HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 593 '. L I)L/D;) f r-l15 -s ~ - 1-1 D ' -/ Lf 1.1 ; ., S~.n'dard N.Y B T U. FDn:I 6:;02-2(,M _9a;~...~ Un: Sal. DRC'. wlLh CD'''...nu IplnK CrM:ot'. .w..-1nC:lrid\laJ or Corpora:iOIllI~nll. ,,'''IU CONSULT YOUR LAWYER aUDilE IlaNINO THIIINITRUMIHT. Ttul INITRUMENT SHOULD 8. USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mad. the BETWEEN I~~ day of July 2005 . .. ....,91",.111-.' J' r..... 'th GUSMAR R~:AL TV CORP., a domeslJe eorporallon, wllh 0~5_rs"!?Ca!ed a! 1:~"15 37 Avenue, Long Island Ciily, NY 11101 party of the first part., and .- - -~...- ALEXANDRA JONES AI'\D MARGARET GILBERT. residing al 1625 Gull Pond, Grccnport. NY 11944 party of second part, WITNESSETH. that the p81:1.y of t.he first part, in considention of ten dollars and other valuable consideratior. paid by the party of the .ocOl,d part, dota hareby IITlnt and rei.... unto the party of the second per:, the ,"iTO or succaesors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certDin plot, piece (IT parcel of land, with tho buildings and improvements t..lu~recn erected, 15it.ustc, lying and being in the Town of Southold. Counly of SulTolk and Slale of New York, known and designated as LOl26 on a certain map enlitled "Map of Sum mil ESlales, Section 3", filed in Ihe Office of the Clerk oflhe Counly orSulTolk on 5/21102 as Map Number 10769. SAID PREMISES being a part..!!!.the p~milles described in the deed to the grantor recorded in Libcr 11955 page 460. THIS CONVEY ANCI~ is made by the party oflhe lirst part during the nonnal course of business and with the ummimous written eonsenl orthe shareholders of Gusmar Realty Corpor.t1ion. TOGETHER with all right, title and inter..t. if any, of the party of the :irat part in and to any streets and roads abutting the abo.e d..cribed I,relllis.. to the cooter lin.. th.rlOf, TOGETHt:R with ,h. appurtanances and an ~he estate and rights of the partl' of tho first part in and to said pre mi...; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premise. herein gramted unto tho party of the! aecond part, the heirs or .uccetlsors and assigns of the par!.y Dr lhe second pan forever. AND the party Q~ the first JIBrL covenants that the party of the first par: has nol donI! or surrerte anything whereby the Slid premises hl'VI beer. encumber'lld in any way whatever, except as aroreS3,id A..~D the part)' of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenant.s that th~ parlY ohhe firs:. part. will receive the con81dera:io:l for this conveyance and will hold the ngrot to receive su:h consideration 111 d trust fund to b. applied first I~r the purpoae of paying the cost of the improvament and wi!i apply the s.me lirst \I) the payment of the cost ofth" lmpruvement before using any part of the total of the sall1~ for any o:her purpoSQ, The word "party" ahall be const!'ued 8S irit read .parties" whenever the !lenn u~thi5 indenture so roq\lirc-s IN WITNESS WliEREOF, the party of the fir.t part ha. duly e..cuted ,hi. de.d the day and year first abo.. written. IN PRESENC~ OF: GUSMAR REALTY CORPORATION By:~J!(?:~__~ ~ PANTELIS FA IRIS, PRESIDENT UM-;I\(.'ANfJWIJilH.iMI:lVI",.'JHM "hll/lf WrlIllNIYffU' 'fiN" .)/i1"/""UNI.r: Sill Ie of New York, Counly of St-t-if 0 I {C.. I ss.: Oil ~I~ty of July in UIe year 2005 hefore me, the undersignoU, f1Crsonally Ippcared pantelis Fsldris . f1Cn'ollllly iknown 10 me or provcd 10 me on the basis of wisf8ClOly oviden"c UJ be lhc individunIC.) whose naJ11CC')" Carc)subscribccJ 10 the within insuumen! and'acknowledged 10 me UIIl helsheMey execul<ld the ..me in hi.YhcrIlhcir c.,pacityfies), and rhal by hislherltheir 5igna,ure(5) on the in.'U1lmen~ the individual(s), Ilr the penon upon hehalf or which the individualCs) acted, 7icd!he i nl. DONNA M, NEUBAUER ~ . NOTAIlY p~~~f:m~~~o New Notary Public . Qu~li!ied in Queens County ...<" r..., ,. ""re:; September 3D, 20 ..ILL ACK.vOIVUJVGMIiNT' FORM FOR Use wfmlN NBIV VORK STt.TBONLY: (N"v; r",* SIIIu..-rihln, W;'"...tf Ad';"",..,..-", C'nIJlca',1 SlaleofNew York,County or' I ss.: ~the _or ~Lhc~ hefore me. lhe undersigned, personally appeared the oub.<erihing will1e,<,' U, Lhc forcgo\nB-i~suumenl. with whom I ani personally acquainlOtl, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say tha, hcIshelUleY n:..idels) in afl"~ plDc.'~ of re.(ilkl".,;., in a cuy, illClut:k 1M Mntl and ."rut ,uunlMr, if UlIY, Ilztretif): thlt hcI.hcllhey know(s) III he the i,dividuIII dc.<I.:rihcd ill and who executed the f<lf'Cgning inlOlnullclIl; lhull\llitl suhscrihing wilnc.u Wll." prcscnl. and suw ~L1 execute "the: :mme; and Lhal said wir:ne.ss at the same time subscribed hislherftheir "ame(s) IS . WiUle5S thereto. BARGAIN & SALt: DEED \lfl'nf COYEHAIITS AOArNlTQIAIttOl.S Am 7)TLE No, l!larrister NBR24370S ~ TO f'IDELI1rV NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE, . COMPANY OF NEW YORK " 1Nf'1I/fM'47", IlJl~ C~~"".III, Fidelity ~.../. """'I##wlld !tMlrl-'rw. ~___ w u Ii: ... o " z i5 0: o lil 0: ... o ~ g ... w u C Go "" l/l ~ ~ rr III w rr U,\I( 1I(.'I\NfIWIJll)' ;MIr.N, "llItM IIIl."lJ,nv "-,JIIIN ,'I,.. W 'UNA .')/t-I'~ VNU.. Slale of New York, Counly or On die duy..r '" in li!c year before nlO, the undc..igncd, personally appeared penonally known l(l nle ,.. provcd 10 l11e on the ba..i. of sotisrllClo,.y evidence u, he the individu.l(s) whoN: namels) is C8IC) ""h.<erihed In the :withiil insuumoru and acknowledged to me that helsl1eJtl1ey executed the 5Ilme in hiolherllheir eapaeityfic5), and IlII1 by hWhcrllhcir sipature(s) on Ill. insuumcn~ the individua~.), '" the penon upon behalf or which the ;ndi-iduaICs) acted. ex''CUlCd the insuumem. Ii..: ACKNOWl.E11GMBNT FORM FOR U:''iOlmi!Dll NEW YORK STt.TB ONLY: 10.., ",SUI'. U" F",,'i," Ci~IIt!nJl A.:kIlUtrkd,..", Ct!r1lfu:a'-} , .. . , , .. .. .. . , .. .. . , ".: .. .. .. , , , .. .. , . .. . . .. . .. . , , } ".: (CfHH/Ik" v,,..,, k"i,h StIHf". c,,"!!tIri..~P",l1incc ,., Munk"iralil}"1 On the day uf " .. in llIe year bc:fore me, the undersigned, personally appeared '-1 . personally known 10 n... ""proved 10 me on the basis or satisfaclOly evidence 10 be the individualCs) whooc name(s) is (lie) sub5cribed 10 the willlin in.'lUUmem and acknowled~ to me thai ~ executed the same in hWhcrltheir cnpacily(les), thll by hislherllheir S.gn8lUrels) on the insuumcnL the individua~s), or the penon upon beholC or which the individuaIC.) aeled, executed the illSllUmcn~ and thai such individual made 5udJ "",""IIIUICe hefelf'C the'undersigned in the (ltlRrlllU! cil)"IT fIIJ~r fH,UliCYJl:,ubdi\'i.fYNI and l/~ ~"UJI, ar ''tlU1''ry or ntlllT pl.", liII udClu'w/edgment wti, laken~ DISTRICT 1000 Secno~ 38 BUleK 7 loT 10.014 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk I SOUthold RECORDED AT REQUesT OF FIdelity Natlonal TItle Insul'Bl1t'e Company of New York RETURN 'I' Mt.n. TO Kevin P. Finn, Esq. 5BO~FrOnt:Street Hempstead, NY 11550 ~ 1 z] 'f rl Numbe~ of pages ..:; TORRENS Serial # _ RECORDED 2005 ~ua 09 11.54: 12 RM Edwa~d p.Romaine CLERK OF SUFfOlJ( COUNTY L Do:JOO12402 P 593 DTI 05-01383 Ccrtificale # Prior Of. ~, Deed t Mongulle In..uument Deed t Mongage Tax Stamp FEES R~cllnling I Filing Stamps =u= Grand Total 0.2>9 . ~ Mortgage Amt. I. Ba..ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal .' Spec.tAssi!. or SJIl'C./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Coullly ~ Held fur Appointment _ TruosferTax' ~~ Mansion Tax The pmpeny c<lvered by this mongalle is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on . page # . IIf this insuument. P:Ige I Filing Fee Handling s. ..!!!!- TP-S84 Notation EA-S2 17 (CountYI_ EA-S217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total Comm. of Ed. S. OIl D Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15...!!!L S.,11 Total J --no5C::l ~ Real Prope'ny . Tax Service Ag~ncy Verification S C>>~. ClO ectlon 070 00 Block 010.0&'1 Lot 5 Commwiity Preaervation FDDd Co . erat!on Amount $Oa.s. oCJ:) PF Tax Due $ .3 C:Cc . 1000 03800 0700 010014 61 Satisfaction.<;/O;SCbargeslRelea._ Li.1lf'ropeny Ownen Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Improv~d Vacant Land X TD 7 Title Com an Infonnation Co. Name ~"''''''''I \+r TItle # (b"(' ~-fho.!.. ili'iuffolk County. Recordin~ & Endorsement Page \).q,~ (SPECIFY TYPE. OF INSTRUMENl) ~\Y\ I( . 1:\_~ ~ :500 ~~ 0- ~1o~V~ \ .,Ot"O TO \0 TD llus Plllle fOI1llli part of the illIIIched made by: In....,,~ '\2 ~ O~ ~~. The premilles herein is shUaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. (") Q In the Township of So~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ~~... ~ ~~ E TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111101 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGB Type of I:nstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of: Pages: 3 Receipt ~~er : 05-0082805 TRANSPBJ~ TAX NUMBBR: 05-0lL383 Recorded. At: 08/09/2005 11.54.12 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012402 593 Deed Amo\lJ1t: Section. Block: 038.00 07.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $225,0'00.00 Lot: 010.014 District. 1000 Received the Following Fees FClr Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/FiUng $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCKG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfel~ tax $0.00 NO COIIIID. Pres $3.000.00 NO Fees Paid $3,239.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-01383 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine CO\lJ1ty Clerk, Suffolk CO\lJ1ty FOR COUMrv USE ONI.Y C1. SWIS Code -.---- - - PLEASE lYPE OR 'PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htl,p:/I www.orps.state.nV.uB or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT Ir,?~ s:f g ,cr it l@ I~f Iq~1 C4. P,sIL, 'LS~ .31 '". " - ~ STAlE OF NEW YORK STAlE SOARD Of IlEAL PROPERTY SERYICU C2. Ill.. IlIod R_,dId RP - 5217 C3._ PROPERlY INFORMATION I. "-'" ~tm 26 locMlon .......r NlJIIIIP V~. MARICtI """co"",,, ...,~n 1tt'9J11'1 SU!'MIT Ll\NE .......- 'It:MN CF samlOID -- 11939 ...- 2. Sur- 1.!Jt1'l&S __ LMTNAMl/COMMNY' ALEXANDRA NaTIiIIlIlIIC ~:;n.BERT l.AlI'NAWli/I!;OW'''~V Ml\RGl\REl' FlllThAWi 3. Tu Inbtl...... fwn To BIIa ant 10 bet sent L S1'"OS 11,_ _ _ _10'...... 0I1armI ........ lAI' NAlKICOIIPAN't ,..IIS'"" L S11It:ETJA.W'IIBtAfrDI1IIHTNAMI crrtORTOWII STAll! ..""'" ..=... I 51.. '_T'IR Ixl "ACIIII' . 1OnIy..... 01 . _ _..Ihoy _ 4A. Plamir41 BcNwd with ~n Aulharity ExlIII 0 ..._.......I_Roq_forTronsfo' 0 1C.__forSulldl__",,_ 0 4. IncIIute lhl. number 01 AIMMmIM RaIl paMIll ....,.".. an the dMd 1 I , of Pllroal. OR 0 'ert of . Plirall ''''H 10RI 6 91 8. Sell.. ...... l.!3lISMAR REALTY CORP. LM'<UoIH/C'OIINJrof ."',NMIIr L ,A,lTNAW/CClllI'WP """... u..... ''''' y- -...............-- L Ownonohlp Typo" ~lnIum I ~ CommoriIy _ .. - Canolrucllan on V~ UncI J InduIt'1iII 'ICIA. Proporty LocaIad within an Agriculturll District K PubIC SctrvIce 1GB. Buyer rlCllMd . dIIdoIuft notice indiclrlnQ L Fa.... IhII: the pmparty II In .n AgricuAwraJ 0IsIrict '.. a.dc _ or men 01 u.. ..wi............ CO II'InIIer: A S1k1 BoIween ReletNe, Of' Former lWCIvee 8 S111e BaIweon ReIMed Com..,... or hrtneIa in Bu.~ C an. of th8 Suvvl II .1:10 I Sailor D Buyar or SeIer . Go~t Agency or Lending IrlItttuliDn ~ 0eId Type nDt Warranty or &.rgllin and Sokr ISpoelly Solow) F SaIo of FrICl.ionll or Leu thin Fw Irw.rut (Specify Balow) o Signibnl Chango UI Property ~en T...bIe StItUl ....d S.I. a.. II Sale of B.... II Induded In Sale Prb I OIMr UnulUal Factor. Affeclina 811e Price ISpecify BekMI J None o o o o 7. CheGt: ....1>>0. below wh~h mo.t .......Iy....... 111II.... otItt........-rty at 1M t1rn8 af ..lIE A~ OnoFom,ly_ B 2 or J FImlIy Raidentiel C ....dentiet Vacant Land I) Non-RatdenI"1 YDCMI Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11.... eom,rect Date 12. 0.,- of Sn" I Tran,*- E~ AG'''''''''''' I' Com......." G ....-ol H Enceruinmatlt' AmullOmOnl ; I y- o$" I" I /0 " ,zr I. - 0.1 1 l>oy Ii I. 11. FuII.....'riot ,2 ,2 ,5 ,Il ,0 ,0 ,0,01 , , . (Full SaI. PrQi II the IOtII ,,"ount paid for 1M property Including J*1OftII PfQpeny. This PlyrNI- 'DIY be in 1M Form of cah. other PIOI*IY or I~ or tho ....mprion of mortgllgu e... 0Iber olllig....! PI-.. round 10 Ihe IlINtWlI' wftOII dol'" MICIIIIJL o L ' 14. ....... tile...... of .......1 I 0 0 I -.-......... . ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dote Ihould reflOClIho I..... Final _m.nt Roll .nd T.. Bill '8.V_oIAo__-103!04117 T...._V....laI.._In-~1 which tnIa....... ..... . . ....-..., ; , 1 2 0 ; 01 '8._C_ Il.. 1 , 11-LJ 11. Sc_ CIIoIlrI.. Homo I OYSTER FalIlS 20. T.. ..... .-..n....lN I RoIIldMdIfieI1aJ (I' more then foLl'. muh ..... with IdcIttioMI ........" 1000-038.00-07.00-010.014 I I CERTlFICAn~ I amJry _ oil "'.... _ "1"'''-'''' oa_ ... UlIt r.... ... .....1IIId _ 110 Ibt ......r III)' .......Iodot IIId belIof) lIlId I _ ....Ibt nuoIlloa rI an,. wlll\d f'III!R ........ .,r1lllllerW lad hm.-Ia wll MIbject .. Ia .. Dl'UYWr-. of IIw .... ... nIud"," III .... ..... and ... ~,. iDIII'1uaI!DIlI. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY .yllttT NUMRII Finn Kevin ~ IUY!R _lIAtlM ..or.... ,...yltAlM' La+- 2-lc> 516 483-6480 _c:ouo. 'lW__ ~ t..{ Cv\. ~ Ov--. c:rr"'fOllTOIlIo'H ~~ ..- Ilqo~ BEUER ~f6~- -r I /J1S1D'f Pan is Fakiri., PreSJ.Oellt. NEW YORK STATE COpy