HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12235 P 394 I L I ;) d.-3S P~{iy (31- :>-)0 l BAR&AlN AND SALE DEeD W/71l COVENANT A6AINSTGRANTOR'S ACT.S (/NDIJlJDUAL OR CORFORA770NJ ' FORM 1007 CAl1I1ON: nus AOREEMENT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN ATI'OaNBY AND ItBVlBWBD BY ATJ"ORNEYS fIOR BELLER AND PURCHASER BEFORE SlONlNo. . . THIS INDENTciRE. made the.JULY 2.3 ZOGZ, -, ~ Ibdw_ PHILIP ~LA. JR. ami LINDA ~TI'OLA. as busband ami wife, of72S Farmers Rd. Mattitw:k. New York 119SZ , IIJIIrtY or tho fint port, ami LINDA ~LA of72S Farmers Rd. MauiIUCk, New York 119SZ :1JIIrtY orthc second port, -,. WITNESSETH, IhaI thepart)' ofthefirstpart, in...nsidcralioD ofTcaDoUanllllll No ecai.(S10,OO). lawfId moacy orllle Uailed StalCI, palcI by the party of the second part, _ ~&m!l ~~ 11IIIo, '!he party oflbc second paI\ thc.hein or I'LICCleIICYS and as.sIps orlbe party.R&~';"~ .~~ ."':.~~. :IDro", . f C:';"..i.':."!fa. .0:'1 " 'ALL'1haI certain plot. piece '" parcel or land; willi the buiIcIiDp aacI ~1I1bt:nlaii ~ oiliiii!e,lyIag ami being In IJIcHamlel ofMatlituck. in theTowa orsoolba\i( GciUinYilfSiifC""aijjf;5iliIi:""';>> ,.rNew York, bciag ImowII ami clcsi&naled as LoIs 69 aad 70 aacI the oaslCIIy portio... ofPlols D lIIIII B OD . certain _ CIIlidocl, "__ Map ofMatdlUCk HcIgb1a, pmpcrty of 0_ Bay...-.... lilcclln the 0Ificc orthe Clerk or lhc CouIIIy or Suffolk on July Z4 1935.. Map No. 1184, wblcb IIlIIcI LoIs D aacI B OD oaid map, when takca toFlhcr.... bouaclccl and dcscribccl as CollOM: . . SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF. ) ro HA I'E AND ro HOLD the .....mIscs hcIein _led UDIo lhc party or IIIe second port, IIIe heirs or mcccssora.... assi_ of the party ofthc 0CCXInd part fon:vcr. AND lhc party ofthc fint port, CDVCIWI1s IhaIIbc party of the rust pan.... DOl done 01' _ IIII)'tbIag wI>cI'Cby IIIe oaid prcmisca bove been encwnbeIed in aD)' WIly wbalOvcr. cxc:cpl .. aroraaicl. AND the pony of1bc fint part, in oompliaaoc wilb SccIlon 13 oftbo LIca Law. _1ba1 the pony or 1bc 81'11 put will noccive the coosIcIcnIlioo for tbia COOYC)'8DOC lIIIII will bold 1bc ri&bl1O receive lOch ...nsidcnllioo .. a InISt llmclto be appliccl fiI'I1 for the purpoao or payillll1bc ..... of the il1lJlRlVClDCDl and will apply 1bc """'" lint to 1bc payment of the cost of 1bc 1m_meat bc:Con: usina aD)' part of 1bc total of 1bc """'" ror aD)' otbcr purpose. The word "party" sball be ...naruocI.. if ill'Clld "pllItics" wbcncvcr the IICDSC of tbia indenture 10 n:qairca. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, \be party orlbe lirst part .... duly cxecutccI this _ the day sad ymr rlnt above wri )~ ,:N,/,!!~~) ;;'-i~ j "':knowl~. by. Penon WitbiD New Yorlt Stare (RPL I 309-a) S1rA1EOF NEW YORK COUNrY OF S' , ." .{;Kn-o.-nK/,i, Acknow\edpIcot by a~...de 1I_ .York S_ (RPL 1309-b) ~~FOF/(\~;~~I'r{1<: ) ) SS.: ) ) ) ss.: ) OI.tIIa .3' hdayof Ju..# in lb. year~ . bcf'olll me, dtc_goed, :~:~,~~r..;,:.~ pI'OYCld 10 me on tIIa buis of ~ cvicleocc 10 betlla~_~ls<*1 _10 tIIa w1tbiD Inmwnen._ aCknowIed&<xIlp me Ihat IItcy ~"'" .be I8JlJe in their c:apad13'~ and Ihat by their IipatUlll('" DO ....Inmwnen.. dtc indI~, or lhc penon upon behalf of which lhc iDdivIduaI(4) 1CIed" executed tIIa iIIIlb'UlDem. ,;~aY~ J:i&Ir. No. 25671 Section 139.00 Block 03.00 Lot 030.001 and County or Town County of Suffolk Street Addresa 725 Farmer& Road Mattituck, New York 11952 PHIJ:..IP MiTTOLA. JR. UNJI)A~LA .Jy;1. LINDA Me-rOLA ~r.-.. Return By MaD To: EileR F. Hoil. EIC(. Tadl... '" Hoil, ElC(s. 99 Powerhouse Road Ste. 202 Rollyn Heights, New York 11577 Rae"e This Space For Use or RecordlDlI' Office , , SCHEDULE A DESCRIP'I1ON ALL that ccrtaiD plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the builclinp and improvamCDIS 1IIcnlon 1:r'CClCd, sm.-. lying and bcina in the Hamlet of MattRuck,. in the ToWD of Soulhold,. County of SutJok and Slate ofNaw Yark, bei.. knoWD and dcsipated as LoIs 69 BDd 70 and the easterly IlOrtinns of P'- D and E CD a certain map entitled,. "Ammcaded Map of Maaitudt Heights, Ilropcrty ofOuslav Bayer BDd filed in the Office oflbe Clerk of the County ofSufIbIk OIl July 24 11935 as Map No. 1184, wIlicb IIIIid Lots D BDd E on said map, wben laken togelher are bounded "nd described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument sce in the westerly line ofCoaldin Road,. also knowa as 0nIDt J:loulevard,. at the c1ivisiOD line betwcca Lois 58 and 70 OD IIIIid map, said point beginning being distsnt 232.51 fl:ct southerly, when measured alon the wCSlerly lone of Cocklin road (Gland l:toulevard) fiom the southerly lone of Bayer Road; RUNNING THENCE South 14 degrees 02 minutes 50 seconds East. along the westerly line "fConldin Read (Gnond Boulevard), 269.60 ft:et to land of the County ofSutJolk; THENCE South 24 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West alona IIIIid last mentioned land,. 1193.62 fl:ct to land formerly ofpoUock later of Susie H. Cocke; THENCE North 19 dcsrccs 32 minutes 50 seconds West aloaallllid last mentioned IaDd :106.43 fl:ct to the southerly lone of Lot 69 of IIIIid map; THENCE South 75 deglCCl 57 minutes 10 seconds West alongllllid southerly line, 35.0 ft:et 10 the southeasterly line of Lot 61 on said map; THENCE North 31 degRCll 04 minulc:s 30 seconds East aloaa tho southeasterly Ii.- of LoIs III and 60 OD IIIIid map, 70.86 fuce to a monument; THENCE North 15 dear=s 40 minulcs 40 seconds East aloeg the soulhcastcrly line of LoIs "'D and 59 on said map, 75.32 filed to a monumnet set on the division line between lots 58 and 70 on said map; THENCE North 75 degrees 57 minutes 10 ICconds East along IIIIid division line, 98.23 fl:ct to Iho point or placc of beginning. TOGETHER with the use of a right of way eight ft:el wide to BDd fiom Wickham Avenue to Il.ong Creek. a branch of mattituck Bay to pass and repass on fool only; IIIIid right of way .:ommcncing at the northerly junction of Middle Road and Wickham Avenue, at a concrete 'noDumcnt. running in a westerly directiOD eight feet; THENCE RUNNING in a northerly dircetiOD 130 feet parallel with the boundary line of property ofHubcrt W. K1ien and Gustav Bayer, to mean higb watermark of Long Cree~ THENCE RUNNING in an easterly di...ction aloaa Long Creek to land ofWcstcm boundary )1"'OPCJ"lY of Hubert W. K1icn, 130 fl:ct to a concrete moaumcnt. the northerly junction of Middle lRoad and Wickham Avenue, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with the use of a right of way knoWD as Farm RoaII to pass and "'PUs fi'om l[)rant Boulevard to Wickham Avonue. TOGETHER with all the right. tide and intCR:St of the parties of the first pll!t of, in and land llaying within the bounds of"Fann Read" and Grant Boulevard,. adjacent to said p...mi.... IPremi... herein are knoWD as 72S Farmers Road. (alklaI 955 Conklin R.oadand 725 Grand Avenue) Mattituck,. NY roGETHER with all rigbt. tide and interest, ifany, of the party of the first part in and to any ,- and roads abutting the above deseribed premi... to the center lines thereof, roGETHER with the appurtcnanc:es and all tho _to and rights of the party of tho first part iiD and to said premises. G::2 ] .. TOltRENS RECOIIDED 2003 Feb 14 10;55:12 ~M Edward P.Romaine CLERK UF SUFFOU( COUNTY L 000012235 P 394 Dll1 u2-27187 N":mbcr of pages Serial II Ccrtiricate#_ Prior Clf. f# Deed I Mortgage Instrument Page I Filing rc(= Deed I Mmt888C' Tax Stamp FEES Reconling I Filing Stamps ~ Morlgagc Ami. . Handling TP-584 -~- --- I. Itasic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notatiun R.P.T.S.A. -B'- -j;<- ~~~ ---d::fU_ Sub Total EA-52 J 7 (County) Sub Total, ~~- - ~;.:/.-~"3- _ Reg. Copy -K- Other _~ _ SubTotal If)b Spcc.lAssil. Or Spee./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County _ Ilcld for Apportionment _ Transfer Tax 0 Mansion Tax 11lc property covered by this 111000g.agc is or will be improved by n one or two fam ily dwelling only. VES orNO_ If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page 1# _oflhis inslrumc:lll, EA-5217 (Slalcj Cornm. of Ed. _--2. (~ GRAND TOTAL l Real l'>>ropcrty Tax Servke Agency VCI"ificallon .ni"iot. Section Block Lot 6 COlnnlunity I>rcscrvalioll Fund Considcralion Amount S -, Stamp -. 1000 1:35100 0300 030001 cpp Tux Due $ CJ Date ,(.proYed ....,. Vacant Land Initials .... 7 Satisractio1nslDischargt'SlReleases List iifopert)' Owners Mailing ""A"oore RECORD & RETURN TO: Elt..."-,,, 1-. 1-\0; \ ""la.A t-<;./- * t-\P; I '19 Po".:>-<<'1/ I,o...)se (2,,1 50~-t_6<-- ;,0.(4 10'1 /1577 t2 Q51(Vl nbg ds TO ID 1'1) TD 8 Title Company Information Co" Name Title II ~ Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e "/lns page fonn. pari oflhe allacrn:d /")(:;;;.t-::. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS.mUMENT) mude by: 1/k; \\~~{l>-M-D I.... 3/Z.- I :.?~r- N."'-t"'",l~ L~^ ,J r. TO !'vi" -r-+,., Ir_ .Ihe premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. In the To"no;hip of (:::;'o<.J -rh 0 I cfI In the VILLAGE or 1.1Al'vILET of BOXES 5 .IlHRU 9 MUST BE .IYI'ED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 " SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB 'Type of Ill1strument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 02-27187 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 02/14/2003 10:55:12 AM D00012235 394 District: 1000 Section: 139.00 EXAMINED AND <-. $0.00 Block: 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 030.001 FOLLOWS Deed AmoW:1t: Received !t:he Following Fees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Fililllg $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS StJRCHG. $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $25.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $4.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer It:ax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $106.00 , TRANSFER ~rAX NUMBER: 02-27187 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County / " ", " PLEASE TYPE OR PFIESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM Ir\JSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.u5 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Fat, 'COUNTY LJSl-: Or\!L Y Cl. SWIS Cod,~ ~/73,;J, 9'71 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT W' . . I . 1 ~ ",~ . IU'.~217IlH .~i"7 STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES ,-;:< / /'1 F\l'ufllh :::"y C2. Date Deed Recorded C'3 J Yeu RP - 5217 C3. Book LL~;;,.:L , -IL_2Tc4. Page PROPfRTY INFOI'lMAT.'ON I P'operty L 7.z':') FA r2 (1// ele /20 Location 5'i'fii:,~ "U"'~~- STREET NAME ~_J ~U (1~~ ~I" COPE M,f1---rTI TIA eK ~-;n--w;:;m- - jJ <3 iN yor.z.t::.- 'VlllA:'f: 2 Buver Nanle R? ~ 1'. <; - MO T7DL.4_ l.~Sl ""M[ VlMI'N,S _.-J J..l,0DA- ,JR~TNM,,', ~~OM;'A~I\ ___-L__ '.I,,,cr"M.1E .__J 3 TII:': Billing Address In"iGJtew'-erefUIUt!llil>:13illsare':ol;ese.,( f olhe'thJn bLJ'Ier i'lCld'c~s 11It bottom of ~ornl. PIfSc;:}- MOrTVL-A __L-----i.IN VA FIAS'NA'\'f ___ 1 _~N 'Ii (I Q52J. ., I A Ie .~I" coo, LASTNAMFtCDMPANY l~eL_.13(.JX f 0 2! 'OT1<tolrJU'J,BE"Ar-/CST"oc'rJ"-\'E I .JI!!.,4- T77 TlA C-IL C']YORTY"'"," 4 Indicate the numher of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed L~_--,-_--.J # of ;'alcels OR LJ Part of" Pal'cel (Only if P.-rt of a Parcel) Check as they i1pply' 4A,Pliln:l,n\::BoMdwithSubJivsionl\lIthorityLxsls 0 48, S;,hdivrS'QIl Approval was ReqL!,leo 'OJ Transfer D 4C, Parcel Approved tnr SubcJivi:licr wl',h Mil!; PcNidea 0 5. Deed Property Size L.. IxL ! OR l_.-------L--------'-----'- A(:~~~ . ;;O~' l'oH YPTH 6. Seller Name LJ1-1o T TV".~ _JiZ. ;.,sr N"',ME --COMPANY 1 PrH'--' P /. "l<STNAME ~r;:AM-~'~~""y .. . ___n.-J '-,F;ST~~--- Check the box below which mo:st accurately describes the ~so 01 the property ~t the time of sale: Check the bo)(es bolow i1S they apply 8. Ownership Type is Conrlo!lli,-,il,Pl o o o o '\[l1eF~r-1il"RGS;dentia H .2 vf:.J t-arnly fleside~tai C Resid€nial ''',~cant. Lil'ld D N(n,Res':(jpnti,,1 Vcl<;am L~r'd F~ A9'i(uillJr~1 F Commercial Ci ApartCl1"~l !J Enl,-,r:ainment/Amuse'Tlent ~~ 9, Now Co~sl:uctlon en Vac~'T~ C,F.nrl Cornmunitv Service Industrial PubiicService FO'cst lllA. Propert'{ Located withi,.. an Agricultural Oislrirj lOB Buyer n,Cllivl.>G a disclosUIE 110tic/'! ncJica!ing that the ,xope'ty is in;m ^qricutulal D;slrr~-. I SALE INFORMATIO~ 11. S",le Contract Da':e 15. Check oroe or mare of theso conditions as applicable to transfer L_-----L_____....L_ _~ f.1(Jnl' Da'! Y"at , B C D I: r G II r ] Sale Between I~elativas Ot FOrrlllJ' Ru "lives Sale 8erwmm Related Companie<; or P'lrtners in B,,,;in,,,>>:; en" ot ~hc Buyer~ i,; also" Seller BUYlJr or Seller's GovemcrCn! Ag,"nc'y' -:-Jr i."n(Ii[l(,J Instirutlon Deed TYPE! not Warranty or Barg",,, and Sale (Sf'lwif',' I~clow) Sale of Fr'.~cl.lonal Of Less than FCE' Inl'Orest. ';Specify' Eelove" Sig!1ifi~ar1t Change i:1 I'>ro~,rty Salween Taxab't' ;;12t.J~ 3"[\ Sale JJtas Sa I", vi Elu"irs"" is Indudee! in Selic P<iG~ Other LJI1LJ~LJ"1 Factors Affecti,,>) S;,le I',i::<' :Sf'lecifv 3e1()wl NO'l'" 12. Date or Sale.l Trionsfer L_07...1 -;...3J.2;::02-1 IA',lI"l- Dav Year 13. full Sale Prir.e , DL..!L.JLJ , . .F.J,i Sa),. 0>.",.-. Ii'.-<; Loldl dmO:,J,", paid f'-H :.I~" properl', incluti 1'9 personai propO'1y, Thi" f'~':mcnt nny f:~ in the corm of cash, ()th<" paperl', Or goods, Or the as~umptio" o' r'1,~nCJ;'!;c~ 0' Nh,,' .JiJllga:I()r1s .Please' m"nri '0 IluJ nearest whole rlnllar ,?muunr 14. Indicate tho value of personal property included in the sale I ASSESS\1ENT Ir..)FClRMATION ---.-L h 0 0 I , , . Dati' c;hould reflect the latC'st Final Assessment Roll find Tax Bill 16 Year of Assessme"t Roll from which info~mation t<lken L_ J 17 Tot(ll Assessed Val~e10f (llf parcels in transfer] j ,_J --"-------~---~---'- 18 Property Cruss "7/0 L~, J-l ____...J fY2nCJ.-/h10 C k :7 /3906 -(23t5u _C73 0, CO/ I 19. School District Name i 20 Till< Map Identifier:,,) I Rollldentifier(sl Iff more than four, attach sheet with additional idontifier(s)) ___J Lt:JOO 1v\~_l.3 '1-,--00 L- \... 0 -+ ....Q3 ,00 CE:RTIFICATfON I J "'Ttify that all of th~ itlOlIN or Int"u,rmatiOIl lOnten'd on this form are trUt' and correct IIl1 the bc"t of m}' knOWledge and belid) :md I IIlld.'n<;Uind that the making of any wilUul fab... Sb"'llicnt or maltenal fact h('I'cill ",ill subject me to the provisions of tilt: Pt'nallaw rd.-tin' to the makinj! alld lilin~~ uf raise ilLs(rumellh. ----.J L !'J.UYER BUYER'S ATTORNEy' ~~&~ ~l~,H, :'''GNAru~c H--n:l rASTNAM( ..LL 0- 7-,'") Z. :JAic,-- E \ \,e!C\ flw,rN_',\'E ....z 2..!:L_L ""'H'TNI.MP-EP .6te.....t'k!f,,-,z. 120 _____ STPHl NAMo 'AfTERS,"<F, 51(~ AREA:ClOF 4-B~;i< N:MB--oQQ-- Milt TJ7 T lAC: ""- - -~()\':"J -- - _..J.1-Ly. I ':"0 11'75?-. 7Irrcl'E' /' r "\ I I I 1/ J/hl -2ilL:.L ~: >f-l HSbF\J<T1R SELLER NEW YORK STATE I <------ COpy v.;:' /, ..L/; -;;,viV .~ATf , I ./