HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 478 . L I 'J l'f6 I f Li-Z 0 '. NYSTI DISTRICT 0100 SECTIO:o.l 03KOO I:lLOCK 0300 I.QI 01 5.000 024.00 1 " I < .)'>'i: '~. 7 U I 0:> ro, ". Funn 3002 (9199) . 20M - Harpin aDd Sale DmI. 'Ai. ("I)vcnanll apillSl CifllllOl"'lij Ai:l5. Individual or {'urponUon (single shc:cl, cc:.am.T TOVK L&IIYU ~ II_UU TaZI x..~_. - '1'1I%8 DIII'I'JtIDIa'l' IUIOVLD U V&XD BY LAJfYJIIt8 OIlLY. PftTf- OF CONI/e~e: o";I,,lu,::>~ Tille No. CHAR 04-10237 THIS INDENTU~K. made this I ~ . day OfCj..L.hI. Q - _ an.J the: y<:ar two lbu......w and five. BETWEEN Manuel EI~vel, residing at KO Sunsel Avenue, Selden, NY 11784, and Anlonio Ealeve.. n:siding al 81 SWIllel Avenue. Selden. NY 11784 u to 1.1.50% OwnL'nblp Inlernl U lenanllln Common pany of the first pan, and Roberti Cuslom Ho......lne. with ollie,," al 50 DianaO. Wuding River, NY 11792 party of the lleCOnd'pan. , WITNF.5SETH, thai the pany nftb< first pari. in coOliideOltion often dollars and other valuable consideraLion paid by the pony of the second pari. docs hereby granl and ",lease unlO the pony of the ...,0Dd pan, the heirs or successors urn! ...i1ll15 oft. party, of the second part forever. ALL thai certain plo~ piece or parcel of land. with the buildi"ll" and improvements thereon erecled, .iluate. lying and being in the Easl Marion, Town of South old. County ofSuftillk and Stale ofNcw York, known ani desiptes as plots numbered 36 and 4300 a eenain map entilled "Map of Marion Manor" siluate al....1 Marion, Town of Soulbold, Suffolk Counly. New York. ...rveyed November 25. 1952 by OUo W, Van Tuyl& Son, lieeo..,d land surveyors. Greenpoinl, New Yorl< owner and dLoyduped by Peter Raink and Son. East Willilton, ,,"ew York and filed in Ibe Olliee of the: Clerk of the County ofSufTolk on Mm:h 18. 1953 .. Mup No. 2038. ^_ - . See~.,...rW6P Sl!Ut:DUtE"A' FOC fllif"s~ 80uAJDS _~C~IPT .ON. BEING & INTENDED TO 010: the same premilL'I.. L'<lDVCYcd 10 the Granlorl herein by deed dated 5/1412003 recorded in SulTolk Counly Clerk's Office 512112003 in Liber 11252 pose 322. TOGETlIER with all right. ti~e and inte",... if any. of the pany or the firsl pan, in and 10 any olreelli and roads uhutting the above-described premises 10 the center lineo thereof; TOGETHER wilb the appuncn.nccs and all the cslate .nd rights of the pany of the fllSl pari in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD the premises herein granled unlo the pajry of the second pari, the heirs or 5Ul:CL'SSOrs wulassigns of the: pany of the secon.J pari forever, ANn the pan of the fin;l part co"enunts lbul the pony nfthe firll part bas nol done or ...ft.red anything whereby the ..id premisel bu\'c'hcen encumbered in any way wbutever. excepl" aro",said. AND the party of the firsl pan, in compliance with Section \3 oflbe Lien law, covenants that the party of the fll1l part will ",eeive the eoru;ideralion for this eon"eyaDcc IUId will boW the righllo ",..ive such consider- alion .. a trusl fund 10 be applied fUSl for the: putpOIC of paying lhe COlt of the improvemenl and will apply the same first 10 IhI: paymenl of the: COIl of lhe improvemenl bero", usinllany pari of the total of the same for any other pUIpOIC. ' The word ''puny'' shull be conllrued as ifil read ''parties" whenever the I""" "fthis indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan.... duly ClI.CCulL..J thu. dL'Cd the: day and year firsl abo,'. written. IN PRESENCE OF.: r::.... ---" Mlllluell!ste\'CI ~ - ~~ -~-::._..- AnlOnio Esb.'VC:S ALPHA ABSTRACT, LLC Title No. ALP-Oll44 SCHEDULE A Amended 06-15-2005 PARCEL A All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of SouIhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as plots numbered 36 and 43 on a certain map entitled "Map of Marion Manor" situate at East Marion, Town of SouIhold. Suffolk County, New York, surveyed November 25, 1952 by Otto W. Van Tuyl &. Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Greenport, New York, owner and developed by Peter Blank and Son, East Williston, New York, and filed in Ihe Office of Ihe Clerk of Ihe County of Suffolk on March 18, 1953 as Map No. 2038. BEGINNING at a point on Ihe souIhwesterly side of East Gillette Drive distant 395.78 feet souIheasterIy from Ihe souIheasterly end of the arc of a curve which connects the souIheasterly side of Midland Place and the souIhwesterly side of East Gillette Drive and from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along the souIhwesterly side of East Gillette Drive South 26 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 130.04 feet to Lot 44; RUNNING THENCE along the division between Lots 43 and 44 and Lots 35 and 36 South 64 degrees 51 minutes 06 seconds West 169.66 feet to the northeasterly side of Gillette Drive; RUNNING THENCE along Ihe northeasterly side of Gillette Drive NorIh 25 degrees 08 minutes SO seconds West 130.00 feet to Lot 37; RUNNING THENCE alon~ the division line between Lots 36 and 37 and loIS 42 and 43 North 64 degrees 51 mlDUtes 09 seconds East 166.49 feet to the southwesterly side of East Gillette Drive and the point or place of BEGINNNING. Ackaowledj....." ......1. N... Y.rk Stat. ofSulf.l.. ..: On thc -15"_ dB the undmillllcd. ] in the yelll' 2OOS. befOre me, :\Iuuel EsIev.. Aa....iD Est..... personally knO\\ll 10 me or prun:d lu me on th... b:udli or SOltisfactory C'vidcnct' IU be' the individuales) whollie namclS) is (3fC' subscribed to thC' within inlUUlllC'f11 and Idawwlcdgcod to me I~l hc/"",,thcy "l.'ClJled lho: in hislhcrl!heir ca"""iI)1i..). and thBI by hi~htrlttu . r ~ tu s) on l~ instl'l1lnL"nt. the indj','UUd(5) IJr the penon upun r ",,'hich duo: individu:ll(s) 1I."ll."Ii. ,exccuMl the in>>lnlmenL ~_. - '1L~?f- NOTARY PUBLIC ~1TT"A.GflAY I ....,~....... NGwVim .. a 1118Z1l1 OulIIt.lllIn'~~' CNnmIGIlcn -... .,i?q o'? Ac...ow..dl...... by SubocribiJl& WI.... ..kul. N..., Ylll'k s.... SlIlC of N.w YOlk. County of . as: On I.bc day of . in the )"C3f und...iJlllod, p<rlOnally oppean:d . . befolrc IJIC'. the the &Ub5cribinU ~titncss tu LIu: foregoina insuutnC'nl. ..ith \\'hum I am per1IOlllIlIy acquainted, ..11. beinll by ... duly .worn. did dcpclO< and say. tha, hcI"""thL'Y 'Clidcis) in that hcloheJthey knawlsj ro be !he individoal dC5Cfibcd in and lAM ea-cutN &he fo,quing instrUment. .hat said subscribing wirru:ss '4'3." pn:sent and 5:fN Aid t"xct'utc' lhc same; and dud said wimrss;at the same time &ulbscrib~d hislherlLb:ir name{l) lUi . wimeliS thereto. i~OTARY'PUBLlC-- -.-. Till< Company: Fint American Tidc InSllllUlcc Company urNew York Till. No. CHAR 04-10237 EsteVes '0 Rdberu Cu~ HUJ1lC5. Jnc. H~WP<'60DO~'Y;'P6WXlCSlRHA\AGREE'coUrb~IIiI_~..pd- .. it;.. .. . .,~ . . ...~. Atkaowled................ N.... Ylll'k S.... Sill" of New York, Counly of ,5.0;; On the [DAY\ day oflM(Th;TIll, in the year [year]. belOlC me, thc undmiGllcd. pmonally oppcarcd pcl'HODMlly knuwn to ~ or pro\"ed to me on the basis or !llAl.isfanury evidence:- to be Ihe individual(sJ whose nanu:1.S) Ui (arc) :rt.uhscribcd to Ibc \lithia instrument and ac:knowlcdgN. to me WI helsbeltbey L""'..led!he..... in hWh<r/lhcir ,......ill1iea,. and Iha by hislberl1heir !ds,naturcCs) un the iDstrumeot. 1M indh.idu:al(s) or lhc .......n upon ""hulrofwbith!he individua~sl...ed. execoted LIu: il1lll'UmCDr. --.--.-.-.- NOTARY PUBLIC A.kaowJed&...... ..Ilea ....ide l\ew York S.... Slat. of . County of . ..: (or inKTtllimict orColumbia. Territory, POSSCL.u.un or Foreisn CdWlb'y) On the _ day of _ _' in lhc)'C'''' _ _..' berOlC"', the llIldmillDfd. pe...nllly oppcarcd. pellunally knovm kJ me ~r pro\'ed tu me un the ''is of SIIli.liu:lOly nide""" ro be !he individual(s) ..1tooelllllllC(l) i. (IU'C) IlUbscribod w the ..ilhin instrument and ockllOwlod&od to me thai hclsIn:Ithcy executed !he ...... in bislhctl1hcir L'IpOCilyfiesl, l!uIl by hWhetltheir .illlUllUre(S) un !he i..lrUIlIeIII,!he indi,idualtl) '" the pmon upon behalrorwhich !he individual(l) acted. ....u..d !he illSll\llllClll. and l!uI'liUCb individual ...... IlUCh _rune. befure lhc ondcnigned in lh. (add lhc City or rolilical subdivision.nd me stote ur eoUDlIy or other plau.'C the ocknowled.....nt..... taken.) NOT^RYPunJ.~'-- -- RETURI'i BY lIIAIL TO: : ~tl8e~T Cte 1 S c!t.h> SZ) 'bTAAljJ. (J.ourT {;J~Dil\Jj ei 1Ifo1?' ,u!(. In'1~ ~:u ~ Number of paq~f'S ~ I'riur Crf. # 1" RECORDED 2005 Ilu9 03 10: 13.22 AI1 Edoooord P. ROlIaine ClERK OF 5U'!'0lJ( COlJHTV L D00012401 P 478 DTt 05-00513 TORRENS Serial # Cenific31< # _ ~ Deed I Mongoge Inslrumenl Deed I Mongage T3. S.amp Rccording I Filing Slnlllp" FEF.S Pugel FiJing I'ce I?- - ~- c:;-_ Mongage AmI. Ilandling TI'-584 I. Basic Ta. 2. Additional Ta. Notlli,," lOA-51 17 (Cnunly) _5:_ =i6= Sub Total d7- Sub Total ("omlll. uf r:d. 5~ Spec },\s..il. Or S(l<C. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dunl CnonlY_ Ileld fur ^rl'Urliunnu::111 Transrer Tux 7..2 t:, - ""-5211 (Slale) R.P.T.SA AOidayit Cenified Cory Olher - I~ J '7. 5-- SubTo~d ,~ ORAND TOTAL / ~.;2-/IA Mansion Ta. The propeny cov.:red by this lIIul1g~1Sur will be improyed by a on. or two lam ily dwelling only. YES_or NO_ If NO, ..e appropriate ta. clause on page # _of.his instrumenl. Reg. Copy Slamp' Lot 6 Communil Prcso=rvulioll Fund Consideration Amount $-1.5t..4~w ~ CI'I'Tax Due S. (p,;?~. ")~ ~ --:::-11. Dat. Improved , Initials' -;T"SaiisfactionslDischarllcSlRcleases List Property Owners Mailing Addn: ...:.J --. RECORD &0: RETURN TO: Vacant I.and C. ~."t (p 4ef!l'o /.;L7~ ,;(~/I .~/'~ ~-y //7;)/'" TO J() TD TO ~ 8 Title Company Information Co. Name ~.n..J... /hl~A"'.-? Titl.# Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'I his page fomlS port of the altached tR P t1 ..L- (SPECIFY 1YPE OF 1M.'1RUMENT) made by: --L.ha:r~ t?~IIfS -I!^d ~ nil) _ ES-M:ueS ~~ -Ihc pmnises herein is silua1ed in SUFFOLK COUNI'Y, ~ORK. In lhe Township of ;ab~'.t.. In the VILLAGE I' or HAMLET of TO ~1L e-<.,-"z..~ BOXES 5 'n IRU 9 MUST BE WPED OR PRINTED IN ULACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR /'ll.1NG. 'nUCa\ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFF:ICE RECORD:ING PAGE Type of Instrument, DEBDS/DDD Number of Pages, 4 Receipt Number : 05-0080457 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-00513 Recorded, At: 08/03/2005 10:13:22 AM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012401 478 District, 1000 Section: 038.00 EXAMI:1iED AND $181,328.82 Block: 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 024.001 FOLLOWS Deed MOunt, Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00' NO EA.-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00' NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $726.00 NO Camm.Pres $626.58 NO Fees Paid $1,504.58 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-00513 THIS PAll:!!: IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlKENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County - Cl. swe;, Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FiRMLY WHEN wRiTTNGON FORM - ---- - -- . INSTRUCTIONS: hlip:/I www.orps.SI8te.nv.us Dr PHONE (518/ 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT '* STAlE OF NEW VDlUl STAlE 8DARD OF IlEAL PIIDl'EIl1Y IlEIIVICES FOR COUN"IY USE ONLY RP - 5217 laNZI' ..,. JH7 East Gillette Drive IllUfNAIII L East Marion 11939 cnVQII'DWN ...... >PC",,", ....... L Roberts Custom HOmes, Inc. - LAIT ... , CDWNfIft NIII NAMI. L UlI1 NAMl/QDIIIIWUft' -,- 3. T.. Inclicalll wh-. fubn To Bilil1.. 10 be ...... L ..... .'_.............._Iol_a11onn1 ~ 1.A11'MoWE/COIINM't .....- L lIMEIN,*IIOMDl1'i'EETloAME CITY .. ..... ITATI! ~CCUf. 4. 1ndIc:... ttul ........ of Aueumen. ReI parcell .........4 on ....... /1 . of Pale... OR 0 Part of . P.rcel , .7J I 10,,1 'Ar:./ lDnIv . ... aI 0 .._ 0I0ck.. ..... _ 4A. PIInning 80IId with ">bcI'".iIion Aulhorily EUItI 0 "'_ApprovoI__lorT_ 0 4C. ,..... APPfCMd for $o'~rlIion widI MIp ProvidId 0 "110M I Ixl "- SIlo 'NJNT 'UT "'"" ..- L EsteveL- Nome LAST~' L Esteves """'!dIIE/a:J/IIINIIN I Manuel .....- I Antonio -- 7. ChIcIr. the 11_ below..... moIII .1ICIUdteIy .............. 01 tit. prtIpII1y at th. Ibn. aI....: ... .......---......- .. Ownmhlp lYJ- II Candomlnium I ~ Com......... _ .. _ Canslnlaion on Voam Lond J lNIuIIrioI 1M. PropeIty LccIIIId wilNn .. AQriQlIluI1lll DiItrIct K P\lblic Slrvica ,. Iuwr I'ICDIvad . dIIdoeuFl nodce indicIting L For.. tMt 1M praparty IIln an AgrcuturaIDillril:t 1L Check _ or..... of __......... ....... to ~ A SeIo ~n ReIaIfveI or For,.. ReIativM B &.Ie BMwetn ReI-.cI CamplrUi or ,..I1nDfl In Busl.... C 0..001""'_.0""0_ I) 1Iuyor.. _ Is _men! Agoncy .. LonlinQ _ J:; Dood Typo .... Wamnty .r Barvoln lIIId .... ISpoclfy IIoIowI F Sole aI Fr_ .. .... Ihln Fee _CSpecify Balow) o Slvnlnc.r. ChonIlO .. Pr...... _ T_ SII... end SIll Cow H _......-.Io_InSeIl.... I Olho< UllUIUll' F_ _no Solo Prlat lSpocIfy IIoIowI J rlono o o o D ^~ Dno Flmllv o_ R 2 or ,J FMaiIy RMidentIaI C Residlntltl V..m: lM\d o Non-ANidanlial VICtf'II Lend I SALE INFOR~ ",.... ContrKt Dne j;~ Ag....,Nr.. F Com......... o ".."...... H Entertelnmenl 12. D... 01 .../ T,.,... 6 I /(, ManIb D.y .... I Cd I v"" , iP / . ;~,~ r ,t.1J , , . IFuII &.II Pril:e . ,he IGIII Irno&.Int PIid for tn. property including ......... ptopelly_ This PIYft*Il: n.., be in &he farm of cah. other property or good&. or lhe......rnpdon 01 monu-gu 01 odler obIipIionaJ ,.,.... raund to 1M __ ... ..., MnOUnt. 14.. ....... tINt..... of......._ ". ......-tr ........ In ... .... . ASSESSMEI'H INFORMAllON . Dill Ihould .._ 'ho .....1 Flnol _I Ron ond To. 8i11 'I.V_al__IIoII"""'1 0 ~ 17 T....__v_,~.._.._1 ..... WarrnMlon.... .'. - . 13. FuII...."_ ,.. Property a_ I~ 1.0 I-LJ "._D1__1 , 7AZb... ~~.L/ , . 7.~0l> , , 20. Tn Me.IlI_II/RoII _..CII (1.....__.___ __I 0100-038.00-03.00-015.000-024.001 llOEJ ,11IM II rI * IIemI rI......-tiaa en&l'nd 01111III form aft trur IUId C'UIftCt liD 1M ..... rI ~ bowltdp IIId btIieIl ADd '".i --..... dill 11II maIdat 1__ "'_ ...._1IllI...lJod.....the ....._"'... _..... _..11Io.......... ...<11.....-... .I!El!!! BUYEWS ATTORNEY 1. I ~;~'-//OJ OA" Mercep lMT_ Anthony W. ....,- lFi4n sr..-r NUII.II FARt Gillette Drive ~r.....1N'JD IAl1J 631 -.... 751-5757 ......... ""- East fi!,arion NY 11939 :z~ ~I ._/~ - ~ 1IUIII1GfIIj\1UIII ITA" .. .... bVf//OJ NEW YORK STATE COpy II...