HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12278 P 202 ---.. .. L /,)) 7 y P J-Od-- / I.ff-lf- 7 .. ... ~ ';}. 6 '3 \..... <'0 (.,. ;; CONSlLT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE BIG"":; THIS INSTRUMENT' -11118 INSTRIJiMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWVERS ONl.. Y THIS INDENTURE, made the .;JIIA. <ley of ./"AA'y-- BETWEEN 82 Holeter Road. Clifton, KJ 07103 ag (ll'r GARYD.SACKS. ~~~-., and .! ALAN RUSSEL SCHLESINGER, 125 Mesrobian Drive. Laurel. New York 2002 party of the first part, and ALAN RUSSEL SCHLESINGER. 125 Mesrobian Drive, Laurel. New York party of the second part. WrrNESSETH, that the party of the first part. In consideration of Ten dollars paid by the party of the second part. does t'lereby grant and relea:se unto the party of the second pant. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being in the Village of Laurel. Town 01 Southold, County of Suffolk. being par1 of Lots No. 4 and 5 and 8 private road on. -Map of Elizabeth Mesroblan-For8st HiPs Improvemenll Co.- filed in the Suffolk County Oerk's Office as map No. 3381, and more particularly described in Exhibil A, annexed hereto Be;....... a"cI i """"..-.-,d. "J ..... U . b ~d rt _ f':t!!'r-J ~ ~ be- "T~ ..5c._...c.. P"'P'~'~s os ~C"<'f",;r~-' ~ . :31'z.v/~~ ~p"cl~..I 41'/2.'/9'/ L- 11G.?:J?Z8(;,. TOGETHER with aU righl. title and inlerest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center Un_ thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenenc:es and all the estate and rights of t:18 party of the first part In and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO I-tOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the II8COI1CI part. the hEtirs or aucceaaons and asBigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has nol done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered ir, any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the firsl part. in compliance wilh Sed:101: "3 of the Uen law, covenants that the JI,arty of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wiU hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and wID appll( the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using Imy part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party- shall be construed as If It read -partIE,s" when ever the sense of this Indenture SO requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly exo'culad this deed the <ley and yearlirst above written. IN PRESENCE OF: c::::\ ~ _ ~ ~~;5 /.1# ~L~ ~~- '"JC'- ~USSEL SCHLESINGER Standlrd N,Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 - Bargain and SBIe Deed. with CO\Ienanl againll,t Grantor's Acta- Unifonn AcknOWledgment Form 3290 I t r . ';'. ~. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNI"'IIAIII:lnn....ENT IS "lADE IN NEW YORK STATE Ie of New York, County of New York 55: State of New York, County of A..k.u;7/mk 5S: day or 1'Ja., in the year 2002 Onlh8~~Yof L~~~~ in the yur 2002 before , nderaign.c1. personally appeared before me, thlt und~ personally appeared GARY D. SA ALAN RUSSEL SCHLESINGER personally known e or proved to me on the basis of pellionally kr'llown to me or proved 10 me on thl~ basis of satisfactory evidence to the IndMdual(s) whose name(s) Is satisfactory 81/ldence to be the Indlvldual(s) whose "ame(a) is (are) subscribed to the withl . trument Bnd acknowledged to ~lIre) subscribed to the within instrument and ackncwlllklged to me that helshelthey execute same in his/herlthelr me Ihet he/llhe/they executed Ihe same in hislherlthelr cepaclty(les). and that by hlalher signatureCs) on the capacli.:"~'8S). and that by hllllhernhelr signaturels) on the Instrument, the Individual(s), or the pe on behalf 0' which Instrument. the IndividuaJ(B). or the person upon behalfofwhich t n al(Sl:;cted. executed the Instrume the indiVidUal(~.. executed th nstrume,"t. ____C~.__~ (aigNltUnl and office 0' Ind' ctualla acknO'olwtedgment) LISA Z10 lNotozy PubUc, ~,!!. 0'_ Yad: No.OJ..u60llI5tJ Co ~~~~~20~ ~ TO BE USED ONLVWHEN THE ACKNIl"'MII I!:~ IS ...ahl! OLrrSIDE NEWVORK STATE State (or District of Columbia. Territory, or Foreign Country) of rJltf,J J:...e.51"'r On the ~ j.,.., day of fZ1~ /:) _ In the Sear ~eJ 1. bef~e me, the undersigned, personalty appeared I ~fi" j). AC-/C.... personally known to me or proved to me on thtl buis Batisf.crory evidenclll to be the individu81(5) whose nema(s) is (are) subacribecf to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me thet he/lhelthey eXlfCuted the same In hls/herlthe1r capac~tyOes), and that by hlslherltheir signature(s) on the instrument. the indlvlduar(s). or the panlon upon behalf of which the lndlvldUIEII(s) acted. exoculed the instrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the -------m...________________in~th). ~r- :,('n~n ~~:~ ~'oIherpclillcal...bdlvi..on) (~~n:~n _~. ~~ r:~Uy_~__~ ....,. ~. .....::r. '.... (wn8lure8nd10 CLAUDIA KINNEY No1'ARY PUBLIC OF New JERSEY Mt CoMM~ION EXPIRE, lIIIIIUD 58: DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITll COIIENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS LOT 007.000 TItle No. GARY D. SACKS and ALAN RUSSEL SCHLESINGER TO ALAN RUSSEL SCHLESINGER COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk County STREET ADDRESS 125 Mesrobian Drive Laurel, New York Recorded at Request of THE JUOICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO: STANDARD POIUI 01'" NIlW YORK BOARD OP' nTU! UNDBlWRITERS Dlsb1bu18cl by 11IE JUDICIAL TlT'LE INSURANCE AGENCY u.c SOOIlAMARONECKAVENUE -lION.""'0528 914-381-8700.800..281-TITLE A \0.<'. S:c.. '" \e S.......:2P-, \ ~~:; Me S~\:,~a..'"' ~...\~ Lc..u,re.\ I r-::."'( \\~"-\~ ~ u It o !Ii! I ~ '" l'i ~ . " ~ fl i !! i!' ~ iii _t " . . Title Number; T5-2203466 Policy No. : Stewart Title Insurance Compllly SCHEDULE A All that certain plot, piece or partel of land with the building and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being part of lot Numbers 4 and 5 and a private road on a 'Map of Elizabeth Mesrobian-Forest Hills Improvement Co.' filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's OffICe as Map No. 1381, and more I~articularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly line of a 20 foot private road leading southerly from Peconic Bill' Boulevard said point of beginning being South 20 degrees 07 minutes East, 228.68 feet along said easterly line from a point on the southerly line of said Peconic Bay Boulevard aboul11860 feet easterly along said southerly line from laurel Lane; said point being the southwesterly comer lof land of Thea. Fleschutz, from said point of beginning; ~ Rb/olHIIlt. D..~ ~d I~ o.t -F1~~, ~~, 1'!. ~tUs '15 ~t';> /fo ~...d$ ~ "3 k'~tf f"W(&'jIf'1,oSS .j,,' o~ ~_~ ,n'/tArt: 0 IrnI ,) (ftt-li.: RUNNING THENCE southllflY a oog a lie line which marks the OrIIinary hi!lh water mark of Brush's Creek, South 2 degrees 39 minutes East, 91.26 feet to lands of Jenny Seeth; THENCE along said land of Seeth, South 83 degrees 00 minutes West, 1Ei9.0 feet, more or less, to said easterly line of said 20 foot private road; THENCE North 20 degrees 07 minutes West along the easterly side of said 20 foot private road, 68.47 feet to the point of BEGINNING. District 1000 SectIon 145.00 BIocl; 04.100 Lot 007.000 This Schedule A has been made accessible via our websile for review ollly purposes. The final Schedule will be included with your TiUe Commitment. Any changes made to the Schedule which have not been sanctioned by Tilleserv. Inc. will not be included in the title policy and therefore will not be insured. Issued by: T1llESERV, INC. (516) 719-4200 (203) 831-0700 Schedule A indudes Page 1 of II 7KJ5'("" Recording & Endorsement Page "P6:'I.J_ (SPECIFY TYPE OF lNSlRUMENf) ) , ";~U;I!:>-:r .;:" p:!~es Tt.)l.tJ.tr.~S ......::i:II:: L';::-tjiic.1t~ :: Pr:t.'lf Clf.:: Decu I '-long"ily.oe Instrument Deed I Mortgage TD.x SIOJmp FEES pag.e I Filing Fee /1.- +~ - -==-- -- .'andJing TP.S84 Not.uion EA-52 17 (Count}') n '1D ~ --- :;17 - EA.5217 (Slate) Sub Total - R.P.T.S.A._ S 0-0..- Affidav' \ y I) Sub Total -- Other GRAND TOTAL Slamp Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification ni., __ __. ~"r.tinn . _ B loc:.k _ . Lot 03041203 1000 14500 0400 007000 Dale ,. Initials Salisfactions/OiochargeslRcleascs List Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD '" RETURN TO: 9 OLCLI\ ~ ~I 1~5 1{fuM~~~ ~ /~ \\qlf~ Suffolk Count Title # 8 Co. Name This page ronns' part o( tile attached . . J RECORDED 2003 Oct 16 03; 02: 1 S' PM Ed~ard P.RoMaine CLERt< OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012218 P 202 OTi 03-10927 Rt'cQrJing r:llin~ SI.:unp!! ~tortg.1ge Amt. I. Oasic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal Spec.lAssil. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DUBI Town Dual COI,mlv Held for ^pportiunme~ .- Transfer Tax: ~1- l.1ansion ( -- The p rty covered b)" this ",an gage is or will e improved by 3. one ()f two f3mily dw ling only. YES orNO__ NO. see approprial. lax c,a7i1.ze ~ _of this instrumem:. -7 'In__ I ~ 6 Community Preservation Fund onsidcration Amount SC~- PF Tax Due $ Impro\lcd Vacant land TD TD TO /hrlJ Title Compar;y Information _ made by:" ~s /sc;..Lk~a.r lhe premises horein is sillla1ed in SUFFOLK COIlJNIY. NEW YORK 5~lJ. TO "St /"1.es-'''1,f In the To"nship or In the VILLAGE or HAJ\R.ET or III )XES 5 THRU 9 1\IUST BE TYPED OR PRIl'< TID IN BLACK INK O:-lL Y PRIOR TO RECORD" \- ,. 111111111111 1111111II11111111111 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 03-10927 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 10/16/2003 03:02:19 PM DOO'012278 202 GARY D SACKS ALAN R SCHLESINGBR District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section: Block: 145.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS JrOLLOWS $220,000.00 Lot: 007.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrumenl~ Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRC!HG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STAT'E $50.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $880.00 NO Comm.Pres $1,400.00 NO Fees Pl!Lid $2,412.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 03-10927 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE I:NSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P. RomaitLe County Clerk, Eluffo1k County .. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOil COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code 1- 7,l '6 ?-, 11 1 /O( 1&?1031 ~ ~;'C4 P::~ 1 Q Yo ~c), ' REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ _t C2. Date Deed Recorded STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 C3. Book I J ,d-,d-I PROPERTY INFORMATION KI'-5H7R",'3f"''' 1 Property L.J- 25 Location SIRen NUM8E~ Mesrobian Drive STP~ET NAME L Southold CTYORTOWN Laurel VILLAGE 11 94:"--J LIP COD~ 2. Buyer Name SCHLESINGER LASTI\AME/COMI'A'jY I Alan Russel fl~ST NAME L --LI,S, NAMe 'CO"';-'A.,Y I fiRST NAME 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where future Tax Bills ""e e{' bese~! il other than buyer adcrass {at bottom of form: ___L ""ST~- I lASTNAM /CO~'P.."Y STREH N\.lMllloH Ml'j STREf-r-"'AMl L ---'------.--..._----~- SIAl" "'~ ~(1LJc CITY OH TOWN 4 lndicilte the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on thB deed 10t\\ {Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as ttley apply: 4A. PI~nrting Board with Subdivision Aull'urily Exists I~ .. 5"bd,,,,,oo API'co,"' w", R""e,"" fm 1m"fe' 1=:1 4C. PI,rce' Apl-'ruved br S"b(j',visi'.m with Map l'rov',dcd 1~ J # ot Parcals OR D Part of a Parcel I lOR wii q<;, \.) ~'-::- \ ACRES 5. Deed Property SiLe _--1 X FRONT F~El [)EPrH 6. Seller Name ~Ar.K~ lASTNAME,CUVPANI' __--.1 FI~tIN:JE ~--- L SCHLESINGER J Alan Russel LASTNAME/c;),,~ FI'1S" NAME 7 Cl1eck the box below which most accurately de5cribes the use of ttle property at the time of sale; A[ne hunily Residen::ill B 20r3FamilyResidantia: C Residentia' Vacallt LJlIll o r\ort-Residential V8Cilrtt Lartd I SALE INFORMATJON I Ch''l-Ck the boxes below 85 they apply: 8. Ownership TypO' is Condominium 9. r~ew Ccnstruction on Vacant Lartd [J [=:J [=:J [=:J ~~ G H j ~ CUHl.munitY Service J Industn,,1 K Public Service L Fo'est Agricullural Commercial Apartr"'lent 10A. r>rcperty located within un Agricultufi'1 l~istrio:..1 10B. Eiuyer receiveo a disciosure notice indic<ltinq thallhe property is In an Ag'iculwral Districl EntertainmSlnt I Amusement ,,_ SMo COlltract Date l^ )~ fo/ J Month D' Year 07 ,;).'( 1 o 2-J MOrtll ,., Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfe' A H C D E F G H J J 12, Date of Sale / Trilnsfer Sale Bet'Neen l1elatives or Former r1elatives Sale Bet\i...een Related Companies or Partnem in BU\>U1tiSS One of the Buyms is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Ltwding Institution Deed Ty~'e not W<lrra'lty or Bargair- ilnc Sale (Specify Rel:>w) Sale 01 F'uclonal or less than Fee Interest (SpOIci'y BeloYlI 13. Full Sale Price L 01 Significant Change in Property Between -I a>:able Status ur d Sale O<ltes Sale of Business is Included ir Sale Price Other Unusual Factors AHecting Sale I'rice ISpecify ~elow) 2,20,00,0,0 , , . (~'ull Sale Pric\.> is tre total amuur! paid fnr the proper':)! inclucing persunal propeny This payment m<lY be in Ihe fOlm of cash. other property or goods, or Ine assumption of mortgages ur other obligations.: Please round to the nearest whu(e dol~mount, t4. Indicate the value of personal L~__ ' . ,V 0.1 (tJ property inchJded in the 5<110, , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill one 1& Year 01 Assessment Roll from which information taken o \ (')(..lJ , 18 Property Class L 'l\O-~ 17. Total Assessed Value (of all Pr~ in transfer) I , 19. School District Name L (::;/:__~\..-~\r\L,,) '-0_ 70. Tax Map Identifier!s) / Rollldentifierls} (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(sll CERTIFICATION . \ D(~() \Li'~..O()" . --.J --.J il-z C)(\ CC)l-OU() ~ L I ~ertify that all of the itt'm~ of infonuatioll entered Oil this form are true and correct 110 the best of lllY knowledge allli helief) and I understand tlJat Ill\? makiHl.: of any willful false slll.tement uf material fact herein \'\-ill subject me to the provisions of the penal la", rclaUw to the making and filing of false iustrument... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~./}1 r" '''-L~'4/~'''- . j':}-z-.'f-VL-- ""'""'0.\"0-0. '2~;fsersc n(C'St nCee\r \ 2- c:.-L..l....-'(\e \;.'e; h n. ", M . ---:;-mf~- srKHlNAMc,IAFTERSAlE'1 Barnes Rush . ____--1-_ \--\~-- '_/l.ST~/l.M" 212 988-1174 AREA CODE THEPI-'ONENUM~ S'-vct\ \..L"- c\ C''YORTOWN D-J l,~:3,~ ~ [~~w -'1 I j/ STATE YORK STATE COPY SELLER I-~ 7 /~ ., / L '- - ~ ~". I ;V/Y/O~ "'~:;W"GCl\"-JLS. SC,-c..\<S'"