HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 385 . ~ ",11< i ,j I J \ i. ! 'j '-.")' (j J' .. J o J i I~ONSUL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING '!'lIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BI! USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made th~f September. 2005 BETWEEN GEORGE DEUTSGH and JOAN G. DEUTSCH. his wife, both residing at Unit 5B, Claaves Point Condominium, 2460-3 Shipyard Lane, East Marion, NY 11939 party of \he first part, and GI;:ORGE DEUTSCH and JOAN G. DEUTSCH. as tanants-in-mmmon, both residing at Unit 5B, Cleaves Point Condominium. 2460-3 Shipyard Lane. East Marion. NY 11939 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party ~If the first part. In consideration of TEN and nol100ths ($10.00) dollars P,:id by \he party of the second part. cloes hereby grant and ralease unto the party of the second pari. the heirs or successors and assigns of the I)arty of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same pramises conveyed to the lIartles of the first part by deed made by ROBERT BERNSTEIN and JNIS BERSTEIN, his wife. dated March 27"'. 2000. TOGETHER with all right. tille and intarast, If any. of the party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abutting the above described prami&es to the center lines theraof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all \he estata and rights of the Ilarty of the first pari In and to seld pramlses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pramlsas herein granted unto the party of \he second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party 01 the second part foraver, AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anyth!n, whereby the said premiSes have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law. covenants \het \he party of thE first part will racelve the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideratior as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the samE first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any othe purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It raad "parties" whenaver the sanse of this Indentura 51 raqulras. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thEI party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first abovl wriIIBn. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~'cR. GE RGE UTSCH ~ ~" ~,6.A-~d- AN G.peUTSCH . .. ~ \ 5CHIlDULI! A - DI!5CRlPTJ"'''' The Condominium unit (de..~natecl IS Unit 5-S) In that certain declarll.._," dated July 8, 1987 (the "Declaration") utabllshlng a plan for condominium ownership of the buildings known as Cleaves Point Con,mons Con"domlrilum, Shipyard Lane, East Marlon, New York (the "Sulldln9s' and the land on which the Buildings Ire erected (the."Land' (which Lind Is more particularly descrtbed In Exhlblt,A annexed hereto and by lhls reference made a part hereof) pursulnt to Article 9-8 of the Real Property Law of the State of New Yorl< (hereinafter referred to as the "Condominium Act', which" Declaration was recorded In the OffIce of the Clelie or Suffolk County (Division on.nd Records) on July 28, 1987, In Uber 10375 of conveyances et cp 01. Thll. Unit Is also on the Suffolk County Tax Map of DIstrict 1000 In Block 02.00 of Section 038.02, rlx lot 003:.000, and on the pta"s of the Condominium (the "Plans', prepared end. certified by KontokostB Assoctates and filed In the OffIce of the Clerk of Suffolk County on the 28th i1ay on illy i9B7 IS Map nu.mber 166. TOC;ETHER with an undivided 6.494'110 of Common Interest In the Common Elements (as such terms are defilned In the Declaration). All. 'that certain plot, piece or pa~1 of lend, sltuete, lying .Ind being a part of a condomInium In East Merlon In the Town of Southold, County ot Suffolk end State of New York, being more particularly bounded end described as follows: BElilNNING at I point on the Southwesterly side of Shipyard Line distant 2458.97 feet Southerly from the .comer rormed by the Intersection of the Southerly side of Main Road ((II.V.S. Route 25) with the Southwesterly sid.! of Shipyard Lane; THI!NCE South 35 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East along the Southwesterly side or Shipyard Lane 50 reet to land now or rormerly of EmenUI!ll<ontokoste; ..'. THI:NCE South 55' degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West stili elong last mentioned 'end 278.34 feet: THI:NCE South 11 degrees 49 minutes 30 secancIs. West ItllI elong last mentioned land 565 reet to the orcjllnary high water line of Gardlners Bay; THIENCE along the ordlnery high water line of Gardlners Bay Ilong a tie ilne bearing of North 76 degrees 11 mh,utes 20 s~s West 300.18 reet to lend now or formerly Oewn Estetes Shopping Center; THIENCE North i 1 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East ."ng the last mentioned 480 reet other land now or rormerly or Perlcslde Heights Co.; THENCE North 85 degrees 45 minutes 20' seconds Eest along the last mentioned land 299.70 feet; THENCE North 55 degrees 16 minutes 00 secOnds Elst stlll along the 'est mentioned lend 340 feet to the So~thw.lterly w!le of Shipyard Lane It the point or pllce of BEGINNING. I ~ , . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE St8~ of I~ew York, cOunty of Suffolk ss: On thF~Of September In the year 2005 before me, the un<lel8lgned, penIOrIlIlly appeared GEORGE DEUTSC:H and JOAN G. DEUTSCH personally knoWn to me or proved to me on the basis of satlsfaclmy avldence to ba the Indlvldual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the wllhln InsIrUmenland acIcnowIedgad to me lhalt halah8llhey executed the same In hlslherllhelr capacity! thai by elr s1gnature(s) on Ihe inslN Indlvidual( ,or e upon behaK of which the I' s) acl8d, a nL ..../""-. (na nd office of IndIvtduallaklng acknowIadgment) NOTAR' PU L1C Slate of New York, County of On the dey of In the year before me. the undarslgned, p8fSOIl8lly appeared personally known to me or pmved to me on the basis of satisfactory avtdence to be the indivldual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to lha within Instrument and acknowIadged to me that halahallhey executed the same In hislher/lheir cepecllyfMlS). and thai by hlslherllhelr signature(s) on the InstrumenL the Indlvldual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the Indlvldual(s) acted, elC8CUted the 1nslnlm8n1. ss: (signature and office of Indlvtduallaldng IICknowIedgment) J. KEVIN MclAUGHUN Notary Public. Stat. 01 _ Ya QuoRlIed In AII;o.'l1 County '" Com..i..... bpi,.. 1'-''''' , .a/I1ta...23/ Otl:)? TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLllDG~ENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slate (or District of Columbia, Terriloly, or Foreign Country) of On the clay of In the year ss: before me, the undersigned, personally appeared person;llIy known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory avidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the ~Ihln Instrumant and acl:nowIedgad to me thai halshalthey executed the same In hlslherllhelr capaclty(Ies). and Ihal by hlslherllhelr signature(s) on the Instrument, the Indlvidual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, executed the Instrument. and thel such Indivldual made such appearance before the undanllgnad In the In ---v.;sert the City or other polltlcelsubdlvislan) (and inserlthll Slate or Country or other place the 8dmowIecIgmllnt was Iaken)' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TltleN'I). GEORGE DEUTSCH & JOAN G. DEUTSCH TO GEORGE DEUTSCH & JOAN G. Jl)EUTSCH STANIlARllI'OllM OF _YORK BOARD OF 1I11.E UNDEhiltRll'ER' DislributIld by o Com~~~___""'''T COMMO:\,'WEALnf ~:'<rID TITLlIXSURA.'"CJI CoMPA.'"Y (signaturlland OffiCll of lndividuall8klng acknowledgment) DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 038.02 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN J. KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN, ESQ. P.O. Box 1210 Soulhold, NY 11971 w !.! .. .. o " ~ l!i Ii! .. l's .. .. ::> l!i .. w li 91 .. ~ !l: .. .. on Ii] .. 1 RECORDED 2005 Nov 03 01: 23: 09 PIt Edward P.Rooaine r.t..E:RK OF SUFFOLK COtJllT'! L 000012418 P 385 D nt 05-13829 Numhcr of' pallcs TORRENS Serial # _ C~nitical~ # _ I'rior nf. ~I Deed / Mongage Instrumenl Do:ed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Re.:ordinB / Filing Stamps =rr= FEES :\olation /- '1("_ ~/) J!J SuhTlltal J..1 Mortgage Amt. I. Ba~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Totul Spec.l Assit. or PaBe Il'iling Fee Handling I1/'_ 5. 00 5' Tp.5114 EA-5:! 17 (County). EA-;:! 17 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Conllll. of Ed. 5. (X) Spa:./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax Man~ion Tax A mda\'il NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Sub Total Id- f The property covered by this mortgage or will be improved by a one or 1\ family dwelling only. YHS I or NO Ccnilied Copy Olh~r Grand Total 'S'V- at. If NO. see appropriatel:lX clause on page # of this instrument. .f....O..: 4 I Disl. ~ Section G!;lCk Lot 5 Comm1lDity R~al !'mP<' Tax Scr\'ic. Agency Vcrilkatilll ~O~~~1~79 ReMC A :lB.QCHI , 1000 03802 0200 003000 CPF Tax Impnl\'~ 61 SatisfactiomJDischargcslReleaSt.'l: Li~t Property OWDCrs Mailing Address RECORD'" RETURN TO: ::r (~Mc- 4+) F:<i ibo 8,))<. /)..-,0 Sa", ~ I ~t /IC"I Vacant Land TD TO TD 7 Title Com an Infonnation Co. Name TItle # TIufTolk County Recordin~ & Endorsement Pa~ ~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) .::;;; It (V G 1:>e....-tJc:..(\" premises herein is situatoo in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Thi:s page fonns part of the allaehcd made b: ~. /.~~ ~,J(1s . - TO 6-u--~'-l f.sc.A "f- ::t'rJ4l',J G, 1:::)41 ,.1.H..~ 4.. --b.....t J", Cm-r>-' "" HAMLHTof BOXES Ii THRU 8 MUST 8E TYPED OR I'RINTED IN 8LACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. In the Township of In the VILLAGE 0'....... ,--rl re IL - 11111111111111111 111111111111111 1111111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Xnstrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0115891i TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-13829 Recorded: At: 11/03/2005 01.23:09 PI! LIBBR: PAGB: D00012418 385 District: Sectio:llL' Block. Lot. 1000 038.02 02.00 003.000 EXAMXNBD AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Amount. $0.00 Received the Pollowing Peell Por Above XnstrwDent Exempt Exe: Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- cry $5.1~0 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5 .I~O NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tu: $O.I~O NO COlIIID.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $152.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER. 05-13829 THXS PAGE XS A PART OP THE XNSTRmmNT THXS XS NOT A BXLL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWIS Cad. PLEASE'rYPc OR 'PRESS F.IRMLV WHEN WRITING-ON FCrnM-:--'-- INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:J1 www.orps,state.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOIf I ~?,3,!?,(jl,rl , STA1E OF NEW YORK . STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES FOR COUN"fY USE ONLY ..- Nomo cz.Date__D<d.d I III n j I cOIl M~I' ~y v.... C3. _k I /..2.., !/, /" 91 C4. P.II. L 3 PROPERTY INFORMATION I 1. "'- L .:J.l/ '(I - 3 I S~, P\JG .....~ location 5'''''''1 ~ ITHI:1' 1U,;Jc-+ So...~~\.d cn"fORTQlNtro ~ u...+.s.t:.-'^-. LAIT NA" I coaM"A....V "'"\Y< ~~5.c..h RP - 5217 "":17.." JIft L LAA' MAW JeoMMNV (,.c:........'-. U-.;~:S"c 1~6"il.+- ~~IOV\. VllL.l.AGl '- ....,-r-o~- ~oc........ G. MIl NAME \ \'9.3~ ZIPCOOl' L L 3. T.. Inl-..e wherI ....... T.x Bills .. to be unt .... if ,other th.n buyer Ddd..... 1M boIIom or form) I Ad_ " LAST NoUd I COMP'ANV .N'........ L STREET ~.ANDITIIIE[T MAle CITYI'"IQ'WN ST~T! ZPCDIlf 4. tnc8I:M. thlt num.... at ~.nt ReI ,.'''11 Inn_"'" on eM dMcI 5.o.d Pr_ - FMHtTfI!lT I X I ...... I DR I "At:PII-S . IlIn/y n Port .. 0 P.....I _ . Ihoy ~ ..... ""Inlnll Board with Subdlvlllon Aulhorlty Ex.1I 48. SUbclNlllon Approval wu Flequll1ld for TrDnsfer C. Parco! Approved far Subdivision wilh M.p PruvidId o o o tJ . of P.n:eII PRO Part 01 <II Plrcal .. Sol... N.... L \::::....... '" ~ c....'^-. LAST NAMllCO"""" L ~ v.." ~c... ""- LAIr ..,.... I CQMI'AIIY ,,~'"'3 -0 ~oc........G. 'NTHAME . J. Chea ... 1_ bMw whlllh r..-t --=urat.., -" ^ ~o... Fomily _n'lll R :I or 3 Family Rel.identi-' C Ralidentilll VIC8f1t L..nd l) NDIl....ldenlW Yaelnt Land l SALE INFORMATION I 11. ..... Contr.. Date I!~AtIricul1ur.. I;" Commen:ial (i Apartment H EntllUimnent I AmUMm.nt I ~ Community SoNIC' J Ind_ K Publlc;_. I. For... _....-.boIaw......,OIlIlIY: &. Ownerwh4a Type II Condominium .. Hew Construction on VIGIM Llind IllA."'-~_..AtI_11liIlrlcl IDB.B__od__I~ ,hll"!o_lIin..AtIricu1tur11D1otrlcl ~ D o lb... the .... of tlla property .. the tlm. at ..Ie: I 1'01\ MDn&II Dt.y v.,. 11. c:a...Il one or mont III __ ......... .. appIIaIble to ,........: A Sale BelWtlen RoIallvas or Former AoLltlvel 8 Sale Betweon RaIDtud Companlal or Plnnars in Bulinall c: One of She Buyers II "10 a Saller D &uy.r or Sellar Ie Oowrnmant Agency or LandIng In5tftution c Daod Typo not Warranry or Bargain anet Sell (Specify BeIowJ r SM of F~ or Ln. Ihlln F.. 11'11..... ISpecify BekJwI G Signmc.nt Qwnge In Property Btcwwwn T....... Slarus and 51 H Solo D111uoi... II 1"'_ In Solo Pri<:a I Oth.r Unuouat _ ~ Solo Prico l~fy lloIowl J None 12. 0... of 511" I Tr........ L q. '~I a5I ~ o.y VCNU' 13. Full.... IlI'tIca , "C, 0, U I , , . IFull Sale Price ,. the..... amount paid fcH the property linc:ludlng personal proporty. This pa."..m may be In the form of CMh. olhor pruporty 01 goods. or 1M DUumption of mortg.g.. 1)1 othl' obfigation..1 PIuse round ro rho mil'" ..,.",. dol'" amount. ". __d.........p_ I , 0 . II I property InaIudad In .... ... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DOli Ihauld I1lftec"he lelll!l Finol _monl Roll end Tox Bill ,s. v.. of a..__ .-..t Roll from ~ whklh Ink......... t"an 11. TotoIl_ V_..... _In ".......11 , .3b 4- .0 , ,&. Property ma.. ~-t.fI 11. 8chaoI DIItI'IcI N.m. I 20. T.. Mop '_00101 I RaIl "_ PI maNlhoft _. _ IhMl wIlh 0__ _II" ~)OO -03B.Od.. O)l.OO-6ci!l.,1l"\i") I I I CERTlFICAOON"l I lwtM'). dull ... tI the iInIII ollnf'unIIIldDD entend nil, ibis lena Mrt true unci L'Uf'l'WCllto tbt belt ~ my knDWlnillr .... brUtf) ..... 1.10 . _ I dIIIIlhr mukln or l1li). ..illfllll faIR utenwnl oI.......rIDJ fIId brrftn wiD MJI:I,tm .. ID the D'I"II,'I""III.. lit the ...... La. n...tl".... iii. 1_ ..... .... ..... ~ rIIIIr Imtrummll. BUYER BUYER"S ATTORNEY /)/J, L ~L.o -z4.- ~"'''TlAt[ .- C).4bC-.~ IfflUl""IMKJI J I '1\~I~{ ...... ~~. ..:.JW,~ LAI. __ K~ V'- "IMTNAMI l~tiCa..r-~~-l~ . . I NAMlIAtltJISAUI ~, __ aox. '7bS"-bo8~ """- - eC.~~ y'\{o.~ \ Cl " CTVOftTCIINN ,J,~ ""f[ l ,,"39 ""CDIX' ~ ~} ( .,.1;;;"~ rr-.... SELLER -~o.. Q q \Y1 k~ NEW YORK STATE COPY