HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 789 - (.. .-:'" ~ ,',).~ L 12Lftq f' ;' ~' 111 G_ , 3~-7-IC.ILf Form 8002 (lIDO) - HarlJaia and SIIlc Deed. wllh ("1I\"CnADIS ".1i"l& Grantor', Ai:u _ IrkhvldWlI 01 CorpontiloJD. l~inllc $lu,"CL) cqNSULT mUR LAWYER BEFORE IIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRuMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTUR.:,madelh<, /1>..... d:lyof &-Sr . TwoThousand and Five H.:TWEEN ALEXANDRA JONES AND MAI~GARET GILBERT residing at 36 Blacksmith Court. Hunlinglon Stabon. NY 11746 p;uty of the firsl pari, and PETRc$4MAMAIS AND ~L' MAMAIS. his wife residil1ll,!l1 179 Executive Drive. Manhasseli HIli. New YOI1< " " , \ "..,,\".,,~ . , . .I~" \..: .' , ~ .~. - '. :'~'r . -I' ~.- .&.. ...," -.... p.ut)' afthe ~L'COnd pun., ... .. .. ,......~~. . ......... ....I~' . \VITN ESSIo:T H t that the pan>, or the firs. part. in consideralion oftc'n doIlan; and other valuable-considlCl"lllOl1 paid by the pan)' of the second poIr1. dOL'S hereby pant iilnd rth:&IL' unto Ihc run)' Dflhe setond part. the heirs ~11' sucn."lOsors Knd lS5;gm oflhc party "r I ~ th,,' ll4.'C"nd I'"" fOrever. . AL L 1h3ll"C'rtilin plot. piece or p:ut'c:I of land. with the buihlinas And impro".L"IJICnlli Im-rcoo en:clCd. ~iIU31C.lying and being U1 the SG'€ st!HGIJuL.~ If ,41l19~"4rO 1/~"7C A-"ut) "'''10& ,., .A9ItT H61tE:CF 8em"- Apt) '~n,vDEI) TD B6"" Sa...e p",w./ses ~.n"ere:l 10 'tkpuJ.y IP-F- Y.t.. 'Frrst-fd!'i- klll^)'f cI.ec1 ry-oMI buSM/W2. ~ (!t!1tf P. d".. (,.cI 7), /aMJ$ - So), Jf!~t1' ~ J e "lt~~ prn!''' la.r.~. So...J I..r..-,'ses 'ei~j re.f.tre& -Ie a.s ~6 'S1UtJ",,"t- ~~.Q..I &. 0;."'" M,( tlor, 'hi t }oJ:/. " '; '. '. -' .....:... .".,. ;, TOGETlltR Wllh 011 riyhl. lille' WId in1cn.'Si, Ifun~.. of the plIlt)' I,flhc finer pou1. in wid 10 any 'Atrcd,,' und roads Dbuitin; the Dhcn'e- dcscribeJ premiK$ to the center linel thereof: TOGETHER with tlw GppUl'tenoAc:esll1d oJh~ atD.~ .llJId rights of the p:l1'fY oflhe lirsl . I. ,.., ...., pan in.... 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO nOLO .he """"im he..;n wanlN 0010 the PIll1Y of lhe """",d pan. the heir. or ~ua:css~ and:ar;SISns qf.lhc. ran)' or Ihc KCCond pw1 rlJO."Vt"r. \ .. I' ,.,;:0', ....'\.. ,. I', ASD thc p:uty ofthc first p.vtcovenants dun the pany of the tirst pa.~ ~ nol\l~ nr ~t1~ W1y'I~illl w!'erc,by Ihc mid premises have beeD encumbered in un)' way whillC'ver. C:.'t'f.1'1 UIi arORJllid. .. - . .., 1 ,:. .,,;.. AS:l) Ihl: pw1)' of the firlll pan. in compliance with Section 13 of the Ucn l.ow. C'O"'rRanls Ibullhe party first ran will R."a.;".c Ihe c:on'J:idC'fBtion for thb o'lJI\'cyaru::c anLI1"'11I hold I.hc righllO rtl'l'i\'c such c:onsidcralion as B INII fund to be applied fil'Sl for 1hC' purpose "r p.3)'in.:; the COllo1 of Ihe improvement and. will apply lhe lIarne firlllO die paymml of lhe c:ost of tM impl'OVC'mcnt before wina An)' part of !.he. 10131 D(the $U1"I(' ror M)' otJ~r "'.;U''IO~. T~ word "JKlI't)"'lhaU be COIl5lNC'd a=, ifil read "panics" Whcllt""eI' the lenSot' oflhil indmhlFe 50 rrquil"C's. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe""ny of"" fir.. port"'" duly..<<ulod IN' deed thod:ly.nc1 ye"fi"..b I~ PRE~Ii.'Ill.,": l,.tF: ~ ~~1 A2~~ P--. . ,FI.WI:-J t'. .-,:0 First A11u-rrican,Tit~ Insura1l.Ce Company of New York AMENDED SCHEDULE A Tille No. 305-S-8497 ALL thot cet"tal.n I>>lot. pieco or pat"cel of land. with the buildings and improvements there'Jn erected. situato. lying and being at East M,!t"lon. Town of Southoid. County of Suffolk and State of New York. known and desIgnated alii Lot '26 on Map known as 'Summit Estates Section 3, fIled May 21st. 2002 in the Office of the Suffolk County Cl~rk 8S Flled Map ./110769. 'more particularly bounded and described accOrding to s,~id map as follows: BEGINNING at a po.lnt on the Southwesterly side of Summit Lane (-Chois Lane) at the NOJ,thwesterly end of an at"c of d curve with a . riidius of 40 feet connl!cting the Southwesterly side of Summit Lane ( Choi.s Lane) .with the Northwesterly side of Gus Drive, Running thence Southeasterly along said 8t"C a distance of 59.94 fl!et to the Southeastel,ly end of said arc, '. Running thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly side of Gus Drive along a radius of 860 feet a distance of 95 feet to the division line between 1.ots 26 and 27 on said map, Runn.lng thence NOI:th 53 degrees 04 mInutes 26 seconds West along sclld divis.lon Une 213,,02 feet to the Easterly line of Lot 17 on said melPi Running thence North 47 degrees 23 mInutes 4B'.seconds East along the East"Eirly line of sClld Lot 17. 170 feet to the Southwesterly side oj: Summi.t Lane (Choi:e I.ane): Running thence South 42 degrees 36 minutes l~ seconds' East along the Southwesterly side of Summit Lane (Chois Lane) 157.50 feet to the pclint OJ:' place of BEGINNING. m~ NOTE: TO DB INCl.UDBD :[N Al.l. Cl.OSING INSTRUMENTS, BUT NOT FOR POLICY: Sllid pt"cmlsos beIng known as and by the street number 55 Summit Lane. EiiSt Marlon. New York TIle policy 10 b.l....d ulnde. IIIl1.epo.1 will ItdU'" tI.. title 10 such buildings and bnprcwemenll e",c1od on Ihe premi... which by Ilw ...ollllul. ",II plOperly. fOR l'OGETIIER wllh all II.., rislll, tille and lnleresl of II.. parly of Ih. flrsl parly. of, ill and 10 Ihc land lying CONV~~~;~CINC in Iho streel in fronl or and aljolnlnllaid prlnDsea. Page 2 AcknowhHSgement taken in New York St.. Slata of New York, County of 1/ 6l\r.s AJ On lhe ,/& 1;!ay of 4"t'~ 1" , In the year 21105 , before me, the undersigned, peBOI\8lly _red Ale..ndra Jones and Margarel Gilbert personall)r known to me or proved to me (lln the basiS of 58tisfeclory avid"""" to be the individual(s) who.. name(s) Is (are) subllcribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to ma that he/sha/they e.ecuted the same In hislher/their cepacily(ios). and that by his/herltheir .Ignuture(s) on the instrument. the indivldual(s) or the person upon behalf 0' which Ihe indiviclual(s) ,execulad t~ ROHAP~, e No- Public 518to of 'J....IllJ.'I. - -~ No, ZIQ.4706529 Illi'''-..A.1!lo ''''4 ~,::,~~~::;,_:~!~~.;;..:.:?N Acknowl"dgoment by Subscribing WlIne.. taken In Now York Sta~. State of New York. County of ..',' . \. .". '.' .... " '.' Ac:lUIowIedgomont taken In Now York State , sa: Stale of New York, County 0' ... ,5S: J . ~.,. " On the day of , In tha year ~e undersigned, personally appeared . before.me,. " . - j " personally known to me or proved to me on the basis 01 8IIlIsfactory evidance to be ~e Indlviduel(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me Ihal holahol~ey e.ecu'ed the ..me in his/her/their' cepacity(le.). and thai by hlslherllhelr signature(.) on the instrument, the individual(.) or !he person upon behalf of which , the indlvldual(s) seted, execul8d the inslrument. t;~. :.... Acknowledgement liken outelde New York State I ss: 'Stele of . County 01, '(or Insert DI.trlct of Columbia, Territory, PO.....ion or . ~~~:Coun'!Y) . 55: On the day of . :.~'ihe yeir . . . 'betoie m;, the Unden~gned. P8rspnally appeared On Ihe day of , in the year , belOre ~.: '. , " ;.. '.' I.. .:,. .. . , . I ttieundersigned,per;tDn8I1yappe~red.' ..... .. \ . the 5ubSCJ~bing witness to the foregoing InslrUmont, with whom I . ..... . .., " r . " am. personallY "BcqUlintecl:.Wt\o being by mel duly s:.Yom! di~ '~ly.1mown 10' mi.. Or p~ed to m. .on the basis of ,. .depose "-lid say.lhet hollhl!/thay riliideCs) in.. _ . 8IIlIs~'V evld~nce .to.be,lhe !ndlvid'!'!l(SI W!"'se nemeCs),s .' '(are) subsCrit)ed to the wtthln Instrument and ackhowJedged to me I thet hellholthey ..eculed; the ..me In hlsllierltheir cepeclly(les). ' a"ll thel IIY hislher/lhelr slgnature(s) on ~e'lnstrumenl, the' . . litdJvidua~s) c!r !he p8rso~' upcjn~b~~K 'oi which ~e, indivlduBl(s) aclad, execuI8d !he lnetrumen~. end ~at such indIVidual made such appearance before the undersigned i~ uiit Ihet halsholthey know(s) 10 be the Individual described in and who executed !he , 'foregoing insihmllm: Ihal said subscribing wilnetis was" .' . present arid B8W 18id execute the seme: and lhat said witness at the Slime time subscribe<1 his/her/their name(.) as a witness lhe'!!S, tt:...... "jJqcu... '3 'J 5 ... ;7 AACT I.IU'" . UT()P\t. t.8ST 1\lRNP\KE -1.21 UN\OW..." .,,384 --. -\NO. ..." r....... .,18 ~fiI. 3,r,(1 a1~Z2. AVe"4"d~ .:Tdnes 4nd IrJa/jal"et G,1berl- TO I }~ 1r1:'S" A, JlfaJl1ais t'Ulq fil,(arltt f#fallftu"s/ ~S~/~ rr OJstributed by I ~:hicagO Title Insurance Co~ TJtleNo.: (adId the dty or poIIticol subdivision and the 58'e or country or _ piece the acknowledgement was taken). I DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 038.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT 010.014 I COUNTY ~OWN 5tA fF()r...ac:. . Soc,(lt\OL..!> RETURN BY MAlL TO: PLATON ELIAS, ESO. 74 WOODEDGE ROAD PLANDOME. NEW YORK 11030 No. - ~ ~ .. I , \ \ \\ '" ..........).1 )\ . .. '\ .... j. .-_ J_ ~ ) ... ' ", ,', .. 0 :l :> ~ '. '. i . . . , , .- - .' ~ ~ '" ill ( '-, < ,~ i . Number of pag'" 'I TORRENS , I'rior Of, . _ RECORDED '.2005 Sop 16 02:32.30 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF ' SUFFOLK tOUNTI' , L 000012409 <tf' . 3. P 789 ~1 OS -P11(}/) Serial. ~ Cellificale ."'- . Deed i- Mortgage In5lrumcnl Deed I Mollll"&e Tax SIaIIIp FEES Recording I Filing Slamps ::II Pugel Filing Fee I'). _--2 _ 5" Mollgage AmI. Handling TP-584 I. Basic 1',,< 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total R.P.T.S.A. Comm. or Ild. _~ _ Sub Tot.1 75 ~~ ;;)7 (;A-52 17 (Counly) F.A-S217 (Slale) Reg. Copy - ' Sub Toto! I::::' - GRANI)TOTAI..~ /as SpccJAssil Or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX .) 'f I(l) , Dual ToWll_ Dual County_ lIelel ror Appollionment ~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tux _ TIle propeny cwered by this mollgage is ur will be improved by a one or two ramily dwelling only. YES orNO_ If NO, see appropriate lax clause on page. - of Ibis jnwument., i-I Y ~p r 6, Community Preservation Fund Consideratio,", Anlount S"cl, 5Q2- Affidavit Cellified Co~'y Olher. :=Q 51anlp , , . i RcaI Properly TIIll Service Agency Verification Disl. "', ._~~c!ion , _ Block I..ol 05035811 1000 03800 0700 010014 pT S RJME A .(!9-SEP CPF Tax Due $ 9 1'01 1/.P.rO' Inilials Improved -../ ' Date Vacant Land 1'l Cl ~~ EHo.S J e. SB ' 71.\- Wc:>od~e. "'RD~ 1=~G.ndome ~~. \lo~ , J TO TO TD 10 7 ,Sa1isfacllionslO'i'schargCstReleaScs' List ProjiCr1y (?Wncrs Mailing Add . RECORD" RETURN 1'0: ' Thiil page fonTIS purl oflhl: 1I1lllChcd _ 8 Title Company Information Co. Name UToPIA Ae..srRRot!...T" <bRP. Title II 3~5-S- -, Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page ~pd' (SPEOFY TYPE OF INS1RUMENr) mad. by: ~ A I e~~Q,C'\cka. 'Jo ne.s ~ do The premises herein is situated in ma.r~~Q.('e.+ Gabert- SUFFOLKCOlJ/IITY,NEWYORK. TO In the TownWp of &u~l...D 'Pe.+c:.....c. PI. ~o..<<\~s Q.t\d InIheVIll.AGE 'rY\Q,t,~ ma.mC\is.) ~S wi-li. or I IAMLET of EAS{'" mA-R\O'" BOXES:5 n-IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONl.. Y PIUORTO RECORDING ORFILfNG. (OYER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of JCustrumeut. DEBOS/DDD Number oj; Page.. 4 Receipt !lumber . 05-0097503 TRANSFE]~ TAX NUMBER: 05-07100 Recorded. At. 09/16/2005 02.32.30 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012409 789 District" 1000 Section. 038.00 EXAKINB:D AND $612,440.00 Block. 07.00 CHARGBO AS Lot. 010.014 POLLOWS Deed AmolUlt. Received the Po11owiug Fee. Fe,r Above :Iustrument Exempt BxeIIq)t Page/Fil.iug $12.00 NO HaDd1iDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO TrllDsfe%: tax $2,450.00 NO CCIIIIIIl.Pres $9,248.80 NO Pee. Paid $11,850.80 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-07100 THIS PAGE :IS A PART 01' THE :INSTRtJJIIDIT lrHIS :IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaiue County Clerk, Suffolk County ,. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS-FIRMLywi.ierii.WRm.NG ONFORM---- INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/1 www.orps.BtatB.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-722:S_ftl'97 FO;,~:~~s~.:e ONLY I ~I. 13, ~, t.~ . R~~RT ~--;:-:-, ',t ,(It 11..-< w. _....::::..=.- C3.-l q Y () cu_ 7( _ R~.;,,~~17 PROPERTY INFORMATION l ..5 .. -- L.:' LocMIon Sl!lklll I'&IM..II ~:ast Marion alY 0II1OWN 2."'" L!!lamais N.m. LM' NAIll: I COMPANY ~iamais LASI NAMl/CO"AIfY Summit u... Lane .......- ........ .. .... I Petro A. -- I Maria .......- J. Tu. Indicla whore lulur. Tax Bi... are to t..... I "I.. if ath. IPIan buyw' addrell (at bottom of tonn) L-- Add..- \o\S' MAlA ICClMI'NfY """.- L S''''Io' HUMlIIIM .t.NDSrllUl hAM( glYQllllCMN STAT! ..- "At"'s' . 10nIt' . fWt 01 . P...u a.k ...... IDPIy. ....--.....--.- 48.. Subdivilion Approvll .... R<<tuired for T......... 4C. P__ Appruvod tor SubdlvlUm with MIp Provided o o o 4. "leal. tho number at AueMrrwnt I Roll ,..... h'~ on the dNd I . . I, of Parcell ~=- L~V" I X I Jf.,. 61o..~ Sin 'EET a.'IH , Jones I. ..... L- Name LMr III""'" I CCWNN'l' OR D PIIn of. Plrcol I Alexandra F'JItS1...... ~ t...:llbert .....TNAJlII:lCiClflIItMV 1 M~R!fet A~OnI F.mlly Rpidwial B 2' 01 3 I~""'y RelIden1i.1 C Rui_,~al YKanI Una J) Non.ftc:lltdenlilJ Vacant Land I SALE INFORMi~ "..... ContrMt om. E ~ ....",It,,", I ~ Community S....;co F Comrnordal J Indulb'lm (j Apertment K Public Service H Enrenalnrnonal Amusement L Forwt a.d& ChI! box. bUM .. they apply: .. Ownedhip Type II CondornuIlum .. Now Constructlon on VKllnl Lend 1.. PrGpltlty l.ocad within an Agrtwlural OiIIrict ,.. Buyer rec:eivecl . dilclol&n noIIce Inclclting IMIIII. property " in .. AgricUluraI DiIInct o o o o 7. Ch.... 1M bole below which rn_ ....mety d...... 1M UlI of the property . '1M tlrM of ....- 12. D.- at "Ie I Transf.r )/ r,,;~ / oJ"" 1 MDnIh v- %" / ( t;. / "~I -... ""', v_ 1L Check one or more"''--' COlI",""",.. ........... to ~ ^ 51. Bltwun RIiIllivM or Fonn. ~VOII R S.1a BoIween RDiUKI Companlol 01' P..... in BUIi~ C 0nI oIlhe Buyen iI 11m . SlIer D Buyer Of Sellor II Government Agency or Lending In.llUlion Eo Dood Typo not Warrentv 01' Bervm Md Sate lSPIdfy Balow) I' Sal. of Fr.:lional or Lau thin fIIO Intol1ll11: tSpecify BeIow'I G SiQrur.c.r.t Change In A-openy BecMen Taxabka Saetul and SIIe 0... H Sa. of Bu.ineu II Included In s.Io Prico I Other UndUll Flc:lorl Meeting Sale Price (Spoclfy BokMI I _ , , IFull SlIu Price II the totII .mount paid for tho prapeny lAd ing 1Ol'I-' property. Thll plIYfIMKIt rnlY be In the fOlm of ~. oIher property or QOOdI. or 1M auumplMm of mortglges Or ellher obligotlOl'll.1 PINH IDUnd 10 rN IJMH'fMl wItoIe dtJIYr MtOUIIt. L 13. falU SII. Pm:. ... ............ ,.- .. .....-.. It:), 0 , 0 I property ......... In till .Ie . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dill shauld ""Ioct Ihll..l.. Flnl' A_mont Rail Ind Tex Bill 1.. 'i'lIr aI ..........nt RoI ...... IDS I which ........... tabn . ~-LJ ".T...._Volu.Iof.._in........~1 . ..1 ..;l.O.OI , , , ...___1 ~'1&oIef'"Pends Uf"~ 1.. Property Clal. 20. T.. M. 1d.lltifierllJ I Ro" IcIeIrIIIWCIJ CllmoN thin four. .... .hllt whtI eddldOlllll klMtll.rCeJJ l>itlllh o,T 400D 1 Sec: 38 ~ Blk:. 7 ~ Lot: 010.014 """.... ..,......... I. 'B/te .... GLJAS "q STRB'IIIUMDU' [~2 eu:rl f~"})~ /V L- III!rr.....wull~ S-I( ......... ';)..7 - 5'iV7 nwooo ._ J-1~AJ.J~~ -/-{J/oLS ~~I ~ I }J V I .i/oI/O IUAn ~cooe: tr-y~~ NEW YORK ST ^ TE COPY