HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12187 P 52 .. 11 " "- .1, -* Ii ill.lr Ii ~(~/q r D5;;t g CORRECTION DEED T 691-SlandardN.Y.B.T.U. Fonn8002; BlIl,ain &..Iedud. wilhcovenanlagainSllraDIOr'SBcls-lnd.orCorp.:singlesheel,ll_98 DISTRIBUTED BY Ilumberg1;xcelslor,lnc.. NYC 100\3 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEfORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTIJRE, made on ~'M~ g H.,,- c\a:y Ot- Fe\;>('....c,,''1 a-OO-;l. BETWEEN Dorothy E. Thoet, as surviving tenant 135 Weyford Terrace, Garden City, New by the entirety, residing at York 11530 Ilf ,""- ) ';-;, :~...".' party of the firot part, and Carolyn D. Thoet, residing at 135 Weyford Terrace, Garden City, New York 11530 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, *91;: ,np consideration but as a gift' to the party of .'he second part, does hereb~,!t"ri', "'~nd rele... unto the party of the second part, the hein pr succeasors ~Dd assigns of the party of th~ sew d"l1lrt;foreve a u d vi ed ) interest giving grantee an undivi e" l;if one ercent t A~L that c~rt.in plot, p,iece or parcel-or .-~,,/~, l're UI mg an Improvemen s ereon ne'recteo., situate, IYIn!, and belnp;IDillliK more perticularfY:4"'!,cfibed in !)chedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. I :J:"" /(' ,'~, 'J' , --'.' t'. ) ",'f '1 (1. 1\ ' ' : / l " ;."~ 'f a'~' jJ 1, ,.' ,/", / .) "'i,," '\ ",'j",",'- I i __ '\ j. 'i','/, ,,',> },: !: I l BEING AND INTENDED TO BE t~7 ',~~me l?'~,e~hsef conveyed to the grantee herein by Deed from Dorothy E. Thoet, as su~vivi~~ ~,~a,nt by the entirety, conveying an undivided twelve percent (12%) interest"to l;'Ii,e<!g~antee dated April 11, 1998, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s '\Rfi;\f,''';:l~j\Liber 11892 of Conveyances at Page 318 on May 7, 1998. \'\ \\\\', ,"'. 1[\ ~:U' J THIS FURTHER BEING AND INTENDED tP;~E"a, Correction Deed to correct a course on the legal description as more particutli:J:(~,"~escribed in !)chedule A attached to that certain Deed dated August 18, 20crl,~dnd r~corded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 12156 of Conveyances at Page 372 on December 4, 2001. TOGETHER with all right, tille and interest. if allY, 01 the party of the first part ill and to allY'streets and roade 8buttingthe,a,bove: described, premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER .....ith the appurtenances alld all the e.tale and rights of the party of the first part in and to ssid premis..; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the !'econa parL the heirs or successors and assigns of the parly of the second part forever. AND the part)' of the first part covenants Lhat the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premiseS'have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in complia,:,cewith Seetio'n 13 ",f the Lien Law, eovenan~s that the pa~ty of .'he first part will receive the coniid~ration. "for this conveyance and wJlI hold the fight to receIve ,such consideratiOn as a trust fUDd to be applied firsl for the purpose of paying the cost of ,the improvement, andwiU, apply the sa,,,,e first to the payment of the cost of the hnprov~~ent be~ore u5in~ ,any part of t~e t.o~~,l of t.he~arp~ fOf. ,~,ny oll1cr. purpose. The word "party" .,hal.1 he co~s~rued as if it read Uparti~s" w~e~ever th~ sen~eof this indentl.l;te, 80 req~.llres. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of ,the first part h.. duly executed this deed the day and year first above written, IN PRESENCE or: j)~v'ff1 t, r~/ - l Dorothy E. Thoet I -i' ~ , , Ii ACKNOWLEDGMEKT IN NEW YORK STATE (RPL 31)9-.' *ate of New York, County of rV A-SSA ~ ss.: I . 9,n '6,A.I;,.'{ ;:4,2002 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Dorothy E. Thoet ;., rlersonal1y known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of satisfac- I: :. .. , tqry evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) s~bscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowl~ged to me that hj,!shelthey executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the iodi- ,,'idual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) aFled, executed the instrument . . . lsjgno.tuT.t and office (} 'ntlividual takifl8.. cbulwledgment) ,RanJ~ S~da~qu~ No. OISI605225u Qualified Notary Public, State of New York. Commission Expires December 11, 2002 ACKNOWlEDGMENT OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE (RPL 3OH>) I, ,Slateof NEWyotLcountyof N -/ ss.: l'iUtn before me, the undersigned, .. Jl'liFrsonally appeared rional1y known to me or proved to me do the basis of salis- i!clory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) Sllbscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me alat he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the indi- vidual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) a~ted, executed the instrumenl, and that such individual made si.lch appearance before the undersigned in (iruerl city or political ...uhdivi.f;on and state or county or OIM' place acknnwt- e(:tgmenr taken' (signature and office of ;1J(Jjv;dual taking acknowledgment) .arllain anb 6alr Iileeb W..fU COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE r9 o. Dorothy E. Thoet TO Carolyn D. Thoet , I!'; , b ,Ill 1'0 I:>' I'.... li~ :g I:~ II.... j.e) I'~ '~ II ~ 110 li~ .. .. , ~ .. :s ~ ~ ~ . ~ . llC ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY SUBSCRIBING WlTNESS(ES) StBte of County of I ss.: On personally appeared before me, Ihe undersigned, the subscribing witness(es) to the foregoing instrument, with whom [ am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that helshe/they reside(s) in (iftl.. plac~ ('I n.~id~nu i.~ i'l Il dty. ;ndud~ the st~~t and stn~t numh~r, if any.. thtrt!oj); Nassau County thaI he/she/they know(s) '..... to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the fOIe- going instrument; that said subscribing witness(es) was (were) present and saw said execute the same; and that said wilness(es) 8tthe same time subscribed his/her/their name(s) as a wilOess(es) thereto. ( 0 if taken ouuid~ New York Stat~ ;,uert city I)r political.ruhdivi.tion and state or country or other pillet aclowwledgme"t tau" And that said subscribing wibJess(es) made such appearance before the undersigned in (signature and office of individual taking ackflOwledKm~nt) SECTION 145.00 BLOCK 2.00 LOT 3.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Southold RETURN BY MAIL TO: Carlo Zacchia, Esq. Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & MosIe LLP 101 Park Avenue, 34th Floor New York, New York Zip No. 10178 . EXHIBIT A ALL that lot or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yark, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southerly line ofPeconic Bay Boulevard, where the same is intersected by the westerly line of land now or formerly of Susan F. Homi, and running thence from said point of beginning South 19000' East along the westerly line of said land now or formerly of Susan F. Homi, 445 feet, more or less, to the Peconic Bay; running thence westerly along the Peconic Bay 125 feet, more or less, to the easterly line ofland now or formerly of the Estate ofC. J. McNulty; running thence North 19000' West along the easterly line of said land now or formerly of the Estate of e. J. McNulty 267.68 feet, more or less, to a point which is distant South 190 00' East 172.32 feet from the southerly line of Peconic Bay Boulevard, as measured along the easterly line of said land ofthe Estate ofe. J. McNulty; running thence North 700 38' East along the southerly line ofland of Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife, 100.60 feet to a point; running thence North 19000' West 204.55 feet to the southerly line ofPeconic Bay Boulevard; running thence North 48058' East along the southerly line of said Peconic Bay Boulevard 20.93 feet to the point and place of beginning. TOGETHER WITH all the right, title and interest, if any, of the parties of the first part, whether riparian, littoral or otherwise, in and to the waters ofPeconic Bay, the lands bordering thereon or lying thereunder, adjoining the premises hereby conveyed. AND TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the parties of the first part in and to that portion ofPeconic Bay Boulevard which adjoins the premises herein conveyed. AND TOGETHER WITH an easement and right of way to use in common with Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife, their heirs and assigns, a certain strip ofland hereinafter more particularly described, said easement and right of way being for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from Peconic Bay Boulevard, it being understood and agreed that the cost of maintaining and repairing said right of way shall be shared equally between Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife, their heirs and assigns, as owners of the premises immediately adjoining on the north the premises herein conveyed, and Dorothy Ehlers Thoet, her heirs and assigns, as owner of the premises conveyed by this instrument, which strip of land is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the end of the fourth course of the description of the premises conveyed by this instrument and running thence North 190 00' West a distance of 14 feet to a point; running thence South 700 38' West 75.60 feet, more or less, to the easterly end of a garage building; running thence South 190 13' 10" East along the easterly end of said garage building 14 feet to land of Dorothy Ehlers Thoet; running thence North 700 38' East along said land of Dorothy Ehlers Thoet 75.60 feet, more or less, to the point and pl.ace of beginning. AND TOGETHER WITH the right and easement for the operation and maintenance ofthe existing electric line and any other existing utility lines which serve the WD97: NY 391730.1 , . premises herein conveyed and which run across the premises of Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife, adjoining on the north. AND TOGETHER WITH the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part in and to the premises herein conveyed. SUBJECT to the easement and right of way granted to Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife, their heirs and assigns, by deed dated July 22,1959, to use in common with Dorothy Ehlers Thoet, her heirs and assigns, for ingress and egress to the beach and Peconic Bay, a certain strip ofland running along the westerly boundary line of the land of Dorothy Ehlers Thoet, which strip of land and easement is more particularly described in said deed to Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife. SUBJECT, ALSO, to the easement and right of way granted to Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife, their heirs and assigns, by said deed above mentioned, to use in common with Dorothy Ehlers Thoet, her heirs and assigns, for ingress and egress to and from Peconic Bay Boulevard, a certain strip of land more particularly described in said deed to Edwin A. Ehlers and Elizabeth P. Ehlers, his wife. BEING the same property as conveyed in that Deed from Edwin Arthur Ehlers and Margaret Ann Ehlers to Dorothy Ehlers Thoet dated July 22, 1959 and recorded in Liber 4665, page 208. t..) co o ITl t~) ,..., U1 0.. .::; r"" ~ ~ ~ ~ 22lPtiLC ff: '_I -0 '-1 r- fTl h:' ':-? fC,gA~~""'~ -!::- (..1'1.......("":, :::0 0 '=:,:' '.....,' t..;. t,) I=' ,;:) 0 ~.D fT1 t.,., ...... '-"TJ =! U l:-:I ()1 co Z 0:, W...., (,.-.1 ....J --I ....... <.,0 -c :::J.. III C, ... ~ -2- WD97: NY 391730.1 . [i2 Number of pages ~. ) i ~:ECORDEC< 2002 May 21 09:39:04 RM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLf: COUNT'.,' L D00012187 P 052 Dn 01-40253 TORHENS Serial #- Cerlificate II Prior Of. II 5 Deed I Mortgage Instillment Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Filing Stamps ~ FEES IlulHllillg 8 / '::> ~ Mortgage AIIII. Page / Filing Fee l. Basic Tax Tp.584 2. Addition.1 Tax Notation r- bO Sub Tolal IU.T.S.A. / :, Sub Total 7- ~ .:3D jD, ~D Spec.! Assil. Or Spec. / Add. EA.52 17 (County) EA.5217 (State) Comm. of Ed. 50~ TOT. IYlTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County HeJd for Apportionment Affidavit Transfer Tax o Sub Total &0 Mansion Tax The property covered by LIds mortgage is or will be improved by a Olle or hvo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause 011 pnge II of this instrument. Certified Copy Reg. Copy 01 her GRAND TOTAL Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Disl. Section Block Lot 6 Conllllunity Preservation Fund Consideration Anlollnt $ SlamI' 02001333 1000 14500 0200 003000 )0 ~~~~ P T S 5f''I/o;,.C]jf) Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address . HECORD & RETURN TO: CPF Tax Due $ () Date Improved lniliflls V Heant Land 7 TO jD , KATIIRjN L€€-J1/!U8/AJA . ~cJJ2,nSI J'l/A/let-PveVosr {1LT ; N~JLE ItJ / 4.~ e /}vt#lve #0 /1/0 TD TD / ,tJ /11'. ~tJb / 8 Co. Name Title # 9 SlltIolk Count This page fonllS part of the allached made by: Tll06 T The premises herein is silua(ed in SUFFOLK COUN1Y, NEW YORK. In the Township of SotJf/J?J / e:L. In the VILLAGE or HAlvILET of TO THo!: I 110XFS 5 TlJRU () ~IU,c::T OS TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDO'<lG OR FILING. ,. . -:X~:~:,:;J{ ,',-:;tf~,:~t . , ~~;~~~l(;~ "'<~n::: """., . -i.':<" "-,.'/','.',' . -", ,:!:~;-j, /. '-',,/',' I:,:;:', ......".'..' '_'C',.,_ <_i"', ..".," :'':'<::".:. ~:~'.:':" :' ".\.,,:.:,,-. 't}T; ''''''';',',.,' ~'~~{-!)' 'N"',.,'," c.',',"'--,'_- -:""i::;::<- ':~:;~?:<<. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: CORRECTION/DEED/DCO Number of Pages: 5 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 01-40253 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: District: 1000 Section: Block: 145.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt NO Handling NO EA-CTY NO TP-584 NO Cert. Copies NO SCTM NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid Page/Filing COE EA-STATE Notation RPT Transfer tax $15.00 $5.00 $25.00 $0.50 $30.00 $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 01-40253 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County '::{ i' ".....c,.. ..:.' ':i~:: :::{;::.: .~>!" . OS/21/2002 09:39:04 AM 000012187 052 Lot: 003.000 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $90.50 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO .~ v" FI Y WHEN WRITING ON FO~M : http:// wWvV.ort>g;state.ny.us or PHONE (5'18) 473-7222 "- -.,. ......~ REAL PR~RTY ~R REPORT ",~ SiAlE OF _ tOOK >" STAlE BOARD OF RElIL ~ SERVICES , RP - 5 17 . RP.5217 Rev ,. Pn,l'O;"Y I "\RO Location ~ NUMBER Peconic Bay Boulevard STREET NAME Southold cnv OR TOWN VILLAGE ZlPCOOE 2. Buyer Name Thoet LAST NAME f COMPANY Carolyn FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax InoICate where future Tax Bills are to be sent BUHng if other than buyer address (at bOttom of form) I Address Thoet LAST NAME f COMPANY Dorothv FIRST NAME 135 Woqford TerraN' STREET NUM8!:.R AND STREET NAME ~~~:;;. Ci~,," I I # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel I N , y I 11530 STATE ZlPCODE 4. Indicate the number of ANnIment Roll pircelS transferred on the deed 5. Deed Property ~a sq. 21.780 ftLxl FRONT FEET DEPTH lOR I 'ACRES' .5 0 lOnIy K Part of a Parcell Check as1iley ~, 4A. Planning Board with SubdiviSion Authoriiy Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 6. Seller Name Thoet LAST NAME f COMPANY Dorothv ARSTNAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME " 7. ~heck the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at th. time of sale: 11. SaIe'ContractDate I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L . Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 1~. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural 'District D D D D ~ One Family ReSide~al B 2 or 3 Family Residerrtial C Residential Vacant Land " ' Non-Residentiel Vacant Land E~. Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H ,',' 'Enterteinment I Amusement -;:\ \ Month Day / 02 Year 15. Check one or more 01 these conditions .. .ppU;~11 to transfer: A Sale Between Relativ,s or Former Relatives B Sale Between Related'Companies or Partners in Business C One of the Buyers is also a Seller 4,.,; D Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending InS!itution E ~ed Type not Warranty or Bargain a.nd Sale (Specify Below) F Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest lSpecify Below) G Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Oates H Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price I Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) J None 12. Date of Sale I Transfer I 13. Full Sale Price I I I 0 I 0 I 0 1 , ". (Full Sale -Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or Othe.Jobligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. . ' Correction _'4,=:'::=11, , , , ~ ,0~O'OI, August 18. ~ Deed 2001 - to correct and recorded Deed dated Decelllber 4~OOl P' 16. Vear of.~ RoD from 1 0 1 which informa1lon 1aken ' ' 17. Total Assessed Value (of all par~"in transfer) 1 :1 :,1 7 ro C , ; f' y , 18. Property' Class I 2 , 1 ,Ol-U '9, School D_ Nama I Jti:,ttituck ,d~> 20. Tax Map ktentifier(sll Rollldentifierls) IN more than four. ~Sheet wIth- additionalldentifierlsH '" I Lot: 3.000: Block: 2.00: }4-S~2 ,;:.3 , i I Section: 145.00: District: ...... .. I cer1lfy that aD ,or the items or information entered on this ronn are tnre and corr<ct (to /he lJest or my knnwl<dge and beIIet> and I _ that the making or any wiIIfnI false statement of _ fact hereln will subject me to the Ul'nvisions or doe _.1 law relative to the ~~ mlug or false, __ . BUYER, \ ,. ,B~Y ~~... .; '- . I >,~",' > 1000 . ~' I 11 BUYER SIGNATURE Carolyn D..Thoet DATE Zacchia lAST NAME t Carlo "FIRST NAME ~. 135 STREET NUN)B~ Weyford Terrace STREET NAME (AFlER SALE) (212) AREACOOE 696-8875 TELEPHONE NUMBER . ,- /~- n ,;- Garden City CITY OR TOWN NY STATE (1530 ZIPCOOE SElLER SELlER SIGNAT\lRE '1(" \ {'--[Dr'l DorJthy ~. Tho~tDATI -