HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 442 ." . L 11,.cS'b~ p LILl) -:s ~ - 1- }C 12 5I..rtdanl H,Y.B T.U. 'orm eooa.IOM _,Bt~ lAd I.i. Dud. wldl c...n.." 'PlnM 0,..*'. Acta-lncllWlduallN' Corptr.uDft Ikllfll .......1 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNINO THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS OHI..V ~~ S'fh .f*1i d.y of THIS INDENTURE, m.d. th. BETWEEN GUSMAR REALTY CORP., ndomestic corporation, with offices locatcd"~!.13~!~ 37~ Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101 " .'-.~.,' "," .u..~.,. '.' . ,J. ~"l I.b.l"''' t. ,..,' ;....:1 pllrty or the first part, and ,.:. .-;:':' r'ii lY .:t~1I0 ~... I~~ 1.. .I.":'.:.t.,~ c."U\AJ nnel SAL V A TORE A. AGOSTA AND CYNTHIA L. GOLDSl\1t'FH-AGOST A. as Husband and Wife, residing at 42 Temple Avenue, Flanders, NY 11901 May 2005 p.rty of .econd part, WITNESSETH. t.hat the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars Bnd other valuable conlideration p.id by the perty of the .econd part, dou hereby Il'ant .nd rei.... unto th. party of the s.cond p.rt, the h.irs or successors and BIS.ianl of the party oCthe HCOnd part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece, or percel ofl.nd, with the building. and improvement,a th.reon erected, situat., lying and being in the at East Marion. TOWD of Soutbold, County Df Suffolk and Slate of New Yod<. known and de.igDllted as /.ot 24 on a cet1ain map enlitled "Map of Summit Eslale.. Section 3," filed May 21, 2002 in lbe Olliee of the CI.rk'ofthe County of Suffolk as File: #10769. beinS bounded IIIlll described as follows: [l1:!G1:-:NlNG al a poinl which poinl i. loeuled on the westerly .idelli,", of Shipy:",j Lane and which point is also lb. .Xlte",e southwesterly end of an arc of a cun'e ha,-ing a radius of 40.00 feel and . length of 62.83 feet which cun'e COIlDects the northerly sidellin. of Gus Drive and the wcsterly .idelline of Shipyard l:utc and lb. True Point or Place of Oesinnins; RUNNING THENCE from lbe True Poinl of Place of Beginning, alons the nonbcrly sidelline o{.Gus Driv. Soulb 52 dell"ees 53 minutes 48 seconds Wcs~ 160.00 f..tto . poinl and the dividing line belwcen Lot 24 and lOl25 on the: above ~ftrcnced nmp; THENCr: alnng the dividing line hetwcen LOI 24 and Lot 25 on the .bm'e refcrenc.d map Nonh 37 d.gn...,. 06 minUI.' 12 s.conds Wc.~ 152.50 feet to a pIlint and the dividing line between Lot 24 and Lot 23 on the abov. referenced map; THENCI:! along the dividing line bel.....n Lot 24 and Lot 23 on the ebuve ref.....need map :-Ionh 52 desrees 53 minut.. 48 seconds Easl. 200.00 feeltn the wL'St.rly sidelli". of Shipyard l.ane; lllENCE alonsth. west.rly .idel1ine of Ship)'8rd Lan. Soulb 37 degrees 06 minutes 12 second. !!asl. 112.50 feet; lHI:!NCr: along.. IIC of a cun'e hearing 10 the right having a radius of 40.00 feet .nd a Ienglb of 62.83 f..11O the TRUE POtNT OR PLACE OF BEGlNNlNG. SAID PREMISES beins.aart ofth. premise. drscribcd in lb. deed to the grantor recorded in Liber 11955 page 460. THIS CONVEYANCE is made by the pony ufthe fi.., part during lb. normal cours. of business and ..,ib lb. 1L1Ianimous ...rin.n consenl ..fthe sharehnldcrs of Gus mar Realty Corporation. TOGETHER with an right, tille .nd intereit, if any, of the party of the fint part in and to eny .lreeta end ro.d. abutting the above daacribad p..miaaa to the cantsr lines th.reof; TOGETHER with the apl>urtllnanc.. and .n the ..tat. and righta of the perty of th. fint part in and to .aid premis..; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prem,s.s h.rein Il'.nted unto the part.~ of the second pert, the heirs or successor. and a..ign. ofth. party of th. second part forever. AND the p.rty of the first p.rt covenants th.t the perty of the lirst pert h.s not done or suffered an}"thing whllreby the laid promi.88 hllve bell.n Incumbered in Dny way whatever, except.. aforesaid, A.l';D the POrty of the first part, in compliance with Sec~ion 13 or"the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receivl the conaiderat.lon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as 3 trust fund to be applied first fOT tho purpo.. of payi"lthe cost of th. improv.ment .nd will apply the .am. first to the payment of the cost oftbo improvement beron uain.any part ofLhe total of the S8me for any other purpose Ther word "party. shall be construed as if it read "perti..- whenever the sensa of this indenture 50 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th. p.rty of the fi,..t p.rt he. duly executed thi. d..d the d.y and yeur first ebove wri~ten. . GUSMAR REALTY CORPORATION 1:'1 PRESI:::-ICE OF. BY; ~~/a'. -&. PA..'l/T' IS F IRI, PRESIDENT U.\I~"U'IW '''''.J~//(i'''h/Y.I' N IHM 1lI~lInY ....,., IIIN IVh ,.. , IIIlA .)/i1.'l'IiUflll.'f.. Slale 0/' New '~ork, COllnly or Qv$Js } 55.: On tlIC /liitj: or /flfJ1' ill tllC year 2005 h<rore .ii,the lIndeJsigrlCll, personally appeared PANTELIS FAKIRIS , ' pe""",alfflil1(,wn 10 me: or proved to me on the basis 0/' sausrO<:lOl)' evidence: II. he Ihc individllHI(s) who,", name(.) is (are) lWboc:ribc:d 10 the: wi!hin in.suumc:nL and'ucknowledged to me lhaJ. helshelthcf ~c:c:ured !he: ""nlC in hiYhc:rllhc:ir c:opaeil)1ies). and thaI by hislhcrltheit ,igllalure(s) 011 the in.,uunx:n~ the individua~s), or the person upon hehaJf or whici" the: individual(s) a;:: the i s l. DONNA M. NEUBAUE . NOTARY PUBUC. State of N or Notary Public No. 41-4196600 '. Qualified in Queens County TlIlm Expires September 30. 20 ~ ,\CIiNOWUDC""1!NT FORM POR US,; Wf77IlN NEW YORK STATE ONU': tN,,,,' :rmi SlIlnr:rihlll" Wi,IU'.t'J' AclllVrwltdlllltl:N C'"/fk:t1'.' Sial. or New York, Counl.y of I 55.: On Ihc day of in the year hefore me. the undersigned, personaUy appealed !he lWb5c:rihing wiu...~, II' the roregoing illsllVmcnL with whom) am pc:oon.lly acqullinred, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say thaI hclshelthey re,;ide(s) in (if "~ pia," of r.t.~itkll"1 i.f ill a cily, illclulh '}J4 ,flr,,1 und.tlrlc/mlllriMf, if wry. 11J4/?tIj); thaI helshellhey know(s) III he: I"e: individual de:scrihcd in and who execulCI.I the rOl'c:gning ill~LnllnCJll: Llml s:.lid suh\Crihing willlCM wu~ prescrll and saw said eXC:C:U1e the ..me; and lhal said willleSS 01 the same time subsc:ribcd hislherltheit narnels) as a will1eSS thereto. BARGAIN" SALE DEED wmif CDVViAtITS AQADtST GlANTDa"S ACTS TITlE. No. Silg Harbor Abstract NSII-2133 C;[1StIAR REAL'1'\' CXlRP. TO ACDSTA, GClLDSMI'm-AlDSTA II FIDELITY NA TIO"AI. TITLE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK I, , INrUA""'''O IPIII c...w...Wfflod, Fidelity ~,. ""....,Nrr nw$"W '-'7w.A.--- U.'t1S AC:"NfJWIJ$l1I iMh/Vr "'IIIM RI$/J.JJY ....,IIIIN IV/(W It1I1K .)'Iit IIjV.yt.r:'\.. SlaleorNew York, Counly or On tl.e: <hIy 'lr in the year bef"", foe, the undersigned, personally appeared persou.lly known to IlIC... prll\'ed to me nn the tn~is of S8tisrllelory e:videl1l:e III he Ihc individual(.) whose: name(s) is (lIIC) ,uhl;c:ribcd In Ihc within insuumenl .n~ ac:knowlcd~ In me !hat helshe1lhoy exec:ured lhc: SlIme in hLVherllhc:ir t8pKI[Ylies), and lhat by hislherllhc:ir signalUre(S) 011 the in.suumcn~ the individllal(s), or lhc: pc:noa upon behalf of which tllC individual(s) lICIcd, executed the insuumcnl. 1M.: 'ACKNOWLElXJMENT FORM FOR USEOll1S/DE NEW YORKSTAmONLY, (OM, rl Sklle tiT F~"" OrrutNJI Arinmr/rdslfllltl CA"lflctl'~1 . . , .... . ..... . ..... . .. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. ,...: CCump/c/r Verure !A'IIl, S'd',.. Cr'IIIII'1. P1Yl~f! Il,.MIIIIU.:YNHI~J On the day of in !he year before me, the undersigned, persooally appealed persooaUy kuown to me or proved to me on the basis or ..lisf~ evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (....) subscribed to the within in,uuRlCllI and ac:knowlcdJed to IIIC tha, helshe1lhof ~....ured Iho S8I1IC in hislherllheit c:apacilyloes),lhat by hisIhcd their stp8lUre(s) on the insuurnen~ lhe individual(sl, or the person upon beh8lf of whic:h lhe individual!.) ac:lcd, excwlcd lha illSU'Un1Cl1~ and tho, such individual made: ,nch 11J~x:ar.ux:c hefon: lhc: undcrsignaJ in lhe (11IS6,t till! t'ity fIr IIIJ~, fN11itical.fubdil1isitlll and tile $IUlt or CtlWllry tJr IlIIII, place 1M Q(;knnwledgnlllU ...... I~n~ DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 38 BLOCK 7 LoT 10.12 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK / saJTHOLD RE:CORDEOATREQUESTOF Fidelity Nllionallll1e 1nsu1'l1lC' ComJl8llY o/'New York RETVRN BY MAn. TO JULIE M. KX;IVNEY, ESQ. PO BOX 776 53345 MAIN ROAD, UNIT 5-3 saJTHOLD, NY 11971 fj ii: ... o " ~ 0: 8 w 0: ... o ~ l5 ... w u <( a. f/I f/I ~ ~ 0: III w 0: , ~ .-. I 1 2] Number of pages TORRENS 3 RECORDED 2005 May 23 09, 25:21 AM Edward P.Roaaino CLERK CF SUFFOlJ( COlJHTV L D00012388 P 442 DT8 04-41724 Serial # Ccnificllle II Prior Of. # Deed / Mongage Instrument =u::= Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Rccording / Filing Stamps Pnge / Filin;g Fee Handling 5. 00 Mortgage Ami. I. 8askTax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tot81 SpecJAssit. TP-5114 NOIalion or EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (SWle) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Toral Comm. of E<J. 5. .QQ.... Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlmenl Transfer Tax Mansion Tax I. 1O<J.cp , ~-=- Affidavil Cenified Copy NYS Sorch~lI'Ile Other 15. J!!L Sub 1'0131 Grum! TOIal J3~ The propeny covered hy Ihis mongage is or will be impn.ved by D one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appmprialco lax clause on page # __ of Ihis instrumenl. ::;] Dist/(Jc);) Real Propen.y l'dX Service Agency Verificalion LololtJ.(), 5 Comm1lllitJ PreurvatioD I'uDd 61 Salisf84:lionslDischargcsIRelea.o;es Lisl PropenyOw.;ei,; 'Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: J.;IIt. ~.~/ G=".5'4. f. O. (1".. 776 5~('h.I.p},vy 11"17/ 03800 0700 010012 Consideration Amount $ S:M.W Oc:l) . tv CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacant Land i/ TO /u-d . TO TO 7 Title Com Co. Name 5.. Tille # TIufTolk County_Recording & Endorsement Page M (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) n Information Jt>.J. Lu..... This page forms pan of !he: aUached _ made by: 6.....'\.MQ.... t(~Ny 6ff. The premises herein is .iloalCd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In Ihe Township of S.,I...J",o A. (lJow... In the VILLAGE C~iu.L. ~/~.J...iJ4,- ~JA or HAMLET of &rr /'1e.ri-. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. S~/J (o,'er) 11111111 1111 1111111111 11111 11111 1111111111 11111 Iml 1111 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/ODD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number I 05-0055020 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-41724 Recorded. At. OS/23/2005 09125:21 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012388 442 District: 1000 Section I 038.00 lZVlUI:INBl) AND $275,,000.00 Block. 07.00 CHARGED AS LotI 010.012 FOLLOWS Deed AIIIloun t . Received the l!'ollowing l1'ees For Page/F:L1ing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transf4.r tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,100.00 Above Instrument --.pt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTK Comm.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $165..00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $5,339.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSI1'BIt TAX NOIOlERI 04-41724 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' THE INSTRlJJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COWjrv USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Cod. PLEASE "TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// WWw.orps.BtaI8.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 . , 1st?, ?,9.~,rl ~ JIIJI REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CZ. Dot.. 0_ __ I /X""} ..<.3,051 ~ ..,. v.... C3.SOD~ 1/,";>". } .?, 9"1 C4. p....1 , ~ y,~ . PROPERTY' INFORMATlON STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIlIAIlD OF REAL PROPERTY 8ERVICI!S RP - 5217 IU4:.n ~ J/tI7 "_'1 80 LocnIoII ITJlIIiT _.. GUS lIUVE .1'fIH1..... EI\ST MARI(Jq 'lOIN OF sama..o C'l1"O'lIOW,. VIUAlI< I 11939 ;!IPaHIE .,- N_ PaBrA LM,..../CQMIWrroy SALVAroRE A. ....,HMII l LAI'I'......,CCIIIMM'r CDLOOMI'ni- PaBrA cmmIA L. --- 3. fa. Indicaltl.... Julin Tax BUll.,. to be... L ..... w _ _...... _ "" boa... 01 forml - lAlY IIAM!/CQMIIMoY _T..... L STRItT NWIIDI 'lHD ITftC[T lIAMI crrv0ll1QlMill IT~T! 1\lIIgacx; 4.. IncIcIt. lit. number of A--""J'-.m Roll...... tranIIIerncI on the... I II 'of P.'0I11 011 0 P.... of. P.rceI 5.:::"" I .... ".oon... Ixl "'"" I ORI CM" .,.q 1OnIr' PM". _ a.a 00 thoy ~ .............--___E>UOI> 0 ... ~ 'ail iI&n Appnwll ... .....rId for T,.,... 0 .tC. '.-ceI AppnMCI for SubdMsion with Map P~idId 0 ..- Na... L LAIr ~, co.oA..... GUSMAR RFALTY CXlRP. FlllSl'IUlMI; L lAIr...... ,COWMIY llIIITNAMt: 1. Check the 11110.: ..... which molt .......,V cIncribeI the ~ of the......, .. the time alula: A~ On. F.mll............ Il ~ All"'u'''',' R 2 or 3 Famity "-idential ... Camman:lal C Re.idenlill V.... &..nd o Aptrtmtnt D Non.RelldenILlI Viani L..nd It EntMtIIlnmenl' Arn..."..m I SALE INFORMA 110N I 11. .... ContI-act 0.. Ill.. , ~ I ~~ 12. D.w 01 Sit. I T,an.... 105 I 06 I 05 - "., .- a..... .... _ 00""" -'II: .. aw......ip Type is CondomII'llUm I ~ Cornnwnily SeIYicI .. Naw ConIIrucIk>>n on VKllnl1.4nd J InduIIRII' IlIA. Prapony LocIacl w1lh1n .. AgrIcutlul"II 0iIuIcI: k ~Iic ServiclI '11. Buyu received , dIdoau.. noticI indiCIdng L Fol'Ul tt.-Ihe prDpIrty III m In AQrllUUlI DiIlricr 1.. a..u. _ -........... ......... _.......... to"""",-: A s.Ie 8Mween RelMivn Of Former RUtiYu R Sale B8Iween RaIMDd Companlas or PartnOrI in Bulinots C OM 01 m. Buyen Ia eIIO . Seller f) au.,., or Seller is aov.tnrnenl Agency or LMding lnetitution E DII8d Typo not W."1'IIy or Bal'Qlin end SaIl fSpecity Bulow) F 8010 .. __ or Lou lh., Foo ....... 1Spac;1y Iloiowl o _r..... Chongo;" P_ _ T_.......". Solo "- " 8010 01 SuoI..... 10 __ .. SoIo_ I 0Ib0< U......, F-. _ Solo PrIca '6_ Bolowl J N... o o o o 13. Full Sa-. '''IN .7,7.0; ,n.n ,n .0,01 , , . IFull &.I. Price ilthe IOIaI amount paid rOl III ~ Including PltI'MI1IJ property. Thi. PlYrntl'It m., be in U. form of euh. other property or goods. Dr the 8IIUrnption of rnortulllJe' or ot..... obIiljJMions.l ".... tound ro rht """.. tIIfIIoM daIW.-ncMIt L. ...-.....-...- I ,0 ,0.0 I ......,ey ~ .. ,''' .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Doto Ihould ._ tho _ Fln.1 _mont RolI.nd T.. Bill .IL ::;....;;;.....;;;.:.::- 103L041 n. TllIoI_V..............IoIn..__'I ; ; .1 2.0 .0 , 18.~CI_ 3 1 1 t.:... ' , I-LJ 15. lIchaollIIiIlolot _ I OYSTER FaIDS 21. T.. ..... kI"'-CN , Rag ........csJ III more .IIM..... ..... II-' willi adcIIJaNd .........IIlJ 1000- 038.00-07.00-010.012 I I CERllFICAnON l . , IZriII) 1hoI oil Ill... '- or -... ......... ... ..... ...... .n: ..... .... ......... ,In tho ..... ., my IiDoIIInIar ond beUrIllIIId , _ .... .... ........ .. ony wi"'" 'ldM -...,.......... ... ....... wtII mI1Ic<I -..... ....._ 01 "'" ..... .... ...... ..... lllOIdag....lIIIoa "'1oM_ SUYEIl SUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ ---- (if ,~ ~ rb ....=-- ~ '\ I..? f) SALVAroRE . AWSTA fOpOlt" 'Y-1 MCGIVNEY JULIE M. ,--- ,......- 631 765-9545 I~NUMIfIIII ......,......wru........ --..... ..........- E...>J-~,.,ir" anc-.rQWI_ tJy I'A'. /113'1 "'- G~~ R....,"rCD~~ By: O.l,/.-C j..l~ -~- ~..,.~ ~~ .... IIlIUI PA!"J'ELIS FAKIRIS I p,.tL.S . NEW YORK STATE COPY