 02.00 BXAM:INED AND CKARGBD AS FOLLOWS $345,000.00 Lot. 001.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fee. P'~r Above :In.trumant Ibr'""lpt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.felr tax $1,380.00 NO Comm.pre. $3,900.00 NO Fee. Paid $5,429.00 TRANSPER TAX NOMBER. 05-08741 TH:IS PAGE :IS A PART OP THB :INSTRllMENT '1'H:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County --- .-- -----:-PL..EASE TYPE OR PRESS "FIRMLY WHEN WRmNl> UN fORM""- , INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state..iv.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 fOR COUNTY USE ONLY CT. SW18 I=- I ~ 7,3 ,'if .3' -f:.J tit I /X?,;;t.g' 10';- I ' '. ~ D8f v.., . CU... 1 ,~ S7 ~ '" . "I REAL PROPERTY TRANSfER REPORT C2. 0.10 0.... __ STATE Of NEW YORIl STATE SOARD Of REAL PRllI'ER1Y _ 1:3._ . PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 ar-A17 Ian' wr "-L 645 LocIdon 'TI.., MI..ul Hamilton Avenue and 855 Mary's Road -- L Southold aTY .._ ~tituc:k 111952 ...- 2.8_ Nom. LSh~er LAllI I ...., tJnl..prN/-J' lie -- L~~ '-- J. T.. IndkDlDwhlrlfutureTIlC8i1s..1obeMnt I B1111ns ........-__101_01.....1 '-- AddrIII liJlIT~'~ -- L 51-.&.'........,. aim STREET NllIIf C'lVOIITCJIMl STAll ".- 4. IndIut8..... ........ of ,....1HIIt: RoM ..... III'......... an.... ... 1 t .' oJ P...... OR 0 Port 01. Po.... ..- L Ixl ~ 'IIONTI'HT """" I OR I ....... o 3 . lOnIy . .... 01 . _ CllIo* u ..... ..... 4A. PIloWng ...... """ ........... -... ENI10 0 ...___-_.......T"'*' 0 C. PM:eI AppnMd for Cl'~.1Iian wiIh _ PrawidN 0 .. ...... No.. LBannon IAIT"_'CC/IIIfMHIt Ann L. -- L LQT.....w: J c::owNft' ........... 7. ChIlck'IM "C Wow whIGh ma.t -.cur.teIy ...... ... __ 01 1M proper1y .-: tlw rwn. tiI....: . 13. FYI s.a. PrIll. ,3,4,5,0,0,0,0,111 , , . . IFull Sale Price Is ChI lOUIlmaunl pekl far the property lndudlng penonaI property. Thi. ~ nlay be In m. form of U8h. other prOl*tY or goodI. or tho ....".,ptIon of monpg. or alhar obi_ana.) ...... tDUnd ~o"",,..,.., wIIole '*"'- MtOunt CllIo*.... _ __. ...._: "~1YPo1o C'-Ium E ~ ""IIeu'""., I ~ Communi" _ .. _ ConItrucIlon on V..... Lend F eommo...., . J........... ,....""'-'-_.......-lliIlricr G ....rt..... K _...... 1........_._......-.." H . Em.rtlln",*" I AmUleI1IGl'lt L forni IM.. praperty .In .. Agrk:WuraI DiIDicI 11. QIICIr.. or.....,...... ......... ...........111-......: A 511e Bel\wen RNIivw or Former RcMllivaI a 51. Botweon RNred Compenlu or Partnera In B~nu1 C One oIlhe Buyin fa..., . Sauor D Buyw or Saller II Government Agar.:y or UndIng InlLllU1Ion E Dood Typo... W....., Clrllorgoln .1Id _IS_ _, " - 01 F_ CIr Lou -. foG -I_IV IIoIowl G SlgnHIco" CIlongo .. "'-ny _ TDObl. SIoIuI end 1010 Iloln II s.Ie of BuIi~ illndudId In s... PrIcI I """" U_ F...... ANd.. ..10 ..... I_Iv Solowl J None o o o o A~ One F.ml'. _'101 B 2 or 3 Farnitt R.-r.nhl C R_dlntLl. V..... land D Non..ftlilliMnlill YICMI lAnd I SALE INFORMATiON, '1. Baa. ContNct Date 7 ....- 127 "" 1 05 v_ '2. D.,. 01 .... I Tr...... 19 ...... 114 "" I 05 Y... '.._...._01- I N/,A ,,0,0 I PfOI*Ir............ the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMA11DN - DOlO ohould ..lIecllhe I....' Fina' A_, I ...... Rolllllld Tox Bill ,..V....--TT .L_.tRoDIrom 10 . SIn TataJAIHI...V...Iaf.,...............' wIIicIIlnIorm.... .... . .. , ; 4 0 , o 0 1" Prclpmya.. 12,1,0 I-U 1..__":" I Mattituc:k Cutc:hoque UFSD 20. T.. M............. , ADa kllnIiIiIrfs. (I mctN................... _. willi IIIIdIIIonII ~I 140 - 2 - 1 I /000 -l'fO.OO-O';?DO-OOI.OOO , CERlIFICATlON::J I m1Il)- -.. "'... - oIlaI'llrmadaa ........ ...1IlIlI...... Oft...... end __ 110 0.. ..... '" my....... _ --.... I -do.. I:Ul "'" 0..1nUkbIa or...,....,.. ........._ "'-W 1lorI...... wtII....... d Iolllo .....- "'....- 10" _10.... mMIDR........ "'__ C;,rg,tl'O'#J)e/., BUYER J'IJO/IoI~ /- '/;/f... BUVER'BAT'fCREY ~ I J I 9/14/05 "'" /1/J(,~Aqm !Jol.IJ}N)-.f LLc... ~~,~./~ t.J '1._. ___....., Olsen -- Gary Flanner -'- 631 " -_. 734-7666 -- C 1I(/l..1I0~V?' aTY" .... I IU1 IJ/1~~- ITA'm _ex-. H!.Ii!! n .....p.Ll. ~~ /-~ 8/29/05 "!!I''7.NN i.. 6Jl#IVO;'; .." NEW YORK STATE COPY